Classes for children on the topic day night. Time of day for children

The time of day for children, for adults and for all plant and wildlife consists of four periods of time: morning, afternoon, evening and night. Each time interval differs from each other by the position of the sun, the location of the hands on the clock, our deeds and activities.

So, in the morning we wake up, brush our teeth, have breakfast and get ready for the day. In the afternoon we go to classes, have lunch, do homework and attend circles. In the evening we play, relax, have dinner and get ready for bed. And at night we sleep sweetly.

(Some of the pictures on which the pen cursor appears can be downloaded in large size. To do this, click on the picture with the mouse to open a large picture for download)

Presentation for children: time of day


In the villages, from the very early morning, as soon as the sun rises, the whole district wakes up the cockerel with its loud “Ku-Ka-Re-Ku”! And in the city, the alarm clock rings early in the morning, saying that it's time to get up.

The time of day when the sun appears above the horizon is called morning, which comes with dawn. The sun just rises above the horizon, rises higher and higher above the trees and roofs of houses, gives us its bright rays and a sunny smile.

Mornings start later in winter and earlier in summer. And even in summer, there is morning dew on the grass. This is when the grass is wet, as if it had rained, but in fact there was no rain, just during the night the air cooled down and turned into small droplets of water that settled on the leaves and blades of grass.

Morning starts with awakening. Plants wake up, opening their buds, animals and birds wake up, crawling out of their minks and flying out of their nests. In the morning you need to get out of bed, carefully cover it. Then go wash, brush your teeth, do exercises and get ready for kindergarten or school. Meanwhile, in the kitchen in the morning, breakfast prepared by my mother is already waiting for us.


During the day, a person is awake. Children play in the courtyard of a house or a kindergarten, schoolchildren study and return home after school, while adults work in the meantime. Small children are supposed to sleep a little after lunch during the day, and older schoolchildren do their homework so that they can do their favorite things and go for a walk until the evening.

During the day, the sun rises high in the sky and moves from east to west across the sky, gradually descending towards the horizon in the afternoon. In summer, the sun rises high above the horizon, and in winter it sets low and quickly.

In the daytime, classes are held for children in kindergarten and at school, after which lunch time comes. Lunch consists of first, second and third, after which you need to rest a little, and for younger children there is a “quiet hour”.

Toward evening, it's time for lunch. An afternoon snack is a small dinner, which consists of a roll with tea or fruit with juice, after which you can go for a walk.


In the evening the sun goes down lower and lower and sets below the horizon. This time of day is called evening. And when the sun disappears below the horizon, you can watch a beautiful sunset. It can be bright in yellow-red rays. In winter, evening comes early and the sun sets quickly, and in summer it gets dark for a long time and the sun sets slowly.

Plants, animals and birds are getting ready for bed. Flowers close their buds, animals climb into their burrows, an anthill in the forest closes, and birds sing lullabies near their nests.

Evening is the time when children come from a walk, and adults from work. This is dinner time, after which you can play a little, watch TV or read an interesting book.

In the evening, you need to prepare for tomorrow, collect clothes, books for school, brush your teeth and go to bed. After the evening comes the darkest time of the day - night.


At night, all people, animals and plants rest to gain strength for the next day. People sleep in their beds under warm blankets, dogs and cats curl up in their cozy places, birds hide in tree branches, and plants close their buds. Some animals, such as owls, which sleep during the day are awake at night, but most animals sleep in their nests and burrows at night. Night is a time of silence, rest and sweet dreams.

The sun hides far below the horizon and it is very dark around. But now you can see the stars in the sky and for some time the month comes out. During the day, the stars and the moon are invisible because of the bright sunlight, but at night in complete darkness they appear in all their glory.

A moon appears in the sky at night. This moon is our satellite of the planet Earth. The month is full - they call the full moon. It happens in the form of a growing or waning crescent. Or maybe not at all - called the new moon. While the night lasts for us, on the other side of the globe the sun is shining and the day is in full swing.

Tasks-games for children about the time of day

Picture clock for children. Print and cut out the picture of the alarm clock. Carefully cut out the hands, make a hole in the middle of the dial and fasten the hands to the clock with a thread. Now you can show what time it is! And what now: morning, afternoon or evening?

(Click on the picture to open a larger picture for download)

And here is a ready-made clock with arrows in PSD format for the PhotoShop program - download a clock with arrows (file in the archive clock.rar 518Kb)

Clock with pictures of the time of day

(Click on the image to open a larger image)


To acquaint children with the appointment of clocks, different types of clocks.
Teach children to observe objects.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
To consolidate knowledge about the numbers "1", "2", "3", the ability to count and designate the result of the count with a number.
To form stable ideas about the size (long-short, wide-narrow. Big-small), quantity, color, geometric shapes.
Exercise in designing, sculpting, gluing, drawing with fingers.
Develop the ability to repeat the movements of the teacher.
Develop motor skills, visual concentration, coordination of movements.


