Only a man humiliated by fate can humiliate a woman. Only a man humiliated by fate can offend a woman

Man and woman. Their relationship is extremely complex and full of dramatic moments. Love and hate seem to exist side by side. No one knows at what point love and prudence recede, and a flurry of anger and hatred rushes in their place. It is difficult to imagine a family, even in our age, where such incidents would not occur. And most often, representatives of the weaker sex become victims of rude attitude. What happens to the representatives of the stronger sex, why is a man able to humiliate and offend his beloved woman? How to protect yourself and what to do to stop it?

Married life is not complete without misunderstandings, disputes, quarrels and serious conflicts. And that's okay. The bad thing is that people do not know how to solve their problems. Very often, feeling his physical superiority, a man insults his woman, thereby humiliating her.

Psychology: why a man humiliates and insults a woman

Gaps in education

We all come from childhood, we all go through the school of family relations at that tender age, when we still do not know how to distinguish what is good and what should not be learned and done. The behavior pattern of the father, who constantly insults and humiliates the mother, is assimilated by the children. The boy, having become an adult, then also treats his wife. The patience and humility of the mother and the rudeness of the father become the norm for the girl. Subconsciously, the young man chooses the one that will endure humiliation. And the young wife will never have a question why a man calls names and humiliates a woman. Many psychologists say that children repeat the fate of their parents and even some of the events of their lives. Don't believe? Take a closer look at the acquaintances around you, analyze their fates.

Love and jealousy

He loves, but periodically insults and humiliates the woman he loves, why? Yes, the great passion of one of the spouses is not always good for the psychological climate in the family. The balance of emotional relationships is disturbed. Where there is love, there is the fear of losing a loved one, and there jealousy arises. Any word or remark of a wife can be misinterpreted by a jealous husband. Repressed feelings sooner or later will result in the form of unfounded accusations and insults that humiliate the spouse.

The character and behavior of the wife

Not only men with their difficulties are guilty of quarrels in the family. Beautiful ladies are sometimes masterfully capable of causing aggression of their husband with their behavior. Constant dissatisfaction, grumbling and whining, a demonstration of a bad mood and silence (they say, guess for yourself what is wrong with me or with us), ignorance or unwillingness to reckon with the peculiarities of your half can cause swearing and insults from the husband. His answer is adequate to the behavior of his wife. And what about the stubbornness demonstrated by a woman in insisting on her opinion and the causeless tantrums they throw. He simply does not have enough arguments or the ability to insist on his own. Well, what is not a reason for a verbal fight?

There are many more reasons why men humiliate and insult women. But what to do in these situations? What advice can be given?

  • Lovely girls! Seriously approach the choice of a life partner. If during the period of courtship there are insults or hints of humiliation even in a playful form, then everything will get worse: do not cherish the dream that you will be able to re-educate your loved one.
  • Once demonstrated to you, rudeness, as a rule, is repeated and becomes permanent. Therefore, it is impossible to endure and be silent, it is necessary to react: discuss and find with your partner the reason for rude behavior, but only in a calm situation. Never respond to abuse with abuse.
  • Dear ladies! If you are being treated rudely by your life partners, do not be afraid to look in yourself for the reasons. After all, we are not always angels.
  • Work on relationships constantly. You can destroy everything easily and quickly, but creation requires strength and patience.

Very often, verbal aggression is accompanied by physical violence. There is a relationship between victim and persecutor. But that's a topic for another article.

How to deal with aggression

We often experience bouts of aggression towards the people around us. It occurs in response to irritation caused by various reasons. The result of the manifestation of aggression are quarrels and damaged relationships with loved ones. In men, it manifests itself more strongly, in women it is much weaker. There are people who cannot start or end the day without getting into a fight with their loved ones.

Psychologists distinguish natural aggression, which is a personality trait and situational, which is a person's response to an unpleasant situation that has developed for him. Each of us has a certain level of aggression: some have it more, others less. It is very difficult to communicate with people who have a high level of aggressiveness. For a family, such a person is a real punishment: at any moment he is ready to find fault with any trifle, start a quarrel and thereby throw out his irritation. He is like a vampire, feeding on the positive energy of the people around him. But such people achieve more in life than those who have below average aggressiveness. A low level of aggressiveness is characteristic of spineless people, incapable of fighting.

Situational aggressiveness does not always occur, but only when the level of irritation goes off scale or in response to threatening circumstances. But no matter how aggressive it is, it is destructive for marital relations, as it generates. What do you do if you're a cool person? Are you ready to break loose for any reason? Realizing this, are you trying to control yourself? It is impossible to restrain aggressiveness all the time, and it is harmful to health. The causes of many diseases lie in this. Thus, it is necessary to get rid of aggression, but the question arises of acceptable methods.

Passive ways removal of aggressiveness is suitable not only for women, but also for men.

You feel bad. You are ready to "tear and throw" everything that you meet on the way. But stop! Think about what it will be like for the people around you.

  • Advice to women: speak out, complain and cry. Really cry! The therapeutic effect of tears is difficult to overestimate. Nature arranged us this way: after crying, we feel relieved. Tears remove enzymes that accompany stressful conditions, they purify the soul, wash away unpleasant experiences.
  • Talk to your spouse about troubles and problems. At this point, there is no need to ask or give any advice: just speak and listen. This will help you calm down and find solutions to problems.
  • Do not try to relieve irritation and aggressiveness with alcohol. The consequences can be unpredictable. More often, alcohol weakens self-control and pushes a person to rash acts and dangerous actions.
  • Avoid the kitchen and refrigerator if you are in an aggressive state. You will not notice how you empty all your food stocks. Don't eat your negative emotions. Aggression and unresolved problems will remain, plus extra pounds on the sides.

