Women's cunning: its features and types. Women's tricks in communicating with men

What can you say to a man, and what should you keep silent about? Part one
In the head of a man, all information is very firmly deposited, they are much more receptive in comparison with women. The weaker sex traditionally lives for today, women do not have the ability to keep some moments in their memory for a long time, they quickly forget everything. But men are quite the opposite. Let's say you accidentally dropped some phrase, and soon forgot about it altogether, and the man will cling to it tightly, and if it caused even the slightest damage to his pride, it will sit in his head for a very long time, and over time it can cause great damage to your relationship.

What can you say to a man, and what should you keep silent about? Part two
The story about what you can say to a man, so to speak, is a small funny sketch from life, it happened to my friend Alena. For six months she had been dating one pleasant young man - Grisha. They lived together, and everything was fine with them, a wedding was planned in a couple of months ...

Step towards each other or play with one goal
Many of my male acquaintances often complain about the lack of initiative on the part of a woman, especially at the first stages of dating, they say, the first one herself will never call, and she won’t say a word of affection, and where we will meet, she decides, and doesn’t listen to that at all what I would like. In fact, it turns out not steps towards each other, but the performance of one actor.

How to win over a man: three commandments
Important women's tricks and advice. To win over a man, you need to follow three commandments: listen, flatter and support!

How to keep a man near you and increase his interest?
To keep a man near you, you need to make sure that he does not want to let you go. The main essence of female tricks and tricks is to create obstacles for the chosen one, but those that he can really overcome. A couple of difficulties will already give you the desired results, because the man has made enough efforts not to give his "booty" to anyone.

Women's coquetry. Part one
Never run ahead of the locomotive, trying to be the first to win your man and effectively rush into his arms. Just the same, you will always have time to do the last, but if you lead to this too early, you can lose the whole “battle”. How to learn female cunning? But like this! A man is a breadwinner, he wants to win his beloved on his own, and the more difficult it is for him to get it, the more he will appreciate her. A woman who gives up quickly is too easy a trophy, if you immediately turned out to be too accessible, then you won’t get anywhere further, so why hold on to you ?!

Women's coquetry. Part two
This "friendship" lasted about six months. Over time, Larisa began to become attached to Anton, feeling that this person was close to her, but her attitude towards him was still not elevated. Just a close person and nothing but ...

Which women like men more or laughter is always in fashion

By nature, men are constantly burdened with some kind of problems, starting from the first stages of growing up and already almost until the end of their lives. Since they are earners (as it happened historically), they first need to help their parents, then build and support their own family. In addition, even more than women, they tend to invent additional problems and difficulties for themselves.

How to learn to manipulate a man: tears to help you!
Yes, I do not exclude that such female cunning in relationships, like tears, can sometimes be an excellent measure of influence. So, when a man sees tears in your eyes for the first time and understands that it is his fault, of course, he is depressed and strives to do everything in the world so that you don’t cry anymore.

What makes a woman sexy: nudity or "clothing"?

What makes a woman sexy? In this regard, I have a rather controversial opinion. Women's magazines (my God, they just don't write there!) advise you to carefully hide your charms, saying that a man should guess the silhouette himself, they say, this will inflame his imagination. And a woman who has everything for show is considered in advance only an object of sexual attraction, and nothing more.

How to successfully build your personal life: little female tricks in communicating with men
Serious relationships are not built immediately, but due to the fact that you gradually, brick by brick, lay out the path to mutual understanding, trust and patience. Love is only the first step, and without all the other right steps, it cannot become strong and long-term. Well, since the main role is assigned to a woman in this difficult matter, you must take the reins in your hands and try to build your personal life as successfully as possible.

What to wear to a woman on a first date: we select colors
The first date is, of course, always very exciting, especially when it comes to the person to whom you are not indifferent. Then you start frantically going through your wardrobe, in confusion trying on one outfit, then another, then a third ... So, stop, calm down and catch your breath, let's act consistently. To understand what a woman should wear on a first date, it would be nice to first understand the color scheme.

How to look attractive to men?
Many women believe that looking attractive means driving a man crazy with false eyelashes, pouty lips, tons of makeup, and so on. It is possible that you will really look impeccable, but often men bypass such “dolls”. They, roughly imagining the tricks of the modern cosmetic industry, are simply afraid to wake up with you in the same bed one morning and not find out ...

