How to store a hat with a fur pompom. Caring for a mink hat: these tips will come in handy! After the end of the season, the hat should be prepared for storage.

With proper storage, fur hats serve their owners for decades. You just need to know a few simple rules. Fur loves the cold, afraid of heat, sun and chemicals. Fur needs air. Fur should be stored in a free dark space. In the light, it fades and loses color. But about everything in more detail and in order.

  • Find a cozy home to store your fur product. Make sure you place it in a closet that is out of direct sunlight (which will bleach the fur) and out of moisture. The temperature in the fur storage room should be as low as possible. Check that there are no hot water or steam pipes in the wall. Only then will you be sure that you have found a place to store your fur products. The fur should be so as to breathe and not come into contact with other items of clothing;
  • Do not close fur items in suitcases and boxes. The fur prefers air circulation, which keeps its leather side (mezdra) from drying out. If you still need to transfer the fur in a suitcase or bag, then make sure that it is in a linen bag.
  • Avoid exposing your fur to chemicals, including perfume or hairspray directly on the fur. Perfume contains alcohol, which can dry out the skin.
  • If your hat gets wet, don't panic. Most furs can easily withstand snow or light rain. Shake it up and hang it on a hanger to dry in a well ventilated room, home or office. Resist the temptation to speed up the drying process by using a hair dryer or hanging your fur close to a heat source. Fur does not like heat. After the fur is dry, shake it again. Never brush or brush fur. If his hair is a little bristly, just smooth it with your hand. If your fur is soaked through with water, immediately take it to a specialist.
  • Do not use chemicals to clean fur. Fur cleaning is a special process. Your fur should be cleaned every year with heavy wear, or at least every other year. When you turn in your fur for cleaning, your furrier will be able to determine the need for repairs. It's always easier to make small repairs before small problems turn into big headaches.
  • To avoid pinching the hairline, do not lean the products against anything so that it does not come into contact with anything.
  • It is impossible to dry fur products near heating and heating devices, as well as in the bright sun.
  • Dried products should be slightly beaten out with a soft twig, and to give the hairline a natural direction, comb it with a metal comb.

Fur hats are dried and cleaned before long-term storage, if necessary, change the contaminated lining. Store hats in cardboard boxes. Cardboard ring inserts are inserted into them to maintain their shape. You can store hats wrapped in paper or cotton. At the same time, a dense lump of read newspapers is put into the cap of the headgear. Bags with "antimoles" are placed in boxes and attached to the outside of the package. The beautiful appearance of the products is preserved if, during their periodic inspection, the noticed damages are timely eliminated. Fatty, dirty hair is eliminated by wetting it with a solution consisting of alcohol, table vinegar and water, taken in equal proportions. The solution is applied with a hair brush, foam rubber, cotton-gauze swab. Remove dissolved contaminants with dry foam rubber, a swab or a piece of white clean cloth.

You can use another recipe for cleaning the hairline of fur products - rye or wheat bran, which is placed in a clean metal or earthenware dish and heated, continuously stirring with your hand until it endures. Hot bran is poured onto the spread fur and rubbed with hands, cleaned with a brush and shaken.

Instead of bran, you can use clean, moist, non-resinous sawdust. After cleaning, the fur must be shaken and cleaned.

White furs are well cleaned with potato flour or semolina. They pour the fur with them, rub it with their hands (as if washing it), then shake it and lightly pierce it.

Very dirty fur is cleaned with potato flour mixed with aviation gasoline. The fur is carefully wiped with this mixture, allowed to dry, pierced and combed. You can repeat these operations until the fur is completely clean. To clean oily furs, you can use a foam sponge soaked in pure gasoline, followed by wiping with a clean cotton cloth.

To bleach yellowed white or light gray fur, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoon in one glass of warm water or 1 tablet of hydroperite with a few drops of ammonia). fur lightening).

It is possible to partially restore the softness and plasticity of the properties of the leather fabric of fur products using special solutions. The solution is rubbed into the skin tissue with a hair brush, but so that it does not get on the hairline.

Sometimes it happens that after transporting a fur hat, the fur on the hat looks a little wrinkled. The fur will straighten out on its own after opening the parcel for several hours. But if there is no time to wait and you want to put on a hat right away, then there is one very simple TIP. - It is necessary to hold the hat over the steam for exactly one minute, after which the fur villi will instantly return to their original state.

