What to do with children at home: useful tips and exciting ideas. How to entertain children? Entertainment for children

Is your child sick and daycare is cancelled? Or is there a long weekend ahead? How to make a child’s time interesting, and what to do with a 5-year-old child at home?

Features of the development of a five-year-old child

"Adult" baby

A five-year-old child is no longer a toddler, but it’s difficult to call him an adult either. This is the transitional age from nursery to primary school age. Look how physically the child has changed in just a year - he has stretched out a lot, the cute childish plumpness has disappeared. A five-year-old preschooler is interested in literally everything. From a why-one, he turned into a researcher. Like a sponge, absorbing useful information, a child expands his horizons. Scientists have found that this is the age when the volume of assimilated information is the highest: as much material as he assimilates now will never fit into his memory again. 90% of a child’s personality is formed right now, so it is important not to miss the moment and, in the period from 5 to 7 years, to instill the necessary habits and lay down the qualities that he will need in later life.

Reasonableness and calmness

Even very emotional and hysterical children by the age of five become balanced, reasonable, independent and adequately perceive the requests and comments of adults. Now it is very important to start preparing for school: to develop perseverance, memory and attention, fine motor skills and, of course, hard work. Therefore, games should be biased in this direction, but at the same time remain interesting.

Not developed independence

Not all preschool children are still able to study independently for a long time: they need a partner in play. It’s good when there are other children of a similar age in the family, then part of the educational work is transferred from the mother’s shoulders to them: the older children become objects of imitation and organizers of leisure, and the younger ones become the object of guardianship of a five-year-old child, who helps to form a sense of responsibility in the preschooler and develops organizational skills. But if the child is alone, you will sometimes have to play together, simultaneously developing his independence.

“You need to work with your child,” writes Anna Bykova, a child psychologist, “but you don’t need to take up all his time - these are two extremes, harmonious upbringing is the path of the middle, a constant search for balance.”

What can children 5-6 years old do to get involved in the proposed activity? After all, only by enjoying the activity can adults make a child’s leisure time truly interesting and educational.

Interesting activities and games for boys aged 5

What interests a 5 year old boy? Of course, all kinds of cars, airplanes, swords and pistols, construction kits and other boyish paraphernalia that your son is probably already tired of. But even car games can be made more interesting if you use your imagination.

Cardboard town

Take several cardboard boxes (large enough, for example, from a vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, etc. If you don’t have them at home, you can ask at the nearest store, they throw them away anyway), cut tunnels in the cardboard walls, and connect them together with a stapler. You can mount all kinds of bridges, draw pedestrian crossings and road signs, and the child will enjoy driving cars around a box city much more than just on a carpet.


If a boy is persistent enough to complete a puzzle that matches his abilities, reward him! Puzzles develop intelligence, logical thinking, and train memory and attention.


Home bowling will delight the little boy. No skittles? It doesn’t matter – there are plastic bottles in every home. Fill them with sand or water for stability. You can replace the skittles with cubes. Compete to see which of you is more dexterous with the ball.

Board games and building models

If you have board games at home, partner with your son in table football or tennis. Or you can glue together a cardboard model of an airplane or ship.

Books with tasks

Books with stickers, labyrinths and interesting tasks are not only very exciting, but also useful for the development of logic, imagination and creativity. Let your child complete tasks on his own, helping only when he asks for help. This will be another step towards preschool preparation.

Activities and games for girls aged 5

You can find even more exciting activities for girls.


Add variety to doll games? Easily! Let it be not just mothers and daughters, but a fashion show. No time to sew clothes for “mannequins”? Use available materials - bags, napkins, handkerchiefs, and from plastic bottles you can make excellent crinolines for ball gowns.

Beauty games

Or you can be a “model”: visit the hairdresser or beauty salon, which is “managed” by your daughter: all the girls are delighted with such games!

Little needlewoman

The girl will also be fascinated by needlework: offer her a box with beads and beads, show her how you once wove baubles and bracelets yourself. No beads? But there is paper and such an interesting direction as quilling: the art of making crafts and voluminous appliqués from rolled paper. This is very useful for developing imagination and fine motor skills.

And from ribbons and bead buttons you can make exclusive hairpins and elastic bands using the kanzashi technique. Glue gun, scissors, lighter, thread and needles are what you may need. Of course, a girl cannot be trusted with such needlework without supervision. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done this before: learning it together with your daughter will be more interesting.

