Gray-blue color in clothes. What colors go with gray? The most effective options

It may at first glance seem too boring and even gloomy. But designers often turn to it, creating magnificent interiors of living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and even bathrooms. Noble and elegant gray impresses with its depth and hidden power. But this is not the only reason why it is so popular with the most fashionable designers. Neutrality and versatility- these are the main qualities of gray. It is combined with almost all the variety of shades from blue to hot pink. But how do you find the right combination? What colors will it look interesting with, and what combinations should be avoided?

The combination of gray with other colors in the interior

Neutral colors always act as a good background for bright and juicy shades. But gray has no competitors in this area, as it has an amazing ability to repeatedly enhance juicy accents. That is why complex combinations must be approached carefully and prudently.

Designers advise to carefully consider the appearance of the interior and choose the right one. The slightest mistake can lead to a sad result: the interior will be too gloomy or inharmonious. How to avoid such a result? Exists two main approaches to the combination of gray with others.

In the first case soft or muted color becomes additional, for example, pale pink. Pastel colors look great with gray and give the room not only additional volume, but also lightness, a sense of celebration and freedom.

The second option is bright color combination, where the gray color acts as a background or a kind of "soothing". In this case, the risk of getting not the most comfortable interior is high, but a stylish and attractive apartment can also be a reward.

The combination of gray-brown color in the interior

To notice in the interior both brown and gray at the same time is not an easy task. These colors are very close. So much so that gray does not stand out against the background of brown and is even “lost”. Contrasting combinations are out of the question even in the most extreme cases. The combination of light gray and dark brown still looks calm, but not very expressive.

The combination of gray and white colors in the interior

In this duet, everything depends on the shades: light gray perfectly supports the white color and helps to visually increase the size of the room, but dark gray acts as a strong contrast. An original solution not only for a small living room or kitchen, but also for the bathroom: against the background of gray plumbing will sparkle with its whiteness. If it seems to you that such a duet may be too faded and boring, add some bright accents.

Gray-blue color in the interior combination

The combination with rich blue may seem very strict and even rude. This combination is pronounced masculine character. But at the same time, this combination makes the interior original and individual. You can soften the effect with a small ornament. Another way is to use a lighter shade.

The combination of beige and gray colors in the interior

The combination that gray and beige form may not seem bold enough. But it will perfectly help those who are afraid of excessive variegation. Two calm and noble colors create a seasoned and elegant interior that is perfect for a living room, office and even a bedroom. Against such a background, solid wood furniture, as well as several handmade items, will look great. Expensive, stylish and for those who appreciate peace.

The combination of gray-green color in the interior

Calm does not require the use of neutral tones, so this combination is rare. But still, on a gray background, both cold and warm green will look good and appropriate. Designers advise choosing as bright and juicy as possible, since dark and deep tones will look too stiff.

The combination of dark gray in the interior

This shade of gray is rarely used in interior design, as it immediately creates a gloomy atmosphere that few people will like. But they also meet combinations with dark gray, where it acts as an additional. Usually they resort to his help to maintain harmony and muffle very bright colors or too colorful interior.

The combination of lilac and gray in the interior

Juicy and rich lilac is rarely used in interiors, but in combination with gray it loses all its negative characteristics and can be used without the risk of making the interior gloomy and heavy. It is better to give most of the space to neutral gray, and lilac to enter as an additional color.

But lighter shades look great in living rooms and even girls' bedrooms, such romantic combinations give the interior sublimity and tenderness.

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

This seemingly incredible combination has long been popular with designers. It's all about the energy of the yellow color associated with the sun and heat. Cheerful yellow is muted with gray, so this combination looks appropriate in any interior. There is only one rule that allows you to achieve the perfect combination of these two colors. The darker the grey, the brighter and juicy shades yellow need to use. If light gray is taken, then sand, pale yellow and pink-yellow will become a pair for it.

The combination of red and gray in the interior

Dramatic and saturated requires special attention: not only the overall impression, but also the mood of the interior will depend on the shade. So, for example, dark burgundy shades combined with gray will lead to the establishment of a gloomy and heavy atmosphere. But bright and juicy shades of red will bring the mood of the holiday into the interior. So, for example, scarlet and gray will look good in the interior of a stylish living room or even a kitchen.

The combination of gray and turquoise in the interior

Bright and eye-catching, it perfectly refreshes the interior and reminds of the beauties of nature. Its energy is slightly muffled by calm gray, but together these colors look very interesting and stylish. This combination definitely deserves attention and can become the basis of an unusual interior.

The combination of orange and gray in the interior

Orange filled with solar energy in its pure form quickly tires and starts. But in the company of gray, he loses all his shortcomings. And this means that you can revive the interior using the brightest and most eye-catching shades of orange: carrot, orange, tangerine and juicy red.

