Remove pilling from clothes with a machine. Sandpaper and pumice

As soon as the unfortunate spools appear on the clothes, she immediately “moves” to the country house, is stored in the back of the closet or flies on rags. Removing the pellets is a long and thankless task. However, for a thrifty housewife, the problem of pellets simply does not exist: firstly, they can be removed (and bring the thing into proper shape), and secondly, they can be prevented.

Why do spools appear on your sweater, trousers, coat?

Any, even the most expensive thing, alas, is not immune from the appearance of spools, which are the first sign of "wear and tear" .

Main reasons:

  • Synthetic in fabric. It is worth noting that things made of artificial fabric are the least susceptible to the appearance of pellets. But natural and natural with impurities of synthetics, for the most part - on the contrary.
  • Illiterate care of things. For example, washing with the wrong means, in water at the wrong temperature, etc.
  • Long thread broaches of fabric. They can be seen with the naked eye when buying a thing.
  • Fabric friability(poorly twisted threads).
  • Intense tissue friction about any surface.

How to remove the spools and not ruin the thing?

As you know, problems are easier to prevent than to delve into methods for solving them. The spools - it seems, and are not a problem on a global scale, but they can spoil the mood. Therefore, we remember how to prevent or at least reduce the appearance of pellets.

  • We strictly observe the modes of wearing, washing, drying and ironing. That is, we read the labels on the clothes and select the desired washing mode, suitable products, etc.
  • We choose washing powder with special components, preventing the appearance of pellets (marking - "softens fabric fibers"). True, there is a minus: the smell of these components is not for everybody. And also you need to remember the nuances: you should take into account the compatibility of the product with the composition of water and the type of fabric.
  • For washing items prone to pilling, use gentle wash and conditioner.
  • We regularly clean things from pellets at the very beginning their appearance, and not when you just want to wave your hand and send the thing to the country. A couple of pellets are easier to remove than a couple of thousand.
  • Knitwear is washed exclusively at low water temperature(+ mode "delicate wash"). For woolen clothes, we use special detergents, a softening conditioner and a “hand wash” mode.
  • Do not twist, rub or soak knitwear when washing. And we iron only at the temperature indicated on the label (according to the composition of the fibers).
  • As for expensive things - It's best to take them to the dry cleaners.

How do you deal with pilling on clothes? Share your experience in the comments below!

After just a couple of washes, knots and spools appear on the elements of the wardrobe, which spoil the appearance. Most often they appear on jackets and sweaters in the armpits. On jeans or skirts, they form in the place where the bag comes into contact with the clothes (on the outer thigh). Clothes begin to look worn and untidy. It is impossible to escape from this scourge, even if you wear things with the utmost care. You need to know how to remove the pellets and return things to their presentation.

What things are prone to rapid "coughing"

In the process of wearing, pellets appear on any clothing, but there are exceptions. There are elements of the wardrobe that “cough” so quickly that you won’t have time to take care of them. These include:

  • Things that include a large percentage of synthetics. Non-natural fabric wears out very quickly. In the first days or weeks of wearing, nodules will begin to form in some areas.
  • Things that are not properly cared for. There are washing instructions on the label. Failure to comply with the temperature regime or washing with too aggressive means can lead to damage and the appearance of spools.
  • Sweatshirts or sweaters with a pile coating. The softer and fluffier the surface of the fabric, the faster the villi will begin to clump into lumps and nodules.
  • Armpits or pants in any thing. Most of the pellets are formed in the process of friction.

How to remove spools without harm to things

Clothes with formed knots immediately catches the eye. She gives her owner a sloppy, unkempt look. It is necessary to get rid of pellets on clothes immediately after their formation. The sooner you start to deal with the problem, the easier it will be to return things to a shiny look.

In the struggle for the beauty of a dress or sweater, you will be helped by:

  • specially designed machine;
  • Shaver;
  • adhesive tape or roller with adhesive tape;
  • sandpaper;
  • pumice;
  • scissors;
  • Toothbrush;
  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • black bread;
  • the rigid part of the textile fastener (popularly Velcro);
  • comb (comb);
  • special detergent;
  • dry cleaning.

