Office clothing capsule. Capsule wardrobe: what is it and how to create it correctly

The concept of a capsule wardrobe was introduced by the owner of an English store in 1970. She made a selection of matching items that are complemented with various accessories. Trousers, blouse, jacket, jacket - far from full list things that may get into the capsule.

This discovery allows women to easily create images without spending a lot of time on it. Things that match each other are placed in one department, all that remains is to take any of them to create a beautiful harmonious image for a meeting, work or walk.

Important! The basic rule of a capsule wardrobe is that each item, without exception, must be combined with the others in terms of fabric texture, shade, color, and style. Required and harmonious combination these things with the skin color of the owner.

A set of clothes for a party and for the office will differ from each other. In the table you can see great option combinations of things for different events.

Directionality. Set of clothes. Color solution. Accessories.
For work, business meeting, official reception. A suit, a blouse, a pencil skirt, a couple of tops, a formal dress, classic pants, appropriate shoes with and without heels. Calm colors and shades. Suitable: blue, beige, gray, light blue. Large bag for documents and accessories, light scarf, scarf, pendants, chains.
For a party, holiday, evening walks, cinema, club, date. Two evening dresses, jacket, tights for the cold season, high-heeled shoes. Any color depending on the taste of the housewife. Don't forget about the little black dress, which should be in every woman's wardrobe! A small bag for the essentials, classic jewelry: earrings rings.
For home, going to the store. Sports activities. T-shirts, sweaters, jeans, comfortable sports trousers, leggings, shorts, tops. The woman chooses the color; it is important that everything goes well together. Favorite bracelet, pendant, ring, stud earrings. Bag for going to the store.

This is an example of creating a capsule wardrobe using different cases life. Things can fit equally into several capsules at once, and they can be moved.

Rules for creating a capsule wardrobe:

  • things correspond to the color type of the owner;
  • clothes are selected according to the figure, the style should hide flaws and emphasize advantages;
  • every capsule must contain an expensive one quality item which can be combined with other, cheaper wardrobe items;
  • classic style clothing is present in each capsule, it combines perfectly with other styles and usually forms the basis of a capsule wardrobe;
  • The selection of accessories should be carried out carefully; they give the image a certain character, being its completion.

Using these rules, every woman saves energy, nerves, time and money. You don’t have to spend hours trying on things, the looks are already ready and assembled. Of course, you will have to work on this, but these are pleasant chores for every lady.

Collecting capsule wardrobe woman:

  • will see which things should be thrown away altogether;
  • will put things in order in the closet;
  • will make it more functional;
  • will sort through clothes and find many new combinations.

Important! This procedure is good for the soul. While sorting out the closet, you put your thoughts in order and solve others. important issues that are disturbing. This procedure is akin to meditation; it calms you down. Order outside promotes order inside a person.

A summer capsule wardrobe can include many options. Lightweight fabrics in calm shades, whose floral patterns are pleasing to the eye, go perfectly with a variety of summer shoes.

Things that may be present in summer version capsule wardrobe:

  • T-shirts;
  • tops;
  • shorts of any length;
  • light sleeveless vests;
  • skirts;
  • dresses;
  • sundresses;
  • shoes: sandals, flip-flops, sandals, sneakers;
  • bags light colors.

Accessories are also varied; they are selected depending on the style and nature of the upcoming event.

Important! For summer, it is better to choose clothes in light colors; they are always appropriate and match each other. Dark colors It is better to leave it for the cold season.

Selection of universal clothing for the capsule

Versatility means classic style. These are wardrobe items that will look appropriate anywhere: at work, at a party, on a walk. Such a capsule will become an assistant for all occasions.

There are situations when a woman, having a carefully selected capsule wardrobe, cannot decide on the choice of clothes.

Here are some examples of such situations:

  • a regular trip with friends to the cafe where he works ex-boyfriend who wants to show himself in all his glory;
  • a working day that should smoothly transition into corporate gatherings with the team;
  • a first date when a woman wants to look particularly attractive, but not too strict or approachable.

