Rock crystal is a beautiful stone and magical properties. Rock crystal: photo of stone, properties

The mineral is a transparent, colorless variety of crystalline quartz. Rock crystal stone has unique healing properties, the meaning and influence on the signs of the Zodiac are different. In the people it is called dragomite, colorless quartz.

Rock crystal (Rock Crystal) can often be found, both in the form of single crystals and intergrowths, resembling pencils in appearance. Single specimens have six side faces, while they are rarely the same. Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7 units. It is a transparent and colorless material that transmits ultraviolet light. The crystals have a vitreous luster, transparent with no ability and uneven conchoidal fracture.

Chemical formula SiO 2 . The refractive index is 1.544-1.553, with trigonal system and white birefringence. The stones have a density of 2.651.


It is worth noting that crystal is found in different colors, while changing the name.


Rock crystal deposits often form on a chalcedony substrate. In order for the stone to grow actively, emptiness is necessary, therefore its deposits are more often called crystal cellars. Modern scientists have carefully studied the process of formation of minerals, which allowed them to recreate the process in artificial conditions. It is inferior in quality to the original, but is quite popular, since its price is lower.

Most of the crystal deposits are formed during magmatic processes, at the moment when molten rocks cool down with the access of oxygen.

Place of Birth

This is a common quartz, the deposits of which can be found in many parts of our planet. But valuable specimens are rare. More often they are in Brazil, Russia, on the island of Madagascar, in the Crimea, China, in the Alps. Gem-quality stones are mined in South Yakutia and the Middle Urals.

Associated minerals are mica, field twine, topaz, rutile, calcite, magnetite.


Among the people, a stone (krystallos) is also called mountain ice; many mysteries and legends are associated with it. The first information about nuggets can be traced back to the 3rd millennium BC, where Theophast used the term "crystallos", the Greeks also called it "acconteta without spots". In ancient times, it was perceived as petrified ice, which appeared as a result of the influence of one of the heavenly elements. At that time, crystal objects were a unique value and were recognized as sacred. The world knows the information about the crystal turtles that were found in the Mayan temple. Until now, archaeologists are trying to unravel their mystery and origin. In addition, during the time of the Greek rulers, the mineral served as the basis for unique vases, magnifiers or glasses for glasses.

It is known that goblets were made from crystal, from which the ancient Greek gods and kings drank wine. In particular, a couple of beautiful goblets were made to Emperor Nero during antiquity. It is known from Greek writings that when a person prayed in a temple with a crystal ball in his hands, the gods had no right to refuse him.

The first serious comparison of this stone was made by Robert Boyle, an English scientist. He proved that these two materials are different, since then scientists began a more detailed study of nuggets.


A beautiful mineral, by itself, by nature, pleases the eye for more than one generation. Sculptures, goblets and other utensils were carved from large solid pieces. It was one of the few materials that Carl Faberge chose. Today, souvenirs, Easter eggs, magic balls and jewelry are produced from it. Occasionally rings are inserted.

Jewelry is decorated with rock crystal, and colored crystals are also used. The mineral will make a tandem with different stones and metals.

According to Feng Shui, stones are placed in a room to neutralize negative energy and relieve psychological discomfort among residents, and the atmosphere in the house improves.

Medicinal properties

  • Lithotherapists have noticed that this stone copes well with diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, improves eyesight, restores the functions of the spinal cord and brain.
  • For the period of respiratory diseases, in the off-season, it must be contacted for preventive purposes.
  • Wearing a stone contributes to the stabilization of the spiritual and physical strength of the owner, relieves headaches, helps to restore strength after stress and overcome depression.
  • If you wear a bracelet with rock crystal, its unique ability to regulate blood flow, preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • Since ancient times, nursing mothers have worn pendants from it, which helps to increase lactation.
  • This is a great option to improve the functioning of the gallbladder, if you carry it in your pocket on the right side.
  • It is worth mentioning the use of rock crystal in medicine in India and Tibet. To date, many healers use it to treat wounds. They apply a stone in the form of a ball to the affected area so that the sun's rays pass through it. China also uses the mineral in the massage process. Modern scientists have proven the fact that ultraviolet passing through the thickness of rock crystal is able to kill bacteria and heal wounds.
  • In case of injuries and bruises, rock crystal is applied to a sore spot. Thus, it is a wound healing agent. It is worth remembering that the stone is always cool in nature and helps to alleviate the suffering of the sick.
  • If you insist water on a crystal, you need to not only drink it, but also wash your face or rinse your hair. This will only benefit.

