Oriental dances for pregnant women. Pregnancy and dancing

Pregnancy and dancing - so many of those who are preparing to become mothers are wondering how they combine?

It is necessary to immediately clarify, dispel all doubts and fears about this - if in the process of intrauterine development of the child there is no occurrence of any deviations and anomalies, and also if the condition of the pregnant woman is satisfactory, you can mostly expect a completely affirmative answer . Motor activity during dancing is an unconditional positive factor in the health of both mother and future baby.

The period in a woman's life in which she bears a child is undoubtedly a very difficult time for a future mother, associated with many changes taking place both in her body and in the psycho-emotional sphere. And life after that, often very long-awaited, moment, when it is confirmed that a baby begins to emerge inside her, nevertheless continues. It's just that its rhythm becomes a little different, a little more measured, smooth. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to bring a bit of diversity in the form of regular fairly intense physical activity, such as when dancing.

So, if there are no contraindications to dancing and the doctor, under whose supervision the woman is during pregnancy, gives the go-ahead, you can start performing all kinds of dance steps. Of course with a small caveat. It would not be prudent at all for a woman "in position" to continue to be, as previously possible, a frequenter of nightclubs and confirm the title of Queen of the dance floor. The benefits of a disco are doubtful, and besides what can lead to overwork, in fact, it is not capable of giving anything good. It is necessary to choose those types of dances in which sharp movements are excluded, there is no significant tension in the abdominal muscles, so that placental abruption does not occur. Excessive load on the muscles of the peritoneum, in addition, is fraught with an increase in uterine tone and increases the risk of preterm labor. On the other hand, those types of dances in which movements of arms, legs, back, neck are necessary will only benefit.

Dance classes should be led by an instructor who has experience in leading groups according to a special program designed for pregnant women. Such a trainer will help you choose the most suitable rhythm of classes and determine the degree of permissible load on the woman's body.

Pregnancy and dances practiced during this period require you to carefully monitor all the changes that occur in the well-being and condition of the expectant mother, and if they become negative, such classes should be stopped immediately.

The benefits of dancing during pregnancy

The benefits of dancing during pregnancy lie in a number of positive aspects, including the following.

Choreographic classes help to reduce the degree of discomfort experienced by a woman in connection with the state of pregnancy. Thanks to them, the general tone of the body increases, its supply of vitality and energy increases.

Dancing can act as one of the significant factors in reducing the likelihood that there may be a need for medical intervention in the natural process of childbirth. They help to minimize the need for a possible caesarean delivery.

Regular performance of dance movements by a pregnant woman is able to further help prevent prolonged postpartum depression.

Dancing during the period of bearing a child is an excellent preparatory event for the body for labor, as the result is the strengthening of the muscles of the legs, in particular the hips, muscles in the hip and back, and in addition to the vaginal muscles.

As a result of dancing for the expectant mother, the risk that childbirth may occur earlier than the due date or be accompanied by all sorts of possible complications is reduced. In the meantime, pregnancy lasts, to a certain extent, they help prevent hypertensive disorders, the appearance of preeclampsia (late toxicosis) of pregnant women, the development of gestational type diabetes, that is, developing against the background of pregnancy.

The benefit of dancing for a woman preparing to become a mother is, in addition, that it is a wonderful option for her physical activity and has a beneficial effect on the state of the respiratory system, contributing to the acquisition of proper breathing skills during childbirth.

It should be noted that the benefits of dancing during pregnancy also lie in the positive psychological aspect of such activities. With the onset of approximately the 5-6th month of development, the child begins to hear and respond to sounds coming to him from outside. Music, thus, to which his mother dances, can most positively contribute to prenatal, intrauterine development and upbringing even before birth.

Dancing while pregnant

Dancing during pregnancy is by and large all the same gymnastics, one of its various varieties. The effect of dancing, say, flamenco or salsa, for example, is comparable to the results achieved when visiting special yoga or water aerobics groups for pregnant women. And the consequences in each of these cases are undoubtedly positive. Indeed, in this case, it is precisely those muscle complexes that are subjected to the greatest stress during childbirth. Plasticity and flexibility are trained, and in addition, the pregnant woman develops the ability to maximize concentration on her own body. An important point is seen, in addition, that she received many positive emotions from dancing.

