How to win back a Taurus wife: advice from a psychologist. How to make peace with a Taurus woman How to make peace with a Taurus wife

The Taurus woman is not one of those who is capable of marrying out of hopelessness, for company, or for the first person she meets. She is not inclined to change a decision once made, therefore, if she goes to the registry office, then subsequently she will not rush to break up, even if family relationships turn out to be far from expected. Finding themselves in a situation where representatives of other zodiac signs, for example, Aquarius or Aries, would already be looking for happiness with other men, Taurus will still hope for an improvement in the situation.

But, if this woman sees that her partner does not give her what she wants from him, then the Taurus woman will analyze what is happening every day, weighing the arguments in favor of maintaining or breaking this union. This will not appear outwardly in any way, which, by the way, often misleads partners. Except that you can see that she is more often than usual depressed and in a bad mood. It is very difficult for her to make such a decision, but if she does make it, she will not back down from fulfilling it, although it will be very difficult in her soul. It is not easy for her to leave even when she feels deeply offended.

If a quarrel with a Taurus woman took you by surprise, it means that you were unable to meet her requirements in some way, you overlooked it, and now it’s time to think about why this happened. Without the stage of such an analysis of what happened, it will be impossible to return the relationship with the Taurus woman. She is unlikely to quickly pack her suitcase under the influence of a momentary quarrel, flaring up like a match, but if she decided to break off the relationship, then the reason is really serious.

Are Taurus women making a comeback? This rarely happens, although hope is inspired by the fact that they prefer to deal with everything that is familiar and proven, rather than venturing into the whirlpool of experiments and novelty. If this person has found a partner who, from her point of view, is better, then you need to make every effort to prove to her your advantages. Surely you have many advantages, since at one time she made a choice in your favor, it’s time to remind her of them.

The reason for separation for a Taurus woman may be the partner’s lack of success, his inability, and most importantly, his reluctance to earn as much money as is needed for the couple’s comfortable existence.

How to make peace with a Taurus woman? You can try to do this by paying her maximum attention, not forgetting, as during the courtship period, about the generous offerings that people of this zodiac sign are so greedy for. In the event of a partner’s betrayal, as well as inflicting a too painful blow on the self-esteem of this lady, it is incredibly difficult, if possible at all, to return the Taurus woman.

With Taurus, you can and should always discuss problems directly, without building any combinations or weaving intrigues behind your back. It is necessary to appeal to their minds, persistently proving the seriousness of your intentions. In addition, it must be taken into account that after the relationship has been clarified, quite a long time may pass before Taurus makes the final decision to maintain or break off the relationship.

Before launching the “return the Taurus man” operation, you need to understand the following. A person of this zodiac sign is simply a champion of patience.

He will remain calm and control the situation. He is consistent and will not force or force anything. Values ​​harmony and charming moments in love and friendships, but above all, concentrates on the fundamental foundations of this very connection. If he believes that nothing will come of it, then there is no point even dreaming of a second chance and getting the Taurus man back.

Does this mean that making peace with a Taurus man after a breakup, if he left you, is completely impossible to return Taurus love? Astropsychologists are encouraging: if you have fallen into his heart and if the first pleasant impressions that you generated in him are still alive in his memory, then you still have a chance. It’s just very important to behave correctly. So, according to the advice of psychologists, how can you get your Taurus man back?

If you act chaotically, or even more so, hysterically nervous, this will only worsen the situation. To make peace with a Taurus man, you have to show nerves of steel and remain calm - he will like it. What can win his heart again is your meekness. Seduce him again, but not in the literal sense, but unobtrusively, very gently, delicately - sensually.

Use your imagination and find ways to influence his senses: sight, hearing. Perhaps getting a Taurus man back after a quarrel or his departure will be a difficult task. This is a stubborn person who is often focused on the material aspects of life. But try to fight for him with your persistence and charm.

Be prepared to be the subject of careful observation, testing, and analysis. Only then will Taurus decide what to do next with your relationship, whether it is worth entering the same river a second time. It is important for women who want reconciliation with their beloved Taurus to understand: at the same time, he will not show any emotions - no anger, no euphoria, he will remain impassive, everything will be inside.

How to return a Taurus woman, how to make peace with her?

