At home cosmetics. DIY natural cosmetics

Today, stores offer the fair sex a lot of products for body, face and hair care, so much so that your eyes widen when choosing products. And many women have long begun to use homemade cosmetics, the cost of which is cheap, and the effectiveness is often better than store-bought products. When you make cosmetics yourself, you know what it consists of and that it is completely natural, but in store-bought creams, masks and lotions, no one can assure you that the composition is 100% natural.

What you need to make cosmetics

Today, no one can be surprised by preparing cosmetics at home. Often, for its production there are leftover products at hand, which every housewife can find. But if you want to constantly prepare cosmetics, then you need to get separate utensils. Of course, homemade masks and creams have many advantages: naturalness, affordable cost, absence of harmful components. But do not forget about the disadvantages:

  • short shelf life, which does not exceed 14 days;
  • possibility of an allergic reaction.

Cooking equipment

To prepare cosmetics, you need to acquire the following equipment:

  • table scales that measure in grams;
  • beaker;
  • containers for mixing ingredients that should not be taken for cooking;
  • mortar and pestle for grinding ingredients;
  • glass jars with lids for storage.

Preparing and storing homemade cosmetics

When preparing and storing homemade cosmetics, follow these recommendations:

  • you can change the composition of cosmetics, adapting to your skin type;
  • do not add ingredients that cause an allergic reaction;
  • indicate the date of manufacture;
  • prepare products in small portions, as the products used have a short shelf life;
  • do not use the product if the expiration date has expired;
  • When working with cosmetics, wash your hands and tools so as not to introduce bacteria and infections into it;
  • Store the product only as directed, otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

It is necessary to become familiar with the definition of base oils that should be prepared for the production of various cosmetics. The hardest thing is to choose the main component that is suitable for your type. Many women choose coconut oil, which smells nice and has only positive effects. Women also often add shea butter and almond butter. To heal problem areas, you can buy cumin oil and add it to night creams.

You need to listen to the following expert advice:

  • if you have extreme dryness, do not use alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • cook in a calm atmosphere and with pleasant thoughts;
  • if you have oily skin, then the composition should contain components that can improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • It is worth making products based on oils that absorb the beneficial properties of other components;
  • Before cooking, study all the ingredients so that they do not harm your skin;
  • Before cooking, pour boiling water over the dishes;

There are many recipes with great ingredients that do different things. They make their own care creams, balms, scrubs and even body deodorants.

All components used, unlike store-bought ones, are safe, and therefore they cannot cause harm in the absence of an allergic reaction.

Face and body cream

Below we list a recipe that is relevant for any skin type. It is prepared very simply:

  1. Separate three yolks and beat them.
  2. Add 30 g to this mass. natural juice.
  3. Add 15 gr. natural beeswax.
  4. Mix.
  5. Pour in a little vegetable oil.

After stirring the components until smooth, the finished mass is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. The cream should be applied to cleansed skin twice a day for 25 minutes.

If you have the first wrinkles, you can get rid of them using this remedy:

  1. Mix coconut and grape seed oil in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  2. Add a teaspoon of lanolin and twice as much vegetable wax.
  3. Mix.
  4. Heat the mixture in the microwave for less than a minute.
  5. Repeat steps 3, 4 until the wax is completely melted.
  6. Pour 150 ml of water, 100 ml of aloe (gel consistency) and 10 crushed ascorbic acid tablets.
  7. Mix the masses.
  8. Transfer the cream to a container with a lid and store for 2 weeks.

The cream is applied twice a day, excess can be removed with a paper napkin.


The best ingredient for treasures is coffee. The following recipe must be followed:

  1. Brew finely ground coffee as usual.
  2. Drink or drain the liquid and reserve the grounds for the recipe.
  3. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of grounds with olive oil, three drops of aromatic oil (it is better to take citrus fruits), 3 tbsp. spoons of cream.
  4. Women with severely dry skin need to supplement with vitamin E or A.

This scrub is applied to the body and face after a shower, and it is washed off with cool water. With its help, you can cleanse your face and fill it with useful ingredients. It is not recommended to store the finished product; it should be used after preparation.

If you have candied honey at home and you don’t know what to do with it, you can use it to make a scrub. To produce a scrub you will need the following ingredients;

  • honey – 10 tbsp. spoon;
  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • sugar – 5 teaspoons;
  • lavender oil – 10-15 drops.

It is necessary to combine all the components and mix them until smooth. The resulting scrub is applied to the steamed face using massage movements. The product is prepared for one time only; after storage, even for one day, it loses its beneficial properties.

Skin lotion

Below in the table we list two common recipes for body lotions for dry and oily skin.


Cooking method


  • vegetable oil – tbsp. spoon;
  • coconut oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • wax – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • peach oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa - half a glass;
  • purified water – 15 ml.
  1. Turn the wax into a liquid state.
  2. Add cocoa to the water.
  3. Mix the mixture with the remaining ingredients.
  4. Use lotion morning and evening.

Has a moisturizing effect.

  • cucumber – 6 pieces;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • honey - st. spoon;
  • rose water – 100 ml;
  • alcohol – 50 ml.
  1. Turn the cucumbers into a puree.
  2. Separate the yolk from the white (the recipe requires a yolk).
  3. Add ingredients.
  4. Mix the mass.
  5. Leave the jar to infuse for 5 days.
  6. Strain.
  7. Wipe your face with lotion morning and evening.

