Sunbathing for preschool children. Consultation for educators and parents "Sunbathing" (preparatory group for school)

Hardening by the sun of children of preschool age makes it possible to increase immune protection and catch a cold much less often. It is based on the training of the child's body to temperature changes.

The positive effect of child hardening

Health experts advise starting sun-hardening at an early age. Since the mechanisms of thermoregulation in children do not yet work at full strength, which makes it possible to cope with hypothermia and overheating without problems, such procedures will be an excellent training for a child's fragile body. Improving the health of babies allows them to adapt to being among their peers in kindergarten, which is during this period the main institution that helps young parents in raising their children.

Tempering children with the sun makes it possible to strengthen them, due to which they will be much less likely to get sick. The earlier such procedures begin, the faster resistance to low temperatures is formed. In addition, useful conditioned reflexes appear much faster in such a child, which are necessary for the emergency mobilization of the resources of his body.

Hardening principles

Before you start hardening children with the sun, you need to understand the rules, without which this procedure will not bring any benefit, and can also harm.

Any strengthening of the body is completely ineffective without regularity in its implementation. Only systematic procedures that are not tied to the season can give the desired positive result.

It must be remembered that hardening of children must begin only in their absolutely healthy state. It must be understood that such procedures are stressful for a healthy organism for the first time, therefore, against their background, the condition of a sick child can worsen significantly.

The intensity, duration and frequency of all hardening procedures must be increased gradually, constantly monitoring how the baby was able to endure the previous load.

In addition, the program for strengthening the body of babies should be built individually for each child, depending on the mental and physical abilities of each of them.

In addition, consistency in the use of different factors is important - they always start with lighter ones (sun and air baths), moving gradually to potent rubdowns).

The best solution would be to include a set of measures to strengthen the body in the everyday baby, in addition, combine them with other activities, for example, while doing physical exercises or walking.

Hardening by the sun and air of preschool children must always be carried out with a good mood of the kids, since their attitude to the procedures directly depends on this, which will directly affect the regularity of the latter.

The most popular hardening methods

There are special and non-special methods. Non-special methods are the creation of the necessary conditions for hardening preschool children: fresh clean air, temperature, clothing according to the weather.

To meet all the necessary requirements for the level of air quality in the room, it is ventilated up to five times a day through the method. Such pulsating ventilation allows children to develop resistance to cold.

At the same time, special methods are directly tempering activities that depend on the time of year and the specific capabilities of a particular preschool institution.

It will be optimal if non-special and various special ways to strengthen the body of babies are available in order to reproduce them at home.

Procedure Rules

It is necessary to start strengthening the child's body with regular air baths. There are no special rules in this, while hardening by the sun also occurs with their help. Walk with your child as often as possible in the fresh clean air. This is best done at the same time each day.


Walking is a great way to strengthen the body, as well as prevent the occurrence of rickets. Although do not walk if it is too hot outside - this will avoid heat stroke, in addition, the occurrence of a child. It is better to do this in the morning, before eleven o'clock, and also after four in the afternoon. At this time, effective hardening by the sun takes place, since the surface of the earth and the air are not very hot, and the heat is much easier to bear.

If the child is still very small, then he needs walks immediately after the hospital. If the weather allows, then walk with him longer and more often. Just don't wrap your baby. It must be dressed a little warmer than you yourself are dressed. The ideal time for walking with such a crumb is before lunch.

hardening by sun and air

This is the most affordable and easiest way for children. The following characteristics have a beneficial effect on the body: the percentage of moisture, temperature, and the movement of particles.

Hardening by the sun in kindergarten begins with air baths, for example, changing clothes in the morning on the street or doing morning exercises under its rays, then they connect a dream with an open window - for starters, only during the day, then at night (in summer). It is best to keep the temperature in the room around 20 ° C.

Before the school itself, children are carried out more intensively when walking in the fresh air in any weather for 4 hours. It is necessary that the clothes for walking be warm enough, as well as light, not restricting the movements of the baby.

walking barefoot

Do not forbid on vacation, but rather, on the contrary, allow the kids to walk barefoot on the beach. This improves health as a natural foot massage takes place. You just need to follow the safety rules. Check carefully that there are no objects that could injure the skin around.

Hardening by sunlight

The sun stimulates the growth of the child, strengthens the nervous system, increases the body's resistance to various infections, and speeds up metabolic processes.

Hardening by the sun is a rather intensive way to strengthen the body. Exposure to the sun for too long can cause various adverse reactions, ranging from malaise and weakness to sunstroke.