Don't be afraid to trust your daughter with a needle. Purchase small embroidery hoops and embroidery patterns. Having learned to embroider in childhood, your girl can become a real needlewoman. This activity perfectly develops fine motor skills, color perception, and develops perseverance and accuracy in work. And the masterpieces of your Marya the artist can be given to relatives for the holidays or framed and hung on the wall.

Books with tasks

Books with logical tasks and puzzles are interesting not only for boys, but also for girls. Today there are a variety of books on sale for interesting leisure time.

Mom is busy. Independent games for children aged 5

When a lot of things have accumulated, mom has no time for games. A child of 5 years old already understands that there is no one to play with him, it’s time to move on to independent entertainment.

How to teach a child to be independent

Only a child who consciously strives to be independent will be able to occupy himself for a long time. Therefore, it is important to encourage the child to try to do everything himself already in the first year of life. At 5 years old, it is difficult for a child to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time, so it is good if you and he think through an approximate schedule that the child will adhere to.

Once you teach your child to do something, don’t do the work yourself!

If he manages to make the bed once, turn it into a duty. Do not dress or undress your child: at 5 years old, he can do this very well on his own. Tears and apparent helplessness are attempts at manipulation; stop them, otherwise children will not be able to achieve independence.

Let's take turns playing

Let's draw

Invite your child to create a picture together. Agree in advance that you will draw in turns, for example, 5 minutes each. While the process is in the child’s hands, you can turn on the washing machine or dishwasher, hang out the laundry, etc.

We are building

You can take turns creating a castle from a construction set: the left wing is built by the child, the right wing by you.

Let's sculpt

Modeling can also be done jointly, but do it in turns. For example, a mother made a bunny, and now the child is making a hedgehog. While he is busy, adults have time for household chores.

Playing Solitaire

If you don’t mind the time, teach your child to play solitaire not on the computer, but with regular cards.

Tasks for the child

Collect an album

If you have accumulated a lot of applications made by your child, give the task of collecting them all in an album (a folder with files or in a binder, you can paste it into a regular sketchbook or photo album).

Draw invitation cards

Are you planning a family celebration? Involve your child and let him draw invitations or color ready-made ones.

You can come up with more serious and responsible tasks:

  • wash the dishes;
  • vacuum the carpet;
  • sort out your purchases.

Don't forget to praise and thank for the completed task.

Hobbies and experiences


Various experiences can be a very interesting pastime for a 5-year-old child. Ready-made kits are available for sale. For example, water experiments, growing crystals, creating slimes and new scents. But you can start with the simplest thing - food coloring and a few jars of paint. The child will learn to mix and create new colors using the original three primary colors.


Soap making, making candles, creating Christmas tree decorations, crafts for the holidays and birthday gifts for grandmothers... A 5-year-old child can independently make simple crafts, provided that an adult shows (sometimes more than once) how this is done.

Attention! Some hobbies, such as making candles or soap, must be carried out under the supervision of an adult!

Teaching a 5 year old child to work

At what age should a child be taught to work? From the age of one and a half to two years, the baby can help put away toys and, at your request, bring some objects, for example, a TV remote control. The older the child gets, the more serious his responsibilities may become. But remember, if for a two-year-old child work is a game, then for a 5-year-old child work is not so interesting. Therefore, it is important to start training as early as possible, but to do it correctly.

The most important thing: be an example for your child. Only by showing your love for work will you raise your child to be hardworking.

Don't stop helping!

But keep an eye on the child's safety. Asks for help cooking? Have the vegetables washed. Instead of a kitchen knife, give a non-sharp one (for example, a table knife or a plastic one): it is suitable for chopping soft or boiled vegetables and fruits.

Give clear instructions

Describe in every detail the task that needs to be done, describing the result in advance: put away the toys and see how clean the room becomes.

Set approximate time limits

For example, you need to fold the coloring books after you draw, but have time to do this before the walk.

Don't overpraise your child

And in no case should you reward with money or sweets: household chores are not paid work, but a duty. You need to praise, but without fanaticism.

Have a clear schedule

Sometimes the written word is stronger than the spoken word: write or draw a schedule of children's activities, attach it in a visible place.

"To-Do Box"

You can put it in a visible place in a box and put cards in it, where you write or the child himself draws things that need to be done, but time is running out. Let the cards be multi-colored. Getting up in the morning, ask the child what color is working today, and, taking out a card of the desired color, the child will do the task indicated there.

Trust the child!

