How to clean mink, knitted and other hats at home. How to wash faux fur at home

Stylish and affordable things from firmly occupy the first positions in the production of clothing from synthetic fabrics. Almost everyone in the house has at least one product made of this material: a fur coat, a handbag, a hat and even a plaid. Many housewives are concerned about the question of how to wash clothes made of faux fur in order to preserve the structure of the fabric and not ruin your favorite thing. By following simple rules, it is quite possible to cope with washing fur products at home without resorting to dry cleaning services.

Washing by hand

Wash small items by hand

A product made of faux fur fabric with a long pile can only be washed by hand, while materials with a short pile easily tolerate machine washing.

If you need to wash a small item, such as a hat, mittens, collar or hood, proceed as follows. Not very hot water is poured into a container of suitable size, the temperature of which should not exceed 40 ° C, and liquid soap or gel is added. It is not recommended to use dry detergents or soaps with active chemical additives, as they can damage the structure of the pile. In extreme cases, if only washing powder was found on the farm, it must be separated from large particles and thoroughly dissolved in water. Before washing a bulky product, for example, a fur coat or a vest, for which any basin will be small, you can make a soap solution in the bath.

After washing, the fur must be carefully combed

Rinse the fur thing in plenty of water, first warm, then cool. Before wringing out the product, it is necessary to remove it from the water and, putting it on some kind of stand, let the bulk of the liquid drain. After that, it is necessary to get wet with a towel several times, in no case twisting the material.

It is better to dry clothes on hangers, away from radiators. After drying, the fur can be combed with a comb with rounded teeth.

Do not start washing large bulky items, such as a blanket, if the pollution occupies a small area. It is much easier to remove a few stains with a gauze swab dipped in soapy water.

Machine wash

With proper care, products will last a long time.

Machine wash is acceptable for faux fur products with a short dense pile. Before loading things into the machine, you need to read the manufacturer's information on the label about the requirements for caring for this fur product and the possibility of automatic washing.

Starting to clean the fur product in the machine, you should follow a few rules:

  • Before washing, it is advisable to soak things in warm water with detergent for 15-20 minutes. In order not to damage the fibers, the fur should not be kept in water for more than the specified time.
  • If you need to wash white faux fur, then before immersing it in a soapy solution, you need to moisten a soft sponge in water with lemon juice and treat the fur surface with it.
  • From detergents, you need to choose those that are suitable for washing delicate fabrics, silk or wool.
  • It is recommended to wash synthetic fur separately from other clothes. If you need to wash the hood or collar, it is better to unfasten the parts and process them separately from the jacket.
  • After soaking, the fur clothes are loaded into the machine and washed in the mode for delicate materials at a water temperature of not more than 40 ° C.
  • It is necessary to wring out the product at the smallest speed or manually.
  • Dry the thing should be on the shoulders, in a ventilated area, away from ultraviolet rays and heaters.

How not to wash

Faux fur requires special care. Only in this case, the pile will remain shiny and fluffy for a long time. It is especially important to wash fur products correctly, following the instructions, and remember which operations the fur categorically does not tolerate.

  • Faux fur should not be heated, as at high temperatures the synthetic fiber can deform.
  • It is forbidden to dry fur products in a machine or dryer. After drying with hot air, the item will probably be irretrievably lost.
  • Do not treat synthetic fur with bleaches, stain removers and other chemicals that are aggressive to the fiber.

Especially carefully and carefully should be handled with white fur. Due to the wrong choice of detergents, a white fur coat can turn yellowish, and a long pile can get tangled and broken.

By adhering to the listed simple rules, you can perfectly wash faux fur yourself at home, without resorting to dry cleaning services.

Arctic fox, silver fox, muton, astrakhan fur, sable - it would seem that what can make them related? Yes, the fact that all these are furs that warm us in the cold season and give a unique charm to winter women's and men's clothing. Agree, when an elegant lady in a fluffy sparkling coat walks down the street, the eye rejoices. But in order for the fur coat to really shine, you need to know how to care for it. And today we’ll talk about whether it is possible to wash natural and artificial fur, and if so, how to do it.

