How to carry out work on self-education of a preschool teacher from choosing a topic and drawing up a plan to a report. Psychological boundaries of the child consultation (senior group) on the topic Criteria for psychological comfort in preschool

Kristina Gagiev
Creating the psychological comfort of children in kindergarten

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practicing teachers speak and write about the humanization of education, about an individual approach to children in the process of education and upbringing, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort in kindergarten.

What is « psychological comfort» ?

V. M. Bleikher, I. V. Kruk defines « comfort» (eng. comfort, as a complex of conditions of the external and internal environment that are most favorable for the subject, including factors psychological.

i.e. psychological comfort for a child in kindergarten is determined by the convenience of developing space and a positive emotional background, lack of tension mental and physiological functions of the body.

According to the World Health Organization, mental well-being is one of the main components of human health. Therefore, it is so important to protect from an early age psychological health of preschoolers.

Security psychological comfort of children in a preschool educational institution is one of the most important tasks of the teaching staff. This largely determines the effectiveness of pedagogical activity, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in children contributing to further success in schooling.

The effectiveness of education and training children in preschool, them psychological well-being depends on what feelings this or that activity causes, the regime moment, the situation, how the child experiences his successes and failures, the attitude of adults and peers towards himself.

When building the educational process, it is important to take into account individual characteristics children, age capabilities and therefore in communication and interaction with children it is desirable to follow the rule of three "P":

Understanding - the ability to see the child "from within", to look at the world simultaneously from two points of view - one's own and the child's, to see the motives driving children.

Acceptance is an unconditional positive attitude towards the child and his personality, regardless of whether he is happy at the moment or not. "I treat you well, whether you did well or not."

Recognition is, first of all, the right of the child in solving certain problems. The child should have the feeling that it is he who chooses.

Following the above rule, the coordinated functioning of the development of the emotional sphere and intellectual development will ensure psychological comfort of the child in preschool, which means its full development.

Often occurring negative situations, inattentive people around, inability to cope with the problem that has arisen lead to a violation of the emotional state of the child, internal discomfort. And if you do not pay attention to the problems that have arisen in time, this can lead not only to a reluctance to attend a kindergarten, but also to deviations in the personal sphere of the child's personality, to a violation of social contacts.

The general atmosphere and mood of the group is determined, despite the individual characteristics children, adults. It is possible to single out the criteria that psychological comfort of the child in preschool.

1. Calm emotional situation in the family.

Emotional stability and absence psychological tension in the child in the family, has a great influence on psychological comfort in dow. Confidence in love, respect and understanding of loved ones sets the child up for open, friendly relations with teachers and peers in kindergarten.

2. Daily routine

For a preschooler, it is important that the routine of life is stable. A child who is used to a certain order is more balanced. He imagines a sequence of classes, a change in activities during the day and tunes in to them in advance. The atmosphere of a calm life, lack of haste, a reasonable balance of plans for adults are necessary conditions for a normal life and development. children.

3. Security comfort subject-developing environments: compliance with the age and actual features of the group; availability of toys, non-irritating color scheme of the interior, the presence of plants with an aroma that helps relieve stress (cinnamon, vanilla, mint) and so on. ;

4. Style of behavior of the educator. First of all, the educator himself must be calm and friendly. An even demeanor with children is essential. The teacher needs to keep track of psychological condition, to prevent aggressive outbreaks and apathetic fatigue. Inadmissibility psychological pressure on children and rudeness with them. No developmental advances will be of any use if they are “involved” in the fear of adults, the suppression of the child’s personality

5. Good traditions

A necessary condition for mental well-being is the child's confidence that the educator treats him as fairly and kindly as everyone else, that he is considered the same valuable and necessary member of the group as others. children.

Preschool child psychologically comfortable if he is healthy, not burdened with internal psychological problems, can be himself, if he is surrounded by pleasant adults and children who accept him for who he is, if the child is engaged in an exciting business.

An important means of solving educational problems and creating psychological comfort in preschoolers is creation subject-developing space of a preschool institution.

Subject-developing space is the use of equipment and other equipment in accordance with the goals psychological child's well-being and development.

For teachers psychologists plays an important role in the preservation mental health of children preschool age. They conduct not only collective and individual classes with children, conversations with parents and teachers. Psychologists in kindergarten take care of the condition psychological comfort of the entire institution, children's and the adult community.

Psychological the health of preschoolers is the concern of every adult who is next to the child!

Anna Kovalkova
Workshop "Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups"


Introduce educators to the ingredients psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in group.

Improving the pedagogical competence of teachers in the field of the emotional sphere of children.

Contribute to the effective use of educational and educational activities aimed at personally oriented interaction with the child.

Psychological attitude: parable "All in your hands"

“There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his hands, he asked Is she dead or alive? And you thinks: “The living one will say - I will kill her, the dead one will say - release: Sage, thinking answered: "All in your hands"».

Opportunity is in our hands create in the nursery garden an atmosphere in which children will feel "like at home".

The topic of our today seminar« Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups».

Most people explain the concept "health" in terms of physical well-being. But, in fact, health is a combination of several components.

Renowned doctor - psychotherapist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put forward such idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of four quadrants: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.

Unfortunately, many of us begin to understand the importance of not only physical, but also emotional health rather late.

Portrait psychologically a healthy person is, first of all, a creative, cheerful, cheerful, open person who knows himself and the world around him not only with his mind, but also with feelings, intuition. Such a person takes responsibility for his life, first of all, on himself, his life is filled with meaning. It is in constant development.

It's no secret that many children have neurotic deviations. There are many reasons for this, such children are difficult for parents, teachers, and society. On the other hand, sometimes quite psychologically parents and teachers turn healthy children into neurotics.

It is important to keep mental and psychological health of children because the consequences psychological discomfort for the child:

* the appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness;

*transition psychological experiences into somatic disorders, when a child who received psychological trauma, physically ill (a certain instinct of self-preservation of the body);

*manifestation psychological trauma received in childhood, in a more mature age period in the form psychological defense - a position of avoidance (isolation, drugs, suicidal tendencies, manifestations of aggressive behavioral reactions (escapes from home, vandalism, etc.)

Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed, first of all, to teachers, since most of the time children are in kindergarten.

What comfort? These are the conditions of life, stay, environment that provides convenience, peace and comfort. (Explanatory Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov)

- Psychological comfort - living conditions, in which the child feels calm, there is no need to defend.

There are objective reasons why it is impossible to fully create psychological comfort in the kindergarten group:

Large occupancy groups;

One teacher in group;

Unfavorable family situation.

Yes, that is the reality. But who will help us and our children, if not ourselves? The preschool institution plays an important role, despite all the problems dictated by the current state of society.

Problem mental health.

The most common emotional disorders are: aggressiveness, anxiety, fears, excessive timidity, shyness. Outbursts of anger, cruelty, hypersensitivity prevent these children from adapting to life in a team.

Being in a state of resentment, anger, depression for a long time, the child experiences emotional discomfort, stress, and this is very harmful for mental and physical health.

For the successful emotional development of children, certain terms: satisfaction of their needs in positive emotional contacts with others, in love and pedagogical support. Independent activities according to interests, in communication and cooperation with adults and peers. Self-realization and recognition of their achievements by others. One of the main tasks of teachers is creation of psychological comfort for preschoolers.

Just cross the threshold groups you can feel the atmosphere of looseness or closeness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy alertness that is present in group.

