Make your jeans a size smaller. How to seat a specific area of ​​jeans on the buttocks, in the hips, on the knees

What can I do to make my jeans shrink? This question is asked by those who bought jeans that did not fit or lost weight. It is a known fact that all jeans shrink after they are washed, and then they are worn again according to the figure. But is there a way to keep shrunken things forever? The easiest way is to take the thing to the masters in the studio, but this is not always advisable. You can consider several safe methods that are successfully performed at home.

How to wash jeans to shrink?

Can jeans be washed to shrink? The answer is positive. Every housewife knows that the fabric after washing with a high temperature begins to shrink. This is especially true for jeans. Everyone noticed that after washing it seems that you have recovered and do not fit in trousers, although this is not so. In order for the jeans to return to their original shape and even shrink, you need to wash them in hot water. This can be done in 2 ways:

  1. 1 Manual.
  2. 2 in the machine.

The latter is the more efficient and effective option. This is due to the fact that few people can withstand a washing temperature of 90 ° C. For this reason, automatic washing is recognized as the best option. This will require:

  1. 1 Put the jeans in the washing machine.
  2. 2 Turn on the washing mode from 90 ° C or more.
  3. 3 Turn on intensive mode.

After performing these steps, there is no doubt that the thing will decrease by one, and maybe several sizes.

Washing by hand is an equally effective method to shrink jeans when they stretch. However, it is unlikely that it can be compared in terms of performance with the first. If there is no washing machine, do not despair: a couple of centimeters can be manually removed.

How to wash jeans so that they sit down by hand? When washing by hand, a contrast shower is most effective, that is, when rinsing is carried out in very cold water, and then the item is abruptly thrown into very hot water. If you have an unlimited amount of time, you can leave the jeans overnight in cold water, and wash them in high temperature water the next morning. It should be noted the following: in order to prevent damage to the fabric, it is worth using products that do not contain bleach.

How to dry clothes

To reduce jeans in size, you can use some drying options. After you have washed your stretched jeans and wrung them well, you can hang them on a clothesline so that some kind of heat source gets on them. Thus, the moisture will begin to evaporate, shrinking the denim a little. You can use another way: jeans are dried on a fabric that easily absorbs water.

But if the house has an automatic dryer, then problems should not arise. If the jeans are stretched, thanks to such equipment, the fabric will shrink without losing its shape. It should be noted that the dryer can also be found in laundries.

We use cooking

If the jeans are very stretched, then boiling them may help. This method was used by our fathers and even grandfathers.

To do this, a large pan, a metal basin or a bucket is taken, the required amount of water is collected and the washing powder is dissolved in it. The boiling liquid should have a sufficiently high concentration, that is, you can not spare the powder. The product is brewed for half an hour, after which it will sit down by several sizes.

However, this method also has its drawback. Jeans can change their color and take on the shade of trousers, which were very popular in the 70s and 80s of the last century. Today, this fashion has long been forgotten, so you should think a few times before deciding to use this method.

Jeans are washed as they lose their shape. There is a direct relationship between the temperature of the washing water and the shrinkage of jeans: the higher the temperature, the more the thing will shrink. You can give jeans to the studio, where they will simply be sewn. This option is well suited in the absence of the desired effect after washing. The sewing procedure for the master should not be difficult: it is enough to seat the trousers along the entire length and remove a few centimeters.

Don't wear the same jeans all the time. To prevent natural stretching, you should have several pairs of jeans. By replacing them alternately, you can keep a good look of all things for a long time.

It is worth understanding that washing helps to reduce the entire product, and not just its width. That is, when the jeans sit down, they become not only narrower, but also shorter. Thus, when choosing jeans, it is worth giving preference to a product with a margin in length, at least such that the trousers reach the heels. If tight or just skinny products are slightly above ankle level, then they look normal, but with the same length, flared or wide will look ridiculous. In this case, it remains either to take them in, or simply throw them away.

Stretch jeans do not shrink - this must be remembered.

