How to dye a leather jacket - different ways. Ways to dye a leather jacket at home

Dye a leather jacket at home on your own - this is a rather difficult task, since not every person can paint it correctly. Of course, you can take your leather jacket to the professionals to have it dyed professionally at the dry cleaners, but you will have to shell out some of your savings for this. It is best to dye a leather jacket with your own hands at home. If you follow all the recommendations that you can find in our article, then you can paint the jacket yourself without spending money. Unless you have to buy paint in the color you want to dye the jacket, but it will be much cheaper than having it dry cleaned.

If you want to dye your leather jacket black or any other color at home, you should follow the guidelines we have put together in our article.

So, you can paint a leather jacket at home using two means:

  • regular leather paint.

It should be clarified that before dyeing a leather jacket at home, it must be cleaned or washed. This is necessary so that the effect does not deteriorate due to dirt or dust during painting.

It will also be useful to properly prepare the workplace. You should be aware that you will not be able to hold the jacket in your hands while painting, and on a flat surface the paint will not dry evenly. For this purpose, it is best to take a trempel, on which you need to hang a leather jacket. This must be done so that its edges in no case come into contact with the floor, window or other objects.

Aerosol paint

First of all, let's look at how to dye a leather jacket at home using spray paint. Stock up on enough paint, at least two cans of paint, then carefully read the recommendations on the label. It is necessary to paint a leather jacket in this way only in the fresh air, but not on a balcony or in an apartment. In addition, you need to find a respirator so that paint fumes do not enter your body, as this can cause dizziness or poisoning.

Let's take a look at the detailed the sequence of actions for painting a leather jacket with aerosol paint:

  1. The first step is to properly hang the jacket so that when it is painted, other items will not be painted. The floor under the jacket must be covered with newspapers or polyethylene so as not to stain it.
  2. Next, take a damp cloth and wipe the entire surface of the jacket with it to remove dust.
  3. Now take a can of paint, shake it a few times, and then gently spray the paint onto the surface of the jacket at a distance of 25 centimeters. You should not linger in one place for a long time; it is necessary to paint a leather jacket evenly.
  4. Don't forget to touch up the armpits, pockets and collar.
  5. After you've dyed your leather jacket at home, let it dry for at least an hour before it's ready to wear.

If you are going to paint a leather jacket at home using aerosol paint, then you should carefully monitor that streaks do not form from the paint. If they appear, then you need to take a clean, damp sponge and gently remove them.

Paint for leather goods

It is also possible to dye a leather jacket at home using paint designed for leather goods. It looks like a colored powder that must be diluted in water. Dyeing a leather jacket this way is a little more difficult than using a special spray, but, nevertheless, this method of dyeing is much more effective.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to dye a leather jacket at home with special paint:

  1. The first step is to wipe the leather jacket with a damp cloth to remove any remaining dirt and dust from its surface.
  2. Then take the dye and dissolve it in warm water according to the instructions. After that, the resulting solution should be passed through several layers of gauze to remove undissolved dye lumps, as they can spoil the result.
  3. Now take a large container, fill it with about two liters of water, add diluted dye and put this mixture on fire. When the mixture boils, it must be removed from the heat, and then cooled to room temperature.
  4. The leather jacket must be placed in a bowl of clean water so that it is saturated with moisture. This will make it easier to dye your clothes. A leather jacket should be immersed in water for at least two hours, depending on its thickness.
  5. After that, remove the leather jacket from the container, wring it out, pour the dye into the container and put the jacket back in.
  6. In order for it to be dyed more evenly, you should regularly stir and turn the jacket over, and after it is dyed, you need to wring it out and rinse it in warm water.
  7. After that, take two liters of clean water, mix it with two glasses of vinegar and rinse the leather jacket in the resulting mixture.
  8. Now you need to wring out and hang the jacket in the fresh air to dry.

Thus, dyeing a leather jacket yourself at home is not so difficult. The main thing is the timeliness of actions. Your leather jacket will delight you with an updated look for a very long time.

How to dye a leather jacket? Do not rush to throw away a leather jacket if it has simply worn out and lost its bright color. Such a flaw is very easy to eliminate by painting the product. Both dry cleaning and you at home can carry out this manipulation. Considering that the first option may not be affordable for many, we suggest dwelling on home-made leather painting.