All methods help to remove the nodules that have appeared on the tissue. Each of them has its own rules and contraindications.

special machine

Many have this device at home, but few knew its name. It is foolish to deny that this is the most convenient way to process fabric. The machine runs on batteries. Behind the perforated plate are sharp blades that, when turned on, begin to rotate rapidly. All knots, threads and pile, falling into these holes, are instantly cut off and sent to a special removable container.

Advantages of the machine:

  • there is no risk of damaging the material during processing;
  • suitable even for delicate fabrics (wool, cotton, knitwear);
  • inexpensive cost;
  • speed.

Cons of the device:

  • It is impossible to cut off large knocked down pellets on angora or mahair sweaters.

Recently, machines with the function of manually adjusting the height of the blade have appeared on sale. This helps to remove large knots from the tissue.


Before the advent of a special machine, this method was the most common. However, even now he has not lost his popularity. With the help of a machine, even large knots can be cut, but you risk ruining things. Yes, this process will take a lot of time.

The fabric must be stretched. Take an old razor and lightly "shave" the surface of the fabric from the bottom up. Since the fabric must be taut, it is easier to process small items (socks, gloves, hats).

It is better not to apply this method to thin tissues. One awkward move will create a big hole.


Choose paper with the smallest abrasive. You need to work very carefully so as not to hurt the fabric itself. Treat problem areas with light circular motions, and the spools will fall off on their own.

If you don't have sandpaper handy, you can use a pumice stone. Only artificial pumice will do. It is very rough, processing the surface of a sweater or pants will lead to a gradual “cutting off” of the formed knots.

This group of methods includes removing pellets using the top of a kitchen sponge. It is tough, with its help you can grind the threads of knots.


The use of scissors is not much different from the manual processing of things. This is a long process that requires extreme caution. Touching the fabric, you completely ruin your favorite wardrobe item. If you still decide to go this way, remember that scissors cannot cut knots from thin fabrics. The process is not so fast.


Scotch tape helps to collect pile on the fabric, which rolls into knots. It will not help to remove rolled pellets. Scotch tape or sticky tape can be used to process sweaters and other woolen products.

A small piece of tape or adhesive tape should be glued to the problem area, firmly pressed with the palm of your hand and quickly torn off. The method is effective in dealing with recently appeared small nodules.


The brush saves warm things made of wool (including angora wool) from knots. They are forbidden to be processed using any of the above methods, except for the use of a special machine. Take an old brush and run it along the fur. The knots will get stuck in the bristles and will need to be removed periodically. After the procedure, be sure to wash the item in a special detergent to restore fluffiness.

Black bread

At first glance, this option seems strange. You need to carefully cut a slice of black bread and dry it in the oven to make a hard cracker. Treat them to the problem area on things. In action, the procedure resembles sandpaper or pumice. You can easily process delicate fabrics (for example, T-shirts).


An effective way to remove the pellets is to use a textile fastener. In the people it is called "Velcro". It is often used on boots, slippers, jackets and sportswear. Cannot be applied to woolen items.

Attempting to peel off the Velcro will cause the threads to pull out. You can replace it with curlers from a similar material.

Comb (comb)

Find an old comb with fine teeth and “scratch” the rolled up thing with it. Nodules (especially if they are large) get stuck between the teeth. The method is simple and fast.

Laundry or dry cleaning

Home improvement stores carry powders or liquid detergents that soften fabric fibers. Many housewives, having tested these products, assure that after the third wash, the spools disappear on their own. This is one of the easiest methods to revive a thing at home.

If you are not limited financially, just take the item to a dry cleaner. In a couple of hours it will look brand new.

Try to take care of things in a timely manner so that the nodules that appear are removed without much effort. Buy natural fabrics, and you will rarely need to pick up a typewriter and other devices.

A beautiful appearance depends on many factors, including the condition of the clothes. But, it often happens that knitted items become unusable not because of a change in the color and texture of the fabric, but because their surface takes on a sloppy look. How to remove pellets from clothes at home and return an attractive and neat look to things? We will talk about this in the proposed material. Moreover, this can be easily done in simple ways using conventional improvised means.

What is needed in order to remove the pellets from clothes of a different plan? Much depends on the texture of the fabric and the degree of its hairiness. So, to remove the pellets from nylon tights and thin leggings, it is best to use tape or a special roller with adhesive tape. Here everything should be as gentle as possible. But you can remove the pellets from fluffy things with the help of an elementary comb with frequent teeth. It is enough to carefully comb the thing when wet.