On the contrary, over time, synthetic fibers that support the tight and narrow shape of the product begin to wear out, which leads to their broadening.

Many people prefer to buy jeans that are a size smaller than their own, as they hope to break them in later. Is it advisable? Alas, not in every case the expectations will be justified. But tight clothing not only causes discomfort, but is also very unsafe for health. Due to the tight fit, the skin breathes poorly, blood circulation is disturbed and blood vessels are squeezed. It is better to refuse to purchase such products.

Precautionary measures

An important point is that it is forbidden to wash jeans with the slightest content of synthetic fibers in hot water. In this case, the fabric can behave extremely unpredictably: it will stretch or be subjected to other deformation changes.

Heat-treated denim must contain at least 70% cotton. It is important to understand that jeans will shrink both in volume and in length.

Do not immediately despair if your jeans suddenly become larger in size. There are several effective methods that can deal with this problem. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the thing completely. Good luck!

Jeans are one piece of clothing that is simply impossible not to love. Judge for yourself: they are practical, comfortable, appropriate in any situation, perfectly combined with other things, hide figure flaws and outline its advantages. The only drawback of such clothes is that you want to wear it as often as possible, because of which it stretches and loses its original shape. After wearing it a couple of times, you begin to notice changes in the fit, the degree of tightness and the width of the legs.

In principle, even the highest quality denim tends to stretch, and this is a completely normal phenomenon for all cotton fabrics.

Because of this, when buying new trousers made of such material, it is worth choosing a model that is one size smaller than your usual one.

And then in just a few weeks, jeans socks will become the perfect item for your everyday wardrobe.

How to downsize jeans?

If trouble still happened to you, and the trousers became a little too big, do not rush to give them to a more complete friend. Especially when it comes to a brand new or expensive thing, in which you are satisfied with everything except the new size.

To make it a little smaller, you can do the following:

Before washing and then sewing in jeans by hand, you should know that only thin denim lends itself to sewing alteration. Depending on the site of the stretch, the tactics of reducing the size with a needle and scissors will be different.

For example, if the trousers have become large in the pope, then the inguinal seam is subject to reduction, in the hips - the side seams are cut, along the entire length of the legs - the step line changes completely.

Be that as it may, after you have had to wash your jeans in the washing machine to no avail, do not rush to cut the fabric left for allowances.

Only after the final fitting, make new and strong seams, getting rid of excess material. Remember that altered black or denim dress pants can completely change the style, changing the degree of fit and their original shape.

Before washing stretched black jeans, consider the following points:

  • The thing will decrease not only in volume, but also in its length;
  • You can wash almost in boiling water those things that contain at least 70% natural cotton. Lycra and other synthetic fibers behave completely unpredictably, and you should not apply the above tips on how to wash jeans in order to reduce their size;
  • Remember that "loose" denim, with numerous effects of wear and tear, stretches much faster than a dense and elastic fabric.

You don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite piece of clothing if it has become too big in the hips or sags on the pope. Try all possible ways to reincarnate them, and if nothing worked out, don't be discouraged.

Loose denim is all the rage these days, and if you don't like them, stretched old trousers are a great excuse to go shopping!

Secrets for ladies

Ways to reduce jeans in size are altering and washing.

Jeans bought without trying on or not worn for a long time can be large - they can be sold or worn with a tight belt. However, if the jeans do not even hold on to the belt, you can try to reduce the size of the trousers.

Denim is a dense, heavy fabric that is difficult to process. Therefore, if there is any doubt about the successful result of the alteration of jeans, it is better to take them to a sewing studio for adjustment to size. At the same time, if you have experience working with clothes, you can try to fit the jeans according to the figure yourself.

In order to reduce jeans in size by washing, you need:

  • Put jeans in the washing machine.
  • Run a wash cycle at 95 degrees.
  • Watch the machine until rinsing starts.
  • Stop the washing machine and take out the jeans.
  • Wring out trousers, shake and wash again in the machine without detergents at high temperature.
  • Get jeans, dry on a hot battery.