  • A woman born in this zodiac sign is a persistent and patient lady. She can be calm and consistent in her decisions. If you, too, are quite restrained, but active and determined to return your Taurus lover, then it is possible that a reward awaits you. Stay calm and try not to rush into decisions.
  • Taurus dreams of tenderness and harmony in love relationships. Therefore, if you turn out to be too assertive, then you will never have to be with her again.
  • She likes practical men - don't let her down and don't create the image of a clumsy romantic. If you are concerned about how to make peace with a Taurus woman, then rather show yourself as a strong but sensual man. She will appreciate stability and determination. She really likes to be conquered, adored, pampered - give it to her if you haven’t given it before!

What can prevent you from making peace with a Taurus woman?

The desire to reunite with a man is discouraged by his awkwardness, laxity, desire to complain about everything, to shift responsibility to everyone. She's a strong woman and won't mess around with "victims."

The Taurus man is a very ambiguous personality. Sit for a long time and rack your brains over the question: “How to make peace with a man who is Taurus according to the horoscope if he doesn’t want to communicate?” women are categorically not recommended, because with all their knowledge and indecisiveness, at one moment, Taurus can suddenly make a final decision, carry it out, and no tricks, requests or your persuasion will force him to change the chosen direction.
Simply put, “he got carried away,” he will follow the principle, and only God knows when this man will come to his senses and be ready to listen to you again.

Why is Taurus unpredictable?
Because most people are accustomed to considering this zodiac sign to be indecisive. And very calm. It is common to think that Taurus are unhurried and patient in everything: in work, in relationships with the woman they love, and in everyday life. They love an established life very much, they easily become attached to people. Changes in life, especially drastic ones, can become a real test of strength for Taurus. That is why those around them sometimes tend to mistakenly believe that Taurus can “sit on the horns” and even dangle his legs.

But that's not true. Even his angelic patience comes to an end, and if this happens, then hold on! He may make a decision completely unexpected for you, and fulfill it! The problem is that the decision will be final, due to the natural stubbornness of this zodiac sign. And if Taurus has already insisted on his own and got into a pose, it is impossible to move him or force him to go in a different direction.
So, he can simply break off the relationship, completely and forever, without the right of rehabilitation on your part, and decide that you no longer need him, since you are not ready to take the first step. And since you don’t need him, then what’s the point of saving the relationship?
Therefore, if you have a quarrel with a Taurus, who, as we have already mentioned, is very stubborn, pull yourself together and take a step towards reconciliation.

- you need to analyze your quarrel. So to speak, scroll it through your head. Of course, this process is unpleasant, but it is the one that will help you realize what actually caused your discord. Most likely, Taurus mentioned this several times during a quarrel, so it’s time to find out and eliminate the annoying factor.

- you need to convey to him that you are very sorry. Don't "stick yourself in the hot seat." There is no need to deliberately challenge him to an unpleasant conversation if he does not want it. Better, let him cool down, and then just briefly say that your quarrel is unpleasant, and you don’t like quarreling with the man you love. Say that you want to end this conflict. Taurus will definitely hear you, and then he will take a step towards you.

Before continuing reading the article, watch this video carefully:

- You need to talk to him honestly and openly. Try not to provoke a new conflict. Yes, and in general, ideally forget the story over which you quarreled. Step over it and move on. You will then solve the problem when emotions do not prevent you from thinking soberly.

- you need to do something nice for him. There are not many lists of things that make a man happy. And even more so for an unpretentious man - Taurus. He loves delicious food, he loves kind words and support from the woman he loves, he loves sex and new bright emotions in sexual terms, he loves a beautiful woman next to him, and success in a business that he likes. Try a little of everything and you'll definitely hit the mark.

- you need to learn to respect your man. A very big mistake for many women is to get personal during a quarrel and allow themselves to do things that should not be allowed in relation to a man. Look at the women of the East. They literally bow down to the man. What about Asian women? They don’t sit down at the table or start a conversation if the man doesn’t allow them to do so. This is true admiration for your loved one. Of course, women in our country should not completely follow this example, but they must also learn to respect their partner!