However, pairs also look good, where gray is complemented by more muted tones: flesh, light orange and others. Such combinations are less defiant and are suitable for bedroom interiors.

The red color in clothes makes a woman the center of attention, like a magnet attracts the eye. This powerful color is able to evoke anger and aggression, increase confidence and give strength. Red clothes tend to enhance everything: both beauty and negligence. Therefore, choosing such a bright and strong shade, you need to bring your image to perfection, calculate every little thing. One thing is clear with this color: it wins when it is worn with the appearance of a queen.

In this article:

Red color and its features

The red color has confidently settled in the wardrobe of strong and courageous people as accessories and even outerwear. Color is considered the focus of attention, so the choice of red things in the wardrobe is made taking into account the features of the figure.

Who will go red:

  • for young girls there are no special restrictions on color preferences,
  • an hourglass figure benefits from a red top,
  • lush forms do not prohibit the use of red in clothes, but it is better to remember its muted tones: burgundy, cranberry, dark red and raspberry.

Choice of color according to the type of appearance

There is no need among the whole splendor of red by trial and error to choose exactly the shade that suits a certain appearance. There are rules that make it easier to find the right color and solve the problem easily. Each of the color types has its own shade. The following recommendations will help you make a choice of red color according to the type of appearance:

  1. corresponds to the image of the Snow Queen. She is out of the crowd. It is difficult to pass by sensual lips, a burning shock of hair without the slightest hint of a red tint, contrasting expressive eyes that are unfamiliar with halftones. The fatal image is completed and emphasized by cold-white, rarely blushing skin. Contrasting catchy beauty will stand out beautifully next to the cold beautiful shades of clothing: bright red, wine tones of cold blue or light blue. Such combinations have an expensive and noble look.

  1. include women of a romantic appearance, fragile, almost airy appearance. It manifests itself in thin pink or golden skin of the face, prone to summer tan. The eyes are most often warm and combined with light hair color. Soft tones of red with an admixture of yellow fit well into this image: brick scarlet, cherry, orange and light tomato, pinkish. You can try more saturated colors of clothes, but at the same time observe the measure.

  1. have white skin with a bluish tint, are aristocratic, full of grace and femininity. A typical Russian beauty with a calm appearance, a cold skin tone and a striking softness of her eyes. Blue and gray eyes, combined with an ashy shade of hair of any color, harmoniously fit into a swarthy tan. The cold beauty of summer in clothes is emphasized by the same cold tones of red: wine, lingonberry and raspberry.

  1. Distinguished by a red sunny shock of hair, golden dots of freckles, rich autumn colors distinguish These women have been endowed by nature with juicy warm colors and lively powerful energy. The color of the eyes may be different, but the look is sure to be alluring, enchanting with the warmth of golden blotches. Brick reds, carrot reds, tomato reds, or coral reds can add charm.

The main combinations of red

Red is considered a self-sufficient color and is not always consistent with other shades. Therefore, the right choice of what red is combined with helps to create a bold, luxurious and confident image.

Combination of red and white

A very beautiful solemn combination, it is permissible to use it even in a wedding dress. When choosing clothes, you need to consider your color type. For cold winter and summer ladies, saturated colors can be recommended: burgundy and wine. For warm spring and autumn girls, it is better to abandon the classic white color, change it to soft shades: champagne and ivory.

Combination of red and black

Both of these colors are bright and able to enhance the environment. Together - this is a strong combination, but you need to pay attention to the proportions of the elements that make up the wardrobe. Small fractional parts of red and black in an outfit can give it theatricality and are not very suitable for everyday bow. There is another small nuance to this combination. A similar connection is often used in adult role-playing games. In order to avoid analogy, it is worth avoiding the shiny materials characteristic of specific clothing.

Adding white will help smooth this tandem.

Red plus gray

The combination of red and gray in clothes creates the most elegant look. Both colors complement each other well. Gray becomes more expressive, and red loses its inherent aggressiveness. Great importance is given to the correct choice of proportion. Against the background of a gray base color, a small red addition in the form of accessories is the most acceptable option.

Red plus beige

This option, like the previous one, belongs to elegant and strict combinations. From this neighborhood in clothes, beige acquires brightness and positiveness, red loses its aggressiveness.

Combination of red and brown

Red goes well with brown, especially with its warm undertones. The resulting ardent image is not suitable for office wear precisely due to its boldness.

Combination of red and blue

Both colors are equally strong and saturated. Together they compete, when using them in pairs, it is better to choose one as the base, the second to use for accessories. These energetic colors are well diluted with something neutral, in particular, white or ivory. The result is an image in the popular marine style. Black fits well into the mixture and red, but this trio is more suitable for girls of the winter color type, their natural beauty of the eyes, skin and hair is well emphasized.