You can also wash your jeans so that they sit down by hand. For this you need:

  • To boil water.
  • Pour boiling water into a plastic basin, fill another container with cold water.
  • Dip the jeans in boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take out and put in cold water.
  • Wring out jeans and dry with hot air.

The effect of this method of adjusting the size of jeans lasts no more than a few weeks, then the jeans can stretch again.

We insert wide elastic bands or tight knitwear into the pockets. This method is also good for those who want to increase the waist of their jeans.

The surest way to downsize jeans is to sew them in. This can be done only if you have a sewing machine with a thick needle that can sew thick denim with high quality. If the jeans are large in the hips and along the entire length of the leg, you need:

  • Mark with tailor's chalk the width to which the jeans are supposed to be narrowed.
  • Overcast the narrowing points in one thread.
  • Undermine the native line in the places of overcasting.
  • Overcast the narrowing points by creating a new seam.
  • Dissolve native line.
  • Sew overcast areas with double stitching along the seam.

Threads for stitching jeans should be exactly the same color as on all seams.

If you want to reduce jeans in the waist area, this can be done using darts. For this you need:

  • Rip off the back strap.
  • Cut the waistband of your jeans down the middle.
  • Make the same darts on both sides of the belt.
  • Remove the required excess fabric into the darts.
  • Sew the belt back and stitch it to the jeans.
  • Sew on a loop.

The best result can be achieved by sewing in jeans made of thin fabric, since dense denim is less easy to sew.

If you have purchased jeans in the evening, when the body is a little swollen, and in the morning they found that they are a little too big, then you should not despair. Large in size jeans it is allowed to slightly reduce, but with small things, unfortunately, nothing more can be done. In order to adjust the size, you can choose the method that suits you best.

1. Denim shrinks when washed in hot water. Pour boiling water into a large basin and lower jeans for 10-15 minutes, do not add powder, on the contrary, the color of the material will fade. Bye jeans soak in boiling water, prepare a container with cold water. Quickly remove the pants from the boiling water and place in cold water for a few minutes. Then wring out the thing and dry it. Usually the material is wrinkled tightly, and in order to iron denim without special efforts, turn on the “steam” function on the iron. You can try on jeans and evaluate the result, the main thing is not to overdo it, on the contrary, you will primitively not be able to put on a thing.

But even good jeans have the quality to stretch later socks. Men are advised to purchase jeans in their own size, but for long socks, women need to choose them 1-2 sizes smaller. But do not overdo it: too tight jeans create pressure on the internal organs, which slows down the process of blood circulation and can later lead to various diseases.

1. Therefore choose jeans, before everyone, comfortable, and if they stretch and you don’t want to part with them, follow a number of tips: Wash jeans in the washing machine and then tumble dry. Typical jeans will definitely shrink. If there is no burning drying, then rinse them with cold water after washing and, without twisting or squeezing, hang them in a vertical position. The main slogan of jeans: frequent washing is the key to a cool look;

In the wardrobe of every person, from a millionaire to a simple employee, it is allowed to find at least one pair of jeans. The main trump card of jeans - pragmatism and wearing comfort - has become decisive when choosing them by millions and millions of men and women around the world.

Tip 3: How to make jeans one size smaller

Occasionally it happens that losing weight turns into some snags with the wardrobe. Let's say you had loved ones jeans. And suddenly they got big. However, if you have lost weight the size, then there is nothing terrible in this. It is allowed to enjoy slender forms further, tea has several methods that can save your favorite thing.

1. 1st and easiest - wash jeans in burning water. To do this, put them in the washing machine, set the temperature to 95 degrees. Later, after the wash cycle is completed, stop it (before cold rinse water flows into the machine again), and start it again, but already without powder and any detergents. Dry later washing jeans either at the maximum temperature in the drum of the machine, or on a burning battery or in the steam room of the sauna.

With the help of these simple methods, you can save a decent amount of money. And the main thing is to reanimate your favorite things!

Do not rush to cut jeans in size, only if you recently purchased them. Over time, they can shrink without the use of additional methods.