Can natural and artificial fur be washed?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since the texture and features of natural and artificial fur differ significantly. The basis of natural fur is naturally impregnated with animal fat, which gives it elasticity and prevents excess moisture from penetrating into the mezra. If a natural fur coat is washed in the usual sense, all fatty protection will be removed from it, which will lead to loosening of the base and loss of fur. In a word, ordinary wet washing with the use of powders and soap for things made of natural fur is like death.

But to the question of whether it is possible to wash faux fur, we answer: it is possible, but very carefully. As a detergent, it is better to choose a quality shampoo. And after rinsing, do not twist the fur product, but only slightly wring it out and wrap it in cotton fabric. Some faux fur products can be machine washed on a delicate cycle. But in any case, before processing, it is necessary to study the label attached to the thing, on it you can read about permitted manipulations.

How to wash natural fur?

Now consider the options for how to wash natural fur. As mentioned above, you cannot expose it to ordinary wet washing, but you can clean it, ventilate it, dry it and comb it. But before washing natural fur, test it for strength by applying a few drops of an aqueous solution of shampoo and ammonia to different places of the base. For 50 ml of warm water, take 1 drop of shampoo and 2 drops of ammonia. After the solution is absorbed, slightly pull the base with your hands, if it does not spread, you can safely proceed to “washing”.

As a "washing" agent for washing natural fur, you can use semolina, baby powder, talcum powder or pure potato starch. Pour any of the proposed means into a basin and, having immersed the fur thing in the same place, carefully and gently rub the contaminated places. Then take the item outside and hang it in the shade to dry. Next, carefully remove the “powder” with a soft brush and comb the fur. The result will please you. By the way, if you are puzzled over how to properly wash white fur, then the methods described above will also work for you. For faux fur, you can also use ammonia or lemon juice diluted in water. In general, try and let your furs be the best.

The question of how to wash a mink hat or from any other fur is very important for many. Over the past decade, fur hats have ceased to be faceless earflaps, but have truly become a fashion accessory.

Is it possible to wash a mink hat or fox hat? Immediately note that it is not recommended to wash a hat made of mink or other fur in the usual way.

Not from pieces, not from whole skins. The fact is that during the manufacturing process, the skins are greatly stretched, and the wrong side of the skin is subjected to both mechanical and chemical stress.

When dry, your chinchilla or fox hat will simply shrink, and the skin will become hard and crack from the inside. A hat from a masterpiece will turn into something miserable, requiring to be sent to a landfill.

How to clean?

Bran is rubbed into the pile with neat, gentle movements so that the mass is everywhere in the product. Then the fur is carefully combed with a comb, shaken well so that the remnants get enough sleep. Some areas may need to be cleaned twice.

After cleaning, the product is stuffed with paper or towels so that it retains its shape. When the fur dries, the lining is sewn back on. This method, how to wash a hat, is suitable for any fur.

Clean with alcohol and vinegar

How else can you clean a fur hat at home? Alcohol and vinegar will help. You can also clean the fur with mustard, but alcohol and vinegar give a greater cleansing effect.

  1. The fur is cleaned with a cotton swab, which is moistened in a solution. Prepare a working cleaning solution by mixing in 1 liter of water, 75 ml of vodka or alcohol, 75 ml of vinegar and 10 ml of wool conditioner. All components are well mixed.
  2. Then the fur is wiped with a damp swab in all directions. When cleaning a mink hat at home or from any other fur, you need to fill it with papers or towels.
  3. It is impossible to dry the fur near the batteries after cleaning. It is highly undesirable that the sun's rays fall on moistened fur.

Headdress with pompom

How to wash a knitted hat with a fur pompom? Very often, a fur pompom flaunts on a knitted hat, which is undesirable to wet when washing. If how to wash a fur hat, or rather, clean it, of course, then how to wash such products?

The only way out is to tear off the pompom, and after washing, sew it back into place. But sometimes the pom-pom cannot be torn off. What to do in this case?

The pompom is tied into a strong bag, and tied very tightly at the base. Then they stretch the hat itself in a basin in a small amount of water, trying so that moisture does not seep under the bag.

When the product dries, the pompom is untwisted, combed and the product is shaken well. A beautiful pom-pom will be absolutely intact.

The problem of how to properly wash a fur hat or a hat with a fur pompom arises for many. We hope that our tips will help you clean the product without harming the fur.

A knitted mink hat is a fashionable and stylish headdress. However, like other products made of natural fur, it needs very careful and timely care, as well as storage conditions.