Wearing it is recommended to everyone. But there are limitations depending on the color scheme. For example, smoky specimens relieve irritability and fatigue, and allow you to cope with various addictions. This option is not suitable only for Capricorns, Cancers. The black stone is a guide to a parallel world and allows you to establish contact with otherworldly forces. Its wearing is recommended only for Scorpios. Green minerals have a healing effect on the entire body.

magical influence

  • As a talisman, the crystal attracts to its owner a positive attitude towards life, love and disposition of the surrounding people. It is a stabilizer of family well-being and peace of mind.
  • Wearing a stone helps to cope with insomnia and nightmares. Following the ancient manuscripts, the stone is able to purify not only the body, but also the mind.
  • Rock crystal serves as the basis for amulets, protecting its owner from danger during temperature changes in severe frost or hot heat.
  • It is recommended to be worn by those who are associated with a constant mental load, since its energy perfectly concentrates attention, sharpens mental processes, strengthens memory and improves oratory skills.
  • And today in Tibet, rock crystal balls are used to open the third eye.
  • Most magicians and bioenergy therapists use it to interpret visions. Even the most skilled experts resort to his help in the process of divination sessions. This is no accident, since the mineral is directly connected with the astral world and the cosmos.

Influence on different zodiac signs

Rock crystal is considered a universal stone, it is recommended to wear it as a talisman or install decor items from it in the house. Jewelry will be a great gift for anyone. But it has the greatest influence on Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo.

How to care

Since the stone has a high degree of hardness, it is not afraid of mechanical or chemical stress, so it is easy to care for it. You can wash it with a soft flannel cloth in a soapy solution, finally rinse it with cool running water and wipe it dry. The only thing rock crystal is afraid of is strong heat. With such an impact, cracks may appear on its surface.

How to distinguish from a fake

High quality stones are used to decorate jewelry. More often they are cut in gold or silver. The price category of the product is affected by the quality of the stone, the place of extraction and the complexity of the decoration. A fake often resembles cloudy glass.

Rock crystal stone is a type of quartz or silica. It is found in hydrothermal veins, near deposits of chalcedony. It has been known as a semi-precious gem for many millennia. Practically all civilizations have products from it. The mineral is credited with healing and magical properties.

Description of the stone

The crystal of natural rock crystal is transparent, reminiscent of a pencil with a pointed tip or an ice floe. No wonder in ancient Greece this mineral was considered frozen ice. Its length is always greater than its thickness. The average diameter is 1-12 mm, length is 3-5 cm. There are individual specimens that reach a length of several meters.

There are single crystals, but more often druses from rock crystal are found. These are conglomerates that are soldered by the base to the parent rock. They are like large brushes or pencils in a glass.

Ghostly and pure gems are rare in nature. More often, transverse or diagonal stripes are visible on them - crystal growth points. Many have impurities of foreign elements. If the crystals of transparent rock crystal fall into the water, they become smooth and matte.

Main physical and chemical properties:

  • Formula - SiO2.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7.
  • Density - 2.65 g/cmᶾ.
  • Glass luster.
  • Melting point - 1570⁰С
  • It dissolves only in hydrofluoric acid.

The stone was formed inside igneous rocks, after cooling of magma and crystallization of salts dissolved in water. For growth, it needs voids, therefore transparent gems are often found in caves, underground grottoes.

Rock crystal deposits

Rock crystal is common in nature, it is found almost all over the world, including in Russia. But there are large deposits of commercial importance only in a few regions. List of places where semi-precious stones are mined:

  • the Alps in Switzerland, Italy and France;
  • Middle Ural;
  • Aldan shield of Yakutia;
  • Transbaikalia;
  • Primorye;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Crimea;
  • Brazil;
  • Madagascar;
  • Ceylon Island;
  • China.

Feldspar, moonstone, mica, topazes, beryls, hematite, pyrite, magnetite, rutile and even gold in nuggets are also found in the deposits. The extraction of precious and semi-precious stones takes place in parallel.

Types of rock crystal

Minerals without impurities, with a pure transparent structure are rare. There are different types of real rock crystal. They differ in color, structure, degree of transparency. The crystal consists not only of quartz, but also of other chemical compounds.


Smoky colored rock crystal, the shades of which range from light brown to dark brown. This color is caused by the admixture of aluminum, which is part of the crystals. The mineral is common, it is sometimes confused with topaz, although it has nothing to do with them. Forms large drusen and conglomerates, some crystals reach 1-2 m in length.


Black rare rock crystal in appearance resembles obsidian, is a kind of rauchtopaz. Only thin fragments of this stone let light through. The gem is found in the Urals, Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Madagascar and Canada. It has been known since antiquity, sorcerers and witches used it as a talisman.


Rare yellow quartz with impurities of trivalent aluminum, lithium and hydrogen. It belongs to semi-precious stones, used for making jewelry. It is rare, therefore it is expensive.