Everyone can paint a leather jacket on their own. This procedure may only at first glance seem complicated and impracticable. In fact, it is enough just to purchase high-quality leather paint and use it for its intended purpose, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Fortunately, many dyes are sold today, specially designed for processing the described material. With the help of them, you can independently restore even an old, worn leather jacket. The main thing is that it is incredibly easy to do it yourself, which allows you to save on the family budget. Color your favorite but unfortunately worn out clothes now. And we will help you with this by talking about all the intricacies of this procedure.

Painting a leather jacket at home

Painting a leather jacket at home consists of several stages. However, it always begins in the same way: with the preparation of the product itself. First, the jacket is washed well using soapy water and a soft sponge. Then the skin must be wiped from the remnants of soap and dried. Dry the clean product exclusively at room temperature, and without the use of any heating devices. After that, the leather jacket is additionally examined for the presence of greasy stains. In no case should you skip this step, even if you are sure that the clothes are clean. It is better to play it safe, because the paint does not adhere well to a dirty surface. If traces of fat are still present on the leather product, then they are removed with alcohol or some other solvent. This is how the skin is properly prepared before staining.

To carry out the main procedure, it remains to choose a paint. It comes in the form of an aerosol and a dry powder. There are also liquid dyes for leather. We will consider in detail the options for all dyes.

Aerosol paint is considered the most convenient and fastest to use. It can be purchased in any department with leather, but most often it is in shoe stores. Moreover, such dyes are produced in different shades. Therefore, you can save both a black leather jacket and any other.

In order to paint the product yourself with aerosol dye, prepare the paint itself in advance, as well as rubber gloves and a soft sponge, then follow the instructions below.

  1. Straighten the jacket cleaned from dirt evenly on the coat hanger. Be sure to smooth out the formed folds, otherwise they will not be painted.
  2. Then put on gloves and evenly spray the paint of the desired color on the product from a distance of about thirty centimeters. Note! This procedure is recommended to be carried out on the street or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Remove excess dye from the jacket with a sponge. You must achieve the most even layer, otherwise some places may stand out against the background of the entire painted product.
  4. Leave the treated clothes on hangers until completely dry. This will take no more than an hour, after which it will already be possible to put on the restored item.

Sometimes one coloring procedure is not enough, so if after drying the jacket you notice that there are poorly painted areas on it, repeat the above steps.

If you purchased paint in the form of a dry powder, then before applying it to your clothes, you need to hold the leather item in plain water for two hours. This is necessary so that the skin is saturated with moisture and all the air comes out of the pores of the material. Only after such a procedure can the jacket be painted evenly.

While the leather product is soaking, bring the paint to the desired state. To do this, take a dry dye, dilute it with warm water (the proportion is indicated on the packaging of the substance) and dissolve all the lumps. Then pour the resulting composition into a deep metal container, add two liters of water and boil. After that, cool the paint to a temperature of forty degrees and immerse the worn leather item in it. The product should be in dyes for about two hours. During this time, the jacket should be turned over several times for uniform staining. When the skin color reaches the desired shade, rinse the item well. Rinse the jacket until the water runs clear.

To fix the color, you can use a solution prepared from water (1 l), vinegar (100 ml) and salt (1 tbsp.).

Liquid dyes in bottles should be used very carefully and only on a flat surface. To do this, spread the jacket on the table and be sure to wear rubber gloves. Then pour the paint into a more suitable container and prepare a sponge. Dip it in the coloring liquid and start painting the product. Note! In this case, it is better not to rush. Apply the dye in small portions and spread evenly over the entire skin, slowly rubbing the dye in a circular motion. The painted item must dry completely. After that, it will need to be rinsed in clean water to remove shine and dried.

When painting leather, be sure to take note of the helpful tips below. They will help you avoid mistakes, as a result of which you can completely ruin the thing.

  • At the end of the coloring procedure, be sure to fix the color. We have previously said that vinegar solution can be used for this purpose.. If you are worried that the jacket will smell strongly of vinegar, then use a special acrylic fixative instead.
  • It is convenient to apply dye on a leather product not only with a sponge, but also with natural wool.
  • Before dyeing, a worn jacket must be cleaned of dust and other contaminants, regardless of what paint you are going to use.
  • In no case do not repaint the skin in a different color. If it was originally covered with black dye, restore the same shade. Otherwise, you can only worsen the condition of the leather jacket.
  • You won't have to dye your leather item often if you don't wash it in the washing machine and send it to the chiffonier when it's not dry.