If the donated jeans turned out to be too big, or your loved ones began to hang out, this is not a reason to be upset. In most cases, it will be possible to reduce jeans by one or even two sizes on their own, without resorting to the services of an atelier.

There are two main ways to solve the problem:

  • make a wet-thermal shrinkage of the product;
  • sew on jeans.

The choice of method depends on the type of fabric, the model of the trousers and how much they need to be reduced. If the pants are a bit too big, then a simple shrinking procedure can be dispensed with, but this method is not suitable for all types of jeans. A big difference in size can only be corrected with a sewing machine.

Features and varieties of fabrics

This classic material, popular for everyday wear, is created by twill weaving two types of cotton threads: dyed and white. As a result, the fabric is colored on one side and light on the other. Such a fabric is most susceptible to stretching and at the same time is easily restored during wet-heat treatment. The culprit is cotton, the fibers of which are very strong, but able to lengthen.

Advice! High-quality jeans in the process of wearing do not increase more than half a size. Comfortable pants with a cotton content of 70% or more.

Since the first denim products, many varieties of this fabric have been created, some of them only vaguely resemble jeans. All of them differ in appearance and features that appear in the sock. One of the successful inventions is denim stretch, which is easily stretched, perfectly fitting the figure.

Important! Stretch denim cannot be shrink-shrunk by wet-heat treatment, because this will damage the elastic fibers, and the material will be even more stretched and deformed.

Ways to shrink jeans without sewing

Denim has a tendency to shrink with each wash and then stretch again when worn. Therefore, the easiest way to make it smaller is to wash your jeans more often and dry them. No need to rush to sew in new trousers if they are a little big. After a few washes, they can shrink without using other methods.

With prolonged wear, even very high-quality jeans can stretch. Therefore, it is often recommended to buy them 1-2 sizes smaller. But this is very risky, because they can be made from a kind of fabric that does not stretch much.

It is better to immediately choose comfortable jeans, and if they have increased in size, then wash them in the machine on a high temperature setting, and then dry them in a hot dryer. They will definitely decrease.

Important! After washing, you can not iron jeans if they are still damp (this will stretch them again) - only completely dry and through a slightly moistened iron.

  • when the heating season, hang jeans on the heating radiator;
  • hang trousers on a rope, and place an electric heater or other heat source nearby;
  • place on the table top and bottom of wet jeans a material that absorbs moisture well and periodically change it when wet.

Advice! The shrinking method reduces the size of the trousers not only in width, but also in length. This must be taken into account and first carry out thermal shrinkage, then only tuck to the desired length (if required).

Cooking method

This is an aggressive method, but it allows you to reduce jeans by several sizes at once. The main drawback is that the jeans will shed and will look like the once fashionable "varenki".

How to "weld" jeans:

  1. Choose a container of sufficient size.
  2. Pour water into it and add washing powder to make a concentrated solution.
  3. On medium heat, "cook" jeans for about half an hour.
  4. Remove the hot item with tongs and rinse.

How to reduce only a certain area

If you want to plant only part of the trousers, then the following method is used:

  1. Fill a spray bottle with warm water and add fabric softener.
  2. Spray liquid only on those parts of the trousers that need to be seated.
  3. Dry the item in a special dryer or in another suitable way. Wet areas will shrink, while dry areas will retain their original size.

It is not recommended to shrink trousers from thin “summer” jeans, because this is a regular cotton dyed to look like jeans, which has a lower strength. Washing at high temperatures causes it to wear out quickly.

How to reduce in the belt with an elastic band

If the belt is not too large at the waist, then the problem is solved with the help of a wide elastic band.

  1. Rip the belt at the back of the trousers from the inside out.
  2. Cut the elastic band to the desired length, attach it with pins to the belt and try it on. If necessary, reduce or increase its length by adjusting with pins.
  3. When a suitable option is found, sew the elastic to the belt.
  4. Then stitch on the belt. As a result, only a small gathering will be visible at the back, and the jeans will sit perfectly at the waist.