Hardening by the sun can be started in the shade of trees, then gradually they switch to local sunbathing of certain parts of the body (legs, hands), eventually increasing the duration of taking such baths. This must be done in the morning and in the evening, observing how the baby feels. Sunbathing starts from 4 minutes, gradually bringing the time spent in the sun to half an hour. Strengthening the body of babies is completed in the future by dousing with water. Drinking and a headdress are indispensable conditions for hardening by the sun's rays.

water hardening

Water is the most powerful way to strengthen the body. For kids, regular hand washing is certainly introduced into the daily routine - in the morning, before and after eating food, after walking and going to the toilet. In addition to hygienic value, thorough hand washing with cold water also plays a hardening role. After a while, the mode of strengthening the body with water can be expanded: wash hands alternately up to the elbows, face and neck with cold and warm water.

Brushing your teeth with cool water is one great way to harden your oropharynx. Gargling with water after eating also has an excellent effect. After a series of such rinses, the frequency of inflammatory diseases of the throat and nasopharynx is reduced.

Tempering children with water should begin with a thorough wiping of the body with a damp terry mitten. To begin with, only hands, neck and legs are wiped, gradually increasing the area of ​​wiping, the duration of the procedure and the temperature of the water. After wiping, it is necessary to intensively rub the skin with a clean, dry towel. Only after such preparation can one proceed to dousing.

They start with water, the temperature of which is 39 ° C, after 3-4 days it is lowered by a couple of degrees. In summer, you can pour yourself on the street, and when it gets colder - in the bathroom.

With this type of strengthening the body of preschoolers, gradualness is also important. To get used to it, dousing begins with the legs, rising gradually higher. At the same time, general dousing is advised for children from 9 months. In addition to it, water hardening procedures include showers from a year and a half, as well as bathing from 3 years in natural reservoirs.

Do not allow children to swim hungry or less than an hour and a half after eating. Children under one year old can take air baths about half an hour after eating. But older children can do them in an hour and a half.

Perform procedures regularly, do not take long breaks. Increase their duration and intensity gradually.

It is desirable to combine procedures with games. Sing songs, learn poems, use toys, especially a ball. In this case, any child will enjoy the hardening process itself, in addition, such developmental activities will benefit him.

Procedures combined with neat Give the child the opportunity to walk barefoot on the sand or grass. Although hypothermia of the legs should not be allowed, since thermoregulation in children is still imperfect.

Do everything with small children. Kids love to repeat after adults, so use it, become a good example for him.

The correct strengthening of the body of babies in the summer is important for their health in the further cold season. You need to understand that, regardless of age, a child hardened in summer easily adapts to various viral infections in winter. Regular procedures make it strong, strong, and its development more harmonious.

Sun exposure contraindications

There are contraindications to strengthening the body of babies - these are fever, acute infections, injuries, burns, diseases of the cardiovascular system, high nervous excitability, lack of weight. It is necessary to carry out hardening with the sun, air and water, taking into account the age of the baby, as well as his individual characteristics. Of great importance is the state of health, general physical development, type of nervous system. Choosing a method of recovery, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

The benefits of sunbathing for newborns are unconditional and undeniable - along with hardening with air and water, the sun has a beneficial effect on enhancing metabolic processes and increasing the body's defenses.

Of course, exposure to sunlight on children's skin should be limited, under the strict supervision of adults. In the first year of life, the baby can only be under diffused light.

Hardening by the sun has a beneficial effect on the human body, but it should be remembered that this is a potent remedy that should not be abused.

Gradual adaptation to the sun and a reasonable dosage of solar energy will strengthen the body and increase its vitality. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting solar treatments.

Benefits of sunbathing: health benefits

The physiological effect of sunlight on the body in conditions of optimal use is useful for:

  • General Condition Improvements
  • Improvements in blood composition
  • Improving emotional tone
  • Sleep normalization
  • Enhance metabolism
  • Enhancement of protective forces

In addition, the sun's rays have a bactericidal effect.

It should be especially emphasized that the action of sunlight (ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation) in large doses on an unprepared, unhardened organism can cause a breakdown in its normal activity, a decrease in defenses and, as a result, the occurrence of any disease.

The action of sunlight, used at first in small doses, is accompanied by the mobilization of the whole variety of the body's defenses.

The rays of the sun are:

  • Direct
  • Scattered
  • Reflected

The thicker the layer of the atmosphere through which the sun's rays pass, the weaker their effect, so the influence of direct, sheer rays falling on the earth is most strong.