When entrusting a task, do not be afraid that the child will not cope. Many parents begin to give advice at hand, including completely useless ones: “Be careful!”, “Don’t get cut,” “Don’t spill it.” As psychologists say, such an attitude more often leads to failure. Instead, encourage your child and be sure to evaluate the result (not to be confused with praise).

“Sometimes it’s easier to do things yourself than to entrust them to children,” S. Feldcher and S. Lieberman write in their book “400 ways to keep a child from 2 to 8 years occupied.” – And still try not to make comments if the child’s help does not suit you. The child does not know how to do the job as well as you, your task is to cultivate a sense of responsibility for the entrusted work.”

Help with household chores

You can while away the time usefully: redo chores around the house, involving your child in helping. Let it be in the form of a game - it’s more interesting!

“Who throws things around the most in the house?”

It's easy to find out. Allocate a box for each family member and sign them. Ask your child to keep order all day and put things that are out of place in each of the boxes: dad's - in dad's box, mom's - in mom's, etc.


Children enjoy washing and cleaning everything. Entrust your child to clean, for example, all the door handles in the house or wipe dust in accessible places.

Olga, mother of 5-year-old Ruslan: “Ruslan likes to wash things in the sink with a brush and soap. His area of ​​responsibility is his shoes (sometimes adult shoes too)

"Find a Pair"

Folding socks in pairs is feasible for children and makes your household work a little easier.

"From the largest to the smallest"

By arranging books by size, you can bring order to your shelf.

"The fastest"

At 5 years old, a child is interested in competition. Offer, for example, to quickly hang things in the closet.

Have you been planning to clear out your closet for a long time? It's time to have an assistant nearby. The child can sort things, neatly put them into boxes, etc. To make it more interesting, say that you are playing treasure hunter, hide the “treasure” on one of the shelves (chocolate, a new toy, a ticket to the circus, etc.).

And if you plan to bake at home, involve your child in it! Children love playing with dough. You can teach your child how to make dumplings and dumplings - it greatly develops finger sensitivity!

The more creative your approach to everyday activities is, the more willingly your child will be involved in them.

Sports games for children aged 5

You can play sports at home. The child himself can come up with ideas for sports games at home, or you can come up with them too. What to play?

Obstacle course

Make an obstacle course from available materials. For example, at the start, a child may be faced with a “one-legged” task: draw circles with chalk or lay out circles out of paper, which must be passed by jumping on one leg. Next comes the next test: crawl on your bellies. To do this, you can use a bench or a narrow carpet. Chair tunnels, sack jumping, jump rope, hoop - all this can be connected to obstacles.


Mini baskets with mini balls are sold in toy stores. The ball is so light and small that it won't cause any serious mess.


Stretch a string and play using a balloon instead of a ball.

Accurate shooter

Make a “target” out of a hoop or bucket and grab the ball. Compete to see who can make the most hits out of 10 throws.

If you have a child of a similar age or suddenly a friend comes to visit your child, you can play tug of war (ropes, jump ropes, etc.). And if you involve dad in the game, then honestly you can split into 2 teams: mom and child in one, and dad in the other.

It is better not to play such active games before bedtime.

Evening classes

Evening activities should be calm and not overstimulate the child’s psyche before bedtime.

Drawing, coloring, stickers

All children love to draw, color or put stickers in their albums. Paper, coloring books, pencils, felt-tip pens and paints are universal helpers for arranging relaxing children's leisure time.

Evening Tale

In addition to drawing, mosaics and modeling, you can play a fairy tale. Create it based on the past day, and let your child be the main character. This way you can discuss good and bad behavior, some actions, without going into lectures and moralizing. But according to the law of the genre, the ending must be good!

Shadow play

This will be a calm but exciting activity. You can make paper figures or play with your own hands.

If possible, you can invite your child to become a director in a puppet theater. Let him put on a show for the whole family.

In the evening it is good to play quiet games like lotto and dominoes. There is a huge selection of board games in stores; buy something that your child will like.


Replace watching cartoons with a filmstrip if you still have a filmoscope. But it will be perfectly replaced by a children's flashlight with interchangeable disks. Just turn off the lights, turn on the flashlight - and the miracle begins!

Home planetarium

If possible, be sure to purchase this useful “toy”; it will make your evening leisure time educational.

Bath games

Before going to bed, you can play in the bathroom. Water relaxes well, relieves daytime stress and fatigue. Place a non-slip mat on the bottom of the bathtub, fill with water, but no more than up to the child’s chest.

Do not leave your child unattended in the bathroom! Even a five-year-old can get into trouble.


