List of drugs allowed during pregnancy. Heartburn Remedies

Unfortunately, almost every pregnant woman faces. After 9 months of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to avoid cold weather or dampness, as well as contact with an infected person, especially if there are already small children at home.

Due to hormonal changes and reduced immunity, the body of the expectant mother does not cope well with viruses. You should not take SARS lightly, any infection can harm the baby, so treatment should only take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Cold during pregnancy: causes and signs

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy:

  • . Paracetamol and preparations based on it are allowed during pregnancy. Paracetamol is part of various powders for both symptoms and. However, it is not recommended to get involved in them during pregnancy, it is enough to take Paracetamol itself if the temperature is above 38 degrees. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have a temperature, some cases require hospitalization. Paracetamol is taken no more than 4 times a day. If the temperature persists, contact your doctor immediately. Do not take aspirin and preparations containing it, as it can provoke.
  • Rest and drink plenty of water. These seemingly outdated recommendations remain very effective for colds and fevers. A woman should rest and drink more, especially warm drinks. It is worth remembering that during pregnancy it is impossible to exceed the allowable fluid rate due to the large load on the kidneys. If you drink a lot of water and warm tea, milk, limit the amount of other liquids you drink such as juices, yogurt, soups, etc. If swelling occurs, see a doctor.
  • Don't overheat. In extreme heat, chills sometimes occur, the pregnant woman seeks to cover herself with a warm blanket and begins to dress warmer. This can provoke an even greater rise . You need to drink more warm liquids, sweat profusely, but do not overheat.
  • Rubbing. Wiping with vinegar during pregnancy can be done, but after consulting a doctor. In no case should you take hot baths or soar your legs, this can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

Runny nose during pregnancy

Useful video - Cold during pregnancy: treatment and prevention.

Rubella is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Its symptoms can resemble the common cold, but with the addition of a red rash that can easily be attributed to an allergy. Only an experienced doctor can identify the symptoms of rubella. This infection can affect the fetus and cause developmental delay.

A cold in the second and third trimester is less dangerous than in the first, but in the absence of treatment and observation of complications, it is not always possible to avoid complications. For example, a viral infection can cause polyhydramnios, complications in the form of diseases of the genital organs, chronic diseases, and the addition of a bacterial infection.It is impossible to predict what a common cold will lead to during pregnancy, but you can significantly reduce the risk if you consult a doctor in time and follow all his recommendations.

It can be difficult to treat during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when almost all drugs are banned, so it is best to take care of your health in advance.

Prevention measures:

  1. If the pregnancy is planned, then you need to start strengthening the immune system even before conception. Doctors recommend to be examined before pregnancy, drink vitamins, folic acid, harden, refrain from bad habits. All this contributes to the fact that during pregnancy a woman is much easier to tolerate such unpleasant phenomena as toxicosis, and is also less susceptible to viral diseases.
  2. Proper nutrition during pregnancy means a lot not only for immunity, but also for the normal development of the child, as well as for the functioning of the digestive tract. If you eat enough fresh fruits, vegetables, eat fish, lean meat and avoid chemical additives, you can avoid a number of problems: fetal hypoxia, constipation and hemorrhoids, heartburn, colds, and even severe toxicosis.
  3. The mother-to-be should dress appropriately for the weather. In the cold season, do not be shy to dress warmer. In the wardrobe of the expectant mother, there may be gaiters and fleece tights, warm hats and scarves. This will help to avoid viral diseases and hospitalization.
  4. Do not forget about safety. The expectant mother must take care of herself, so it is necessary to reduce all contact with infected people. However, it is not always possible to determine from the first time that a person is infected, so avoid kissing with girlfriends, do not try cosmetics in stores, especially lipstick, wash your hands after public transport, try to use public toilets as little as possible.

Despite the fact that the body deliberately lowers immunity to maintain pregnancy, it can be strengthened within reason. You can drink serious drugs to strengthen the immune system, as well as multivitamin complexes, only with the permission of a doctor.

