How to communicate with a girl in contact: unwritten rules. What can you talk about with a girl during correspondence

The advent of the Internet, dating sites and social networks, it would seem, has opened up the whole world for us. But why are so many guys and girls still single? After all, in order to get to know someone and get to know a person better, you no longer need to go anywhere. I went to Facebook or Vk, found a pretty girl from my city - get acquainted, chat, meet. But many young people simply do not know how to do it right. And ladies, of course, very rarely write first, even in such a feminist-minded society.

How to start dating a girl in VK?

"Vkontakte" is the most popular network among the youth of Russia and the CIS countries. Here you can learn a lot about the tastes, hobbies and views on the life of an individual according to information from his personal profile. Girls always use this opportunity and carefully study the pages of guys. Therefore, in order to evoke a reciprocal desire to get to know each other and respond to the message, first make sure that your VK page attracts attention.

Remember, girls are repulsed:

  • “I went to your page and, I had one question for you…”;
  • “Hi, I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how”;
  • “I was told something about you, but I went to your page and realized that it was not true.”

Such an introduction will intrigue any girl. She will want to find out what you are hiding. The conversation should be playful and lead to a mandatory meeting. For example, let's take the last phrase and build an exemplary dialogue.

You: “I was told something about you, but I went to your page and realized that this is not true”

You: "By the way, hello"

Her: "Who are you? And what did they tell you?

You: “What's the difference? I see that they are wrong"

Her: “Is this one of my friends? What are you talking about?"

You: “Okay, let's meet today, I'll tell you something. You'll be interested to hear that."

Believe me, an intrigued girl will run to meet you with all her might. After all, she will be sure that behind her back someone spreads false gossip about her. Even if she has no desire to meet anyone and go on dates, eternal female curiosity will still lead her to you.

And then what? Everything depends on you. Turn on all your charm in a personal meeting. Surprise her with a bouquet of flowers or a small present. Make an appointment in some nice cafe. And to the question: “Who and what said about me?” answer: “They told me that you are beautiful, but they were wrong. You are incredibly beautiful." Now you can reveal the cards.

Social networks are the best place to meet people. It is very easy to flirt here, because you do not get lost under the gaze of the interlocutor and can calmly consider the answer. Try to behave naturally, joke a lot in personal correspondence. All you need is for a spark to constantly run between you.

What to talk about with a girl on social networks?

No one is interested in texting for hours about the weather or social and political events. But they are ready to talk about their beloved girl for hours. Your task is to find out everything about it:

  • her interests, hobbies, hobbies;
  • does she have male friends;
  • does she have many friends?
  • how often does she sit in VK;
  • what was the last movie she watched, etc.

But do not ask all these questions in order, as if you were conducting a survey. Find out everything smoothly, during the conversation. Girls are more emotional, so she will definitely appreciate if at the beginning of the correspondence you ask: “How are you?” and “How was your day?”

There are topics that are definitely not worth touching on. It is also necessary to watch what you write and avoid the most common mistakes. What is the best way to communicate with a girl in contact? Remember:

Trying to look like a popular guy "do not go too far." Often guys try to seem like alpha males who are already used to dealing with many girls. This is even taught in pickup courses. Now, don't do this! If you are not, then your acting is noticeable even to an inexperienced schoolgirl. At best, she will think that you are not yourself. So just be natural. A girl will appreciate sincerity more than feigned importance.

Subtleties of SMS correspondence

SMS communication is almost the same as correspondence on social networks, with the only difference being that Facebook or Vkontakte make it possible to learn more about a person by his profile. But in messages you can also exchange photos, music, pictures. Don't neglect these useful features!

How to communicate with a girl by SMS? You don't need any special knowledge. Avoid rudeness, profanity and taboo topics. You will also find the following tips helpful:

  1. Use emoji.
  2. Ask the girl to send you a selfie.
  3. Did you see something unusual? Take a picture and send it to her in a message.
  4. Be sure to compliment.
  5. Don't overdo it, you shouldn't be intrusive.
  6. Be original, do not use formulaic questions, phrases, jokes from social networks, etc.
  7. Be sincere.
  8. Show care. The girl will appreciate the SMS: "It's cold today, put on a warm jacket", "I hope your boss will let you leave work early."