Mix of red and blue

Cyan is obtained by combining blue with white. It is less cold, unlike blue, and next to red in clothes does not come into conflict. This tandem is considered a classic and never leaves the catwalks. Against the blue background of the dress, any red accessory looks very harmonious.

Combination of red and purple

The combination of red and purple looks more harmonious, because purple is considered close and is obtained by mixing blue and red. Due to the blue component in the clothes, there is a slight contrast, which makes the colors more muted and very pleasant to perceive. Often this combination is used in ethnic drawings.

Red plus pink

Pink is a derivative of red, they look good together and do not require the presence of third-party shades. Small silver elements in the form of belts or buttons will give the image a finished look.

Mix of red and green

The combination of red and classic is considered unacceptable. But a beautiful image is obtained through the use of less expressive and bright shades of green: emerald, marsh, mint. They are able to emphasize the beauty of red, make it more expressive. The third color fits well into this combination and makes them unrecognizable. It can be such tones as white, black, purple, brown.

Red plus orange, yellow

This combination of the warmest tones simply radiates heat and is widely used in summer clothes. A cheerful carefree look is not suitable for strict business suits and office dresses. Due to the calmer festive mood, you can muffle a little.

Red plus gold

A mixture of gold and red is associated with luxury and is of little use for everyday life. This combination is more relevant in evening and formal dresses. It is acceptable to use a small accessory in gold tone and red in clothes to get a wonderful evening bow.

Red accessories

A small red accent makes a bright and memorable wardrobe of any color. Just one or a few details can create unique images for both a business ensemble and a club party.


Red shoes can make your feet the center of attention. A few tips will help you combine the image correctly:

  • if the legs are beautiful - red shoes are the best option for shoes,
  • the color of the shoes should not be combined with the color of the bag, it is acceptable to use beige, white, black and multi-colored models,
  • black or flesh-colored tights, but always without a pattern, shade the shoes well.


A red bag looks beautiful, repeated in color in any element of the wardrobe, except for shoes. In this case, remembering a red belt, belt or gloves will be useful. When choosing, it is worth considering the inadmissibility of combining two red things of different colors in the wardrobe.

Harmoniously red accent fits into the monotonous ensemble. Gray clothes become more interesting, white clothes acquire innocence and sophistication, and the black wardrobe becomes mysterious.

A red belt can brighten a strict business suit and dresses in gray, beige or black, the choice of lipstick to match its color looks exquisite.


A scarf made of lightweight fabric will be appropriate in any monophonic ensemble, especially if the texture of the fabric fits into the created image.


Large size red beads look good with a solid top in gray, white, black, beige. A good background for small items will be a summer dress.


A red hat will fit perfectly into the wardrobe, the main thing is to choose it according to the texture. It can be a wonderful addition to black outerwear, a light sundress, to add mystery to an evening dress.

Ekaterina Malyarova

Our clothes always carry an informational message to others. It can be encrypted in the cut of a thing, its texture, print or accessories, but people receive the very first and main signal through color. In this sense, gray and its shades are an informationally clean and even faceless color. If red signals pressure and passion, pastel colors about romance, and green about calmness, gray acts only as a background to the person's appearance and personality. The line between a woman in elegant gray and a gray mouse is very thin. And it's not about the color as such: to wear gray, you need to know the rules combinations of gray in clothes and meet at least three conditions:

- have a well-groomed appearance;

- choose high-quality gray items;

- to be charismatic, bright person.

Gray, like pink, emphasizes the flaws in the appearance and cut of clothes, the cheapness of the fabric and the curvature of the lines. However, if low-quality pink things make the image vulgar, then gray sets the tone of despondency and hopelessness.

A well-groomed appearance and quality of clothing is a completely solvable task, with charisma things are much more complicated and, nevertheless, this does not mean at all that gray is contraindicated for modest young ladies, combinations with other colors can give the missing dynamics and mood to any shade of gray!

But first, about some properties of the gray color:

1. Gray is an achromatic color that is formed by mixing black and white, so there are far from 50 shades of gray, but a great many!
2. The most neutral or calm ensembles with gray for perception arise if you combine it with shades of other colors of equal lightness, for example, light gray and light pink, dark gray and dark red, etc.

3 Gray is often called modern black, meaning “grey is much easier to combine with other colors than black,” but the most versatile shades of gray are very light gray and dark gray.

4. Dynamic and even bright outfits with gray are formed when the ensemble contains colors of different lightness, for example: dark red and light gray, light blue and dark gray.

5. Gray, as it were, absorbs or muffles the saturation and cheerfulness of other colors, so if the outfit seems too bright, add a scarf of a suitable gray shade to it, and the image will immediately stop gushing with rich colors, but will become more restrained.

A mid-light gray scarf toned down the brightness of the yellow jacket.