There is a striped variety of citrine - ametrine. This mineral has a yellow color alternating with amethyst. There are crystals of lilac, violet, lilac, blue shades with yellow or peach patches.


Semi-precious mineral of blue, violet, lilac or lilac hue. This rock crystal received its color due to impurities of iron and manganese, as well as some organic dyes. There are samples interspersed with hematite, goethite, citrine. Then they acquire green, yellow hues.

Under different lighting, the color changes slightly and shimmers, acquires a pink tint. The stone is valued among collectors and jewelers.


Volosatik - quartz with inclusions of rutile, actinolite, goethite and other minerals, which are not always possible to determine. They are arranged in the form of thin and long crystals resembling human hair. Hence the name - hairy. Sometimes they are also called Hairs of Venus or Arrows of Cupid. Gems are highly valued by jewelers, because it is impossible to find 2 similar specimens. Each has its own original drawing, which looks unique.

The healing properties of rock crystal

Rock crystal has properties to cure many diseases. China, India, Tibet are countries where transparent crystal balls are still used in alternative medicine. Tibetan healers put such a ball on a sore spot, and then exposed it to the sun's rays to enhance the properties of the mineral.

The Chinese massaged with crystals, and used the sharp edges for acupuncture. In India, quartz is considered the best cure for fever. In ancient times, transparent gems were dipped into drinks as an antidote or made into bowls to protect themselves from poisoning.

Modern lithotherapists note the following healing properties of rock crystal:

  • Improves eyesight.
  • Reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • Relieves symptoms of varicose veins.
  • Disinfects wounds and accelerates their healing.
  • Accelerates the resorption of hematomas.
  • Accelerates recovery in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Helps patients with ischemic disease, improves blood circulation in the myocardium.
  • The pendant around the neck will relieve the symptoms of a cold.
  • Brings down the temperature.
  • Eliminates headache.
  • Beads or a necklace around the neck of a nursing mother help increase lactation.
  • Relieves stress, helps fight depression, calms nerves.
  • Treats insomnia.
  • Reduces pain in sciatica.

It is worth treating illnesses with quartz only after consulting a doctor. It plays an auxiliary, and not the main role in therapy, therefore it is impossible to refuse medications and rely only on the healing properties of stones.

The magical properties of rock crystal

Rock crystal has magical properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to enhance the gift of clairvoyance, opening the third eye. A crystal ball and a rosary are indispensable attributes of any fortuneteller or magician. They are installed in a dark room, passing only a beam of light into it. When it falls on the ball, they read the answers to the most difficult questions in it, see the events of the future and the past.

The magic of rock crystal helps to concentrate thoughts and direct them in the right direction. Astrologers advise placing balls or figurines on the desktop, near the computer, in order to achieve better results. A talisman made of this mineral will come in handy for students and pupils in order to better remember and understand new material. The gem improves memory, teaches its owner eloquence, the correct expression of thoughts.

If you put a stone under your pillow, it is easy to improve sleep, get rid of nightmares and anxieties. This is a good amulet for the whole family, which protects against the negative influences of the outside world, intruders. It attracts positive energy into the house, promotes mutual understanding. For many nations, the gem served as a talisman of love. It makes a person attractive in the eyes of other people, helps to find the location of friends, colleagues, acquaintances.

In ancient Tibet, the magical properties of the mineral were used to open the chakras and accumulate positive energy. It was set in white metal: silver, platinum, iron, white gold. The Greeks believed that a stone set in silver saves a person from heat in summer and frost in winter. In the Aztec pyramids, archaeologists have found skulls made of rock crystal. Apparently they were part of the rituals. True, it is still unknown how exactly they were used and what kind of magic they have.

Rock crystal and signs of the Zodiac

Rock crystal stone also shows properties in relation to the signs of the zodiac. It is considered an amulet according to the horoscope for Aries, but it also affects other signs. Here is his description:

  • Aries. The talisman gives this sign calmness, purity of thoughts, makes it more restrained, purposeful, levels the destructive energy of fire.
  • Taurus. The gem will endow the earth sign with the gift of clairvoyance, helps to concentrate thoughts. A ring with transparent rock crystal protects from the evil eye, damage and the actions of intruders.
  • Twins. The crystal will become a talisman for Gemini, protect from enemies, ill-wishers. It will also help to concentrate on achieving the goal, to achieve success, not to jump from one thing to another.
  • Crayfish. This is the best talisman for energizing, fighting internal complexes. Cancer this gem helps to gain self-confidence, get rid of depression and anxiety.
  • A lion. A fiery sign will be charged with energy, a transparent stone will help cool anger, moderate ambitions, and protect against failures and disappointments.
  • Virgo. The crystal is considered one of the patrons of this sign. It gives strength, improves sleep, helps to forget anxiety, calms nerves. Virgos are not advised to wear smoky varieties.
  • Scales. Well suited for women, helps to maintain youth and freshness for many years. Eliminates doubts and hesitations, promotes making the right decisions, makes its owner active and energetic.
  • Scorpion. This sign is prone to mysticism, so the stone of clairvoyants is suitable for it. Scorpio is the only representative of the Zodiac who, according to the horoscope, is suitable for dark stones: smoky brown rauchtopaz or black morion. They reveal hidden possibilities, help find answers to difficult questions, and enhance intuition.
  • Sagittarius. The fire sign does not need additional energy, but it lacks prudence and pragmatism. A transparent gem suits him as a talisman against rash acts, erroneous decisions, and dangers.
  • Capricorn. Rock crystal protects the sign from diseases of bones, joints, blood circulation. It gives the owner self-confidence, relieves the feeling of uncertainty, enhances mental and analytical abilities.
  • Aquarius. Rock crystal and the Aquarius zodiac sign are good friends. Helps restore mental strength, relieves impulsiveness, helps to better understand people.
  • Fish. This alarming sign needs an amulet that gives peace of mind, self-confidence, relieves depression. The gem helps to look at the world more optimistically, feeds its owner with energy.

There are no contraindications for any sign of the Zodiac. This means that the transparent mineral is suitable for everyone and benefits.

Rock crystal products

Colorless rock crystal jewelry is inexpensive. This mineral is often found in nature, its crystals are large. The cost of valuable varieties is much higher (except for rauchtopaz): amethyst, citrine, hairy, black morion are highly valued. Much depends on the purity and correctness of the crystals. Some jewelers try to keep them minimally processed in order to preserve their natural purity.

Rock crystal that has not been processed at all costs approximately 2,500 - 3,000 rubles / kg. Particularly valuable samples are valued much more. Various things are made from large pieces of rock: plates, ashtrays, glasses, glasses, coasters and figurines. Their cost depends on the size, shade, quality.

Good quality rhinestone goes to jewelry. Bracelet, ring, beads, necklace, pendant, earrings set in silver and gold. The stone is often used to make jewelry.

Caring for jewelry is easy. Quartz is a hard rock that can only be scratched by diamonds. Products made of natural rock crystal are washed under running water with any detergent. Silver jewelry is recommended to be cleaned with tooth powder. It is not afraid of the sun, high humidity, keeps clean for many years.

If the jewelry is used as a talisman, it is charged and cleaned of negativity. First, the amulet is washed under running water, then lowered into the spring. After cleansing, they charge in the sun, read prayers. It is impossible to wear a talisman all the time - from time to time it is removed.

How to distinguish a fake

It is necessary to distinguish between original and artificial crystal. The second is not a fake, this material is obtained from silicon (like glass), adding barium and lead to it. They make original dishes, chandeliers and other products from it. Also in modern industry they have learned to make artificial crystals similar to natural ones. They are more often used in optics, and not for creating jewelry.

Fakes are made from ordinary glass or plastic. To distinguish natural rock crystal from plastic, the product is heated over a fire: the plastic melts. Sometimes small air bubbles are visible in such a fake. Over time, it changes color, becomes cloudy.

Fakes scratch easily. If you run a steel needle over them, stripes remain. Glass, unlike stone, is more fragile and breaks. If you take a glass product in your hand, it heats up easily. Natural gem remains cold for a long time. It is more difficult to distinguish an artificial stone, in which the physical and chemical characteristics are almost identical. Only an experienced jeweler can establish the authenticity of a product made of real rock crystal.


Clear crystalline quartz is a beautiful stone that resembles a diamond. Its varieties are very popular with jewelry manufacturers. Products from this gem are suitable for all women. They have healing and magical properties, energize a person, enlighten the mind, and protect from negativity. Therefore, astrologers advise to always have a talisman made of natural crystal in the house.

The least colored quartz, in essence, should not be singled out as a special variety of this mineral, however, colorless and transparent quartz crystals are of great artistic and practical importance, and therefore deserve independent consideration.

From the history of rock crystal

origin of name"Rhinestone".