Your task during the correspondence is to prepare the ground for a future meeting. The following correspondence is a good illustrative example.

He: “What did you do at the weekend, Yulechka?”

She: “Cooked, cleaned… In general, nothing special”

He: “What did you cook?”

Her: "Seafood Pasta"

He: “Wow, you know how to cook this!”

He: “Will you treat me somehow? I haven't eaten anything in a long time."

Her: "Definitely"

He: “In the meantime, let me treat you to something delicious. What would you like?

She: “Well, I don’t know ... Maybe sweet”

Him: “What time can I pick you up?”

In this correspondence, the guy carefully “asked for it” to meet with the girl and paved the way for a future date. After all, she promised to treat him with her own pasta, next time you can beat it and ask to go to her house or buy groceries and invite the girl to her place to conduct a master class on cooking Italian dishes.

In any case, do not delay with correspondence. The reciprocal interest will soon fade away if relations are not translated into reality. Be bolder, because this is what flirting on social networks is for, to warm up feelings for each other in real life.

Rules for communicating with a girl on dating sites

Another place for virtual communication on the Internet is dating sites. On such sites, girls are often registered without complexes and prejudices. Therefore, if you are interested in non-binding meetings - you are here. There are fewer taboo topics and prohibitions, but, nevertheless, it is better to wait until the girl herself takes the conversation to a more informal plane.

How to communicate with a girl on the Internet on a dating site? First, to avoid disappointment, immediately write the real purpose of creating a profile on the site. Interested in long-term relationships and mutual feelings? So write. Then the seekers of adultery and easy intrigue will pass you by. But you should not write about serious intentions in your profile if you want only minor flirting or intimacy. Be extremely honest, and then communication with beautiful ladies will meet your expectations.

In any situation, the most important thing in communicating with a girl is a positive attitude. If you are depressed, frustrated, or just feel out of sorts, the girl will feel it even by the message. If the reason that it is difficult for you is an internal clamp and complexes, first get rid of them. To do this, understand yourself, learn the technique of relaxing breathing, contact a psychologist.

Inga, Moscow

Generation after generation, young people face difficulties when they first meet the fair sex. Thanks to worldwide information globalization, we have the opportunity to communicate with people whom we would hardly have met in person. However, new technologies do not cancel the traditional difficulties that people experience when they first meet.

How to start a correspondence with a girl? How to make a favorable impression on her, interest and win her over? Let's try to understand this delicate problem.

Let's start a conversation

Starting a conversation with a girl is a very important moment. He decides whether your communication will develop or whether it will end before it really starts. Let's start with a step-by-step correspondence plan. So what's the best way to get started?


Try to find out her motivation, to understand what the girl wants to get from online communication. It could be:

  • struggle with loneliness and lack of communication in life;
  • the desire to acquire new knowledge or acquaintances in a particular area.

Before starting correspondence, try to drive the girl's name or email over the network. Perhaps you will find "traces" of her activities, by which you can at least roughly determine what she expects from communication.


Before you start chatting with a girl, check out her personal information, if any. Pay attention to her place of residence and interests, then think over the question, the answer to which will please your interlocutor.

If, for example, a girl is fond of skiing, then you should not immediately ask a direct and simple question: “Are you afraid to ski?” She is unlikely to be interested in answering the layman. It is better to study the information a little, to dig deeper, to look at least a beginner, and not a person completely far from the topic.

Personal information

Many young people are puzzled over how to attract a girl with interesting correspondence. It's great if you have skills that may interest the interlocutor. This option is acceptable if the girl herself is open to communication. She talks about her interests and about herself in general, backing up the information with a lot of personal photos.

Express your sympathy to her, but without being imposed and without flattery, and offer her communication, briefly telling about yourself beloved. Just do not need to "pour out the soul", providing a lot of information about yourself, even if you have something to boast about. Thus, you can scare her away or prove yourself a talker or braggart. Keep the intrigue.

Try starting with a neat phrase, something like, “You impressed me as an open and likeable person. I thought it would be interesting for us to talk about…”. Having an idea of ​​​​the girl's interests, you can easily suggest a suitable topic.

Network etiquette

When thinking about how to start a correspondence with a girl, do not forget that good manners have not been canceled on social networks either.