What to play? You can blow soap bubbles. Or you can take finger paints with you and paint on the tiles or the wall of the bathtub itself. The paints are non-toxic and wash off very easily.

Bathroom sets

Buy your child a special bathroom set. They are designed specifically for playing with water: it flows from container to container, flows in waterfalls, spins wheels, etc.

Bath toys

The boy will definitely enjoy organizing sea battles: give him toy boats in the bathroom. A series of Hot Wheels Color Shifters cars, created specifically for playing in water: they change color depending on the temperature!

The girl will love taking water treatments with dolls also created for playing in water, for example, mermaids who change their hair color.

Vasily, father of five-year-old Artem: “I allow Tema to take fins and a mask into the bath. He plays diver. True, a lot of water splashes over the edge of the bath, but it’s not a problem.”

What to do with a 5 year old child if he doesn’t want anything?

When you're tired of plasticine, offer an alternative - kinetic or living sand. Children of all ages love to play with this material, and mothers love this sand because it does not create dirt. If sand is not at hand, then there is an interesting activity: making sand for modeling at home. Even the greatest reluctant person will enjoy this activity!

DIY living sand

Take 6 parts sand, 3 parts starch and 2 parts water. Mix in a deep bowl and mold as you like. The result: almost clean palms, not a speck on the floor, and your beloved child is delighted.

Crystals? Easily!

Get your child interested in the idea of ​​growing crystals at home. He will definitely enjoy this experience, however, it lasts more than one day, but the longer the wait, the more interesting the result!

You can grow crystals from regular table salt (without additives!). Take a liter jar and fill it a third with salt, fill it to the top with hot water, and mix. The concentrated saline solution is the environment in which the crystals will grow. But you will need a base - a piece of felt, for example. Cut out the desired shape (rectangle, snowflake, heart, etc.), thread a thread at the top. We cut out a lid for the jar from cardboard, pierce the lid with a needle, thread it and use a toothpick to fix the figure so that when closing the jar the entire piece of felt ends up in the solution. After 7–10 days, the figurine will be completely covered with crystal-looking grains - crystals.


Tired of plasticine or simple applications? Get your child interested in creating origami figures. Of course, it won’t work out right away, but then he will delight you with wonderful crafts!

Non-Newtonian fluid

Science experiments in the kitchen are fun. Prepare a non-Newtonian liquid, it has unique properties: if you immerse your hands in it smoothly, the mass will be liquid, and if you suddenly try to pull your hands out, it will become solid. The viscosity of a substance will directly depend on the speed at which it is acted upon. Let your child help prepare this toy and then study its properties. You just need to mix starch and water (1:1) in a bowl.

Checkers and chess

These games are not only exciting, but also develop logic, imagination, and perseverance.

What to do with a hyperactive 5 year old child?

If your child is a complete bundle of energy who doesn’t sit still for a second, a real problem arises: what to do with a hyperactive 5-year-old child? A strict daily routine is important for such children; only then will there be relative order in the child’s behavior.

Sports section

It’s good if there is a place in the apartment where the child will splash out energy: a sports corner with a horizontal bar, rings, a ladder, a rope and, of course, mats.

Games by time

Set aside time for active games in the first half of the day, and in the second for calm and creative ones. The goal of the game is something that must be indicated in advance, otherwise the child will not be able to concentrate on the task.


A hyperactive child will not last long, but if you pick up puzzles with a picture of his favorite character, he will have a goal: to collect the picture.

Dancing, karaoke

Keep your child busy with music, let him dance or sing karaoke: this will give him an outlet for energy. Play classical music for your hyperactive child. colossal!

Walking the dog

If you have a dog, take your child for a walk with you - naturally, if the size of the pet is appropriate. By running with the dog, the child will temporarily become calmer.

Water games

Water perfectly relaxes, let your fidgety play in the bathtub not only during evening water procedures. Sand has similar properties.

Cartoons as a way to distract a child

All children love cartoons. This is a sure-fire way to keep your child engaged for a long time. But is it worth it?

Pros and cons

Of course, cartoons develop memory and broaden your horizons. They are colorful, story-driven, and exciting. There are special educational cartoons. But everything is good in moderation. Pediatricians advise children 3–5 years old to watch TV no more than half an hour a day. TV negatively affects a child’s vision and can cause aggression, anxiety, and disrupt sleep.