The names "crystal" (crystal) are of very ancient origin, and the meaning has changed over time. Initially, well-formed quartz crystals were called crystal, and this continued for almost twenty centuries. Pliny, in the 37th book of his Natural History, remarked:
“Crystallus arises in a completely different way, namely, as a result of the freezing of a liquid in conditions of severe frost, just as ice forms. This is confirmed by the presence of crystallus only in those places where snow falls and there are severe frosts. Thus, it can be definitely stated that it is actually ice and nothing more. In this regard, the Greeks gave it the name "crystallos", which means ice ... In Europe, a wonderful crystallus is mined, and only on the peaks of the Alps ... It seems amazing that the crystallos forms hexagonal shapes. A convincing explanation for this cannot be found, due to the fact that the crystallus faces are not quite the same shape. The sides between the ribs are so smooth that no cutter in the world could achieve a better polish.”
Back in the III century. BC e. the term "crystallos" was used by Theophrastus to refer to rock crystal. Water-transparent and devoid of spots, the Greeks called quartz crystals "aconteta (aconteta) without spots."
The notion of rock crystal as petrified ice was shared by many authorities of the Middle Ages, and it seems to have been widespread until the 17th century, although Steno (1669), Robert Boyle (1672) and other scholars refuted it. . A similar opinion about rock crystal existed in China, Japan and other countries. And even among some primitive tribes, as mentioned in the literature, the similarity of white quartz with compacted snow, and transparent quartz with ice, caused the appearance of such ideas. Thus, the Eskimos of Alaska believed that quartz is formed in the central parts of the ice masses, where the ice freezes so much that it turns into stone, and the Ojibuy Indians called white flint an ice stone. The Roman poet Claudius (c. 400 AD) mentions chalcedony enhydros in several of his writings and suggests that in this case the winter cold was not enough to turn all the water to stone.
The names "rock crystal" (rock crystal), as well as simply "crystal", to this day continue to be widely used in their former meaning (the latter name, however, is applied only to glassware, similar in purity and value to objects made of natural rock crystal, or crystallus, as it was called in antiquity). The use of crystal for making glass objects began at least in the 16th century. Transparent quartz crystals have long served as a symbol of purity and transparency, which has led to the appearance of the expression "crystal clear". The concepts of transparency and purity are often used as synonyms. This has led to the unsuccessful use of very pure but unanalyzed quartz and Icelandic crystals as standards for determining the physical properties of these minerals. However, their chemical composition and properties can change regardless of color.

Even the rulers of ancient Egypt used crystal balls to cool their hands. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome and during the Middle Ages, vases, goblets and other vessels were cut from large quartz crystals, often elaborately engraved and inlaid with silver and gold. This art reached its peak during the Renaissance, especially in Milan, but also in Turin, Prague and Vienna. An excellent collection of such dishes is kept in the Natural History Museum in Vienna. The quartz used for these products was obtained mainly from Madagascar and Switzerland. In China, especially during the reign of Tsang-Lung (1736-1796), utensils were also made from quartz, which was probably mined in Upper Burma. The art of stone processing, especially the polishing of quartz balls, was developed in Japan. Rock crystal was processed, moreover, in Delhi (India). Products and decorations from rock crystal, and especially from colored fine-grained varieties of quartz, were also made in Yekaterinburg, where cutting work was founded by Catherine II in 1721.

Quartz. Rock crystal with inclusions of sericite, tourmaline and chlorite. Russia. Polar Ural. Sample size over 1 meter A polished ball of rock crystal of perfect purity weighing 48 kg is stored in the US National Museum in Washington. This unique orb was carved by Chinese artisans from rock crystal believed to have been found near Sakangiya in the Kata region of Burma. In this region, in a large strongly weathered pegmatite body, along with fine topaz crystals, there are euhedral crystals of transparent quartz weighing more than 680 kg. Most of these gem-quality quartz crystals were exported to China. Perfect purity quartz balls with a diameter of more than 15 or 18 cm are rare and highly valued.

Several excellent collections of Asian or European quartz jewelry are kept in the United States, at the Philadelphia Museum of Fine Arts and at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. The manufacture of carved jewelry and utensils from rock crystal, as well as small items used in technology, such as paper scales, ceased in Europe in the 18th century. in connection with the development of the production of completely pure and colorless glass. However, high-quality glasses continue to be called crystal glass, although the name itself was first applied to quartz.
In the past, rock crystal was used as jewelry, and at present, in this area of ​​​​application, it is almost completely replaced by glasses and plastics. Usually rock crystal is cut with a diamond. Rhinestone jewelry (German: Rhinekiesel) got its name from gem-quality quartz pebbles found in the Rhine, where they were carried from the Alps by the Aar River. The former widespread use of colorless quartz in jewelry and its rather distant resemblance to diamond is indicated by the addition of the word "diamond" to the name of quartz deposits. For example, clear crystals from Herkimer County and the Lake George region of New York State are known as "Herkimer diamonds" and "Lake George diamonds", while excellent clear sandstone and shale crystals from Marmaros, Hungary are called "Marmaros diamonds". In addition, other names of this kind are widespread in the USA - “Capemey diamonds” and “Arkansas diamonds”, in England - “Bristol diamonds” and “Cornwell diamonds”, in France - “Briancon diamonds” and “Alencon diamonds”, in Germany - "Schaumberg diamonds", etc.