Among them, there may be health problems already present before pregnancy, which require the use of various medications. How, in such cases, to be a future mother, so as not to harm her baby and help her own body cope with the disease? Is it true that no medication should be taken during pregnancy?

Of course, most pregnant women take various medications. However, even today there is no complete information about the effect of all drugs on the fetus. Therefore, it is advisable for pregnant women to avoid taking medications, unless there are absolute (vital) indications for this. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a number of changes that can affect how different medications work. By the way, it should be noted that most of these changes contribute to the accelerated destruction of drugs and the removal of metabolites (metabolic products) from the body. This is due to a decrease in the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract and slow absorption of drugs, an increase in the volume of circulating blood and a decrease in the content of proteins in it (proteins carry almost all drugs in the body), acceleration of the destruction of drugs in the liver and their excretion by the kidneys.

The effect of drugs on the fetus

All drugs taken during pregnancy can be divided into drugs that do not cross the placenta and do not affect the fetus; drugs that cross the placenta, but do not have a damaging effect on the developing body of the baby; and drugs that pass through the placenta and accumulate in the tissues of the fetus with a high probability of damage. The placenta serves as a kind of biochemical shield for the baby. It takes on many functions, including the neutralization of foreign threatening substances instead of the still poorly functioning enzymatic system of the baby's liver. Thus, many drugs and other chemical compounds are processed by placental enzymes, and non-toxic products are delivered to the fetus. However, despite such “cordons” of enhanced protection, there are many drugs that can cross the placenta and have a toxic and teratogenic (causing deformity) effect on the fetus.

During intrauterine development, several critical periods are distinguished when the unborn baby is most sensitive to the effects of drugs. So, when exposed to a dangerous drug in the period from conception to 11 days of pregnancy (a woman usually does not yet know about pregnancy, therefore she can take various drugs), the fetus either dies , or remains alive, without deformities. One of the laws of physiology works here - “all or nothing”. One of the most dangerous periods is the time from the 11th day to 3 weeks of pregnancy, when all organs are laid in the fetus. The intervention of teratogenic drugs in this process causes the most gross deformities. Between the 4th and 9th weeks of pregnancy, the teratogenic effect is much weaker, fetal growth retardation is possible. After the 9th week, as a rule, structural defects do not occur, however, the use of dangerous drugs can cause dysfunction of some organs in the child after birth. exhibit various behavioral anomalies.

Thus, although the statement that ANY medication is strictly prohibited during pregnancy is a myth, nevertheless, it is strictly necessary to consult with your doctor about taking any medication.

During pregnancy, the use of drugs with established safety for this period is allowed. In the process of treatment, the doctor must carefully monitor the condition of the expectant mother and her child. The most dangerous period, when the embryotoxic effects of drugs are most pronounced, are the first weeks of pregnancy. However, since it is impossible to accurately determine the deadline for the final completion of the laying of all organs, then, if possible, the administration of drugs is postponed until the 5th month of pregnancy. If such a tactic is not possible before a period of 5 months, extreme caution is observed when using drugs.

Degrees of risk

In clinical pharmacology - the science of the effect of various drugs and their metabolism in the human body - it is customary to divide drugs (when assessing their effect on the fetus) into 3 groups:

  • main teratogens - drugs, the use of which always causes fetal developmental disorders;
  • substances with certain teratogenic activity - drugs that have been proven to cause deformities in a high percentage of cases;
  • Substances suspected of being teratogenic are drugs that have not been shown to be teratogenic in humans, but which may have a similar effect based on their mechanism of action or whether such an effect has been observed in experimental animals.

Treatment of arterial hypertension

Arterial hypertension (AH) is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Art. In the form of an independent disease, hypertension appears under the name "hypertensive disease", in addition, hypertension occurs in other diseases (pathology of the kidneys, endocrine glands, blood vessels). During pregnancy, hypertension can be one of the symptoms of preeclampsia (complications of pregnancy, one of the manifestations of which is just an increase in blood pressure). Thus, hypertension can both exist before pregnancy and appear during the period of expectation of a child.

