Statuses about envious people. Statuses about envy: is it really so bad

I must be strong to the envy of all. And still should be beautiful for the evil of others. Regardless of everything, I must say that I feel good so that others do not rejoice.

Be silent about your happiness. Envy, whatever it is, can break any happiness. The couple may not be. And all because of the "goodwill" of single friends.

The world will explode when you and I are finally within lighter range. We will be together for evil. Let your friends envy, because we are perfect.

You can only fully trust the hatred of enemies, because the flattery of friends can be hypocritical and hide true envy.

A real friend will never envy.

Always remember: even the best friend can turn into an enemy. Most often this comes from your happiness and her loneliness, from self-interest and inability to enjoy the happiness of others, from envy and anger.

You know, I don't want to be your girlfriend, even though I love ... It's just that sooner or later we will part and possibly become enemies. I won't be able to see you and I'll die... I'd rather be the best friend for you... Better...

Never make excuses! Your friends don't need it, and your enemies won't believe you anyway...

What is love, I do not understand in any way. Is it happiness, or is love the enemy...?!

Keep your friend close and your enemy closer...

I know that you are not a friend, not an enemy, with pain, with pain every step ...

It is better to be the object of envy than compassion.

You need to live in such a way that your parents are proud of you, your friends hold on to you, your soulmate loves you, your enemies die of envy, and everyone else stupidly admires you.

Though envy and bad feeling but I envy those who have real friends.

Enemies are sometimes more loyal than friends. Friends will always step aside if you don't need them. Loyal enemies will never leave you!

Don't trust your enemies worst case they will kill you! Don't be afraid of friends best case they will betray you! Fear those, with silent and indifferent consent, of whom betrayal and crimes take place in the world!

fighting for the truth, no matter what the advantage is on the side of the enemy, the truth is the advantage ...

you didn’t understand me when you were my girlfriend .. you will understand, maybe becoming my enemy!

After some time, a letter arrives from a friend from the army: “We are taught here to remove snow and boil potatoes. So if the enemy attacks, we will clear the way for him and prepare food for him.”

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them more.

There is no compliment more sincere and eloquent than human envy.

It is very difficult for beautiful girls to have a good reputation. They are always talked about badly because of envy.

The easiest enemy is the one who comes at you with his fists, the most dangerous is the one who swears allegiance.

Sometimes it seems that the people most devoted to you are your enemies, they are always there in difficult times.

Is it possible to give the enemy morning exercises instead of dinner?

Never complain about fate. For what? You will upset your friends, you will please your enemies, but you will not help yourself ...

Three persons reign in the world, their names are envy, hatred and malice.

If a friend suddenly becomes your enemy, if your thoughts are in the form of smoke under the ceiling and your family is a notebook, a pen and a microphone, then forget about everything, everything else is a background. (c)

In this life, everyone has made a mistake at least once .. everyone has loved unrequitedly at least once .. everyone has their enemies .. after all ideal people does not exist

No passion bewitches a person like love or envy. – F. Bacon

Yes, I have enemies, but they are just empty-headed losers who envy me.

You need to forgive enemies so that they cry!

Envy is one of the unpleasant feelings of a person, which is caused by irritation and displeasure with the success and well-being of other people.

If you have no enemies, then happiness has turned away from you.

most dangerous enemies best friends, for only they know all our weaknesses

Thank you, life - you make me wiser! Thank you, enemy - you make me stronger! Thank you Muses for not leaving me... Music, thank you for playing again...

with his problems, alone with himself ... at the bottom of his heart, keeping his longing. clenches his fists and repeats “I can.” so often whispers “I hate” to him. he is not yet an enemy, but not a friend anymore. ... from city to city she is alone

Explain what happened to us - do not lie. Why today we are almost enemies. Why am I losing your love? Are you playing with me or am I with you? I can’t understand myself. Why do I love you so much. Do you want me to unlearn you remember? Do you want me to cry, as spring cries ...

“Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.”

I envy those people from whom I steal statuses ... you are brilliant, damn it!

I'm not offended, I draw conclusions. I don't have enemies, they have me. I have my own opinion, which I will not refuse. I have principles that I adhere to. (c)

True friendship knows no envy.

From best friend to nemesis, there is only one handsome guy.

A friend is someone who is comfortable with your successes. Without envy, flattery ... simply and sincerely ...