Combats oily skin by eliminating shine.

Prepared lotions should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.


Most traditional medicine recipes are based on homemade masks made from various ingredients. On the Internet you can find products for oily, combination and dry skin. Below we describe a budget recipe made from activated carbon, which can be found in every first aid kit. And if you don’t have these tablets, purchasing them is not a problem. The mask is suitable for combating blackheads. And it’s very easy to prepare:

  1. Grind the tablet to a powder.
  2. Add a teaspoon of gelatin to it.
  3. Add the dry mixture to 2 teaspoons of milk (if there is no dairy product, take purified water).
  4. Mix well.
  5. Warm the mask in the microwave for 15 seconds.
  6. Cool the liquid.
  7. Using a stiff brush, “drive” the mask into the pores, then distribute evenly over the face.
  8. After 25 minutes, remove the mask that has turned into a film.

If you are tired of suffering from acne, then this recipe will come in handy:

  1. Mix 100 gr. flour and 1 dessert spoon of soda.
  2. Art. Mix a spoonful of the dry mixture with the fermented milk product to the consistency of 20% sour cream.
  3. Apply for 20-25 minutes with massage movements.
  4. Rinse off.
  5. Leave the remaining dry mask for the procedure the next day.

Hair products

Hair requires constant care, but store-bought products often fail to do their job. And if you have tried different shampoos and conditioners, but could not get rid of hair loss, dandruff and brittleness, try making this remedy:

  1. Rub a small amount of fragrance-free baby soap into an enamel bowl.
  2. Melt the soap in a water bath.
  3. Pour in 500 ml of water.
  4. Remove liquid from stove.
  5. Drop essential oil.
  6. Use.

To make the shampoo more convenient to use, it must be poured into a suitable container. This product is very simple to prepare, foams well, does not contain harmful components and has only a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp.

If your hair is very dull, you can try making an egg-based shampoo. To prepare it, beat an egg and add a tablespoon of shampoo and gelatin. It is better to buy powdered gelatin so that it dissolves better. It is necessary to prepare the product for one-time use and apply it like a regular store-bought shampoo. The effectiveness of this mask lies in the fact that it contains a lot of protein, which strengthens the hair.


If many people prepare creams, scrubs and lotions at home, then hardly anyone made deodorant from improvised ingredients. Although it is a new thing, homemade deodorant can be called a practical product. To prepare it you need to use the following recipe:

  1. Mix starch and soda in equal proportions.
  2. Add your favorite aroma oil at the rate of 20 drops per 120 g of mixture.
  3. Drop 2-4 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil.
  4. Mix and place in a suitable container, for example, a jar from an old antiperspirant.
  5. If there is no suitable container, the mass must be formed into a rectangle, placed in a bag and put in the refrigerator.

Advice! Tea tree oil is better; it is odorless and will be suitable for any time of year.

You need to use deodorant every morning, applying a small layer to your armpits. The finished mass is stored for no more than 3 months. The uniqueness of such products is that you can use different oils to change the aroma of your deodorant. Many women note that when using homemade deodorant, the smell does not appear during the day.

Preparing homemade cosmetics is very simple: the most important thing is to use the ingredients in the right quantities and check for an allergic reaction before use. Every woman has all the basic products in her kitchen; if we are talking about medicinal mixtures, they can be bought at any pharmacy.

Check out how to make DIY shampoo, sugaring mix, scrub, perfume, soda bath bombs, DIY deodorant, and coconut oil.

How to make shampoo with your own hands?

It can be made from a minimum of components, adding only natural ingredients. The main thing is rye flour, it contains many useful microelements.

To make shampoo, do not use wheat flour as it will clump on your hair.

To make natural shampoo, take:
  • 140 g warm water;
  • 60 g rye flour.

  1. Pour water into flour, mix well. Wet your hair with water and apply this mixture to your hair and scalp.
  2. Distribute the shampoo all over your hair and massage it for about 5 minutes. Now you need to wash your hair with warm water to rinse off any remaining shampoo. If grains still remain, remove them later with a comb.
  3. Now you need to apply a natural balm to your hair. To do this, brew a bag of dried herbs, which you can buy at the pharmacy, and rinse your hair.
To prepare this decoction, you will need:
  • one filter bag each of dry: mint, nettle, chamomile;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 1 liter.
Add the bags to boiling water and let them steep for 15 minutes. Then strain the liquid and add apple cider vinegar. You need to rinse your hair with this balm and do not wash it off.

Here's how to make conditioner and shampoo. You can create other hair washing products at home. You can make another one with rye flour and herbs.

It is not recommended to use this shampoo constantly, as this can dry out your hair, cause scalp irritation or fungal disease.

Use this hair wash only occasionally. For some, this period is 1 week; for others, 10 days or 2 weeks.

To make this cosmetic product you will need:

  • 60 g rye flour;
  • 20 g of medicinal herbs;
  • 10 g mustard powder;
  • warm water.
Dry herbs can be used as medicinal herbs:
  • nettle;
  • hop fruit;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • calendula;
  • sage and so on.
Grind the herbs in a coffee grinder and add mustard powder.