  • Do not try to drastically reduce the distance, you are still unfamiliar, and by decisive action you risk alienating and causing a wary attitude towards yourself.
  • If you start online communication delicately, observing the rules of good form, and sincerely, avoiding embellishments and fibs, then your chances of continuing correspondence increase dramatically.
  • Pay attention to literacy, because the first two or three messages are the most important. Doubting about or turnover, look for information about it.


When deciding how to start a correspondence with the original, avoid template questions. For example, using a standard phrase like: "Hi, how are you?" - you are unlikely to be able to attract the attention of the fair sex. How many times did she have to answer questions of this kind? Most likely, you will get a natural “normal” and drive yourself into a dead end.

You can attract a girl:

  • the ability to think outside the box and interestingly;
  • having a unique sense of humour.

Of course, being interesting in communication is not easy, but “seek and you will find”, perhaps you will achieve the highest virtuosity in this field.

Continuation of correspondence

The first words have been spoken, you have struck up an acquaintance, and what's next? by correspondence? If you set yourself the task of winning her heart, well, everything is in your hands.

Regardless of how long you communicate, correspondence helps to get closer and understand each other.

Topics for communication

Mutually interesting communication will help you understand how to please a pen pal. So that your online dialogue does not suddenly come to naught, you will have to be in constant search, we offer a range of topics that you can touch on in everyday conversations.

Showing care

Since you are interested in each other and are happy to correspond, then in continuation of the topic, it is worth asking her about how the school or work day went. Unobtrusively show her your concern, ask if she is tired, if anything bothers her. Support her if you feel that she needs it now.

Plans for the weekend

Ask the interlocutor about her plans for the coming weekend, even if it's only the beginning of the week. It's exciting and can be a long-awaited first meeting if you live in the same city.


Mentioning the qualities of a girl that attracts you is a mandatory part of the program. Even if you have already met offline and now you are faced with the task of how to correspond with your beloved girl further, do not neglect compliments, because the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity really love with their ears.

Write to her about how dear she is to you, praise her, but remember that you need to do this sincerely and observe the measure. Some sensitive people can be scared off by overly passionate impulses.


It would be nice to come up with and use your chips when corresponding with a girl. For example, you can take turns telling each other one secret. Let it be a fun game, but it will be only yours.

If your goal is to learn how to chat with a girl correctly, then save this topic for intellectual conversations, from which you can understand the life priorities of your interlocutor, her outlook on life, assess the common interests and prospects in a relationship.

Self improvement

Every person is characterized by the desire for perfection, unless, of course, this is not a self-satisfied ignoramus. Try to talk about what qualities of character are especially valuable for your lady of the heart. Carefully talk about yourself, about your bad habits, shortcomings and the desire to get rid of them. Give information in doses and try to push the interlocutor to openness. Her revelations will help you understand how to please a pen pal.

Interests and hobbies

The level of communication requires constant changes, so do not be zealous in conversations about the meaning of life, do not forget about the earthly. Are you, of course, interested in how your interlocutor uses her free time? Be sure to ask her about it. Perhaps you will find common hobbies that will add another "brick" to the foundation of your relationship.

Little nothings of life

This topic has no boundaries. The main thing is to find out what is a trifle for your lady of the heart and what is important to her. Here you can talk about anything: about cinema and music, about politics, about famous people with whom you sympathize, or, conversely, about those who cause you antipathy. About the latest technology, shopping, travel and other topics, the main thing is that the conversation is a pleasure for both of you.

Gently probe the soil, let her speak about her preferences, study them. This knowledge will add to your “piggy bank” an understanding of how to please a pen girlfriend.

Do not impose on her topics in which she frankly does not understand. If you want to get her to share some of your interests or opinions, then be patient. There is no need to enter into a fierce argument, act carefully, give your reasons, listen to her thoughts on this matter, you may be able to win her over to your side. If not, then no problem. You know that all people are different, that's the beauty of communication. Enjoy talking about things that both of you are interested in.


It's great if you have mutual friends. You can arrange joint verbal battles, if these are really your mutual friends, then you can jokingly turn to them to resolve your dispute, a fresh look from the outside never hurts. But do it with the approval of the interlocutor and do not stoop to discussing the personal lives of your friends. Not all girls are gossips.