The best revenge is oblivion, it will bury the enemy in the ashes of his insignificance.B. Gracian

Forgive your enemies, but write down their names just in case

Everyone sticks to me: your friends, friends of your friends, but only YOU do not pay any attention to me ..

Friends make life happy, enemies make life interesting.

Love is not your friend and not your enemy, but only the way ... take care of it!

if someone decides to attack Russia, then we will win anyway, because when they see our roads, the enemies themselves will surrender

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends. Lion Feuchtwanger

Sometimes, in this world the most tender feelings mixed with dirt. Most loving girlfriends turn out to be traitors, the most cynical scoundrels turn out to be vulnerable princes. Our best friends turn out to be our worst enemies!

Before you gossip about my life, take care of yours.

The enemy of the enemy is not always your enemy, just as each other is not always your friend.

An unreasonable feeling of hatred is a well-founded feeling of envy!

I would not like to pre-register for either hell or heaven: the fact is that I have friends both there and there

Just love. What happened to us, explain - don’t lie. Why today we are almost enemies. Why am I losing your love? Are you playing with me or am I with you? I can’t understand myself. Why do I love you so much. Do you want Will I forget how to remember you? Do you want me to pay ..

You can't love anyone but your enemies. They are so funny! All the time they strive to substitute the bandwagon and swear all the time when I jump over it! =).

The best way for a man to make an enemy is to invite a girl to remain friends!!

Honore de Balzac.

God bless you From every bad weather, From an evil tongue, Sudden misfortune. Keep you from pain, Betrayal, illness, From a smart enemy, From a petty friend, And God grant you, If it is in His power, Health, for long years, Love and lots of happiness! Christ is risen

And let everyone envy me, go through the forest, I'm happy! 🙂

Nothing invigorates so much as the envy and rage of others who have a little more bust and a little less brain.

I throw flowers at my enemies... in GRABU -2

You can't love anyone but your enemies. Damn, they're so funny! All the time they strive to substitute the bandwagon and all the time they swear when I jump over it.

Only former friends can be the greatest enemies. They know all your weak points. (C)

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.

All the trouble that your worst enemy can say to your face, nothing compared to what your best friends say about you behind your back. / Alfred de Musset /

There are no friends here. There are only enemies here. Fake smiles. Envious glances.

I appreciate true friends. I hate lies and envy. I don't think I do. I recognize mistakes. I try to fix them. I treat people the same way they treat me

Envy is one of the stimuli of dreams.

Most often, envy arises in relation to people of the same circle.

Only those who have good self-esteem and no feelings of envy can be friends with me.)

Envy will die. But envy - never!

Friendship based on envy contributes to the disorder of the nervous system.

A coffee shop, hot chocolate and milk - she herself is the person with whom it is easy for her ... not to break away but not to get closer, she whispers to him more and more often - I HATE. he is not an enemy and not a beloved friend, but the sound of his voice, her favorite sound

The worst enemy is doubt. Because of him, we lose what we could have gained, but did not even try!

Envy is the ability to see the virtues in others.

Don't waste your time being jealous...

It is very difficult for beautiful girls to have a good reputation. They are always talked about badly ... out of envy!

If you want to defeat the enemy, become him. © SiluyaNova

Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the Bible says, "Love your enemies."

And the oyster has enemies!

Envy is competition.

If a friend suddenly turned out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but so ...

I’m walking, walking now on my own and not an enemy to you and not a friend to you ... my love was lost ... she left - she didn’t return, but I stayed ...

Never turn special attention for criticism or praise. They can crap out of envy, but praise out of pity ...

if you want your password not to be cracked by your enemy, put his name ...

"Envy torments and torments itself."

Are you jealous? Envy silently!

True friendship is when the message “I got sick” comes back to you “What are you, OHRYNELA ??”!

I don't have enemies, they have me. I have my own opinion, which I will not refuse. I have principles that I adhere to. I do not smile at people who are unpleasant and uninteresting to me. I don't try to please everyone. I am the way I am.

Girls, do you remember the old computer game sims 2? Who else created their enemies with terrible scum, and then mocked them?: D

Envy and pride is when you see someone cool status, but you don’t specifically click “I like” 🙂

No one is as prone to envy as people who are self-degraded.

This morning I woke up, brought coffee, sat on the windowsill ... And a clear thought came to me: “I happy man". Oh yeah. God gave me everything that many people only dream of. beauty. Willpower. Money. healthy parents. Mind. Future. Freedom. Sobriety mind

Better to be an honest enemy than a fake friend...