If you are sure that you cannot cope with painting an old leather jacket at home, then it is better not to risk it and take the item to a dry cleaner. In any case, contacting specialists will cost less than buying new clothes. However, we are sure that everything will work out for you and in a few hours you will be trying on your favorite jacket again.

Painting a leather jacket becomes necessary when, over time, the product begins to lose its attractive appearance. Scuffs, stains appear on the surface of the wardrobe item, the paint gradually peels off and the gloss begins to fade. There are two ways to solve the problem: contact a dry cleaner or try to renew a leather wardrobe item yourself. If the situation is not so critical as to give up in despair, then you should use the second option. You can return the former attractiveness of a beautiful and stylish thing with the help of simple effective methods. The work will not take much time and will not entail large financial costs.

Preparing for painting

In order to qualitatively paint a product made of genuine leather at home, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • step 1 - preparing things for staining;
  • step 2 - the choice of coloring matter;
  • step 3 - painting the leather product.

This simple algorithm requires some refinement. Let us consider in more detail the essence of each stage.

Before you begin the process of dyeing a jacket or any other leather product, you need to properly prepare it. First of all, you should empty the pockets of foreign objects and remove all additional accessories. After that, you need to clean the leather jacket from dirt. To do this, you can use simple available ingredients:

  1. Prepare a solution of the juice of half a lemon and water. With a swab dipped in the composition, wipe the entire surface.
  2. 20 g dry or 3 tbsp. combine spoons of liquid soap with 200 ml of water. In the resulting liquid, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of glycerin With a foam sponge or a soft rag moistened with the composition, carefully treat the surface of the product. Complete the procedure with clean water to remove excess soap.
  3. Beat the egg white into a strong foam and wipe the entire jacket or other wardrobe item with it.

After cleaning, wipe the item dry with a clean cloth and hang it on a coat hanger to dry completely.

Important! Dry your leather jacket away from artificial heat sources.

What to use

The modern market of chemical products is saturated with an abundance of coloring preparations, including those for the skin. Therefore, choosing the desired color will not be difficult, besides, if desired, you can change the tone of the jacket to a different shade. Having bought a special tool for painting leather products, you can successfully update your favorite wardrobe item at home. You can use the following chemicals:

  • liquid paints;
  • aerosol formulations;
  • dry powder paints.

All of them are quite effective. Regardless of the type, it is recommended to use dyes that do not contain toxic components at home. The choice of the preferred option depends on the consumer.

liquid paint

You can dye a leather jacket at home with the help of effective and safe liquid dyes. They fit perfectly on the surface of the product, leaving no streaks and stains, and also dry very quickly.

During the painting process, it is necessary to ensure good illumination of the working area by using a table lamp or other powerful lighting device. Before applying the paint, read the instructions and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

On a note! The work on dyeing a leather jacket should begin with the treatment of the most worn places.

To get a good result, the product must be laid out on a flat surface. Next, do the following:

  1. The dye is thoroughly shaken and poured into a glass dish.
  2. A sponge or brush is moistened with paint and applied to the material with gentle rotational movements. The coloring matter must be evenly distributed and ensure that there are no unpainted areas or places where the composition lay down in a thick layer.
  3. After that, the product is placed on a coat hanger and left in this form until completely dry. A dried jacket should be wiped with a dry cloth.

To fix the color after painting, it is recommended to treat the surface of the thing with a solution of vinegar. To prepare it, you need a liter of warm water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 100 g of vinegar. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and wipe the entire surface of the jacket with the resulting product using a sponge. The product treated with an "odorous" composition must be dried in a well-ventilated area.

Aerosol cans

Means for updating leather products in aerosol cans are very popular among consumers. This is due to the convenience of using the dye and the speed of processing a thing that has lost its presentable appearance. Before using the drug, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

All restoration work must be carried out with gloves, a protective mask in a well-ventilated area, preferably in daylight. You can also paint the product on the street, this will avoid getting the composition on other objects.