Pour in warm water; you can use herbal tea instead. At first the mass will be thick, add water until the consistency becomes similar to shampoo.

It is better to make a head mask from this product at the same time; to do this, you need to lubricate your hair with it and then wrap it for 20–30 minutes. After this time, rinse your hair with an infusion made from water and apple cider vinegar.

Check out how to make homemade shampoo using:

  • light beer;
  • burdock root;
  • calendula flowers;
  • birch leaves;
  • hop cones.
For a glass of beer you will need 50 g of a mixture of dry plants. Fill it with liquid and let it sit for an hour. After this, you need to strain the herbal shampoo and use it for its intended purpose.

If you only have serum in the house, use it to wash your hair. The serum must be heated so that it has a warm temperature, such that it is comfortable for the hair. Moisten damp hair with it, wrap it for 10 minutes, after which you need to rinse well with warm water.

Here's how to make shampoo for your hair so that it simultaneously becomes a nourishing agent for your hair. To do this, mix a tablespoon of avocado oil with two yolks, stir well and apply to your hair. Wrap them up, let them stay in this state for 20 minutes, after which the product is washed off.

If it is not possible to wash your hair, then use dry shampoo. See how to make it. Take:
  • 3 tbsp. l. bran;
  • 1 tsp. sequences;
  • 1 tsp. calamus root

Grind the herbs in a coffee grinder and then sift them. If you have bran in granules, then they also need to be crushed. Mix these ingredients and then massage them into your scalp.

Cover your hair with a towel and rub these herbs into it. This must be done within 3 minutes. Then remove the towel and comb your hair with a thick comb or comb.

And you will also use the larger particles that remain from sifting. Make a natural body scrub from them. To do this, add a tablespoon of hydrophilic essential orange oil, as well as 120 g of sugar. You will learn how to make such tools in the next section.

How to make a natural body scrub?

Coffee invigorates not only the spirit, but also the body. You will see this right now. But first prepare:

  • 20 g vanilla extract;
  • 60 g each of cane sugar, freshly ground coffee, olive oil;
  • 4 g orange essential oil.

Grind the coffee beans, add the remaining ingredients, mix the mixture well.

It will smell deliciously like coffee and orange and invigorate. Transfer this product into a glass jar and cover it with a lid. Store the scrub in the bathroom; when needed, remove it from the container with a spoon or dry hands.

To clean not only the body, but also the face, prepare a peeling according to a different recipe. Take:
  • hot boiled water - 20 ml;
  • natural alkaline soap - 6 g;
  • calcium chloride solution 10% - 20–40 ml;
  • cotton pads;
  • plastic bowl;
Cut the soap into a container with a knife, fill it with hot water and leave for an hour. When it dissolves, add the rest of the ingredients and stir.

Add calcium chloride ampoules at the end. To do this, open them and pour them into a bowl. The mass will begin to change consistency and become thicker.

Apply this mixture to your hands and face, but avoid getting it on the skin around your eyes. Leave the mixture on for 15 minutes, then rinse well. You will notice that your skin has become smoother and softer.

Take care of your skin, sometimes wipe it with ice, sprinkle it with mineral water.

Find out how to make a scrub and mask using oatmeal at the same time. This cereal contains many useful microelements. Oats cleanses, nourishes, soothes and tightens the skin. Cane sugar, which is also part of the beneficial scrub, contains glycolic acid. It promotes hydration and eliminates toxins.

Here's what you'll need to make a scrub mask at home:

  • oatmeal - 60 g;
  • unrefined jojoba oil - 14 g;
  • cane sugar - 36 g;
  • honey - 6 g;
  • coconut oil - 40 g;
  • vitamin E - 0.6 g.

Those with oily skin can use sea salt instead of cane sugar. Then you can reduce the amount of oil.

Grind the oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder. Add cane sugar here and mix this mass. Mix jojoba oil, coconut oil and vitamin E separately.

Place this soft mass into the bulk mixture. Stir. This makes a great homemade mask.

Anti-cellulite scrub

It is not necessary to buy expensive products, especially since you can make an anti-cellulite scrub with your own hands.

Here are a few recipes for you to choose from.

Do not forget that you will achieve the greatest effect if you apply the presented masks to a steamed body. After completing the procedure, rinse the scrub with warm water.

  1. Mix massage oil or sour cream or shower gel with coffee grounds. Apply to skin with massaging movements, rubbing for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Mix half a glass of honey with 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee. Rub the product into steamed skin for 5–10 minutes.
  3. Mix 100 g of ground coffee with 1 tbsp. l. almond, olive or grape seed oils. Add 8-10 drops of essential oil. Use the product as directed.
  4. Grate the carrots, add the same amount of semolina and massage the selected area of ​​skin upward.
  5. 2 tbsp. l. mix vegetable oil with 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Treat the problem area.
  6. You can make chocolate wrap at home yourself. To do this, take 2 tbsp. l.: cocoa; Sahara; olive oil; sea ​​salt; cream. Mix all ingredients and massage in circular movements onto skin areas. Do this for 10 minutes. Leave on for another 5 minutes, then rinse off.
  7. You can make your own anti-cellulite scrub from fruits. Separate the pulp of 5 apricots and mash with a fork. Break the seeds, remove the kernels and chop them. Mix these two ingredients. Use as directed.
  8. To prevent the skin from looking like orange peel, we use it for the next product. Dry the orange peel, then chop it into 2 tbsp. l. add one tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients and massage your skin with this product.