We alter

If the denim is stretchy or you want to make your trousers much smaller without losing color, you will have to sew them in. In the absence of sufficient experience in sewing, it is better to contact the atelier: the fabric is thick, the cut is quite complex (with stitching, with cut-in pockets, with belt loops and a label on the belt, etc.). On a household machine, reducing jeans is a task of medium and high levels of difficulty.

Sewing on the sides

If the jeans are large along the entire length, then it is better to narrow them at the side seams. In most models, they are not reinforced with finishing stitching (except for a small area next to the pocket). Therefore, it is quite easy to perform such work without violating the original appearance of the product. You will only have to first remove the metal rivets on the pockets (if necessary).


  1. Make a fitting, with the help of pins, outline how wide the jeans should be when finished.
  2. Having removed the trousers, turn them inside out and, in the places fixed with pins, make chalk marks where the machine line will pass. On the belt, mark with chalk the places of its connection with the side seams.
  3. Remove the pins, rip off the side loops, rip the belt 10 cm on both sides of the side seams, also rip the finishing line on the bottom of the product (if the jeans are narrow, it’s easier to completely remove it, and then make a new one), remove the finishing lines on the side seams (if they exist).
  4. Turn the product inside out and iron the side seams with an iron to outline the new seam lines more accurately.
  5. Using a ruler, draw a line of a new seam along the marks with chalk. Then line up the side seams of both legs. First, chop them with pins at the seams, and then along the intended line of the future line, which, according to the pin marks, should be repeated on the second leg.
  6. In the belt, from the previously marked points of its connection with the side seams, retreat to the left and right the same distance (for example, 2 cm each, if you need to sew in 4 cm), draw lines along which the belt details will be sewn, then add 1 cm seam allowances and cut off the excess.
  7. Sweep the product along the marked lines and make a fitting. If necessary, correct the seams and, when the product fits the figure normally, stitch them on a typewriter.
  8. Trim the finished seams by cutting off the edges by 1.5 cm, then process the edges on an overlock or zigzag.
  9. Lay a finishing line on the side seams next to the pockets, hem the bottom of the trousers.
  10. Stitch the details of the belt, sew it on the waist, restore the stitching, sew on the belt loops.

Thus, it turns out without any violations in the cut to alter the product by 2-3 sizes. With a larger difference in size, you will need to open all the seams and cut out the details according to the patterns corresponding to the desired size.

How to sew on the middle back seam

If you want to reduce the size of jeans only at the waist, then this is best done by sewing them in at the back seam and at the waist. It is necessary to prepare the threads not only in the color of the fabric, but also as similar as possible to restore the finishing stitch.

Work sequence:

  1. Make a fitting, marking with pins along the back seam and belt, how much you need to narrow the trousers.
  2. Open the back loop, then the belt is 10 cm in both directions from the back seam.
  3. Open the middle seam by 8-15 cm, so that the new line of the back seam smoothly turns into the factory one. The more you need to take in, the longer it will take to open the seam.
  4. In the belt, mark a line with chalk at the junction with the back seam, then mark half of the excess volume on both sides from this point (if you need to remove 4 cm, then 2 cm are deposited on both sides). Draw with chalk along the marks of the line for grinding the details of the belt, and then make seam allowances of 1 cm from them and cut off the excess.
  5. On the pins, mark a new line of the back seam with chalk, make a mark, try on the trousers and, if everything is fine, sew along this line.
  6. After connecting the back seam, cut off the excess, leaving an allowance of 1.5 cm and overcast the edge on an overlock or zigzag.
  7. Then complete the finishing line of the seam, sew on the belt and the belt loop.

If you need to significantly reduce jeans at the waist, then it is better to do it evenly, distributing extra centimeters also along the side seams, so as not to disturb the cut. Then you have to do the same work with the side seams, but the thing will fit the figure better.

In most cases, it is quite possible to reduce jeans in various ways at home. To do this, you need to choose the right option and follow all the recommendations.

Most people love jeans. They can be called the most comfortable clothing, and they go well with other things. They will be able to emphasize the figure with their cut.

