Vampires in real life facts. Do vampires really exist in real life: facts, evidence

No matter how ridiculous superstitions legends about vampires and ghouls may seem to modern man, such a phenomenon exists in reality! And its basis is the same multidimensionality of a human being. For example, too hasty a funeral can lead to the fact that an imaginary dead, but in reality a person who has fallen into a cataleptic state, wakes up already being. As Helena Petrovna Blavatsky wrote about this in Isis Unveiled, “As long as it has not completely freed itself from the physical, there is a possibility that it can be returned to the physical body by the force of magnetic attraction. Sometimes the astral body may be only half gone, while the physical body looks completely dead and is buried.

In these cases, the horrified astral body is forcibly returned to its physical shell, and then one of two things happens - either the unfortunate victim will begin to writhe in deathly throes from suffocation, or, if it was deep-material (i.e., soulless), she becomes a vampire. Two-body life begins; and these unfortunate buried cataleptics maintain their miserable lives by robbing the life-blood of a living person from their astral bodies. The ethereal form can move wherever it pleases; and as long as it does not break the thread that binds it to the physical body, it is free to wander, wander around, visible or invisible, and feed on human victims.

In her book, Blavatsky cites the opinions of other people about vampirism, in particular Dr. Pierart, who, arguing with his contemporaries about the reality of the existence of vampires, wrote: “You say - blind prejudices? After so many facts, so often verified, must we say that they no longer exist and that they have always been unfounded? Nothing comes from nothing. Every belief, every custom, springs from the facts and causes that give rise to them.

If no one had ever seen how in some families creatures appeared that took the form of a friend of the deceased and came to suck the blood of one or more people, and if the death of their victims from exhaustion did not follow, no one would ever go to the cemetery to dig up corpses; and we would never witness the incredible fact that corpses are found that have lain buried for several years, with their eyes open, pink complexion, flexible body, mouth and nose full of blood, and when decapitated, blood flows from them in streams.

In a French cemetery

The facts of the existence of vampires, not so distant from us in time, were cited by A. Haydock in his book “Rainbow of Miracles”. The incident described in this book took place in Shanghai around 1937. A Russian emigrant in China, due to unemployment and poverty, got a job as a policeman in the Russian Company of the Police Department of the French Concession. In the service, he became an eyewitness to the incident, which he described as follows: “... I was not on duty and rested in the barracks at the post Zhorf, which was located next to the French cemetery along Zhorf Street,” the policeman said. - Unexpectedly, we were alerted and sent to cordon off the cemetery and not let anyone in there. And for some reason there were many people who wanted to get to the cemetery. We soon found out the reason.

But you should first explain what orders reign in the French cemetery. The deceased on it was only a temporary guest. As we know, Shanghai is built in a swampy area. The ground in the cemetery is damp, half a meter from the surface - water is already seeping through. Therefore, a waterproof concrete box is first lowered into the pit and then a coffin with the deceased is placed in it. The climate in Shanghai is hot and damp - the dead there decompose very quickly. And the land here is expensive, because after 16 years the graves are torn off, the bones of the deceased are thrown away (I don’t know what they do with them, they probably burn them) and the place is sold for a new guest.

As it turned out, on the day we were placed in the cordon, a grave was dug in which the corpse, after 16 years of being in the damp and hot land of Shanghai, was not only not decomposed, but it had grown long nails and hair. The news of this quickly reached the population of the nearest streets, and the curious, in groups and singly, rushed to the cemetery. That's why we were called into the cordon.

I made my way through the crowd of curious people to the grave and saw what I already spoke about. The coffin was pulled out of the grave and placed next to it. The face of the woman in it looked like a living, sleeping one. The hair of this woman grew and reached such a length that it spread over her legs. The long fingernails were twisted and looked like a corkscrew. She could have been about 45 years old. I was horribly impressed by her regrown long nails.

In general, I hate to look at the dead, they inspire disgust in me, so I did not look at her for a long time, and the crowd of onlookers crowded me. Moving away, I started talking to those around me, and already through them I found out what was happening with the deceased. They said that they brought a stake; aspen or not - I do not know. This stake hit the deceased in the chest. It was said that the deceased let out a heavy sigh. After that, together with the coffin, they loaded it onto a kamion (that was the name of the small truck serving us) and took it somewhere.”