Sympathy can be obtained, envy must be earned ...

Our fear is the source of courage for our enemies. (c)

He is not an enemy and not a beloved friend, but the sound of his voice, her favorite sound. (C)

Envy those people who sit in the ass, dreaming of achieving the same as you!

There are many feelings and emotions that a person sometimes cannot control. More often these are negative experiences that destroy the person himself and negatively affect his relationships with people. Among these is envy. Understand own feelings statuses about envy can help. And for those who are envied, understand how to relate to such a phenomenon.

Statuses about envy of girlfriends

  • "A lot friendly relations killed jealousy."
  • "Worse than the silent envy of a friend, there can be envy and flattery in the eyes."
  • "The envy of enemies is a reason to be proud of yourself. - a reason to doubt friendship."
  • "If girls envy each other, it's competition, not friendship."
  • "Friends are not tested by grief, but by success. It is much easier to sympathize than to be happy for another."
  • "Envious friends are the most hypocritical people."
  • "Being friends with envious people is like living on a powder keg."
  • "Most often, a girl is jealous not because her friend is prettier, but because her boyfriend thinks so."

Status pro and gossip

  • "Envious people are always in bad mood. After all, they are upset not only by their failures, but also by the successes of others.
  • "Envy is like trying to fit into someone else's shoes. It fits well on the other person, but it's too tight for you."
  • "They usually envy the result obtained. But no one is envious of the ways in which this result is achieved."
  • "Envy tends to exaggerate. It is merciless in its judgments."
  • "Only those who have no interest in their own tend to gossip about other people's lives."
  • "I really want gossips to communicate exclusively with each other."
  • "A person who is talked about behind his back should feel like a star. Because he is remembered!"
  • "If other people's gossip hurts me, then someone else's opinion is dearer to me than my own."
  • "An honest man hates to hear gossip."
  • "Envious people live in constant tension."

Statuses for those who are envied

A person who is envied may also experience discomfort. Communication with a person who manifests this becomes less trusting. How to relate to the fact that you are envied? Statuses about envy will help.

  • "Envy is a sign that we are more successful."
  • "I always feel sorry for those who envy me. After all, they humiliate themselves by this."
  • "I love it when they envy me. This means that I am happier than them."
  • "How to explain to envious people that someone else's success should be an incentive for them to change something in their lives?"
  • "I perceive envy in my address as flattery."
  • "What can make us more popular than someone else's envy?"
  • "I'd rather be envied than pitied."
  • "A beautiful girl is often said to be spoiled. They say out of envy."

funny statuses

In order for envy to be less destructive for a person, for her, as well as for everyone negative manifestations character, can be treated with humor. funny statuses about envy will help with this.

  • "Say hello to my envious people! I'm fine, I will continue to sponsor your hatred."
  • "All envious people should remember - the rich were the first to be on the Titanic."
  • "Thanks to your envy, my page traffic is growing every day. Thank you!"
  • "Another's wife is always prettier and better at cooking."
  • "Do you want to keep the conversation going and remain friends? Talk about the bad. Otherwise, you won't get envy."
  • "Deleted the page in social network. At first everyone asked what happened, then they were surprised and, finally, they became jealous."
  • "They say you need to buy three things at once: one for yourself, the second for your husband, and the third - for the envy of your friends."

Statuses about envy can remind you that each of us has negative emotions. Everyone experiences this feeling at some point. And this does not always mean that we bad people. It is much more important to understand why this is happening? Perhaps the issue is own insecurity in yourself, eradicating which, it will be easier to get rid of envy of other people and enjoy your own life to the fullest.

What is envy? In many dictionaries, you can find a definition that is consonant with the following: this is a feeling of hostility and hostility towards other people's successes or popularity in society, a privileged position. The destructive nature of this quality was noted by Francis Bacon: “He who cannot equal his neighbor tries to get even with him, while damaging his well-being.”

The prevalence of destructive feeling

It's safe to say that this feeling is one of the darkest and most diabolical. This is reflected in many statuses about envy. “When they can’t outdo, they try to spit” - this is the most apt expression, reflecting, alas, the real state of affairs for many. The poor envy the rich, the old envy the young, the losers envy successful people. However, one who envies someone else's success and well-being forgets that much is given to a person through long and serious efforts. Of course, one can argue that youth is given to people "for nothing." But even here there are no excuses for envious old people - after all, they also had their young years, and it depended only on them what to spend them on.