Atmosphere (or climate) in kindergarten group is determined:

1) The relationship between the teacher and the children;

2) Relationships between the children themselves;

3) Relationships between caregivers;

4) Relations between educators and parents.

good climate in group arises then when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves.

The educator has a very significant impact on the quality group climate. In fact, the educator (and not children, as we usually think) creates certain climate in group.

With this in mind, teachers groups need to create conditions for the emotional well-being of everyone child:

Subject-developing environment,

Communication style of the teacher with the child,

The style of communication of educators with each other and with an assistant,

Communication style of teacher with parents

Watch how children communicate with each other.

The well-being of the child group is satisfaction with existing relationships group, degree of participation in joint activities, security, inner peace, experience of feeling "we". All this can be defined as emotional well-being. Emotional well-being contributes to the normal development of the child's personality, the development of positive qualities in him, a benevolent attitude towards other people.

Now I would like to dwell on the styles of pedagogical communication.

The style of pedagogical communication directly affects the favorable.

Teacher - leader, organizer; children are performers

(non-independent, non-initiative)

Principle of an educator: "Trust but verify" (lack of respect, trust in the personality of the child);

Expectation of unquestioning obedience, obedience;

Does not take into account the relationship between children;

Doesn't admit mistakes

Low estimates of the possibilities of children;

Publicly points out to the child his mistakes, shortcomings of behavior.

Liberal (permissive) style

The teacher is uninitiative, not responsible enough;

Overestimates the capabilities of children;

Fulfillment of its requirements does not check;


In the power of children;

Considers relationships in group;

Man of moods.

Democratic style

The teacher takes into account the characteristics of the age of children, optimally divides the functions between himself and the children;

Explores and takes into account interpersonal relationships;

Shows maximum demands, maximum respect;

Feels the need for feedback from children;

Able to admit mistakes;

Prefers a fruitful conversation with the child in private.

From all of the above, one can conclusion: the most effective and optimal is the democratic style of communication, it is the most favorable in educational impact and fully serves the formation of conscious discipline in children and those around them, a creative attitude to business and the formation of an active life position. It is the right style of communication between the teacher and children that will help create child friendly psychological comfort in the group.

Everyone knows that children have developed an intuitive ability to capture the emotional state of adults. Children are very easily infected with negative emotions, so the teacher needs to arrange for himself psychological shower(discharge, which will help him relieve excessive emotional stress.

For creating conditions for psychological comfort child's stay in kindergarten is necessary:

* Using the principle of M. Montessori: the principle of isolation of the child from groups in case of conflict between children. Note! Do not kick the child out groups and offer to be alone!

* Build a system of rules. “Within the framework of the rules, the child learns to distinguish himself from others, they (regulations) develop a sense of confidence and self-fulfillment, thus strengthening the self of the child. Pay more attention to the game, rituals, symbols (solving the problem of behavior and aggressiveness).

* Make directory in groups"That's impossible!" so that children learn the prohibitions in the game (through the game, and not shudder at the shouts of the educators. This catalog can list, for example, what not to do when rage attacks, or make rules on how to welcome newcomers to group, etc..

* Use Helmut Figdor's idea of creating in a group"Corner of Fury" where children could throw out the accumulated negative emotions, feelings of anger.

* Enter into day mode "hours of silence" and "watch can" (as a ritual).

* Enter the morning greeting ritual "Let's say hello"(cohesion groups, mental attitude to work).

*Use during the day of play- regulations: "Call names", "Shouts-whispers-silencers", "Sing and be silent"(for a splash of accumulated negative energy in children and teaching adults to manage their behavior).

* Accept each child as he is. Remember: there are no bad preschoolers. There are bad teachers and parents.

* In professional activities, rely on the voluntary assistance of children, include them in organizational moments for the care of the premises and the site.

* Be an entertainer and participant children's games and fun.

* In difficult situations for the child, focus on his age and individual peculiarities: to be always with him, and not to do something instead of him.

* In your relationship with children, try to remember that what:

The child doesn't owe you anything. It is up to you to help your child become more independent and responsible.

* In each specific adverse situation, you need to understand what the child is trying to achieve and why he is doing it. Get him to comply with social norms and rules, taking into account his condition and interests.

* Prohibitions and strict requirements should not be too much. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in pupils.

* A quiet, shy child also needs your professional help, as does a notorious fighter.

* A prosperous social situation of development is the best method of conveying to children the moral norms and rules of human society. Conversations about morality, not backed up by the protection of children from mental and physical violence - demagogy and dangerous practice.

* Involve parents in the educational process and turn to them for support in cases of non-standard situations.

* Smooth out, if possible, conflict situations when communicating with parents, using the main regulations:

Talk to the interlocutor not about your problems, but about what interests him!

Do not respond to aggression with counter aggression!

* It is especially important to arrange for each teacher their own psychological discharging during the working day. It can be communication with colleagues, psycho-gymnastics, auto-training, music therapy, etc.

In each a psychologically comfortable environment for children is created for the kindergarten group. Creation such an environment includes myself:

Organization of the zone for psychological relief;

Teaching aggressive children ways to express anger in an acceptable way;

Teaching children the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques;

Teaching children conflict-free communication through emotional development games;

Increased self-esteem of anxious, insecure children;

Teaching children the skills of cooperation and coordinated actions in a team.

Also a very important element psychological comfort of children in the group, these are psychological speech settings for group creations a positive emotional background, an atmosphere of goodwill and security, creating a good mood.

They can be held in the morning, after charging, the children and the teacher become in a circle, holding hands. When pronouncing speech settings, the voice of the educator must fully correspond to what he is saying, that is, goodwill and joy of meeting, etc., must be conveyed by voice and facial expressions.

Approximate speech settings that should show children that they are welcome, tune in to friendly relations with adults and other children.

Show your imagination, give vent to your creativity potential:

Examples psychological speech settings:

Today I am glad to see you in kindergarten, in our group! We will spend this day together. May this day bring joy. Let's try to make each other happy.

I am glad to see all our children healthy groups, cheerful, in a good mood. I really want to keep this mood in all of us until the evening. And for this, we all must smile more often, not offend each other and not fight. Let's rejoice in each other.

Hello my good ones! Today it is cloudy and damp outside. And in our the group is warm, light and fun. And we have fun from our smiles, because every smile is a little sun, from which it becomes warm and good. Therefore, today we will smile more often at each other.

Such forms of relations have a very good effect on the development of children, in which the educator, with the help of various arguments, convinces the child of the advantages of this or that act. The choice is left to the child. This type of relationship involves an individual approach to the characteristics and current conditions of children. It is in such unobtrusive care that children most of all need and thank the adult with sincere affection for him.

Reflection "All in your hands"

Draw a left hand on a sheet of paper. Each finger is some kind of position on which you need to express your opinion.

"Big"- for me it was important and interesting ...

"Pointing"- on this issue I received a specific recommendation

"Average"- it was difficult for me (I did not like)

"Nameless"- my mark psychological atmosphere.

"Little finger"- it wasn't enough for me.

I wish you and your family mental health!

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practicing teachers speak and write about the humanization of education, about the need, about an individual approach to children in the process of education and upbringing, about attention to each child, about creating in kindergarten.