From all of the above, we can conclude: be delicate and attentive with your girlfriend, remain yourself and let her be herself, do not try to remake her. Respect her and yourself, take care of your communication.

Catastrophe! Guys, you don't know how to text girls at all. I am by no means surprised by your plaintive posts about being "ignored". Based on personal experience, I can say the following: it's time to change something. Sometimes it's just impossible to communicate with you. Or you are too curious, which causes the effect of interrogation by the prosecutor. Or they are too laconic, which is more reminiscent of a dialogue with a loved one. At times, even too annoying.

From a height of not very great, but very bitter experience, I can no longer observe the ongoing nightmare. I have the audacity to teach you how to text girls properly!

Get in, guys!

1. A successful start is the key to continuation

Often, after the very first message, the thought gradually creeps into the head of the interlocutor: this passenger is clearly not interesting to me. To avoid this effect, you must be original. Even if you are not really like that, at least try to pretend. Do anything, use your convolutions, but she must think that you are special. Don't be afraid to be smart. Dumb and impudent "cool peppers" in an adequate female half cause a gag reflex.

There is another unwritten truth: to make a girl fall in love with you, it is enough to make her laugh. It works, believe me) But it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you will forever remain a friend, just fun to laugh with.

To successfully continue the conversation, you do not need to start with a question. "How deep is the Nile?" and "How many feathers does a parrot have?" It is better to take an interest in the past session or a future holiday. In this case, you will be sure that the girl will not rush to leaf through the 10-volume encyclopedia to answer you. And for God's sake, keep it simple.

There is no need to print an essay in three chapters. It's infuriating. Terribly annoying. It just pisses you off. One short message can contain a lot of meaning.

You, dear men, probably believe that it is not the literacy of the text that is important, but its content? Or do you consider ignorance to be your highlight? Perhaps you think that your dullness makes you cooler? Not?

Then explain to me what it is: "Hi, how dila. Why don't you unsubscribe !!!" Personally, THIS causes one thought in me: "Hug and cry!". Dear guys, no one doubts that smoking under the windows of the school is much more interesting than studying in it, but be human. Before you send your memoirs to a girl, read them yourself. Correct the mistakes, at least half, and your message will not cause irritation, but joy.

2. We support the degree of mood

So that the chatter does not get bored with the interlocutor too quickly, you can periodically tease her (in moderation, of course). Rare barbs and dirty phrases will only stir up interest in your person.

Any young lady will make the following conclusions:

- he has a lot of girlfriends, if he allows himself to take such risks;

- my beauty impressed him not as much as I expected;

- Well, nothing, nothing, I'll answer now ...

Keep in mind, too fluffy and vulnerable paws can immediately be offended and stop correspondence. The rest will be on the hook).

Don't forget to flirt while chatting. Light flirting will not only call your girlfriend for a longer conversation, but will also make it clear that you like her. The main thing is not to scare away, because stories like "what a pleasant voice and beautiful eyes" no longer inspire confidence in modern ladies.

To make the interlocutor afraid of losing a caring and attentive boyfriend in your face, make it clear that you are interested in her. If you are aware of her next trip somewhere or an economics exam, write the night before wishing her good luck or a safe trip. Just don't get it too far ... Nobody needs a "bonus" dad.

Find common interests, look for coincidences in leisure, read the questionnaire of the interlocutor. It's hard to build sensible communication if you rumble non-stop about fishing, and your girlfriend about shopping. A conversation between a deaf person and a dumb person will get you nowhere. Common ground is just as important in communication as it is in family life.

3. Happy ending)

Being able to stop in time is a very useful feature. Do not fill the mouth with your kind chatter. If a girl lets you know that this stage of correspondence is coming to an end, you should not drag it out in every possible way. Otherwise, this will be your last virtual meeting.

Do not dare to strike at arrogance and vulgarity. Sex on the Internet and on the phone requires a fairly long preliminary relationship. And judging by the fact that you are now reading my publication, you don’t have those yet))). Therefore, moderate your fountain of desires and return to earth. If a woman wants sex, she will invite you to visit over time. Perhaps later. Or maybe not, it depends on how well you studied the previous two points.

