How to decorate a red Christmas tree. Beautiful ideas: decorate the Christmas tree together! Idea for a festive decoration of the Christmas tree

So it's time to look for gifts for the New Year 2019! Everyone is in anticipation, because picking up souvenirs is almost as pleasant as receiving them! When choosing a gift, the reaction of the person to whom it is intended is usually presented, and this adds a special charm and awe to the selection process.

New Year's gifts and souvenirs are not just presents, but a significant part of the holiday sacrament. Whether it's a mysterious box from Santa Claus, packed in multi-colored rustling paper and carefully hidden by well-wishers under the Christmas tree, and then enthusiastically unwrapped on a frosty morning after a family meeting. Or a small package handed over at a cherished moment at a romantic table by candlelight. It practically doesn’t matter what is given on this magical date: any little thing that has the role of becoming a cog in the mechanism of this magic will be special for the recipient! And if it is presented with sincere wishes, it becomes a repository of warmth and will continue to remind you of a fabulous holiday after the salutes and fireworks have subsided.

Gifts for the New Year of the Pig should be original, but not necessarily expensive. More attention should be paid to the meaning and meaning of things (in our collections you can find an interesting idea from almost any subject). Well, if you are completely at a loss as to what to present, you can choose a charming pig, which is the talisman of 2019.

To choose the right New Year's gift, just follow these simple recommendations:

  • According to the Eastern calendar, the upcoming New Year is symbolized by one of the 12 animals. Hand over a plush, plastic, ceramic figurine and add that it will certainly bring good luck. As an independent present, it is appropriate to present a thing to a colleague. In other cases, this is an addition to the main gift.
  • The holiday involves songs, dances, fun games. Therefore, bright paraphernalia is required. Give a Santa hat, a mask of a fairy-tale character, sets of sparklers and firecrackers, various Christmas balls or garlands. Thanks to them, you can organize an unforgettable celebration.
  • Sweet gifts are among the best signs of attention. For the little ones, a set of several types of sweets is simply a must. It will not be difficult for adults to choose a chocolate figurine, order a personalized box of cakes or fortune cookies.
  • The night from the 31st to the 1st is considered fabulous. To make a gift for the New Year seem truly magical, fulfill your cherished dream. Finding the right option is not so difficult. Most people do not hide their preferences.
  • New impressions - a wonderful present on the occasion of the coming year. One of the most unusual will be riding on troikas or reindeer teams, snowmobile rides or car races on the ice of the lake. Wonderful gifts are also an interesting excursion to the homeland of Santa Claus, a trip to a figure skating show or a skating rink.
  • You can always donate a thing related to the type of human activity. For a student, this is a projector of the starry sky, for a student - e-books, for a pensioner -. Don't forget to take care of the packaging. Finding a beautiful bundle under the tree is doubly pleasant.
  • It’s hard not to be delighted with the gifts that Santa Claus took out of the bag. It would never occur to anyone to be interested in why this or that thing was there. It remains to be decided which method of delivery suits you best: an invitation from a professional artist or an independent transformation into a fabulous old man.

Many ideas for New Year's gifts are on the list of universal options. On the occasion of everyone's favorite holiday, you can present:

  • Fruit basket and traditional delicacies.
  • A bottle of expensive champagne, wine, strong alcohol.
  • A set of glasses for alcohol.
  • A set of elite tea, coffee, tobacco.
  • Jewelry, haberdashery.
  • Knitted handmade items.
  • Good perfume.
  • Set of cosmetics, hygiene products.
  • Electronic device, accessories for it.
  • Consumables for a computer or car.
  • A collection of discs with films, music, computer programs.
  • Small household appliances.
  • Wrist, wall, .
  • Book, collected works, annual subscription.
  • New Year's souvenir.
  • Interior decoration.
  • Award figurines, certificates, diplomas.
  • Exercise machine for home use.
  • Massager, medical equipment.
  • Gift certificate for a clothing store.
  • Invitation to the game quest, master class.
  • Subscription for massage, sauna, billiard club.
  • Tourist package for the Christmas holidays.
  • Theater, opera, ballet tickets.