Active ways removal of aggressiveness are based on physical activity.

  • It is known that adrenaline, which causes tension and aggression, is well produced during physical exertion. The more work, the harder it is, the better. Having done a good job in the garden or in the country, after the general cleaning of the house, you will feel peaceful.
  • Find time to exercise. Good are those sports in which there is confrontation and movement (sports games, wrestling, boxing, and so on).
  • Cyclic sports that include repeated elementary movements and exercises (walking, light running, swimming, hiking) are good for health and relieve stress.
  • Watching television broadcasts of competitions can give out aggression. After all, watching the athletes, rooting for them, you experience the same emotions as the athletes. Your muscles involuntarily tense and are included in the work. So there is a "burning" of excess adrenaline in the blood.
  • Hobbies such as fishing, hunting, mushroom picking are a lot of fun and perfectly relieve aggression.
  • Detective novels and horror films, thrillers, computer games help to get rid of aggressiveness.

You can come up with or find dozens of ways to relieve irritation and aggressiveness and thereby protect yourself and your family from unnecessary quarrels.

With android you feel like a real Jason Stethem. You run around the city from outlet to outlet.

I am neither good nor bad. I'm a little "no way" with an admixture of "do not care."

Never forget about those who were with you in difficult times - Google, Wikipedia and Translator.

Tell me a smart idea.
- Crocodiles go lying.

Strong is not the one who can put on the shoulder blades with one glance, but the one who is able to lift from his knees with one smile!

Be who you want to be! Nobody can take this away.

We know how to love without being able to forgive.
We know how to judge without knowing how to suffer.
We love to judge others for their sins.
And we hide ours somewhere in the abyss of the soul ...

Never go back to where you were happy. Until you do this, everything remains alive in your memory. If you go there again, everything collapses.

Do not tell anyone about your misfortunes: it will sadden your friends, and cheer your enemies.

Freedom is the right to tell people what they don't want to hear...

Ninety percent of men, having learned about the betrayal of their wife, collect things and go to their mistress.

If you pick up a hungry dog ​​and make his life full, he will never bite you. This is the fundamental difference between a dog and a human.

Only a man humiliated by fate can offend a woman ...

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“Only a man humiliated by fate can insult a woman.”

- Marilyn Monroe

If a woman smiles, then some man is trying.

Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves.

A man in life should never complain about two things: his wife and the car, he chose.

When you choose your wife, you should not only be her husband, but also her father, mother and brother, because she leaves the family in order to be with you and follow your path. So give her the right to see in you the mercy of the father, the tenderness of the mother and the friendship of the brother!

And I would like to see this hero who will become my husband.


Skinny will be cold in bed.
The fat woman barely walks through the door.
Merry will be walking,
And with sad sex once a month, and not more often.
With a cold you will earn a sore throat.
With hot - scratched back.
Being close to the long-legged is not from the hand, When she wears heels.
The one that is smart will deceive without difficulty.
Living with a stupid is also nonsense.
Beautiful will easily go to another.
And terrible - a shame to the native house.
So you have to, whatever one may say, LOOK ONLY AT THE SIZE OF HER BREAST!

Never waste your time looking for a man, spend it on self-improvement and then the man will find you!

Don't try harder to please a man than he tries to please you.

I have learned to be like men. Say I'll call and don't call. Disappear just like that and for no reason, After all, I'm free and know how not to love ... I learned to be the same as men. In an effort to be free, I break out of my hands. All because they themselves, for no reason, From the angels of the earth - grow bitches.

1. So that you always have a good mood, learn to control yourself. Do not be offended over trifles, try not to quarrel with people close to you, forgive them. By forgiving, you get rid of anger and vindictive feelings that destroy yourself in the first place.

2. Try to look at the world with humor. Even if you were insulted or you got into a difficult situation, still smile and tell yourself: “This too will pass!”. Incredibly, for those who sincerely believe, indeed, all the bad things go away.

3. Do not sit at home, offended by the whole world! You can be sure: on the street, in the company of friends and acquaintances, the mood is never bad. Proven!

4. Introduce elements of novelty into your life. Psychologists recommend changing stable habits from time to time - for example, starting a new hobby or changing the style of clothing. After all, you will really feel significant changes: for example, by wearing shoes with heels, you will become taller, straighten up and (most importantly!) You will begin to catch the interested glances of the opposite sex. Nothing has such a positive effect on mood as the attention of others.

5. Learn to relax. When you do some tedious work, think of something pleasant. For example, about an upcoming meeting with friends or loved ones. And the aroma lamp will help to relax. Here is a list of essential oils that have a positive effect on mood and state of mind: tangerine, orange, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot.

6. Take up swimming. Water helps the body to rest and relax, increasing tone and mood. In addition, the possibility of an accident or injury while swimming is minimal, unlike many other sports.

7. Stop, look around... Sometimes people get trapped simply because they don't take the time to think about whether they are moving in the right direction. You should put things in order in time in thoughts, goals, relationships, just like you regularly clean the room.

8. Take life easy. In life there is always a place for a feat, but it is far from always needed. Try to focus on what you are doing right now. Often this contributes to success rather than the desire to guarantee a long-term result. Rejoice in even small successes and small achievements. Life is too short to be sad and beat yourself up.

9. Maintain a sense of perspective. Life is a movement, and what seems to be a tragedy today may bring a smile tomorrow. No wonder they say - the morning is wiser than the evening.

10. Forget about the troubles. If you want to lie in bed and feel sorry for yourself, it is better not to follow this desire. “Move – and your emotions will also become more mobile,” says psychologist Marion Dilworth. “Watch a movie, clean up… Remember: you are responsible for your feelings and sensations.”