How can you get rid of a rival in love?
Sometimes you have to defend and protect your happiness, especially in cases where another female representative begins to pursue an active offensive policy towards your lover. Here you have to think: to take drastic measures or to act like a woman cunningly and stealthily?

A joke about how to behave with a man you like
I bring to your attention a funny article in a playful form, which, perhaps, will brighten up your leisure time. It is devoted to the topic of how to behave with a man you like, and what should be the behavior of a woman in general. All about women's tricks and secrets.

Shopping with a man: look into the future of your relationship
Want to get to know the man you love better? There is nothing easier! Take him to the store! Well, of course, not in some awesomely expensive boutiques, but in normal stores with adequate prices. Yes, you can even, in principle, go to a regular grocery supermarket in order, for example, to stock up for a holiday or for your birthday. The behavior of a man during shopping will show you what he is in a material sense and how he can behave in a subsequent life together.

It is impossible to tell about all the tricks that a woman resorts to in order to keep her beloved man near her. And they do not always use ready-made advice for this. Very often, a woman intuitively builds a line of behavior in her relationship with a man. After all, there are no men with the same characters, style of communication, behavior. But there is definitely something similar in men, and women need to be aware of the little female tricks that they can resort to in relations with them.

Very often parents make mistakes in raising their daughters. They are taught from childhood that they are the “weaker sex” and they get used to it. Growing up, they are afraid to make decisions, give the prerogative to men. In fact, weakness in real life becomes ordinary laziness. A woman says to herself: “I can’t, because I am the “weaker sex”. And all the things that she could do remain undone, although the point is not weakness at all, but laziness. It also happens the other way around, a girl who has heard from her parents from childhood that she is weak, in adulthood begins to understand that this is not at all the case, and sometimes makes firm and balanced decisions in difficult situations.

A man is usually impressed by self-sufficient women who can be equal to them in many respects. Such relationships are more stable and lasting than those where the woman is the “weaker sex”. The eternal helplessness of a woman, her weakness is not a guarantee of success. You need to find a middle ground, somewhere to ask for help, and somewhere to do everything yourself. This is the feminine trick.

Have your interests, hobbies

In a good relationship, very often a woman supports her chosen one in everything. She may even begin to get involved in his hobby, learn his profession. On the one hand, this is good, a woman loves and strives to live his life, to be closer to him. But on the other hand, it is important that a woman has her own hobbies. In a strong relationship, a man usually shows a genuine interest in what you are doing.

It is important to have some kind of your own business, passion or hobby, to which you will occasionally give yourself up with great pleasure. It can be a continuation of a childhood hobby or something related to your professional activities, it's up to you. This is perhaps the most important female trick in a relationship. It is to be able to fill your free time. It is not easy to kill time by solving household problems, which, as you know, never end. Namely, fill it with something interesting. You can do knitting, embroidery, crafts, or learn foreign languages. After all, if a woman gives herself entirely to her husband, his interests, lives the life of her husband, then she has difficulties in organizing her leisure time, and fills her free time with household chores. Sooner or later, such leisure will become a burden to her, and she will no longer be pleased with the creation of home comfort.

Your ability to get involved in something, to occupy yourself with an interesting thing is already a guarantee that you will be interesting to another person. In order to be interesting, you must first of all be interested in something.

Do you have free time

No need to regret devoting a lot of time to yourself. It can be morning exercises, reading an interesting book, watching the news or a face mask. Any woman, both strong and weak, can only deal with family and career. But trying to keep up with everything can give her self-confidence. Enriching herself with information inside, and preening herself on the outside, a woman feels more free, she is able to talk even on those topics that previously seemed too specific to her. This does not need more free time, because you can combine. For example, while watching the news, you can do gymnastics or a face mask, and read a book during your lunch break or on public transport on your way to work.

I would like to highlight this point in particular. It is undesirable to devote all your free time to children. Yes, of course, children need to devote time, but not all. Sooner or later, the time of parting will come, the children will begin to live their own lives. You will find yourself with a lot of free time, you will sharply feel your uselessness. To prevent this from happening, you need to take care of it much earlier.

To fill every moment of your life with meaning - that is the female cunning. And this does not mean completely depriving yourself of rest. Alternate your employment with rest so that they give you both benefit and pleasure.