Obliquely falling sun rays travel a longer path through the atmosphere, losing their power. Scattered rays are formed when sunlight passes through clouds, tree foliage, curtains, gratings; their action is even weaker.

So what is the right way to sunbathe newborns and older children? How long can you stay under the sun without harming your health? All this is discussed in detail in the following sections of the article.

How to sunbathe for babies

Due to the significant power of the physiological influence of sunlight, their use in childhood is limited.

Hardening by solar rays can only be started by a prepared organism that has undergone air baths.

In the autumn-winter and spring periods, direct sunlight does not cause overheating, so getting them on the open face of a child is not only acceptable, but also necessary.

It is advisable to start hardening by the sun from the first warm days and continue it throughout the summer.

If sunbathing starts late- from the middle of summer, then their duration should be increased especially carefully.

To harden healthy children with sunlight, special sunbathing is completely optional, during which children should lie, turning from one side to the other at strictly defined intervals.

The physiological characteristics of the child's body are such that a calm lying in a cheerful state is accompanied by a significant tension of the nervous system.

Therefore, taking a sunbath can be understood as the stay of children under the rays of the sun during a walk.

Sunbathing is best taken in the morning, when the earth and air are less heated and the heat is easier to bear. It is better if the child is naked and barefoot.

How long can a newborn sunbathe

It is best to start sunbathing (after training with light-air) is recommended at an air temperature of 22-25 ° C.

The duration of the first procedure for babies is 3 minutes, every 2-3 days you can increase it by 1-2 minutes. Starting from 1.5-2 years old, children can sunbathe for 5-10 minutes, in 7-10 days the sunbathing time gradually increases to 20-25 minutes.

In the same way, you can bring the total duration of sunbathing in older children - up to 30-45 minutes, in total for the summer no more than 20-30 baths.

But under direct sunlight it is desirable to be in short segments: Sunbathed on the sand for 10 minutes - played in the shade for 10 minutes.

Another precaution is sunscreen. If you plan to strip the baby naked, lubricate the whole body: sunburn on the buttocks, which is often “forgotten” because of diapers or panties, will bring no less suffering to the baby than in other places.

The best time for sunbathing in the middle lane is 10-12 noon, in the south - 8-10 am. Sunbathing is recommended to be taken 30-40 minutes after a meal and no later than 30 minutes before a meal.

This is due to the fact that the high ambient temperature inhibits the secretion of digestive juices.

Hardening by the sun begins with a cloudy sky or in the shade. Its gradualness can be determined by the following factors:

  • Less effective oblique beams (early morning or afternoon)
  • Reflected beams (in shadow)
  • Appropriate selection of clothing
  • Irradiation duration

It is better to take a sunbath on a wooden trestle bed, in order to avoid overheating, you should keep your head in the shade, cover it with a white hat or scarf. While taking a bath, you should evenly turn to the sun on different sides of the body.

The gradual increase in the area of ​​the irradiated skin surface is ensured by the appropriate selection of clothing. It should protect against overheating: a white panama, light-colored underpants and a shirt or dress.

The playground for children in the summer should be located so that it has areas of dense shade, areas of chiaroscuro and places that are freely irradiated by the sun.

Of great importance is the surface of the area on which the children are located. The most favorable surface is grass cover. It protects well from dust, slightly heats up.

Sandy areas, like the open surface of the soil, are extremely unfavorable: dust is raised by the wind and the movement of children.

Asphalt areas for children to walk are strictly prohibited. Special observations have established that on a sunny day, when asphalt was heated to 45 °C under the same conditions, the surface temperature of the lawn reached only 25 °C.

Excessive thermal radiation of the paved surface contributes to the rapid appearance of signs of overheating (increased heart rate and respiration, profuse sweating, increased body temperature).

Sunbathing temperature and what to do after

Children aged 3 to 6 months are recommended to do sunbathing at an air temperature in the shade not lower than 25-23 ° C, the reception time is from 1 to 15 minutes; after each bath - dousing with water (temperature 36-30 ° C).

Children aged 6-12 months can sunbathe at a temperature in the shade of at least 23-22 ° C for 2 to 30 minutes; water temperature for dousing - 36-28 ° C.

Children who can walk should not be specially laid for the duration of the sunbath. They can sunbathe while walking and playing outdoors (in slippers, shorts and cap). At the same time, every 10-15 minutes they should be brought into the shade.