Vampirism - how it happens

Of course, the fact that vampires exist raises many questions. Some of them are given by the clergyman Calmet quoted in Isis Unveiled by Blavatsky: “The main difficulty is to find out how these vampires can leave their graves and return there again, without the slightest disturbance of the layers of the grave earth? How can it be that they are seen in their ordinary clothes; how can they appear, walk and eat?

If all this is just imagination on the part of those who think they are being molested by vampires, then how can one explain that when the graves of the accused ghosts are opened, the corpses are found to have no sign of decay, they are fresh, full of blood and juices? How to explain the reason why their feet are dirty and covered with dirt the day after the night when they appeared and frightened their neighbors, when nothing like this can be found in other corpses buried in the same cemetery? And why does it happen that once they were burned, they never come back? And why are these phenomena so frequent in this country that it is no longer possible to dissuade people, because, instead of dissuasion, experience makes us believe in them. (H.P. Blavatsky. "Isis Unveiled")

Although, all the incomprehensible facts associated with vampires can be easily explained if we remember the multidimensional nature of the human being and the characteristic properties of the astral and etheric bodies of a person. Dense objects of the material world are not obstacles for the ethereal, especially for the astral forms of matter. A subtle body is able to freely pass through the lid of the coffin and the layers of earth in the cemetery. Another thing is a trace of dirt on the feet of the dead after their nocturnal wanderings. Is it real? It turns out yes. There is a process of the so-called disintegration of matter, or, in other words, dematerialization.

The astral body of a vampire is in a disembodied (separated from the physical body) state, but is capable of acquiring a condensed form visible to a living person. He needs such a compacted state in order to feed on the blood of living people - if we talk about vampirism by absorbing the blood of living beings (apparently, there is more often the so-called energy vampirism, in which not blood is stolen from people, but vital energy, and for which the vampire does not be sure to take a compacted form).

Having done its terrible work, the densified astral of the vampire must dematerialize in order to merge again with the physical body lying in a coffin in a state of catalepsy. At the same time, the particles of earth preserved on his feet are able to dematerialize together with his densified astral, passing through the earth and the lid of the coffin, just like the blood stolen from people. In the coffin, the physical substances brought by the vampire's astral body to their abode materialize again, since the physical body needs blood in a physical, and not a dematerialized, state.

A. Haydock in the book “Rainbow of Miracles” mentioned by us wrote on this subject: “... a certain object can be turned into a scattered cloud of atoms, which, by the tension of thought-will, is directed anywhere by the operator. Such a cloud easily passes through walls and other obstacles, and as soon as the operator stops volitional tension, the cloud of atoms takes on the former form of the object.

This explains the materialization of objects, since some possess to a large extent the ability to disintegrate. There is a known case when, in a tightly closed room where a seance took place, freshly picked flowers and twigs from trees suddenly appeared with raindrops on them.

Of course, the phenomenon of vampirism, having become the subject of folk legends and beliefs, was largely embellished with folk fantasy and overgrown with many non-existent and chilling “artistic details”. So, in folk legends it is said that if a vampire sucked someone's blood, his victim will also turn into a vampire - in reality this is not at all the case. A vampire's victim can die of starvation if the vampire starts visiting regularly - that's right. But even a person who has been attacked by a vampire does not have to turn into a vampire himself.

How to destroy a vampire?

It is believed that it is possible to destroy a vampire by driving an aspen stake into his chest - in reality, this is far from always effective. The main reason for vampirism is the preservation of the magnetic connection between the astral body and the physical shell. In some cases, such a connection can be broken by causing significant damage to the physical body, in others this is not enough.

The real panacea for vampires is the cremation of the corpse, since in this case the astral body willy-nilly is freed from the physical and it no longer has the task of supporting the existence of the latter in such a terrible way that terrifies people. In the end, it should be noted that the bloodsucking vampires were much less common than. In most cases, vampirism consisted of the astral bodies of vampires stealing life energy, not blood, from living people. Lying in a coffin in a state of catalepsy to the physical body of a vampire, the stolen energy was transmitted through the same magnetic connection that exists between the biological and astral bodies.