Irina, mother of children the same age, 6.5 and 5 years old: “I let my kids watch cartoons when I’m very busy. I play “Fixies” or “Lessons from Aunt Owl” for them - it’s informative and interesting. But no more than 40 minutes a day and not all at once, but several times for 15-20 minutes.”

Computer, tablet

Computer games literally attract children. Kids who can’t read yet can easily operate a tablet or phone.

Pros and cons

Of course, it’s great if your child is familiar with a computer and tablet: this will be very useful during school years. But the computer worsens vision more than TV, and also causes persistent addiction. You can allow children to play for no more than half an hour a day, but choose educational games according to age. Under no circumstances should you be allowed to sit at the computer before bed.


Sometimes finding something to keep a child occupied becomes a real challenge. But, knowing about your child’s interests and showing a little imagination, you can come up with many activities that will pass the day.

If your home supply of ideas has run out, visit the store: the children's toy departments are replete with all kinds of creativity kits, board and educational games.

  1. S. Feldcher, S. Lieberman. “400 ways to occupy a child from 2 to 8 years old”
  2. Anna Bykova “Developmental activities for the “lazy mother””
  3. K. Matyushkina “The School of Cat da Vinci”
  4. T. Vyatkina “Educational games for children from 0 to 5 years old”

Video on the topic

Seven-year-olds are very enthusiastic people, capable of independently inventing entertainment and new options for their leisure time. They draw inspiration literally out of thin air, but they also have periods of decline when they get bored with all their activities and want something new. That's when mom and dad will come to the rescue with their time-tested ideas for fun children's games.

What to do with a 7 year old child

Let’s make a reservation right away that we will not consider the option of watching TV. This is an overly banal and simple option that always works, but has certain negative consequences.
Activities for children over 7 years old should harmoniously combine active and calm activities. Considering that 5-6 days a week the child is in a sitting position for 4-5 hours, it is worth considering active games. It’s great if the outburst of energy occurs on the street or sports field - you can run around to your heart’s content, shout and do literally whatever your heart desires. Draw a map and take the kids on a treasure hunt or teach an orienteering lesson. In winter and summer, use outdoor activities according to the season.
Quiet games no less. This includes leisure activities such as reading together, board games, quiet walks, creative activities, and role-playing games. To a greater extent, these are options for spending time at home, which we will continue to talk about below.

What to do with a 7 year old child at home

When the question arises of what to do with a seven-year-old child at home, do not rush to sit him in front of a blue screen. Think about what games will help him not only relax after a busy school day, but also contribute to intellectual development. During this period, it is important to train memory, attention, and logical thinking. Of course, it is necessary to build on the child’s hobbies and temperament. Here are some solutions on how to entertain a 7-year-old child at home:

  • Checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon
  • It's better to start with checkers or dominoes - these are fairly easy to understand games.
  • Words
  • Stock up on a list of long words - more than 10 letters. These should not be proper names, names of cities, medicines, etc. Record the time (for example, 10 minutes) and start forming new words from the original one. At the end, check the results. Whoever runs out of stock first loses. More than two people can participate.
  • Another version of this game is oral. You name any words (except for the exceptions listed above), each participant in turn pronounces another word starting with the last letter of the previous one. This is an invaluable way to expand and deepen a child’s vocabulary, train his memory and attention.
  • Cities
  • The essence is the same as in the game “Words” in oral interpretation, only we use exclusively the names of cities. You can simultaneously tell your child about different countries, traditions, and dream about traveling. In general, not a game, but pure pleasure.
  • Writer
  • Invite your child to write their own book. Let your child put the resulting work into a beautiful cover and read it to you over evening tea.
  • Wall newspaper
  • If an important event or holiday is approaching, you can create a newspaper or poster with its theme. Use everything - photographs, magazine clippings, applications, drawings - the flight of creativity is unlimited.
  • Board games
  • Stores offer a wide selection of games for different ages, including from 1 to 99 years old. You understand that it will be interesting not only for the child.
  • Puzzles
  • This is a great way to develop fine motor skills. Introduce a competitive moment - time it and assign a prize. You can gradually increase the complexity of the game by using smaller parts and larger canvases.
  • Reading books
  • Reciting the work by role in different voices will make an ordinary evening reading an unforgettable and long-awaited moment of the day.
  • Creation
  • Modeling, drawing, coloring, appliques - choose what your baby likes.
  • Needlework
  • Girls can be introduced to sewing, knitting, beadwork and embroidery, and boys can be introduced to working with construction sets, wood burning, assembling models of cars, ships and other equipment.
  • Help mom
  • If you can’t find time for entertainment, lure the children into playing mother’s assistants: give out props (depending on what needs to be done), add intrigue and soon the whole apartment will sparkle. Surprises hidden around the apartment (for example, candy) or notes indicating where to clean next and what prize awaits at the end can serve as “enticements.”