But we will tell everything in order. And let's start with the simplest, safest and most modern way.

Technological progress to help you!

And the truth is, such a problem worries not only you, those people who have an engineering technical mindset are also concerned about it. If you choose lumps manually, then this occupation requires a lot of time, nerves and patience. It is akin to some kind of meditation and sooner or later just gets bored. It is quite natural that a special machine was invented to remove the pellets from any kind of clothing.

Here, as they say, technical progress will help you, but pay attention to the power of the unit and the possibility of switching speeds in its functionality. The more sophisticated the functionality, the less likely it is to damage the fabric through negligence and inexperience.

Removing the pellets is very simple - straighten the thing in a clean, dry state on a hard surface and drive the machine. It is equipped with a mesh that protects the fabric from cuts by knives inside. The collected garbage remains in a special container and can be easily removed. After processing, it is desirable to iron the thing with a steam iron.

How to remove pellets with improvised means - 5 processing methods

And now we will consider 5 ways of processing without auxiliary equipment. Let's start with the simplest. Sit comfortably, turn on your favorite TV program or series, arm yourself with patience and a plastic bag for collecting garbage and go. Handles, one by one, gradually remove the spools. It will take about 2 hours, depending on the degree of neglect of the thing. Difficult? Then we read on.

Method number two - how to remove the pellets with a razor, blade or other cutting object. Let's say right away that the method is not very safe for the health of clothes and the skin of fingers. Any careless movement and cut is guaranteed. But improvised means can be used carefully.

The secret of this method is that it is best to use a razor that has been used for its intended purpose and is slightly dull. This reduces the risk of tissue damage. You need to cut on a well-distributed and preferably stretched matter. With tights and socks, this can be done directly on the products worn on the legs. The method is not suitable for fleecy and fluffy things. Ideal for smooth knitwear, cotton and silk.

Method number three will require the participation of adhesive tape, adhesive tape or a special roller for cleaning clothes. Removing the pellets in this way is shown in detail in the photo below. The algorithm here is also quite simple: we straighten the product on a hard surface, apply the sticky side of the adhesive tape and press it. Then we remove it in the same way as wax strips are removed to eliminate unwanted hair. Suitable for things with a small amount of pellets. Not suitable for fluffy yarns.

The fourth way to remove pilling from clothes involves the use of pumice. With the help of such a device, you can easily and quickly remove all unwanted inclusions even on clothes that are already on a person.

The fifth way - take warm soapy water and a sponge with an abrasive surface. These are now sold in all hardware stores and are used for washing dishes. It has soft foam on one side and hard surface on the other. So she will help to remove pellets from clothes at home without the use of brute cutting force.

And a few more options

Finally, I would like to talk about some more ways that are not quite traditional. But a few more options won't hurt to broaden your horizons. So, we have not yet talked about fabrics with pile and made from fluffy yarn. So, to remove pellets from such things, warm water and a frequent comb or comb are needed. Wet the surface of the fabric and comb out carefully in different directions. It takes patience and precision.

In the absence of a typewriter, adhesive tape, sponge and blade, you can arm yourself with nail scissors and carefully cut off all the pellets that have formed.

All the described methods are good, but the most important thing in the operation of clothing is compliance with the rules of daily care. It is necessary to follow the washing regime recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use non-certified detergents. In this case, you do not have to look for information on how to remove pellets from clothes at home, because they simply will not appear.

In extreme cases, if the thing is really expensive, you can turn to the services of special dry cleaners. Trained professionals will safely remove everything you need - both stains and spools.

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Everyone wants to look perfect, so that you can say "dressed like a needle." If the thing is new, recently purchased or worn only a couple of times, then there should be no problems with its ideal appearance. But the favorite sweater, which is worn almost constantly in the cold, is quite difficult to keep in the reference state. Spools, hooks can appear on it, which give an untidy and unattractive look to the clothes and its owner. How to get rid of unsightly pills on clothes quickly and easily at home, read our article.

Why do pellets appear on woolen products

A quality item will keep its perfect appearance for a long time with appropriate care and respect. It is important to properly wash, wring, dry, straighten sweaters, knitted skirts and dresses, taking into account all the manufacturer's recommendations on the labels. But no matter how the thing is taken care of, sooner or later pellets form on it: they appear as a result of friction of clothing parts against other things, natural fibers begin to separate into separate threads, and thus these defects appear.