In custody

Be that as it may, as a consolation to contemporaries, it is only possible to say that in the current state of medicine, the phenomenon of blood-drinking vampires, most likely, has already sunk into oblivion or is close to that. Cases of premature declaration of death in our time are quite rare, the bodies of the dead before death are embalmed and quite often cremated (which, by the way, is the best way to destroy the discarded biological shell). So even low-spirited people who fell into catalepsy before moving to another world, in our time, do not face the terrible fate of becoming a vampire.

Vampire legends have a huge history. Even in ancient times, people were afraid of the night, so as not to meet with bloodsuckers. Today, many are interested in the topic of whether they exist in our time or is it just a myth. The excitement is fueled by modern books and films that describe this topic. There are many different centers in the world that are engaged in the study of bloodsuckers.

Do vampires exist now?

According to current information, modern vampires are vastly superior to the ancient bloodsuckers, who were depicted as terrible creatures with claws and sleeping in a coffin. There is unconfirmed information that each country has its own vampires, which differ in appearance, hunting method, etc. For example, American vampires are living people who turn into bats at night. Only girls who died from violent death can become Chinese bloodsuckers. Vampires in Greece have legs like a donkey and only drink blood from a dead person.

Renowned scientist Stefan Kaplan has spent his entire life trying to figure out if vampire humans exist, and he's managed to make quite a few discoveries in this area. Experiments and numerous expeditions made it possible to find out that vampires live among people, and they cannot tolerate sunlight, but with the help of a cream they solve this issue. They feed on blood, but to quench their thirst it is enough for them to drink only 50 mg several times a week. Vampires can drink animal blood, but they really don't like the taste of it. Kaplan claims that vampires exist in our time, but they look like ordinary people and do not know how to reincarnate. In addition, vampires are kind and they can create families and lead a normal one. Many believe that these are not bloodsuckers, but simply people with psychological disabilities. In fact, it has been proven that their thirst for blood is a physiological need.

Understanding the topic, is it true that there are vampires, it is worth mentioning the bio-vampires, who have the power to penetrate the human energy field and take energy from him. Many have met people in the modern world who provoke others in order to bring them to emotions, thereby obtaining the desired energy. As a result, they feel cheerfulness and peace. People who are drained of energy feel bad, and this also leads to health problems. In general, at the moment there is no officially confirmed information about whether vampires exist now, so it's up to everyone to believe in bloodsuckers or not.

Probably, each of us, after watching numerous feature films, wondered: do vampires really exist or not? And, as a rule, we reassured ourselves with the answer that all these are inventions of the authors of fantastic works, and in real life vampires do not exist. However, we are all deeply mistaken. (website)

In real life, vampires exist, however, they do not wear black cloaks, as they do, and they try their best to keep silent about their existence. It is not surprising - who wants to be in the center of attention of modern society as an object of persecution or as a guinea pig.

Real vampires feed not only on blood, but also on the energy of living beings (usually human). They believe that it is simply vital for them. And often, volunteer donors go out of their way to supply blood if the vampires need it. Such a shocking diet, according to many, allows vampires to recuperate and improve declining health. Real vampires don't really need to be interested in the legends of their ancient kin or vampirism in modern culture in order to somehow identify themselves. They are afraid of public opinion and do not want to be classified as stereotypical images of vampires with subsequent condemnation and "witch hunt".

Real vampires can be of different religions, different races or ethnic groups, have different gender or sexual orientations, professions and ages.

Why real vampires hide from people

Real vampires are also afraid of being classified by doctors as people with obvious mental disorders with subsequent forced treatment. Modern society simply will not accept vampirism as something normal and will accuse the representatives of this social unit as vicious and incapable of educating or fulfilling other social roles in society. Moreover, people can accuse vampires of any crimes that the latter did not commit, which will attract the wrath of society and excessive attention from law enforcement officers and psychiatrists.

Many scientists today are calling on doctors, including psychiatrists, to treat real vampires the same way they treat other people who represent alternative identities. After all, most vampires are not able to make a choice regarding their alternative status, because, in their own opinion, they are born with this and try to integrate into society as comfortably as possible without harming others.

