Yellow chrysolite. Chrysolite stone: magical properties

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Without a doubt, chrysolite stone can be attributed to one of the most ancient minerals that have become known to mankind. The uniqueness of such a stone lies in the fact that it can be found not only on Earth, but even on the Moon and some meteorites. This is a gem with a long history, the roots of which go back to the third century BC. It was from that time that the first mention of the "golden stone" began.

Origin, physical characteristics and deposits

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There are several scientific points of view about the origin of this mineral:

  • The first is that "chrysolite" is a synonym for "olivine". According to the German and English interpretations of mineralogical science, olivine is a silicate of magnesium and iron - this combination is called peridot. As a result, such statements say that peridot and chrysolite are one mineral.
  • The second theory states that golden and yellowish-green chrysolites are a type of transparent olivine, and peridot is just one type of chrysolite.

However, despite all these conjectures, it is a significantly older mineral than olivine or peridot, this is exactly what the historical facts say.

Physical characteristics:

  • Hardness according to the Mohs scale - from 6.5 to 7
  • Density: 3.27 to 3.48 (3.34)
  • Color characteristics: olive, golden, brown, shades of green and red-yellow.
  • Transparency: completely transparent.

Place of Birth

Chrysolite can often be found in rocks, but it is not easy to find deposits with significant deposits of stone. Crystals of the highest quality are formed due to the process of recrystallization of rock-forming olivine when it is exposed to solutions of hydrothermal origin. Australia, Mongolia, Zaire, USA, Myanmar, Russia are countries that have the ability to extract chrysolite.

Scope of chrysolite

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Chrysolite belongs to fragile and very sensitive stones. To polish it, the masters use a brilliant or step cut. Often it was mistaken for an emerald, as direct evidence of this is the "Emerald of Nero", which belongs to the treasury of the Vatican.

Turkish sultans decorated their turbans with the help of chrysolites - this testified to their wealth and noble origin.

The Istanbul Museum exhibits the "Golden Throne", which is inlaid with chrysolites (955 units).

Treatment with chrysolite

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Attacks of nightmares or insomnia, various neuralgia, cardiovascular ailments - all this is a list of diseases in which one way or another it is recommended to use chrysolite. Lithotherapists claim that with the help of this mineral, you can also get rid of diseases associated with the eyes, and even significantly improve vision.

It is used by some healers to relieve kidney and stomach pain. In addition, many cases have been described in the literature about the treatment of stuttering with such an amazing mineral. The main influence of chrysolite is assigned to the solar plexus chakra.

Application in magic circles

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Basically, the opinions of magicians come down to the fact that the stone can save people from stupid deeds or bad dreams, gives strength and even gives them the gift of looking into the future.

Even in ancient times, the mineral was used as a talisman against burns and fires. Many believe in its ability to withstand the dangers that a pampered life brings (injuries, plane crashes, accidents when traveling by road).
Chrysolite will always stand guard over the tranquility of family comfort and will give the house a peaceful and quiet happiness. Modern magicians do not deviate from the assertion that the stone has the most beneficial effect on men, makes them attractive and helps in the event of a decline in male strength. With the help of such an amazing mineral, it will not be difficult to drive away sadness and despair, while returning joy and new strength to live.

Chrysolite stone gives special patronage to representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign. It protects them from conflicts, helps in making important decisions.

Amulets and talismans

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First of all, thanks to its magical properties, chrysolite serves as a talisman for those who prefer a mobile lifestyle, athletes and those who are ready to create their own family hearth. If a figurine in the form of a fish or an animal made of such a mineral appears in the house, stability and prosperity will never leave it, the main thing is to find a worthy place for it in the living room.

Some experts involved in the study of the mineral are convinced that chrysolite is able to protect against envy, the evil eye, nightmares, and even from evil spirits.

A special place in jewelry has long been occupied by chrysolite stone. With his beauty, he deserved fame and chanting of him among poets. Often there is such a name as "evening emerald" or "golden stone". It received this name due to its unusual color. It will be impossible to immediately determine the shade of the mineral, since in natural sunlight it shimmers and combines a light golden tone and the color of young grass. In ancient Greece, it was very popular: the ornamental stone chrysolite was used to make expensive jewelry.

Chrysolite is formed in the process of deep crystallization of mineral rocks in liquid magma.

It is noteworthy that under artificial lighting, the golden hue disappears, becomes invisible, and the stone seems to be a rich emerald color. In nature, there are several shades of the natural color of this mineral, it can be yellow, golden, lime, emerald, pistachio, olive and dark green. It is worth noting that all the colors of this stone are always pale, they do not have bright juiciness and saturation, but nevertheless they are very dense and pleasant.