Practical use of rock crystal

Rhinestone. Photo of druses of transparent colorless quartz. The chemical and physical stability of quartz led to the use of large blocks of quartz, cut from rock crystals, as national standards for measuring mass.

Measurements of the volume of such blocks were made with great accuracy by changing the density of quartz. The practical use of rock crystal is very diverse. The rock crystal lenses found at Nimrad were made as early as the 3800s. BC e. From Brazilian quartz in Europe in the 19th century. made eyeglass lenses and hand mirrors. Rock crystal was first widely used for scientific purposes as prisms in optical spectrographs. In recent years, rock crystal has been used as a piezoelectric material.
Among the most widely known crystal-bearing regions supplying large colorless and pure quartz crystals or aggregates are Madagascar, from which rock crystal was exported to Europe for centuries, deposits in the state of Goiás and other states of Brazil, which are currently the main sources of piezoquartz, the Swiss deposits, where most of the large crystals are more or less smoky, and finally the Burmese deposits. In 1938, near Itamarandiba in the mining region of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, a two-peak quartz crystal was found almost completely covered with facets, which weighed 5.5 g. This crystal was broken with sledgehammers, and the largest fragment of pure quartz not broken by cracks weighing 500 kg in 1951 was sold for over $60,000 to England for production
quartz prisms.

It was not the Yekaterinburg, but the Peterhof factory that was more famous for rock crystal products. At the Ekaterinburg Lapidary Factory, amethyst was predominantly used and, as K. Frondel quite rightly notes, magnificent products were produced from fine-grained varieties of kiartz, especially from Ural jaspers of numerous colors. However, the largest items from fine-grained varieties of quartz (jaspers of various shades and patterns, belorechites) were produced by the Kolyvan grinding factory in Altai, where, in particular, a monolith of green wavy Revnev jasper weighing 1200 pounds was made in the first half of the 19th century. according to Gvarengi's drawing, a vase weighing 650 pounds, as well as monolithic jasper columns more than 4 meters high, and other items.

Rock crystal is a mysterious transparent mineral. Since ancient times, the brilliance of crystalline content has riveted and fascinated. The mountain mineral amazed scientists, magicians and healers. The enormous power hidden within made the crystal of the mountains an amazing discovery.

History and origins

A huge number of mysterious stories, legends and legends tell about mountain ice. This is how crystal is translated from Greek. Ancient people perceived the mineral as petrified ice. They believed that it was the power of the magic of the Earth or Heaven. Water frozen into crystals has gone through millions of years of formation. The stone is found among the excavations of the past millennia. Products made of transparent stone, endowed with brilliance, have retained their properties. The history of the stone is mixed, but everywhere the crystal object was recognized as sacred and unique. In the temples of the goddess Maya, they found several crystal skulls. The carved subtle images of the human essence frighten and fascinate. It is difficult for our contemporaries to understand their purpose. Mineral skulls are shrouded in the mystery of the past. The history of the stone is built from products that are found by archaeologists.

  • Greek vases for cooling liquids;
  • Chinese optical objects: loupes and glass glasses.

A world-famous jeweler, C. Faberge created unique mountain glass jewelry. They decorated the palaces and castles of wealthy representatives of society and the nobility.

The real history of origin has been studied by mineralogists. It has nothing to do with the divine or secret phenomena of the development of civilization. Rock Crystal is created during crystallization. Hot water changes its properties with a sharp drop in temperature.

Physical Properties

What is crystal, it is easy to understand by studying the physical characteristics and chemical properties. Mountain rock is a kind of quartz minerals. If we use the chemical wording to describe the crystal, it is silicon dioxide.

  1. Scientists compared ice and crystal crystals in terms of physical characteristics. The density and weight of the rocks are completely different.
  2. The mineral is very fragile, but put on the Mohs scale on the 7th place.
  3. In height, the crystals can exceed the lower part of the formations by 4 times. The sprouts are called crystal diamonds. They are used for the manufacture of precious items, they try not to subject them to special processing.

Place of Birth

Stone mining is carried out everywhere. But the breeds of jewelry varieties are a rare find. Two countries are famous for them: the Republic of China and Russia.

The development of crystalline rocks of rock crystal is underway:

  • Ural mountains;
  • Alps;
  • Yakut deposits;
  • Crimea;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Ceylon;
  • Madagascar;
  • Brazil.

Quartz druses are formed in ores. The veins are located on the substrate. For the growth of a mountain stone, emptiness, free space is required. The deposits are called crystal cellars. Special crystalline druses are sent to the optical industry, for parts of radio electronics, mechanical devices.

Having studied the origin of crystal, scientists have recreated the process, the technology for creating artificial minerals allows expanding the scope of its application. The price of an artificial analogue is lower, but its popularity is quite high. The main items that are made from analogue are chandeliers and dishes.