They quickly appear on the sleeves of sweaters, the back, children's tights, socks and spoil the overall look of the thing. Experienced housewives recommend starting to deal with pellets immediately after they appear. At the first stage, when there are few of them, single pellets can be removed from clothes simply with your hands, plucking them with your fingers or carefully cutting them off with small sharp scissors.

Simple and effective ways to clean clothes

You can remove the spools from your favorite warm woolen sweater with the help of improvised means that you have at home:

  • toothbrush;
  • adhesive tape (construction or stationery), a special roller with adhesive tape;
  • old razor;
  • combs with small frequent teeth;
  • special trimmer.

As practice shows, you can quickly clean clothes in different ways, but it is important not to spoil your favorite thing, so before the procedure you need to figure out which tool is most suitable for a particular material from which a sweater, dress, hat is made.

Method one: removal at the initial stage

If the pellets have just appeared and there are very few of them, you can use adhesive tape - transparent clerical or white construction tape. It is necessary to firmly press the adhesive tape to the area where defects have appeared, and tear it off with a sharp movement of the hand. Together with it, the pellets will also be removed.

This method is categorically not suitable for things knitted from a fluffy thread: angora, mohair, cashmere. If you use it, then your favorite sweater may turn out to be with unsightly "bald patches". You can also try to remove woolen lumps using a roller with adhesive tape, but it must also be sharply torn off the fabric so that the pellets remain on it, and not on clothes.

Method two: using a razor

The most common way to quickly remove pilling from a "smooth" knit garment is to "shave" it. You need to take a razor with slightly blunt blades and short shaving movements to remove defects from the canvas. This method is perfect for jerseys with grits and smooth viscous.

But it is necessary to monitor the force of pressure, otherwise you can accidentally cut the fabric and ruin your favorite thing. Therefore, it is recommended to use not a new razor, but a slightly blunt one to minimize the risk of cuts. It is most convenient to “shave” sweaters, dresses, tights with disposable plastic razors, directing the blade from top to bottom. At the same time, the product itself must be straightened as much as possible and stretched the area to be processed. Pantyhose can be cleaned by pulling on the hand, for example, for children, or by putting it on the legs (adults).

Method three: toothbrush

If suddenly there was no extra razor at home, which is not a pity to use for household needs, or if the adhesive tape has run out, you can use a toothbrush, it is desirable that it be with hard bristles. It is necessary, as it were, to “comb” the problem areas on the clothes, removing the spools from the knitted fabric. This method of stonecrop is best suited for “fluffy” clothes: sweaters from angora, cashmere, mohair. The toothbrush combs and fluffs the product, simultaneously removing defects. After such cleaning, the sweater or dress will look like new. This method works a little worse for jerseys of coarse and smooth knitting.

Method four: combing

You can remove the pellets using an ordinary plastic or metal comb with fine and frequent teeth. It captures all the woolen balls well, tearing them off, it is best suited for cleaning mohair and angora clothes. But for knitwear with a large knit, this method can be a real disaster: the comb does not so much remove the spools as it grabs the threads and pulls them out.

Method five: special tools

If pellets often appear on things, there are a lot of them, they irritate and make you feel bad, then you need to deal with them with special means. The best assistant is a pilling machine (trimmer), which does an excellent job with defects on knitted fabrics and any woolen fabrics. Such machines can run on batteries or from the mains, the height of the blades is adjustable, there is a container for collecting cut balls. The cost of such a gadget is comparable to the price of several razors.

What is the best way? Summing up

The method of removing the pellets directly depends on the type of thread that is part of the product, therefore, for different clothes, your own method will be effective:

  1. To remove pellets from mohair, cashmere, angora, you need to use a toothbrush or a plastic comb with fine, frequent teeth.
  2. Knitted clothes with a smooth knit can also be “combed” or “shaved”, with a large one - only “shave”.
  3. Scotch tape or a roller with duct tape can help remove pilling from clothing only on initial stage their appearance.

In various forums, the Internet community recommends using sandpaper - “zero”, toothpicks, matches (burn them with fire) to remove tissue lumps on things. But these exotic methods can only lead to damage to clothes.

Fight or warn?