What to give for the New Year inexpensively

It takes a lot of money to prepare for the holiday, so the temptation to save money on buying a gift is very high. You can limit yourself to a standard postcard, frame or photo album, a stand for small things. An affordable option is also a personalized mug, plate, t-shirt. Of course, the design should include a New Year theme. Photographs are also welcome.

A win-win gift on the occasion of the New Year - a terry bathrobe, a soft towel and warm slippers. They can be purchased separately or as a set. Inexpensive household items are required by both men and women. High-quality textiles will last for many years, and personalized embroidery will make it doubly attractive.

Shtorkus "TV". Bathroom curtain with a TV set pattern. Since this is not a plasma panel, the picture on the screen is slightly washed out. However, the contours of the female body are guessed without problems.

Gift sock. It can be used in every home. Europeans are sure that if you attach a piece of clothing to the doorknob, Santa will put a nice present inside.

Photo props "Seals". Selfie lovers will be pleased. Without makeup, costumes and tedious posing, you get pictures that are not ashamed to boast on Instagram.

Titanic Tea Strainer. Tea connoisseurs do not need to be told the benefits of a gift. To enjoy the taste of the drink, you need to drown the model of the famous ship in a mug.

Shaker for cocktails "Boston super economy". New Year's Eve is perfect for testing a presentation. The kit includes instructions with recipes for drinks that are easy to prepare in a couple of minutes.

Original gift ideas for the New Year

It is quite logical to give preference to an unusual present, because from early childhood we expect a miracle on the night of the 31st to the 1st. A real gift from Santa Claus will seem to be a decision ball. With it, you can find the answer to any burning question. Among the original surprises will be snowflake potholders, a large gingerbread in the form of a symbol of the year, a glass sphere with snow inside.

The original sign of attention can be intangible. A great idea to spend a holiday weekend in the country. Any person is partial to gifts like a vacation at a ski resort. Good impressions will remain from fishing on the lake, a master class by a professional figure skater, playing hockey, a competition for the best snowman. Consider no less interesting options.

New Year's photo session. Going to the studio, do not forget the festive dresses, masks, boas and hats. A professional will take a series of pictures that will be the decoration of any album.

Belt for beer cans. One of the most original gifts. Allows you to walk, watch TV and even dance with your favorite drink. It is supposed to sip the foam through a straw.

magic snow. Add some water and get a huge snowdrift at home! Unlike real snow, artificial snow does not melt. The feeling of a holiday will not leave you until the summer.

Christmas tree in a jar. Its cultivation is a painstaking process. The first time the plant will be in the apartment. It is planned to plant a strengthened tree in open ground.

Cool apron "Snow Maiden". Unrecognizably transform the fair sex. And why don't Santa Claus's granddaughters always dress like this?

Practical gifts for the New Year

This is the most common category of gifts, because in life, friends, acquaintances and relatives need a lot of useful things. The desired gifts are a microwave oven, a slow cooker, a pancake maker, a toaster, a coffee grinder, a blender. No kitchen is complete without quality cookware. In addition, you can purchase a set of cutlery, baking molds, cutting boards or jars for spices.

For many years, the owner will enjoy a plasma TV, home theater or music center. It is not easy to choose a suitable model in a nearby store. Try to give a technique that meets the needs of the consumer. So, a humidifier is needed in a room with an appropriate microclimate, and a treadmill is needed only for a person who regularly goes in for sports.

Exercise bike "Diamond Fitness X-Swing EL". The electromagnetic mechanism allows you to pedal without causing inconvenience to neighbors. In addition, it is possible to smoothly change the load.

Quadcopter "Syma x8hw". Not only a novice videographer, but also a specialist working at a film studio will be satisfied with the gift. It is convenient to change the flight direction from a regular tablet.

Camera. Only a SLR camera with interchangeable lenses will allow you to get high-quality pictures. There are enough models on sale that meet the needs of a photographer of any level.

Barbecue set "Compact". Knife, tongs, spatula, brush and fork for meat in a metal case. To put a high mark on a gift, it is enough to go on a picnic once.

Suitcase for travel "SWISSGEAR SION". Ideal for holidays. In addition to the main compartment of 56 liters, I received many zippered pockets, a telescopic handle and a shoe bag.