Winter fur hats. How to properly store and care for accessories.

The appearance and service life of a fur hat are not eternal, but if you follow our recommendations, you can significantly extend them

So, if you are reading this article, it means that you have probably already appreciated all the advantages that winter fur hats give to their owner or owner. But if you want it to serve you as long as possible without losing its attractiveness, it needs to be properly cared for both during operation and during the “preservation” period of the fur pet, which comes with the end of winter. Following the recommendations below, it is easy to provide such care.

The first thing to dwell on is the proper care of the fur of the hat during its winter operation. Entering the room and taking off the hat, you need to shake it well, shaking off dirt, moisture and snow from the fur and thereby allowing it to straighten. If you get caught in rain or snow, in addition to shaking and drying the headgear (in no case near the battery or other heating device), it must be combed with a special metal brush. In order for the hat to keep its shape for as long as possible, in a dry and cool corner it should be provided with a “bed” made of thick cardboard liners or special hoops. For daily storage of a hat during winter wear, of course, storage in a closet is also suitable, but on condition that the headdress is dry before being placed in it.

With the onset of temperatures, when the head is already hot and uncomfortable in a fur environment, fur hats need to be prepared for long-term storage. Before parting with a fur headdress for three quarters of a year, it must be thoroughly dried and aired, shaken well, combed and pierced. In addition, it is categorically impossible to “preserve for the summer” dirty fur hats - pollution will firmly eat into the skin. Therefore, if you did not take your fur hat to the dry-cleaner immediately after contamination, this must be done at the end of the seasonal wear.

During the spring-autumn season, the hat must be stored in a cloth or paper case in a spacious wardrobe out of sunlight. Special professional formulations or time-tested folk remedies (geraniums, orange peels, tobacco leaves) against moths should not be stored directly in the same case, as many owners of fur hats for some reason believe, but only not far from the hat without direct contact with sandpaper. If some circumstances do not allow the fur hat to be provided with the above storage conditions, then any fur atelier provides storage services for such things under optimal temperature and humidity conditions, guaranteeing the safety of the fur on the clothes of its customers.

Mink fur is beautiful and versatile. Men's hats from it are classified as elite accessories due to their unique qualities and considerable cost. Buying mink headwear is a profitable and practical solution. With proper care, they delight owners for up to 15 seasons without going out of fashion. By purchasing a high-quality fur product from our factory, you save a lot due to the absence of intermediaries.

What to do with the hat after purchase?

So, a brand new fluffy hat appeared in your wardrobe. To maintain its shape, it should be placed on a special blank or glass jar and immediately find a place to store it. It is best to free the shelf in a closet away from sources of heat, humidity, direct sunlight. Fragrant moth remedies should be laid out next to the hat.

Mink fur loves to “breathe”, so it is stored separately from other clothes. Air currents do not allow its inside (mezdra) to dry out and lose elasticity. Fur does not like contact with perfumes, alcohol, hairspray. Getting even small drops of alcohol on the surface of the cap can dry out the mezdra and ruin the headdress.

Caring for a mink hat in winter

When worn, even a well-made hat loses its original gloss and gets dirty. Therefore, the question of how to wash or clean a fur hat will definitely arise with its owner during the season and before summer storage. The best way out is to take the product to a good dry cleaner. But, if this is not possible, it is worthwhile to carry out gentle care at home.

In the season of intensive use of mink hats, you should:

  • Comb the pile regularly with a soft brush without the use of detergents and water.
  • Avoid drying the product with a hair dryer or other heat sources. If the fur gets wet in bad weather, the hat should be allowed to dry naturally.
  • Strong dirt can be removed with soap suds and a sponge, which is gently moistened with fur (but not its base) in the direction of the pile. After that, wipe off the remaining moisture with a soft cloth.
  • You can clean the hat lining yourself by wiping it with soapy water and drying it away from the battery. It is strictly forbidden to machine wash a fur headdress and iron it.
  • Avoid self-bleaching of dark and oily spots on the fur. It is better to find time and entrust the winter pet to dry cleaning specialists.

Storing a mink hat until the new cold weather

In the spring, after preliminary cleaning and drying, the mink hat should be removed for long-term storage. The ideal option is to transfer the model to a special refrigerator, where a favorable temperature and humidity are maintained.