If you need to get rid of excess hair, the following homemade cosmetics will help.

How to make sugaring paste?

  • warm water;
  • citric acid;
  • sugar;
  • kitchen scales;
  • pan.

Using a scale, weigh the ingredients by measuring:
  • water - 1 part;
  • citric acid - 1 part;
  • sugar - 10 parts.
Mix all ingredients well and cover the pan with a lid. This is necessary so that the sugar melts more evenly. Place the container on low heat. When the sugar begins to melt and the mixture begins to boil, stir it for the first time. Then do this several times. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mixture turns dark yellow. Keep stirring it.

Boil the caramel until a drop dropped into cold water has the same color.

Now you need to immediately turn off the heat, but the mass will still darken a little, since it is at a high temperature and the caramelization process has not finished. To stop it, pour the sugaring paste into a cold container. Cool it down. Now it should become plastic and viscous, but should not stick to your hands.

It is better to use freshly prepared sugaring paste, then it will have the necessary properties.

Take a small piece of this product, pull it and glue it onto the selected area of ​​​​the skin so that the mass is located opposite the hair growth.

Wait a little, and now you need to sharply pull the remaining thick edge of this paste in the direction of hair growth.

To prevent a bruise from appearing on the skin, do not pull this mass upward; you need to remove it with a movement parallel to the skin.

If all the hair from this area is not immediately removed, you can apply the paste here several more times, but no more than four.

Use the same piece of paste, throw it away when it no longer sticks well to the skin. After you have depilated, lubricate the area with cream. See how you can create this product yourself.

How to make natural cosmetics at home - cream recipe

To prepare it, take:
  • chamomile flowers - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 200 ml;
  • beeswax - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 100 g;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.

Brew chamomile with boiling water, let it stand for about 20 minutes. Melt the beeswax in a water bath, then add olive oil to it. You need to take one intended for frying. Because when heated, salad oil will form harmful carcinogens.

Add the strained chamomile decoction here. Using a mixer, beat the mixture for 3 minutes. Pour ice water or snow into a large saucepan and continue whisking until the mixture gradually thickens. But while it is still warm, its temperature is not higher than 40 degrees, add liquid honey and then glycerin.

Glycerin will give the cream a thicker consistency. At the same time, there will be no need to add various stabilizers and thickeners. And the preservative will be beeswax and honey. They prevent bacteria from multiplying.

Sterilize a glass jar or wipe the inside with alcohol, pour the cream into this container.

Homemade cream can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month. It will be a little sticky right after cooking, but this will go away over time. This cream is suitable for use by the whole family.

You can make coconut oil with your own hands and then add it to cosmetic products, including various creams. It is great for moisturizing the skin around the eyes, tightening it and eliminating small wrinkles.

There are three indentations at the top of the coconut. Choose two and make holes in them with a corkscrew, knife or screwdriver. Drain the juice and crack the nut itself with a hammer. Remove the pulp and grate it. Place the chopped nuts in a jar and fill the container up to the hanger with slightly cooled boiling water. Cover this dish with a towel. Let the contents infuse in it and cool naturally.

Now you need to squeeze these shavings through the material. But don't throw away this coconut meat; it can be dried or frozen and then used for baking. If you want to use it in cosmetology, then prepare scrubs on this basis. Place the resulting liquid in a jar in the refrigerator, wait until it peels off. Gradually the oil will begin to solidify at the top. Then remove it with a slotted spoon or fork. Do not pour out the juice, you can drink it like this or prepare delicious healthy drinks. Store the butter in the refrigerator. This is how much you can get from just one coconut.

All that remains is to make aromatic products so that the prepared, moisturized skin smells pleasantly.

How to make natural perfume and deodorant with your own hands?

This master class is perfect for beginner perfumers. You will learn how to collect perfumes of the desired aroma.

  • bleached beeswax;
  • essential oils;
  • a sheet of paper or cotton cloth;
  • an unscented oil such as jojoba or almond oil;
  • coffee beans;
  • capacity;
  • bowls.

There are 7 types of scents in total:
  • exotic;
  • floral;
  • woody;
  • herbal;
  • spicy;
  • resinous;
  • citrus.
Make a base from base oil and wax, taken in equal quantities. For 5 g of this base you will need at least 23 drops of essential oils. Melt the wax and oil in a water bath, let the mixture cool slightly. When it slightly sets around the edges, add essential oils. At the same time, stir the mixture with a ceramic spoon.

To make the perfume further, cool it completely and you can apply it to selected parts of the body.

Deodorant will also help you smell nice. You can also create it yourself.

How to make deodorant?

It will turn out completely harmless, without chemical additives and preservatives. This cosmetic product consists of:

  • 20 g baking soda;
  • 5 g coconut oil;
  • 10 g starch;
  • 5 g shea butter;
  • a small amount of essential oils.

Place the coconut oil and shea butter in a small container, such as a mug. Place it in hot water to melt the oils.

Pour baking soda and starch into a bowl and mix these substances. Now add a few drops of essential oil here. If you like the scent of citrus, use orange essential oil.

