How to make your skin pale without makeup. How to lighten facial skin at home - possible methods and useful tips

Clean, smooth, delicate light skin is considered a woman’s adornment. Japanese women, for example, value very light, almost porcelain skin, which the ladies are proud of and carefully protect from the sun's rays. Just think, in order to keep their faces snow-white, Japanese women even adhere to a certain diet!

In our country, the fashion for tanning, fortunately, is gradually fading into oblivion, and in its place the long-forgotten standard of snow-whiteness is returning as the personification of health and purity - today many young girls want to make their facial skin white.

How to make your face white?

In order to make your face whiter, you can take a shortcut and use decorative cosmetics such as light foundation and powder. But complex makeup usually takes a lot of time in the morning. In addition, it is quite difficult to apply cosmetics so naturally that others do not realize it is there.

How can you keep your face clean and white all the time? Time-tested folk remedies can come to the rescue in this situation, allowing you to lighten the skin, make it more even, smooth and radiant.

Today we will share with you some recipes for brightening and rejuvenating facial skin.

One of the most effective, safe and affordable methods is masks.

Parsley mask

Parsley juice has an excellent whitening and at the same time tonic effect. Moreover, this aromatic and healthy plant can be used entirely - leaves, stems, and even roots are used.

To prepare a parsley remedy, wash the greens and roots, dry and grind in a meat grinder. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to your face (it must be clean and dry) for 35 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with clean warm water.

To get rid of age spots and freckles, you need to wipe your face with a mixture of lemon juice and chopped parsley (1:1 ratio) twice a day.

To combat age spots, you need to use a mask of twisted parsley with the addition of honey.

The juice of the plant can be used to make a tonic. To do this, twist the parsley in a blender or meat grinder, strain through cheesecloth, and pour into a bottle. Twice a day, wipe cleansed skin of makeup and sebaceous deposits with a cotton swab soaked in parsley juice.

For the winter, you can prepare frozen ice cubes from parsley juice. To do this, grind the washed greens of the plant in a meat grinder or blender, add a little water and, without straining, pour into silicone ice trays. You should wipe your face and décolleté with these ice creams twice a day.

Cucumber mask

Fresh cucumber juice not only brightens and makes freckles invisible, but also perfectly tones, rejuvenates and refreshes. To prepare the mask, just cut a fresh cucumber into thin rings and apply them to cleansed skin for 15-17 minutes.

A cucumber mask with the addition of lemon juice also has a good effect. To do this, wash the cucumber, grate it finely (or chop it in a blender), add a tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of fresh sour cream. The resulting mass should be applied in a thick layer to cleansed skin for 18-20 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Berry whitening masks

You can make your skin whiter at home using products made from fresh berry juice. Since berries contain a large amount of organic acids (they are also called fruit acids), they are actively used in cosmetology not only as a whitening agent, but also as a rejuvenating and tonic agent.

You can use any berries: strawberries, strawberries, red and black currants, raspberries, cherries, viburnum, cranberries. But berries with bright coloring properties, such as mulberries, blueberries, etc., should, of course, be discarded.

You can prepare a remedy from berries in two ways:

  • crush half a glass of any berry (you can use a mixture), squeeze out the juice, soak gauze generously with it and apply it for 10-12 minutes. After this time, wash with warm water;
  • beat the same amount of berries in a blender until a paste forms, mix with one tablespoon of any liquid honey and apply for 18 minutes. Afterwards, rinse everything off with warm boiled water.

Rice mask

This whitening method is used by women in the Land of the Rising Sun. Rice contains the valuable substance gamma-oryzanol - a powerful antioxidant, polishing components, as well as fats that regulate collagen synthesis. Regular use of a rice mask makes the skin brighter and smoother.

To prepare the product, grind half a glass of rice in a coffee grinder. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of rice flour with warm (but not hot) milk until a thick, creamy mass is formed. First, lubricate your cleansed face with any oil (you can use either regular herbal or cosmetic oil for children). Then apply the rice mixture in a thin layer for 14-16 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, dry gently with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Curd mask

Cottage cheese has excellent lightening properties. This fermented milk product is a source of zinc and lactic acid - substances that help nourish and brighten the epidermis. It’s very simple to prepare a cottage cheese mask at home: beat 100 g of high-quality cottage cheese in a blender (it’s best to take homemade one) and apply the mixture for 16-17 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add a spoonful of honey and a little lemon juice or 2 teaspoons of sour cream to the cottage cheese.