Nevertheless, when practicing dance steps, one should not lose sight of the fact that dancing still requires quite a lot of effort and energy return from the body. Therefore, in order to avoid excessive overwork, if before pregnancy the woman was not too friendly with sports, the intensity of the load should be gentle until the 20-week period. Do not show excessive enthusiasm in sudden movements, jerks and jumps.

Exercises that help develop body plasticity should be performed at the barre (similar to how dancers warm up). And as the course of pregnancy approaches the middle, in order to protect the veins and spine from overload, it is advisable to do them while sitting or lying down. It is very important to maintain the correct position of the back.

Regular classes are supposed to last from 20 minutes to half an hour three times a week. The level of load should be selected based on how physically prepared a woman is and how she feels. The occurrence of dizziness, increased heart rate, the appearance of signs of fatigue signals the need to stop exercising.

Dancing during pregnancy with a systematic gradual increase in loads will eventually lead to the emergence of skills to control your body well. Coordination of movements will improve and the ability to maintain a state of balance will develop. Muscles will become stronger and more elastic.

belly dance during pregnancy

Belly dancing during pregnancy is a wonderful way of exercising for a woman preparing to become a mother. Based on the experience of medical specialists and teachers, it can be argued that, subject to the necessary certain conditions, nothing prevents practically anyone from doing it.

The possible risk of negative consequences for the mother and child is minimal if this dance is practiced on the basis of an individual approach, in classes with a teacher who are offered exercises with a gentle level of stress. The choice of a set of such exercises is carried out, taking into account all the features of the course of pregnancy and its timing, which is of great importance in order to avoid excessive overstrain of the pregnant woman.

Classes in belly dancing should take place with the exception of sudden movements, shakes, blows, pushes. Also, too energetic writing out monograms with the hips is not welcome. It is recommended to focus on the movements of the arms, hips, neck. It would also be nice to build the dance in such a way that the muscles of the back are involved in it, on which an ever-increasing load falls with an increase in the duration of the pregnancy.

Belly dancing at a time approaching the time of childbirth contributes to the effective neutralization of unpleasant sensations arising from the relaxation of the ligaments with some divergence of the pelvic bones in anticipation of the onset of the birth process. From such a dance, the muscles that move the joints in the hip area become more trained. There is something like self-massage of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity.

The beneficial effect of dance also lies in the fact that it acts as a preventive measure against such a frequent occurrence in pregnant women as varicose veins.

Belly dancing during pregnancy will help a woman learn to concentrate, manage the tension and relaxation of her body, which is important during childbirth. And in the period after the birth of the baby, this dance helps to restore the physical form of the previous pregnancy, allows you to tighten your stomach in a short time and improve the shape of your breasts.

Oriental dances during pregnancy

Oriental dances during pregnancy, as many experts say, are very beneficial for a woman's health, primarily at the stage of planning a child, before conception. Often it is not forbidden to continue practicing them during the period of bearing a child. On the other hand, one can often come across the opposite, no less authoritative opinion that as soon as pregnancy occurs, dancing must be immediately abandoned. The rationale for this can be a number of characteristic features that distinguish oriental dances, which casts doubt on their expediency at this period in a woman's life.

So the performance of an oriental dance is associated with the need for tension during it of certain muscle groups, in which there is a possibility of harm, both in relation to the condition of the pregnant woman, and to the child developing inside her. In the early stages, therefore, it is recommended to give preference to breathing exercises and gymnastics instead of dancing.

In favor of oriental dances, at the same time, it must be said that they are quite justifiably called dances of primordially female fertility. The sequence of movements regulated by this dance, as if symbolically reflects how a child is born. The main movements of the dance are performed by the hips and abdomen, evoking associations with the process of conception and childbirth. In them, the muscles of those groups are subjected to the greatest stress, and, accordingly, development, training, which are not active under other circumstances, but are of great importance in order for a woman to safely endure and successfully give birth to a child. By these are meant mainly the pelvic muscles.