Pour in the melted coconut oil and shea butter and stir. Place the product in a clean glass jar and refrigerate for 3 days. Then here's how you'll use it. You will need to take a small piece of the mass with a spoon, warm it in your hands and apply a small amount to your armpits.

If you have an empty tube of industrial deodorant stick, pour your deodorant here when preparing and put it in the refrigerator.

The product applied to the skin will be effective for up to 10 hours.

Using this deodorant for the first time, apply it first to a very small area with a thin layer. See if there is irritation during the day. If not, then you can use this tool in the future.

Baking soda will also help in the next master class.

How to make bath bombs?

To make this home remedy, take:
  • baking soda - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • food colorings;
  • dried flowers;
  • mixture of oils or base oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fragrances or essential oils.
As a base oil you can use:
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • walnut;
  • grape seeds;
  • olive or other.

Citric acid needs to be ground so that its particles become even smaller. After processing, place this bulk product in a container and add starch and soda. Then add the oil and mix the mixture vigorously.

Take a small piece of the mass with your gloves and try to squeeze it in your hand. If it sticks together well, then the consistency is normal. If not, then add a few drops of base oil.

Divide the mixture into small bowls, add food coloring of a certain color to each. Stir.

Now pour the mixture in small portions into molds and compact thoroughly. You can use plastic ice cube trays or Kinder surprise packaging.

Now carefully remove each bomb from the container and leave them for a day so that they dry completely.

Then you can take a bath, the bombs will color the water, giving it an interesting color, and will hiss as they dissolve.

This is how many cosmetic and hygiene products you can make with your own hands. If you want to learn how to make lip gloss at home, then the following video is at your service. Here are 6 recipes for preparing such products.

If you want to see how to make shampoo, then your wish will be fulfilled right now.

Hello, my dear readers!

Finally I got to one of my favorite topics, this is homemade cosmetics with your own hands

You know, I came to the conclusion that many people underestimate the properties and capabilities of homemade cosmetics because they have an erroneous or incomplete idea about it.

In our modern world, various technologies are developing, many new systems and gadgets are appearing, but many people’s ideas about some of the simplest things remain at the level of the last century.

Many people still believe that handmade cosmetics are something like just whipped yolks with vegetable oil, herbal infusions for rinsing hair or creams based on butter and honey...

That all this is ineffective and cannot be compared with “real” store-bought cosmetics! In fact, this is a huge misconception!

Let's figure it out.

Firstly, you need to understand that today the times have come when you can buy absolutely everything!

And if you take a jar of ordinary ready-made cream from the store, then be sure that a larger number of active ingredients from it can be bought each separately.

Why did I write all this?

And besides, today, thanks to the Internet, you can buy many components for making cosmetics in the quantities you need and with great savings.

Not only that, you have an excellent opportunity to use b Only high-quality and natural ingredients, many of which are obtained using modern methods from plant materials.

Composition of home cosmetics

Homemade cosmetics today may include:

  • hard and
  • vegetable waxes
  • oil infusions
  • aqueous and dry extracts
  • active cosmetic biocomponents - all achievements of scientific developments -
  • Bio-nano complexes
  • algae bioextracts
  • organic acids
  • moisturizing, mineral, vitamin complexes that have a natural basis and have a healing effect and the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and activate cellular metabolic processes.


  • In industrial creams, all active substances are taken in minimal dosages.

In handmade cosmetics, knowing your skin type and your age, as well as having studied the properties of the active ingredients and the correct way to calculate their dosage, you can always calculate everything for yourself and take as many of them as you need.

  • An inevitable component of any industrial cosmetics is the use of the strongest preservatives in maximum dosages, which are toxic to the skin with prolonged use.

In home cosmetics, you can use a wide range of preservatives (including natural ones) in the concentration you need, which will make your cosmetics high-quality and safe

  • Many natural ingredients that make up homemade cosmetics are not available for industrial production, because there are difficulties in their use and storage.

You will certainly notice that after using hand made cosmetics, your skin will look and feel younger. This is a real fact that everyone who has ever used such cosmetics has experienced.

  • Making natural homemade food is a very interesting and exciting process, the main thing is to learn some rules and technology, and then before you know it, you will be captivated by it!

In addition, today you can buy absolutely everything for this activity: jars, dishes, various beautiful packaging, not to mention all kinds of components.

There are special online calculators for soap and cream makers, which makes it very easy to select doses of components, and there are a lot of video tutorials on preparation technology.


As an example, I want to give you recipes for modern homemade cosmetics so that you can clearly understand what was discussed above.

Lip balm

1. 50 g cocoa butter (batter)
2. 10 g unrefined shea butter (butter)
3. 3 parts marjoram essential oil
4. 5 parts orange essential oil
5. 2 parts lavender essential oil

Moisturizing night cream

Hydralate 20%
Carbomer 0.3%
Birfermented kelp 10%
Avocado 4%
Blackcurrant 4%
Green coffee 4%
Planta 4%
Glycoderm 5%
Elastin 5%
Collagen 5%
Glycerin 3%
Vitamin E 1%
Rosemary CO2 2%
Parsley CO2 2%

Tonic for problem skin

Azelaic acid – 20%
Alantoin - 0.2%
D-panthenol - 2%
Lanablu - 3%
Xanthan - 1%
EO of tea tree and monarda - 0.25%
Hydrolate up to 100%

Can you feel the difference between yolks with butter and this?!