Evidence that vampires exist

The incredible popularity of vampires in recent years (although books and films have been written about them before) is pushing scientists and doctors to study this phenomenon more carefully. Vampirism takes its origins in Eastern Europe, by and large in Poland, where reports of people drinking human blood appeared very often. But in order to distinguish truth from fiction, modern man needs evidence, facts.

The search for evidence of whether vampires exist in real life was taken up by the world-famous scientist Stefan Kaplan back in 1972, when he organized a center for the study of vampires and the search for evidence of their existence in New York. And Kaplan very quickly found real vampires, who turned out to be ordinary-looking people, but with some peculiarities in behavior and nutrition. Here are the conclusions he came to:

  • vampires really do not like sunlight, so they use sunglasses and special sun creams;
  • in real vampires, the nails do not turn into claws, but fangs of the most ordinary sizes;
  • vampires are not able to turn into other people or animals;
  • real vampires actually drink blood, but one shot of 50 mg three times a week is enough to quench their thirst;
  • real vampires do not show aggression, being, as a rule, good parents and friends;
  • in the absence of human blood (which donors share with them voluntarily), vampires drink the blood of animals, although in terms of taste, such blood is significantly inferior to human blood (this is said by all vampires who have been studied by scientists).

Vampires exist or not in real life - now you can answer this question yourself. Yes, they exist, but their appearance and behavior differ significantly from the stereotypes known in modern society. Real vampires are people with an unusual physiological (and not mental, as many believe) need for the use of human blood. Scientists have proven the existence of vampires in real life, but dispelled many myths that have haunted people who drink human blood for centuries. What do you think of vampires?

Today, the vampire is one of the most trending characters. The popularization of these beautifully dangerous entities is greatly facilitated by serials and gothic subcultures. Admit it, have you ever wanted to meet a vampire in real life? Nothing is impossible.

Do vampires exist in real life?

American researcher John Edgar Browning claims that thousands of people regularly consume human blood. He devoted a lot of time and effort to studying this topic and even agreed to become a donor to one of his "experimental" - which you will not do for the sake of science.

As it turned out, in our time, the use of someone else's blood is not a tribute to fashion trends and not satanic. People with such unusual eating habits call themselves "medical vampires". They are forced to take a couple of tablespoons about once every few weeks.

This is the only remedy that helps them avoid extremely unpleasant and sometimes life-threatening symptoms: acute attacks of headache, weakness, stomach cramps. During an attack, blood pressure approaches the lower critical level, with the slightest physical activity, for example, an attempt to get up or at least rise, the pulse quickens to 160 beats per minute. Only a timely portion of blood can save from another attack.

Where do they take it? No, they do not roam the streets at night in search of victims, donation is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis. Agree, with a request to donate some blood you will not turn to the first person you meet, you need to find a person whom the vampire could trust.

The procedure for obtaining blood resembles a medical one: the skin is wiped with alcohol, a small incision is made with a scalpel, then the wound is processed and bandaged - no fangs and bites in the neck. Browning was even a little disappointed when he found out that the vampire seemed "tasteless": he preferred a pronounced metallic taste, apparently, there was more iron in such blood.

Medical vampires do not suffer from mental disorders and do not find anything romantic in their features. They would be happy to be rid of their need, the search for donors, the need to hide their illness and especially the recipe from the public, but they seem to have no choice. Official medicine is not aware of such a disease, and, therefore, no cure is provided.

Do they exist in Russia?

The fact that to date only American scientists have given the problem of vampirism its due does not mean that the habitat of vampires is limited to the territory of North America. Most likely, a certain percentage of such people are present in every country, including Russia. Let's try to digress from US everyday life, make allowances for close and familiar realities and imagine how a Russian vampire lives.

We'll have to face the brutal truth: many of them are forced to kill. Almost everyone, sooner or later, finds himself outside of society due to a nocturnal lifestyle.: It is problematic for a vampire to have a permanent job and to renew lost or expired documents in time. Thus, vampires should be sought out in asocial circles.

The criminal environment with its rigid hierarchy and strict norms of behavior is alien to the vampire. However, he can act as a loner outlaw. There is a version that a vampire could be behind serial killers such as Chikatilo. Knowledge of psychology helped to identify a performer with the necessary inclinations, such as low self-esteem, a thirst for greatness, an unstable psyche, and suggestibility.