As you can see, home leisure can be varied and exciting. We wish you fun and happy games!

Until recently, the child was in his mother’s tummy under constant protection and in the most comfortable conditions. And today, such a big and beautiful world opened up before him, full of new sounds, smells, tactile sensations. Many parents believe that their baby is interested in everything, and he must constantly absorb new emotions and acquire some skills. But in reality, the baby sleeps almost constantly. What's wrong with him? And how to entertain a newborn baby?

Is it worth entertaining a newborn baby?

First of all, parents should be reassured: in the first month of life, babies sleep a lot of the day. This is a natural physiological state; a small organism spends a lot of energy getting used to new conditions. This reserve of strength is restored during sleep, so this state is simply necessary for the baby. However, there are exceptions; sometimes a baby may not sleep most of the time, but be awake. These are the characteristics of a small organism, and if the baby feels good, is not capricious and contemplates the surrounding objects, there is nothing wrong with that. However, if the baby cries and suffers from the fact that he cannot sleep, this is a sure sign that you need to visit a pediatrician.

Why parents need to know how to entertain a newborn up to a month old:

  1. In addition to innate reflexes, the baby needs to acquire many more skills. At the same time, there is no point in forcing events. The baby needs time to adapt to a new world for him. Therefore, it is not worth creating a meaningful program on how to entertain a newborn while he is awake. It is enough for the baby to hear the mother’s quiet voice, feel her presence and feel light strokes. If you overdo it with the question of how to entertain a baby, the effect may be the opposite; the baby will quickly get tired and cry.
  2. It is very convenient to combine the wakefulness of a small child with hygiene procedures. You can change the baby's diaper, change his clothes, put him on a changing table or crib and take air baths. At the same time, do not forget to talk to the baby. The voice of mom and dad will calm the baby and set him up for close emotional cooperation with his parents.
  3. It’s worth thinking about how to entertain a newborn child even because from birth the baby hears, sees and understands everything - only in his own way, and is not yet good enough. Therefore, even the frequent “look into nowhere” in babies up to a month old is vision training - this is how the baby learns to focus its eyes on some object.

Due to the visual characteristics of babies, experts do not advise frequently rearranging the crib or changing objects around it. However, looking at the same thing is not always interesting; the solution would be to purchase a special arc with toys for. You don’t have to immediately hang up everything you have; you can stop at one thing and periodically change the figurine for something new. Toys of simple shapes and consisting of only a couple of colors have proven themselves very well for newborns - it will be more pleasant for a newborn child to look at them, and they will be able to entertain him.

How to entertain a newborn: basic ways

For children of this age, tactile entertainment is best suited - the touch of mother's hands. The baby will be pleased if his parents take him in their arms, talk to him, and sing simple songs or nursery rhymes. How to entertain a baby? The simplest ways would be:

  1. You can take the baby in your arms; the mother’s face is the most interesting object to study: talk to the baby, smile at him, depict various friendly emotions. Tell your child about your mood, emotions, and what you will do in the near future.
  2. A newborn baby can be perfectly entertained during swaddling or air baths. Stroke the baby's palm, arm, tummy. You can pick up the baby and rock it a little from side to side, up, down.
  3. You can sing to the baby. The simplest “goo-goo-goo” will help the child start “walking” faster, will help entertain him and will have a positive impact on his development.

However, these are only the simplest ways to entertain a newborn for up to a month - progress does not stand still, and today there are many more modern ways to diversify children's leisure time.

Experts have developed many ways to help your baby spend time with interest, which can be used from birth:

How to entertain a newborn up to a month old: basic rules

Experts advise following simple rules that will allow you to get only positive emotions from the process of entertaining your baby:

  1. It should be remembered that showing any object should be at a distance of no closer than half a meter. This will make it easier for the baby to focus his gaze.
  2. If the baby is tired, all games should immediately stop and the toys should be put away in a safe place.
  3. It is possible and even necessary to entertain the baby with sounds, speech and music while she is awake, but the baby should sleep in relative silence.

You can play and develop your baby from birth, the main thing is to pay maximum attention to the child and use appropriate games. Even if there are no special items nearby, mom always knows how to entertain the newborn so that he is in a great mood for the whole day!