Wall clock, wrist, sand. Alarm.
A picture depicting geometric shapes, clock faces in the form of these geometric shapes.
Picture-scheme depicting a clock with weights in the water of geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of colored cardboard.
Building material (bricks, arches, cylinders, triangular prisms).
Color silhouette image of a watch made of thick cardboard, weights in the form of a cone and a mushroom, attached to a common rope.
Plasticine, peas, sticks.
Sand, funnels, transparent bottles.
A background picture depicting the base of an hourglass of different colors, silhouette images of flasks with sand of different colors.
Buttons of different colors, two sizes, an image of a wristwatch with circles of the same color and size.
Paper-cut circles, dials, straps; glue, staples.
Watches and straps for them: wide, medium, narrow.
Numbers. Pictures depicting wristwatches with a different number of holes in the straps.
Finger paint, picture background with empty circles near the numbers on the dial and an empty clock circle frame.
Colored clothespins, clock cut out of thick cardboard.
Audio recording: "Watch! Bom!”, E. Zheleznova.

Lesson progress:

Greeting game "Our smart heads"

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, deftly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs straighten
We smile at each other.

Surprise moment “What's in the chest?

There is an item in the chest. Listen to a riddle about him and try to guess - then you will find out what is in the chest.

Time-time is running,
Tells kids to grow up.
This item sounds like this:
Tick-tock, tick-tock!

Watching the wall clock

Didactic game "Pick up the dials for the clock"

Choose watch faces that match the shape. What geometric shape does this clock look like? (Circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle).

Construction "Collect the watch"

Lay out an image of a clock from different geometric shapes.

Visual activity "Clock"

Children stick, and then make arrows from plasticine.

Construction "Clock on the tower"

We will put a brick at the base of the tower, put an arch on top of the brick, then a cylinder with a clock and on top - a prism-roof.

Exercise "Long and short"

Pull out the weight-bump from the watch - make its string long. And what was the rope with the fungus kettlebell? Short. And how to make the rope with the mushroom become long? Pull her out. What has now become a rope with a bump

Modeling "Clock"

Children sculpt a clock cake (circular rolling, flattening). Numbers are laid out from peas and pressed around the circumference, arrows are made from two sticks, superimposing them and pressing them.

Game with clothespins "Clock"

Attach clothespins next to each number.

Dynamic pause "Clock"

Tick-tock, tick-tock
All clocks go like this.
(Tilts of the head to the left, then to the right shoulder)

See what time it is:
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
(Swinging of the torso, with the transfer of the center of gravity from one leg to the other)

Left - one, right - one,
We can do that too.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
(Hands on the belt, tilts left and right)

Watching the hourglass

Exercise "Pour sand through the funnel"

Children insert a funnel into the neck of a transparent bottle and pour sand into it.

Didactic exercise "Hourglass"

Lay out the hourglass on the stand. What color is the sand in the watch, this color should be the stand.

watch watch

Button game "Decorate the watch"

Arrange the buttons in circles of the appropriate color and size.

Application "Watch"

Glue the dial to the circle, then glue the circle with the dial to the strap. And now adults with the help of paper clips will connect the ends of the strap.

Didactic game "Pick up watch straps"

Here are the watch bands. Are they the same or different? Various. Here is the widest, here is the narrowest. Choose the right size straps for your watch.

Didactic exercise "How many holes are in the strap?"

Count how many holes are in the strap of the largest watch? Three. Designate with a number.

And how many holes are in the strap of a medium (small) watch? Two (one). Designate with a number.

Watching the alarm

Finger drawing "Beautiful alarm clock"

Children leave prints-dots in empty circles near the numbers on the clock, paint, circling the frame of the clock with a finger with paint.

Mobile game "Night-morning"

While the alarm is silent, the children lie on the carpet - sleep when the alarm rings - get up and do exercises - repeat the movements of the teacher.

Musical-rhythmic exercise “Clock! Boom!

Children lightly tap with sticks on the drum, the words “Bom” are beaten strongly and loudly.

Topic: Morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Purpose: to systematize the ideas that children have about the parts of the day, their characteristic features and sequence.

Educational tasks:

    formation of ideas about the concepts of morning, afternoon, evening, night.

    Consolidation of knowledge about numbers and numbers (1, 2, 3, 4.5).

Development tasks:

    Develop connected speech.

    Develop the ability to express your opinion;

    Development of logical thinking, memory, attention.

Educational tasks:

    Cultivate curiosity and interest in the activity.

    Cultivate independence and accuracy.

Lesson type: Combined.

Type of lesson: Practical lesson.

Form of work: Group, individual.

Elements technology: personality-oriented, game, differentiated learning, health-saving, information and communication.

Equipment and TCO: pictures for application, prepared backgrounds for application, picture with the image of a train, presentation, music.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.


    Main part.

    Introductory conversation.

    Game "Show the number"

    Picture conversation.

    Game "Parts of the day"


    Practical part of the lesson.

    Work in notebooks.

    Consolidation of new material.

    Questions and answers.

    Final part.


Evaluation of children's work.

Course progress.
I. Organizational moment.


    Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

(music "Funny numbers" sounds)

Teacher: Today we will continue our journey.
Into an amazing and fascinating world -
To the world of numbers, to the world of mathematics

II. Main part.

    Introductory conversation.

Teacher: Guys, when I went to work today, a crow told me such an unusual story! Do you want to listen? (Children: Yes) - Yesterday, in the winter forest, one hare woke up, washed, brushed his teeth and came to kindergarten. The stars and the moon were shining in the sky, an owl was flying and hooting, but the door to the kindergarten was closed, and there was no light in the windows. Why do you think? (Children: it was night outside) Indeed, the hare mixed up morning and night. What do you need to prevent something like this from happening to you? Of course, you need to learn to distinguish morning, afternoon, evening and night from each other. Do you want to learn to distinguish between parts of the day? Then we will go to the magical land of Time. So, let's go.