A universal capsule should include perfectly combined items that look best on the owner. Any of them should be suitable for meeting with Queen of England, and for a walk along the embankment.

List of wardrobe items that are suitable for such a capsule:

  • T-shirt;
  • sweater;
  • trousers;
  • skirt;
  • blouse;
  • classic jeans;
  • dress;
  • formal shoes depending on the season;
  • accessories that harmoniously combine with each item of clothing.

There are four types of capsule universal department: winter, summer, autumn and spring. It is possible to combine the autumn and spring versions into a single one.
The rhythm of life dictates its own rules.

A woman has to change clothes several times a day in order to look appropriate while walking, jogging, at work and at the cinema. Regardless of spending a lot of time each time choosing clothes, take care of this in advance.

The capsule wardrobe was an excellent discovery, the lives of women all over the world became easier when clothing items were combined into different capsules. It's convenient and thoughtful. A capsule wardrobe is the choice of practical women.

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We often hear and read about the basic wardrobe, and on the Internet you can find a lot of lists of things that you simply must have.However, in addition to the base, which undoubtedly everyone should have their own, we also need so-called capsules.

What it is? A capsule is a set of things for certain occasions. For example, a capsule of clothes for work. A capsule of clothes for a holiday at sea. A capsule of clothing for a holiday in the mountains. Capsule for your weekend and so on. There can be as many of them as you wish.

An example of a capsule collection for relaxation.

The point of the capsule is that all the things included in it, including shoes and accessories, can be combined with each other and allow you to create many different looks. So, having bought three business shirts, one pencil skirt, formal trousers, a pair of cardigans, you will get a capsule for work. All you have to do is add it a suitable match shoes, belts, scarves and outfits for the whole working week provided for you. Naturally, you will not go on vacation at sea in black tight skirt and jacket, you will find another, more suitable clothing, and create new set items that combine with each other.

Capsule collection in casual style.

Festive collection for the New Year holidays.

Capsule for summer.

Office-style clothing capsule.

There are no standards for the selection of capsules. All of them are built based on your tastes and your lifestyle. If you do not work in an office, then we advise you to choose a capsule in a business environment. strict style, stupid. You don't need dress pants and white shirts. But jeans, bright scarves, and casual-style jackets can easily replace all the rigor of office style.

Having several capsules is very convenient. This will make it easier for you to create finished bows. After all, in search of the right things, you will not rummage through your entire wardrobe, but pay attention only to those models that were purchased specifically for this occasion.Each capsule can be made in different colors, and you will always have something to combine with it.

In general, the capsule has a lot of advantages.
Since most of us work in an office.Willingly we have to observe the rules of decency in clothing.
Even if the dress code at the company is not strict, you are unlikely to be able to afford to wear regular casual clothes to work. No matter how much I would like this.

Therefore, we simply need the so-called “work” wardrobe.

In order for you to stand in front of your open closet in the morning without bothering yourself for a long time with thoughts about what to wear today, your “work” capsule must be correctly composed.
As I already wrote, you can’t prescribe the right pill for everyone when choosing clothes. I will draw your attention to this now. I write advice that you can use as a guide when creating your wardrobe. But blindly repeating and buying all the things that I indicate below for the “working” capsule is clearly not worth it.

Take a closer look at the things I suggested. Take a look with a fresh look those that hang on your hangers and already make you dance. Maybe you should buy something more and throw something away, or maybe you already have a ready-made capsule that you didn’t even know about!

So, how do I see a “work” wardrobe for an ordinary private? office employee, not of the highest level and adhering to a dress code that is not entirely strict.

