The status of broken love is gone. A selection of statuses about a broken heart

You broke the love in my heart
Trampled my soul mercilessly.
Now I don't want to love again
Too bad you don't get it, okay.
Still I won't be alone
Each one of us is to blame
But I've always been waiting for you.
Too bad we can't get it all back...

Quotes Paulo Coelho. Excerpts from the book "Alchemist": We accept this or that truth only after we first reject it with all our soul; there is no need to run away from ... wars, once begun, do not end for a long time, for Allah is for both. The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same. And ours will remain the same love. When you love, everything makes more sense. The driver then wanted to know what these exceptional circumstances are, under which the Lord allows you to find out ...


Much more often than in past centuries, and this pleases, there is hope that all the same love and good will overcome evil and cruelty. Inner understanding and application of the true qualities of human love and love... by talking about the lofty”… The desire to comprehend the feelings and principles of Cosmic Love is a criterion by which one can determine the vector and level of development of civilization. Love Cosmic - for many, unfortunately, little is known from the practical side: and this is humility, and independence, and acceptance, and ...

Focused on one person, and can be focused on the universal. If it is focused on one person, then it is called love if it is focused on the universal, then it turns into a state of prayer. The state of love is as natural as breathing. If only... by me." If you obey, you will become dead. You cannot say: "Love only in my presence." There is no monopoly on love. All this does not mean that we must love everyone, but we must be in a loving state of mind. What is it like...

Inflict the most terrible pain on a person. Only the one who gave him the most happiness can...

Sometimes you want to become a child, because only now I understand that broken knees heal faster than a broken heart...

I want to break your heart into pieces, just like you once did ...

Why invented love? If after it it is difficult to glue the heart ....

Tears? No, it's rain. Painfully? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They are not clear to me. Memory? You won't erase it. Heart? Do not glue broken. Thoughts? They are all with you. The senses? You can't change them...

Having once paid with acute pain for the joys of love sensations, we are so afraid of new sensations that we wear a condom in our souls ...

Have you ever had your heart broken? - Yes, they broke, glued and broke again. - But honestly? - And to be honest, it is very difficult to live with a glued heart ...

You know, it's better to die from your absence than from the pain caused by your round-the-clock indifference...

The most cruel thing is to leave without explanation, to leave silently, leaving a person alone with hundreds of razor-sharp questions in his head, to which only you can answer.

Well, that's all .... not the same anymore ... already different ... my life was divided into two parts - before you and after, when you no longer need me ...

Drink coffee, smoke... And forget... Forget, at least for a while, what love is...

I was cruelly deceived when they said that love is a bright and kind feeling...

If I had one single wish, I would wish to return to the past - to the place where you still loved me.

Statuses about broken love - The heart will beat, breathing more and more often - love is the sweet flour of suffering ... You say: "I love", and he hides his eyes and declares cruelly; "we're just friends".

Lonely... painful... scary... but he doesn't care anymore...

In recent days, I want to cry all the time, but to spite you, I continue to smile ...

No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past...

Every day is torture without your smile... My heart is broken into pieces by you...

I'm not crying - only my heart hurts! It's hard to take the pain away! This is because the one who was supposed to understand did not understand anything!

The eyes are red, the hair is not combed, the T-shirt is black with mascara, the heart is broken and even cigarettes do not soothe.

You and I - we were never one, but when you left, I was overcome by the feeling that half of me was cut off.

They are our hearts to smithereens, and we their brains to smithereens!

I was your beautiful rose, you warmed me in cold winters, watered me in hot summers, you valued me. And then what? I froze in the cold, I died under the scorching sun. What now? The bud withered, the leaves fell off, only sharp thorns remained.

When you drop a glass or plate on the floor, there is a loud thud. But when a heart breaks, it breaks silently. Inside, everything is torn from a scream, but no one hears it.

I'd rather break my knee than you break my heart. Wounds on the body heal much faster than in the soul!

What I got from you - in the broken heart of the wound. Your crazy love seemed too strange. Your world is so careless, I'm just in vain in it. Everything turned black and white because of you.

The heart is broken in half, and in the heart there is only pain and rubbish.

He managed not only to melt my icy heart, but also to break it...

Statuses about broken love

Greetings, the theme of this issue is a quote about broken love with meaning. The first phrase will be: In the syrup of compliments, ego flies hopelessly stick. Yuri Tatarkin

It's easy to play with a girl's heart when she loves, but that's the meanest meanness.

A girl definitely needs someone to love, otherwise she will hate everyone Jared Leto

Love is a delusion that one woman is different from another. G. Mencken.

Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls, which opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank

Everyone has such places that it is impossible to forget about, if only because the air there remembers your happy breath. Erich Maria Remarque sad quotes about love ...

From deep childhood I love greenery, - Until now, I am almost indifferent to the ruble.

You need to live and be a man, love will come, but don't lose yourself in it!

Amor Dei intellectu?lis - cognitive love for God.

Love is a lamp that illumines the universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust. M. Braddon

A woman loves a man because he loves her.