What is "psychological comfort"? In Ozhegov's dictionary, the word "comfort" is defined by household amenities, a dictionary of psychiatric terms. V.M. Bleikher, I.V. Crook defines "comfort" as a complex of conditions of the external and internal environment that are most favorable for the subject, including psychological factors. That is, psychological comfort for a child in kindergarten is determined by the convenience of developing space and a positive emotional background, the absence of tension in the mental and physiological functions of the body,.

The general atmosphere and mood of the group are determined, despite the individual characteristics of children, by adults. It is possible to identify criteria to ensure the creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten groups.

Peace of mind in the family

Emotional stability and the absence of psychological stress in a child in the family have a great influence on the creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten groups. Confidence in love, respect and understanding of loved ones sets the child up for open, friendly relations with teachers and peers in kindergarten. The task of the teacher is to study the psychological situation in the family through questioning, monitoring; as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of each family.


For a preschooler, it is important that the routine of life is stable. A child who is used to a certain order is more balanced. He imagines a sequence of classes, a change in activities during the day and tunes in to them in advance. The atmosphere of a calm life, the absence of haste, the reasonable balance of the plans of adults are the necessary conditions for a normal life and development of children. During the day, neither the teacher nor the children should feel stress from the fact that they do not have time for something and are in a hurry somewhere. The main components of the FHT regimen are food, sleep and a walk of at least 2 hours, the rest of the moments may vary depending on age and program objectives.

For a small child, food is an important activity. Never, in any situation, adults have the right to force-feed children, force them to eat something. Children have the right to their own tastes and preferences in food, the identification of which involves working with the family to determine the individual characteristics of each child. The child should have the right not to eat what they do not like or do not want at the moment. The only condition is an agreement with the parents on the possibility of excluding some dishes. Many adults remember well how their childhood was darkened by the need to eat hated foams or chicken with skin. After all, as adults, people retain and allow themselves many preferences in food, and no one blames them for this.

When going to bed, children need affection, attention and care. Awakening should take place in a calm environment, without haste. It is obligatory to find a teacher or assistant teacher in the group during sleep.

Walking is the main condition for the health of children. Conducting classes indoors by reducing the time of walking is categorically unacceptable. The walk should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the FGT and the preservation of all parts and activity of the teacher.

Children should have free access to clean drinking water and toilets at all times.

Ensuring the comfort of the subject-developing environment

Ensuring the comfort of the subject-developing environment is assessed through:

  • compliance with the age and actual characteristics of the group;
  • availability of toys;
  • non-irritating interior color scheme;
  • the presence of plants with an aroma that helps relieve tension (cinnamon, vanilla, mint), etc.

The style of behavior of the educator

Staying in a group of 20 - 25 peers for a whole day is a big load on the child's nervous system. How to ensure the creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten groups?

First of all, the educator himself must be calm and friendly. An even demeanor with children is essential. The teacher needs to monitor his psychological state in order to prevent aggressive outbursts and apathetic fatigue. Inadmissibility of psychological pressure on children and rudeness with them. No advances in the development of children in kindergarten will be of any use if they are “involved” in the fear of adults, the suppression of the child's personality. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote:

won't teach me anything
That which pokes, rumbles, bugs...

Try not to speak loudly or too fast. Gesticulate - gently and not too impulsively. Watch the noise level in the group: too loud voices of children, harsh intonations create a negative background for any activity. Soft, quiet, calm music, on the contrary, soothes. Do not rush to evaluate anything: the actions, works, statements of children - "keep a pause."

There are a few simple general rules that will help establish good relationships with children and earn their trust and appreciation (memo 1), ensure the creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten groups.

The ability of the teacher to create situations of success for each child has a huge impact on the emotional state of the child, the formation of his personality. This is facilitated by the inclusion of the child in the holidays, performances. Even the smallest role gives the child confidence in his own importance, increases self-esteem. The child's trust in adults and personal stability are violated if the child is "left out" of group public speaking. This is the most important condition for the child's trust in adults in kindergarten and a sense of general psychological comfort.

Good traditions

A necessary condition for mental well-being is the child's confidence that the educator treats him as fairly and kindly as everyone else, that he is considered as valuable and necessary as a member of the group, like other children.

In everyday life, situations constantly arise when someone is given more comments, someone is more often praised, etc. This can give children the feeling that the caregiver treats them differently. In order to convey to each child that he is valued on an equal basis with everyone else, it is advisable to introduce some traditions into the life of the group and strictly adhere to firm principles in one's own behavior.

It is a wonderful tradition to celebrate children's birthdays. It is necessary to prepare a single scenario that will be played in the same way when honoring each birthday person (traditional round dance game - for example, "Karavay"; learn praise songs for a boy and a girl with children).

You can introduce another custom - "Circle of good memories." This is a mental return to the past day in order to note all the positive things that distinguished each child. In the afternoon, for example, before a walk, the teacher invites all the children to sit around him to talk about "good things." Then you need to briefly tell something good about each child. It doesn't have to be some incredible feats or unimaginable virtues. Suffice it to say that Katya dressed quickly today, Petya immediately fell asleep, and so on. The most important thing is that every child will hear something positive about himself, and the rest will understand that everyone has some advantages. Gradually, this creates an atmosphere of mutual respect in the group and develops self-respect in each child. This tradition can be introduced already from the second junior and middle (3 years - 4 years, 6 months) groups.

At an older age, children have great cognitive activity, often we simply do not have time to answer all children's questions, brushing off children. The tradition of the “Question Place” is very good: a chair on which a question mark is pasted, the child sits on this chair, showing that a question has arisen, a task educator be sure to pay attention to the child in the "questioning place".

Children love to do their own thing at the common table. Together with the children, you can move the tables and invite several children to sculpt and draw. Many more children immediately join them. Everyone will sculpt, draw, build something of their own, the way they want. But everyone will have a pleasant feeling of calm work next to others. In addition, children can borrow from each other and from the educator ideas or ways to implement them. These moments of calm and conflict-free communication also make it possible to ensure the creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten groups.

We should not forget about working with parents, only by joint efforts can we create a favorable psychological climate for the child. Examples are success diaries, boxes of good deeds, success daisies on the locker at the end of the day, etc.

The atmosphere of psychological comfort for the child is created by the psychological space of a safe environment, which is both developing, and psychotherapeutic, and psycho-correctional, because. in this atmosphere, barriers disappear, psychological defenses are removed, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on educational activities, on creativity. The creation of psychological comfort is facilitated by:

  • work with natural materials - clay, sand, water, paints, cereals; art therapy (treatment with art, creativity) - captivates children, distracts from unpleasant emotions;
  • music therapy - regular musical breaks, playing children's musical instruments. A positive influence on the development of creativity, on the stabilization of the emotional background is exerted by Mozart's music (and Pushkin's poems - the "golden section");
  • providing the child with the maximum possible independence and freedom at his age.

The emotional state of the teacher directly affects the creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten groups, the psychological comfort of each child (memo 2).

Memo 1. Rules for a good relationship with children

  • use affectionate appeals, names more often in your speech;
  • sing with and for children;
  • appreciate the moments when together you can experience the joy of something seen or heard;
  • strive for children to have a variety of interesting experiences;
  • make sure that they are never bored and are busy with something;
  • do not force children to participate in any activities;
  • maintain order and justice, monitor equal observance of all the rules adopted in the group;
  • encourage the desire and attempts of children to do something, not judging the results of their efforts;
  • keep an inner conviction that each child is smart and good in his own way;
  • instill in children faith in their strengths, abilities and best spiritual qualities;
  • do not strive to ensure that all children learn the material at the same pace;
  • find personal contact and individual style of communication with each child.
  • create positive traditions of group life.