Wherever your correspondence goes, the main thing is to end it on a positive note, so that after communicating with you there is no negative aftertaste. I can't stand it when a feeling of relief comes at the end of a dialogue. Phew! So precious time was wasted.
In fact, everything ingenious is simple: be yourself, joke, be interested and talk about yourself, tease and joke, flirt and light up. Again, be yourself! Falsity is always visible.

author: Lilia Dmitrenko, for the website

Many young people often have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. Thanks to new technologies, it has become possible to communicate with those whom you might never meet in your life. However, the traditional difficulty in dating has not gone away, and often guys do not know what to talk about with a pen pal.

What to talk about with a VKontakte girl?

Every day they become more and more popular. After all, their main function is the ability to communicate with anyone. So, after the girl you like has been chosen, it remains only to get to know her and start a conversation in such a way as to interest her. The first correspondence plays an important role. After all, it is this moment that almost always decides whether communication will develop further or whether everything will end without really starting. Therefore, when meeting, it is necessary to be able to attract attention and make a good impression.

Start a conversation with the banal phrase “Hi! How are you?" not worth it. Firstly, it is stupid to ask this question to a girl about whose life nothing is known. Secondly, she is asked about this, most likely very often, because this will not cause her any interest. It is better to start acquaintance with a greeting and recognition that she is very attractive. To understand what to talk about with a girl in a contact by correspondence, you should read her profile, find out where she lives, what she is interested in. If nothing is indicated there, then you should ask about her activities (where she works or who she studies for, what she does in her free time, etc.), hobbies (films, music, books, hobbies) and so on. If you feel that the girl is showing interest and sympathy, it will not be superfluous to flirt with her.

In addition, do not forget that good manners in correspondence have not been canceled. Therefore, there is no need to embellish anything. It is important to follow the rules of good manners, then the chances of continuing the correspondence will certainly increase. You should also take care of literacy. If there are difficulties in the correct spelling of a word, you need to open an online dictionary (

To attract more attention to yourself, you can like and comment on her photos and other posts. She will also be pleased to receive a gift.

What to talk about with a girl after meeting?

After the acquaintance took place and the first correspondence was successful, you need to continue communication. But often in the future, the guys do not know where to start the conversation again, so as not to seem banal.

You should start the conversation with a greeting, then you can ask how her day went, what she did. It will not be superfluous to show concern, for example, to ask if the girl is tired, maybe something is bothering her and she needs support or help.

It is worth including a little humor in communication, for example, suggesting funny quotes or sending funny pictures to the topic.

An obligatory part of the correspondence is compliments. It is important to mention the qualities of a girl that you attract. But this must be done sincerely and in moderation. Excessively passionate impulses can scare some people away.

In order to better understand the representative of the opposite sex and make it easier to communicate with her, you should learn as much as possible about her. Talk about the past, talk about some funny stories from your life. Learn about her childhood, parents. Ask how she relates to a particular activity, deed, bad habits, etc. Talk about goals in life, plans for the future. In general, it will not be superfluous to continue the laid-back, which over time can develop into something more.

Dating girls online, just like in the real world, is an exciting activity that develops creativity, resourcefulness and makes men better. Vkontakte is a great platform to work out and finally find your soul mate.

In this article, we will focus on what to write to a girl when meeting on VK. 80-90 percent of success depends on this.

Three question rule

Let's start right away with a specific way of formulating the first phrase that allows you to successfully get acquainted. Unfortunately, there is no universal template for building relationships with ladies in VK. There is no such combination of words that can be written, and the girl herself will want to communicate, will be waiting for a meeting, etc. Perhaps this will upset someone, but do not despair. Despite the fact that you need to start correspondence in an original way, the first message must always be built according to certain rules.

They are:

  • the fair sex needs to name herself and tell what kind of guy you are;
  • the lady needs to explain why the choice fell on her;
  • tell her what you want from her.