Love is a man's attempt to be satisfied with one - the only woman.

Lovers inspire, lovers feed. T. Kleiman

They say love kills lies. But frankness kills her faster.

You are my dream! You are reality, my sweet fairy tale!

In relation to those you love, you should not always be right. J. Itye.

Love is eternity given in time. G. Malkin

Everything else is unimportant ... When your favorite miracle is waiting at home and a man with whom you want to live forever!

It is impossible to be satisfied enough with the love of one's neighbor in God! On the contrary, one can soon complete the path, one can soon be satisfied and fed up with love for one's neighbor, when the object of love is only man. The fire of love requires a lot of food in order to be constant and multiply. When God feeds him, he incessantly strengthens, there is no limit to him; but when it is left to man to nourish it by himself, the food for the fire will soon be scarce, the fire will grow dim, extinguished.

Don't forget about yourself in love!

Whoever wants to enter the path of love, let him take care of himself in relation to all people, whether they are good or bad. Reverend Isaiah

We mentally return to the first love in order to end the last.

Women harass men simply because they are harassed by other women. Mahabharata, V, 33

To love your neighbor as yourself, to sympathize with him in joy and sorrow, to feed, clothe him if he needs food and clothing, to breathe with him, so to speak, the same air - consider it just as ordinary as feeding and warming yourself, and do not think as about virtue.

Everyone dreams of getting the kind of love they don't deserve.

Today, love often begins at first sight and ends at the second. Przekrui

Two parallel lines fell in love with each other. Tragedy! Przekrui

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that, without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love. M. Gorky

There are no such people who, having ceased to love, would not begin to be ashamed of past love. François de La Rochefoucauld

Without trust, there is no true love.

Love is full of paradoxes. After all, only love can be the most banal feeling in the world, to which, nevertheless, properties called new are constantly attributed, although they still remain old.

In love, woe to the vanquished!

Who stopped loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive

How often the affections of the heart keep us on a short leash. T. Kleiman

I have heard so many times about people who die of love, but in all my life I have not seen one of them actually die. M. Valois.

ra odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem - anger breeds hatred, agreement feeds love.

I remember your hands, lips, and with a shudder I dream of feeling them again!

To live badly, unreasonably means not to live badly, but to die slowly.

Love is the meaning of life.

He who has experienced great love neglects friendship; but he who has squandered himself in friendship still knows nothing of love. J. La Bruyère.

If old love doesn't rust, why does it begin to creak? T. Kleiman

Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love grows, prudence decreases.

The relationship of true lovers is like agate, a beautiful and durable stone described in legends.

To love means to stop comparing. Bernard Grasse

Lust, desiring to become a religion, invented love. Natalie Clifford Barney

It is possible to love your neighbor in no other way and not before every self-love, every pride is trampled in our heart.

Only in Russia they call their loved ones ... Woe is mine!

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a petty soul cherishes the spirit of hatred. Booker Tagliaferro Washington

Always statuses about a broken heart are distinguished by sad content. Love knocks on the heart, and then ruthlessly leaves. In the life of every girl, either an unrequited feeling or rejected love happens.
Often the feelings of a guy are not as indestructible as the lady of his heart would like. The first betrayal usually gives birth to gloomy statuses about a broken heart. Without a doubt, these are always bitter lines. In such a state, the young ladies think that they will never be able to fall in love, that their heart has broken, and the fragments have scattered around the world. Surviving and forgiving betrayal is hard, especially in youth. At such a time, wonderful, but very sad poems and works appear.
Statuses about a broken heart are a great way to express bitter feelings that torment the soul and heart. Probably, everyone in an unfair life is lonely and bitter. By setting a sad status on a social network, a person can find such indispensable support at a difficult moment.

When you break someone's heart, don't say they don't have a soul. After all, he no longer has a heart, nothing will prevent him from becoming soulless.

No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past ...

In the end, each of us will understand our mistakes: and you will understand that you were a fool, and I will understand that I was with a fool.

It's annoying when you make a mistake in a person, but it's even more annoying when you were warned in advance.

In the end, it’s worse for him - I just lost my unfaithful lover, and he lost the woman who loved him!

You came up and asked me for a phone number? - I gave it. You wanted me to be your girlfriend? - I became her! Wanted to break up? - We broke up ... Do you want to make peace ?! - That's it, dear, your three wishes have come true, free!

When you love for a long time, they stop noticing it. When you forgive for a long time, they start using it. When ready for anything - they simply stop appreciating. And only when you leave, they begin to understand how dear the person was, whom it is too late to return ...

We all used to be sweet, kind, naive... until love taught us to be different...

"Let's be friends" - as if a photo of a parachute would help a falling person ...

It hurts, my heart said, you will forget - time has calmed, but I will constantly return - whispered memory!

Once in the morning it becomes all the same ...

I'm weaning. I don’t wait, I don’t endure, I don’t forgive. I don't kill, I don't miss. I'm just getting used to it...