Grey+red, pink, fuchsia, burgundy

The combination of red and gray looks solemn and noble, especially if gray shades are the soloist in the duet, and red acts as an additional accompaniment: accessories, shoes, red lipstick.

Gray and pink create romantic and gentle ensembles. In such combinations, both colors can appear in equal parts. However, if pink is closer to fuchsia (especially when the fuchsia-colored thing is made of glossy fabric), the proportion of gray in the outfit should be more. In this case, gray will gently muffle the flashy saturation of hot pink, and the image will definitely not seem vulgar.

Options for the ratio of gray and fuchsia in the outfit.

The combination of burgundy and gray in clothes looks elegant. This is a great option for the office, and it is suitable even for a strict dress code. You can take colors in the same proportions, as in the photo on the left, in trousers with a jacket, or you can add an accessory of this shade to a gray suit, as in the image on the right.

Options for the ratio of gray and burgundy in the outfit.


Shades of yellow carry a positive attitude, even if they are pale, cold tones. Gray with yellow is, at least, not boring and life-affirming! Combinations of cool yellow and gray are more suitable for creating elegant images, while bright yellow and gray will emphasize the eccentricity of the individual. If we talk about the saturation of colors, the brighter and darker the yellow, the more shades of gray can be combined with it, but the pale yellow tones coexist more harmoniously with light gray shades.


As mentioned above, green color symbolizes peace. It is extremely difficult to combine gray with soothing green and not slide into boredom. Green tones close to the color of the sea wave or shades of young vegetation will help dispel drowsiness. Another way to freshen up the combination of gray and green is to choose green with a metallic sheen.

Grey+blue, turquoise

One of the most spectacular and even luxurious color combinations! Shades of gray are for the most part cool, as are shades of blue (turquoise). It is not surprising that such ensembles look harmonious. Gray and blue can be combined regardless of the saturation of both colors. In any case, the end result will bear the stamp of nobility and restraint. But gray is another story. Turquoise can only be a soloist, even in small quantities it brings the mood of the holiday. Gray is a great support for turquoise and is best when assisted in the form of accessories, shoes and handbags. Another spectacular combination is turquoise and metallic gray.

Turquoise in combination with gray of different textures - metallic and matte.


Gray and blue are included in the palette of so-called business or working colors. A similar combination is often used in the creation of uniforms for employees, work clothes, as well as in a business dress code. In addition, some shades of blue, like gray, bear the stamp of mediocrity. And it is not in vain that apt comparisons of “gray mouse” and “blue stocking” are walking among the people. Therefore, when combining gray and blue clothes, in no case do not let the shades of “blue stocking” and “gray mouse” meet in the same outfit! Let it be not uniform blue, but rich royal, and not dark gray, but pearl, then the ensemble will definitely not give off dullness! Another way to get away from the working mood of gray and blue is to use different textures. Translucent or bouclé fabrics, metallic materials or embroidered with sequins - there are many options for different textures that will bring freshness and give a different mood to a business gray-blue ensemble.

Dark blue metallic and pearl gray is not a working combination at all.


The combination of purple and gray is best suited for evening dresses and cocktail dresses, and this is the case when the glossy surface of the material is more of a plus than a minus. For everyday looks, it is better to choose a dark gray suit and a purple blouse or a sheath dress that combines shades of purple and light gray. The lilac tones of purple look very noble with pearl shades of gray.

Grey+grey, black and white

Achromatic colors in combination with each other almost always give harmonious combinations, just remember a pattern consisting of thin white, gray and black stripes or a checkerboard interspersed with gray cells or lines. When creating such combinations, you should pay attention to the ratio of colors in the outfit.


Brown is another business color, so it is better to avoid combinations of dark brown and dark gray, but light sand, camel and beige shades of brown look noble and expensive in an ensemble with gray of any lightness. No less interesting combinations are obtained by combining dark gray tones with light brown and dark brown with light gray.

The combination of gray and beige is Giorgio Armani's favorite combination.

Still, there are colors that are the most advantageous for you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. Dressing in monochrome, when all the details of your toilet are the same color, has long been a sign of bad taste.

There are few exceptions to this rule - if you are not a bride and not in mourning, then your clothes should contain three shades - the main color, the additional one - harmonizing and shading the main and, possibly, a contrasting detail, an intriguing color accent. Selecting and combining them correctly is often a very difficult task.

A lucky few, naturally endowed with a subtle artistic taste and color perception, can choose the color scheme of their wardrobe based on their intuition. For everyone else, in order to always be stylish and tastefully dressed, you need to learn a few rules established by Sir Isaac Newton!

White color - with everyone

Beige color boldly combined with calm tones, and can also be perfectly combined with more saturated and bright tones. Beige color is combined with colors: khaki, swamp, cocoa, gray, taupe, chestnut, chocolate, yellow green, olive, rusty brown, terracotta, eggplant, purple, bright blue.