And don't be afraid of these unfamiliar words.

For example, Lanablu is an active for moisturizing and smoothing the skin. These are organic components, mostly obtained from plants.

I hope I was able to dispel some misconceptions about modern home cosmetics. Well, you can also read this post

And if you ever decide to do this, you will understand that this is a very interesting and exciting process! And most importantly, very, very useful!

You can start with a very easy facial recipe.

I buy many ingredients for making homemade cosmetics in this store, take a look and you will definitely find useful ingredients for your first homemade cream.

Be beautiful and use homemade cosmetics, recipes for which I will publish on my blog, or even better, prepare them yourself.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you again!!!

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The use of handmade products is becoming increasingly popular. This also applies to cosmetics. Environmentally friendly, absolutely natural and, most importantly, incredibly effective care products for skin and body, prepared according to the recipes of our grandmothers and supplemented with modern capabilities, are not at all difficult to make, and today’s article will be devoted to exactly this. Do-it-yourself natural cosmetics at home, recipes for beginners:

Shower gel

How to make cosmetics at home? To prepare a liter of shower gel you will need a very ordinary bar of soap, water and a little essential oil. The soap needs to be dissolved. This is easier to do if you first grate it. The most common version for children, without fragrances, will do.

We put the water with the soap dissolved in it on the fire and begin to heat the container, slowly adding oil. The main thing is to catch the moment when the mixture begins to boil, but bubbles have not yet appeared on the surface. You need to leave the mixture for a day until the mass begins to harden a little. Now you can pour it into a container with a dispenser and start using it.

The basis of the recipe is the ratio of soap and water (125 grams and one liter). Everything else is completely your imagination. You can add essential oil, your favorite perfume or natural fragrances.

Anti-cellulite soap

To prepare anti-cellulite soap you will need coffee, olive oil, water and two bars of soap. It is best to use the most common, children's, without fragrances or fragrances. Safety precautions must be followed throughout the entire process.

Wear gloves, a mask and put food away. After this, take two saucepans that are suitable in size so that you can make a water bath. Put it on fire. Grind the soap on a coarse grater and mix it with four tablespoons of olive oil. In a water bath, gradually adding hot boiled water (1 cup), dissolve until smooth. At the very end, add three tablespoons of sea salt and coffee. You can do this after turning it off.

All that remains is to form the bars. To do this, you can use molds and pour the hot mixture into it. To make it easier to remove a piece of soap after hardening, pre-lubricate the bottom of the mold with oil.


To take care of your hair, it is not at all necessary to spend huge sums on shampoos. You can prepare them yourself. For example, you can defeat dandruff and make your hair soft and silky by mixing 10 grams of medical alcohol with tea tree oil and whisking the resulting mixture with two chicken yolks. Apply to hair and massage thoroughly, rubbing thoroughly into skin.

Beetroot infusion is no less effective. You need to peel and cut two medium-sized root vegetables into rings and fill them with water in a three-liter jar. Let it brew for two to three days. Then you need to strain the infusion and, after heating it thoroughly, rinse your hair.

For oily and combination hair, a mixture of one chicken yolk, a teaspoon of cognac and two tablespoons of water is suitable. Rub thoroughly into the scalp and leave for a few minutes. The effect may not be noticeable at first. This is caused by the fact that the hair and scalp get used to the previously used shampoo.

Facial scrub

Using oatmeal to cleanse your face will do more than just unclog your pores. Even after the first use, the result will be very noticeable, and if you make it a rule to wash your face this way at least a couple of times a week, your face will become matte and smooth, and the effect will be long-lasting.

With slightly damp palms, take a handful of oatmeal, knead and massage onto your face. Regular salt also helps very well for cleansing. It can be used in the same way. Just don't overdo it under any circumstances. Getting into the pores, salt can not only cleanse them, but also cause irritation. Therefore, do this no more than once a week, and then be sure to soothe your skin with cream.

Honey and sugar, mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face for five to seven minutes, give amazing results. The skin will become very clean, pores will be tightened, and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.


Softening, moisturizing and protecting against common infections is what most people want in a hand product. This recipe will help you achieve exactly this result, and it is also so safe that it can be used even by children. Mix a teaspoon of aloe vera, eight drops each of grapefruit and tea tree oil, five drops each of lavender oil and calendula tincture. Just five minutes and the product is ready. Feel free to apply it to your hands and not only get protection from bacteria, but also give your hands a beautiful appearance.

For heels

Well-groomed heels are simply an impossible task for many. This is due to many reasons, but we will not dwell on them, but will immediately move on to proven solutions. You can slightly heat a glass of kefir, divide it in half and pour it into plastic bags. It's not entirely pleasant to immerse your feet in the resulting product, but the results are worth it. You can put socks on top and sit like that for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water. This should be done at least twice a week, and under no circumstances should you use nail files or pumice. The rough skin will begin to come off on its own, and the cracks will heal.