There is nothing difficult about being cunning. It is important to make sure that our female tricks make life interesting, bring joy, mainly to ourselves.

Communication with men, namely effective interaction with representatives of the stronger half, is based on other laws than communication between a woman or an adult with a child. Here it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics, there is communication with a former man or with someone who has sympathy now, or just with a friend. You need to speak directly about your own needs and wishes. The most correct formulation for understanding a man contains only bare facts, excluding hints, double understanding and an abundance of emotional details.

Naturally, questions of morality and sensitivity remain relevant. What seems rude to your girlfriend may seem just as rude to a man. His desire to appear strong and hide acute feelings does not cancel the feeling of resentment, but you will not immediately understand that he was hurt by something. A woman, most likely, will make it clear with her whole appearance that you made her unpleasant or will speak out openly. A man will hide his feelings, and you can guess about it if he avoids communication, emotionally closes, does not establish the first contact.

Nobody loves or pretends, so try to be yourself from the first day of communication with a man, and not try to portray another woman. It may seem to you that the simulated image is more attractive and bewitching, but you should think about how long you can stay in it. Any representative of the stronger half will be disappointed when the masks are removed and this is no longer due to the fact that the real you do not suit him, but to the fact that any trust in the person who deceived at the beginning completely disappears.

Even for a woman herself, such a masquerade is very harmful, because then not those men are interested in her, but those who are able to appreciate her real pass by. Fictional relationships still collapse, only by the time the cards are revealed, attachment is established, and the breakup is harder, but they could just pass by.

Psychology of communication with men

Another psychological feature is found in the reality difference. So, a woman is able to simultaneously monitor and participate in several processes - cook dinner, help children, advise a colleague on the phone. A man is focused on only one process, that is, if he is now nailing a shelf or driving a car, then talking to him is useless. He nods back at you, but after a while you will find that he does not remember the information. A similar mechanism has been formed over many years of evolution, and a man cannot change it, just as a woman cannot completely immerse herself in only one thing. The need to monitor the household, maintain the hearth, notice the approach of a predator and respond to the crying of children developed multitasking in a woman, and the need for food and successful hunting developed in a man the utmost concentration on one task. If you want to discuss something important or that the information you said is taken into account, then choose a special time for the conversation when the man can concentrate to the utmost. It is better to discuss a suitable time period in advance in order to avoid false understanding (if a man looks at a dark laptop screen, this does not mean at all that he is free, perhaps the system is being reinstalled).

Features of speech and the construction of phrases also play a significant role during communication between a man and a woman. It may seem to ladies that her interlocutor is not emotional, not involved in the situation or does not understand the full depth of her experiences only because most male phrases are specific and have few adjectives in their structure. At the same time, a large number of sensual and descriptive words can plunge a man into a stupor from an overabundance of information. If you want to be heard, speak factually and reduce the emotionality of speech (expressive statements, loud voice, flashy gestures). A splash of emotions, for the sake of a splash, it is better to leave it to your friends or warn a man in advance.

If help is required from a man, then after the indicated situation, it is necessary to sum up its results and ask for specific actions or ask if he can do what is necessary (be sure to list everything). If you complain that the door does not open well, then at the end you need to ask to solve this problem, lubricate the hinges, replace the lock or tell your opinion. When a woman leaves a simply stated situation, a man perceives this as a description of the surrounding reality, but he cannot always guess that they want him to take active steps to transform this fact.

But there is also the opposite situation, when a woman complains simply in order to speak out and relieve emotional stress. Representatives of the strong half are guided by other principles, so any dissatisfaction with a loved one can be perceived as a call for help. When you do not need any advice, much less a change in the situation, but simply sympathy and support, then you need to inform the man about this in advance (before the monologue). Otherwise, the tyrant-boss can break the windshield, and use the last money to buy earrings with sapphires (after all, you didn’t have enough of them to tears just last night).

In the dialogue, it is worth discussing only one topic - such rules for communicating with men. Even if you have removed emotional outbursts and clearly articulated needs, then a couple of jumps to other topics can nullify all efforts. A man is able to perform only one task, and discuss only one topic. Inefficiency can manifest itself in various ways: a man may be indignant and not understand the turn of the conversation, he may consider the previous topic not significant, since he switched to another when you return to this topic.