Memo 2. Memo to the teacher

  • Respect children! Protect them with love and truth.
  • Do no harm! Look for the good in children.
  • Notice and celebrate the slightest success of the child. From constant failure, children become embittered.
  • Do not attribute success to yourself, but blame the pupil.
  • If you made a mistake - apologize, but make mistakes less often. Be generous, be forgiving.
  • In class, create a situation of success.
  • Do not shout, do not insult the child under any circumstances.
  • Praise in the presence of the team, and farewell in private.
  • Only by bringing a child closer to you can you influence the development of his spiritual world.
  • Do not look in the face of parents for a means of reprisal for your own helplessness in communicating with children.
  • Evaluate the act, not the person.
  • Let the child feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, have a good opinion of him, despite his oversight.

Workshop for teachers on the topic:

"Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups"


    To acquaint educators with the components of psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in the group.

    To promote the effective use of educational and upbringing activities aimed at personally oriented interaction with the child.

    Information part.

    1. mental health problem

    Practical part.

    1. Diagnostic tools for educators to assess the psychological climate in the group and the emotional well-being of the child

    Discussion, summarizing.

    Information part.

    1. The problem of psychological health.

It's no secret that many children have neurotic deviations. There are many reasons for this, including an unfavorable family situation, the individual characteristics of the child. Such children are difficult for parents and teachers. But on the other hand, adults sometimes turn completely psychologically healthy children into neurotics.

Why is it important to maintain the mental and psychological health of children? This question can be answered by determining the consequences of psychological discomfort for the child.

The appearance of fears, anxiety, increased aggression;

The transition of psychological experiences into somatic disorders; …..

The manifestation of psychological traumas received in childhood, in a more mature age period in the form of psychological protection - the position of avoidance (isolation, suicidal tendencies), the manifestation of aggressive behavioral reactions (runaways from home, vandalism, violence)

Consequently, psychological comfort is necessary and not only for the development of the child and the assimilation of knowledge. It depends on the physical condition of the children. Adaptation to specific conditions, to a specific educational and social environment.

Since we operate with two concepts, it must be said that mental and psychological health are different things, as science claims.

Pmental health- stable and adequate functioning of the human psyche, the main mental functions of a person - thinking, memory and others. The set of attitudes, qualities and functional abilities that allow an individual to adapt to the environment. I like the definition of “mental health” given by Seneca (Roman philosopher, poet, politician, who lived in the 1st century AD - ed. note) “A mentally healthy person should be of maximum benefit to many people; if this is impossible, then at least a few; if this is impossible, then at least to your neighbors; and even if this is impossible, then at least to yourself!

P psychological health It's not just about mental health, it's also about personal health. Psychological health is defined as a state when mental health is combined with personal health, everything is bright and cool in a person, and at the same time he is in a state of personal growth and readiness for such growth.

The term "psychological health" was introduced into the scientific lexicon by I.V. Dubrovina, who deals with a range of issues of organizing psychological services in the education system. This term emphasizes the inseparability of the physical and mental in a person. According to I.V. Dubrovina, the basis of psychological health is a full-fledged mental development at all stages, i.e. psychological health should be considered from the point of view of the spiritual wealth of the individual, orientation towards absolute values ​​(goodness, beauty, truth). Thus, if a person does not have an ethical base, then it is impossible to talk about his psychological health.

The offender is mentally healthy and he is incremented, otherwise he will have to be treated. It is clear that his moral attitudes are far from ideal, that very ethical base, that is, it is impossible to call him psychologically healthy in any case.

But it must be said that the essence of the term has not yet been finally determined.

A generalized portrait of a psychologically healthy child is, first of all, a creative, cheerful, cheerful, open child who knows himself and the world around him not only with his mind, but also with his feelings. Such a child takes responsibility for himself, his life is filled with meaning.

Pedagogical indicators of mental health and well-being of preschool children are as follows:

    behavior, thoughts and feelings of the child, adequate to the surrounding conditions and events;

    socially acceptable ways of self-affirmation and self-expression;

    positive emotional background, optimistic mood, ability to empathize;

    uniform and timely development of the main mental processes, stable cognitive activity;

    friendly attitude towards others, full communication, the nature of which corresponds to age norms.

Conditionally, the state of psychological health of a child can be divided into three levels:

    A high level - creative - can be attributed to children with stable adaptation to the environment, the presence of a reserve of strength to overcome stressful situations and an active creative attitude to reality. Such children do not require psychological help.

    To the average level - adaptive - we will refer children as a whole adapted to society, however, having some increased anxiety.

    To the low level - maladaptive - we include children whose style of behavior is characterized, first of all, by the desire to adapt to external circumstances to the detriment of their desires or capabilities, or, conversely, using an active offensive position, to subordinate the environment to their needs. Children assigned to this level of psychological health require individual psychological assistance.

Questions about psychological comfort, about psychological and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, because most of the time children are in kindergarten.

    Creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten groups to preserve and strengthen the psychological health and development of the child.

What is comfort?

Comfort- borrowed from English, where comfort is “support, strengthening” (“Etymological Dictionary”, N. M. Shansky).
Comfort- conditions of life, stay, environment, providing convenience, peace and comfort. (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”, S.I. Ozhegov).
Psychological comfort- living conditions under which a person feels calm, there is no need to defend himself.

We can say that a child is comfortable in a group if the child is emotionally well when he comes to kindergarten in a good mood and during the day it hardly changes; when his activity is successful or is experienced by him as successful due to the attentive attitude of others; when there is no experience of danger from the environment; when there are friends with whom you want to play and who mutually show interest; when the child is well treated by educators and in general by everyone around.

Of course, this is the perfect portrait of an emotionally well-off child. However, adults around him can and should help the child to be so.

Components of emotional comfort in the kindergarten group

    Visual psychological comfort

    Positive psychological climate (atmosphere) in the group.

    Creation of psychological security.

How is visual psychological comfort created?


    landscapes, episodes of fairy tales

    phytodesign elements

    decorating the interior with products of children's activities - a gallery of drawings, applications.

When designing, the age characteristics of preschool children are taken into account. It is common for any person to experience certain psychological states at some point in his life. Therefore, we have created privacy corners in groups. This is a place for fantasies: you lay down, sat out, played a quiet game, calmed down - you can go out and again join in the general fuss.

Teachers develop in children the ability to determine the emotional state of their own and other people. To do this, you can use the following tools:
- ABC of emotions;
- mood screens that help to notice deviations in the emotional state and provide emotional comfort in a group of children.

All of them are different in style, design and content.

How is a positive psychological climate (atmosphere) created in the group?

A person competent in communication, first of all, establishes a certain atmosphere of communication, which helps the partner feel free and comfortable. The expression “we have good contact” means “we understand each other, we are interested in each other, we trust each other” A certain atmosphere is present in communication not only 2-3 people, but also characterizes the general situation in a permanent group of people (family class team labor) The kindergarten group in this sense is no exception. Sensitive people can immediately, only after crossing the threshold, feel the atmosphere of looseness or isolation, calm concentration or disturbing tension that is present in the group.

In the kindergarten group, the atmosphere is determined

    relationship between teachers and children

    relationship between children

The educator has a very significant influence on the quality of the group climate.