The healing properties of rock crystal

Ancient Greek myths describe bowls made of rock in detail. Crystal cups, according to their information, purified water and expelled poisons. Offerings to gods, kings and heroes were kept in crystal bowls. And they were not afraid to accept such gifts. Many healers to this day believe in the power of crystal bowls, make healing potions only in them.

Lithotherapists choose stone for the treatment of many ailments. Healing abilities studied by medical researchers. Scientific research confirms some features of the effects of crystals. The value for humans comes from the structure of the mineral. Crystal is applied to wounds, a ray of sunlight penetrates through it. Bacteria and viruses that enter the wound are destroyed. The disinfectant property is described in detail in medical textbooks.

  1. Another ability is to keep them cool. Rock crystal is always cold to the touch. It is applied to places of pain: bruises, bruises and abrasions. It becomes a healing and cooling agent.
  2. The mineral lowers the temperature of the patient during a fever.
  3. Rock crystal frees thoughts. It is placed under the pillow: sleepless nights and nightmares go away.
  4. Heals the nervous system.
  5. Improves psychological state.
  6. In China, it is actively used in alternative medicine, in massages. Sharp crystal instruments stimulate the biological points of the body.

Interesting video: Healing and magical properties of rock crystal

Magic abilities of rock crystal

The magic of a transparent mineral has developed historically. A rare fortune-teller did not have an attribute of crystal rocks. The magic ball is a symbol of soothsayers, an item that they wore all the time.

According to legend, the stone was placed in the room so that a ray of sunlight fell on it. If you tune in and carefully look inside the gem, you can find answers to difficult questions. It is useless to deny that the stone has magical properties.

Mineral features:

  1. The ability to develop and bestow clairvoyance. Fortune-telling balls help to penetrate into the future of a person, to study past events. The ball concentrates all important events within itself, reveals them to the soothsayer. The magician receives special energy from the ball, the power of thoughts, the speed of sight.
  2. Activation of mental abilities. Rock crystal, transparent in structure, is an example of the rigor and logic of the inner world. It allows you to put your thoughts in order, focus on what is most important at the moment. The property will create conditions for the development of mental inclinations. It is preferred to give to graduate students, students. They will be able to focus on studying subjects.
  3. They tried to buy crystal for the house. Products from crystals accumulated positive energy, did not allow black anger and envy to enter the house.
  4. In a silver frame, the mineral is able to protect in severe frost and from the bright sun. Hypothermia and sunstroke will not be dangerous.

Talismans and amulets

Amulets are prepared for various purposes:

  • attracting love;
  • mind development;
  • protection from ill-wishers.

Home amulet made of crystal crystals in the form of interior decorations has become popular almost from the moment of its discovery.

Varieties of rock crystal

The color of the stone has shades. Transparent crystals can be green, brown. With any impurities and additives, rock crystal retains the properties of the stone. A diverse range of colors is divided into groups.

Varieties of mountain stone:


Smoky quartz mineral. The hue depends on the saturation of the color content. The stone occurs with pale shades and reaches almost brown aggregates. Smoky rock has an interesting pattern, an internal pattern. Smoky is endowed with powerful magical and healing properties.


The mineral is yellow in color. It is extremely rare, so this species is used in jewelry.


Violet crystal is distinguished by a feature of the internal structure. It is beautifully streaked with veins, gives off haze. The stone helps to get rid of alcoholism - a disease of all ages. - stone of love. It is given to loved ones to strengthen loyalty and devotion to feelings. He brings a person good luck in search of lovers, bewitches those who like.


The appearance of the variety is the darkest. The black color of the night, the dark brown tone attracted sorcerers and people who conquered the magical forces of Nature. Witches and magicians used for divination and rituals. The stone has the ability to open a passage between two worlds: living people and the dead. Witch Talisman.

Quartz-Volosatik, rutile look

The crystal has a special structure and color. The veins inside the crystals are similar to hairs, thin and wavy. The variety has a romantic name - the hair of Venus. The golden hue of the play of thin lines creates the effect of closeness with the appearance of the goddess of love and sensuality. The stone has magical properties and guards the relationship between the two owners of the crystals.

How to distinguish a fake

High quality units are used by jewelry craftsmen. In any product offer of jewelry and jewelry stores, you can find such products. Photos of the stone allow you to consider options for jewelry crafts. Crystal rock crystals can be seen in such items:

  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets.

The jewelry stone is set with precious metal: gold and silver. The popularity of decorative jewelry in their resemblance to more expensive stones: and. Their price is an order of magnitude lower. The danger of a fake just lies in the fact that you can fall for a fraudster and become the owner of rock crystal, and an unwanted precious gem. The cost of jewelry made of natural stone depends on the materials used, the quality of the rock, the place of its extraction and the complexity of the product itself. It is not so dangerous to buy souvenir items. They are rarely put up for other minerals. Souvenirs made of rock crystal look sublime, magical.