Let's consider all the points in more detail:

  1. We introduce ourselves. At first glance, this doesn't make sense. In Vkontakte, a person's name is displayed wherever he writes something. It doesn't matter if it's comments, discussions or private messages. But a name is a magical thing. When a person names himself, he, as it were, "personalizes", stands out from the crowd. It becomes not an “ant” in the “anthill” of VK, but a person, if you like. It is also desirable to call the girl by name. This is pure psychology. It is not necessary to go into details of how the mechanism works. The main thing is to apply it and know that it brings success. Check it out yourself!
  2. By "tell about yourself" we do not in any way mean an autobiography or resume. If communication can be developed, then there will still be time to remember and talk about "childhood, adolescence of youth." At first, you can limit yourself to one phrase. We can even praise ourselves. For example: "Hello! I am Andrey. I'm a cool guy..." The main thing is that everything does not look like narcissism. Option: "Hi! I am Ivan. I also live in Moscow…”.
  3. It is important to let the girl know where you came from on her head. You need to speak, or rather, write honestly, sincerely. Example: “I accidentally saw your photo…” or “I read your comment in the “Typical Bobruisk” group…”. It is desirable to make a nice compliment. For example, say that she is very cute. Or come up with something more original.
  4. Immediately it is necessary to indicate the goal with which you want to get acquainted. We build the first phrase in its entirety: “Hi! I am Kolya, a good guy from your city. I saw your photo in "friends of friends" and just couldn't help but write to you. You are charming. Always dreamed of finding such a girl!”.

We emphasize that you should not use this ready-made template, the text should be born in your head, come from the heart.

Here we will consider the "taboo" - what to write, you can not ask.

Errors and prohibitions

  1. Not quite a mistake, so let's start with it: you should choose in advance an appeal to the fair sex. How will you communicate: on "you" or on "you". In "Contact" there are no uniform rules. Much depends on the age of the people who correspond with each other. If their birth years are close, you can start a conversation with “you”. Some are even offended if in the dialogue they begin to “Discard”. If the lady is already an adult, she has achieved some success in life, it will be appropriate and beautiful to write “You”. Although on the Internet, which has always been considered free space, the appeal to "you" has always been allowed.
  2. In the first SMS, or rather, in a personal message, swearing, slang and slang words are not allowed. Initially, you need to speak in beautiful Russian. And then look at the situation.
  3. You can't make mistakes in writing. Features of Internet communication is that there is always time to beautifully and correctly build a phrase and even check the text for errors.
  4. It is not recommended to immediately touch on the topic of sex. Let's say that the girl in the album has a photo where she is depicted in a swimsuit on the beach. Men are so arranged that I immediately want to write something about the figure and the like. But it is better to refrain from talking about her subtle mental organization, and not about her sexual figure.
  5. You should always write from your real, main page. It was already mentioned above that in the first phrase, among other things, you need to tell about yourself. Why do it? Why can't you write from a fake? Everything is very simple: you need to make it clear to the lady that you do not pose a threat to her. Either FSB officers or maniacs hide information about themselves. It is better not to get acquainted with either of them. With maniacs - it's clear. With the FSB officers - because they are constantly at work, and they are not allowed to leave the country. Joke.
  6. You do not need to immediately ask the question whether the girl has a boyfriend or a husband. If such information could not be obtained based on the analysis of her page, everything secret will become clear later. As a rule, if a girl, already having some kind of relationship, continues to correspond, she is not doing well there. Maybe she just wanted to have some fun.
  7. Don't write for a long time. Remember: the main goal of a conversation in VK is to make an appointment and find out the phone number. You just need to choose the right moment. And you can chat later - in real life. At the same time, don't try to make an appointment too quickly. Agree, the phrase will look strange: “Hello! My name is Maxim. Let's meet today!" Isn't this Maxim a maniac for an hour?
  8. Naturally, you need to get acquainted unusually. Say hello! How are you?" - everyone can. And pretty girls get 100 such messages a day. Only now they are silent in response.
  9. Do not try to please at the expense of some material advantages. For example, you might see something like this: “Hi! I am looking for a companion for a trip to Dubai. Do you want to join the company? Or: Hello! Let's go to a restaurant!" A certain number of women will respond to such an offer, but do you need these ladies?

Actually, here are the basic rules regarding what should not be written at the very beginning of communication.

Lead Attachment Method

Earlier, we talked about what questions you need to ask yourself in order to successfully tackle a girl on VK. Experienced people in such matters say that it is possible to act more simply, but no less effectively.

In general, each technique is the result of a generalization of people's practice.