    The game "Steam locomotive" ”. (Working with numbers)

Teacher: And to choose a driver, you need to count the numbers.

Direct and reverse count.

What number comes before 2.3?

Name the neighbors of number 5.

Teacher: And we will go with you on a steam locomotive. The machinist will be ..... The machinist give a signal and let's go. Music train. Attention, stop, I ask everyone to get out of the cars and sit down.

    Introduction to new material.

    Picture conversation.

Teacher: The sun rises bright

Cockerel sings in the garden

Our kids are waking up

They are going to kindergarten.

When does it happen?

Children: in the morning.

Let's look at the picture. (Accompanied by the song "Morning Begins" from the m / f "Scarecrow-meowchelo")

So what does the sun do in the morning? (Children: gets up, wakes up, rises). - Yes, it is not yet high in the sky, but is just beginning to rise.

How many mushrooms? And the cones? (Children count. Find the right numbers in the box office of numbers).

What more? What is less? (Apply reception is used).

What should be done to make cones and mushrooms equal? (They decide to add another mushroom).

How many mushrooms have become? How come 3?

How many cones and mushrooms now? (3 and 3 - equally).

What do we do in the morning? (Children: wake up, have breakfast, do exercises, wash) - Indeed, we wake up (picture 2), wash and brush our teeth (picture 3), do exercises (picture 4), have breakfast (picture 5) and go to kindergarten .

And now back on the road. Steam locomotive, are you ready? Driver, signal. Music train. Stop, sit down, please.

The sun shines brightly in the sky

The children went for a walk.

Day comes after morning. (accompanied by the song "What a wonderful day" from the m / f "Song of the Mouse" lyrics: Karganova E., music: Flyarkovsky A.)

Guys, what does the sun do during the day? (Children: shines in the sky) - That's right, it is high in the sky, it shines brightly, so it's light outside during the day. (picture 1)

The day is full of worries, troubles,

Time passes quickly.

You just have to want

You can do a lot.

What can we do during the day? (Children: play, walk, read, sleep, etc.)

Indeed, during the day we can draw (picture 2), read (picture 3), walk (picture 4), play (picture 5), have lunch (picture 6).

Do you want to play? Okay, I'll tell you something. If this happens in the morning, you raise your hands up, if in the afternoon, clap your hands. Let `s start:

The sun is high in the sky.

The girl is exercising.

The boy goes for a walk.

The children are washing.

The sun wakes up, rises.

The children are having lunch.

Well done. And now back on the road. Driver, let's go. New stop, I ask everyone to get off the train.

As the evening comes, the sun sets,

Grasses fall asleep, birds fall silent.

After the day comes the evening (accompanied by the music of S. Prokofiev "Evening").

What does the sun do in the evening? (Children: it sits down, falls)

Of course, the sun is setting, it no longer shines as brightly as during the day, so it gets darker. And the lower the sun goes down, the darker it is outside. (picture 1)

It's getting dark outside the window

And the evening yawned on the go.

I'm in a hurry from kindergarten,

I'm going to my beloved mother. (M. Sadovsky)

What are you doing in the evening? (Children: play, watch TV, eat, draw, read)

Yes, in the evening you can watch a little TV at home (picture 2), draw (picture 3) or play quiet games (picture 4), have dinner (picture 5), read with mom or dad (picture 6) or take a bath (picture 6). 7).

Guys, our train is tired and is leaving for its last stop. Let's hit the road. Come and ask everyone to sit down.

The stars are burning in the sky

Birds sleep and fish sleep

Sleeping flowers in the garden in the beds,

Well, we are in our beds.

When does it happen? (Children: at night)

That's right, after the evening comes the night. (to the accompaniment of the lullaby bear song from the movie "Umka")

What does the sun do at night? (Children: he is not there, he is sleeping, he has settled down)

That's right, it's a village, you can't see it. What can we see in the sky at night? (Children: moon and stars) - Yes (picture 1)

And what do people, animals and birds do at night? (Children: sleeping) - That's right, sleeping (picture 2)

    Game "Parts of the day"

And now we need to split into two teams and a magic flower will help us in this. Now each of you will tear off one petal. Who has red petals sitting on the right, on which there is a red basket, and who has yellow petals - on the left, on which there is a yellow basket. There is a sheet of paper on the table, divided into two parts, one half of it is blue, and the other is black. What do you think this means? The baskets contain pictures of people and animals, they all do something: play, sleep, etc. What do you think we will do with you? Yes, guys, you need to correctly separate the pictures, what can be done during the day - into the light half, and what can be done at night - into the dark. All clear? Then get started.

Let's see what we got. Is everything right here? And here?

Well done, sit down, please, on the chairs.

But there is a bird that does not sleep at night.

Guess what bird

Afraid of bright light.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night

He hoots and scares everyone.

Children: owl


Let's all stand up and say a poem about an owl.

    Fizminutka "Owl"

Owl-owl, children wave their hands, depicting wings

Big head draw a big circle in the air with hands

Sitting on a bitch, sit down

Head twirls head turns left - right

Looking in all directions

Yes, suddenly how to fly. the children got up, ran, while waving

hands like wings.