Adults need to remember the following:

  • Children should spend time in the shade of trees or under a canopy
  • Immediately after sleep, children should put on shorts and shirts.
  • Full exposure of the body is permissible only 20-30 minutes after sleep
  • The head of the child during sunbathing must be covered with a white panama
  • Children should be occupied with toys and change their position more often

Children older than a year are taken out during a walk in direct sunlight only after they have been walking in chiaroscuro for several days. Light-colored clothing (underpants and a shirt or dress) protects the child from overheating and excessive exposure.

During sunbathing, children engage in quiet play. It is useful for the child to sit and play on the warm sand in the shade.

When organizing a game, it is important to ensure that the entire surface of the body is evenly exposed to radiation and that children are not physically overloaded.

At this time, adult supervision over the child's condition is especially necessary.

On sunny days during walking hours, children should not be in sunlit areas for more than 5-6 minutes. When the first signs of overheating of the child appear (reddening of the face, sweating), he is immediately taken into the shade, washed, given boiled water and offered to play quietly.

After the formation of a tan, which is a natural protection against the influence of sunlight, the duration of continuous exposure of children to the sun can be increased to 8-10 minutes 2-3 times during a walk.

The duration of breaks between exposures, when the child plays in the shade, is individual and is determined by his condition and well-being.

With a properly dosed sunbath, there is no strong fatigue of children. The walk ends with a quiet game in the shade, lasting 20-30 minutes. This is followed by washing and the general procedure (douche or shower).

All this contributes to the development of appetite: the child enjoys lunch, then rinses his mouth and goes to bed.

Under the influence of sunlight, the body temperature rises slightly. Usually, its increase by 0.5-0.6 ° C is not accompanied by a sharp violation of physiological functions, and after 1.5-2 hours it returns to normal.

A sunbath is a powerful procedure, it is usually somewhat tiring, so it is recommended to rest in the shade for half an hour after it.

After sunbathing, and not before them, children are prescribed water procedures, it is imperative to wipe the child, even if the air temperature is high, since when the skin is wet, hypothermia of the child's body occurs.

Rules and contraindications for hardening by the sun

The value of sunbathing for a child's body is very high, but when hardening by the sun, precautions must be taken. To prevent overheating, it is very important to maintain the water balance of the body, for which, during a walk in hot weather, the child should be offered boiled cooled water.

Excessive exposure adversely affects the health and development of children. The unfavorable effect of the sun is possible not only with continuous long-term exposure to its rays, but also with short, but often repeated exposures.

This happens when a child is in the sun during a walk for several days in a row, only going into the shade for a short time and not having time to get enough rest. At the same time, excitation processes begin to predominate in the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex. Outwardly, the changes are manifested in the deterioration of daytime and nighttime sleep.

Poor night sleep does not provide a complete rest of the nervous system, the restoration of its vital reserves. All this, repeated, leads to exhaustion of the nervous system.

At the same time, the child's appetite decreases, as fatigue and high ambient temperature suppress the secretion of digestive juices. The child does not eat well (moreover, force-feeding can cause indigestion), quickly loses weight.

Thus, improper use of sunlight brings harm to the child.

Baths should not be taken on an empty stomach. An absolute contraindication to hardening by the sun is an air temperature above 30 ° C.

Close supervision of children allows you to take timely measures to prevent the harmful effects of the sun's rays: for several days, until the child's sleep and behavior are normal, he is allowed to walk only in the shade.

Soothing water procedures (baths, rubdowns) help to strengthen the nervous system of the child.

The normal reaction of the skin to sun exposure is a slight redness that disappears by the end of the day; the accumulation of pigment in the skin (sunburn) occurs gradually, imperceptibly for the child.

With excessive exposure, a painful local skin reaction occurs. Continuous and excessive exposure to direct rays without prior preparation can cause severe skin burns.

If the child's skin is protected by clothing, excessive exposure to the sun can lead to general overheating of the body, manifested in the symptoms of heat stroke.

Heatstroke can occur when the playground for children has little or no vegetation, grass cover, or, which is especially dangerous, it is filled with asphalt, poorly ventilated, surrounded by stone buildings that warm up and become heat sources in hot weather.

The proximity of a reservoir (pond, lake, river or fountain) on the site significantly softens the thermal effect of the sun, since water, having a large heat capacity, absorbs infrared rays.

To improve the microclimate in hot weather, it is useful to place basins of water on the playground for children.

General overheating of the body can occur not only from the sun, but also from any other source of heat with improper care of the child and violations of the temperature regime of the room.

So, for example, if a wrapped child is put to sleep near a stove or a heating radiator, then he may experience heat stroke.

The possibility of complications during hardening by sunlight indicates that in the summer it is necessary to constantly monitor the well-being of children by an adult.