Antihypertensive drugs, drugs used to treat hypertension, are the most commonly prescribed drugs for pregnant women. The fact is that hypertension is diagnosed during pregnancy very often and is a serious risk factor for the development of complications in the expectant mother and her baby. On the other hand, the choice of drugs for the treatment of hypertension in pregnant women is quite difficult. In connection with a decrease in blood pressure in the mother's body, there is a decrease in uteroplacental blood flow, which worsens the condition of the fetus. Thus, when choosing drug treatment during pregnancy, there is a constant balancing between the benefits and risks of this therapy. Usually, the treatment of hypertension begins with non-drug measures: a light regimen, the exclusion of heavy physical and psycho-emotional stress, salt restriction in the diet. If these measures are ineffective, drugs are added to the treatment.

A number of effective antihypertensive (lowering blood pressure) drugs widely used in modern cardiology are prohibited for use in pregnant women due to their teratogenic effect. These are ACE inhibitor drugs - their names usually end with "-pril" or "-sartan": ENALAPRIL, CAPTOPRIL, FOSINOPRIL, MOEXPRIL, EPRO-SARTAN, TELMISARTAN, LOSARTAN, etc.

For the treatment of hypertension in pregnant women, drugs of the calcium antagonist group (NIFEDIPINE, AMLODIPINE) are used. VERAPAMIL is used for fetal heart palpitations. When treating with beta-blockers (ATENOLOL, ACEBUTOLOL, METOPROLOL, PINDOLOL, SOTALOL), the doctor will monitor the heart rate of the fetus, as these drugs cause a slowdown in the heartbeat.

Due to the fact that the experience of using many modern antihypertensive drugs in pregnant women is limited, during this period old, proven drugs are used, the safety of which for the fetus has been proven. These are antispasmodics - PAPAVERIN, NO-SHPA.

Diuretic drugs (HYPOTHIAZIDE, TRIAMTEREN) are one of the main drugs in the treatment of hypertension outside of pregnancy. In pregnant women, they are used with caution and only in the second or third trimesters with edema, high blood pressure. The modern diuretic drug - INDAPAMIDE - has not yet been sufficiently studied in relation to use in pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, its use during pregnancy should be avoided.

Bronchial asthma - a disease characterized by the occurrence of bouts of bronchospasm, severe suffocation, wheezing, coughing - occurs in approximately 1% of pregnant women. Treatment of bronchial asthma during pregnancy is mandatory. With poor control of the disease, frequent attacks of suffocation, the child's condition suffers significantly (mainly due to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen supply), infant mortality increases, the frequency of premature birth and the birth of premature babies increases.

The main drugs used in bronchial asthma are bronchial dilators and anti-inflammatory drugs. Most of them do not cross the placenta, so they are approved for use in pregnant women.

Drugs adrenomimetics (SALBUTAMOL, TERBUTALIN, SALMETEROL, FORMOTEROL) are usually used by inhalation. They dilate the bronchi, stop (stop) attacks of suffocation. In addition, drugs in this group reduce the contractile activity of the uterus and improve blood circulation in the uterus and placenta. This property is often used in the early stages of pregnancy, but in the later stages it can be the reason for the duration of labor. Preparations of another group - methylxanthines (EUFILLIN, THEOPHIL-LIN, TEOPEK) - also dilate the bronchi. However, these agents cross the placenta and may cause fetal heart palpitations. In addition, in pregnant women, the excretion of methylxanthines from the body is slowed down, so the dose of these drugs during pregnancy is usually reduced.

Anti-inflammatory drugs used in bronchial asthma can be conditionally divided into non-hormonal and hormonal. Non-hormonal drugs (INTAL, NALCROM, TAYLED) do not have a toxic effect on the fetus, therefore they can be used in pregnant women.