We discussed the topic “The influence of the educator on the interpersonal relations of children in the group.” Knowing the status of the child in the group makes it possible to build correctly his relationships with peers. After a sociometric study, educators of older groups received such information.

    Influence of styles of pedagogical communication on the psychological climate in the group.

Speaking about the relationship between educators and children, I want to recall the styles of pedagogical communication, among which are authoritarian, liberal, democratic. From what is stated in the definitions, we can conclude: the most optimal and effective is democratic, it is he who serves the formation of conscious discipline, creativity, cognitive activity. It presupposes the removal (if possible) all the stress-forming factors of the upbringing and educational process, the creation in the group in the classroom during other sensitive moments of such an atmosphere that unchains the children and in which they feel “at home”.

No advances in cognition will be of any use if they are “involved” in the fear of adults, the suppression of the child.

As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote:

won't teach me anything
That which pokes, rumbles, bugs...

What contributes to the creation of a child's sense of psychological security?

The answer is quite unambiguous - the elimination of threats to psychological health.

This task can be solved in close cooperation with the family.

The so-called common threat is singled out, i.e. by its nature, it is both external (comes to the child from the outside) and internal (the child takes it, as they say, to heart and it affects him very much) - this is information.
Psychologists consider incorrect information to be the most harmful, in other words, when adults deceive a child in his expectations. This can lead to a psychological breakdown (for example, to calm them down, they say that the mother will come soon, and the child is constantly in a state of intense expectation to achieve the opposite effect).

    Practical part.

    1. Diagnostic tools for educators to assess the psychological climate in the group and the emotional well-being of the child.

The first step that an educator interested in creating psychological comfort in a group must take is to analyze the group situation. This requires certain diagnostic tools:

- A test to check the psychological comfort of children in the kindergarten group.

Color diagnostics "Houses"

A test to check the psychological comfort of children in the kindergarten group."I'm in my kindergarten class."

In order for the teacher to understand how comfortable his pupils feel in the group, you can invite the children to draw a picture on the topic "I am in my kindergarten group."

The alleged drawings of children can be divided into three groups:
* The child only draws the building.
* The child draws a building with playground elements.
* The child depicts himself in the picture in the room or on the street.

The first group of drawings is the most disturbing. If there is nothing in the picture but a building, then the kid perceives the kindergarten as something alienated, faceless. This means that life in kindergarten does not evoke positive emotions in him, and he is not identified with the events taking place there.
Most of all, the situation inspires optimism when a child depicts himself in a drawing. In this case, you can put a fat cross in front of the baby's last name: the events taking place in the kindergarten are personally significant for him. But the analysis of the situation is not limited to this. You need to pay attention to other elements of the picture. Are there children in the picture? Educator? Playing field? Toys?
Their presence allows the teacher to put another cross: the child reflected in his work a wide variety of connections and relationships. The playing field, for example, is a very important element. If the child depicts himself standing on the carpet, on the floor, on the ground (children often depict their support as a straight line), this is a good indicator. It means that he `stands firmly on his feet`, feels confident. Well, if the picture shows flowers, the sun, birds - all these are details that testify to the "peace" in the soul.
You need to try to understand what the child expresses when drawing the teacher. On the one hand, her appearance in the figure is a positive thing. This means that a teacher for a child is a significant character, whose presence he must reckon with. But it is important how the teacher is turned to the child - with her back or face, how much space she takes in the picture, how her hands and mouth are depicted.
The emphasized selection of the mouth, the many lines around it may indicate that the child perceives the teacher as a carrier of verbal (verbal) aggression.
The color scheme of the picture is also important. A positive emotional mood is evidenced by the child's use of warm tones (yellow, pink, orange) and calm cold tones (blue, blue, green).
Saturated purple, which is painted over fairly large areas of the picture, may indicate the tension that the child is experiencing, and the abundance of red - an overabundance of emotional stimuli.
The abuse of black color, bold shading that squeezes through the paper, similar to a strikethrough, signal the child's increased anxiety, his emotional discomfort.
During the testing drawing, the teacher should not comment on the actions of the children and tell them directly or indirectly what elements can be added to the drawing.
In this case, it is also impossible to evaluate the work of children. It is better if the teacher simply asks the kids to give him drawings as a keepsake. Despite the fact that the drawing test "I am in my kindergarten group" is an informative and convenient express diagnostic, the ease of its assessment is apparent.
Perhaps some elements of the drawing will be incomprehensible to the teacher, and some will lead to false conclusions. A drawing, for example, can only reflect situational anxiety and mental discomfort of a child associated with family conflicts, which he could witness in the morning, with poor health, with an upcoming visit to the doctor, etc.
Therefore, in order to have a true picture of the psychological state of the child in the group, after two weeks the test must be repeated.

Color diagnostics "Houses"(E.Yu.Firsanova).

This diagnostic was developed on the basis of A.M. Etkind’s Color Test of Relationships.

The purpose of the methodology is to determine the emotional state that reflects the child's attitude to the preschool institution ....

This technique is carried out individually with each child. The children were asked in a playful way to choose one of eight houses of different colors. The following colors were used: blue, green, red, yellow, purple, brown, grey, black.

Instruction:“This is a girl Katya (boy Kolya). Katya (Kolya) goes to kindergarten. Choose a kindergarten for Katya (Kolya)."

After choosing a house, a conversation was held with the child:

Does Katya like going to kindergarten?
- What will Katya do in kindergarten?
- What does Katya like most in kindergarten?
- What does Katya not like in kindergarten?

During the diagnostics, the following indicators were recorded:

1. Behavior of the child.
2. Emotional state.
3. Voice accompaniment: no voice accompaniment; low speech activity; normal speech activity; excessive speech activity.
4. Choice of color: the choice of dark colors (black, brown, gray) indicates the predominance of negative emotions associated with visiting kindergarten: feelings of anxiety, fear, protest reactions, etc.; the choice of red and purple colors indicates irritability and aggression; the choice of green and blue colors indicates the presence of a feeling of anxiety and anxiety; the choice of yellow, red colors is about the predominance of positive emotions.

    Emotional well-being of the teacher as a condition for the positive emotional state of children. Methods for relieving emotional stress in teachers.

Everyone knows that children have developed an intuitive ability to capture the emotional state of adults. Children are very easily infected with negative emotions, so the teacher needs to arrange a psychological shower for himself, which will help him relieve excessive emotional stress.

An exercise. "Mood"
A few minutes ago, you ended an unpleasant conversation with the mother of a child who constantly violates discipline. In a conversation with her, you talked about upbringing. Unexpectedly for you, the parent showed complete rejection of your pedagogical recommendations, arguing this with a lack of time, being busy at work and the fact that “they should educate in the garden.” In response, you could not resist. Your settings for a calm and constructive conversation have been destroyed.

How to remove the unpleasant aftertaste after such a conversation?

Take colored pencils or crayons and a blank sheet of paper. Relaxedly, with your left hand, draw an abstract plot - - lines, color spots, shapes. At the same time, it is important to completely immerse yourself in your experiences, choose a color and draw lines the way you want, in full accordance with your mood. Try to imagine that you are transferring a sad mood to paper, as if materializing it. Finished drawing? Now turn the paper over and on the other side of the sheet write 5-7 words that reflect your mood. Do not think for a long time, it is necessary that the words arise without special control on your part.

After that, look at your drawing again, as if re-living your state, re-read the words and with pleasure, emotionally tear the sheet, throw it into the trash.