At the same time, one should not deprive a child of hardening by the sun for fear of getting heat or sunstroke.

When hardening children with sunlight, you must remember the following rules:

  • The sun acts on the body more strongly than water and air, so air baths and water procedures should precede exposure to the sun.
  • Sunbathing is carried out in the middle of the walk, while the children are playing; the air bath must precede the solar bath and finish it
  • In the first year of life, diffused (chiaroscuro) and reflected rays can be used for sunbathing.
  • Children are first put on short-sleeved shirts, leaving their arms and legs bare, then after 2-3 days - T-shirts, and after another 2-3 days they are taken out under the sun in their shorts; the head should always be protected by a panama hat or cap with a visor
  • On a hot afternoon, sunbathing is excluded; they are canceled with manifestations of overheating

When taking children to the southern resorts, a great responsibility lies with the adults watching them. They should be able to notice the first signs of excessive sun exposure and take the necessary measures in a timely manner to prevent overheating.

We must also not forget that climate change requires a significant strain on the body in the first days of getting used to (adaptation) to new conditions.

This means that the effectiveness of children's stay in the south, among other conditions, will depend on the length of stay. It is better to take the children to the south for the entire summer season - from May to September.

Upon returning, the child's body meets the previous conditions, so its restructuring is faster.

It is important to be able to correctly use the positive aspects of the southern resorts, then even within 2-3 months you can create a significant supply of health in a child.

You can not take sunbathing with ailments, headaches, elevated body temperature, immediately after suffering serious illnesses, with pronounced weakness, emaciation, and digestive disorders.

Sunbathing should be used very carefully for anemic, emaciated, highly excitable children. In these cases, mandatory consultation and constant monitoring of the doctor is required.

The sun's rays can be a person's enemies or his true friends. A few secrets will help you get real benefits from hot summer days. A golden tan will attract the attention of others.

Life on Earth is directly dependent on the sun. If it disappears, the world will cease to exist. Thanks to the sun, the climatic balance is maintained, under its influence the entire flora and fauna develops, even human health depends on its bright rays. That is why sunbathing is very useful for adults and children.

At the same time, solar radiation can be harmful and even dangerous. How to properly take wellness procedures, get vital energy and not harm yourself? About everything in order.

The positive impact of the sun

Sunlight has a wide range of effects on the human body. When a warm sun appears in the sky after a long winter, people's mood rises, depression and blues recede. It is serotonin, produced by the body under the influence of the sun, which gives bursts of happiness.

  1. The work of the brain, memory improves, creative activity and efficiency increase.
  2. Vision is stimulated. A beneficial effect is produced on the nervous system.
  3. All metabolic processes of the body are accelerated.
  4. The work of the stomach and intestines, the process of digestion, the breakdown of fats and the absorption of proteins are being improved.
  5. Sunbathing helps to lose weight, eliminate cellulite, and also increase muscle performance.
  6. Blood circulation improves due to the expansion of blood vessels, the skin of the body becomes more elastic and acquires a healthy appearance.

A well-known and important effect of the sun is to stimulate the production of vitamin D by the body. Without it, the bones become fragile, porous, which causes rickets in children, and osteoporosis in the elderly. With these diseases, bone fractures occur even with the slightest impact.

The sun's rays have an antibacterial and disinfecting effect. Many fungi and other harmful microorganisms die just from contact with direct sunlight. Moreover, the skin, in a certain sense, is able to stock up such healing power for the future. All human immunity is enhanced by exposure to the sun. Some diseases appear in the body precisely because of the lack of sunlight.

Direct sunbathing is indicated under the following circumstances:

  • diseases of internal organs not during periods of exacerbations;
  • disturbed digestion;
  • hypertension 1 degree;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased libido;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • light starvation of the body;
  • consequences of injuries during the recovery period;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • overweight, cellulite;
  • many dermatological diseases, including psoriasis;
  • seborrheic skin of the face and body, acne.

Sun therapy should be taken on the advice of a doctor. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the duration of therapy, the daily time required for sunbathing, as well as other important conditions, should be calculated.

Contraindications for heliotherapy

Part of the spectrum of the sun's rays is very aggressive towards the human body and can significantly aggravate the course of many existing diseases.

Sunbathing is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during menstruation and during menopause;
  • with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • if there are tumors and neoplasms of any origin;
  • with heart failure and other pathologies;
  • with hypertension 2 and 3 degrees;
  • with a tendency to bleeding or circulatory failure;
  • those who have disorders of the endocrine system;
  • with severe diseases of the respiratory system;
  • with mental illness;
  • if there is a predisposition to melanomas, lupus erythematosus.