First, we need to have:
- a classic (yes, this doesn’t help) straight or pencil skirt;
- straight trousers (variations are possible: slightly flared, tapered, tapered, cropped, with stitched arrows, etc.);
- jacket in business style;
- dress (sheath or sundress or any other style of strictly classical style);
- a shirt (strict, without ruffles, large colored or shiny buttons);
- a simple knitted top (since we have a loose dress code, it’s possible without sleeves).

This first layer our wardrobe, so to speak, is the basis of the foundations.

He's boring because everything should be simple deep colors, without patterns or contrasting details. But already on this layer you can easily put more interesting things that will make your everyday looks more diverse.

About color solutions first layer.

Everyone chooses for themselves which color is more pleasant. Some people prefer black, some prefer dark blue, others like camel or gray. In my opinion, gray and beige are more versatile in terms of changing seasons. If beige or gray skirt would be appropriate to watch both in winter and summer, then, say, black in summer looks too burdensome.

Example first layer shown in two versions.
Number one for the winter-autumn period.
Under the number two - summer and warm spring.
Look, there are only six things. And how many ensembles can you create with them? And we haven’t added accessories and shoes yet.
I intentionally kept these looks consistent in color except for the shirts and tops. The less variation in colors you have in the first layer, the easier it will be for you to create the second, and even more so to come up with ready-made solutions from what you have.

Let's move on to the second layer.
Things here are more fun - more colors, more interesting styles.
The main goal of the second base layer is to add a touch of modernity and fashion to our classic filling.
This layer is even more dependent on your personal preferences and tastes.

What you should pay attention to when putting together this part of your wardrobe. First of all, the colors. How new color, which you enter at this stage is combined with those that exist, with which it is supported.
Don't forget about the texture of the fabric. Yes, you can wear a velvet jacket to work, which you added on the second layer, but will it be good in combination, for example, with the tweed skirt that you chose on the first? Very often we pay attention to color combinations, but we forget that the fabrics in the sets should also support each other, and not contradict.

Again I made two different types the second layer, based on the first bases. One for winter-autumn. The second is for summer-warm spring.
In the second winter-autumn layer we include:
- a blouse with long sleeves;
- blouse with short sleeves;
- an intricate skirt;
- a brighter dress compared to the first layer;
- two knitted cardigans;
- knitted jumper;
- dark blue classic jeans (for Friday or sudden business trips);
- a couple of boats;
- a pair of ballet shoes;
- three belts of different colors$
- two bags;
- two scarves;
- watch;
- a pair of earrings of classic design;
- several chains and pendants.

Below is the entire database listed above - first and second.

Lower possible variations combinations of things. I made only six examples, but objects can be twisted and turned as much as you like, coming up with new options.

Now let's move on to summer second layer.
The principle of its formation is identical. The set of things that can be easily changed is slightly different. For example, I don’t have jeans here, although I could have them. Some juicy color.

What I included:
- blouse with long sleeves;
- blouse with short sleeves;
- funny plaid shirt;
- knitted cardigan;
- white jacket;
- another skirt;
- a dress with interesting drapery;
- two bags of different colors;
- two scarves of different colors;
- three pairs of shoes;
- belts of all colors in the wardrobe;
- bracelets;
- necklaces.

This is what happened to me this time.

Combination options.

How do you form your wardrobe, do you adhere to any strict rules? Do you follow the dress code or do you have the opportunity to ignore it?;)

Hello everybody! Have you tried to compose it yourself? clothing capsule? Have you ever heard anything about this? You can plan the perfect dressing room, think through the ideal storage systems, but all this will be completely pointless if every day, looking at the rows of clothes, you still don’t know what to wear.

For many years I suffered from having nothing to wear. Of course, not in the literal sense 🙂 I went to the store, bought something beautiful from my salary or grabbed something on sale (marketers don’t eat their bread in vain), but continued to suffer further. There was still nothing to wear. And today I will share with you how I solved this problem and at the same time began to spend less money. Interesting? Sit back, there's a lot to talk about.