When using inhaled hormonal preparations (BECLOMETASONE, BUDESONIDE, FLUTICAZONE - FLIKSOTIDE), their concentration in the blood is negligible: they work at the place of application - in the bronchi. Therefore, inhaled hormonal agents can be used to treat pregnant women. Sometimes, with a severe course of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to take hormonal preparations inside. Long-acting hormones (DEXAMETHASONE, BETAMETHASONE, TRIAMTSINALON) can suppress their own production of adrenal hormones in the mother's body and in the fetus, provoke the development of myopathy - the pathology of muscle tissue - in a child. Therefore, for pregnant women, drugs of medium duration are used - PREDNI-ZOLONE, METHYLPREDNISOLINE, which do not have such side effects, especially when using rational regimens of hormonal therapy.

Treatment of diabetes in pregnant women

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose (sugar) levels (hyperglycemia) and metabolic disorders (mainly carbohydrate and fat). The main regulator of glucose uptake by cells is the pancreatic hormone - insulin. Insulin has practically no “allies” in the body: all other hormones contribute to an increase in blood sugar levels. Significant hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, but all pregnancy hormones also contribute to hyperglycemia. There are several types of diabetes in pregnant women. This is type I diabetes mellitus - usually this disease develops in childhood, is associated with the cessation of the production of its own insulin by the pancreas and requires constant insulin administration. Type II diabetes is a hereditary disease in which insulin is produced in the body, but does not work, and the cells are not sensitive to the action of the hormone. It is treated with a low-calorie diet and hypoglycemic tablets. In addition to these types of diabetes, gestational diabetes is distinguished - a persistent increase in blood sugar levels in pregnant women. This diabetes occurs as a result of the action of placental hormones. After pregnancy, gestational diabetes may remain, turning into type II diabetes, or blood sugar levels normalize.

The use of tableted hypoglycemic drugs during pregnancy is contraindicated: they cross the placenta and have a proven teratogenic effect. Therefore, all diabetic women who cannot maintain normal blood sugar levels on a low-carbohydrate diet alone are treated with insulin during pregnancy. The dose of insulin is selected individually so that the blood glucose level remains within the normal range of -3.5-5.5 mmol / l on an empty stomach in blood from a finger. Untreated diabetes poses a serious threat to the health and life of women and babies.

Acute diseases in the expectant mother - what to take?

Alas, it is not uncommon for such life situations that a practically healthy woman falls ill during pregnancy. Several reasons contribute to this; during this period, the hormonal background changes, the body's immune defense decreases, and the functional load on all organ systems increases. Therefore, acute diseases often occur or chronic ones become aggravated. Is it possible for a future mother in such cases to take previously helped, effective medicines? The main rule is that before taking any medication, you must consult your doctor about the safety of this drug for the fetus.

Headache is one of the most common pain symptoms. During pregnancy, a woman most often has to deal with migraines and tension headaches. Migraine is a chronic disease with episodic exacerbations, manifested by characteristic attacks of headache. Pregnancy can be a factor provoking migraine attacks, or, conversely, stabilizing the course of the disease. In most patients with migraine in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy, the condition improves. Rarely (usually in the first trimester of pregnancy), migraines worsen. During pregnancy, PARACETAMOL is used to treat migraines, if necessary, antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs (SUPRASTIN, FENCAROL, DIAZOLIN], which are also effective in migraine attacks. During pregnancy, it is undesirable to take some anti-migraine drugs: ASPIRINA, NUROFEN (they increase the risk malformations, cause hemorrhages); ERGOTAMIN (causes uterine contractions); PROPRANOLOL (slows down the development of the fetus), although in severe cases, accompanied by persistent vomiting, PROPRANOLOL is still prescribed to prevent migraine attacks.

Tension headache occurs in response to mental stress resulting from acute or chronic stress. Most often it is observed in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. With such a headache, especially during pregnancy, medications are rarely prescribed - only in very severe cases, the doctor may recommend taking antidepressants. It should be remembered that a headache can be one of the signs of high blood pressure.