It is easy to convince such a person that it is a holy cause to clear the city of prostitutes, and when caught, he will try on the laurels of Jack the Ripper with great joy and take on all the unsolved murders committed in the district. The series of murders in the same region did not stop after the arrest of the maniacs. It is quite possible that the reason for this is not the aggravation of the followers, but the systematic work of the vampire on the new performer.

Youth hangouts are no less attractive environment for a vampire. He will not attract unnecessary attention among colorful role-players, and deviations in behavior are easily forgiven for him. There are also drugs and fights, and, as a result, accidents. Not necessarily fatal, just damage to the skin is enough. Who then will believe the informal, who has not been seen sober for a long time, that one of his comrades drank his blood?

The vampire likes the profession or the image of a freelance artist, because this is an occasion to invite pretty girls to the studio as models. Then it's a matter of technique: to charm, hypnotize, intimidate, in order to force them to give their blood to the point of complete exhaustion. A similar incident happened in St. Petersburg: another victim was saved by a guy in love with her by killing a vampire.

A vampire can find refuge among the gypsies, where they do not ask for documents, do not delve into the details of the biography, and in some families the ancient cult of the bloody Indian goddess Kali is still alive.

Evidence of Existence

Modern vampires are united in closed groups. Unlike medieval secret societies, they deal with much more mundane and pressing issues: from the exchange of donor coordinates to independent research work.

In everyday life, members of the group try not to be different from ordinary people: among them there are lawyers, waiters, teachers and doctors, many of them are very successful. Almost none of them are interested in vampire films, as they do not identify with fictional characters.

They have to keep their peculiarity a secret: no one wants to be branded a pervert or a monster. Many fear more serious consequences if they are known to drink blood, such as losing their jobs or parental rights.

However, they prefer to act rather than sit back: they collect and, if possible, analyze as much data as possible about their disease, in order to then provide information to scientific and medical centers. In this case, there will be a chance that an alternative remedy for their disease will be developed. At the very least, the problem will receive an official name, and it will not have to be hidden from others.

The vampire community has already managed to achieve some results in America: scientific institutions of different states are interested in some of them, the first studies of an unusual disease are being carried out. One of the first patients was a 37-year-old resident of Atlanta, who, having become a "bloodsucker", won asthma and began to feel much better in general.

Over the past few years, several publications about vampires have appeared in such authoritative publications and major media as Critical Social Work and BBC Future.

Publications are devoted to the existence of quite adequate people suffering from this feature of the body. The articles present the results of a few studies so far and comments from experts - researchers at Texas and Idaho State Universities, who are not indifferent to the problem of vampirism.

For example, it was possible to establish that this disease has a slightly different nature than that of the well-known physicians. porphyria - a rare pathology that leads to a deficiency of red blood cells and the breakdown of hemoglobin. External manifestations have much in common with the description of mythical vampires, perhaps they served as the prototype for numerous legends.

The most common myths that vampires are afraid of ultraviolet light and can not stand garlic are well founded: direct sunlight burns thin skin, and garlic exacerbates symptoms. In its advanced form, porphyria leads to deformation of the joints - characteristic crooked fingers, darkening of the skin and hair, reddening of the eyes from conjunctivitis, atrophy of the lips and gums, visual lengthening of the incisors - vampire fangs, which also sometimes change color, acquiring a reddish tint.

Among the symptoms recorded mental abnormalities, which are not observed in medical vampires. Cases of lethal outcome account for 20% of the total number of patients. Fortunately, this is a fairly rare disease: one such diagnosis per 100-200 thousand people (data varies). There is an opinion that Count Dracula himself, or rather, his prototype Vlad Tepes, was one of the carriers of the disease.

With the light hand of Bram Stoker, Dracula became the most famous vampire of all time.. His prototype, Vlad III Tepes, is highly revered in Romania today as a governor and ruler. However, this name evokes twofold feelings: he was also famous for his incredible cruelty.

Tepes in translation means “impaling” - eloquent evidence that his enemies did not know mercy, they were expected by a slow painful death. According to some reports, the ruler liked to eat near dying victims.