These and other health problems should be discussed with your doctor before you start sunbathing, and even more so sunbathing on summer beaches.

The subtleties of the therapy

Any time of the year can be suitable for sunbathing. Even in February, hardened people use every fine day to allow the body to enjoy the sun's rays for a few minutes. Generally accepted provisions allow starting sun treatment in spring and continuing until autumn.

The best time to take procedures in the summer is 8-11 o'clock in the afternoon, and also 16-18 in the evening. In spring and autumn, you can recharge your health from the sun from 11 am to 3 pm.

Start by preparing the body. Some time you need to be in partial shade, for example, under the crown of trees or under an awning. Scattered sunlight and rays reflected by objects will gradually affect the skin. After that, you can go out into the open sun.

The first procedures should not exceed only a few minutes. In the future, the time of sunbathing should be increased by 5 minutes daily. On one day, you can be in the sun for no more than 3 hours, and after each hour you need to take a break for 15 minutes, going into the shade or into the room.

During the year it is allowed to take a maximum of 50 heliotherapy procedures, divided into 2 parts with a two-week break between them.

Before going out into the sun, you can rinse in the shower, preferably without soap, so as not to wash off the natural protective film and not burn. Stay a little in the shade, and then proceed to the procedure. At the end of the allowable time, you must again go into the shade, rest for a few minutes. Now you can go swimming.

It is important to remember that the time spent in the sea or river is included in the total daily time of heliotherapy. The sun's rays tend to penetrate deep into the water at a distance of up to 1 meter, and those reflected from its surface have an even more active effect on the skin and the entire body.

It is most convenient and best to carry out sun therapy during the holidays, being in a sanatorium or at a seaside resort. However, here you can easily get not so much health benefits as even more harm. A lot of free time, good weather is conducive to a long stay on the beach. A few important rules will help you get the most out of it.

Rules of conduct on the beach:

Sunbathing for children

Sunlight produces an amazing calming effect on newborns, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system. And sunbathing will also be useful for him. An important condition is the absence of direct rays.

The skin of the baby is not ready to cope with this kind of radiation, moreover, it is quite enough to be in the shade. The reflected rays, gently touching the baby's skin, will do their job, and vitamin D will be synthesized by the body in the right amount.

You can start the procedure at home on a sunny warm day, undressing the baby for a few minutes. Gradually increasing the time and taking the child out for a short time, you can bring the total time to 1.5 hours on the street. The child needs to drink plenty of water at this time, as his skin quickly loses moisture through the pores.

Be sure to use sunscreen lotion for children from the first days of life. You should buy a quality product, better than organic production. The composition should not contain alcohol, refined petroleum products such as mineral oils, fragrances, dyes or preservatives. The protection factor for an infant should be at least 50 units.

Sunbathing can be very beneficial for adults and children, but only if you follow the recommendations of doctors and do not overdo it.

Rima Sayarova

Advice for teachers and parents

« sunbathing» .

"Where rarely looks sun, a doctor often comes there, ”says an old proverb. healing powers suns are amazing. Sunbathing enhances growth, improve metabolism, blood composition, protective properties of the skin. Under the influence sunny Irradiation increases efficiency, improves mood.

hardening solar bath- this is the training of the body to a variety of environmental influences to increase its resistance to temperature fluctuations (heat and cold, wind, physical activity, etc.). Hardening should be included in the system of physical education child on a par with all other wellness - educational activities of children's institutions. For the purpose of hardening use natural natural factors: air, water and sun. Under the influence of hardening in children, the general condition, sleep, appetite, mood improve, endurance to physical and mental stress increases, and morbidity decreases. When hardening sunny beams, it is necessary to ensure that the load increases gradually, increasing the duration of the procedures. Start reception sunbathing with reflected solar radiation, then gradually move to diffused light baths and finally use the direct solar radiation. This sequence is especially necessary for children and people who do not tolerate sun.

Air - sunbathing carried out under the supervision of an adult. They can be carried out in the summer outdoors in places protected from direct sunshine and wind, for example, in a shaded area near solar pad. At the same time, the naked child is affected by scattered Sun rays, air temperature, humidity and speed. Best to carry out sunbathing at 9 - 11 am, 1 - 1.5 hours after a light breakfast, before the onset of heat, when sunny the reaction is rich in ultraviolet rays.