You noticed? Only 5 minutes, and your emotionally unpleasant state has already disappeared, it turned into a drawing and was destroyed by you. Now go to class! Did you have a good rest!

A set of exercises that help increase energy potential.

1. Standing, bring the shoulder blades together, smile, repeat: “I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot.”

2. Jumping on the right, and then on the left leg, repeat: "I am kind and energetic and things are going great."

3. Rubbing palm on palm, repeat: “I accept luck, I get richer every day”

4. Standing on tiptoe, close your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: “I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best”

5. Putting the left palm on the forehead, and then the right, repeat: "I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me."

6. Hands on the hips, bending the torso back and forth, repeat: “Any situation is within my control. The world is beautiful and I am beautiful.

7. Hands on the waist, making tilts to the right and left, repeat: “I always keep calm and a smile, and everyone will help me and I will help.”

8. clenching his fists, making rotations with his hands: "I have no obstacles on the way, everything turns out as it should."

In your relationship with your children, try to remember that

    The child doesn't owe you anything. You must help your child become more independent and responsible.

    In each specific adverse situation, you need to understand what the child is trying to achieve and why he is doing it. Get him to comply with social norms and rules, taking into account his condition.

    There should not be too many prohibitions and strict requirements. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in pupils.

    The quiet, shy child also needs your help.

    Conversations about morality that are not supported by the protection of children from mental and physical abuse are demagoguery and a dangerous practice.

Psychological speech settings.

The purpose of speech settings is to create a positive emotional background in the group, an atmosphere of goodwill and security. The main purpose of speech settings is to set you in a good mood. It is best to carry out speech settings after the morning reception of children or after charging. The teacher and children stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher, addressing the children, says that he is very glad to see everyone and today will bring them a lot of interesting things, etc. Words may be different, but the essence should remain the same: they should show children that they are happy to see them, set them up for friendly relations with adults and peers.

Relaxation relieves the psycho-emotional stress of children, mental and physical fatigue and is carried out as follows. Children lie on the mats on their backs, arms stretched along the body, legs straighten, slightly apart. The teacher turns on the music and pronounces the text, which contributes to a deeper and more active relaxation of the children. Various positive attitudes are given in the text: “You feel good, calm, warm, pleasant. When you get up, you will be healthy, cheerful, full of energy, etc.” At the initial stage, for children with increased muscle tone, tactile contact is necessary (touching, stroking, bending and unbending the arms at the elbow and legs at the knee joints; repeat 4-6 times).

At the end of relaxation, the children slowly sit down, then get up and perform 3-4 exercises while observing the rhythm of breathing. For example: raise your hands with your palms up - inhale, tilt your torso forward, lower your arms - exhale. The duration of relaxation is from 2 to 7 minutes.

At children of the first and second junior groups relaxation is impromptu sleep with a toy. A bunny, a bear or any other character comes to visit the children, plays or talks with the children and offers them a little rest. Children lie down on the rugs on their backs, a lullaby sounds. The teacher tells the children that they should not get up while the music is playing and the bear is sleeping, otherwise they will wake him up. The teacher approaches the children one by one, strokes the bear, the child and says, for example: "The bear is sleeping and Masha is sleeping." After the “sleep”, a calm rise and 2-3 breathing exercises are performed: “Blow on the bear, otherwise it became hot in his sleep.” The bear says goodbye and leaves. The duration of relaxation is from 1 to 3 minutes.

The time for relaxation during the day is determined by the teacher. It can be done before breakfast, before class, during a break or after class, after a daytime walk, before going to bed, before an evening walk, etc.

Self-regulation exercises

Target self-regulation- relieve physical and mental stress, promote the formation of self-regulation skills in children, the ability to recognize and control their emotions and actions. Children are encouraged to complete the exercise in a playful way. Older children can be told that they need to learn how to manage themselves. Children are randomly positioned (standing, sitting) depending on the exercise. The teacher gives the name of the exercise, tells and shows how it is performed. Children perform. If the exercise is familiar and worked out, then it is enough just to name it. Duration of execution - 1-2 minutes. In the daily routine, this can be the time of a lesson (instead of a physical education minute) or any other moment when it is necessary to gather children, organize them for some type of activity.

AT younger preschool age self-regulation exercises include work with the hands: clenching and unclenching the fist, clapping, shaking, etc. In middle and older age, all muscle groups are involved in such exercises.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of class, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7 years old - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in different ways: yawning, distracted attention, distractibility, irritability, the appearance of automatic, involuntary side movements (scratching, tapping, rocking in a chair, sucking fingers, etc.), impaired posture and coordination of movements One of the effective ways to prevent fatigue, improving the general condition of children, changing their activities are short-term physical exercises, the so-called physical minutes.

They relieve muscle tension caused by immobility, switch attention from one activity to another, giving rest to the nerve centers involved in it, and restore children's working capacity.

Physical minutes are held in the middle of the lesson for 1-3 minutes in the form of game actions. Children really like imitative exercises, accompanied by verses and, if possible, related to the topic and content of the lesson. But the main thing is that the movements are simple, accessible and interesting for the child, intense enough, affecting many muscle groups, but not excessive.

The physical minute complex usually consists of 2-3 exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle such as sipping - to straighten and relax the spine, expand the chest; for the body - tilts, turns; for legs - squats, jumps and running in place.


“There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, after thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands." I didn't pick up this story by accident. It is in our hands to create an atmosphere in the garden in which children will feel “at home”.

Workshop for preschool teachers.


1. To acquaint educators with the components of psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in the group.

2. To promote the effective use of educational and upbringing actions aimed at personally oriented interaction with the child.



Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups

(seminar - workshop)


1. To acquaint educators with the components of psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in the group.

2. To promote the effective use of educational and upbringing actions aimed at personally oriented interaction with the child.

Equipment: presentation, test "Pedagogical styles of communication", diagnostic tools.

Seminar plan.

3. Influence of stylespedagogical communication on favorable psychological comfort in the group.

4. Diagnostic tools for educators to assess the psychological climate in the kindergarten group and the emotional well-being of the child.

7. Discussion, summing up of teachers.

1. The problem of psychological health at the present stage.

(slide 1) Most often, teachers and parents, regarding their understanding of the term “health”, talk about the stability of physical well-being. But, in fact, health is a combination of several components.

(slide 2) The well-known psychotherapist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put forward the following idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of 4 squares: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Unfortunately, many of us begin to understand the importance of not only physical, but also emotional health, both for ourselves and in relation to the child, rather late.

Why is it so important to maintain the emotional (mental, psychological) health of children?

Surely each of us can answer this question by defining(slide 3) the consequences of psychological discomfort for the child: - the appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness; - the transition of psychological experiences into somatic disorders, when a child who has received psychological trauma becomes physically ill; - the manifestation of psychological traumas received in childhood, in a more mature age period in the form of psychological protection - the position of avoidance, the manifestation of aggressive behavioral reactions.

Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, since most of the time children are in kindergarten. But many may object that there are objective reasons why it is possible to fully create psychological comfort in the kindergarten group: - large occupancy of groups; - one teacher in the group; - unfavorable family situation. Yes, that is the reality. But who will help our children, if not ourselves?

2. Creation of psychological comfort in kindergarten to preserve and strengthen the psychological health and development of the child's personality.