"The envy of others is proof of your success." Such a status about envy is suitable for those who are tormented by people around them who are not able to be indifferent to someone else's success. Such people not only cause trouble for their more successful and wealthy friends, but also torment themselves. It is very unpleasant when something that was given by such hard and long work becomes an object of envy for someone. No wonder so popular in Lately became statuses about envy and gossip. “Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial,” writes Paolo Coelho.

Formation of envy

Annoyed about someone else's success, a person begins from childhood. After all, it is from there that the psychological roots of this problem grow. This unpleasant feeling becomes more and more persistent in those children who do not receive enough love and acceptance from their parents. For example, a mother may constantly tell her daughter: “Oh, what a good daughter with Aunt Masha. Such a beauty helps her in everything. ” Especially such comparisons become unpleasant in adolescence and adolescence when the development of personality begins. As a result, the child becomes energetically dependent, because he does not receive confirmation of his own value from the outside world. Every day he hears only negative assessments addressed to him.

Different views on the phenomenon

For a page on a social network, such a status about envy is also suitable: “The best wealth is indifference to what others have.” Indeed, if a person is indifferent to the wealth of a neighbor, it is much easier for him to go about his business and accumulate his own property. Envy is understood by psychologists ambiguously. Some believe that this feeling includes an element of competition, and therefore it can even be useful. Others emphasize that this experience is destructive because it involves suffering because of the thought that someone has certain benefits. Many statuses about the envy of people are consonant with this opinion: "Happy is the one who has learned to admire, not envy." Still others are sure that envy is a feeling of hostility towards others. Researchers in this category are sure that the described quality is a sign of pettiness of character, limited consciousness, simply a vice.

The emptiness inside breeds annoyance

And here's another one apt status about envy: “Who does not have own life, he always interferes in someone else's. It is impossible to more accurately describe the character of an envious person - he is not only empty inside himself for lack of love, but he cannot build his own real life. Such people do not value their own time, because they do not have a favorite thing to do, otherwise they would count every minute and would not waste this treasure on gossip.

Statuses about envy and gossip - The best way express negative emotions. In addition, your message will immediately be clear to the offender.

About the truth of life

  1. No need to envy anyone. You have something to put in order anyway. And right now.
  2. How difficult it is to approach a person and just say what you like about him and what you don’t. And how easy it is to discuss all this behind your back.
  3. I love being envied. It means that they are interested in me. But everything has its limit.
  4. If people are discussing you, then rest assured: they will definitely mention your personal life. Just calm down.
  5. Each of us loves gossip, but how terrible it is to find out that someone was discussing you. Even if it's a completely unknown person.
  6. Dear "grandmothers at the entrance"! Before spreading gossip about me, please check it with me.
  7. Yes, you understand. Your discussing my personal life doesn't make yours any better.
  8. Weather, admission, work, a new series, clothes - see how much you can discuss instead of washing my bones.
  9. If you dream about something, and boldly go to your dream, you will be fine. But at the same time, you need to try not to pay attention to gossips ...
  10. Do you know why you should only say good things about yourself? Because everything bad about you has long been said!
  11. Do you know what is the worst thing in life? beautiful girl? The fact that even if she is single, she is still credited with 150 lovers.
  12. We will never change gossipers, no matter how hard we try. The best we can do is to accept this fact.
  13. The funniest thing is that I know who started the gossip. And even funnier is that I absolutely do not care.
  14. I immediately stop gossips, even if they are not talking about me. Because I will leave, and then they will definitely talk about me.

Gossip heroes are not only beautiful and happy

If they gossip about you, then you are on the right way. Nevertheless, the status of “envy of people” is still worth establishing.