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Do-it-yourself cosmetics, also known as DIY cosmetics

No matter how sophisticated advertising gurus are, broadcasting about the miraculous properties of creams and cosmetics from famous brands, every woman should clearly understand that the ideal cream does not exist! I mean something that would suit absolutely everyone. Certain skin types have many nuances, and it is very difficult to take each of them into account when developing a formula for a mass product. Therefore, in recent years, a new direction in cosmetology called “DIY-cosmetics” has begun to develop rapidly.

What does "D.I.Y." mean?

The English abbreviation “do it yourself,” meaning “do it yourself,” began to come into use in the second half of the last century. It concerned all areas of human activity at home - repairs, making furniture, dishes, clothes, interior items - in a word, everything that allowed you to decorate your home and make life in it pleasant and comfortable. Recently, this phenomenon has spread to home cosmetics.

What is the secret of the growing popularity of DIY cosmetics?

  • This is a custom product
  • Its cost is 30-60% cheaper than the branded one.
  • It meets the trends of “frugal lifestyle” and “healthy lifestyle”
  • Ability to improvise with components
  • Rapid expansion of the ingredients market and their availability
  • Simple cooking technology
  • It is environmentally friendly, consists of natural organic components, does not contain preservatives, chemical additives and surfactants that destroy the protective layer of the skin. In addition, making cosmetics at home does not require special packaging materials, as on an industrial scale; packaging containers can be reused, which is important for the environment

About a third of the buyers of the ingredients of such cosmetics are professional cosmetologists who independently produce cosmetics in their salons. Despite the lack of certification, their creams and masks have considerable success among visitors to beauty salons.

What kind of individual cosmetics can you make yourself?

Before you start making cosmetics with your own hands at home, it is recommended to study the hardware. By the way, courses and webinars on DIY cosmetics are a completely independent information product that is in steady demand and is actively sold.
At home, you can make almost any caring cosmetics: gels, creams, masks, lotions, scrubs, tonics, shampoos, soaps, balms, milk. It will have some features that need to be taken into account.

Do-it-yourself natural cosmetics have:

  • Short shelf life (maximum – a week)
  • Possible allergic reactions to individual components
  • Slow effect of use
  • Specific, not always pleasant smell

Are there cosmetics that cannot be made from ingredients sold in DIY stores? Eat. It is impossible to make creams with biologically active substances - enzymes, hormones, collagen.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the delicate, “airy” gel-like consistency of the cream, which we usually enjoy by dipping our finger into a jar of an industrially produced product. Most often, the result is something unusually greasy, oily and odorous, especially at the beginning of the career of a home-grown cosmetologist.

How can homemade cosmetics harm you?

Everything has its pros and cons, including cosmetics that you make with your own hands at home.

The main enemy that can be hidden in a jar of homemade cream is, of course, bacteria. They can get into it if there is insufficient cleanliness during the production of the cream and, in the future, actively multiply in it if a preservative is not added to the product. Even an industrially produced cream ceases to be sterile when we open the package and dip our finger into it to scoop up a portion for the next application to the face.

Particularly dangerous are formulations containing aqueous plant extracts and protein components such as yogurt, egg yolks and oatmeal - this is an ideal nutrient medium for bacterial growth. After applying such a product to the skin and storing it for some time, even in the refrigerator, you can get a strong inflammatory reaction.

Another pitfall is allergic reactions. They can be caused by fruit and berry extracts, plant extracts, essential oils; again - with the same protein components.

Excess oils have an extremely adverse effect on the skin. Fat creams are good for dry, cracked skin on the feet and elbows, but not for the face, where they will instantly clog the skin pores and prevent the skin from breathing, creating an air- and waterproof greenhouse layer.

To ensure that using homemade cosmetics brings joy to your skin, we follow simple rules:

We prepare products under conditions as close to sterile as possible.
We never scoop cream from a jar with our fingers - there are special cosmetic spatulas for this, preferably disposable ones.
Store the cream in the refrigerator, but no more than 5 days.
Before introducing exotic components into a cosmetic product, we must conduct a sensitivity test.
We do not overload the composition of the cream - the more components it contains, the more difficult it is to balance them, we work especially carefully with oils, their amount in the cream exceeding 5-6% will simply not be perceived by the skin.

Equipment for making DIY cosmetics

Of course, no one prepares an individual anti-aging cream in a pan for semolina porridge, stirring it with a tablespoon. Therefore, those who decide to start producing natural cosmetics at home will need the necessary minimum equipment for this activity.

  • Electronic scales for precise weighing of ingredients
  • Digital thermometer (more accurate than water thermometer)
  • Cosmetic thermostat for melting waxes and solid oils, for gentle heating of components
  • Whisk for whipping, or better yet, a cosmetic mini mixer
  • Porcelain mortar and pestle for grinding dry substances
  • Stainless steel metal bowls with a spout (stainless steel does not come into chemical contact with the ingredients and can be heated without fear of breaking, like glass)
  • Laboratory beakers with graduations of various volumes
  • Glass stirring rods
  • Glass funnel
  • Cosmetic spatulas
  • Plastic disposable pipettes (“Pick up, drop, throw away.” Experience shows that washing a glass pipette from the collected contents, especially oily ones, is a thankless and futile task)
  • Metal measuring spoons, tweezers holder
  • Indicator strips for determining the pH of a product
  • Bottles and jars for the finished product

Main components for making DIY cosmetics (homemade cosmetics)

Base oils

These are highly refined vegetable oils. They are produced from components and parts of plants - seeds, seeds, kernels - by pressing and cold filtration. There are liquid (olive, almond, jojoba, etc.) and solid (coconut, cocoa, palm, avocado, mango). Area of ​​application: production of soap, creams, massage mixtures.