    Practical part of the lesson.

    Work in notebooks.

    Consolidation of new material.

    Questions and answers.

Teacher: Guys, let's remember what we learned today, and these pictures will help us. Parts of the day always come in a certain order, they cannot change places. ..., come to me, let's think with you which picture should be hung first. The girl woke up. Why? Yes, because it's morning. What else can you do in the morning? Sit down, smart guy. Come to me …. What picture will be next? The girl is playing. When does it happen? Happy. What else can you do during the day? Excellent. Now come, please, ... .. to the board. What will happen next? The girl is reading. What time of day is this? Evening. Right, what else can you do in the evening? Sit down, well done. Well, that's the last picture. Come to me….. Let's hang this picture with you. What is shown on it?

III. Final part.


    Evaluation of children's work.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Fiction", "Physical culture".

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive research, perception of fiction.

Objectives: To consolidate knowledge of the parts of the day, to form the concept of time;

Develop logical thinking, memory;

Cultivate the ability to listen to others;

Learn to express your thoughts using complex sentences.

Material: illustrations "morning", "day", "evening", "night".

Story schemes (pictures for each action):

Morning - I get up, do exercises, wash my face, get dressed, have breakfast;

Day - we study, play, go for a walk, have lunch, sleep;

Evening - we play, relax, read books, watch TV, have dinner, get ready for bed;

Night - sleep.

Symbols for parts of the day. Clock, globe.

There are 24 hours in a day (shown on the clock). During this time, the planet Earth makes one complete revolution around its axis (shown on the globe). On that part of our planet that is not illuminated by the sun's rays, night reigns, and on the illuminated part of the Earth, a bright day shines. The earth rotates continuously, so day and night follow each other.

On the board illustrations: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

What time of day do you think is shown in picture 1? (morning)

Why do you think so?

Who will go to the blackboard, choose pictures and tell us what people do in the morning? (2 hours)

Who will remember and tell verses about the morning?

Good morning! The birds sang.

Good people get out of bed.

All the darkness is hiding in the corners.

The sun rises and follows the footsteps.

Can you tell me what kind of poem this is? (kind, cheerful, joyful)

I will tell you one secret: in order for you to have a good mood all day, you must start the morning with a smile.

You and I know a fun physical lesson about the morning. Let's have a rest.

Physical education minute

Every morning we do exercises.

We really like to do everything in order:

It's fun to walk, raise your hands, lower your hands,

Squat, stand up, jump and jump.

2. -And now, guess what we will talk about next:

He was born with the dawn, the more he grew, the smaller (the day) became.

Look at our poster. What is shown in the next picture? (children's answers)

Who will go and choose pictures that take place during the day? Put them in order and tell us why you think so.

(People do the most important things during the day - children are in kindergarten: they study, play, walk, dine, sleep, etc.; schoolchildren study, adults work).

And what do you do during the day?

Well done!

Physical education minute

Get up quickly, smile

Pull up higher, pull up.

Come on, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower.

Turned left, turned right

They touched their knees.

Sit-get up, sit-get up

And they ran on the spot.

3.-Who will tell me what time of day we will talk about next? (about the evening)

Let's go back to our poster. What is shown in this picture?

Guys, who will remember the poem about the evening and tell it.

The sun sets on the mountain

The stars are lit

Dew falls on the grass

The evening begins.

Well done!

What is the nature of the poem? (calm)

What do people do in the evening? Who will go, choose pictures and tell (they return home from work, kindergarten, study, have dinner, rest: watch TV, play, brush their teeth, go to bed)

Who else will tell you what people do in the evening?

What are you doing at night?

5. The game "True - False"

Rules - if I say it right, then you clap your hands, if it's wrong, don't clap.

The sun rises in the morning +

In the morning you need to do exercises +

People have dinner in the morning

Can't wash in the morning

The day always comes after the morning +

During the day, the moon shines brightly in the sky -

During the day people have lunch +

During the day, street lights shine

The day ends and the morning comes

It's always dark in the evening +

In the evening the children go to kindergarten

People dine at night

Everyone sleeps at night +

Well done! That's right!

Who else will remind you of what parts the day consists of?

5. - And now another problem for you. I have 4 symbols for parts of the day. You must arrange them in order so that they correspond to the parts of the day and at the same time explain what each symbol stands for and why you arranged them in that order.

(Yellow sun with small rays, yellow sun with large rays, orange sun setting behind a red cloud, moon and stars on a black cloud)

Well done! So, morning, afternoon, evening, night - how to call it in one word?

6. The game “What time of day is missed? »

Children are offered pictures, and they tell what time of day they missed.

7. Reflection.

What 4 parts can a day be divided into?

What time of day is the brightest?

What time of day is the darkest?

Well done!

Morning afternoon Evening Night-

They ran away for days.

So as not to regret the days,

We need to save every hour

Play with friends

And help my mom.

The poem "Parts of the day"

Poem and song of own composition. The poem helps children to better remember the name and sequence of parts of the day.

Parts of the day.

Morning comes, the sun rises,

He wakes up all the children, calls to kindergarten.

Day it's coming, we have a lot to do:

Take a walk, eat and the hour has come,

And then instantly evening fit,

Mom will take us home from the garden.

Soon night it will come, it's time for all of us to sleep,

And we will sleep soundly until the morning!