Leather clothing should be hung on hangers or a mannequin so that it does not slip during operation. It is necessary to spray paint at a distance of 20 cm from a jacket or other wardrobe item. After processing the most problematic areas, you should begin to level the overall tone, carefully painting over the entire product.

Important! Do not use aerosol products in the presence of children.

Home staining requires careful inspection of the treated surfaces. If a defect is found, the areas must be re-coated with paint. Two or three layers of pigment for the skin, evenly distributed over the area of ​​the product, is enough to completely transform it.

Powder dye

Dry powder paint allows you to achieve good results in coloring at home. This method can be used to dye a black leather jacket or other colors. Bright color will remain on the skin for a long time. Features of working with the product are indicated on the packaging, the instructions must be followed strictly. To prepare the solution, follow these steps:

  • dilute the powder in warm water and mix thoroughly to avoid lumps;
  • add 2 liters of water to the resulting solution and bring it to a boil;
  • cool down to 40-45°C

The leather product must first be prepared for the dyeing process:

  1. To do this, the jacket should be soaked in water for 3 hours. During this time, the skin will soften, become saturated with moisture and air will come out of it.
  2. Then it should be placed in a solution that has cooled to the required temperature and left in it for 2-3 hours. During the dyeing process, it is recommended to periodically turn the jacket over to evenly distribute the dye.
  3. After the required time has elapsed, the item must be removed and thoroughly rinsed several times in clean water to remove pigment residue.

The painting is completed with the following composition:

  • in 1 liter of water at room temperature, dilute 200 ml of vinegar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table salt;
  • soak the product in the solution for 0.5 hours.

This procedure will fix the paint. The volume of the solution can be changed depending on the dimensions of the jacket. The process is completed by placing the updated wardrobe item on hangers in a well-ventilated area away from heat sources.

All of these methods will allow you to restore your favorite leather jacket at home. If there is any doubt about the effectiveness of these methods, then you should contact the professionals working in dry cleaning.

A leather jacket usually serves us for more than one season. It can often be ten years before we decide to part with our favorite thing. In general, leather is a fairly reliable material if it is of high quality and durable, for example,. You will be able to wear it for a long time and after some time scuffs and even small cracks will appear on the product in some places.

Today we will talk about how to dye a leather jacket at home so that it does not look like handicraft, and the thing after that would serve you for a long time.

Preparing a leather jacket for painting

Let's start with what to paint. This is usually the most difficult. You will have to purchase a special leather dye that you can use at home. Not all of them are the same. You should not buy the cheapest or most expensive option, it is better to stay in the middle price category and carefully consider the selection of tone.

No problem if yours is black. But if it is beige, brown, gray, or even more colored, then there may be problems. It is better to choose a slightly lighter tone - then you can apply another layer or use a darker shade if something goes wrong. But light colors may not paint over the places of defects, scuffs, and so on.

There are two types of paint:

  • Spray can.
  • Liquid.

Aerosol is easier to use - the main thing is to spray from the right distance, trying to do it evenly. But this does not mean that you need to refuse liquid paint, perhaps it will be convenient for you.

Now we need to prepare the jacket. In order for the paint to lay down well, the skin must be treated and ready for painting.

For this you need:

  • Wash the jacket with soap and water using a gauze pad.
  • Remove soap residue thoroughly with water.
  • Dry away from heating appliances at natural temperature. Before painting, the jacket must be completely dry, including pockets, seams, and so on. On raw skin, the paint will fall poorly.

If the jacket has oiliness, some persistent oil stains, and so on, then the surface must be gently wiped with a small amount of alcohol applied to a cotton pad. Do not overdry the skin, use alcohol very carefully!

After everything is ready, you can start painting.

How to dye a leather jacket at home?

To begin with, if you are not confident in your abilities, and the thing is very dear to you, it’s better not to risk it, but read the reviews, find the best workshop, dry cleaner or atelier where you dye the skin, and go there. So there will be less risk.

If you are still willing to take the risk, then prepare all the materials:

  • A deep glass bowl or a shallow jar where you can keep the paint if it is liquid.
  • A napkin or rag to "correct flaws" if necessary.
  • Foam sponge.
  • Rubber gloves (sold in the household department of any supermarket).