True, such qualities cannot be enjoyed for a long time, because this material has the property of stretching. Therefore, the more often you wear such pants, the faster this will happen. Remembering this feature of denim, it is worth taking a model one size smaller at the time of purchase. And therefore, many are interested in the question of how to properly wash jeans so that they sit down.

Washing by hand

In order for the product not to deform, it must be washed in a straightened form. The most ideal option for this method is a bath. Water is collected so that it covers the entire product. It is important to consider at what temperature to wash the jeans, they sat down so that they fit one size. They are filled with very hot water with dissolved laundry soap or washing powder.

Jeans are immersed in water with pressing movements. This is necessary in order for them to get wet. When jeans are very dirty, leave them to soak for one hour. For the best effect, they can be rubbed a little with a brush to remove the dirt.

After that, the soapy water is washed off, the jeans are rinsed and again filled with hot water. You need to leave them like this until the water cools down and then remove them from the bath. After that, you need to put them in the dryer. If your pants are a little damp after the dryer, an iron will come to the rescue. Iron them until completely dry using an ironing board. Use the various temperature settings that the iron is equipped with.

Washing machine

This method can be called the easiest and most practical, solving the problem of how to wash jeans so that they sit down. With this method, it will be more difficult to put on jeans, but stretched knees and hips will go away. When wet, the trousers take on their original form. If you need to wash your jeans, even if they shrink several sizes, the washing temperature is set to 90 degrees and the maximum spin is turned on.

boiling process

Denim pants should be filled with water in a large metal container with a lid. Cover with powder or other detergent. You need to boil for half an hour. They will decrease in size, but the color will also go away. The stains on the jeans will be uneven, and they will look "boiled". If such an option as washing jeans so that they sit down and at the same time change color suits, then proceed.

Reducing a specific area

When it is necessary that not the entire product, but only certain sections of it, should be made, a solution should be made from water and fabric softener with a ratio of one to three. It must be poured into a spray bottle and mixed until smooth. In no case do not use washing powder, after it you will have to wash the whole jeans. The prepared solution must be applied to places that require reduction, allow it to be completely absorbed. Next, put the jeans in the dryer on the most powerful setting. In the open air, this effect cannot be achieved.

hot water bath

For this method, how to wash jeans so that they sit down, you will need not only trousers, but, in fact, you yourself. You should wear jeans on yourself and fasten all available fasteners. Jeans will be worn on the body and can fit snugly. After the procedure, they will take on an ideal shape and will sit perfectly on the figure. This method must be used on the day when you start wearing jeans.

Water is drawn into the bath so that it completely covers the jeans in a sitting position. No area should be on the surface. Water should be poured as hot as you can stand it. Warm water will not work, because there will be no effect. You need to sit in the bath until the water cools down. Approximately it will take you to sit like this in jeans for 20 minutes.

Dry your jeans by yourself. For this, it is better to choose a sunny day. You can only lie on metal or plastic surfaces. The disadvantage of this method is the large amount of time.

Various drying methods

This procedure must be carried out correctly, because this is the final step in solving the problem of how to wash jeans so that they sit down. With its help, you can not only reduce the product, but also maintain its shape.

You can hang pants on a clothesline. It is not necessary to straighten or stretch them. It is only necessary to wring them out so that the water that will drain from them does not stretch the product. You can lay out the pants on the fabric on the floor. At the same time, it absorbs all the water, and the jeans will retain their shape.

If your machine has a stove setting, this is ideal for maintaining the shrink effect. You can use the battery, after hanging the fabric on it and only then place the jeans. In extreme cases, there are laundries that have special machines for drying products.

Stretch jeans

Many jeans are made from stretch fabrics. And many people want to know how to wash stretch jeans, which would sit down on a size or several. Such models initially sit on the figure and even, as it were, “pull” on it. When they suddenly become large, there are two options for why this happened: it may be due to the fact that the volume of the figure itself has decreased, or the stretch fibers simply burst. If this happens, then no washing can help.