Chrysolite is formed in the process of deep crystallization of mineral rocks in liquid magma. This is an unusually complex and lengthy process for obtaining this kind of stones. It belongs to the orthosilicate class of fossils. If we consider its chemical basis, then it is a complex compound of iron and magnesium. It can be heterogeneous in its structure, which greatly complicates processing, also affects transparency and gloss.

Chrysolite is a fragile and sensitive stone.

The characteristics of this mineral show that it is durable. The density is 3g/cm3, its hardness on the Mohs scale varies within 6-7 units. Depending on chemical impurities, inclusions in its composition of other rocks, the main characteristics may vary slightly. Accordingly, the shade of chrysolite, brilliance and transparency vary. Based on these data, it is determined whether it is precious or semi-precious stone. Its estimated value is determined precisely by a certain composition, which gives the stone unique properties that are so appreciated by the master of jewelry.

Chrysolite as a mineral among scientists is most often called olivine, but jewelers prefer a different name - peridot. Therefore, you can find several names of this gem and each of them will be true.

The largest deposits of chrysolite are considered to be such countries as Mongolia, Russia, USA, Brazil, Australia, Myanmar and Zaire. Often, under the name chrysolite, other stones also fall, which have a very strong similarity with it and also belong to the class of orthosilicates. Most often, this gemstone is combined in the name with the following minerals: tourmaline, topaz, beryl and chrysoberyl.

The largest specimen of olivine is located in the USA, its mass is 310 carats, but the second largest stone weighs 192.6 carats and is stored in Russia.

Features of chrysolite stone (video)

The use of chrysolite

Its most important purpose is to decorate jewelry. Appreciated its beauty in ancient times, it was most often used in the form of talismans and amulets. It is believed that green chrysolite can protect from trouble. Over time, ancient jewelers were able to create items of extraordinary beauty that were inlaid with this mineral. Imperial tiaras, diadems and royal crowns were decorated with chrysolite, today these are pendants, earrings, bracelets, rings and tiaras that anyone can purchase. The cost of these products is rather big, but the value of the stone is quite consistent with this.

When purchasing peridot chrysolite, you should immediately ask how to properly care for it, because some properties of the mineral may be lost, for example, its brilliance and transparency.

In order to clean the product, it is enough to rinse it under running water and let it dry in the sun, then wipe it with a soft cloth. Chrysolite is a fragile and sensitive stone.: avoid mechanical damage, sudden changes in temperature. It reacts negatively to chemical acids.

Gallery: chrysolite stone (50 photos)

Mysterious properties of chrysolite

Olivine is credited with some extraordinary properties. Since ancient times, it was believed that the magical properties of chrysolite stone can bring good luck and success to its owner. Amulets and amulets were made from it, its effect, according to the ancient magicians, was very great. Men had to give their lady a piece of jewelry with this mineral as a gift, then their feelings grew stronger and they were inseparable. In other words, the property was attributed to the stone to strengthen mutual feelings, with the help of the magic of this “golden stone”.

Merchants wore amulets that protected them from attacks by robbers and helped to increase wealth. Small amulets were specially made for warriors, they were supposed to protect them from death and give them strength and courage. The greater value of the chrysolite stone was attributed specifically to luck, because even today, when it is most often called peridot, which means “giving abundance” in Greek, it serves as a symbol of wealth.

The magical properties of chrysolite were sung by poets, and in many institutions of the world, archaeological finds in the form of these amulets and bracelets have been preserved, which confirm their mysterious significance in ancient times.

Therapeutic effect of peridot

Based on the recommendations of lithotherapy, it is worth using, namely wearing products with this stone on your body, in case of problems with the circulatory system, as well as with reduced immunity. It is believed that it is suitable for those who have suffered serious illnesses and need to recuperate. One of its main features is the ability to help remove toxins from the body and speed up the process of assimilation of nutrients from food. Therefore, in ancient times they were decorated with bowls and goblets for noble people. It is believed that peridots generally have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and on the function of the gallbladder.

Interaction with zodiac signs

Some astrologers believe that it is worth being careful with this mineral, since it does not suit every person according to the horoscope. Brilliant olivine will bring good luck and success to those whose zodiac sign is in the constellation of Aquarius, Libra and Pisces. But for everyone it has its own meaning. For those who are suitable for olivine, it will bring not only wealth, but also strong family relationships.

