What logic is in men is in women. Male and female logic: main differences

They say you can't beat a woman. It is possible, if you understand how women's logic works, which is not alien to regularity.

"Half Brain"

Women's logic, which used to mean "complete lack of logic", has received a scientific explanation today. It turned out that the female brain is inferior in size to the male, but is much more organized. According to Eileen Luders, an expert at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, there are more convolutions in the female brain and they are deeper than in the male. Hence, according to Eileen, women have a higher ability to think, but not to a straight line, like men, but to a “winding” one.

From here the roots of female logic grow. A woman is able to perceive and analyze at the same time more information, more details, so her options for the development of events are much more diverse. So much so that a man, whose logic is concentrated on a specific judgment, ceases to see the connection between cause and effect, and the conclusion seems illogical to him. As Turgenev said: "for women's logic, twice two is a stearin candle."

Hidden Details

Hypothetical situation: a young lady is walking with the duke in the garden. Suddenly, she turns to the interlocutor and asks him to tie her shoelace. The Duke is embarrassed:
But he's tied up. he says
- Silly. The lady answers him.
The Duke is surprised and offended:
_ What did I do to deserve such an attitude? he asks.
- Leave me!
And the duke leaves, complaining about the whims and imperfections of the female sex. The lady is also incredibly upset by the behavior of her gentleman. Why? The Duke took the lady's hint literally. Analyzing her request, he forgot about the three "golden questions" that must be answered in order to understand the lady:

1) What did the lady say?
2) What did the lady want to say?
3) What did she actually say?

That is, her immediate words; the information she wanted to convey and, roughly speaking, how her words affected those around her. Let's explain the situation to the incomprehensible duke. Suppose a lady, for some reason, in order to arouse envy or make sure her gentleman was attentive, wanted him to take care of her. But don't tell him directly about it. So she "asked" to draw attention to herself. According to her scenario, the duke was to take the chance to show his affection. But he, in accordance with male logic, clearly answered her request. Indeed, why tie a shoelace if it is already tied. The last hint was also not correctly understood, when the lady once again gave the duke a chance to show feelings, going against her obstinate decision. But the duke again took the hint literally and left her, thereby worsening the situation.

The last word

Women's logic is designed to win in disputes. Even when a woman no longer has arguments, she can still win. How does this happen? According to one of the main postulates of female logic, identified by the MIPT professor, Beklemishev: the statement that remained without objection is proven.

Even if the interlocutor decided to end the argument because of its senselessness. If the woman said the last word, she won.

Moreover, the last word may not be an argument. The most solid words can be refuted with a simple phrase: "So what?" or "I don't remember that." For a lady, it is not the content of the answer that is important, but the very fact of it.

Cleopatra's turn

Women's logic has many tricks to leave the opponent with nothing. Professor Dmitry Beklemishev mentions the logical figure "Cleopatra's turn", which, most likely, was used long before the birth of the last queen of Egypt. Its essence is to demand confirmation by example, and then accuse of pettiness. If this example turned out to be significant and the woman cannot refute it, then another law follows: “the exception confirms the rule.” And women's logic wins again until the next argument against.

Many men should be familiar with the situation when a woman reproaches them for the lack of gifts or flowers. Imagine the following dialogue:

Wife to husband: You don’t care about me, and in general, lately you haven’t even given me flowers, let alone gifts! (Accusation) Husband: What about the perfume I gave you a month ago (Counterexample) Wife: I don’t remember this, but even if you give me some small change once a year, is it a concern! (Example rejected)

So, by provocation and belittling the value, women's logic again triumphs over men's.

The Magical Power of Repetition

The more, the better - this is another truth of female logic. If in male logic the probative power of an argument does not change when it is repeated, then in the case of female logic, the more often an argument is repeated, the more solid it is. Only one meaning should be conveyed each time with new verbal expressions, otherwise it will be quickly rejected: "Here, I got the same thing." For example, it will be enough for a man to say once that a certain N is a type that cannot be trusted. According to female logic, once is not enough to produce the desired effect. Thus, Mr. N will be called bad, hypocritical, unreliable, not worthy of trust, and so on. Only after that, the female logic will consider that her thought has been heard.

Consent with reservation

It happens, and often happens, that women are “pinned against the wall” during an argument. These arguments cannot be refuted, there is nothing to say, but it is necessary to say, otherwise defeat. What to do in this case? To agree is to proudly surrender and attack from the rear. During a dispute, when a person’s opinion is agreed against long discussions, he has nothing to object to or insist on something. And here a counterattack is delivered by a transition to another plane of conversation, an example that has nothing to do with the dispute, but is important:

“Yes, I know that I am a useless mother, but you always think only of yourself!”.