In acute infectious and inflammatory diseases (tonsillitis, inflammation of the urinary tract, lungs, bronchi, etc.) caused by various microbes, antibiotics are used. In connection with the proven teratogenic and toxic effect during pregnancy, it is forbidden to use tetracycline antibiotics (they disrupt the formation of bones in the fetus, cause severe liver damage in a pregnant woman), LEVOMICETIN (inhibits hematopoiesis, especially in a child), fluoroquinolones (have a damaging effect on cartilage tissue fetus). Usually, antibiotics of the penicillin series, cephalosporins, monobactams are used to treat pregnant women.

PARACETAMOL is recommended as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug during pregnancy, and IBUPROFEN is also safe until the third trimester. ASPIRIN, when used in the first trimester in high doses (more than 325 mg/day), has been shown to cause mutations, severe heart defects, and bleeding.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a pregnant woman should pay special attention to the treatment of any disease. Many drugs and treatments during pregnancy can unfortunately have an adverse effect on the fetus. Therefore, in no case should you self-medicate. The use of any, even seemingly well-known and safe, drugs, any manipulations should be agreed with the attending physician.

It is advisable to compensate or cure existing diseases before pregnancy, check with your doctor about methods for preventing exacerbations. This so-called pregnancy planning will help to avoid many problems during the prenatal development of your child, will contribute to the normal course of childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby.

It is generally accepted that drugs should not be taken during pregnancy. Many women, having learned about their special situation, follow this rule and avoid taking any pills. However, it is impossible to completely insure against diseases during the period of bearing a baby. Sooner or later, almost every expectant mother is faced with the need to take medication. It turns out that not all pharmaceutical preparations can harm, so there is no need to be so afraid of them.

When are drugs prescribed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women suffer from diseases characteristic of their position, which cannot be left untreated, as they can develop further and threaten the fetus. The diseases that expectant mothers most often encounter include allergies, thrush, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, colds, functional disorders of the intestines and stomach.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

Pregnant women often develop intolerance to various substances. Sometimes allergies are quite severe. If the expectant mother poured out from a previously beloved dish, after an insect bite, the injured place swelled up and turned very red, you can’t do without special preparations.

Antihistamines will help eliminate allergy symptoms, but not any that are in the medicine cabinet. Suprastin, Fenkarol and Claritin are considered the safest for the expectant mother. These drugs are contraindicated in the 1st trimester (we recommend reading:).

Medications for colds

What cold medicines can expectant mothers use? The answer to this question is unequivocal - all medicines that are suitable for the treatment of children under 3 years of age are not prohibited for pregnant women. All cold medicines can be divided into several groups:

  1. Remedies for fever. You can bring down the high temperature with Paracetamol tablets and its analogues (Efferalgan, Panadol). If the fever does not decrease, you should seek medical attention.
  2. Cough medicines. Mukaltin, Bromhexine, Dr. Mom syrup, ACC will help cure a cough in a future mother.
  3. Sore throat remedies. The safest remedy for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis in pregnant women is rinsing with a water-salt solution. Also, expectant mothers are allowed to treat a sore throat with a solution of Chlorhexidine. You can use Iodinol and Lugol, but for a short time and after consulting a doctor.
  4. Cold medicines. Children's drops Naphthyzin are mainly used. However, their reception must be agreed with the attending physician. During pregnancy, a runny nose can be treated with preparations based on natural oils, saline solutions or purified sea water (Pinosol, Salin, Aqua Maris, Aqualor, etc.).
  5. Antivirals. For the treatment of a viral infection, it is best to use Immunal drops, Interferon tablets or Grippferon suppositories.
  6. Antibiotics. They are not prescribed for a cold, but any viral disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection. What antibiotics are allowed for pregnant women? It is difficult to single out a particularly safe group. Most drugs in the list of contraindications do not have pregnancy, but self-medication is strictly prohibited, you must first consult with your therapist and gynecologist.

Hormonal drugs

Hormone-based drugs are sometimes given to women in the 1st trimester so that they can keep the pregnancy going. Sometimes the female body is deficient in progesterone. In this case, complications are possible during pregnancy, up to the threat of spontaneous abortion. To save the fetus, the doctor prescribes the drug Duphaston. The medicine has an analogue - Utrozhestan.