It will take a long time to wash off the product, as the cottage cheese dries out and becomes crusty. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to injure the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

A good way to make your face white is a mask with hydrogen peroxide. But this method is not suitable for ladies with very delicate and sensitive skin, since hydrogen peroxide is a rather aggressive substance that dries out the skin and makes it more vulnerable to environmental factors.

You can prepare it in this way: thoroughly mix a package of fresh yeast with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide until a thick paste forms.

Apply to a clean and dry face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for 8 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water and apply moisturizer. While the substance is on the face, it is advisable not to talk or smile - this can lead to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

You can also use a more gentle recipe: mix 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide with 10 ml of cream and 8 ml of lemon or grapefruit juice. Apply for 14-16 minutes, then wash first with warm and then cool water.

Every woman's dream is beautiful, perfectly smooth and clean skin. Unfortunately, nature does not give everyone the appearance that they would like to have. Delicate fair skin in some countries is considered the standard of female beauty. For example, in Japan, girls carefully protect their faces from exposure to sunlight, which is why their skin is so white. Some even follow a special diet to keep their faces snow-white.

Modern fashion is gradually returning to long-forgotten standards, and light-skinned beauties are replacing tanned girls.

In order to make your skin white, you can use both specialized cosmetics and folk recipes that are easy to use at home.

The easiest and fastest way to lighten your face is to use decorative cosmetics, namely foundation and powder. However, applying such products takes time, and it is quite difficult to achieve perfect makeup without the help of a professional.

Radical skin whitening methods

Plastic surgeons offer three main methods of skin whitening, namely:

  1. 1. Laser resurfacing – this procedure removes deep wrinkles and spots.
  2. 2. Several options for deep peeling: phenol, trichloroacetic, glycolic.
  3. 3. Method of exposing the skin to fine sand and oxygen.

When going to a plastic surgeon, you should remember that after using a radical whitening method, you will need to strictly follow certain rules. For example, after surgery, visiting a solarium and using cheap cosmetics is prohibited; your facial skin will need careful and regular care.

Many beauty salons offer a modern method using ultrasound. For those who are not a supporter of radical measures, ultrasound can be recommended as an effective means for whitening. The procedure involves enhancing the effects of cosmetic products using ultrasound. Thanks to the use of this method, accelerated regeneration of skin cells occurs, the tone is evened out and the face becomes lighter.

Special cosmetics for skin whitening

Cosmetics manufacturers offer a wide range of special cosmetics to make the skin lighter and softer. First of all, these are special masks and whitening creams. You should carefully study the composition before purchasing such cosmetics - the most effective will be products containing mercury, lactic, salicylic or kojic acid. You should also carefully study the instructions for using whitening products to avoid possible side effects.

If you have less pronounced facial skin imperfections, you can apply concealing cosmetics, with which you can temporarily get rid of small spots and other minor defects.

The principle of operation of this type of cosmetics is based on correcting complexion. Most often, special camouflage pencils of various shades are used to even out skin color. The rules for using such products require mandatory facial cleansing, just like after regular decorative cosmetics. Most often, concealers are removed using special oil lotions, since the water-repellent base does not allow makeup residues to be easily removed with regular warm water.

How to make your skin snow-white at home

In addition to branded skin whitening cosmetics, you can also successfully use folk remedies that are easy to prepare even at home.

There are a number of proven, effective folk methods, the use of which helps to quickly make the skin lighter, smoother and more attractive.

The safest and most affordable options for lightening skin at home include various types of face masks:

  • Curd mask

Fermented milk products contain large amounts of zinc and lactic acid, which additionally nourish the skin and help brighten it. To prepare a mask from cottage cheese, you need to beat 100 g of the product with a blender and apply the prepared mixture to your face.

To obtain better results, you can add two small spoons of sour cream to the cottage cheese, or a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.

The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. Removing the remnants of the mask is quite difficult, since the cottage cheese quickly dries out and turns into a hard crust on the face.

  • Potato mask

An excellent product for gradual gentle skin whitening, suitable even for use in the eye area (to get rid of “bags” under the eyes). Prepare the mask as follows: grate one potato on a fine grater and apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face. The remaining product is removed after 17 minutes, then the face is washed with warm, clean water.

  • Cucumber mask

Cucumber has long been used to remove freckles, age spots and to rejuvenate the skin. Making a cucumber mask at home is not difficult. To do this, cut a fresh cucumber into thin rings and apply them to the skin.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. You can also make a mask from fresh cucumber, sour cream and lemon juice: grind the cucumber with a blender, add a large spoonful of sour cream and lemon juice to it. Apply to the skin, leave for 20 minutes, then thoroughly rinse off the mask with warm water.