Pink color- with white and pale blue, with light gray, intermediate between red and white tones.

Red color- with yellow, white, brown, blue and black, purple and pink, black and silver, black-brown and sand. Red tones now boldly blend into each other, and look stunning at the same time. A more moderate option is to combine red with black.

Bordeaux- the color of a woman who knows her worth. Bordeaux is combined with black and dark blue, as well as with colors: green, olive, gray, blue-green, tomato and other shades of red. Berry tones go very well with Bordeaux: blackberry, blueberry, elderberry.

Fuchsia, crimson, purple colors are combined with colors: yellow, orange, dark green, green, bright blue, purple. Raspberry color also harmonizes well with pink and white flowers.

Coral color has twelve varieties, these are pink-orange shades, and rich red-orange. Color Matching: White, Beige, Gold, Nude, Brown, Dark Brown, Khaki, Greyscale, Scarlet, Peach Rose, Lilac, Lilac, Hot Pink, Orange, Yellow Orange, Pale Yellow, Navy Blue , grey-blue, black.

Yellow- personifies the sun, wisdom, fun, self-confidence and freedom. Gold is the color of fame and fortune. Yellow color is combined with colors: swamp, blue-green, orange, warm brown, chocolate, black, dark blue.

Golden color goes well with colors: olive, brown, red, purple, dark green, purple. Yellow color - with blue, violet, lilac, turquoise. Yellow color without finishing or addition to it is unattractive.

Yellow color combination table

Orange color- cheerful, bright, summer and positive color, dynamic and ethnic, the color of the brilliance of the setting sun. Bright orange goes well with bright colors: bright yellow, mustard, beige, purple, brown. Muted orange or terracotta goes well with calm shades - pale yellow, gray-green, khaki, brown, chestnut, chocolate, dark blue or dark gray. Contrasting black is very suitable for orange and yellow colors.

Orange combination table

Brown color- with sky, cream, yellow, green and beige, denim blue, smoky blue, light green and white; the color of May grass and very light green, lilac with faded pink. Brown is combined with olive, golden, blue-green, orange, lilac, light pink, all shades of beige, ivory and gray. And the unexpected and extremely successful combination of warm brown and turquoise will make a great impression.

Rusty brown pairs with plum brown; purple with orange and creamy white; light green with camel; red with yellow and creamy white; brown with blackberry.

Brown color combination table

Green color- with brown, orange, lettuce, yellow and white colors and only light greens - with gray and black tones. It is intermediate between cold and warm tones.

Green color combination table

olive color harmonizes with colors: blue-green, warm green, khaki, apple green, herbal, eggplant, burgundy, cherry, purple, dark purple, brown, golden, red, orange.

Mustard combined with colors: brown, chocolate, terracotta, yellow, beige, khaki, blue-green, coral, hot pink.

Blue is combined with orange; brown and peach, khaki and faded orange, creamy white, blackberry interspersed with brown, light brown and tomato; grayish orange and purple.

mustard color combination table

night blue combine with caustic pink with coniferous green; red and white; pale pink with dark brown and silver; May greens with blue-green; gray with bright yellow and pale pink.

Blue color comes in light and dark tones

Light blue - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.

Dark blue - with light blue (cyan), gray, red,
denim blue, smoky, plum blue; with green and white; gray, light pink and brown; pink and green-blue; vanilla yellow and light blue; dark brown, lilac.

Blue color combination table

Blue combined with colors: pink, lilac, coral, light purple, yellow, bright blue, dark blue, gray, white, beige. Turquoise is combined with white, yellow, orange, purple, blue-green.

Blue color combination table

Lilac pink combined with lavender and dark blue; dark brown with rose red; brown with light brown; silvery with denim blue and yellow, goes well with lavender.

purple color - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue. Light shades of purple are called lilac. They are combined with yellow, orange, gray and white colors.

To purple carry colors of a violet or dark inflorescences of a lilac, violet. Lilac is the color of femininity, associated with sophistication, grace and elegance. Mauve pairs best with dark neutrals like black, gray or navy blue.

Purple- the color of nobility and luxury. It goes best with blue. Lilac color and its various shades is considered one of the most sexy, mysterious, mysterious and sensual colors. Lilac color goes well with colors: pink, white, blue, lilac of a darker or lighter shade, lemon, faded rose, silver shades, blue, cornflower blue, lilac and purple.

Violet and lilac combination table

Grey colour- the color of elegance, intelligent, harmonious, soothes contrasting combinations, used in a business dress code. Light gray looks good in the finest natural lace or sensual silk, graphite gray in suede, and smoky gray in fine wool.

Gray is boring, so it is better to combine it with contrasting colors: white, blue, black, burgundy, red. For an elegant outfit, it can be combined with other shades of gray, lighter or darker, and even beige. Light gray is best combined with pastel colors: soft pink, yellow, lilac, blue, purple, coral.