It is necessary to allocate a separate shelf in the closet for the fur hat. It is desirable that it be a dark, cool place away from sources of heat and humidity.

It is necessary to ensure good air circulation around the product, which will allow the fur to “breathe” and prevent the skin from drying out and losing elasticity, as well as creases in the fur and hat deformation.

Avoid direct sunlight on the headdress, which can discolor it or give white fur a yellow tint. It is also unacceptable to contact products such as with alcohol-containing products, perfumes.

How to clean a knitted mink hat

To clean the hat from dust, just shake it well. Light dirt can be removed by dry cleaning. To find out heavily soiled, you can use a mild detergent diluted in soapy water. In the resulting composition, you need to moisten a foam sponge or cotton pad and gently wipe the fur with it in the direction of pile growth. Then you should remove the remnants of the product with a damp swab and dry without using heating devices. In the process of drying, it is desirable to straighten the fur with a brush with rare teeth and shake. In the same way, you can clean the knitted base of the cap.

How to wash a knitted mink hat

Before using such a radical cleaning method for natural fur as washing, you must carefully study the labels on the product and the instructions received when buying the product in the store. It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to wash natural fur in a washing machine, as this will lead to a loss of the shape of the hat, damage to the fur. Therefore the answer to the question It is worth entrusting dry cleaning specialists.

How to store a knitted mink hat until next season

At the end of winter, the mink hat must be removed for long-term storage. To do this, fill a previously cleaned and dried hat with crumpled sheets of newspaper and place it in a case or a dense cardboard box with holes and moisture-absorbing bags.

Fur hats are recommended to be wrapped with natural linen or cotton fabrics, and rigidity hoops are inserted inside the product to fix the shape. The correct answer to the question with fur pompoms, tassels and other voluminous elements, there will be a high stand that will help prevent damage to the fur.

You should especially take care of moth remedies. For this you can use:

— special covers;

- natural remedies (orange peel, tobacco leaves, lavender oil are placed in a sachet and hung in a closet);

- granules, tablets, plates.

About once a month, the hat should be taken out of the closet, shaken and aired for several minutes.

By following these guidelines, you can keep your favorite hat and will delight you for many seasons.

Washing the fur trim sewn to the hood or cuffs of the jacket without tearing it off is quite a doable task. We'll show you how.

Everyone knows that the first thing that gets dirty in our warm clothes is the fur trim on the hood and sleeves. Especially if it's light. The thing immediately takes on an untidy and dirty look. But what to do if the fur trim is not removed (does not come unfastened). And the thing (coat or jacket) to which the edge is sewn, in principle, is not recommended to be washed. The label clearly states - no washing!

Of course, we will not break the rules indicated on the label, well, not really ...

We will try to wash not the whole jacket, but only the fur (edge) on the hood or cuffs.

Of course, there is some element of risk. For example, if the fabric or fur sheds, but most likely you would have already noticed this in the process of wearing.

If our jacket or down jacket is made of raincoat, bologna or other synthetic fabric, then our washing method is unlikely to harm it.

And now everything is in order.

First you need to prepare a solution for washing our fur (edge).

For this, a powder or gel for delicate washing or an ordinary hair shampoo is suitable.

Dilute a small amount of shampoo - 1 cap in a small volume of warm water. Carefully beat the foam - the more, the better.

Then, gently lower our fur (edge) into the foam. Try to ensure that only fur gets into the water with foam.

But even if a small part of your jacket or coat gets wet, nothing bad will happen.

Gently wring out all the fur and hang your thing so that the fur is at the bottom.

Because the water is actively flowing.

It is advisable to substitute a basin or other container for water under the drops.

Water soaked into the fur should not drain onto a jacket or coat, but into a basin or bathroom. Therefore, the main thing is to make sure that the wet fur is below our thing.

The fur will gradually drain and dry.

To do this, you can use a regular comb-brush.

And now your jacket, coat, down jacket or parka looks like new.

The advantages of our washing method are obvious:

  1. We don't have to rip the fur off our jackets or coats.
  2. There is no need to use dry cleaning services.
  3. We don't erase the whole thing. We only wash the fur from the hood and on the cuffs.
  4. No problem, you can wash artificial, synthetic or natural fur.
  5. We do all laundry at home.

But whether our method of solving the problem suits you is up to you.