Christmas tree song!

(To the music "The blue carriage runs and sways.")

The blue wagon runs and swings,

The Christmas tree in kindergarten is lucky for us,

New Year always meets with a Christmas tree,

We decorate the Christmas tree every time!

The lights on the Christmas tree are magical,

Together let's say to the Christmas tree: "Burn!"

Let multi-colored sparkle for us,

Bright, beautiful lights!

Have fun, have fun in the New Year,

The Christmas tree carries the smell of the holiday to everyone,

Santa Claus will bring sweets to everyone,

And with the Snow Maiden we will stand in a round dance!

"Children's presentations" - Children's presentation of the Minute. Watch. Day (1 part) -

The date: 2010-08-05

Elena! A big request, when saving the file, select "Save as: presentation". This is the top line.

You save automatically in office 2007, but not everyone has it. If you save GENERALLY in the presentation, then everyone will be able to watch and there will be no questions or complaints from anyone. Subject: The presentation is very good.

But... technically there are problems. Something does not switch, something goes on click. Switch to slide transition mode and set everything up. Next: a very large volume is taken. This is the program of the entire d / garden.

It turns out that it is possible to give children only in the preparatory group for consolidation.

From: Elena Shchedrova

The date: 2010-08-05

Thank you very much for your feedback. If you save the presentation in the office of 2003, then in terms of volume it turns out to be larger. There will also be complaints. I checked the presentation several times, everything switches, everything works. The games have hyperlinks to go to the next slide.

Where the transition is on click, there are arrows. Watch carefully. As for the volume: I did not have a goal to develop a lesson for kindergarten.

You can use not the entire presentation, but only a part, in accordance with the program content. For the preparatory group of the kindergarten, it is intended, I think. which will be useful for younger students.

From: Olga Maksimova

The date: 2010-10-21

Elena, thank you very much for ALL your presentations! ...and when does it make it? :) everything opens in this presentation and all the transitions work where necessary. She moved to office 7. Much more convenient.

All the best to you!

From: Natalia

The date: 2011-01-14

Elena, thank you for the high-quality, informative presentations. Son 3 y 5m. looks with pleasure. It's great that there are questions and the child does not just watch, but participates.

P. I show my son not in kindergarten, but just at home, in terms of the volume of foreign / formation, that’s it, everything suits. It really depends on the development of the child, you can’t please everyone :)

From: Maria Nazarova

The date: 2011-11-06

Elena, thank you so much! Excellent presentation, everything works))) And as for the volume, you can independently divide it into several parts, if necessary)))

Poems about nature: days of the week, times of day, time, hours. Teaching and developing poems for children on natural history. Primary School.

Summer classes.

Why was he born? My soul hurts. And Thursday answered him: So I have been suffering for many years after the rain I'm waiting for something that isn't there.

(G. Ilyina ¦ )

What are you, Tomorrow? Give me answer. I don’t have any special signs yet, But I’ll answer without hesitation: If you start the day with a warm-up, With running and with exercises I'll be fine!

If you sleep half a day, If you barely do all the things, Then, probably, I will seem longer than a week. If you yourself are not boring, the Day will come the best! In the meantime, here's what I'm like: Neither funny nor bad.


Time of day for children

The time of day for children, for adults and for all plant and wildlife consists of four periods of time: morning, afternoon, evening and night. Each time interval differs from each other by the position of the sun, the location of the hands on the clock, our deeds and activities.

So, in the morning we wake up, brush our teeth, have breakfast and get ready for the day. In the afternoon we go to classes, have lunch, do homework and attend circles. In the evening we play, relax, have dinner and get ready for bed.

And at night we sleep sweetly.

(Some of the pictures on which the pen cursor appears can be downloaded in large size. To do this, click on the picture with the mouse to open a large picture for download)

Presentation for children: time of day

Download video presentation time of day


In the villages, from the very early morning, as soon as the sun rises, the whole district wakes up the cockerel with its loud “Ku-Ka-Re-Ku”! And in the city, the alarm clock rings early in the morning, saying that it's time to get up.

The time of day when the sun appears above the horizon is called morning, which comes with dawn. The sun just rises above the horizon, rises higher and higher above the trees and roofs of houses, gives us its bright rays and a sunny smile.

Mornings start later in winter and earlier in summer. And even in summer, there is morning dew on the grass. This is when the grass is wet, as if it had rained, but in fact there was no rain, just during the night the air cooled down and turned into small droplets of water that settled on the leaves and blades of grass.

Morning starts with awakening. Plants wake up, opening their buds, animals and birds wake up, crawling out of their minks and flying out of their nests. In the morning you need to get out of bed, carefully cover it.

Then go wash, brush your teeth, do exercises and get ready for kindergarten or school. Meanwhile, in the kitchen in the morning, breakfast prepared by my mother is already waiting for us.


During the day, a person is awake. Children play in the courtyard of a house or a kindergarten, schoolchildren study and return home after school, while adults work in the meantime. Small children are supposed to sleep a little after lunch during the day, and older schoolchildren do their homework so that they can do their favorite things and go for a walk until the evening.

During the day, the sun rises high in the sky and moves from east to west across the sky, gradually descending towards the horizon in the afternoon. In summer, the sun rises high above the horizon, and in winter it sets low and quickly.