Oriental dances during pregnancy, appropriately adapted for women in this condition, are one of the best types of physical activity to help prepare for the upcoming birth and have a beneficial effect on the unborn baby.

Having seen enough of the beautiful oriental dancers, listening to the enthusiastic speeches of my friends, I also decided to sign up for a belly dance. Pleasant music, excellent mood, pleasant pastime were guaranteed to me. I ran to classes with joy, because I immediately felt that this was mine. Three months later, I learned the good news - I'm pregnant! And the question immediately arose: “Is it possible to practice oriental dancing during pregnancy?”

It turned out that it is not only possible, but also desirable. During the dance, all muscle groups of the expectant mother are trained. In order for the effect to be positive, you need to try to practice regularly, but at the same time take into account the peculiarity of the situation.

There is an interesting version about the origin of belly dance. It is said to have originated in ancient times. In the beginning, these were ritual movements that helped a woman during pregnancy and during childbirth. They perfectly trained the pelvic muscles, helped the pregnant woman feel her body and learn how to control it.

About the benefits of belly dancing for pregnant women

The movements of belly dance in the complex represent the optimal program of physical exercises during pregnancy. It harmoniously combines loads on the necessary muscle groups without the use of strength exercises. As a result of regular dancing, the joints become flexible, the back muscles are strengthened, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves.

And some more facts:

  • During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are under a lot of stress, and as a result, stretch marks and scars on the skin can appear. With the help of belly dancing, muscles are strengthened and, of course, recover faster after childbirth.
  • During the dance, the muscles tense and relax in turn, and this contributes to the rapid development of the placenta and eliminates the common pathology during pregnancy - placental insufficiency.
  • Belly dancing promotes training of the abs and pelvic muscles, develops the ability to relax deep muscles. These skills will help to significantly reduce pain during childbirth.
  • In belly dancers, the muscles of the perineum become elastic and are less likely to tear during childbirth.
  • Oriental dance classes improve bowel function and such unpleasant phenomena as heartburn, bloating, constipation, which often haunt pregnant women, almost do not bother.
  • Every day the baby is gaining weight, and the load on the mother's spine increases. Belly dancing trains the muscles of the back, which facilitates the process of bearing.
  • Many expectant mothers are prone to rapid mood swings. When dancing, the “hormones of joy” are released, and this leads to an improvement in mood. Yes, and communication with like-minded people charges with positive emotions.

Contraindications for dancing

If you want to do oriental dancing, be sure to consult a doctor who is leading the pregnancy. Perhaps such physical activity is contraindicated for you. Dancing is not allowed for the following reasons:

  • if pregnant or preeclampsia;
  • asthma;
  • there is a risk of premature birth;
  • if there are disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • pathologies of the placenta are observed;
  • heart diseases;
  • multiple pregnancy.

If there are no contraindications for practicing belly dancing, and the doctor gave the go-ahead, then dance to your health, but keep in mind that the expectant mother’s well-being serves as a guideline for the duration and intensity of classes. So, dear mothers, dance to your health. The main thing to remember is that in everything you need to observe the measure.

Pregnancy is considered the most special, wonderful and interesting time in the life of any woman. At this time, each representative of the fair sex requires care from others and harmony in the world around her.

A woman feels that soon global changes will take place in her life, she cannot but be worried about this. The soul longs for maximum relaxation, which is often replaced by states of need for maximum activity. It is very important during this period to feel harmony and peace of mind. Belly dancing for pregnant women can help with this.

Whether to do belly dancing (belly dance) during pregnancy or not is up to you. There are different opinions about whether or not to do this. However, do not forget that adequate physical activity within reasonable limits is beneficial to the expectant mother. Before taking up dancing, choosing them as prenatal training, you should consult with your therapist and gynecologist. Not the last role is played by your inner feelings and intuition, because until you try it yourself, you will not be able to determine whether you like it or not.