These drugs are taken orally. The dosage and treatment regimen is prescribed only by a doctor. It is believed that the most effective way to use hormonal capsules is to introduce them into the vagina.

Constipation remedies

It is recommended to solve stool problems during pregnancy with the help of optimal physical activity, proper drinking regimen and a balanced diet. If a pregnant woman has constipation, it is necessary to enrich the diet with fiber-rich foods (white cabbage, beets, buckwheat porridge, prunes, bran bread, etc.).

If it is impossible to cope with the problem without a medicine, the safest and most effective drugs should be used. Permitted drugs for constipation when carrying a baby at any time include Duphalac syrup, Senadexin tablets, glycerin suppositories. Regulax is widely used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Heartburn medications

Many women are familiar with a burning sensation in the epigastric region in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. To combat heartburn, expectant mothers are advised to properly organize their diet, not to overeat, to give up spicy, sour and salty foods. However, they do not always manage to avoid the temptation to enjoy something tasty and harmful. As a result, heartburn appears, which in ordinary patients, doctors treat with antacid drugs.

During pregnancy, many of these drugs are prohibited. Doctors often prescribe:

  1. Rennie. The active substance of the drug is calcium carbonate (a substance that is part of natural minerals). The agent is alkaline, therefore it effectively interacts with hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice.
  2. . It absorbs everything that the stomach itself cannot get rid of, and displays. Lack of use - with frequent use leads to constipation.
  3. Pumpkin seed oil. A natural enveloping agent that eliminates stomach pain, quenches excess acid and accelerates the process of bowel cleansing.
  4. Decoction of flax seeds. This folk medicine is not forbidden to be used by pregnant women. To eliminate heartburn, boil a handful of seeds in 0.5 liters of water for 5-10 minutes, cool the broth, then strain it through cheesecloth and use 150-200 ml when heartburn occurs.
  5. Mineral water Borjomi. Drink warm, without gas, 1.5 hours before meals.
  6. Almagel. An antacid drug that coats the walls of the stomach and quenches acid. Contraindicated in early pregnancy.

Medicines for thrush during pregnancy

High estrogen levels and low immunity create a favorable environment for the reproduction of the Candida fungus. What medications work well for a fungal infection? Diflucan is considered the most effective. However, the remedy is not included in the list of safe medicines for expectant mothers. It is possible to treat thrush during the gestation period with the help of suppositories, depending on the gestational age:

  1. In the early months, to eliminate the symptoms of thrush, doctors recommend that pregnant women use Betadine, Pimafucin, Ecofucin (see also:). These drugs are gentle and harm the fetus less than other anti-candidiasis drugs.
  2. In the second and third trimesters, women are prescribed candles or ointments Clotrimazole, Zalain, Terzhinan, Livarol, Nystatin, Ginofort (see also:).

On any month, the use of therapeutic tampons soaked in borax in glycerin is allowed. This remedy is practically not absorbed by the mucosa, therefore it is considered safe for mother and child.

Vitamins and macronutrients

Vitamin-mineral complexes for expectant mothers are prescribed for almost the entire pregnancy. The developing body of the baby needs a lot of nutrients, the deficiency of vitamins and minerals negatively affects its development.

For all pregnant women, the prescribed means are standard (depending on the timing):

  1. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, doctors suggest taking a woman folic acid, vitamin E, Magne-B6. With a shortage of these substances, there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion.
  2. For the treatment of anemia in pregnant women in the early stages, drugs such as Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer Durules, Maltofer, etc. can be used.
  3. From the 2nd trimester, special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women are prescribed. These drugs are recommended for expectant mothers to take until the very birth.
  4. In the 2nd trimester, some women who live in areas with a low supply of iodine need to take Iodomarin. What is iodine for? Deficiency of this trace element can lead to various pathologies in the development of the baby.
  5. In the 3rd trimester, calcium supplements are added to the list of necessary medications for pregnant women. During the bearing of the baby, the body of the pregnant woman loses the trace element in large quantities, as a result of which the baby “pulls out” the necessary substance from the bones of the expectant mother. Proper nutrition and taking Calcium-D3 tablets Nycomed, Calcemin, Calcium gluconate, etc. will help prevent deficiency.