  • Rice mask

Rice contains fats that regulate collagen synthesis, as well as powerful antioxidants and exfoliating components. With regular use of a rice mask, the skin becomes smoother and brighter.

It is prepared as follows: grind half a glass of rice in a coffee grinder, then combine the resulting flour with warm milk and stir thoroughly until the consistency of sour cream. Lubricate the face with any natural oil, then apply a mask to the skin.

After 15 minutes, wash with warm water, dry your face with a towel and apply nourishing cream.

  • Parsley mask

Parsley juice has long been known as an effective skin whitening agent. For the preparation of folk cosmetics, both the leaves and the stem and even the roots of the plant are used.

To prepare the mask, you need to thoroughly wash and dry the parsley, then pass it through a meat grinder or blender and apply the resulting mass to previously cleansed and dry facial skin.

After 35 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water without soap.

Parsley is also used as a tonic - the plant, crushed in a blender, is squeezed through a gauze cloth, the resulting juice is poured into a glass container and rubbed over the face every day. You should first remove any remaining makeup from your skin.

To remove age spots and freckles, you can also mix parsley juice and lemon juice in equal parts. The resulting liquid is used twice a day. It is recommended to remove age spots using a mask of chopped parsley with the addition of a small amount of honey.

Frozen parsley juice is stored for the winter. To prepare ice cubes, add a small amount of water to the chopped greens and, without straining, pour them into ice molds. You should wipe your face and décolleté with these cubes at least twice a day.

  • Fresh berry mask

A huge amount of healthy fruit (organic) acids are contained in the juice of fresh berries. These acids are successfully used in cosmetology as a tonic and brightening agent for the face. To prepare the mask, you can take any berry except those that have pronounced coloring properties (blueberries, blackberries, mulberries). Ideal for preparing a mask are raspberries, cherries, wild strawberries, strawberries, viburnum, red or black currants, and cranberries. There are two ways to prepare a berry face mask:

  1. Half a glass of berries, previously whipped in a blender until creamy, is combined with a tablespoon of honey. The mask is applied to the skin, left for 18 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  2. Take half a glass of any berries, chop and squeeze, then soak a gauze pad with the resulting juice and apply it to problem areas of the skin (or the entire face).

The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 12 minutes. After this, you need to wash your face with warm water.

  • Mask with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide

An excellent product for whitening, but for those with sensitive and delicate skin, peroxide is contraindicated - the drug can dry it out and make it more vulnerable to aggressive environmental influences. Cosmetologists recommend using hydrogen peroxide no more than twice a month only for those who have oily facial skin.

To prepare the mask, add a little peroxide to crushed fresh yeast (a pack weighing 100 grams). The resulting paste is carefully applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 8 minutes, wash with warm water and lubricate your face with nourishing cream. It is not recommended to smile or talk during the procedure, otherwise facial wrinkles may appear on the face.

Another recipe with hydrogen peroxide - for 10 ml of cream, take 5 ml of peroxide and 8 ml of lemon juice. The mixture is washed off after 15 minutes with warm and then cold water. Instead of lemon, you can take grapefruit.

In addition to using various masks and lotions for skin whitening, you should adhere to certain nutritional rules in order to keep the body in the right shape. Products high in vitamin C should be included in the daily diet of those who dream of well-groomed and youthful skin. Such products include watermelons and melons, peas, citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes and sweet peppers.

You should not overuse carrots, since regular consumption of this product in large quantities can cause yellowness on the skin. You should also use a special sunscreen during the summer and avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

It has long been noticed that girls with pale faces are endowed with a supernatural aura of unknown origin. They charm with their grace, tenderness, delicacy and sophistication, making you want to take care of them and surround them with love. This is probably why modern women are trying with all their might to make the skin of their faces as pale as possible, as if glowing with an inner light.

Can this be achieved at home, or are such metamorphoses only possible in expensive salons?

What can you do on your own?

In fact, there are many options on how to make your skin pale without cosmetics and expensive salon procedures.