In fairness, it should be noted that among modern pregnant women, belly dancing, which is organized by numerous fitness centers, is becoming increasingly popular. It turns out that this dance was developed for prenatal preparation of a woman's body in ancient Egypt. In fact, it turned out that such movements give a moderate and gentle load on all reproductive organs. Relaxation, muscle development and breathing techniques developed in dance contribute to an easier pregnancy.

The belly dance program contains exercises focused on relaxing the muscles of the abdomen, lower back and back, while eliminating all sudden movements and pushes. The most important rule to consider if you want to get the maximum benefit is to follow the recommendations of an experienced instructor. It should be borne in mind that oriental dance classes are contraindicated for pregnant women with a uterus in good shape, placental less than 5 cm, hypertension, fibroids.

As scientists have found out, this type of dance is directly related to childbearing, as it contributes to successful conception, preparing the body for childbirth and bearing a child. In some Arab countries, oriental dance movements to this day are a prenatal ritual.

Belly dance for pregnant women has an organic combination of the main four factors of pregnancy: physical activity, emotional charge, will training, being in society. The task of the expectant mother is not just to set some records, but to learn how to move smoothly, beautifully and, of course, have fun. After all, the positive emotions of the mother will bring joy to the baby.

For pregnant women, the instructor includes calmer music compared to classical dance options, and the movements are more plastic. They are designed to train the muscles of the pelvis, the press and perfectly train the spine.

We list the benefits that belly dancing gives expectant mothers:

They contribute to the relaxation of all deep muscles, as a result of which the painful spasm of the woman in labor decreases;

Increase tone;

Dancing tightens the buttocks without much stress;

Help to strengthen and increase the elasticity of the muscles of the perineum, preventing the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth;

Improving bowel function;

Prevention of varicose veins;

Normalization of blood flow;

Preservation of the shape of the breast;

They help to quickly restore prenatal form after childbirth.

Sensual music and the atmosphere of the East set up a pregnant woman for a positive, which contributes to an emotional charge, an increase in mood, an incitement to fantasies and dreaminess, which is not always possible due to physiological and hormonal changes.

Women who practiced belly dancing during pregnancy claim that the feeling of a holiday, the opportunity to be in bright oriental clothes, the manifestation of artistry and openness to creativity triumph over inexplicable tearfulness and irritability.

Belly dancing brings up the ability to harmonize one's condition, builds endurance, mobilizes the body's resources, trains willpower, etc. Classes teach you to instantly relax, which will allow the expectant mother to respond correctly to contractions.

Staying in society lies in the fact that most pregnant women lack communication. Therefore, a great reason to get out of the house and spend time for the benefit of yourself and the crumbs is to sign up for oriental belly dancing classes!

Belly dance. Why is it called that? This is the dance of life! Because life originates in the stomach.

This dance originated many thousands of years ago in temples. It originated as a ritual dance, with the help of which skilled priestesses of the temples helped future women in labor prepare their body and mind for childbirth. Belly dancing was intended to make the process of childbirth as easy as possible. In the dance, young pregnant girls strengthened their bodies: they practiced movements and stretches that facilitated the birth of a child.

Benefits of belly dancing for pregnant women:

Trains deep abdominal and pelvic muscles, which are actively involved in childbirth;

Helps to learn how to relax deep muscles, which significantly reduces pain spasm during childbirth;

Trains the muscles of the perineum (the more elastic they are, the less likely it is that they will break or cut during childbirth). The elastic muscles of the perineum also contribute to the improvement of a woman's sexual life, increasing her sexual abilities and strengthening her marriage;

Creates the necessary load for the muscles of the legs (if the contractions are completely or partially held vertically, this will create a huge load on the muscles of the legs);

Strengthens the veins of the legs, which prevents the appearance of varicose veins, which often affects pregnant women;

It trains the muscles in the shoulder girdle, which helps to maintain the shape of the chest, strengthens the back, the load on which increases with the increase in the abdomen.