(slide 4) It is known that as soon as you cross the threshold of a group, you can feel the atmosphere of looseness or closeness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy alertness that is present in the group.

(slide 5) The atmosphere in the kindergarten group is determined by:

1) The relationship between the teacher and the children;

2) Relationships between the children themselves;

3) Relationships between caregivers;

4) Relations between educators and parents.

(slide 6) A good climate in a group arises when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves. The educator has a very significant influence on the quality of the group climate. In fact, it is the educator (and not the children, as we usually think) that creates a certain climate in the group.

The first step that an educator interested in creating a favorable atmosphere in a group must take is to create and analyze a group situation.

3. Influence of styles pedagogical communication on favorable psychological comfort in the group. (slide 7)

Let us find out what style of pedagogical communication suits our teachers, I will give you questionnaires, you fill them out. At the end, we will count the points and get the result.

Questionnaire "Style of pedagogical communication"

Read the question carefully. Choose the most preferred answer.

1. Do you think that the child should:

  1. share with you my thoughts, feelings
  2. only tells you what he wants
  3. keeps his thoughts and feelings to himself.

2. If a child took a toy, a pencil from another child without asking, then you:

  1. talk to him confidently and give him the opportunity to make his own decision
  2. children will figure out their own problems
  3. inform all the children about this and force them to return what they took with an apology

3. The mobile, fussy, sometimes undisciplined child in the lesson was focused, neat and did the task well, as you do:

  1. praise and show all the children his work
  2. show interest, find out why it turned out so well today
  3. tell him "I would always do this."

4. The child did not say hello at the entrance to the group. How do you do:

  1. make him say hello
  2. don't pay attention to him
  3. immediately enter into communication with him, without mentioning his mistake.

5. Children are calmly studying. You have a free minute. What would you prefer to do:

  1. calmly, without interfering, observe how they communicate and work
  2. help, suggest, advise
  3. mind your own business (recording, preparation)

6. Which point of view seems correct to you:

  1. feelings, experiences of the child are still superficial, quickly passing, and you should not pay attention to them
  2. the emotions of the child, his experiences are important factors, with their help you can effectively teach and educate
  3. the feelings of the child are amazing, his experiences are significant, they must be treated with care, with great tact

7. Your starting position in working with children:

  1. the child is weak, unreasonable, inexperienced, and only an adult can and should teach him and educate him
  2. the child has many opportunities for self-development, an adult should maximize the activity of the child himself
  3. the child develops uncontrollably, is under the influence of heredity and family, so the main task is for him to be healthy, fed, and not violate discipline.

8. How do you feel about the activity of the child:

  1. positive - without it, full development is impossible
  2. negatively - it often interferes with purposeful and planned training and education
  3. positive, but only when the activity is controlled by the teacher.

9. The child did not want to complete the task under the pretext that he had already done it at home, your actions:

  1. would say "well, no need"
  2. made to do the job
  3. Offered to do the job

10. Which position do you think is correct:

  1. the child should be grateful to adults for taking care of him
  2. if a child does not realize the care of adults about him, does not appreciate it, then this is his business, he will someday regret
  3. the teacher should be grateful to the children for their trust and love


Number of points by number of questions

Answer Number of points by number of questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2

b 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1

c 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 3

TOTAL: ____________
25-30 points - tends to be democratic
20-24 points - dominated by an authoritarian style
10-19 points - liberal style

  1. Teacher - leader, organizer; children - performers (non-independent, lack of initiative)
  2. The principle of the teacher: "Trust, but verify" (there is a lack of respect, trust in the personality of the child);
  3. Expectation of unquestioning obedience, obedience;
  4. Does not take into account the relationship between children;
  5. Doesn't admit mistakes
  6. Low estimates of the possibilities of children;
  1. Publicly points out to the child his mistakes, shortcomings of behavior.

(slide 9) Liberal (permissive) style

  1. The teacher is uninitiative, not responsible enough;
  2. Overestimates the capabilities of children;
  3. Fulfillment of its requirements does not check;
  4. indecisive;
  5. In the power of children;
  6. Takes into account the relationships in the group;
  1. Man of moods.

(slide 10) Democratic style

  1. The teacher takes into account the characteristics of the age of children, optimally divides the functions between himself and the children;
  2. Explores and takes into account interpersonal relationships;
  3. Shows maximum demands, maximum respect;
  4. Feels the need for feedback from children;
  1. Able to admit mistakes;
  2. Prefers a fruitful conversation with the child in private.

4. Diagnostic toolsfor educators to assess the psychological climate in the kindergarten group and the emotional well-being of the child. The psychologist introduces teachers to methods for assessing the psychological climate and emotional well-being of a child in a kindergarten group. These methods are on the tables for study by teachers.

(slide 11) Look in front of you are methods for studying the assessment of the psychological climate and emotional well-being of a child in a kindergarten group.

  1. Drawing "I'm in my kindergarten group."
  2. Color diagnostics "Houses".
  3. Emotion test.
  4. Analysis "Atmosphere in my group".
  5. Sociometry.

Using these methods, it is possible to determine whether children are comfortable in a group, how children emotionally perceive the group, what kind of atmosphere is in the group, and who are the leaders and outsiders in the group.Explain each method.

Thus, having become acquainted with practical developments in the field of studying the emotional states of preschoolers, we understand that the creation of emotional well-being and comfort affects all areas of mental development. The results obtained represent an assessment of professional activity, the success of educational and educational activities.

5. Emotional well-being of the teacher as a condition for the positive emotional state of children. A set of exercises to relieve emotional stress in teachers.

Before moving on to recommendations for creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups, I would like to pay special attention to the psychological comfort of teachers. Everyone knows that children have developed an intuitive ability to capture the emotional state of adults. Children are very easily infected with negative emotions, so the teacher needs to arrange a psychological shower for himself, which will help him relieve excessive emotional stress.The psychologist conducts a set of exercises that help increase the energy potential.

(slide 12) A set of exercises to relieve the emotional stress of teachers.

Exercise "Warm-up - self-assessment"

goal: relieving the stress of fatigue, creating an atmosphere of psychological and communicative comfort, awakening interest in colleagues at work.

All teachers participate.


if you think that your emotional state helps to communicate with others, clap your hands;

if you can only hear good things, no matter what sounds are heard around, smile at your neighbor;

if you are sure that each person has his own individual style of external manifestations of emotions, touch the tip of the nose;

if in the store you reject the offered clothes, not trying on just becausethat the seller did not smile at you, shake your head;

if you think that emotions are not so important in learning, close your eyes;

if you can't help arguing when people disagree with you, stamp your foot;

if you believe that the predominant sign of your emotions depends only on external stimuli, wink;

if you express anger by banging your fist on the table, turn around;

if you can surprise your friends with an extraordinary act, wave your hand;

if you enter an unfamiliar room and get to know someone, instantly feel hostility or disposition, cover your mouth with your hand;

if you think you don't always get the good things you deserve, jump in;

if you are sure that the negative emotions you are experiencing have only undesirable consequences for you, nod your head;

if you believe that the emotions of your pupils depend on whether you are emotional, dance.

A set of exercises that help increase energy potential.

1. Standing, bring the shoulder blades together, smile, wink with the right eye, then with the left, repeat: “I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot.”

2. Putting his hand on his chest: "I'm smarter than everyone in the world"; stretching his arms over his head: "I'm not afraid of anyone"; tighten your buttocks: “It’s a miracle how good I am”; relax the buttocks: "Now I will live to a hundred."