  1. I don't want to know if your smiles are false or not. I just want to live the way I live now.
  2. You can envy me all you want. But only silently, please, silently.
  3. We can confess to anything, but not that we gossip. But it's not that we're jealous.
  4. Have you ever heard the phrase about gossip girls and fly? Well, it's still relevant today!
  5. When I'm jealous, I think: what else can I do to get at least the same thing. And you do it.
  6. You know, I'll give you a birthday present. Book. So you know what to do instead of discussing me.
  7. Being unhappy is unprofitable for others: then you start to envy a little bit.
  8. Many great things are considered abnormal. Who are considered? First of all, losers.
  9. Why slander others? Yes, because it’s easier than just thinking about how useless your life is ...
  10. Joint washing of bones is often confused with friendship. That's how it is with us.
  11. Don't rate me. From school age you left a long time ago, and judging by your intellect, you don’t really look like teachers.
  12. And you know, if a person feels good, he doesn't care about gossip. He begins to notice them only when things go downhill.
  13. I look at some people and I understand: you don't have to be me to know how I'm doing.
  14. If people say bad things about you behind your back, you are worth something.

The worst thing is that someone can trust gossip

The status about envy with meaning makes you look at the world in a completely different way. Surprise yourself and your friends!

  1. Don't be offended by gossips. Maybe for someone it last chance feel better.
  2. And let's just wish happiness to all envious people. Then maybe they'll get tired of being jealous.
  3. Envious people lack logic. If your life is bad, improve it. No need to watch someone else instead.
  4. You can say whatever you want about me. But gossip always leaves dirty traces!
  5. But I'm not afraid of envy. By envying me, you increase my self-esteem, and worsen yours even more.
  6. Whatever it is, don't be shy. Anything interesting, just ask. But there is no need to spread gossip.
  7. Like it or not, gossips are friends with gossips. WITH smart people they just have nothing to discuss.
  8. I respect my choice, so even if we part, I will not say a single thing about you. bad word. Too bad you think otherwise.
  9. Envy is disrespect for yourself. This means that a person is absolutely not important to his own person and reputation.
  10. How interesting to discuss someone's choice. Especially when there is no way to make your own.
  11. Most strong man- one who understands that they will always gossip about him, and who takes it calmly.
  12. The less others know about you, the more, oddly enough, they have more gossip.
  13. White envy is also envy. So be careful with people.
  14. Your soul will always be spat upon as long as you allow it. However, it is never too late to change something.
  15. As you can see, I can forgive a lot. But I shouldn't forgive gossip behind my back!
  16. The envy of enemies is a common thing. But the envy of a friend is what kills.

If you want to delicately hint to gossips that they are wrong, use these statuses!

The most painful sin is envy. Immediately there is resentment, condemnation, anger. All this gnaws at a person from the inside and deprives the most important feeling. Deprives the ability to love.

If you want to be envied, then shout about your success, put your life on display. If you especially like to shock such people, most likely you are the same as they are.

I no longer share my feelings with best friend. I protect my love from prying eyes. I just learned what jealousy is.

Envy is dislike. This is when you hate the happiness of your neighbor. This is when you expect him to fail.

Best Status:
To overcome envy in yourself, do not compare your successes with the successes of other people. Observe yourself in the present compared to yourself in the past. Rejoice in your own movement.

It is impossible to fight an envious person. No matter how things turn out for him, he will believe that others are better.

All envious people must be fed with a toad that strangles them. Cut into pieces and fry. Submit the skin separately.

Walk the path of success with confidence. But know that envious people will not be measured.

There are two kingdoms in the world. Where love reigns, there is my place. Where Hate rules, let the envious people be fried there.

There is no need to look with envy at happy people ... they will not become less happy because of this .... but at such a moment you can overlook your happiness ...

Envy finds a justification for itself, if only malice refers to the distribution of goods, and not to those who possess them or distribute them. – R. Descartes

Envy is proof of your own insignificance.

… human envy is, first of all, the desire to change places in life…

Pretty girl having enough parental love and spoiled so much that the consequences are already irreversible, has a special talent to spoil the mood of other people.

Envy is the sister of competition, consequently from a good family.

Envy not only makes the heart ugly.

Envy attacks the highest virtues and spares mediocrity alone. — Gaston de Levis

Many take every shilling in someone else's pocket as a personal insult.

Discuss, hate quietly, you will still smile at me in the face, do not burn yourself, I will know your weakness - envy.

People always hate whoever is better than them.

Envious and stupid people can never understand the motives behind which outstanding minds act; therefore, as soon as they notice a few superficial contradictions, they immediately seize on them. - O. Balzac

Where there is unfounded hatred, there is always well-founded envy.

People often boast of the most criminal passions, but no one dares to confess to envy, a timid and bashful passion. — Francois La Rochefoucauld.