When storing at home, you need to fill the hat with crumpled sheets of newspaper and place it in a “native case”, a cardboard box or fresh newsprint. The smell of printing ink will scare away moths, but insect repellants or tobacco leaves, lavender, orange peels should be added.

The cap prepared for storage is placed in a dry, dark place where air flow is ensured. Once a month, it must be shaken and aired. It is not recommended to hide a hat in a drawer, suitcase, plastic bag and other closed space. If there is no way out, you should first place it in a linen bag. It is impossible to spray a headdress with moth repellents. It hurts the fur!

Men's mink hats from our factory

Headwear designers love mink fur for many reasons. Delicate and supple, it has dozens of shades to embody any fashionable idea. The masters of our factory work only with high-quality Scandinavian mink fur, creating unique men's models. Choose, purchase, properly care for a headdress. It will decorate the winter look and provide warmth in the bitter cold.

Spring will come soon, and we will all rush to get rid of the things that have bothered us during the winter - fur coats, sheepskin coats, hats, scarves, down jackets. In order for these items of clothing to serve us for more than one season, you need to know how to properly store things that will be forgotten for some time.

In order not to find your favorite fur coat hopelessly damaged by moths next winter, and so that your leather items do not crack during storage, you need to prepare them for a well-deserved rest.

Proper storage as a guarantee of long service life

How to properly store fur and leather items

Fur and leather items must be cleaned before being sent on vacation. You can clean the fur at home with gasoline. In addition, you can use starch, semolina, rye bran. All these bulk products remove the characteristic odor and clean the fur. You need to pour them on the fur, leave for half an hour or an hour, and then shake well or use a vacuum cleaner. This is how fur cuffs and collars of coats and jackets are usually cleaned. If we are talking about a fur coat, then, given even its most modest price, it is better to entrust this product to professionals.

Before being sent for storage, fur coats, jackets, sheepskin coats must be dried. It is better to do this in a well-ventilated area, protecting products from direct sunlight. Do not hang fur and leather products on the balcony to dry. They can burn out in a very short time.

To add shine, the skin is rubbed with beaten egg white or glycerin. You can treat it with a special tool for the skin.

The recommended temperature for storing fur products is 4-7 degrees. It is unlikely that you will be able to maintain such a temperature for your fur coat throughout the summer. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity and if the fur coat is dear to you, hand it over to a special storage room. Such cameras are sometimes found in dry cleaners and fur stores. Then by the next season the fur coat will be in full readiness.

Should you store things in plastic bags?

Such bags are used for transportation, but not for storage. Clothes in such bags "do not breathe", it is better to use special covers made of natural fabric for storage. Inside the cover with clothes, there must be a moth remedy. Don't forget to change it regularly.

Before you send a coat, fur coat or sheepskin coat for storage, clean them with a clothes brush from excess lint and dust.

Recently, vacuum bags for storing things have appeared on sale. It is convenient to store bulky items (for example, jackets or blankets) in them, since with the help of bags you can significantly reduce their volume, thereby saving free space in your closet.

How to properly store jackets and down jackets

Down jackets and jackets have an undeniable advantage over coats, fur coats and sheepskin coats in terms of storage. These items are washable (with the exception of waterproof jackets). Usually information about the care of the product is applied to the label. To understand how to properly store things, you need to read these recommendations and follow them.

Down jackets are machine washable at 30 degrees. There is no need to pre-soak the product. The most polluted places must be rubbed with a brush before loading into the washing machine. Do not forget to fasten all buttons and buttons on the jacket or down jacket before washing.

Jackets filled with synthetic winterizer, as well as down jackets, sometimes lose their appearance after washing: in some places the filler gets lumped. Usually, quality products do not have such problems, but if you doubt the proper quality of a down jacket, put a few tennis balls in the drum of the washing machine before washing. They will "break" the filler and prevent it from gathering in the sleeve or hem.

Sintepon jackets must be washed with a mild detergent. If your washing machine has an extra rinse function, turn it on, because soap stains can form on synthetic winterizer jackets.

After washing, the clothes must be fluffed up and given their original volume. Jackets and down jackets are best stored not folded, but on a coat hanger. If the clothes are folded, creases can form on it, which will later be difficult to get rid of. The hanger must fit. A storage bag should also be put on clothing, placing a moth repellant in it.