The name Dracul - "son of the dragon" went to him along with the title and throne by inheritance from his father Vlad II, the pronunciation of Dracula gained popularity during his reign in the 15th century.

There were other frightening facts in his biography: Dracula kept countless treasures in the ground and under water, none of those who delivered the treasures to the burial place remained alive. So did the warlock sorcerers who made an alliance with the devil.

Due to circumstances, Dracula switched from Orthodoxy to Catholicism, in those days there was a belief that an apostate turns into a ghoul. The ominous reputation was preserved for the governor even after: there were rumors that the body disappeared from the grave without a trace.

Today it is difficult to say for sure where is the truth and where is fiction. It is known that incest - one of the causes of genetic pathology - was common among noble people. Dracula had almost unlimited and uncontrolled access to blood, it is possible that he also used it for magical rituals.

It should be noted that porphyria also remained unrecognized for a long time, only in the middle of the last century, scientists began to take it seriously.

The scientific world calls on society to be tolerant towards modern vampires, draws attention to the conscious and ethical behavior of group members. Mutual trust will help research aimed at finding a cure for this little-studied disease.

Question, do vampires exist, worries people since ancient times. In the folklore of every nation there are references to these creatures, but there is no exact data on when they appeared and what role they played in the life of mankind. At present, it is difficult to say which country became the birthplace of vampires, and where this bloodthirsty creature originated, but legends often point to Eastern Europe. Despite the fact that mankind has reached certain heights and intellectual level of development, it never ceases to remember vampires and very often uses this image in cinematography and literature. This fact testifies to the ongoing interest in evil spirits and the search for an answer to the question, do vampires exist.

In modern perception, bloodsuckers are not those terrible monsters that come out of the coffin at night and terrorize the human race. In many films and TV shows, there is an image of a loving or courageous creature that protects its loved ones and even people. Why there have been such changes in the perception of vampires, perhaps their appearance in real life has become so rare that a person has ceased to be afraid.

Do vampires exist in real life?

All the legends and secrets that are associated with vampires have interested many people and turned the bloody image into a cult. Now there are many followers of vampirism who imitate the image and behavior of their "idols". As a result of this, interest in the movement not only does not subside, but, on the contrary, flares up with renewed vigor. Along with this, many questions arise. ? Who saw them? Is it possible to meet a vampire in real life? Do they live among people or form a separate community?

Who are the Sanguinarians

Speaking of vampires, it is impossible not to mention the sanguinarians. Their existence indicates the presence of unusual people in society. Sanguinarians call themselves vampires, but this is not true. To live a fulfilling life, they must consume blood. Otherwise, Sanguinarians become sick and weak. These people cannot be called vampires. Most likely, we are talking about a mental or physiological illness.
Perhaps they are vampires from birth, or perhaps it is a desire to stand out. Blood cravings usually begin during adolescence and develop over time. "Awakening" is coming, and there can be no turning back. If we talk about appearance, then such vampires do not differ from a simple person. They live in society and do not kill everyone around to get enough and satisfy their needs.

Sanguinarians do not feed on blood every day. This may be once every two days or even less often. At the same time, they take their food not by means of murder, but by a completely legal way. Sanguinarians have slaughterhouses where the blood of animals is bought. A human product can also be obtained, but by mutual agreement and after medical examinations. There is no need to talk about supernatural possibilities in this case. They are completely absent in Sanguinarians, and only bloodlust makes them related to vampires.

Do vampires exist or is it incredible

We can say that all the information about vampires is very contradictory and diverse. Their real perception was formed on the basis of romanticized images from films and literature. There is no need to claim that the authors saw vampires with their own eyes and painted portraits from the original. All the heroes of science fiction films are endowed with moral principles, emotions and life stereotypes of a person. In fact, vampires are not people, but supernatural beings who do not have the traits attributed to them.

Vampirism can be called a means of subsistence and an opportunity to survive. In this regard, we can conclude that in the world of evil spirits, vampires are not the most numerous and powerful creatures. A person can only guess what role these bloodthirsty creatures play in the world of the supernatural, and why they capture the minds of people so much. To the question do vampires exist, one can answer with confidence, yes, but the format of their life is very far from the understanding of an ordinary person. Even geniuses will not be able to comprehend everything connected with otherworldly forces and their manifestations in human life.