I wish that girl with whom you will wake up in the morning, so that every morning she hears how you call her by my name ...

February 14 is a holiday after which it is not the head that hurts, but the heart ...

Selling a heart, inexpensive, used, the “love” function is broken by a previous user…

When a guy throws, do not forget to shout after him: "Look, do not wipe your knees when you crawl back!"

That's how it always is! You tell him: "Don't call me anymore!" And you sit and wait for his call ...

It hurts - not scary. It's scary - when it doesn't hurt anymore.

Statuses about broken love with a sense of sadness, but sometimes you can’t do without it. Remember that in most cases, a well-chosen phrase can significantly change the situation ...

When only fragments remain

  1. Think, girl, can your fragile heart withstand such an early love?!
  2. I hope that I have time. Time to live for yourself and love the world. Without you.
  3. If everything will be in a new way, then do not hope for forgiveness or mercy.
  4. Yes, now I want to tear with my teeth scraps of paper with lines about you. But someday this will pass...
  5. Yes, you were good. Apparently, these sufferings and have to pay.
  6. We didn't succeed. It sounds normal, but inside everything is torn...
  7. I would love to have an ordinary button that would end all my suffering.

When there is no choice

Finding your soul mate is not an easy task, but successfully ending a past relationship is even more difficult. Convince yourself of this with the help of statuses in VK about broken love.

  1. I am ready to endure even separation, knowing that you are waiting for me somewhere ...
  2. I used to wait so long for your hand, but now I will never give you mine.
  3. I've always been so protective of you, and you didn't even bother to say anything when you left.
  4. I'll pick up the pieces tomorrow. Today I will lick my wounds with wine and friends!
  5. And, you know, it all came down to it. Too much bad attitude from you!
  6. We parted ways when the first snow fell. I don't cry anymore, I start a new life.
  7. From love to hate - a bunch of unread messages.

Forget the taste of his kisses

Statuses about broken love for a guy will make you breathe much more evenly. In these lines you will find absolutely everything for total peace of mind!

  1. Once I so wanted to know everything about you, but now I am glad that every day I forget more and more!
  2. It is much easier for me to believe in fate. Now it seems to me that she deliberately took you away from me.
  3. I hate the digital age. Because there are social networks, and I still find out who your current girlfriend is ...
  4. Your departure allowed me to see clearly and understand what kind of narrow-minded guy I met.
  5. Girls, dear, take care of the guys, quarrel with "friends" in time.
  6. Pictures with the new girl? Yes, expose as much as you want, in response I will not hang myself on the first comer!
  7. Long live diet, sports, books, cultural leisure. Time will get rid of the superfluous, including the person.

Towards vows you're not going to keep

A man is defined by how he behaves in a relationship. These and other nuances are in VK statuses about broken love.

  1. Thank you for saying everything at once. It hurts me, but you're right, it won't hurt anymore.
  2. Life without love is not life. Living in unhappy love is a crime against yourself.
  3. He didn't tell me that I was the one and only. He left, and only now I realized it ...
  4. Everything will pass, everything. Even love. But the meanness committed by you will forever remain in my memory.
  5. Let's beat the dishes, sort things out and even say hurtful things. But please, don't be silent!
  6. Life is monotonous and the same. Calm, if not for the hurricane in my soul ...
  7. Everything has outlived its usefulness, everything has lost its color. Every night I drown in tears.
  8. Perhaps I will delete you from my life, but I will not remove you from my friends.

It would be nice to never remember

Statuses about broken love for a girl will teach you not to give up. After all, even behind the endless veil of sad thoughts there will definitely be a gap.

  1. You left and seem even more beautiful. But so be it, get it to someone else!
  2. Say whatever you want, I agree. I see the whole truth in your eyes!
  3. I fell in love with you in a minute. It's just a pity that you have to forget for years ...
  4. I immersed myself in training, work and play. Everything not to be in empty rooms and not think about you!
  5. I would give anything in the world to disbelieve that one day you will return.
  6. We're just random people in each other's lives. It's time to come to terms with it.
  7. I'm leaving, but I understand that I will remember the moments we lived together for the rest of my life ...
  8. You are the reason for my life, your repentance is now my goal.

It's time for loneliness

Are you ready to do whatever it takes to get your ex back? Do not despair and read sad statuses about broken love. They will help you realize that the best is yet to come.

  1. It's time to change tastes. It's time to change your beliefs. It's time to cut ties with people who don't need me.
  2. I wonder how many days it will take to forget the one who swore eternal love?
  3. Yes, you hurt me. I sincerely hope you were the last...
  4. You said that our love would end in marriage, but it ended in my loneliness.
  5. Your love is like poetry without words. Does not exist.
  6. I am glad to know that I have a chance to build a happy life. After I finally erase you from my life.
  7. I need time to cry. It takes time to get through. And I'm not going to hide it!
  8. In principle, every quarrel spoke of your impending betrayal ...

Take care of true love, do not offend people who have become close. But never let others treat you badly!