But it must be remembered that abuse sunny rays contributes to overheating of the body, the appearance of lethargy, headaches, loss of appetite and sleep. And to sun brought only benefit, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions.

a). Sunbathing takes place in the preschool institution under the direction of medical staff. educators are directly involved in this.

b). During the reception sunbathing All children should wear light headgear made of light-coloured fabrics.

in). Dosing time is easily controlled.

G). First time days duration sunbathing should not exceed 3-5 minutes, and can be gradually increased to 30-35 minutes. First time days sunbathing skin sensitivity to sunny rays is relatively high. It is necessary to carry out various outdoor activities at this time in dark places.

e). It is known that health promotion solar rays appear already at such doses that do not cause sunburn. Therefore, for hardening, there is no need to achieve a strong tan.

I offer you photographs of last year, as we took children in our section of the kindergarten sunbathing. The kids love it. They become cheerful, cheerful. Indeed, we have seen the benefits sunbathing Since the disease has declined sharply, our children have been almost pain free for five years. And they are ready for release - very healthy, ready for school.

Under an umbrella, in the shade, children like to play with sand, while they manage to get both air and sunbathing. Of course, we approach hardening individually, some children, given the state of their health, are not allowed to take off their T-shirts.

Like this, lying together on a blanket, telling each other that something interesting, our children spent their cheerful days on the site of our kindergarten.

And near the blooming flower bed of petunias, which the children themselves helped to look after, they will temper and relax together even more pleasantly!

(We probably noticed that some children were without a headdress, they only took off their panama hats for a while with our permission during the filming).

Treatment and prevention of diseases by the sun has been known since ancient times, many people today cannot imagine a healthy person who does not regularly take sunbaths and is not under the sun's rays for hardening and healthy skin color. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is the most pleasant and useful procedure. This method is mentioned by the great Hippocrates, whose oath is currently taken by graduates of medical institutions.

The role of the sun in human health

Everything on this planet depends on the sun: plants feed on the sun, grow thanks to it, produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. If, for example, flowers are left in the dark, they will die. Man also grows and develops thanks to the sun.

The Sun is the main planet in our star system and carries not only healing codes and information for each person, but also evolutionary cosmic development codes.

So in Ancient Egypt, and our wise ancestors, the Slavs, and people in some other highly developed cultures of the world, it was not in vain that they worshiped the Sun, and at dawn they asked him for a good day and health.

Positive effects of sunbathing on the body

Probably, each of us knows that the sun's rays are divided into the visible part of the spectrum and the invisible, the so-called infrared and ultraviolet part of it. And what is surprising - all parts of the spectrum of sunlight have a healing effect and certain benefits for the human body.

The visible part of the rays is our visual perception, what we see with our own eyes. After a long and boring winter, everyone feels the need for sunlight - this indicates our connection and dependence on the sun.

Thus, sunlight is an excellent method of preventing stress and diseases associated with vitamin deficiency. D. A lack of vitamin D causes rickets, problems with the development of the physical body, and even mental deficiencies.

Benefits of tanning and ultraviolet light

The invisible part of the spectrum is infrared rays and ultraviolet rays. This is what we at the level of the physical body feel as heating and see as a tan. What are the benefits of tanning, or is it just a cosmetic procedure?

Infrared rays help better blood circulation in the body, and in addition, have an analgesic effect. And ultraviolet improves immunity, metabolic processes and the functioning of the endocrine glands, or as they are also called endocrine glands - they produce vital substances known to ordinary people as hormones. These are the well-known pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal glands and sex glands.

Who especially needs sunbathing?

  • people who have suffered various injuries;
  • with a lack of vitamin D
  • with psoriasis
  • people of the northern and middle regions of Russia
  • with stress and unstable emotional states
  • in diseases of the joints
  • radiculitis and neuralgic diseases

Who Should Reduce Sun Exposure?

  • pregnant women
  • severe hypertension
  • oncological diseases
Starting to stay in the sun should be from 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the time of sunbathing. And if you are in a hot country, where the scorching sun is raging, and your skin is not at all ready for taking such strong sunbathing, then 10 minutes will be more than enough.

The most beneficial is the morning sun. You should not use various creams and ointments for sunburn, as they contain many chemical components, an exception for ointments made from natural herbs.

From dehydration, you should drink enough water. It is advisable to spend more time in motion - this will reduce the likelihood of burns.

Sunbathing for weight loss

Medical research has shown that sunbathing in the morning helps maintain optimal body weight. And the very fact that there are practically no fat people among tanned and often exposed to the sun already speaks volumes, and about the effect of sunbathing and solar hardening on weight loss, both men and women.