In the daytime, classes are held for children in kindergarten and at school, after which lunch time comes. Lunch consists of first, second and third, after which you need to rest a little, and for younger children there is a “quiet hour”.

Toward evening, it's time for lunch. An afternoon snack is a small dinner, which consists of a roll with tea or fruit with juice, after which you can go for a walk.


In the evening the sun goes down lower and lower and sets below the horizon. This time of day is called evening. And when the sun disappears below the horizon, you can watch a beautiful sunset. It can be bright in yellow-red rays.

In winter, evening comes early and the sun sets quickly, and in summer it gets dark for a long time and the sun sets slowly.

Plants, animals and birds are getting ready for bed. Flowers close their buds, animals climb into their burrows, an anthill in the forest closes, and birds sing lullabies near their nests.

Evening is the time when children come from a walk, and adults from work. This is dinner time, after which you can play a little, watch TV or read an interesting book.

In the evening, you need to prepare for tomorrow, collect clothes, books for school, brush your teeth and go to bed. After the evening comes the darkest time of the day - night.


At night, all people, animals and plants rest to gain strength for the next day. People sleep in their beds under warm blankets, dogs and cats curl up in their cozy places, birds hide in tree branches, and plants close their buds.

Some animals, such as owls, which sleep during the day are awake at night, but most animals sleep in their nests and burrows at night. Night is a time of silence, rest and sweet dreams.

The sun hides far below the horizon and it is very dark around. But now you can see the stars in the sky and for some time the month comes out. During the day, the stars and the moon are invisible because of the bright sunlight, but at night in complete darkness they appear in all their glory.

A moon appears in the sky at night. This moon is our satellite of the planet Earth. The month is full - they call the full moon. It happens in the form of a growing or waning crescent. Or maybe not at all - called the new moon.

While the night lasts for us, on the other side of the globe the sun is shining and the day is in full swing.

Tasks-games for children about the time of day

Picture clock for children. Print and cut out the picture of the alarm clock. Carefully cut out the hands, make a hole in the middle of the dial and fasten the hands to the clock with a thread. Now you can show what time it is!

And what now: morning, afternoon or evening?

(Click on the picture to open a larger picture for download)

And here is a ready-made clock with arrows in PSD format for the PhotoShop program - download a clock with arrows (file in the archive clock.rar 518Kb)

Clock with pictures of the time of day

(Click on the image to open a larger image)

We are also happy to meet:

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Increasingly, in our society, there is a pattern when children cannot clearly tell what time of year or time of day it is. Perhaps the baby heard these words in the speech of adults and even used them in his own, but he cannot correlate morning, afternoon, evening, night and their signs. Sometimes this does not come from ignorance, but from the lack of a complete picture in nature in the child's mind at a given period.

Basic Rules

As a rule, the baby associates morning, afternoon, evening, night with the actions that he or the people around him perform at this time.

  1. So, in the morning he goes to kindergarten, and his mother goes to work;
  2. during the day he eats and sleeps;
  3. in the evening, his mother comes home from work, picks him up from kindergarten;
  4. at night he must sleep.

The child is not very interested in what is happening in nature at this time, and parents sometimes have no time to observe the full picture of each time of day. However, the baby can and should be taught everything.

To do this, we offer you pictures called "Morning, afternoon, evening, night." They can be taught in a variety of ways.

  • Firstly, you can rely on the Doman technique and show the child pictures for several seconds, giving out loud the names of the time of day. Gradually, the baby will remember the picture and will distinguish between morning, afternoon, evening, night according to their signs in nature.
  • Secondly, pictures called "Morning, afternoon, evening, night" can be hung in different parts of the room, and, approaching one of them, tell the child about the time of day.
  • Thirdly, just select the pictures and talk about them with the baby: consider all the details, discuss them and comment. So, gradually morning, afternoon, evening, night for the child will be associated not only with everyday activities - the baby will learn to understand nature and see beauty in it.

Pictures called "Morning, afternoon, evening, night" can be downloaded and printed from our website. Ideally, if you will set aside strictly defined hours for classes at the same time of day.

So, you study the morning in the morning, comparing the picture in the picture with the view outside the window and finding similar characteristics. We do the same with other pictures. All signs of the night can be observed in the evening in winter, when it is not too late and the baby is not sleeping.

Discussing pictures with your child

After studying the pictures in detail, try to get a response from the child. You can already conduct such classes with children 2-2.5 years old: they are quite capable of answering questions.

Ask your child to say:

  1. what happens in the sky at night
  2. as the morning comes
  3. why is it getting light
  4. why it is warmer during the day and colder in the evening, etc.

Such tasks are quite within the power of the child, unless, of course, he has previously received all the necessary information from you. We ask only what we have taught ourselves!

And, of course, coloring will be a useful step in learning. When studying pictures, pay attention to those colors and halftones that dominate nature at certain times of the day.

Offering the child a coloring book on this topic, ask them to display the main colors of the morning, evening, night. This is a great exercise for memory and imagination.

Thus, the pictures offered on our website will help you develop your child, learn new concepts with him, and get to know the nature around us more deeply.

More details on the site

Theme: "Parts of the day." Program content: Main task: to clarify knowledge about the parts of the day, about their characteristic features. To form an idea of ​​​​the sequence of parts of the day, name and determine the parts of the day between morning and evening, day and night, navigate in time .. Raise interest and desire to study, replenish and activate the children's vocabulary.