During pregnancy, many doctors advise a woman not only to listen to music, but also to dance. Today, the benefits of dancing during the period when the expectant mother is expecting a child have already been proven. Belly dancing is especially useful during this period. Scientists have conducted research and found that, for example, drums make rhythmic sounds, which together create a smooth, light and weightless melody. Such oriental melodies are able to tidy up the nervous system, relieve stress and help to relax. It has also been proven that certain oriental music is even capable of setting a pregnant woman on the same wavelength as her unborn child.

Belly dancing has another positive side for any woman, especially for a pregnant woman - it is to learn to love your body and feel it, which is very important. Thanks to the light and rhythmic, smooth and graceful oriental music, the body will become more flexible and energetic, toned and beautiful, and the movements will be smooth and seductive.

It is pleasant for every woman to feel desired, and especially during pregnancy.

Belly dancing for pregnant women teaches first of all to relax. From the moment you decide that you want to take up belly dancing for pregnant women, you should be as attentive to yourself as possible. Caution in the classroom will lead to a positive result. Your childbirth will be painless, and after them you will be able to restore your figure in a short time!

Dear future mothers! Pay special attention to the fact that there is a special technique during pregnancy, since the general program has limitations for you. Therefore, you should engage in a separate group for pregnant women so as not to harm yourself and your baby.

Center "Heart of the East" invites pregnant women to classes to prepare for childbirth.
Registration and details by phone: 063-269-04-94; http://vk.com/rodi_new_life

Our world, absorbing all the colors of the rainbow,

Shimmers with a precious palette.

Praise be to the creator, that having collected all the colors,

He created Woman - the Crown for the whole Universe!

Pregnancy and the birth of a child is the most reverent and important time in the life of every woman!

If the pregnancy is going well and not contraindications to moderate physical activity, then the expectant mother can perform movements aimed at maintaining the muscles of the body, (in particular pelvic, back and abdominal muscles) in the shape of. I'm not talking about pumping muscles, but about comfortable activity and stretching to maintain muscle strength and elasticity. After all, in the near future the body will have a big and responsible job, in which the condition of the muscles of the pelvis and lower press play an important role!

I am writing such a long introduction in order to warn possible questions on the topic: Is it possible to practice? Why practice? Is it harmful for the child?

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a natural process. If there are no contraindications from a doctor, and only in this case, it is possible to consider a disc with a set of movements for practicing during pregnancy. It is not recommended to engage in the early stages, the optimal time is after 16.17 weeks of pregnancy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BELY DANCE SCHOOL IN PREGNANCY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Video tutorial: 30 minutes.

Year of publication: 2006.

Price: 99 rubles. (at the time of purchase 150 rubles)

Film Company: WorldDance New York

Information from the manufacturer:

Welcome to the Pregnancy Belly Dancing School program.
My name is Naya. I am seven months pregnant, Let's experience together the wonderful possibilities that the art of belly dancing gives us.
To ensure peace, joy and safety for you and your baby, this course has been adapted for pregnant women. At the same time, we used the most proven programs of leading specialists from American colleges. Before we get started, let me introduce you to some basic ideas about pregnancy.
Remember that every person and every pregnancy is different.
Ask your doctor to prescribe his recommendations for you. That being said, it would be better if your doctor reviewed this program first. If she approves, you can use these dance exercises, and the doctor will advise you on how to properly practice this belly dance course ...


According to one version belly dance originally happened as birth dance ", Arab women performed certain movements that alleviated pain during labor and contributed to the birth of a child.

"Belly" is life And life is given by a woman-mother.

In Arab countries, doctors have come to the conclusion that the movements performed during belly dancing increase blood circulation in the pelvic area, which prevents some of the female diseases.


The disk has several parts aimed at the movement of a specific muscle group. Each part has its own name, in accordance with the elements: water, earth, fire and air.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WATER. WARM-UP.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The warm-up contains movements aimed at warming up the muscles of the body, such as: circular movements of the hands, gentle raising of the arms and head tilts, as well as rotation of the shoulders.

Part "Water". Warm up.