For every woman, pregnancy is not only a time of happy expectation, but also of health-related worries. What to do so that there are no complications, how to cope with characteristic ailments, what drugs can be taken during pregnancy? Issues related to medicines worry every woman during pregnancy.

It is no secret that many expectant mothers who want to give birth to a healthy baby have a negative attitude towards any medication, including drugs that are allowed during pregnancy. But this point of view is also considered incorrect, since during the bearing of a child a woman can get sick or, and conditions that interfere with the normal course of pregnancy are not excluded. It is impossible to avoid taking medications in such cases, so I would like to dispel doubts about the harm and benefits of certain medications.

All drugs prescribed during pregnancy are classified into two large groups:

  1. preventive group. It includes vitamins, micro and macro elements. All these drugs are prescribed to the expectant mother with a preventive purpose to prevent the development of complications of pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus.
  2. Medical group. It includes drugs prescribed for various diseases, such as colds and thrush.

Drugs prescribed for prevention

Let's take a closer look at this list.

Folic acid

This substance takes an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, that is, the formation of new blood cells. Deficiency in the body leads to - a condition dangerous during pregnancy.

In addition, folic acid performs the following functions:

  • blocks the formation of malignant cells;
  • restores muscle tissue;
  • takes an active part in the formation of DNA structures, that is, is responsible for genetic information;
  • participates in the laying and subsequent development of the nervous system of the unborn child;
  • participates in the formation of the vascular bed.

During pregnancy, vitamin E prevents mutations at the gene level, promotes healthy cell division of the embryo. Taking the recommended dose of vitamin E at the planning stage of conception and in early pregnancy prevents the formation of pathologies and deformities in the unborn child, contributes to the normal formation and development of the fetal respiratory system. Vitamin E also prevents and regulates the functionality of the placenta.

Vitamin E can be purchased under the trademarks Vitrum and Zentiva (Slovakia).

Calcium and vitamin D

Magnesium preparations

Magnesium deficiency in the body increases the excitability of muscle muscles. During pregnancy, this can provoke, which will cause a threat of miscarriage. Violation of the muscle muscles due to a lack of magnesium in the blood also provokes the development of convulsions in the muscles of the lower extremities.

What drugs can be taken during pregnancy to prevent and compensate for the lack of magnesium, the gynecologist will tell you. Usually it is (Russia) and (France).


Iodine deficiency in the body of the expectant mother primarily negatively affects the formation and functioning of the fetal thyroid gland. With the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the child's thyroid gland begins to work independently, but for this she needs iodine. With its deficiency, hypothyroidism develops, which is dangerous and a decrease in his mental abilities in the future (up to the birth of a child with cretinism).

Also, a lack of iodine during pregnancy leads to complications such as anemia, deafness and short stature of the unborn child. Regular intake at the stage of pregnancy planning up to its logical conclusion will help to prevent all these problems. Just 1 tablet of Iodomarin 200 per day guarantees the necessary balance of iodine in the body.


It is an antiplatelet agent that reduces blood viscosity, improves microcirculation, and increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections.

Indications for the appointment of Curantyl during pregnancy:

  • lag in the physical development of the fetus;
  • increased blood clotting, thrombosis;
  • signs;
  • decrease in immunity.

Usually, expectant mothers are prescribed the drug Curantil 25.


Duphaston and Utrozhestan belong to the same group of drugs.

Indications for their use in expectant mothers:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • and fetal membranes;
  • deficiency of progesterone in the body.