Do vampires exist: a digression into history

At a time when people did not have the opportunity to communicate with each other, since the distance between cities and countries was insurmountable, myths and legends about the presence of strange humanoid organisms in the world appear. They are all described in the same way, but have different names. In these names, horror and disgust for these creatures are read. Chinese and Aztecs, Persians and Europeans describe vampires with the same tenacity, defining their common features.

Surprising is the fact that during the excavations of vampire burials in different parts of the world, exactly the same signs of their killing were found. It can only be associated with conditions that are directly related to vital necessity. Evidence of this fact are the finds of archaeologists. In most cases, all facts about these excavations are classified. This is due to the fact that everything unknown and difficult to explain should not excite the minds of ordinary people. Nevertheless, such finds exist, and this should be taken for granted.

People, wondering if vampires exist, often come up with a negative answer. However, many firmly believe in the magical power of psychics, clairvoyants and palmists. The question arises why, and how did the bloodsuckers deserve such injustice?

Modern prospectors put forward the version that creatures with porphyria could be mistaken for vampires. At the same time, the existence of such a disease is called into question. It is possible that it appeared not so long ago and is a consequence of bad ecology and GMOs. In addition, vampirism is not a disease. Rather, it is a different form of existence, about which a person only guesses and knows nothing for sure.

question do vampires exist, the well-known thinker and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau asked. At the same time, he argued that it was their history that was the most real of all existing ones. What led him to such an opinion, we can only guess.

What do vampires and humans have in common?

Touching on the topic of vampires, we can say that humanity was cruel enough to them. It is worth remembering the times of the Middle Ages and the courts of the Inquisition. During this period, more than a dozen witches, sorcerers and, not surprisingly, vampires burned at the stake. At the same time, the word "bonfire" is rather a figurative expression. The methods used against vampires were completely different. They were shot with silver bullets, their hearts were pierced with aspen stakes, their heads were chopped off and the body dismembered. Then there was no question whether vampires exist. People came up with various communities and joined secret organizations that fought incessantly against these peculiar creatures.

In response to this attitude, the vampires became more and more sophisticated in their cunning and trickery. They learned to disguise themselves as people so as not to fall into the court of the Inquisition and not pay with their eternal life for human fears.

From the foregoing, the conclusion follows: a person and a vampire are related only by the same shell, which for some is a given, and for others a means of disguise. Vampires are completely different creatures that cannot be characterized as good or bad. They are simply completely different from humans in terms of conditions and way of life, in nutrition and moral values, in abilities and perception of reality.

What do you know about vampires?

What vampires can do to a person and what kind of danger they pose, humanity can only guess, but it has an image that has been preserved from ancient legends. First of all, all vampires have a special pallor of the face and fear of sunlight, an insane thirst for blood, which pushes them to kill, and life under the cover of night. In addition, the main objects of human envy are the eternal life of these creatures, their supernatural abilities and, in most cases, external beauty. These three properties haunt many mortals. No wonder the alchemists developed the secret of eternal youth and beauty. Perhaps they took vampires as an example and envied their incredible qualities.

Do Vampires Exist: Finding Evidence.

Since for a vampire the main condition for existence is blood, then the attitude towards a person is appropriate. It is primarily a food source. A person also rarely regrets a cow that got him food.

Vampires - vegetarians do not exist, since this fact denies them as a species. As an answer to the question, do vampires exist, we can make the following arguments: every year in the world about two million people go missing. Only in Russia this figure is one hundred and twenty thousand. What is happening to these people? Are they not victims of bloodthirsty creatures?

Comparing all the facts, we can say that we are not talking about the total extermination of mankind, and the number of vampires is not so great, but they certainly exist and receive their food in the required quantity.
Despite all the indirect evidence of the existence of vampires, which doctors and philosophers, scientists and historians have worked on, there can be no exact and fully reasoned solution. But perhaps the hour is not far off when people will be able to say with complete certainty that vampires really live next to us. The only mystery is what kind of reaction this knowledge will cause in humanity, and what it will begin to do to protect itself.