The muscles of the legs are warmed up through light lunges and rotations at the ankles. All movements are performed very smoothly, without sudden movements and rotations. After the warm-up is performed Combination #1 Water , combining the performed movements in a bunch to melodic music.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EARTH. LOWER BODY MOVEMENTS.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

​Lower body movements include: hip gliding, half circle back and forth, and full circle hips. "Eights" are performed with hips with steps and other movements. All shaking and sharp hips, characteristic of belly dancing, are excluded from the program. Only smooth movements!

Part "Earth". Movements of the lower body.

After the main movements are performed Combination No. 2 Earth.

​~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AIR. UPPER BODY MOVEMENTS.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

From the name it follows that more hands are now working, as well as the thoracic region and the muscles of the abdomen and back. A "snake" is performed with hands, with a step and swaying, sliding the chest horizontally. movement-raising the chest, allows you to remove pressure from the lungs. The complex includes a chest wave. Also performed Combination No. 3 Air.

Part "Air". Upper body movements.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIRE. INSERTS.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Part "Fire". Penetrations.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LIGHT. RELAXATION.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At the end of the program, relaxation movements are performed: smooth circular movements of the arms, rocking the body with weight transfer from foot to foot, gentle head rotations and circles of the hips.

Part "Light". Relaxation.


I acquired this program during my second pregnancy and performed it from 16-17 weeks until childbirth. Before pregnancy, I led an active lifestyle for several years, I was engaged in oriental dances.

I consulted with a doctor about the possibility of classes and received an answer that moderate dancing, without sudden movements, is rather useful. Therefore, the question of dancing or not was not for me, since there are no medical contraindications! I know my body and have a lot of fun dancing!

The program lasts a short time and is designed in such a way that the body does not overwork, while the muscles work. I liked the division of movements by elements. In the usual, not "pregnant" belly dance, the elements of fire are characterized by shaking and active hits with the hips - this is my element. (My zodiac sign is Aries). But I refused these movements for the entire duration of pregnancy, since their implementation is not desirable in the position.

Classes in belly dancing have a beneficial effect on the spine, unloading it, which is very important during pregnancy. In those days when I was engaged, I was not bothered by back pain, even in the later stages. Of course, it was unusual to move with a big belly, but it was not difficult for me. I didn't gain any pounds during my pregnancy. above the norm (I gave birth with a weight of 66 kg, before pregnancy my weight was on average 52 kg.), I was not bothered by swelling, I did not have them. And I easily put on shoes myself in late pregnancy (leaning down for many pregnant women is a problem in the last weeks!)

Features of belly dancing during pregnancy, I can refer to them :

  • During pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts, this must be taken into account and do not perform quick turns, exclude movements on half-toes, it is more reliable to stand on a full foot!
  • Listen carefully to your body, if during any movement you feel discomfort, immediately stop exercising.
  • Exercise only in a well-ventilated area.
  • Avoid dehydration, drink water during exercise.
  • Follow the correct position of the body: the pelvis is slightly forward, the chest is open, the legs are not tense.

Benefits of belly dancing during pregnancy:

  • Belly dancing strengthens the deep muscles of the pelvis and abdomen.
  • Prevention of varicose veins
  • Beneficial effect on the skin, increasing its elasticity
  • Training of the muscles of the back and chest.

Contraindications to belly dancing during pregnancy:

  • Placenta previa.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Chronic diseases: hypertension, heart disease, lung disease and other serious diseases.
  • Arterial hypertension in pregnancy.
  • Risk of preterm birth.
  • pregnancy diabetes.

Many of the movements of belly dance promote relaxation while strengthening the muscles. The movements are smooth, especially the various circles and figure eights. And after giving birth, belly dancing is a great way to get back into prenatal shape without resorting to grueling workouts.

I danced before pregnancy, during pregnancy and returned to classes some time after giving birth. For me, oriental dancing is the perfect way to be in good physical shape!

I would like to say again that even if you were dancing before pregnancy, during itSTART TRAINING ONLY AFTER CONSULTATION WITH YOUR DOCTOR!!!

Be always beautiful!!!

Elena Krasa.

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