Video: Magic crystals - rock crystal talisman

That is why there are many items for magical rituals:

  • balls;
  • pendulums;
  • pendants.

Rock crystal and signs of the zodiac

Astrology drew attention to the transparency and purity of the mineral. Scientists believe that it personifies the purity of the thoughts of the human soul. Astrologers found compatibility of the stone with Aries. It suits this sign according to the horoscope. Fire zodiac signs can use crystal items to reduce impulsiveness. The character of explosive and quick-tempered people will become more tolerant, sociable. Makes the owner stubborn and purposeful.

Stone is the origin of water. For signs of the water element, it will be useful for finding harmony with oneself. Good luck will come in love, happiness in family relationships. Rock crystal is not capable of harming a person with a clear conscience, but is dangerous for selfish and dark natures.

Rock crystal - description, properties and photo of the crystal

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Rock crystal has been known to mankind since ancient times. In ancient Greece, there was a belief that rock crystal was the tears of the gods that fell from heaven and absorbed their power. The Japanese recognized it as frozen breath and dragon saliva. In Europe, rock crystal was also called Arabic and Bohemian.

Some minerologists suggest that rock crystal got its name from Theophrastus, a Greek scientist. According to this version, the words crystal and crystal come from the consonant Greek crystallus, which translates as "ice". Minerals with this name are described in the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Physical and chemical properties of rock crystal

Rock crystal is crystalline quartz, essentially being pure silicon dioxide (SiO2). The crystals are transparent, colorless or with a pinkish, lilac, golden hue. They have a glassy luster and have the ability to transmit ultraviolet light.

Usually natural rock crystal takes the form of an irregular hexagon from 2 to 4 cm in cross section with a pointed top.

Rock crystal deposits

In nature, the mineral is formed in the voids of geothermal and pegmatite veins. There are both single and fused crystals (druze). Despite the fact that quartz rocks are quite common, deposits of high-quality rock crystal are not common.

In Russia, mineral sources are concentrated in the mountains of the Urals and Yakutia. Development is also underway in Brazil, Kazakhstan, and China. The largest and highest quality crystals are mined in the Middle Urals and in the French and Swiss Alps.

How to distinguish a fake

Despite the fact that rock crystal is far from the most expensive semi-precious stone, its artificial copies can also be found on sale.

Most often, rock crystal imitations are made of glass, but the natural mineral has several fundamental differences that will allow you not to make a mistake:

  • Rock crystal has a fairly high hardness compared to glass. Therefore, if you try to scratch the surface of the stone with something sharp, it will not be affected in any way, the stone will remain intact;
  • In a natural mineral, unlike glass, there can be no bubbles or obviously artificial inclusions;
  • Rock crystal tends to remain cool even in warm hands, heating up only slightly and quickly cooling down as soon as it is released from hands.

Healing and magical properties of rock crystal

The most mysterious and mystical piece of rock crystal was found in 1927 in Honduras on the territory of an ancient Mayan settlement. It was the crystal skull of a woman of very regular and precise form. It is believed that with the help of it, the Mayan priests brought misfortune to their enemies.

Rock crystal has always been a magical stone: it was believed that it could absorb the energy of other worlds and transmit it, so rock crystal crystals were often used in spiritualistic sessions. The Egyptians carved the faces of the dead from them to facilitate their transition to the world of the dead. It is believed that a long contemplation of rock crystal can open the ability to clairvoyance and telepathy. In China, they believed that these crystals could establish a connection between times and allow you to look into the past and the future.

Rock crystal has a warm and light energy, in order to strengthen it, the crystal is charged in the sun. Such a mineral will spread life-giving force and positive energy in the house. It calms, prevents quarrels and eliminates negativity.

Rock crystal stimulates mental activity, sharpens the brain's susceptibility to information, improves memory. It has a general strengthening and healing effect on the body as a whole. In China, pointed crystals are still used for acupressure today. In Tibet, illuminating the injured places with the rays of the sun, passed through rock crystal balls, heal the wounded.

Who suits rock crystal

This is one of the few universal talismans suitable for absolutely all zodiac signs and personality types. The stone is associated with Mercury and the air element.

To activate brain activity, it is good to carry rock crystal with you to students and pupils, especially during exams, as well as to those who are prone to stress and nervous tension.

Rock crystal in many cultures was a symbol of female purity and innocence, and therefore it is believed that it helps girls in their search for true love.

It is worth noting that rock crystal is not friendly with copper, and therefore products with this mineral are best chosen from silver or gold.