Nothing can calm an envious person. – L. Vauvenargues

Invariably envious are those who, out of whim and vanity, desire to succeed in everything at once. They will always find someone to envy, for it is impossible that many do not surpass them in at least something. – F. Bacon

Let's enjoy what we have, without going into comparisons; he who is vexed with the happier will never be happy.

Envy is the jealousy of self-love.

Envy, so to speak, is devoid of self-interest. It does not arise from the desire to possess. On the contrary, it is the desire that someone else should not have something. Its goal is to take it away and destroy or at least reduce its value or value.

What a woman won’t say or do in the world, especially when it comes to the beauty of another woman!

Envy never knows a holiday. – F. Bacon

The size of a tower is measured by the length of its shadow, and the greatness of a man is measured by the number of his envious people.

There is not a single vice that would so harm the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only grieve themselves, but also darken the joy of others. – R. Descartes

Envy can blind the mind. – A. Jami

To her acquaintances, she gave the impression of a person whom everyone should envy, and at the same time she wasted her energy on trying to live up to the image that she created for herself.

Envy loosens tongues, while admiration binds them. - O. Balzac

If envy were accompanied by a fever, the whole world would shake.

Envy breeds discord among people. – Democritus

Elbows bite when arms are short.

Nothing is more annoying than the ability of others to relax!

A person is ready for a lot to arouse love, but he will do anything to arouse envy.

The envious person is sad either because he himself has suffered misfortune, or because someone else has been lucky. – Bion

I bring to the attention of every envious person who traces my life: Yesterday I was presented with 33 roses, just soooooooo.)))))))))) And hello to the toad, which will soon show up to crush each of you in turn)

Envy is to the mind what pain is to the eye.

If you don't want to suffer, don't be envious. (Unsur al Maali)

An envious person causes grief to himself, as if to his enemy. – Democritus

When anger is enraptured, it is called envy.

Those who speak in the back have always been there, and will remain there.

The body of the little people is covered with clothes, and selfishness and envy - chatter about wonderful feelings. Manage to tear off the rags and here they are in front of you, naked and obedient.

He who knows only his own affairs finds little food for envy. – F. Bacon

envy, my dears, is when you visit my page more often than yours ...

Envy is an enthusiastic malice.

The purest joy is the gloating that we feel when we see the misfortune of those we envy.

Envious people die, but envy never.

She is not alone in her illness. If envy were accompanied by a fever, the whole world would shake.

Our envy is much larger than other people's money.

Of all the passions, envy is the most disgusting. Hatred, betrayal and intrigue march under the banner of envy. – K. Helvetius

And they amuse me. I like to see their puffed up faces, green with envy and malice. Don't take my fun away from me, Rosalyn...

Envy usually seeks to destroy what the other has.

The main cause of hostility between people ... is envy.

Neighbors New furniture. Today I will come to choke you. Signature: Toad.

Nijo Castle in Kyoto - It was not built by the shogun because the shogun lived or intended to live in Kyoto. The emperor lived in Kyoto, exactly opposite the shogun's new palace, and was very jealous. This is the whole purpose.

I was always glad to sympathize with the joys of my neighbor.

Someone else's envy is the best consolation.

Envy knows no holidays. – F. Bacon

Envy is such a special sense of justice. There are two types: selfish and selfless. Selfish - I want me to have it too!, selfless - I want him not to have it!

Curiosity is the most reliable cure for envy: having penetrated the outer veil, you always find that there is nothing to envy.

Envy is poison for the heart. – Voltaire

Envying the good, you can become good yourself.

Those people jump on you who, seeing you have a bucket of shit, will demand to give them half.

Envy does not know how to hide: it accuses and condemns without evidence, exaggerates shortcomings, elevates an insignificant mistake into a crime. She attacks the most undeniable virtues with dull fury. – L. Vauvenargues

The feeling of envy does not let you relax, you don’t like that I got up, and you are in the ass?!

Hatred - active feeling discontent, envy - passive. It is not surprising that envy quickly turns into hatred.

Those who loved you before your success will not love you after your success. People do not forgive glory and success.

Her [envy's] goal is to take it away and destroy it, or at least reduce its value and value. Overwhelmed by envy, we most of all wish someone to lose something.

At heart, people are the same animals. They just can't be tamed. They often commit rash acts ... and regret it all their lives. People are being overwhelmed dangerous emotions: greed, anger, lust ... and the most terrible of them is ENVY.