3. Bouncing on the right, then on the left leg, repeat: "I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great."

4. Rubbing palm on palm, repeat: "I lure good luck, I get richer every day."

5. Standing on tiptoe, hands above your head are closed in a ring, repeat: "I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best."

6. Putting the left palm on the forehead, then the right, repeat: "I solve any problems, love is always with me luck."

7. Hands on hips. Leaning your torso forward and backward, repeat: “Any situation is within my control. The world is beautiful and I am beautiful."

8. Hands on the waist, making tilts to the right - to the left, repeat: "I always keep peace and a smile, and everyone will help me and I will help."

9. Clasping his hands in the castle, taking a deep breath: "Andeverything works out for me.”

10. Clenching his fists, making rotations with his hands: “I have no obstacles on the way, everything will turn out as it should.”

Thank you, you can join. Have a little rest. Now let's get to the recommendations.

To create conditions for a psychologically comfortable stay of a child in kindergarten, it is necessary:

Accept every child for who they are.

(slide 13) Remember: there are no bad preschoolers. There are bad teachers and parents.

In professional activities, rely on the voluntary help of children, include them in organizational moments for the care of the premises and the site.

To be an entertainer and a participant in children's games and fun.

In difficult situations for a child, focus on his age and individual characteristics: to be always with them, and not to do anything instead of him.

Involve parents in the educational process and turn to them for support in cases of non-standard situations.

- (slide 14) Remember: the child does not owe us anything. It is we who must help the child become more independent and responsible.

Imposing your rules and demands against the will of children is violence, even if your intentions are well-meaning.

There should not be too many prohibitions and strict requirements. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in pupils.

A quiet, shy child also needs your professional help, as does a notorious fighter.

(slide 15) A psychologically comfortable environment for children is created in each group of the kindergarten. Creating such an environment includes:

Organization of a zone for psychological relief;
- teaching aggressive children ways to express anger in an acceptable way;
- teaching children the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques;
- teaching children conflict-free communication with the help of emotionally developing games;

Increased self-esteem of anxious, insecure children;
- teaching children the skills of cooperation and coordinated actions in a team.

Also a very important element of the psychological comfort of children in the group is- (slide 16) Psychological speech settings

Purpose of speech settings- creating a positive emotional background in the group, an atmosphere of goodwill and security.

main destination- creating a good mood.

They can be carried outin the morning after charging, the children and the teacher become in a circle, holding hands. When pronouncing speech settings, the voice of the educator must fully correspond to what he is saying, that is, goodwill and joy of meeting, etc., must be conveyed by voice and facial expressions.

Approximate speech settings that should show children that they are welcome, tune in to friendly relations with adults and other children.

Show your imagination, give vent to your creativity:

Examples of psychological speech settings:

Today I am glad to see you in kindergarten, in our group! We will spend this day together. May this day bring joy. Let's try to make each other happy.

I am glad to see all the children of our group healthy, cheerful, in a good mood. I really want to keep this mood in all of us until the evening. And for this, we all must smile more often, not offend each other and not fight. Let's rejoice in each other.

Hello my good ones! Today it is cloudy and damp outside. And in our group it is warm, light and fun. And we have fun from our smiles, because every smile is a little sun, from which it becomes warm and good. Therefore, today we will smile more often at each other.

Now come up with one psychological setting yourself and demonstrate.

The development of children is very well affected by such forms of relations in which the educator, with the help of various arguments, convinces the child of the advantages of this or that act. In this case, the choice is left to the child. This type of relationship involves an individual approach to the characteristics and current conditions of children. It is in such unobtrusive care that children most of all need and thank the adult for their sincere affection for him.

7. Reflection. Summarizing.

Let's sum up the seminar.

What have you learned new about yourself?

How did you feel after doing the stress relief exercises?

How do you create psychological comfort in groups, share your experience?

(slide 17) Thank you for your attention!

Methods for studying the assessment of the psychological climate and emotional well-being of a child in a kindergarten group.

Color diagnostics "Houses"

This technique was developed on the basis of A.M. Etkind’s “Color Relationship Test”.

The purpose of the methodology - determination of the emotional state that reflects the child's attitude to the preschool institution.

Color diagnostics is carried out individually with each child: during the first month of attending a kindergarten, after three and six months of being in a preschool institution.

Children are invited to playfully choose one of the houses of different colors. The following colors are used in the technique: blue, green, red, yellow, purple, brown, gray, black.

Instruction: “This is a girl Katya (boy Kolya). Katya (Kolya) goes to kindergarten. Choose a kindergarten for Katya (Kolya)."

After choosing a house with a child, a conversation is held:

Does Katya like going to kindergarten?

What will Katya do in kindergarten?

What does Katya like most about kindergarten?

What does Katya not like about kindergarten?

During the diagnostics, the indicators are recorded and recorded.

Task response types:

I. A sharply negative reaction to the proposed task.

Refusal to participate.

II. Negative reaction.

1. The child is reluctant to enter into a game situation. Voice accompaniment is practically non-existent. There is tension in behavior. Additional colors are selected - brown, gray, black. When answering questions, he worries. It all comes down to the fact that being at home with your mom (or other family members) is better.

2. The child quickly enough agrees to take part in the task. During the diagnosis, irritability, aggressiveness, the predominance of negative emotions, and great mobility are noticeable. Houses are selected in gray, black or brown colors. There is a reluctance to communicate with children and some adults. There is a lot of speech activity.

III. Indifferent reaction to the task.

Voice accompaniment is practically non-existent. Sluggish responses to questions are noted. The answers are more indicative of the need to attend kindergarten, as parents have to go to work. The choice of colors is the same as in the second group (gray, black, brown).

IV. Anxious reaction.

1. There is a quick and willing inclusion in the task, but at the same time nervousness and great mobility are manifested. Houses are selected purple or red. From the answers to the questions it follows that the children like to play in the garden, but there are difficulties in relationships with others. During the diagnostics, active speech accompaniment of actions is observed.

2. A benevolent reaction to the game situation, but during the diagnostics, indecision attracts attention, both when choosing the color of the house, and when answering questions. In kindergarten, preschoolers in this group want to play more with children, and also that adults (teachers) pay more attention to them. Green or blue color selectable. At the beginning of the task, there is an almost complete absence of speech accompaniment; by the end of the methodology, the child uses speech much more often.

V. Positive reaction to participation in the task.

Active and friendly participation in the task. Houses are selected yellow or red. Kindergarten enjoys playing and interacting with children and adults. I don't like what some kids do. The choice of houses and the actions of children are accompanied by speech.

Based on the data obtained, three types of children's attitudes towards kindergarten can be distinguished:

1. Negative attitude.This type of attitude towards kindergarten is noted in children with a clear predominance of negative emotions during the diagnosis (I and II response groups).

2. Ambivalent attitude.This category includes children who showed an indifferent or anxious reaction to the proposed task (groups III and IV).

3. Positive attitude.This type of attitude towards an educational institution is noted in children with a clear predominance of positive emotions during the performance of a task (type V of response).

The scheme of observation of the behavior of the child in the process of psychological examination

Methodology: color diagnostics "Houses".

Target: determination of the emotional state that reflects the child's attitude to the preschool institution.

Surname, name of the child _______________________________________________

Group ____________________________________________________________

Age ___________________________________________________________

The date of the ___________________________________________________