Now the opponent will have to defend himself, proving that everything is wrong, and the thread of the original dispute will be lost.

Women's absolute

In trying to prove something to a woman, you need to remember one more rule. In male logic, there are two kinds of judgment: true and false. Women's logic has three: true, false and not of interest. And any woman, without a shadow of a doubt, will easily and confidently attribute any statement to one of these three classes. For a man, such a choice will look like a "random number generator", but he also obeys a certain law.

Oddly enough, women's logic has an absolute - a certain set of statements that is convenient or interesting for a woman. Comparing with him, a woman determines whether to agree with the opponent's side, contradict her, or nullify the dispute. So, a statement is true if it agrees with the absolute, false if it contradicts it, and not worth attention if it has nothing to do with it. At the same time, if a man’s false statement implies that the consequence, respectively, is also false, then in female logic the belief can be false, and the consequence true. A simple example: if you say to a woman “science does not prove that a person does not have a soul”, this will be met with indifference - the statement is general and has nothing to do with the absolute. But if we say that science does not prove that a woman has a soul, this will already contradict the absolute and be perceived falsely. However, the second statement is a consequence of the first.

And yet, in women's logic there is no "absolute absolute". It is different for every woman and can change constantly. A lady with a stable absolute is called a "lady with convictions."

It has long been known that male and female logic differ, however, few people know why. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article. First of all, it should be noted that “collective intelligence” prevails in male logic, that is, the opinion of friends or sometimes even ordinary acquaintances becomes practically decisive.

Because of this, communication with other people very often leads to a significant change in all previous plans.

Men's logic

Also, often the representatives of the stronger sex are sure that the male logic is undeniable, and are very proud of their unique analytical thinking. But even here, according to experts, there is a catch, since not every logical decision is correct: usually those who focus their attention on solving a particular problem do not take into account a number of various factors that affect this situation. Sometimes the reality differs significantly from the ideas of a man, and this circumstance makes them suffer.

Most men set themselves a specific minimum program, then they connect the intermediate links together, which, according to their logic, should lead to the achievement of the final goal. In male logic, there are much fewer detailed and clear tasks that are designed for the long term, as is usually the case with women, however, they always know exactly what and how to do in the very near future.

How to understand women's logic?

Men often wonder how to understand women's logic. In women's logic, the maximum program is considered the usual priority. At the same time, we cannot always explain the ways of achieving it, therefore the sequence of achieving the goal, as well as the goal itself, seem to be absolutely unrelated to each other.

In critical situations, the speech of men becomes more accurate, so they are able to explain the course of events in detail, and also, regardless of the correctness of the assumption, draw their own conclusions. In women in such a situation, thoughts can be mixed up, and phrases, respectively, are built with a huge number of interjections and are not always completed.

In connection with these features, it is quite difficult for a woman to understand a man in difficult situations, and vice versa. In women, the links of the logical chain are replaced by intuition and such phrases as: “I am sure”, “I think so”, “I think so”. For women, thinking is very typical, based not on the laws of logic, but on personal experience and all kinds of associations.

Differences in mindset between men and women

Men, in turn, think deductively. When solving a problem on the basis of existing rules, they constitute a chain of inferences. They often draw conclusions from the general to the particular: for example, if the majority does something exactly like this, then one person is most likely to do the same. In women, on the contrary, thinking comes from the opposite: if, for example, one person offends her, then all other people are also bad.

Finding herself in a difficult situation or a critical situation, a woman usually waits for a decision from her partner, as he reacts much faster, sets himself a specific minimum program and immediately tries to solve it.

In a society that is built on the basis of male thinking, the pattern of female thinking very often remains simply inexplicable, which is why there is a misunderstanding between the sexes, a contradiction between male and female logic. And the fact that outstanding minds are much more common among men is explained by psychologists by the fact that a man has much more opportunities to show his own abilities, occupying high positions in various fields of activity. In addition, they usually do not do several things at the same time.

For example, if a man is distracted from the most important telephone conversation, then he may become irritated, since any smallest obstacle will prevent him from concentrating. It is this part of the male consciousness that helps men not to pay attention to any extraneous problems that, in their opinion, have absolutely nothing to do with the goal, and to concentrate as much as possible on their work.

But if we consider male logic with a rather low level of intellectual abilities, then it turns out that on the social ladder such men will stand significantly lower than women with exactly the same level. Indeed, in the first case, the ability to focus attention on a specific matter, when a person completely devotes himself to a single problem and at the same time discards everything secondary, gives excellent results, and in the second case, a too narrow view of the world can lower a man to the bottom rung of the social ladder.