Subtleties of “pale-faced” makeup

In order for makeup for naturally pale skin to only emphasize the peculiarity of a woman’s appearance, it should be done using specific products:

  • The foundation should have a golden, natural nude or pinkish undertone. The same applies to the choice of eye shadow cosmetics, which should be selected in cool purple, greenish or blue shades. The expressiveness of the look will be emphasized by a brown pencil, or a similar product the color of burnt charcoal;
  • Instead of bronze blush, makeup should be done using soft pink and powder textures, otherwise pale skin will turn bright red;
  • In appearance, it would be correct to focus on the lips, painting them coral, nude or the same pink color;
  • Shadows should be shaded well with high-quality brushes, and eyes and lips should be made as bright and expressive as possible;
  • In order for the skin to acquire a healthy glow, it should be powdered with concealing loose powder or blush with a shimmering effect. Both products should have a peach tint or be soft pink;
  • Normally pale skin is very thin, and blue streaks and circles are visible under the eyes. To mask such problems, first apply a moisturizing base product, then a foundation, and the layers are secured with loose powder.

If you have naturally pale skin and light blue-gray eyes, make the most of everything your parents gave you. Don't experiment with fake tan or inappropriate makeup. Learn those beauty tricks that will make you stand out from the crowd.

What color should I dye my hair?

Now let’s talk about which hair color will be the most successful for those with pale skin. It turns out that the final choice depends on the natural shade of the woman’s eyes.

For example, if they are brown, then it is better to use this palette:

  • warm blonde;
  • chocolate;
  • chestnut;
  • chocolate with a copper tint;
  • black with chestnut highlights;
  • rich light brown or sandy;
  • wheat and milk chocolate color paint.

The list of hair colors for women with blue-gray eyes is as follows:

  • red blond;
  • light brown;
  • dark brown and all its shades;
  • caramel, etc.

Blue eyes “prefer” curls of ash, wheat, chocolate, light brown, black and blond types. But it is better for green-eyed ones to paint themselves red, amber or copper.

Fair skin is the most desired beauty asset for many people, but our skin color depends on many factors. Read the article below on how to make your skin lighter using natural products.

The color we are born with and our original skin color primarily depends on the presence of the pigment melanin. When melanin is high, the skin becomes darker, while low melanin levels keep the skin lighter. Environment also plays a huge role in skin color. So, those of us who want to have fair skin, first of all, should apply sunscreen when they go out in the sun. So, the skin does not darken for a longer period of time, besides this we can follow some home beauty tips to get fair skin. These natural tips include ingredients you can conveniently grab from the kitchen.

Here are treatments that will help you brighten your complexion without chemicals.

1. Mask with cottage cheese

  • For this face mask, you need to mix 2 teaspoons of curd and 2 pinches of turmeric powder in a container.
  • Apply this on your face and let it dry for 20 minutes and then rinse your face with clean water.
  • Use this mask daily and you will soon see that your skin looks brighter.

2. Oatmeal face mask for fair skin

Oatmeal is a great product that moisturizes the skin and gently exfoliates.

To prepare this mask you need:

  • This should be done daily in the evening.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply to your face.
  • For this, 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese is enough.
  • Take 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and mix with curd.
  • Rinse off after 5-7 minutes. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

3. Besan for fair skin

Besan (gram flour) mask is great for all skin types to achieve smooth skin. It is also used in preparation for wedding ceremonies.

  • Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice and then add some rose water to make a smooth paste.
  • Take a small plate or bowl.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon besan (chickpea flour).
  • Apply to face and rinse after 20 minutes. Do this mask 3 times a week.

4. How to make your skin lighter: tomato

This is a very simple treatment that is good for boys too to get a fair skin tone at home, but it must be done in the evening.

  • Keep this for 30 minutes, then wash your face.
  • Take 2 teaspoons of tomato juice and apply it on your face in the evening.
  • This will help lighten acne marks, dark spots, and also make your skin lighter.

5. Soft powder mask for fair skin

Milk powder is enriched with acids and milk proteins, so it is also a good face mask that brightens the complexion. Milk is good for skin whitening and also for mature skin that has several wrinkles on the face. This mask is ideal for people with dry skin.

  • Keep for 30 minutes. Then rinse with clean water.
  • Add some honey to it.
  • Take 2 teaspoons of soft powder.
  • Apply an even layer to your face.
  • You can do this mask 3 times a week. It is ideal for all skin types, even sensitive skin.

6. Orange peel scrub for fair skin

This face scrub can be done by people with oily acne-prone skin who are facing acne and marks on their face. It also works to reduce skin tone.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of orange peel powder with honey or curd.
  • Apply this on your face and keep it for 20 minutes at least.
  • Now massage your face with gentle movements and rinse with clean water.
  • Do this scrub 3 times a week.

7. Turmeric and lemon juice for fair skin

This is the best whitening formula for all skin types except sensitive skin as lemon juice with turmeric may not be that gentle.