There are several rules that will help even young housewives in the struggle for the perfect look of their favorite thing:

  • clothes should be washed in the correct mode indicated on the labels;
  • it is advisable to choose gentle detergents, for example, liquid washing powders, add special conditioners to the rinse water;
  • knitwear does not need to be twisted and soaked;
  • knitted products made from natural materials “do not like” machine washing - only hand washing in cool water will help them maintain their shape and appearance.

It is desirable to remove the pellets immediately after the appearance of the first woolen lumps - then it will be much easier to preserve the appearance of the thing. To remove defects from expensive clothes, it is best to use the services of dry cleaners. Careful proper care - and your favorite thing will delight you with its appearance for a long time.

Even the highest quality thing can eventually become covered with ugly spools. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this trouble, so sooner or later all housewives think about how to remove pellets from clothes. And at this moment it does not matter how they appeared. The only important thing is that your favorite sweater or knitted trousers are damaged, which means you need to save them.

In this article:

  • Eight proven ways to make clothes look presentable

Eight ways to make clothes look presentable

Be patient before removing pilling from clothes. It's a long process, but worth it. Especially when you consider that your favorite things will again take on their original form.


Removing small pellets from clothes with ordinary stationery tape is a favorite way for seamstresses and dressmakers. They can clean tight-knit sweaters and jumpers with low hairiness, remove a small scattering of the most difficult spools, and with them small debris and villi.

Separate the strip to the circumference of its own bobbin and wrap it back. Now you have a round roller with a sticky surface in your hands. Lay the thing out evenly and, holding it by any edge, sharply run the roller over it. Malicious pellets remain on the sticky part.


To "save" a mohair sweater, take an old toothbrush. Then lay it out on a flat surface (a table will do just fine). Gently clean the product, moving along the fibers. During operation, make sure that the fabric does not stretch in any way. After the procedure, soak the sweater in warm water with vinegar, and then dry it on any horizontal surface that is located away from heating appliances.


All Soviet women knew how to remove pellets from clothes with a razor. For knitted sweaters, this method is best suited. Before you get rid of the pellets, put the item on a table with good lighting. Now take a razor (it is better if it is an old model or at least without a soap strip) and process the product, moving from top to bottom. Then turn it over and do the same on the other side.

Dish sponge

If there are still not very many rolls, then you can try to get rid of them with a dry sponge for dishes. To do this, turn it over with the hard side down and carefully remove the pellets from the clothes.

Black bread

Pellets on old clothes are well removed with a piece of black bread: just dry a fairly thick piece in the oven, and then process the product with it. White bread will crumble in any condition. If you do not want to clean the thing from crumbs, use only rye bread.

Nail scissors

The question often arises of how to get rid of pellets on things with a complex relief pattern. Only short-tipped nail scissors will help you here. Sometimes sweaters with such weaving require painstaking work for several hours, so try to cut off the pellets regularly so that you do not have to suffer for a long time later. If the sweater is not too fluffy, you can also work with smaller tape and more precisely.

Always follow a certain sequence: first process the back, then the front side, and last remove the pellets from the seams.


If you are thinking about how to remove the pellets from clothes quickly and without much effort, purchase a special machine in the hardware store. It will help to remove the pellets from pants, sweaters, hats and other clothes. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions before use.

Help from professionals

Finally, you can take the item to dry cleaning. Of course, removing pellets on clothes in this way will cost the most, but here the product will be treated with a special solution that will prevent their further occurrence.

Why there are pellets on clothes, and how to prevent them

In order to no longer worry about how to remove the pellets, you should try to make sure that they do not appear at all. As a rule, they form most quickly on the elbows, side seams or on the folds of the product. It is there that the thing most often comes into contact with hard surfaces. Get rid of the habit of putting your elbows on the table or pressing your hands to your sides when walking: this way your things will last longer.

Wash woolen and knitwear only at low temperatures using special detergents. In addition, it is advisable to use fabric softeners: they will make the fabric softer and you may not have to puzzle over how to remove the pellets later.

Of course, it is better to solve any problem before it appears. Following all the recommendations for washing and drying, as well as careful wearing clothes - all this will help you not to worry about the formation of unpleasant lumps. But if the problem still arises, use the methods above and wear your favorite things again. Good luck in this difficult struggle!