The man tried and tried, finally, he began to communicate with girls in VK, and he decided to tell the world about his technology. Basically, it's a pickup truck. The word has a somewhat negative connotation, because many people believe that people involved in this direction “pick up” girls just for sex. In fact, a pickup truck is more than dating for sex. The system teaches how to start a relationship with a girl, using effective and legal technologies that are based on psychology and some sciences.

So let's get involved! You can catch on to anything: any information in the profile, status, video. Believe me, you can find a lot of useful information there. You can also see a list of groups in which the lady is a member. An important point: the interest must be really general. For example, if a girl is in a knitting group, and you don’t understand anything about it, you shouldn’t ask anything. The subject should be familiar and even close.

Examples of good correspondence with a girl in VK are as follows:

In the main picture, the lady is depicted with her beloved cat:
- Hi! Cute cat! And the owner is even nicer! What breed is the animal?
- Hi! This is a Scot. Thanks for the compliment.
How about continuing the conversation?

The girl is in a group of trips to Baikal:
- Hello. I saw your photo on the background of the famous lake. Can you tell me the best way to get there and where to stay?
- Hello. I got by plane. Stayed at a guest house nearby. I can give you the coordinates.
- Thank you, if possible. Can you give me your coordinates? I would like to meet and chat outside the Internet.

In general, it does not matter what the answer to the question will be. The main thing that:

  • the beginning of communication was laid;
  • the dialogue was pleasant;
  • there was an opportunity to offer an exchange of phones and a meeting.

Here you are sincerely interested in what fascinates the girl. With a high degree of probability, she will want to talk about what she is not indifferent to. Firstly, it will give her positive emotions, and secondly, the lady will have the opportunity to act as an expert, and everyone loves it.

Dating humor

The ability to joke and laugh, even in the most difficult situations, helps people a lot in life. Humor also contributes to making successful acquaintances. Every girl no doubt wants to have a cool young man. Not a clown, but someone who can make a funny joke, cheer up. If you have a sense of humor, you can show it right away: first a joke, then everything else. Do not send a funny joke or meme. You need to be creative.

A typical, but already banal example: “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” Do not use this template. Because he, as already noted, is known to everyone. A joke repeated twice ceases to be such. In general, you need to invent yourself. Otherwise, there is a risk to discourage the girl from any desire to communicate. By the way, the correct phrase for dating should not contain “not” and “no”. If these parts of speech occur in it, it is easier for the interlocutor to refuse.

Let's take the same expression as an example. Dialog:

Does your mother need a son-in-law?
- No, it's not needed.

And another example:
- Do you have time for a cup of coffee?
- Not.

That is, it is enough for a girl to repeat a fragment of the question asked, but with an affirmative intonation.

Is it always necessary to apply some kind of scheme?, which owns the Vkontakte website, has always supported the topic of dating at the proper level. This is probably why the social network has a huge number of interesting applications and groups that are dedicated to relationships, the search for a soul mate.

It would seem that these "fields" do not need to apply tricks and methods that are described above. But it's not. Methods are necessary for use in any situation. Indeed, in dating groups "sit", mostly girls who are ready for a relationship. But they are not looking for anyone, but that one: the best, necessary, interesting, strong, intellectual. Only to him they are ready to reciprocate. And to "Hello! how are you?" units answer.

Therefore, you need to use original approaches when meeting on VK, even if you are writing to a girl who plays, for example, "The Bottle".

Refresh the old

In Vkontakte, you can renew a relationship with an ex or establish a connection with a girl you know offline.

In this case, there is no need to be especially creative. After all, the person already knows you, so there is no need to show your best qualities or talk about them.

It seems that the theme of nostalgia will be winning. If we are talking about an ex-girlfriend, you can remember the positive moments that were experienced in the past.

If you are talking about a friend, you can write to her directly: “Hi! This is Andrey. Do you remember we had a few words at Lena's party? Maybe we can hang out some more? Looked here at your photos in VK. You are just incredibly beautiful. It's breathtaking!"

The fact that the lady already knows you is a big plus, provided that the good side was initially shown.

At a minimum, she will not worry that she will meet with a complete stranger.

The modern generation is accustomed to communicate in social networks, get acquainted on the Internet. Unfortunately, not all guys know how to behave, what to write. Yes, and new ways are still “running in”. Everything that has been described in this article is the experience of different young people, their successes and failures. We hope that the above information will be useful in practice.