What is the difference between female logic and male logic? Thinking renders an invaluable service in the perception of the world, makes it more structural and logical. Naturally, male and female logic has a number of differences.

Women enjoy the very process of some entertaining business, and for men, in order to be satisfied, it is important to evaluate the result of the case. A man evaluates an event logically and holistically, while a woman prefers specifics and considers the event in detail.

A real woman is absorbed by feelings, and a man solves issues with the help of mental faculties.

A woman can enter into the situation of another person, feel his problems and interests. This is not typical for a man, he looks at the situation objectively, but abstractly and, as it were, from the outside.

Male intelligence is independence, taking responsibility for oneself, finding solutions without evasions. The mind of a woman is different, she loves cunning, and she can find a solution to a problem at the expense of others.

Men's thinking is digital, women's is analog. Men's thinking perceives the situation clearly (yes / no, bad / good), women's perception of the situation goes in an analog way, the assessment can vary and change quickly.

A man first thinks, and prefers to do it alone, and then speaks. The thinking of a woman is manifested in the process of speaking. In order to understand what happened, a woman needs to tell someone about what happened.

Even if the person is silent, the very process of a confidential conversation will bring her an understanding of the situation, perhaps some kind of solution.

Men have tunnel vision, they only see what they are looking at. A feature of male thinking is spatial intelligence, so they are well versed in geographical maps and technology.

Women have developed peripheral vision, navigation over short distances. She notices details, sees what is happening around and for this she does not need to turn her head.

The problems that periodically arise between a man and a woman are connected, including with the way of thinking. Facts are important for a man, nuances and circumstances are important for a woman.

A man makes a decision, guided by common sense and logic, a woman happens to be inconsistent due to her emotionality.

A man is used to making decisions in silence, it turns out that it is more productive to interact with a sign system, a woman “works” with nature and people, she is focused on communication. These features must be taken into account for effective communication. Evil love?!

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Until now, there is an opinion that there is a normal logic (male) and there is a female one, which is not subject to any rational explanation. Based on this, misogynistic jokes about “stupid” blondes, about “monkeys with grenades” and many others are built. But let's look at what "logic" is and why it is divided by gender.

Logic as a cognitive ability

Logic is inextricably linked with thinking. It is needed to establish patterns, the order of thinking and the design of thoughts. Every healthy person has logic, and even a mentally ill person has logic, but his logic will be different from the generally accepted one. We need logic in work and in everyday life, without it it would be impossible to communicate and build activities. Vinogradov S.N. believes that correct thinking has certainty, consistency, consistency and validity.

Types of logic

Logic can be divided into two broad categories: formal and informal logic. Formal logic was invented by Aristotle, who also called it "analytics". Formal logic studies concepts, judgments, inferences from the side of their logical structure, but without affecting their content. That is, for formal logic, it is not the truth or falsity of the statement that matters, but whether the conclusion is correctly drawn from the argument. The movement of informal logic arose in the middle of the 20th century in American and European philosophers. And for her, the logic of argumentation is important, and not the logic of evidence.

Is there a male and female logic?

It is generally accepted that men are more rational and think consistently. Like, they break the problem into parts and solve it sequentially. Women, on the other hand, have a multitasking brain, they solve a problem not sequentially, but in parallel, and because of this, they often cannot explain why they came to this conclusion. In addition, there is an opinion that women make decisions based on their own emotions and impulses. Fortunately, there are scientific studies that have long proven that there is no division into male and female brains.

A group of scientists have studied how the male and female brains work. Using MRI, they studied the brain of about 1,400 people, and came to the following conclusions: in humans, the brain consists of a unique set of structures that may appear more often in women than men, or appear more often in men than women, or manifest as in men as well as in women. Although the brain has gender differences, there are not enough of them to classify it in the “male” or “female” category. That is, there are simply no fundamental differences between the work of the brain of a man and a woman.

Where did the myth of “female” logic come from?

This opinion comes from pseudoscientific studies, where the illogicality of women is allegedly proved. As a rule, such studies do not have a normal methodological basis, it all comes down to observing the behavior of a small group of women.

It is generally accepted that women are guided by emotions in making decisions, and that women are more emotional than men. Perhaps this is the case, but this is not due to the "different" work of the brain, but because of the model in which boys and girls are brought up. Girls in childhood are allowed to show their emotions, while boys, on the contrary, are forbidden to do so. “Why are you different as a girl?”, “A boy should be stern and strong.” Well, what kind of emotions can there be! Of course, boys are less emotional, because they simply cannot be like that.