During the long, dark evenings, parents have to be incredibly creative to find activities for their offspring to do around the house. You can, of course, limit yourself to watching TV and playing computer games, but even the most retarded parents know that this is not the most useful pastime.
Let us also find activities for our children that are more appropriate than passively sitting in front of a screen. And at the same time, let’s show imagination and humor.

Games are active.

"Running with a Ball" . We hand the child a tablespoon and a table tennis ball. Task: put the ball in a spoon and carry it throughout the apartment without dropping it. From 3 years old.

"Rope Walker" . Hands to the side. Task: walk along the edge of the carpet like a tightrope walker. You can spread out the rope. From 2 years old.

"Mini football". We mark goals on the carpet (with pins, for example), and arm ourselves with a table tennis ball. Objective: to score as many goals as possible into the “enemy’s” goal. It is recommended to involve a dad who is a fan to explain the rules of football to the child. From 3 years old.

"Baba Yaga" . Lay out the rope in the shape of a circle on the carpet. This is the Witch's house, where one of the players settles. The rest are crawling around the “house”, and the Witch is trying to catch and drag them to her. From 2 years old.

"Ghosts" . We put on sheets and rush around the apartment with terrible howls. From 4 years old.

"Hide and seek." We hide an object in the room and give instructions to search for it. From 4 years old.

"Locomotive". The family lines up in a train, clinging to each other, and travels around the apartment with appropriate sounds. From 2 years old.

"Towns". We replace the skittles with cubes, the bat with a tennis ball. We build towers from cubes and knock them down with a ball. From 2 years old.

"Duteli" . We blow on the caps of plastic bottles with the goal of making them fly the farthest. From 3 years old.

"Pyramid" . We build a pyramid from plastic bottle caps: the first layer is 10 caps, the second is 9, the third is 8, etc. After that, we destroy it with a precise hit from a table tennis ball. From 5 years.

"Juggler". We inflate the balloon tightly and throw it into the air. The task: to prevent him from falling for as long as possible. From 4 years old.

"Horses" . When you get tired of juggling with a ball, we sit astride it and jump until it bursts. From 2 years old.

"Blind chicken" We close our eyes and try to walk around the room without hitting anything. From 3 years old.

"Sliders" . We lie on our backs and crawl around the room, trying not to drop anything. From 4 years old.

"Fast walkers." We put on dad's shoes and try to run around the apartment the fastest. From 2 years old.

Intellectual games.

"Quick Thinker" . We name the word - the child must name the association that has arisen in connection with this word. We continue the chain until our imagination runs out. From 5 years old.

"Counting crows." Looking out the window, we count the passing cars. We determine their color, size and brand. From 5 years old.

"We fantasize about people." We drag a chair to the window, look at people running along the street, and make up stories about them. From 4 years.

"Kalya-malya" . Draw a squiggle on a piece of paper. The child must draw it to something recognizable. From 3 years old.

"Zoo" . We depict an animal, the rest must guess it. From 5 years old.

"Sounders" . We close our eyes and try to guess which of those present hummed, meowed or croaked. From 4 years old.

"Domino Ribbon" We painstakingly and carefully build a long ribbon of dominoes, placing them on a short edge. Then we carefully drop the first domino and enjoy the spectacle of the entire ribbon falling. From 2 years old.

"Sorters" . We empty mom’s wallet and sort the coins. From 3 years old.

"Come up with a name." On the pad of each finger we draw a face with a pen. Task: come up with a name for each character. From 2 years old.

Craft games.

"City" . On a piece of Whatman paper we draw the streets of the city - with roads and houses. Traffic signs can also be used. We wait for the paints to dry and start driving through the streets in toy cars. From 2 years old.

"Counterfeiters." We place the coins under the paper and rub the sheet with a soft pencil until the relief of the money is outlined. Cut it out, put it in your wallet and play store. From 5 years old.

"Collage" . We take my mother’s glossy magazines, cut out pictures from them on a certain topic (flowers, dogs) and glue them in the form of a collage onto a sheet of paper. From 3 years old.

"Book" . Again we take my mother’s glossy magazines, cut out the pictures, paste them into a notebook or notepad. We decorate the cover - a new word in the world of fashion magazines is ready! From 4 years old.

"Dollhouse". We take a box from under dad’s boots, cover it with beautiful paper or leftover wallpaper, cut out windows and a door. Furniture can be made from empty matchboxes. Or glue it from cardboard. We also draw the inhabitants on paper and cut them out. From 5 years old.