- It is necessary in the future to learn to avoid conflicts with your loved one. After all, every conflict is a scar on the soul of your beloved man. And when there are too many of them, a man may not be able to stand it and simply leave you.
So, let's take a quick look at the article again.
Who is a Taurus man? How to make peace with a man - Taurus according to the horoscope, if he does not want to communicate?
Astrologers advise the following steps:

  1. Don't drag out your quarrel with Taurus. At one point, he may decide that he simply doesn’t need you, and only then will he end your relationship once and for all.
  2. Don’t get hysterical and don’t rush into battle to sort things out until the end. On the contrary, let him cool down and calm down.
  3. Convey to him that this quarrel is as unpleasant for you as it is for him, and you do not want to quarrel with the man you love.
  4. Talk to him honestly and openly: do not manipulate, especially do not try to blame him for the current situation. This is fraught with a new conflict.
  5. Learn to respect your man. Respect for him from others depends only on you, as a woman. And from no one else.
  6. Do something nice for him: cook a good dinner, or buy a small but nice gift. You can also buy a big gift, he won’t be offended. Have sex with him like for the first time in your life. Buy a special new “outfit” for this, he will definitely appreciate your efforts and steps towards reconciliation.
    If all these tips do not help, then you can try, as they say, “heavy artillery.” This is already direct manipulation, influencing a man’s subconscious in order to force him to make contact with you and miss your closeness. You can read more about how to behave in

If you are in love with a Taurus girl, you will not be envied. Girls born under this zodiac sign are very stubborn, it’s not for nothing that they were given such large “horns” - so that they have something to butt with. Taurus girls can be impulsive and emotional, but more often passions boil inside them. Such a girl can leave without you even understanding when, why and how she left. You will only have to guess about the causes and consequences.

If a Taurus girl leaves, it means she did it deliberately. Most likely, she carefully thought through her decision. For a long time, she carried it inside herself, looking at you from the outside, analyzing your actions and behavior.

Taurus girls rarely leave, but they definitely leave. It is simply not possible to return them. However, if you love her very much, try to do everything in your power to ensure that your beloved is with you again.

First, remember what was the stumbling block in your relationship. Think about what your girlfriend might not like, what might not satisfy her. This can be difficult to do - to find the cause of the discord, because many Taurus girls do not like to make loud scandals or express complaints, or give a final warning. This is not in their rules, it does not correspond to their nature. They will just quietly observe, and when they make the final conclusion and choice, they will simply show it to you by acting in one way or another. If you already lived together, led a common life, then you lost your girlfriend, most likely, in this way: you came home and discovered that she was not there along with her things and without prior notification on her part. She may have left you a goodbye note, but she didn't want you to return it. Taurus girls, we repeat, take a long and difficult decision, but cut it off once and for all. Therefore, it will not be easy for you.

It's clear why you decided to get your Taurus girlfriend back. She is quite loyal and patient. She is ready to forgive a lot for the sake of creating and preserving a family.

From the first meetings with a guy, a Taurus girl looks at him as a future husband. She is quite serious. She has a tough grip. There is nothing wrong with the fact that she wants to get married, that she is trying to see her boyfriend as her husband. This is normal for serious girls. And you should be flattered by this. Although many guys love freedom and in every possible way try to disavow seriousness in such relationships. A girl, in the hope of future reincarnation, can forgive more than one betrayal, more than one insult. Sometimes he breaks down, says nasty things, stupid things, he can offend and hurt in such a way that it doesn’t seem a little. You should appreciate her patience and seriousness and accept possible outbursts of anger and insults as a given, especially since most often they are uttered because you brought her to this. To the credit of the Taurus girl, it must be said that most often she herself asks for forgiveness, even if she is not to blame for the quarrel. She is quite quick-witted. The Taurus girl knows how to ask for forgiveness.

When loving a Taurus girl, you need to know that she is very jealous, but at the same time she can be flighty. Perhaps that is why she is so distrustful. She can allow herself to flirt on the side, but you are absolutely not allowed to do this.

If you want her back, let her cool down. Then try to talk, find the right words. Shower with gifts and money. For Taurus, the material side of life is very important. If during the separation you become richer, more influential, more successful, most likely she will be able to return to you.