Grey-blue goes well with ocher, white and brown; with brown and beige; with purple and pink; with lobster red, turquoise and white; with silver and blue; with May greens and white.

Gray color combination table

Apricot x goes well with camel and brown; light brown, beige and interspersed with pink; grey-blue, blue and ocher; sky blue; green, white and silver; red and white.

Camel is combined with blue-gray and purple; beige-brown, blue and lilac; ocher and brown; yellow, red and white; green and white; lobster red.

Khaki is combined with gray-orange and tomato; lobster red and white coat color; blackberry, plum and yellow-gold; golden and blue-green; red, pale green and peach; purple, red and peach.
It's even better if the plain khaki is paired with printed clothing in these vibrant colors.

Khaki color combination table

Black, white and gray are used as finishes.

Black looks good next to orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and salad tones, with caustic pink, gray, lemon, indigo, gray, juicy green with azure, pale green with bright green.

The right combination of colors in clothes will make your look complete and harmonious. General rules say that this can be achieved by combining:

  • sharply contrasting colors, for example, red - blue, red - white, red - cornflower blue, red - green, orange - black, orange - cornflower blue, green - white. Such combinations are used in sports, children's and youth clothing;
  • contrasting colors, for example, cherry - pink, blue - cornflower blue, purple - lilac, green - salad. Such combinations are used in various types of clothing; semi-tonal colors, for example, pale pink - pale blue, pale salad - pale lilac.
  • solid colors, for example, brown - beige, light red - dark red. Such combinations are used in everyday clothes and clothes of obese women.

All pastel colors are combined with each other regardless of the shade.

Pastel colors are beige, peach, pink, light blue, etc. Those. all colors that have a lot of white in them. These colors can be combined with each other in any order. Be careful with pink - the only color that makes you look fat.

Use 2 to 4 colors. If you use only 1 color, it creates a feeling of dullness and pallor. If you use more than 4 colors in clothes, then when they see you, people's eyes jump from one color to another, not knowing where to stop, which unconsciously increases anxiety.

Between themselves, you can combine either related or contrasting colors. All other options are inharmonious.

related- these are colors that differ from each other in hue (red, pink, dark red).

Contrasting- these are colors that are completely opposite (violet - yellow, blue - orange). The only contrasting combination that is risky is green and red.

The combination of green with tones such as pink, red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, cinnamon, gray, beige, etc. Tables

Green color is the most pleasing to the eye and it is its shades that we distinguish to a greater extent. This is also because its wave occupies the middle of the ranges of light waves that we distinguish.
Its shades are very diverse: from very light to very dark. They also differ in subtones, which depend on the admixture of colors: these can be yellow, blue, red tones.

This is not to say that orange is suitable for green, although this pair is undoubtedly a popular combination. However, for each shade of green there are shades of orange that will look most harmonious in a pair. We suggest looking at the tables of color combinations with its different shades.

yellow green - This is a tone of green with a predominance of yellow in its composition. Fresh, bright and cheerful, it is a shade of spring greenery.

Green classic - bright, medium green color, rich and expressive. Such a pure tone is rare in nature, so it can be attributed to a magical, ideal nature.

Grey-green - one of the most common shades: discreet, strict, natural. Tone is a relative of khaki.

cold green - this is a representative of a whole branch of shades, where the blue color prevails in the composition. The brightest representative will be emerald and blue-green colors.

Each color type can be assigned its own shade of green:

Yellow-green will look best on representatives of the color type ""

Saturated classic green is the best choice for girls "" (although they can also use bright yellow-green shades)

A discreet, complex grey-green is a smart choice for the "" color type.

Cold shades of greens will be the best contrast with the warm appearance of "", besides, red (like red-orange) tones are complementary to blue-green, which increases the profitability of the contrast.

For "summer" the cold, not bright tones of greenery will also be interesting, and "autumn" - gray-green.

How is the green combination scheme drawn up?

The background plate is filled with a shade of green, with which the combination is made. In the upper left corner you can see 3 neutral shades (filled in circles) under #1, 2, 3: (1) (upper) is a shade of white that is more suited to this color. (2) - a shade of gray or beige that most successfully sets off the combination. (3) is a dark, neutral color that enhances the contrast of the entire palette.
On the right, in the form of rectangular dies, colors are superimposed that can make a harmonious pair with the main fill color.

Green color combination

The combination of green is as casual as its shades: it easily adapts to the colors of its companions: it blooms with bright and warm shades, is lost between cold ones, forming depth and volume, comes to the fore with neutral tones. It cannot be said that some colors are better combined with the main tone, since changing its “role” is just a change of mood.
With warm shades of green, it enters into a warm-cold contrast, while with cold shades it intertwines with tone, and only the difference in light can make this combination expressive.