Cosmetic waxes

These are fat-like amorphous substances of plant, animal, and artificial origin. There are fossil waxes (ozokerite, ceresin) that have medicinal properties. Waxes are chemically stable, waterproof, quite hard, have a high melting point and are not subject to oxidation (aging, “rancidity”). Used to make lipsticks, glosses, pencils, depilatory products and emulsion creams.

Animal oils

Mink oil and lanolin (also sometimes called sheep wax). These components are closest in composition to human sebum and form the basis of nourishing creams for dry, sensitive and aging skin.

Emulsifiers and thickeners

These are components that give cosmetics a stable, stable structure, preventing separation. With the help of emulsifiers, a microemulsion is prepared from base oils, thanks to which the active components are evenly distributed in the cosmetic product and are easily absorbed by the skin, reaching its deep layers. This category includes sodium alginate, gum arabic, xanthan gum, sucrose stearate, cetearyl alcohol, etc.

Plant extracts

These are extracts from plants that have various cosmetic effects - skin nutrition, narrowing of capillaries during rosacea, regulation of fat metabolism, cell regeneration, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects, etc. They can be in the form of powders, oil and alcohol extracts, fruit powder.

Essential oils

They give homemade cosmetics both healing and caring properties. These are components with a high degree of activity, which are added to the product in minimal quantities (2-3 drops). Essential oils aromatize the product, have a preservative effect, fight germs and viruses, strengthen the immune system and relieve stress. The most used are lavender, rose, neroli, tea tree, eucalyptus, thyme, sage, patchouli, grapefruit, lemon, mint, ylang-ylang, cedar, etc.

Soap base

This is a basic product for making soap at home. It is an alloy of base oils, glycerin and surfactants of organic origin.

Where do they get all this?

Buying the ingredients to make your own custom cosmetics is quite easy. This segment of online trading is rapidly developing and offers almost everything necessary for the production of cosmetics from scratch - from a measuring spoon to accompanying step-by-step instructions and recipes. All basic and active components are sold wholesale and retail at quite affordable prices.

Some technological features of the production of home cosmetics

  • The work surface on which the process of preparing homemade cosmetics will take place must be clean and easy to wash and disinfect. Agree that the kitchen table, on which you previously cut meat or fish, cut vegetables and added seasonings to dishes, is not the most suitable place for this. It is better if a separate table is allocated for cosmetic experiments.
  • The main point in the work process is perfect cleanliness. Dishes, especially those in which the finished product will be stored, must be sterilized, keeping in mind that homemade cosmetics do not contain preservatives to protect them from the growth of bacteria. The rule of cleanliness also applies to the hands of the master. Having a bottle of alcohol with a dispenser makes the task easier.
  • All components are carefully crushed (if provided), weighed and measured strictly according to the recipe. Those who put the components of a product “by eye” end up with “something”.
  • Base oils and wax are melted in a non-metallic container in a water bath or a special thermostat. Never use a microwave oven to prepare cosmetics.
  • When making emulsions, the water and oil phases are mixed after heating to the same temperature.
  • Active components (extracts, essential oils, pigments, structure stabilizers) are introduced into the product last.
  • And finally, the main rule: “A high-quality cosmetic product can only be obtained by using high-quality ingredients”

DIY homemade cosmetics recipes

A simple night cream for dry sensitive skin

1 tablespoon cocoa butter
1 teaspoon jojoba oil
3 tablespoons olive oil (can be replaced with apricot kernel oil)
Sandalwood essential oil

This DIY recipe for natural cosmetics is done as follows: place cocoa butter in a ladle in a boiling water bath or in a special thermostat. After complete melting, add the rest of the oils sequentially, mix quickly for 5-10 seconds and place the ladle in a container with cold water to cool. While cooling, beat the cream with a mini mixer and add 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil. Transfer the finished cream into a clean glass jar.

Moisturizing anti-rosacea cream

Cuperosis is a pronounced vascular network in some areas of the face (for example, on the wings of the nose), giving the skin an unhealthy redness and problematic appearance. The components of the cream are divided into 3 phases:

A homemade cosmetics recipe is made like this: place the solid components of phase A in a water bath or thermostat and leave until melted. Add the remaining oils from phase A and mix gently until smooth. The components of phase B (hydrolate, hyaluronic acid and panthenol) must be heated to the temperature of phase A, dissolve allantoin and pour into the oil in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Cool slightly and add essential oils (phase C). Transfer the finished cream into a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Lip balm “Moisturizing”

Beeswax 7.2 g
cocoa butter 16.0 g
castor oil 20 ml
tea tree (or rosemary) essential oil 6 drops

Solid ingredients for DIY cosmetics are placed in a water bath or in a special thermostat and kept until melted. Stirring constantly, add castor oil. To obtain a more uniform consistency, it is better to use a cosmetic mixer.
When the mixture has cooled slightly, add essential oil.