Developing environment: a globe, a flashlight (or a table lamp), a circle divided into 4 parts, on each part of the circle there is a picture depicting the time of day: morning, afternoon, evening, night (for each child); pictures depicting parts of the day, a game - a calendar "Parts of the day" with a set of cards, a book, coloring pages .. Connection with other activities and activities.

Reading poems about the time of day, finger game, didactic board game "Parts of the Day", word games, conversations. Methodical techniques: Observations, looking at pictures, cards, finger games, didactic game, conversation, reading a work of art.

Lesson progress:

(Children enter the hall and stand near the table, on which everything is prepared for the experiment.)

Q: Guys, today we have an unusual job - today we will play, memorize and not only. And so as not to be bored - I have prepared surprises for you.

Guys, who knows what it is? (shows a globe). Well done. Of course, this is our planet Earth. More precisely, it is a model of the globe. The globe can rotate around its axis, just like the Earth.

Our Earth revolves around the Sun continuously and the Sun's rays illuminate it. But is it the same in all directions? I suggest checking.

The first surprise is that we will do a little experiment today. Sit comfortably (children sit on chairs). Imagine that we went on a journey with you on a large spaceship. Having risen high up and found ourselves in outer space, in the windows of the ship, we saw our beautiful blue planet (put the globe in front of a lit lantern). Who knows why they saw her?

Of course. Because the sun's rays sanctify it. You can see the seas, mountains and rivers. And what happens on the other side?

Let's see (children go to the opposite side). It's dark in here. On that part of our planet that is not illuminated by the sun's rays, night reigns, and on the consecrated part of the Earth, a bright day shines.

The earth is in constant motion, so day and night follow each other. A few centuries ago, the life of people proceeded at a more measured and slow pace. After all, there were no cars, no planes, no electric trains, no telephone, no television.

People got to the place they needed for several days or months, depending on the distance. People did not need special accuracy in determining the time in everyday life. Therefore, the time of day was determined approximately.

Q: Guys, is it possible to divide the day into parts?

Q: What are they called?

D: morning, afternoon, evening and night.

B: right. I will put pictures for you, and you will tell you what you can do at one time or another of the day. Good?

(Children sit on chairs in front of the tablet.)

Q: who can say what part of the day it is (puts the picture "Morning")?

B: (reading a poem)

Good people, get out of bed. All the darkness is hiding in the corners, the Sun rises and goes on business! (A. Kondratiev).

Q: How do you start your morning?

D: (Children list).

Q: the morning is followed by - ... (day) (put "Day"). What do you do during the day?

(The teacher puts the rest of the pictures, the children comment on them.)

Q: what good fellows. You talked a lot about what you and all people do at different times of the day. But what happens in nature? And to find out, I want to give you a small but very instructive book. In our free time, we read it (shows the book to children).

Q: We've been sitting too long. I suggest you play. Here are the envelopes.

Your task is to build the parts of the day in order as quickly as possible. See, don't get confused. (children complete the task on the floor. Then all together repeat the sequence again and correct mistakes).

Q: And now another game. It's called "Neighbours". You close your eyes and name the neighbors of the part of the day that I will tell you (if the children are mistaken, they are allowed to peep).

Q: and to better remember the parts of the day, listen to the poem:

Formation of temporary representations in preschool children

Sections: speech therapy

Human life is closely connected with time, with the ability to distribute, measure and save time. The extent to which a person reflects temporal parameters largely depends on the degree of his adaptation in society.

Studies of the process of formation of temporal representations in children with speech pathology have shown that such representations are not only formed much later, but also differ qualitatively. Children with severe speech pathology get confused in the names of the days of the week, the names of the months, not all of them can name the parts of the day in the correct sequence.

Children with speech pathology should be introduced to temporal representations in stages, starting from the middle group, in the following order:

  • Average age:
  • To acquaint with the meaning of the words: morning, evening, day, night.
  • Exercise in the ability to navigate in the contrasting parts of the day: day-night, evening-morning.
  • Give a general idea of ​​the seasons.
  • Senior group:
  • Expand ideas about the parts of the day, their characteristic features, sequence (morning, afternoon, evening, night).
  • Be able to identify parts of the day. Introduce the general concept of "Day".
  • Explain the meaning of the words: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
  • Name the seasons, know their distinctive features.
  • Preparatory group:
  • To give elementary ideas about time, its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility.
  • Be able to name successively all the days of the week, the sequence of months, seasons.
  • Exercise in the ability to use words - concepts: first, then, before, after, earlier, later, at the same time.
  • Distinguish the duration of time intervals (1 min., 10 min., 1 hour).

It is very difficult to imagine time as an objective reality. A child with severe speech pathology needs to be “showed” the time. Its measures are (second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year). Formal memorization of the names and sequence of parts of the day, days of the week or months will not give the desired effect.

Acquaintance of preschoolers with units of time measurement should be carried out in a strict system and sequence, based on visual aids, didactic games. On the basis of observation of external changes in the surrounding world, personal experience gained through actions and emotional experiences, preschoolers form ideas about time intervals, periods and other characteristics, then this knowledge is systematized and generalized.