The best and safest time to sunbathe

The best and safest time for sunbathing is from 6 am to 11 am, when the sun's rays bring invigorating energy, and from 4 pm onwards, calm and relaxing energy. Between these periods, the sun has too much activity, as well as not a useful angle of incidence of the sun's best, so sunbathing under it is unfavorable for the skin.

solar hardening

Yes, it is hardening, I did not make a reservation, because usually people under the word hardening mean hardening with water or air. But it turns out that there is such an accessible and pleasant method of hardening, which is called hardening by the sun or solar hardening, and it has been known since ancient times.

What does sun exposure include?

Solar hardening is a hardening of the sun's rays, consisting of various types of rays. There are visible rays of the sun - red, yellow, green, purple, blue. And invisible - infrared and ultraviolet.

The human body needs all kinds of sunlight and especially ultraviolet light. Deficiency in ultraviolet light can especially affect children as growing organisms, and is expressed in an obstacle to mental and physical development, bones become brittle, and immunity is reduced.

The psychological factor of hardening by the sun is also important. With insufficient exposure to sunlight, fatigue, apathy, irritability, and decreased performance occur.

Solar hardening is that a person is naked under the sun and gradually prepares (hardens) his skin, for the possibility of a subsequent, longer stay under the sun.

The method of correct and healthy solar hardening

Proper hardening with sunlight includes gradualness, the right time of day and duration.

Solar hardening usually begins with 10-15 minutes of exposure to the sun, every day, adding a few minutes and bringing the time to 1.5-2 hours.

The best time for this type of hardening is in the south in the morning until 10 am and in the evening from 5 pm. And in combination with water procedures and physical exercises, the healing effect increases significantly, so it’s better not just to lie on the bed, but to play some active games like volleyball.

Hardening restrictions

Everyone, both sick and healthy people, benefit from solar hardening. For the sick and unprepared for the sun, you just need to limit yourself in terms of time and well-being. These restrictions exist for children under 2-3 years old, pregnant women, with heart disease and oncological diseases.

Solar hardening for children

Children's skin is tender and sensitive - this fact must be taken into account, therefore, in the first months of life, solar hardening of a naked or semi-naked child is carried out at a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius and under trees with gaps for access to sunlight, and not under direct rays.

Begin to harden the child with the sun from 3-5 minutes on the first day and bring the general procedure to 15-20 minutes.

Children under 1 year old, I repeat, should not be left in the open sun, but rather under the crowns of trees.

Children from 1 year and older can carry out "direct solar hardening" in the morning and evening hours in warm weather, starting from 5 minutes and bringing to 10 minutes hardening, carrying out the procedure 2-3 times a day.

For a child from 6 years of age, the procedure is carried out in the same mode as for adults, without overheating the body and taking into account favorable morning and evening regimens.

And it is not at all necessary to use protective glasses for either children or adults - if you do not look directly at the sun, there will be no harm, on the contrary, you will get the maximum benefit from the light. See for yourself - not a single animal uses glasses, and in this regard is much wiser than a person.

Useful properties of sunlight

Recent studies by scientists have revealed an interesting fact - when using sunscreens, creams and the like, the percentage of skin cancer increases, even compared to not using them at all. This tells us that the danger of the sun's rays is clearly exaggerated. And often the problem comes from the cream, and not from the sun.

Scientists from England conducted research on the effect of ultraviolet rays and found that they prevent the occurrence of obesity and diabetes.

Due to exposure to sunlight, the human body produces serotonin, which is sometimes called the "hormone of joy", which contributes to a good mood for the whole day.

Sun exposure is necessary for the production of vitamin D in the body, which prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmia, myocardial infarction and hypertension. In addition, vitamin D has wound healing properties and reduces the risk of cancer cells.

Sunlight rejuvenates the body and skin

Sunlight is a catalyst for alkalization of the body. The alkaline environment of the body is necessary to maintain the health and youth of the whole body and in particular the skin at the proper level.

The fact is that it is in diseases that the human body has a more acidic characteristic. Interestingly, such emotions as anger, envy, jealousy, fear, and others also shift to the acid side.

As you can see from this - everything natural, natural in reasonable doses is good and healthy. Sunbathing; raw vegetables and fruits, honey and nuts; bathing and water procedures; walks in the fresh air and physical exercises are the key to good health and well-being.

I hope this information will be enough not to lock yourself at the computer, but to start taking care of your health, at least sometimes taking such beneficial sunbathing on your own and with your children. And I also advise you to read and even, and also, I’m sure you will learn a lot of new things from this article.