  • You can also apply this on other parts of the body like arms, legs, etc. to get rid of tan.
  • You need to mix 2 pinches of turmeric powder with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • Apply to face and neck.
  • Rinse off after 30 minutes. Try applying 3 times a week to get fair skin at home.

8. Potato juice with tomato juice

Potatoes are good for removing stains and helping to make your skin beautiful at home. It also brightens and whitens skin unevenness like hyperpigmentation.

  • Mix potato juice with an equal amount of tomato juice.
  • Apply on face and wash off after 30 minutes.
  • Try this procedure 2-3 times a week. This mask is not for sensitive skin.

These natural tips for brightening your skin at home will make your skin tone a couple of shades lighter, and they will also lower your melanin levels. Every time you go out in the sun you should apply sunscreen. Melanin will increase again and the skin will become darker.

In order for the image created for the Halloween holiday to be complete, it is necessary not only to choose a costume and do a suitable hairstyle, but also to do makeup. To create some images, you don’t even need makeup, but rather complex makeup.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to contact a professional make-up artist or make-up artist, the result will be magnificent. But in most cases, you can cope on your own.

Quite often it is necessary to make a white face for Halloween, since the main characters of this holiday should be deathly pale. This type of makeup must be done if you are creating the image of a vampire, skeleton, geisha, ghost bride, etc. Let's look at how you can whiten your face at home.

What kind of white Halloween face paint can you use? The main requirement for the paints used is that they are completely safe for the skin. You need to understand that by applying paint to the skin that is not intended for leather, a person is at great risk. The body’s reaction can be unpredictable, and it’s good if everything ends with the formation of a rash on the face. A more severe allergic reaction, including fatal anaphylactic shock, may also develop.

Therefore, when planning to do makeup using paints for the first time, do not be lazy to conduct a simple sensitivity test. You just need to apply a couple of strokes of paint to the skin of your wrist or elbow and wait a couple of hours. If after removing the paint there are no traces of redness on the skin, then you can use this product.

Read also: Permanent eyelid makeup: everything you need to know about the procedure

What means do you use to paint your face on Halloween? Here are the possible options:

  • face painting;
  • theatrical makeup;
  • art paints: gouache, watercolor;
  • Flour-based home remedies.

Let's look at how to properly use these paint options.

Face painting

These are special water-based paints that are harmless to skin. This version of paints can be used even for children. Face painting is sold either like ordinary art paints in jars, or in dry form. In the latter case, it must be diluted with water.

If you plan to use the paint once or twice a year, then it is better to choose the option with powdered paints, since such makeup lasts longer. Face painting is sold in children's stores, entertainment centers and stores selling theater products.

Apply the paint using a sponge to cleansed and moisturized skin. If you want to make your skin look deathly pale, you can add a little blue or green to the white paint. It is better to apply makeup in two or three layers, the next layer should be applied after the previous one has dried. But since the makeup dries quickly, the makeup won’t take much time.

The makeup is washed off with plain water; if paint accidentally gets on your clothes, don’t worry, it washes off easily.

Theatrical makeup

Another good option is professional makeup, which is used by theater actors. This paint option can be purchased either in specialized stores or ordered online.

Read also: Halloween doll makeup. How to create the image of a scary beauty

Theatrical makeup is not water-based, but fat-based. Therefore, it is more difficult to work with, but the effect is much better.

Rules for working with makeup:

  • It is recommended to cleanse the skin well first, preferably using a scrub or tonic;
  • then you need to apply a makeup base or any cream, you can use baby cream or Vaseline;
  • Make-up should be applied with a slightly damp sponge, trying to apply the product evenly without gaps or streaks;
  • After applying makeup, the skin must be powdered with loose white or transparent powder; you can use talc or rice flour.

Artistic paints

You can also make white makeup for Halloween using artistic paints. You can use gouache or watercolors. But applying acrylic paints to your face is strictly not recommended.

However, the use of artistic paints does not give the best results. Gouache strongly tightens the skin, watercolor adheres worse and takes a long time to dry, and you have to apply the paint in several layers.

But the most unpleasant thing is that the layer of artistic paint on the face begins to crack after drying. Therefore, you will need to try to keep your face still (don’t talk, don’t use facial expressions, etc.), which is extremely inconvenient at a holiday.

However, for some looks, a cracked layer of paint on the face can even come in handy. For example, the image of a zombie or a broken doll will only benefit from this. But the image of a geisha will be greatly spoiled by cracked paint on the face. To make a more permanent makeup, you should mix white gouache with Vaseline. You need to mix the substances in small portions.

Home paints