In psychology, there is such a thing as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, and they can explain why boys are better given the exact sciences, and girls the humanities. American sociologist Robert K. Merton defines a self-fulfilling prophecy as "a false definition of a situation that elicits new behavior that turns the original misconception into reality." The fact is that stereotypes about male and female thinking sit very deeply in us and manifest themselves in all spheres of our life in one way or another. In our culture, it is generally accepted that boys are given mathematics, and literature is given to girls, that from “nature” girls have an ability for humanitarian specialties, and boys for exact ones. This is a false definition of the situation. But in accordance with this model, children are taught at school, a mathematics teacher can place more emphasis on the development of mathematical abilities in boys, believing that girls are not capable of logical thinking. Therefore, it turns out that boys have developed more abstract thinking, which is so necessary in the mathematical sciences.

In a patriarchal society, as long as there is a stereotype about male and female logic, everyone will suffer: women, because they are not taken seriously and considered as “stupid fools”, and men who cannot fit into this patriarchal system.

Until now, there is an opinion that there is a normal logic (male) and there is a female one, which is not subject to any rational explanation. Based on this, misogynistic jokes about “stupid” blondes, about “monkeys with grenades” and many others are built. But let's look at what "logic" is and why it is divided by gender.

Logic as a cognitive ability

Logic is inextricably linked with thinking. It is needed to establish patterns, the order of thinking and the design of thoughts. Every healthy person has logic, and even a mentally ill person has logic, but his logic will be different from the generally accepted one. We need logic in work and in everyday life, without it it would be impossible to communicate and build activities. Vinogradov S.N. believes that correct thinking has certainty, consistency, consistency and validity.

Types of logic

Logic can be divided into two broad categories: formal and informal logic. Formal logic was invented by Aristotle, who also called it "analytics". Formal logic studies concepts, judgments, inferences from the side of their logical structure, but without affecting their content. That is, for formal logic, it is not the truth or falsity of the statement that matters, but whether the conclusion is correctly drawn from the argument. The movement of informal logic arose in the middle of the 20th century in American and European philosophers. And for her, the logic of argumentation is important, and not the logic of evidence.

Is there a male and female logic?

It is generally accepted that men are more rational and think consistently. Like, they break the problem into parts and solve it sequentially. Women, on the other hand, have a multitasking brain, they solve a problem not sequentially, but in parallel, and because of this, they often cannot explain why they came to this conclusion. In addition, there is an opinion that women make decisions based on their own emotions and impulses. Fortunately, there are scientific studies that have long proven that there is no division into male and female brains.

A group of scientists have studied how the male and female brains work. Using MRI, they studied the brain of about 1,400 people, and came to the following conclusions: in humans, the brain consists of a unique set of structures that may appear more often in women than men, or appear more often in men than women, or manifest as in men as well as in women. Although the brain has gender differences, there are not enough of them to classify it in the “male” or “female” category. That is, there are simply no fundamental differences between the work of the brain of a man and a woman.

Where did the myth of “female” logic come from?

This opinion comes from pseudoscientific studies, where the illogicality of women is allegedly proved. As a rule, such studies do not have a normal methodological basis, it all comes down to observing the behavior of a small group of women.

It is generally accepted that women are guided by emotions in making decisions, and that women are more emotional than men. Perhaps this is the case, but this is not due to the "different" work of the brain, but because of the model in which boys and girls are brought up. Girls in childhood are allowed to show their emotions, while boys, on the contrary, are forbidden to do so. “Why are you different as a girl?”, “A boy should be stern and strong.” Well, what kind of emotions can there be! Of course, boys are less emotional, because they simply cannot be like that.

In psychology, there is such a thing as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, and they can explain why boys are better given the exact sciences, and girls the humanities. American sociologist Robert K. Merton defines a self-fulfilling prophecy as "a false definition of a situation that elicits new behavior that turns the original misconception into reality." The fact is that stereotypes about male and female thinking sit very deeply in us and manifest themselves in all spheres of our life in one way or another. In our culture, it is generally accepted that boys are given mathematics, and literature is given to girls, that from “nature” girls have an ability for humanitarian specialties, and boys for exact ones. This is a false definition of the situation. But in accordance with this model, children are taught at school, a mathematics teacher can place more emphasis on the development of mathematical abilities in boys, believing that girls are not capable of logical thinking. Therefore, it turns out that boys have developed more abstract thinking, which is so necessary in the mathematical sciences.

In a patriarchal society, as long as there is a stereotype about male and female logic, everyone will suffer: women, because they are not taken seriously and considered as “stupid fools”, and men who cannot fit into this patriarchal system.