These green minerals will bring Lions not only good luck, but also the ability to achieve their goals, be strong in spirit, easily and successfully establish contacts and conclude agreements. Talismans with this stone will bring great victories in business and other financial matters.

Libra with the help of peridot will be able to improve their communication with the opposite sex, family relationships, have good health and peace of mind. Olivine products will help such vulnerable Libra find harmony in their inner world, get rid of fears and apathy. It is believed that such amulets give vitality and the necessary energy to a person.

Olivine will bring the greatest luck and success to those whose star is in the constellation Pisces. Jewelry with peridot will attract not only success in business, but also reveal unusual abilities in the person himself. It has often been said that the wearers of these items can develop a strong intuition and sense of foresight. In all spheres of Pisces, luck and prosperity await.

As a gift, unusual products in the form of miniature figurines or figurines with this mineral are given to people doing business as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and prosperity.

One important note is the following:

  1. Wearing on the body is only new jewelry that will contain only your energy.
  2. Periodically, the stones need to be properly cleaned, allowing them to remove the accumulated negative from themselves. Cleaning should be done correctly so as not to damage the olivine.
  3. You can not give your personal products from chrysolite to wear to other people, even close relatives.

Subject to these rules, the stone will be able to truly show its properties and provide the necessary protection for the owner. Any mineral carries the most powerful energy of the earth and can bestow it on those who come into contact with it.

Money stones (video)

Many interesting facts exist about chrysolite. For example, he was decorated with the Russian crown, not only because of the beauty and brilliance that he possessed, but also for the purpose of protection and patronage of the royal person.

This unusual stone is shrouded in mystery and aristocracy. Its refined beauty deserves special attention. Products from peridot today are presented in the widest possible range: from miniature brooches, earrings, bracelets and to massive necklaces and necklaces. Fashion for this mineral will always be. Chrysolite is the embodiment of something noble and refined.

Attention, only TODAY!

The semi-precious stone chrysolite has an extraordinary brilliance and has been known since ancient times. They decorated the clothes of the high priests and icons, decorated the chambers of the kings, and rings with gems were popular among merchants and bankers. Let's find out why chrysolite deserves such respect, what magical properties the stone has and who suits this olive-green mineral.

The magical properties of the stone

Chrysolite is a transparent variety of olivine, from yellow-green to dark chartreuse with a golden hue. Under artificial lighting, it loses its yellowish tint and becomes like a real emerald. If you look at the photo of the stone, you can see all the beauty of chrysolite, and its properties are of great importance even now. This is a symbol of inspiration, it helps to develop the creative abilities of a person, to achieve success in many areas of life.

Useful and healing properties of the stone

Chrysolite has never gone out of fashion, its golden luster in green radiance is highly valued by stone cutters of all ages and peoples. This mineral was brought to Europe by knights in the Crusades. It was believed that the gem is a sure remedy for impotence, and modern lithotherapists have evidence of its healing effectiveness even now.

Cleansing and therapeutic sessions using chrysolite allow you to restore health, cleanse from negative energy and restore a person’s energy balance.

Who suits the zodiac sign

Let's find out who the stone suits according to the horoscope, how chrysolite shows its properties and how it helps its owner, depending on the sign of the zodiac.

It is believed that the olive mineral will bring the greatest benefit to Leos, Virgos and Pisces.

Olive jewelry will help virgins to be attentive and patient, achieve good luck in life, and contribute to the development of intellectual abilities. Lions will give decisiveness and emotional balance. And indecisive Pisces will increase self-confidence and increase self-esteem.

Chrysolite will help the stubborn and selfish Taurus become more accommodating. And health and harmony for the representatives of this sign will bring pale green -malachite-.

Aries olive mineral will add prudence and restraint, help to bring unfinished business to the end.

Not recommended for wearing a stone for representatives of the signs of the zodiac Cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius. Cancer is a rather calm sign, so chrysolite will only add despondency to such a person. It is better to opt for a moonstone or topaz.

scorpions a chrysolite talisman will make it dependent on someone else's opinion, so this sign needs to be selected with hard and transparent stones of dark shades, for example, hematite, coral, ruby ​​or opal.

The golden mineral will negatively affect Aquarius. Closed and lazy representatives of this sign will suit jewelry made of or obsidian. These gems will give strength to its owner and arouse interest in knowledge.

Twins prone to mood swings, and a chrysolite talisman will positively affect this sign, making it more calm. But the best protectors and advisers for the Gemini will be semi-precious talismans from the "tiger's eye", citrine or moonstone.