New Year's gift that will be remembered for a long time

It's nice when a person treats a gift with warmth, carefully stores it, and proudly shows it to friends. But you can make a memorable gift without much hassle. Having bought this or that thing for the New Year, ask to decorate it with engraving, embroidery or color print. The process will take from one hour to a couple of days.

Let's say you decide to give a camping one. Before you put a present under the Christmas tree, take care of a unique design. The image that can be applied to the body depends only on the imagination of the customer. Poems, an excerpt from a fairy tale, photography, inlay with rhinestones are just a small part of the offers of specialized workshops. The role of the New Year's surprise is claimed by:

Watch box. An accessory that is given to people experienced in quality things. An engraved nameplate is usually attached to the outside of the lid.

Name flask. The representative of the stronger sex will like the gift more. A supply of water or alcohol may be required under various circumstances.

wine box. New Year's celebration is hard to imagine without a bottle of alcohol. Place the container of your favorite drink in the wooden case. Even the sommelier will be delighted.

Cufflinks with initials. They will be an exquisite gift for a business person. It is quite appropriate to order fasteners for cuffs made of noble metal.

Named power bank. A necessary thing for modern man. If you make an inscription on the case like: “Energy reserve for gadgets of such and such”, it will turn out even more interesting!

Gift Ideas by Interest

Each of us has a hobby, therefore, any person can be given something that matches his hobby. Most people are car owners, which means that accessories for a four-wheeled girlfriend are always in price. A coffee maker, an organizer or a massage cape on the seat, a radio tape recorder, a navigator, a set of keys will definitely not be superfluous. A certificate for maintenance, a CASCO policy or an annual car wash subscription look appropriate.

Many friends and relatives collect stamps, coins, table figurines. Therefore, rare exhibits will be wonderful New Year's gifts. You can ask the recipient: “What can I present to you?”, In this case, you can do it without hesitation. You do not understand numismatics and philately. It is better to consult about the upcoming purchase.

Disco ball. A cool gift for lovers of noisy parties. New Year's Eve is an occasion to have fun in the company, admiring the backlight changing to the beat of the music.

Hookah. The gift allows you to minimize the harmful effects of tobacco, and lovers of flavored mixtures to enjoy new tastes.

Sweater and hat with deer. Set in retro style. Suitable for outdoor activities, hiking, walking. Items made from 100% wool are most valued.

Bath set. Hat, sheet and bottle of aromatic oil. It will come in handy for those who visit the steam room gives real pleasure not only on December 31st.

Puzzle. Intellectuals need no other gift. The more difficult the task, the more pleasant it is to find the key to the puzzle.

The New Year is a favorite holiday for Russians, not only because of the long weekend, but also because of childhood memories. This night has always been mysterious and magical, because waking up in the morning, you could find a cherished gift under the tree. Childhood is over, and the New Year is still associated with miracles, so on this day I want to make the best surprises for my family and friends.

TOP 5: the most popular gifts

Based on surveys of people of different age categories and social affiliations, statistics were compiled of the most common gifts that are usually given for the New Year 2019. The top five were:

These New Year's gifts are in the TOP 5 most popular statistics because they are universal. That is, you can prepare several similar presentations, put them in a bag and go to friends and acquaintances. Also, such a supply will help not to get into a mess if you are suddenly congratulated by a person from whom you did not expect a gift. You can get one of the prepared souvenirs and give him a return present.

Most wanted gifts

Unfortunately, the list of gifts that people usually give each other is noticeably different from the list of what everyone would like to receive in the New Year 2019. And it is as follows:

Gifts for loved ones

In addition to the above options for New Year's gifts, there are many more ideas. We specify them and classify them into categories to make it easier to choose.


When children are just starting to earn money, they try to give their parents pleasant surprises, and not only on holidays. As a New Year's present for 2019, you can present mom and dad:

You should not give parents for the New Year devices for measuring pressure, blood glucose and other medical devices. Save them for other holidays, and on a magical night, please mom and dad with something nice.


Everything is simple here. Kids will be happy with any toy:

  • soft;
  • on radio control;
  • constructor
  • doll, etc.