Green + pink, coral

The combination of pink and green is a common natural combination of colors and greens, so it is pleasing to the eye. We are ready to perceive both gentle (pastel) colors and (even the darkest) next to it of any type.
In addition to the usual combination, shades of pink are very light red (or, which can also be divided into red and blue), and he, in turn, to the main tone. And this means that this range will be more attractive than the brightest color pair in the world: .

Yellow-green is combined with pink: sakura, shrimp, barbie color, magenta, fuchsia. Basic scale: cream, gray wood, black-gray.
Royal green is combined with pink: white-pink, carnation, ultra-pink, amaranth, purple-pink. Neutral palette: light cream, light gray, black and gray.
Gray-green is combined with pink: pink-peach, salmon, clover, amaranth, lingonberry. Base: grey-cream, greenish-gray, wet asphalt.
Cold green is combined with pink: white and pink, carnation, sunset,
flamingo, amaranth. Supporting tones: pale cream, light gray, black-gray.

Green + red, burgundy

The combination of red and green is controversial. Many may say that this is vulgar. If you look at this pair from the point of view of color theory, it will be one of the most spectacular. True, in practice this effect is too effective, so it sometimes hurts the eyes, and such an attack on the psyche may seem hostile. Therefore, many choose a direct combination of complementary colors, trying to dim, replace or complicate the colors of the pair.
See also

Yellow-green is combined with red: watermelon, scarlet color, crimson, cherry, wine. Base: cream, medium orange-beige, black-gray.
Green royal is combined with red: light red, crimson, coral red, carmine, bright burgundy, wine. Base: light cream, medium peach beige, black gray.
Gray-green is combined with red: light pink coral, cardinal,
coral burgundy, wine, maroon. Neutrals: gray cream, medium yellow beige, black gray.
Cool green is combined with red: light red, red-orange
coral-burgundy, port wine, wine. Base: pale cream, medium orange-beige, black-gray.

Green + orange, peach

Green combines with orange to form an attractive solar pair, which also has complementary colors involved, since orange is made up of yellow and red. Especially interesting will be combinations with complex tones of orange, such as coral or peach. Cold shades, like, are in contrast, since they are not both primary (that is, they do not belong to blue, red, yellow), their brightness is moderate and attractive.

Yellow-green is combined with orange: yellow-coral, orange-coral,
orange, fiery, red-orange. Neutral gamma: cream, old wood, wet asphalt.
Royal green is combined with orange: light orange, yellow-orange, bright orange, red-orange, red. Base: light cream, greenish gray, black gray.
Gray-green is combined with orange: peach, orange-coral,
golden copper, dark coral, brick. Base: grey-cream, platinum, wet asphalt.
Cool green is combined with orange: orange-coral, carrot, red-orange, brick, red. Base: pale cream, gray-beige, black-gray.

Green + yellow, gold

The combination of colors: green and yellow is built on the harmony of related shades (green consists of blue and yellow). It is warm, joyful, sunny, easy to perceive. In addition, the eye looking at this combination completes the average shades between the pair, which leads to an in-depth perception of color. In addition, there is light and thermal resonance in the pair.

Yellow-green is combined with yellow: pale yellow, signal yellow, amber, old gold, bright gold. Basic tones: cream, medium yellow-beige, anthracite.
Royal green is combined with yellow: apricot, banana, mustard,
bright gold, dark gold. Base: light cream, light orange-beige, wet asphalt.
Gray-green is combined with yellow: champagne, straw, golden oak, pale gold, dark gold. Neutrals: Grey-cream, medium brown-beige, wet asphalt.
Cold green is combined with yellow: apricot, corn, mustard,
bright gold, old gold. Base: soft cream, medium orange-beige, black-gray.

Green + warm green

Green is combined in its range of warm shades, forming a play of light and shadow. In it, all attention will be focused on the main color, and additional tones will give it gloss and lively shine. This gamma will be an excellent background for.

Yellow-green is combined with warm green: pale green, chartreuse, marsh,
brown-green, dark green. Base: cream, medium peach beige, wet asphalt.
Royal green is combined with warm green: lime, kiwi color, moss green, pine needle tone, dark green. Base: light cream, medium yellow-beige, black-gray.

Gray-green is combined with warm green: green peas, olive green, khaki, coniferous green, brown green. Neutrals: Grey-cream, medium brown-beige,
wet asphalt.
Cold green is combined with warm green: light green, chartreuse, yellow green, toad in love, dark green. Base: soft cream, medium orange-beige, black-gray.

Green + cool green

The combination of green with its cold shades, as in the case with warm ones, deepens the main color. If the main tone is warm, then it looks even warmer and richer in a pair (due to), if it is cold, then the effect of chiaroscuro is obtained. as in the previous case, such a palette is a good background for other colors.