Often expectant mothers have a question - which is better: Duphaston or Utrozhestan? It is impossible to answer it unambiguously. The advantage of Duphaston is the immunostimulating effect, besides, it is convenient to divide the tablets in half. But Utrozhestan is used vaginally, which is relevant during. Duration of reception in both cases depends on the course of pregnancy. Usually, drugs are prescribed up to 16, less often up to 22 weeks of gestation.

Drugs prescribed for therapeutic purposes

Pregnancy puts a serious burden on the female body, for this reason, its resources do not always cope with certain adverse factors, so the expectant mother can get sick. What drugs can be taken during pregnancy without fear for the health of the baby? Let's consider in more detail.

Cold remedies

Treatment of a cold comes down to combating the symptoms of the disease and normalizing the well-being of the expectant mother.

With an increase in body temperature, you can use antipyretic agents based on. It can be both the drug of the same name, and medicines based on it under the brands Panadol, Kalpol. Cannot be used during pregnancy to relieve fever.

If the nose is stuffy, then the mildest and safest remedy is oil-based nasal drops. Also, in the fight against a runny nose, washing with sprays based on sea water - Aqualor, etc.

Symptoms of a sore throat will help to eliminate antimicrobials in the form of Chlorhexidine spray,.

Cough in expectant mothers is effectively treated with drugs based on ambroxol - Lazolvan, Coldrex-broncho, ACC.

Despite the fact that these drugs are approved for use by pregnant women, in case of a cold, it is recommended to contact a doctor and not self-medicate. Sometimes a cold is complicated by a bacterial infection, which requires an appointment. That is, before taking any medication, you need to consult a doctor.

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period in a woman's life. On the one hand, the expectation of a baby is filled with bright emotions and joy, on the other hand, it is accompanied by concern for the health of the future son or daughter. The most intense experiences, as a rule, are associated with the onset of pregnancy. In the first trimester, an active restructuring of the female body takes place, its adaptation to a new position, the embryo itself is rapidly growing and developing. At this time, he is more vulnerable than ever: stress or adverse effects can easily provoke.

That is why pregnant women are sometimes wary of routine medical examinations and procedures - they are afraid of harming the baby. However, for his own good, it is necessary to keep the situation under control and carefully consider what is prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy. During the examinations, parents receive a detailed picture of the health and development of their crumbs from the very beginning of his life, which will help to avoid many problems in the future. In addition, a comprehensive examination is important for monitoring the condition of the woman herself. The purpose of our article is to tell what tests future mothers take and what vitamins are prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy.

Read in this article

Timely medical examination - for the safety of the health of mother and child



In the first trimester, women undergo the following blood tests:

  • general;
  • for blood type and Rh factor;
  • biochemical;
  • on the level of glucose;
  • to detect HIV infection;
  • to detect hepatitis B and C;
  • on the Wasserman reaction (diagnosis of syphilis);
  • for TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, etc.);
  • coagulogram (determination of the level of blood clotting);
  • to detect anemia (anemia).

Those registered not only take tests in the early stages of pregnancy, but also visit an endocrinologist, therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist, neuropathologist and other specialists as part of the medical examination.

In addition to the above types of studies, doctors also prescribe prenatal biochemical screening, known as the “double test”, for a period of 10-14 weeks. The expectant mother is invited to donate blood for the hormones beta-hCG and PPAR-A, this procedure allows you to determine the risks of developing congenital pathologies in the baby. In a number of diseases (Edward's syndrome, Patau's syndrome, etc.), the level of specific substances in the blood rises, and a specialist can judge the degree of risk of having a child with a defect. However, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based only on biochemical screening data. Additional measures are required - invasive diagnostics and ultrasound.

What vitamins are especially important in the first trimester?

Calcium is necessary for the growing fetus for the development of the skeletal system, nervous system, heart, muscles (1500 mg per day). This trace element is found in dairy products, cabbage, and many berries. To prevent its deficiency in the body, expectant mothers are prescribed drugs such as calcium gluconate tablets, calcium active, calcium D3 Nycomed. Eating fresh, vitamin-rich and nutritious foods by a woman is the key to a successful pregnancy and a quick return to good shape after childbirth.

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