Many choose to cause shame and guilt in a man as a manipulative strategy. It's really critically effective, because men are almost unable to endure these feelings, but if it becomes too often, then they simply walk away from those women who make them feel like this all the time.

Women's tricks of communication with men

Based on the knowledge of psychological characteristics and a subtle feeling of the states of another person, special ways of communication are built, called tricks. Usually they serve to attract attention, fall in love, seduce, take a significant position for a man.

The same feature for both sexes is the desire to feel the best, chosen, significant. If a woman manages to look at a man as the most intelligent and beautiful, then he will feel like that, and begins to act accordingly. The original one plays a big role here, and if it is underestimated, then too loud admiration can cause a lot of doubt and distrust. The one who feels his uniqueness and superiority for quite a long time and under any conditions remains completely enchanted. No, a man is unlikely to become arrogant and leave inspired to other places, because he clearly understands that he feels like the king of this world only in the presence of a specific woman.

Men love to be strong at the level of action, and the more situations a woman creates where he can show his positive qualities, the more hero he will feel. You don’t need to start a dragon for this, you can ask to be taken home or help install the application on your smartphone. It’s great if a woman doesn’t disappear without male help and can change the faucet and hang a shelf, but it’s better to hide such personal skills, at least in his presence.

It is not always appropriate to show direct power and knowledge; it is better to leave this field of activity for male self-realization. Female strength is manifested in other things that delight men - this is affection, kindness, tenderness, and not only for him, but for the whole world. Feed a hungry dog, calm a crying child, help a pensioner deal with an ATM, bring treats to the whole team.

In dealing with a man, it is important to strike a balance between defending your opinion and humility. On the one hand, completely obeying a man is stupid, even if this is your husband, if you are not connected by any relationship, then doubly so. Defending one's position, arguing one's opinion, the ability to do it in defiance turn on the instinct of a hunter in men, this kindles passion and interest. On the other hand, complete and widespread resistance, presenting one's own information as the only important one, can quickly kill male interest. I want to leave such a woman alone, since she herself knows everything very well. Any man is pleased when he is listened to, responsibility and care turn on in him when a woman compromises her principles and acts as he said. This is not just submission, it is the transfer of power, respectively, responsibility, and hence large moral and emotional investments. The more we are responsible for someone, the more we become attached. If this is not total humility and infantilism, otherwise the reaction may be the opposite.

The most important thing in communicating with a man is support and care, but not in a maternal performance, which is more like edification and control, but in a feminine one. This is an active manifestation of interest in his opinion and deeds, but the ability to live his own life. This is the care that is shown in necessary situations, along with faith in his strength - you don’t need to drive through the whole city with bandages if he hurts his hand, but it makes sense to make hot tea if a man is sick.

How to tell a man what you don't like

Reproaches, as a way of conveying information about one's own dissatisfaction with the behavior of another, are the most common, but the least effective way. This usually causes an irrational defensive position, where a woman can be reasonably proved why she herself is to blame for what happened, or simply withdraw from communication. A separate difficulty is communication with an ex-man and attempts to explain his displeasure to him if he decides that you are just playing and testing his perseverance. It is in uttering the negative that the male desire for directness and honesty fails in the adequacy of perception.

It is optimal if a woman is able to convey information not in the form of accusations, but indicating her own negative emotions from what is happening. That is, not a man is bad, but a woman is bad in such a situation, and not so bad when she turns into an evil fury, demolishing everything all the way, but in such a way that she remains a gentle, loving and caring, but frustrated and saddened woman.

You will have to report your disorder several times before visible changes occur, since the man is always convinced that this is a systematic phenomenon, and not once under the influence of mood. It is important to speak about your dissatisfaction right away, because the fact that he did not meet you after the international conference at the airport at night in winter will not be relevant in June, or even forgotten. As soon as an unpleasant situation occurs, you must immediately tell what and how it upsets you, and not the man, but the situation (for example, “when I am alone at night, I am afraid and upset that there is no one to protect me” instead of “you leave me at night yourself”).

A man should always have a choice of what to do, but you must notify him of your own feelings regarding what is happening if you want at least some chance of change.