And only then is a generalization made about what a day is. The work is structured as follows: first, two pictures are considered, which depict the activities of people in the daytime and at night, or the state of nature and phenomena. Then four pictures depicting the activities of the same child at different times of the day, and then four pictures with the same landscape at different times of the day.

Examining the pictures is accompanied by an explanation of the teacher. “The day has day and night. It's light during the day. During the day, classes are held in kindergarten, you can play, walk, daytime sleep. What are you doing during the day? - It's dark at night. Almost all people are asleep.

What are you doing at night? (sleep) . Evening comes when the day ends and it starts to get dark outside. What do you do in the evening? (I am returning from kindergarten, walking, watching TV, getting ready for bed). When the night ends, the morning comes.

The sun is rising. What are you doing in the morning? (I wake up, get up, wash my face, go to kindergarten).

It is advisable to play games:

  • "When does it happen?" According to the content of the activity shown in the picture, and some objective indicators, children must determine or name the time.
  • "Put the pictures in order" (laying out the sequence of events). "Name the neighbors."

A positive effect is the use of the graphical model "Day", on which the parts of the day are marked in different colors, as well as work with the table "Mode of the day".

The teacher tells the children:

The earth revolves around the sun and rotates around its own axis. To be clearer, look at this globe. (Invites the children to pay attention to the globe. There is a table lamp next to the globe.

The teacher turns on the lamp and explains that the globe is a model of the Earth, and the lamp is the sun). - Tell me, where on earth is day, and where is night? In which direction does the sun's rays fall? - What time of day is it? - After a certain time, the earth will turn around its axis (the teacher turns the globe) - where there was day, night comes, and where there was night, day comes.

The concrete definition of time for children is their own activity. Therefore, when teaching children, it is necessary to saturate parts of the day with specific essential signs of children's activity, naming the appropriate time.

To consolidate, you can conduct a generalizing lesson "Day" (see appendix).

How to explain to a toddler what time of day is? The kid will quickly understand that the sun is shining during the day, and stars are visible in the sky at night. But how to explain such concepts as "morning and evening"? To do this, show thematic pictures, because the visibility of the material is the basis for understanding the information by the child. Consider the question: time of day for children in pictures.

It is very important for children to associate new concepts with concrete examples. Suppose a child quickly learns the word "day" if it is associated with a visible sun in the sky. That is, abstract symbols and concepts for the brain of children are not yet available. Therefore, in manuals for kindergarten, you can find a lot of visual material for teaching children.

Day/night is easy for a child to understand and understand. It is more difficult to explain what is morning and what is evening. Why are they called differently, and what is their fundamental difference? To do this, show the baby pictures that depict human activities.

Let's say morning differs from day in that you need to brush your teeth and wash your face after sleep. This is clearly shown in the picture. During the day, children walk on the street and play on the playground, and in the evening they play at home or in the kindergarten. Thus, in the mind of the child, the processes of activity are ordered and a logical chain "time of day - actions" is formed.

Fixing the material

In order for the studied material to be fixed in the memory of the baby, it is necessary to conduct daily conversations on a given topic. For example, you ask a child:

  • What did you do in kindergarten in the morning?
  • what did you eat for breakfast in the morning?
  • did you play on the playground during the day?
  • what did you eat for lunch in the afternoon?

Here it is important to associate the time of day with food intake: breakfast - morning, lunch - afternoon, dinner - evening. These are new concepts for the baby, but he will easily learn them with specific examples. In everyday communication with the baby, mention the names of meals more often (let's go to dinner, the bunny wants to have breakfast, etc.).

You can also use visual material in pictures. Let's say you put the picture "evening" in front of the child and ask about the time. It is important to establish a dialogue with the baby and encourage him to tell a story with leading questions. Suppose you ask a child: is it evening or day in the yard? After the answer, ask why he says so?

Important! After mastering the distinction between evening/morning/afternoon/night, it is necessary to clarify that they make up the day and are part of it. Just like a bear and a bunny, they have a common name - toys.

Development of thinking

When the difference between morning and evening is clearly imprinted in the mind of the baby, you can go further - activate his thinking. To do this, you need to show pictures depicting human activities and ask what time of day they do such things.

Questions should be asked like this:

  • When do stars appear in the sky - day or night?
  • When do children have lunch - in the afternoon or in the evening?
  • When do exercises - in the morning or in the afternoon?
  • when the sun shines in the sky - day or night?

You can come up with such questions yourself, encouraging the baby to talk and operate with the basic concepts of time. You can also ask your child what the sun does in the morning/night/evening.

Tomorrow and yesterday

The categories of time “tomorrow, today, yesterday, the day after tomorrow” are still inaccessible to the understanding of the baby, because they are not associated with activity and tactile / visual sensations. To teach the baby to distinguish between these concepts, it is necessary to build on the activity. For example, the kid remembers going to the circus well. How can this event be used to teach time? Must speak:

  • tomorrow we will go to the circus;
  • today we saw tigers in the circus;
  • where were we yesterday?

The concept of "yesterday" the child will understand faster, because he remembers yesterday's events. It is more difficult to explain and understand the word "tomorrow". To do this, tell me when "tomorrow" comes:

  • first, the baby should go to bed at night;
  • the next morning comes "tomorrow".

Gradually, the baby will begin to realize the difference between "today, tomorrow and yesterday." The main thing is not to rush the child in mastering new (abstract) concepts and get angry at his misunderstanding. In time, he will master everything.