The choice depends on the age of the son or daughter and the preferences of the child.

Suitable for an older child:

  • mobile phone;
  • player;
  • camera;
  • creative table lamp;
  • original alarm clock;
  • skates, etc.

- see in a separate review.


Girls are always very attentive to their boyfriends, so they prepare in advance for choosing a gift. They “probe the soil” long before the New Year: they ask a young man what he dreams about, observe what he lacks, etc. If there is no idea at all, then you can give the guy:

Any man is pleased to receive a gift from a girl that she made with her own hands. You can knit the same sweater, sew a cozy pillow for a car or paint a photo frame.


The beautiful half of humanity is very picky about gifts, so men should choose them with great care.


It is not worth giving each of your colleagues something expensive and significant. This will oblige people to make a return gesture. Therefore, it is better to choose some cute little things, and preferably monotonous, so as not to single out one of your colleagues. These can just be gifts from the category of universal ones:

The gift to the boss should be more substantial, and it is better if it is collective, from all employees. The bosses are usually presented with expensive pens, collectible alcohol, leather folders for papers ...


Gifts for friends and colleagues

Also added to the list:

  • game "Monopoly" on the theme of your city;
  • game "Twister";
  • puzzles with a large number of elements;
  • plaid;
  • elegant New Year's tablecloth;
  • a set of salt or pepper shakers;
  • something from household appliances (toaster, coffee maker, mixer ...).

Where to buy gifts?

New Year's Eve shopping is a mini-holiday in itself. The hustle and bustle, shimmering garlands in shop windows and elegant Christmas trees in the halls of shopping centers - all this unusually cheers you up. Therefore, many people prefer to buy gifts in the last 2-3 days before the New Year 2019. But this is impractical, because prices at this time are inflated to the maximum. Saving money will allow you to go shopping in advance (at least a week or two in advance).

There is another option: ordering New Year's gifts via the Internet. This will allow you to distinguish yourself at any holiday, because you can find original and unusual things on the World Wide Web. Purchases should be ordered a month before the New Year, because. unforeseen force majeure and the non-arrival of a gift on time can spoil the whole New Year's mood.

Article discussion:


    I took note of a couple of gift ideas for myself, after all, the New Year is already approaching. And by the way, my mother gives me a candle every New Year in the form of a symbol of the coming year, I already have a collection of 7 different animals)


    I always prepare for the new year in advance, I like to give gifts made by myself. Usually I knit something, sew toys and pillows with the symbol of the new year, decoupage champagne bottles or New Year's topiaries.


    I love unique handmade gifts. For the last New Year, I knitted socks for my husband, and he built a shelf for flowers for me - such gifts are one of a kind!


    I gave my grandmother a homemade waterfall made of artificial flowers) this is when flowers fall from a tea mug to another tea mug (from one set), and ladybugs and butterflies are on the flowers. It turned out very well and my grandmother is happy)))


    I love planning gifts ahead of time. Last year, my husband received computer speakers as a gift from me.


    Great ideas! I'm just looking for Christmas gifts for my family and friends! I want to give my husband a knitted sweater! Well, I would like a huge teddy bear!

    Rita Titarenko

    I love the New Year because you can give people gifts. My husband and I have already become a tradition to give each other eau de toilette. Well, we always give bonuses))) for example, I can give something for fishing, and he is a pendant on a chain. We always give parents something for the home (a set of glasses, spice stands, a carafe for alcohol, a blanket). We often give alcohol to friends))))


    Most often, they give me souvenirs for the New Year, New Year's toys, cosmetics or household trifles.

    Dmitry Levdansky

    I gave my wife rings and earrings, pendants and other jewelry, perfumes and underwear. But this is not all. A gift to a loved one should be from the heart! It should evoke impressions and emotions. There must be an impulse! Therefore, my best gift was: a dinner for two (cooked by the way by me and author's plush toys In second place is a bouquet of sweets. I don't give clothes, it's stupid. Cinema and theater tickets are common.


    PhotoMosaic will be a magnificent and shocking gift! PhotoMosaic is a portrait consisting of hundreds of small photos. Up close, you can easily see each photo, while it is worth taking a step back - and you will immediately see how they add up into a single picture.