When communicating with a man, it is worth talking about your feelings, and not catching him on not fulfilling promises and forcing him to fulfill them with ultimatums (these are methods of court sentences). It is unlikely that a mentally normal person wants to appear at someone who says “call me three times a day”, but the wording “I feel unnecessary if you don’t call” can change something inside a person, while maintaining his freedom. It is important that at this moment you yourself can do whatever you want with your negative feelings - you can endure, or you can meet with friends and get communication there, instead of knocking him out of a man.

A woman can proudly be called that only if she knows how to communicate with men. We will tell you how to learn this and what female tricks will be needed to achieve your goals. You will learn the basic NLP techniques that really work. All this will allow you to easily find and keep the young man you like near you, establish contact with him and make communication as easy as possible.

The main trick of adjustment is mirroring. According to NLP, you should like to copy a partner: repeat his postures, gestures, facial expressions, specific words. The main thing is not to go too far and not to start mimicking. We act subtly and carefully:

  • he stroked his beard - you straightened the curl;
  • he crossed his legs - you gracefully intertwined the legs;
  • he smiled with the corners of his lips - you slightly arched an eyebrow;
  • he touched your hand - you stroked his elbow;
  • he leaned towards you - you leaned back.

Another secret of successful communication with a man is to put your partner above yourself, let him understand that he is stronger, more important, better than you: "Darling, this is so difficult for me, I can't do it without you." As your fellowship progresses, rise higher. As soon as you feel uncomfortable in a relationship, say, “Do you want to spend time with your friends? Great, I have things to do too!" The main thing is to say it in a calm, confident tone of a woman who really has something to do.

In no case don't yell at your partner don't ask him for anything! It will only annoy. You should also be careful with jealousy, be sure of yourself! If a man discusses other girls, feel free to get involved in this activity. Believe me, this will surprise him and then he may even lose interest in such a pastime.

Don't forget about guilt! For example, if a young man is late for a date and it is cold outside, say that you are very cold, you are afraid of getting sick. He will definitely apologize for this and will feel obligated. He does not need to throw a tantrum, it can only repel, but in no way become a psychological trick.

Don't show your dependence on him. It's one thing to ask for help with something, and quite another to be ready to rush to him at the first call. The psychology of men is such that they love independent women, why do they need a child?

In no case do not tell a man directly that you want to be with him. The best thing . Here you can find a step by step action plan.

If you want to please a guy, you need. Read here what it is, where to start, how to win over the opposite sex.

The most difficult of the NLP methods -. Our other article will help you achieve this in 5 steps.

Forbidden communication methods that can ruin everything

There are things that you should never do if you do not want to spoil the relationship:

  • Compare with previous partners. Not only do you remind him that he is not the only one in your life, but also the comparison, no matter how flattering it may be, causes an unpleasant feeling of competition.
  • Demonstrate your strength and independence. Let him feel like a knight and he will idolize you.
  • Talk openly about his shortcomings. Remember, any man has a high opinion of himself, you should not hurt his pride. Any claim can be expressed indirectly. For example, instead of “you don’t pay attention to me”, say: “I love it so much when you give me flowers!”.
  • manipulate sex. The bed is a place for pleasure, turning it into a battlefield is unwise. Sooner or later, this tactic will fail, and then you will lose.

Safety precautions when manipulating a man

One of the most effective management techniques is to admit that you are doing it. This may seem counterintuitive, but in some cases it works flawlessly. Do you want to win a man? So tell him! It may happen that the eternal hunter will gladly try on the role of a voluntary victim. As a result, he will think that he generously gives in, and you will get what you want.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Do you think that a man earns little and should make more efforts? Tell him what benefits he will get by increasing his income (he will buy a gadget that he has been dreaming of for a long time, wipe his nose with an old rival friend, will finally be able to devote more time to his favorite hobby), and then he will do everything himself.

You should not frankly take him as "weak", but here's a little doubt that he is able to replace the switch in the corridor - why not?

Demonstrating your confidence that he can do anything will be even more effective. Nothing inspires a man so much as the feeling that they believe in him - and the switch will be replaced, and the socket will be repaired at the same time.

A professional psychologist gives advice in this video on how to interest a man. Very interesting techniques that will help elevate yourself in the eyes of a man:

Remember, men's thinking is different from women's, it is less figurative, more specific, so if you need to say something important, try to speak directly and clearly, for example: "I'm tired and I'm in a bad mood", instead of the eternal "Nothing" to the question "What happened?" For this you can get on the forehead.