Yellow-green is combined with cold green: menthol, jade, mint,
emerald, malachite. Basic colors: cream, taupe, wet asphalt.
Royal green is combined with cold green: water color, neon green, jade, patina, malachite. Base: light cream, asphalt color, black-gray.
Gray-green is combined with cold green: water green, light gray green, wasabi, mugwort, dark spruce. Neutral shades: gray-cream, greenish-gray,
wet asphalt.
Cold green is combined with cold green: neon green, menthol,
jade, dark spruce, the color of the June beetle. Basic: pale cream, gray-beige, black-gray.

Green + blue, cyan

Yellow-green is combined with blue: aquamarine, bright blue, dark turquoise,
sapphire. Base: cream, taupe, wet asphalt.
Royal green is combined with blue: water color, cyan, blue-green, dark blue, black-blue. Base: light cream, asphalt color, black-gray.
Gray-green is combined with blue: pale blue, topaz, blue-gray, dark blue, thunderstorm. Neutrals: Grey-cream, greenish-grey, wet asphalt.
Cool green is combined with blue: bright blue, turquoise, Prussian blue, cobalt, black-blue. Basic: soft cream, gray-beige, black-gray.

Green + purple, magenta, lilac

The combination of colors: green and purple is not catchy, but quite exotic. Slight contrast in lightness and warmth. Since violet contains red, which is complementary to this color, and blue (green-forming tone), this gives an aesthetic development of the combination.

Yellow-green is combined with purple: pale lilac, violet, orchids,
purple, eggplant. Base: cream, dark neutral beige, wet asphalt.
royal green is combined with purple: blue-violet, amethyst, purple, red-violet, grape. Base: light cream, light lilac-beige, black-gray.
Gray-green is combined with purple: glycine, lilac, charoite, plum, eggplant. Neutrals: Grey-cream, medium brown-beige, wet asphalt.
Cool green is combined with purple: blue-violet, thistle,
orchids, grape, eggplant. Base: soft cream, medium peach beige, black gray.

Green + brown

Green is combined with brown to form the most familiar pair: greenery and earth, tree bark. Natural, soothing and attractive (brown is related to orange) couple. The more complex the tone of green, the more harmonious it will be. The combination can be both on its own and as a background for other tones.
See also

Yellow-green is combined with brown: oak, tan, umber, mahogany, dark chocolate. Neutrals: cream, dark green-beige, wet asphalt.

Royal green is combined with brown: cinnamon, golden brown, chestnut, coffee, dark chestnut. Base: light cream, medium yellow-beige, black-gray.

Gray-green is combined with brown: beige-brown, hazelnut, milk chocolate, chocolate, dark chocolate. Basic: grey-cream, light brown-beige, wet asphalt.

Cool green is combined with brown: tan, bronze, mahogany, dark chocolate, dark chestnut. Base: soft cream, medium peach beige, black gray.

Green + beige

The combination of green and beige is an echo of the combination with brown, where beige is its pastel colors. A pleasant, soothing, moderately strict gamma has a good effect on the psyche and everywhere has its relevance. As in the previous combination, the more complex the shade of green, the more pleasant the combination. You can enhance the combination with a light-dark contrast while darkening the main tone.
Look .

Yellow-green is combined with beige: light orange-beige, medium yellow-beige, dark orange-beige, dark yellow-beige, dark pink-beige. Base: cream, grey-purple, wet asphalt.
Royal green is combined with beige: light yellow beige, medium peach beige, medium orange beige, dark pink beige, dark brown beige. Base: light cream,
mouse, black-brown.
Gray-green is combined with beige: medium lilac beige, medium brown beige, medium peach beige, dark peach beige, dark yellow beige. Neutrals: Grey-cream, greenish-grey, wet asphalt.
Cold green is combined with beige: light peach beige, medium orange beige, medium yellow beige, dark yellow beige, dark orange beige. Basic: pale cream, gray-beige, black-gray.

green + grey, silver

The combination of green and gray (silver) is light and not forced. An almost neutral combination, but it is worth remembering the simultaneous contrast: shades of gray should have an admixture of green or blue so that our eye does not complete the red tint in this tone, and if you combine these colors, then with large spots. On large areas, this effect works worse.

Yellow-green is combined with gray: white-gray, steel, silver, mouse, anthracite. Base: cream, medium brown-beige, wet asphalt.
Royal green is combined with gray: light gray, silver, grey-lilac, asphalt color, anthracite. Neutrals: light cream, light peach beige, wet asphalt.
Gray-green is combined with gray: light gray, silver, greenish gray,
marengo, anthracite. Base: grey-cream, light brown-beige, wet asphalt.
Cool green is combined with gray: silver, gray-beige, mouse, asphalt color, anthracite. Base: pale cream, medium peach bkzhkvy, wet asphalt.