I highly recommend studying the book by Sergei Sadkovsky, Oleg Ideal and Alena Volk - “How to get your ex-girlfriend back.” Search by title and authors in search engines. For example Oleg Ideal How to get your ex-girlfriend back or go to their website

Those women who have tried to connect their lives with a Taurus man are well aware of his difficult character. Just think about touchiness, hot temper and conservatism. Companions of representatives of this zodiac sign often have the question of how to get a Taurus man back after a quarrel or breakup.

Astrologers strongly advise against delaying reconciliation and letting the situation take its course. You need to try to overcome your pride. The fact is that Taurus men, due to enviable stubbornness, can make a spontaneous decision that will not work in favor of continuing the relationship. Therefore, long thoughts and selection of options for re-seducing the chosen one are not appropriate.

A positive aspect in the return of a Taurus to a family (relationship) is his eternal dislike for any changes in life. He becomes very attached to the people and everyday life that surrounds him every day. It will be easier for him to return to his usual life, a studied everyday life, not without its positive sides, than to look for a new relationship. After all, this will require more effort and time to study, evaluate and adapt.

Psychologists and astrologers have thoroughly studied the character of Taurus men and provided recommendations that will help in resolving various issues that arise in the process of communicating with these men. Therefore, for women who are concerned about the return of their loved one, the advice of a psychologist and astrologer will come in handy.

1. Show kindness

During the reconciliation process, be kind and courteous to your lover. Despite the fact that Taurus have a complex and contradictory character, they quickly “move away” and are able to forgive a lot, starting to build relationships “from scratch.”

2. Be patient

Don't forget that Taurus is the most stubborn of all the zodiac signs. When telling him about your love and convincing him to return, do not expect him to immediately forgive you and forget all the insults. Taurus people tend to think and make decisions for a long time. He will not return immediately, but will definitely show his “cool” character. Don't be offended by him for this behavior. He will play the game “I only believe that I am right” for a long time, and then he will give up. Wait a while.

3. Suggest

Here it is worth remembering that Taurus are impressionable and internally emotional natures. The psychologist's advice on how to return a Taurus man says that when reconciling with him, you should try to focus on these aspects of character. Show your feelings more, be fragile, defenseless, weak. Let him know that you “can’t live without him.” Just don’t present this information “head-on”, but give it out in doses and in a veiled manner. He will definitely pay attention to this and appreciate your attitude.

4. Use logic

All Taurus men are practical and prudent. Their practicality, when taken to extremes, can take on threatening proportions. Some ladies are put off by this. But a woman who wants to renew her relationship with a Taurus at any cost can turn this quality to her advantage. To do this, you just need to logically convince your loved one that he simply needs to return to you. Give strong reasons and arguments in favor of making such a decision, explain all the benefits and advantages.

5. Be aware of the tendency to exaggerate

Although the stars characterize this man as a rather reserved person, he still tends to show emotionality in stressful situations. And a quarrel with your beloved is quite stressful. For example, because of a trifle, he can slam the door and leave the lady alone, without even expressing his complaints. Many women are perplexed by this behavior; they begin to panic and make plans on how to make peace with a Taurus man.

Don't panic. It is important to remember that Taurus people are prone to exaggeration. Carefully analyze the situation that happened; perhaps you shouldn’t even worry about it. If so, then the beloved, when emotions subside, will definitely return to a cozy “nest”.

6. Be smart

Nature has generously rewarded the Taurus man with hard work and patience. These qualities are interconnected. By analogy, in relationships with women, he is sure that patience and hard work are needed to build a harmonious union. Your loved one is a person who is prone to introspection of his thoughts, emotions, and actions. If a stubborn person decides to break up, it means that at the moment he does not see a more rational way out of the current situation.

Think about it, maybe your relationship has long since cracked, perhaps you are doing something wrong, but the patient Taurus is suffering and does not show his dissatisfaction? Is the situation that led to the quarrel the last straw? Then just calmly discuss what happened and find out what exactly doesn’t suit your partner. Based on the information, you will be able to coordinate your further actions.

It is important to understand that a lover’s patience is not unlimited. Do not delay in clarifying problems that lead to disagreements. You risk provoking a major scandal from which it will be difficult to recover. Taurus may get tired of such systematic separations and reconciliations, because he strives to create a reliable “rear” for himself - a strong and friendly family!