Get rid of depression and save chrysolite from rash acts Sagittarius. This talisman will strengthen the spiritual powers of the Centaur and bring harmony to family relationships. BUT Capricorn will give vitality and help achieve career success.

Libra olive decoration will relieve melancholy and fear, help to establish harmonious relationships in the family.

In order for chrysolite to be beneficial, it is necessary to regularly care for it. Any mineral requires energy recharging and purification. It accumulates and stores information about its owner for a long time. Therefore, it is not recommended to give your talisman to a stranger. This is a very harmonious and positive mineral that will help prevent many diseases and protect from evil. And for lovers - this is a strong amulet that will preserve and strengthen feelings. The main thing is to choose exactly the decoration that you really like. Tell our readers about your favorite chrysolite jewelry. How does it help you in your daily life.

Chrysolite is a rare mineral of yellow-green and green colors, which is classified as a semi-precious stone. In fact, chrysolite is a transparent version of olivine, which is found in many rocks. In English-speaking countries, it is also known under the name "peridot".

Due to its characteristic green color and golden luster, it has found its way into jewelry, and many people attribute magical and healing properties to this stone.

Historical digression

Apparently, chrysolite was used as an ornament in the Middle East and North Africa for more than 6 thousand years ago. It is mentioned in the Bible, as well as in the Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus. The Greeks and Romans were also familiar with this mineral. In the era of the Early Middle Ages, this mineral was highly valued.

During the Crusades, the crusaders brought to Europe from the Middle East a large amount of chrysolite jewelry, many of which eventually settled in the chests and treasuries of large feudal lords and monarchs.

Physical properties and types of stone

Physical characteristics and description of species:

  1. In fact, chrysolite is a transparent olivine that is composed of magnesium and iron silicate.
  2. The color of the stone is green and yellow-green, but there are stones of olive, brown, grassy, ​​pistachio and other colors.
  3. Chrysolite stone is easy to polish.
  4. The type of crystal lattice is rhombic system.
  5. The crystals are flat and prismatic, while its aggregates are granular and massive.
  6. Hardness (on the Moss scale) - from 6.5 to 7.
  7. The luster of the crystals is greasy and glassy.
  8. The density of the stone is from 3.2 to 3.4 grams per cubic centimeter.
  9. Chrysolite splits extremely weakly along parallel planes or does not split at all.
  10. The refractive index is from 1.62 to 1.68 points, the birefringence coefficient is from 0.03 to 0.05 points.
  11. The largest deposit is on the island of Zeberged, located in the Red Sea (the island belongs to Egypt). Also, stocks are available in Pakistan, USA, Australia, South Africa and so on. There are also small deposits of chrysolite in Russia in the Murmansk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as in Yakutia.

Magical and healing properties, meaning

Although modern science does not confirm the theory of psychics and magicians, the latter are sure that chrysolite has a lot of magical and healing properties.

The magical properties of the stone are as follows:

  1. Strengthening the mental and spiritual strength of a person.
  2. Protects well from fires and from fire in general.
  3. It can weaken and even completely dispel many fears and phobias.
  4. Helps to get rid of sadness and longing.
  5. The general meaning of a stone for a person is peace, tranquility, love.
  6. To enhance the magical properties of the stone, you should not forget about your horoscope.

With the help of chrysolite, you can cure or significantly reduce the symptoms of the following diseases:

  1. With the help of green and yellow-green stone, you can cure some diseases of the cardiovascular system - changes in blood pressure and impaired cardiac activity.
  2. Also, with the help of green stones, you can get rid of some mental and neurological disorders - stuttering, headaches, nervous disorders and nightmares.
  3. Also, olive-colored chrysolite may be suitable for the treatment of minor eye diseases, as well as for relieving pain in diseases of the spine.
  4. There is evidence that green chrysolite can relieve cold symptoms and speed up recovery.
  5. In the 19th century, there was a belief that most varieties of chrysolite were able to restore potency and increase male libido. Today, this information is not widely trusted, but some men claim that chrysolite did help them.

Which zodiac signs are suitable?

Astrology unequivocally defines chrysolite as a stone of love, tranquility and family well-being. This gem will suit sensitive and gentle people well.