Lay the jacket face up on a hard and flat surface, as evenly as possible. It is better to paint the jacket, as a complex structural thing, in stages - detail by detail, for example, first the collar, then the sleeves, the shelves, and so on. But painting a whole leather thing at home is not worth it if you have no experience and it is of any color other than black or. It is very difficult to do this evenly at home.

Before painting the problem area, try it in an inconspicuous area to test the paint and see the result.

After everything is ready, you can paint.

For aerosol:

  • Read the instructions, check if there are any special instructions.
  • Spray the aerosol from a distance of 50-30 cm, unless otherwise indicated. Little by little, without bringing the spray head too close to the leather jacket, so that the coverage area is large enough without staining areas you don't want to stain.
  • Spray in small portions until you start to like the result. It's always better to add a new layer than to overdo it! The paint is always applied only in a thin layer!
  • Dry at room temperature.

After that, check the durability of the paint: it should not be stained when in contact with the skin, and a strong smell indicates poor paint quality.

For liquid paint:

  • Shake the paint, pour into a bowl and soak a sponge in it.
  • Apply the paint to the leather jacket in small portions, in a circular motion, gently rubbing it in a circular motion.
  • The paint layer should be as thin as possible, as in the previous case.
  • Dry the product at room temperature and out of the sun!

That, in fact, is all. When it is completely dry, you can take care of it in much the same way. If the product has too much shine, sprinkle the skin with water from a spray bottle and wipe it with a dry cloth.

It is not always possible to paint over all the defects the first time or achieve a perfect result. Don't be discouraged, just apply another layer of paint after the previous one has completely dried.

Leather items are elegant, comfortable and always in fashion, it is not for nothing that many wear them for more than one year. However, leather clothing has a drawback - even with very careful handling, the paint is wiped off over time, especially on the folds, sleeves and collar. This is a completely solvable problem - a suitable paint for leather jackets can always be found in specialized stores. And the process of painting at home is simple.

Paint for leather jackets gives things a second life.

What color to paint a leather jacket

Before deciding on the choice of paint, you need to consider that you can only completely change the color to black. Otherwise, the places of abrasions will differ slightly in tone. It is better to choose a color scheme as close as possible to the native color.

There are several ways to dye leather, but three are most commonly used at home.

1. Use of liquid dye. It is sold in stores and is intended mainly for the restoration of leather shoes, but it is also suitable for jackets.

Before applying liquid paint, the jacket must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and wiped with a swab moistened with alcohol to remove greasy stains. Lay out the jacket on a flat surface so that there are no wrinkles, and apply the paint with a soft sponge. It is important to ensure that the dye lays down evenly and in a thin layer, and in the most damaged places it can be rubbed a little.

2. Use of powder dye. Before processing the jacket, dissolve the powder in warm water, pour into a large basin, add a few more liters of water and heat almost to a boil. After the composition has cooled to 40-45 °, immerse the jacket in it.

In order for the leather product to be well dyed, it must be turned over several times. Then remove from the solution, wring out and rinse in warm and cold water.

On the one hand, this method provides more uniform staining. On the other hand, powder dye, as a rule, is less resistant. But the best paint for a leather jacket is a special aerosol can.

How to spray paint a leather jacket

Aerosol is more convenient than liquid or powder dye, and it will be faster to process a jacket with it. In addition, it covers the thing with a thin uniform layer. However, precautions must be taken when using it.

In addition to gloves, which are also needed for other painting methods, a respirator or gauze bandage is required so that the smallest particles of paint do not get into the lungs. You need to be prepared for the fact that splashes will fall not only on the jacket, but also on surrounding objects. Therefore, restoration is recommended to be carried out on the street.

For maximum convenience, it is better to hang a leather product on a coat hanger so that it can be approached from all sides.

After the paint is applied, you need to let it soak into the material for half an hour, and then wipe the jacket with a soft cloth or suede, then the thing will look like new.

There is another important point. Do not try to paint only damaged areas. It is difficult to pick up a dye that is completely identical in tone, and the newly painted areas will be noticeable.

Similar ways to update an old leather thing seem simple. But if you do not rely on your own accuracy, it is better to take the jacket to a dry cleaner or a workshop where specialists will take care of the painting.