Can the coat be washed? You can, if you don't feel sorry for him. Washing can ruin the shape and appearance of the coat. Therefore, it is better to give it to dry cleaning, and store it at home in a special bag with a moth remedy.

How to properly store small items

If you have woolen mittens, hats and scarves, remember that they cannot be machine washed or tumble tumbled. There are special products for washing wool on sale, and they must be used for hand washing these products. Woolen products can not be twisted, and it is better to dry them unfolded.

Leather gloves can be washed in hair shampoo or a mild detergent. Add a few drops of glycerin to the rinse water, then the skin will not harden. Suede gloves are washed by putting them on your hands. Do not forget that leather products should not be dried near heating appliances.

Fur hats cannot be rolled or folded. For storage, it is convenient to use a special stand, and if it is not there, tightly fill the cap with paper. Tightly closed boxes are not suitable for storing fur hats; air must be provided in the storage space.

For scarves, hats and gloves, boxes with holes for ventilation, as well as linen or paper bags, are best suited. Don't forget moth repellents.

Proper shoe storage

Of course, before sending shoes on vacation, they should be washed and dried. Treat dry shoes with shoe polish, glycerin or castor oil. If you have suede shoes, they clean them with a brush from dust and dirt (do not wash with water), and wipe the stains with an eraser for suede products (usually comes with suede shoe care products). Treat clean, dry suede boots with a special spray and let dry. Felt boots are also not washed, as they can shrink. They need to be cleaned with a dry brush. Be sure to put a moth remedy in the box with felt boots.

To keep the shape of the shoes, insert special blocks into it or stuff it with newspapers. Insert cardboard into the top of the boots. Store shoes in cardboard boxes in a dry place.

How to properly store accessories

The storage of handbags that you will not use in the summer is subject to the same requirements as the storage of clothes. Take everything out of the bag, carefully clean the lining, wipe the outside with a damp cloth. Put something in your bag to keep the shape.

We at Tamasha are proud of the high quality of our products and want our hats to please customers for as long as possible. To do this, you need very little - to properly care for the headgear, and store it in the off-season in suitable conditions.

Storage of goods in the store

An urgent question for store owners is what to do with the winter assortment that is not sold out during the season? And if you buy winter hats in the spring, and with discounts, then how to save them until the next season?

  • store each hat in its individual clip bag. This will protect the product from mold, moisture changes, pests and force majeure: for example, getting wet;
  • store knitted products in dark and dry rooms where strong odors do not penetrate;
  • regularly treat the premises from rodents and insects. Tamasha hats are made from yarn with a high content of natural wool, so they can attract pests.

For fashionistas who have chosen our products, we advise you to treat them with care - and next season the hat will look as beautiful as when you bought it. For this:

  • Follow the washing and drying conditions indicated on the product label. Knitted hats are recommended to be washed in water with a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. We recommend using special soft gels for washing woolen clothes. Rinse the detergent thoroughly: residues can damage the yarn and ruin the color of the product
  • a cap decorated with rhinestones, beaded embroidery, wash by hand or use a laundry bag in a washing machine;
  • if you are going to wash knitted hats with a pom-pom (you can buy such a model in bulk in our online store), please note: fur pom-poms must be carefully cut before washing - washing can permanently ruin the fur;
  • wring the hat carefully, ideally through a towel or cotton cloth. Do not dry on a radiator or hang with clothespins to prevent the hat from stretching out and losing its shape. Leave it to dry on a towel spread on a horizontal surface;
  • store knitted hats in a straightened form and do not fold them in tight piles so that creases do not form.

Hats from the manufacturer

The company "Tamasha" produces and sells fashionable hats in bulk. Our range is designed for different age groups - children, youth, adults. The products are made from high quality yarn, meet fashion trends, win high marks at Russian and international exhibitions, including being awarded the diploma “100 Best Goods of Russia”.

For wholesale buyers, we have developed the most convenient:

  • hats for any season can be bought online all year round on our website;
  • We regularly run seasonal sales. You can save up to 50% of the cost of the goods;
  • We have a low minimum order threshold - only from 7000 rubles. You don't have to spend a lot of money to evaluate our products and add them to the assortment of the outlet.