"Farm" . We draw animals on cardboard, color them, cut them out, and glue a strip of cardboard for the stand. Let's play farm. Or a zoo. Or a circus. From 5 years old.

"Distance Voyage" . We take walnut shells, glue a piece of plasticine to the bottom, and stick a toothpick with a paper sail into it. We launch boats in the bathtub or basin. From 2 years old.

"Heart Necklace" We cut out hearts from colored paper, make a hole with an awl and string them on a rope. We put it on all guests. From 5 years old.

"Omelette". Cut out a circle from yellow cardboard. We make pieces of vegetables from colored paper, glue them, and treat them to the household. You can call it "pizza". From 3 years old.

"Engravings". We paint over a sheet of cardboard with colored wax crayons, and put a layer of black paint on top. Using a pin, we scratch out the patterns so that colored curls and spirals appear through the black background. From 4 years old.

"Man-making" . We take dad’s trousers and shirt and carefully lay them out on the floor. We cut out a face from paper, give it a resemblance to dad, and attach it to the figure on the floor. We do the same with the clothes of the rest of the family. From 4 years old.

Theater games.

"Makeup" . We give the child watercolor paints and set the task: to paint himself like a tiger. From 4 years old.

"Role Reversal" . Adults and children change roles for the whole evening. We look at ourselves from the outside and are horrified. From 5 years old.

"Salon". We come up with hairstyles and put it into practice. You can use Barbie. Or maybe my mother. From 4 years old.

20 ideas on how to entertain your child at home

You woke up and it was pouring rain outside? Do not despair! Even a rainy day can be turned into fun if you have a child, imagination and a good mood!

I offer you as many as 20 ways to spend this day. Try the entertainment ideas you like, combine, have fun! Do this more often, because positive emotions are the basis of our health!

1. Nature has no bad weather: rubber boots, a raincoat or an umbrella - and you and your child go on an exciting walk. You can jump through puddles, measure their depth, launch matches, wood chips and boats! Shake a wet tree branch and create a real downpour while your baby is standing under an umbrella!

2. Remember how we had fun as children: hide different coins under paper and shade them on top with a simple pencil! Let the child try to do it himself.

3. Show your child how the pencil becomes “rubber”: to do this, you need to shake it in a certain way, known to all of us since childhood.

4. Prepare a lot of colored ice (to do this, you need to tint the water with food coloring and freeze it in an ice container) and show your child how they melt under a stream of hot water. This is a great way for little ones to learn colors.

5. Prepare melted cheese and burnt sugar in a spoon, lots of interesting sandwiches. Come up with simple dishes that your baby can already make himself, and play “restaurant” with him.

6. Cut out garlands, or dolls with dresses, or cars from paper.

7. You can draw a cartoon in the margins of your notebook (how a person walks, a tank drives, etc.).

8. In the evening, when it gets dark, you can not turn on the light, but light a candle and arrange a shadow theater.

9. Show your baby a real volcanic eruption (mix soda with citric acid and put it in a bowl or bathtub with water).

10. You can play hide and seek at home! Look at your apartment from a different, childish angle.

11. You can combine business with pleasure and expand your child’s vocabulary: play cities, words, animals.

12. Make notes on paper not with a pen, but with milk! When it dries, iron the paper - the inscription will appear! You can write mysterious messages to each other.

13. Have a “silent hour” and use signs to explain yourself. It's very exciting and funny! Or play the famous game called Crocodile.

14. School-age children can be asked to speak only English and walk around the house with dictionaries. Take a break from overly talkative kids!

“Tell him about your dreams, and let him tell you about his.”

15. Do something you’ve been putting off for a long time: fix your child’s favorite soft toy; go through his toy box, throw out the old, broken ones.

16. Pour shampoo into a bottle and blow bubbles!

17. Play “treasure”: hide “secrets” from each other and draw maps where the treasures are hidden!

18. Organize a “fashion show”, let the child try on your clothes! This entertainment can also be combined with a home photo shoot.

19. “Draw” with your child a picture of cereals (you need to outline the picture on paper with a pencil, then spread it thickly with glue and pour in different cereals). You can use semolina, buckwheat, rice, millet, in a word, any cereals that you have at home. By the way, semolina can also be painted in different colors.

20. Talk to your child as an equal. Tell him about your dreams, and let him tell you about his. Tell us about your childhood. After all, we do this so rarely! Such conversations bring us closer together.