Best suited for the following zodiac signs:

  1. Zodiac sign Pisces. With the help of chrysolite, people born under this zodiac sign will learn to control their emotions and make the right decisions quickly. With the help of this stone, Pisces will be able to avoid conflict situations, and the internal energy of the stone will give Pisces the decisiveness that they lack so much.
  2. Libra". Libra may need it in order to improve relations with their loved ones and establish peace in the family. With the help of chrysolite, Libra will learn to make the right decisions in matters of marriage and raising children. Also, with the help of this stone, Libra will be able to get rid of melancholy and longing.
  3. W on the zodiac "Sagittarius". Sagittarians are known for their stubbornness and selfishness, which often leads to pointless arguments and conflicts. With the help of the stone, it will be easier for Sagittarians to restrain themselves, which will help improve relationships with their loved ones.

Talismans and amulets

Psychics and astrologers advise everyone to buy at least one product with chrysolite. After all, this mineral was once exposed to high volcanic temperatures, which gave it a special magical power and energy. A talisman with chrysolite will teach the owner to control himself, and also relieve phobias. Also, this semi-precious stone will be indispensable during travel and moving.

Use of stone as decoration

Chrysolite is widely used in jewelry. Its purpose is an ornamental stone. Usually, it is inserted into rings, earrings and so on. Also, it is ideal for decorating accessories and interior items. Also, some masters make icons with chrysolite. It is advisable to wear jewelry with plain clothes in neutral shades.

But it is undesirable to combine this stone with bright and aggressive shades - against their background, chrysolite will simply be lost without revealing its potential.


The stone can easily come into contact with the environment, leaving traces of touch, greasy stains and so on. Over time, it may begin to fade, and the gold or silver frame may rust. To prevent this from happening, you need to take care of your stones.

To do this, you need to wipe jewelry with chrysolite with a mild soapy solution at least once every 3 months. For cleaning, it is advisable not to use brushes so as not to damage the stone (do not forget that chrysolite is a fairly plastic and fragile stone, and it is very easy to damage it with a brush). In no case should the stone be heated or scratched with any metal object.

Combination with other stones

Pendant with ruby ​​and chrysolite

It is better to combine chrysolite with other stones like this:

  1. The stone is extremely poorly combined with malachite, and.
  2. The stone has conflicting compatibility with stones of red and blue shades (, moonstone, red quartz, and some others).
  3. The stone is neutrally combined with topaz.
  4. The stone goes well with white pearls, turquoise, emeralds, agate and others.

Artificial chrysolite and fakes

On sale you can find artificial chrysolite. What it is? In fact, this is an imitation of chrysolite using cheaper materials. Most often, synthetic and even ordinary colored glass is used for manufacturing.

With the help of dyes, these materials are dyed in a golden-green color, and then artificial chrysolite is obtained with the help of a special oven treatment and polishing. Unfortunately, artificial chrysolite loses to the original in many ways, so it cannot be considered a full-fledged decoration.

It should be remembered that very often artificial chrysolite is sold under the guise of a real one.

You can spot a fake like this:

  1. Pay attention to the color of the stone - natural chrysolite will have a characteristic green-yellow color throughout the volume of the stone, while glass is usually colored unevenly.
  2. Try to scratch the stone with your fingernail - the real one will not be scratched, while the plastic may leave a mark.
  3. Large stones are rare, so their price will be appropriate. If the cost of a product with a large chrysolite is very low, it means that you have stumbled upon scammers.
  4. Any self-respecting jewelry seller should have a certificate of quality for all their goods. Therefore, before buying a product with chrysolite, you must definitely ask the jeweler to provide a quality certificate. If the jeweler cannot provide it, this is a reason to think and possibly refuse to purchase.

Also, it should be remembered that under the guise of chrysolite, they may try to sell you chrysoprase. Chrysoprase is a very good green gemstone, but it is still very different from chrysolite: it is opaque, it lacks the characteristic golden luster, it does not have birefringence, and so on. In fact, this stone does not even look like chrysolite, but a person will buy it, believing the stories of a scammer.

Some interesting facts about chrysolite:

  1. In ancient Egypt, the stone was mined exclusively at night, since there was a belief that in the morning this stone “hides” from people.
  2. On the territory of Ceylon there is a whole fraudulent trade - broken green bottle glass is taken, lowered into sea water for several days, and then sold to tourists under the guise of chrysolite.
  3. Chrysolite was part of the meteorite that fell in the Chelyabinsk region in February 2015.
  4. The largest chrysolite is kept at the Smithsonian Institution (USA). Its weight is 310 carats.

Chrysolite is a golden-green gemstone that has been used by humans as far back as the fourth millennium BC. It has become widespread due to its beauty, unusual color, as well as the magical and healing properties that it possesses.