As practice shows, there are many ways to wash jeans so that they sit down, but it is important not to accidentally ruin them. Remember a few more tips.

In order for the product not to deteriorate during washing, you need to turn it on the wrong side.

Remember that by washing the product, you can reduce not only its volume, but also the length. For example, models up to the ankle can become even shorter. Therefore, it is better not to wash short jeans with such methods.

Pay attention to the composition of the material from which the model of trousers is made. When little cotton is present, it is better not to experiment, because the effect can be reversed. Cotton threads should be at least 80 percent. If the product for the most part consists of synthetic fibers, then with such methods, the jeans will simply stretch several sizes.

Let the jeans "rest" and better get a few pairs, then they will stretch less.

If washing does not give the desired result, then you can use the services of an atelier. A good master will be able to permanently remove an extra couple of centimeters in the waist and hips, and also reduce them along the entire length.

You need to dry jeans products from the wrong side and do not throw them over the rope.

Greetings, dear blog readers! I think you will agree with me that jeans are comfortable clothing that is appropriate for many occasions. Well, if they sit correctly on the figure, they are able not only to emphasize the merits, but also to hide the flaws. Therefore, it is so insulting when, after a short wear, a popular wardrobe item suddenly stretches.

Are you familiar with this situation? If yes, then I propose to talk today about what to do to make jeans sit down! I'll tell you all the secrets that I know myself.

In general, a good seller should warn in advance that jeans are stretchy and can be noticeably stretched. Therefore, it is recommended to buy trousers made of this fabric one size smaller. another. Why is this happening? The fact is that the cotton threads that make up such a fabric are very durable. They are difficult to tear, but stretch well.

That is why the finished product may increase in size. This is especially true for products made from natural fabrics.

Synthetic jeans use rubberized threads to help keep their original shape.

But do not despair, because returning the trousers to their original appearance is not at all difficult. Here are some tips on how to fit your jeans back!

We return the form

So, if you want your pants to shrink, there are a few easy ways to get them back in the right shape.


Do you remember how it is to put on jeans immediately after washing! You barely pull them on, literally stuffing yourself into your pants. And after 10 minutes everything sits down on the body and the trousers look great. This is how you can plant the fabric.

  1. When washing pants, use the maximum temperature.
  2. Choose the mode "intensive" or "for non-creasing things."
  3. For spinning, also choose the highest number of revolutions of the machine.

Important! Do not use detergents containing bleaching agents for washing, so as not to spoil the paint!

hot tub

This method, though not standard, and for me extreme, but it will allow you to seat the trousers exactly according to your figure!

  1. Put on jeans, fasten all buttons and zippers.
  2. Fill the tub with water as hot as you can stand.
  3. Sit in the bath. Make sure that the water completely covers the pants.
  4. Stay like this until the water cools down.
  5. Dry your pants right on your body. It is advisable to go out into the sun.

When choosing this method, you should be very careful. Be careful with the temperature, do not burn yourself! This method is not suitable for everyone, if you can not take hot baths, do not risk it.

No jeans are worth your health! It is important that you do not sit down while you are drying your pants, so as not to ruin your uniform. And do not forget that you need to completely dry the trousers, both front and back, so you have to twist.


This method is not suitable for lovers of dark jeans. But if you like the effect of "cooking", then you can try it!

  1. Boil water in a large saucepan. There should be enough liquid to completely fit the pants.
  2. Turn your pants inside out. So less color is lost. But if you want a strong "boiled" effect, then neglect this advice.
  3. Dip the jeans in boiling water and boil them for half an hour.
  4. Take out the pants with tongs and send them to dry.

Attention! This option is categorically not suitable for synthetic fabric!

Partial shrinkage

It happens that not the whole product needs to be "planted", but only certain sections - knees or a belt. For this you need:

  1. Mix fabric softener with hot water.
  2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray on areas that need to shrink. But the fabric should be damp, not wet.
  4. Put in the dryer at the highest temperature.

But! When drying in the open air, the effect will not be!

Until we meet again

Anastasia Smolinets