From the Greek language, the word "chrysolite" is translated as "golden stone". However, earlier such a name was worn by other stones that have a similar color. Now chrysolite is often called peridot, as well as olivine.

The magical properties of chrysolite stone

Of particular value to this mineral is its magical properties, which people have known for a long time.

Our ancestors, living on earth a few hundred years ago, used chrysolite to predict the future. It was believed that he opens in his owner the ability to clairvoyance.

The stone is still used as a powerful amulet to this day. A person wearing a chrysolite jewelry is not subject to absolutely any negative influences, it is impossible to jinx him, it is impossible to damage him.

The house in which there is this stone is cleansed of evil spirits and evil spirits. If the tenants of the house are disturbed by ghosts, chrysolite will save the owners from their presence.


In addition, an unusual mineral has a beneficial effect on the human psyche and his emotional state. If a person is restless in itself, chrysolite will contribute to the fact that a person will begin to feel more confident in the future and, accordingly, worry less.

Couples note that after the appearance of this stone in the house, relationships have improved significantly, quarrels and misunderstandings are bypassed.

Practical properties of stone

Besides the fact that chrysolite has magical properties, it also finds its application in other areas. It is widely used as a decorative ornament. Due to its special color, as well as its ability to refract light rays, this mineral is considered an excellent option for those who love unusual precious jewelry. Chrysolite is often inlaid with interior items.

You can not ignore the healing properties of the stone, which have found application in alternative medicine. It is especially effective in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Elderly people suffering from high blood pressure are advised to carry a product with chrysolite. It can be, for example, an icon hanging in the house, decorated with this mineral. The stone will help a person to normalize blood pressure.

Chrysolite is able to relieve back pain and improve eyesight. If a person has eye problems - inflammation, then they can be healed by a simple contemplation of a stone.

The special properties of this stone led to the fact that entire sections of society stood out, who consider chrysolite to be their talisman and believe that it brings them good luck. If you belong to any of these categories of people, then consider purchasing this magical stone.

  1. Trade people. They are convinced that chrysolite is a real talisman for their property and does not allow it to decrease, disappear or be stolen.
  2. People associated with the financial sector, businessmen claim that the stone helps them in increasing their material well-being.
  3. Lawyers say that it is chrysolite that gives clarity in understanding each trial, allows you to find out where the truth is and where the lie is; where is good and where is evil.
  4. Priests. According to them, an unusual mineral helps to remain calm in the face of numerous temptations and temptations. Chrysolite gives spiritual strength and does not allow you to get bogged down in the material world.
  5. Healers. As already mentioned, this stone has healing properties. Therefore, it is highly valued by healers due to its ability to enhance the magical effect of the healer himself.

For what zodiac sign?

Chrysolite brings the greatest benefit to representatives of the three signs of the zodiac - Pisces, Leo and Libra.

For Pisces, wearing jewelry with chrysolite will be most favorable. This will allow them to reveal their hidden abilities - to strengthen the sixth sense, to develop the gift of foresight.

Pisces are naturally modest, secretive, so it is rare to find a representative of this zodiac sign surrounded by a large number of friends. Chrysolite can help with this. Pisces that have this stone with them become incredibly attractive to others, cause them sympathy and genuine interest.

Lions are born leaders, they are used to always being the first in everything. They confidently go to their goals and are not inclined to give up. But even these strong personalities sometimes experience recessions, failures and defeats. This state of affairs can unsettle the Lions so much that they will not be able to recover for a very long time. Chrysolite will help them gather strength and regain self-confidence in these difficult periods.

Libra, this stone will help strengthen relationships with family and friends. Worries, doubts and fears will recede, which will allow you to look positively into the future, not being afraid of anything and knowing that everything in life will work out in the best way.


How to wear and use correctly?

If you want the magical and healing properties of chrysolite to be fully revealed, you need to ensure that only you wear it; do not give it to other people, especially for a long period of time.

The stone retains the energy of the owner very well. Therefore, if, for example, you inherited a piece of jewelry with chrysolite, be aware that it will take some time before the stone begins to manifest itself as a magical amulet.

It is advisable not to wear a stone all the time - you should periodically leave it. It is better if you sometimes take it off and put it in direct sunlight.

In the event that chrysolite acts as a talisman in your house, it must sometimes be charged with the power of the four elements. To do this, hold the stone over a lit candle (element of fire), fan it with a fan (element of air), lower it into water (water element), cover it with soil for a while (element of earth).