On one of the sites, I came across information that capsule wardrobe is a miraculous principle that solves several problems at once:

Tempting? I was personally very interested. I wanted to check how it all works. Then I started scouring the web in search of answers to the questions: what is a capsule wardrobe, how to create a capsule wardrobe?

In short, then capsule wardrobe- this is the basis. Clothes are selected in such a way that all items are combined with each other, you can take any “bottom” (skirt, trousers) and any top at random (tops, sweaters, blazers) and they will suit each other.

But here ready-made solution I haven’t found exactly how to do all this.

In the end, I went according to the following plan:

  1. Determine your color type (winter, spring, summer, autumn), for further selection of wardrobe colors;
  2. carry out an audit of the closet and, without regret, get rid of what has worn out and lost its appearance;
  3. get rid of what is small/big/does not fit your figure, be honest with yourself in this matter;
  4. get rid of something I haven’t worn for more than two years - if I haven’t worn it, then this thing simply doesn’t suit me.

I audited the closet in several passes. I got rid of unnecessary things gradually. Psychologically, this was perhaps the most difficult moment.

Then I followed the usual path: making collages. Dozens have been developed for the fashion industry online services, I settled on polyvore. This is a resource primarily for online shopping, but can also be used for quick collages.

The next step is registration on the service

How to use POLYVORE

It seems that it is possible to make a Russian version, but I couldn’t find it, I use the English one. Everything is the same as on any similar site - first register, nothing complicated. Next, click on the top panel create select from the drop-down menu set.

An empty field appears on the left in which a collage is created, and on the right are catalogs of a wide variety of clothing, furniture, accessories, jewelry etc. with a search bar.

By clicking on any section, for example jeans, a huge catalog of a wide variety of jeans models appears. A color selection filter appears. Select any model you need and simply drag it into the collage field, select the transparent background mode.

Objects selected in the collage can be moved to the background and foreground relative to each other using the arrows on top. It's all simple, you'll figure it out in 5 minutes.

To make it clearer, I will continue the story about my set.

My capsule wardrobe

First, I collected analogues of all the things I left behind into a collage. I decided not to include outerwear in this set, because... The problem of ordinary sets for work, leisure, and walking with a child was more pressing. The polyvore catalogs are so huge that I found analogues of all the items without any problems.

  1. The color palette must correspond to the color type (winter, spring, summer, autumn). Mine is summer, which means the dominance of cold, muted shades.
  2. Choose base color- the main color around which I will build my wardrobe. Taking into account the first point and what was already on the collage, I choose a muted blue color.
  3. It is advisable to use no more than three colors in sets. Black, white and gray - achromatic colors, they do not need to be taken into account when calculating.
  4. Grey, white and black - universal colors, which go well with all the others.
  5. For each “bottom” there must be at least three “tops”.


Great, my capsule wardrobe is ready.

Now I have a shopping plan:

  1. blue blouse-shirt;
  2. dark blue top;
  3. beige v-neck sweater;
  4. white/cream sweatshirt;
  5. a light cream scarf, preferably with a small dark blue print;
  6. leopard print sunglasses;
  7. brown blazer;
  8. following blue jeans buy a lighter color than now.

Save and publish the set. Then, through the drop-down menu, open your Set and take turns clicking and liking each item of clothing. Now all the items in your capsule wardrobe are saved in the section Items drop-down menu.

It's so exciting! Reminds me of a dress-up game paper dolls from childhood. When things are like this before your eyes, it is easier to form new combinations, some unexpected solutions.

I’ll share with you a few of my sets, I don’t see the point in showing them all, there were a lot of them. I am, among other things, an amateur jewelry and jewelry. For the sets, I immediately figured out something suitable from my reserves. I don’t pretend to be super fashionable; when it comes to clothing, I value, first of all, individuality.



I would like to add that my capsule reflects my lifestyle and is not at all suitable for anyone else. Everyone has their own options.

So, let's get back to the problems that, according to stylists, a capsule wardrobe solves:

  • no longer have to rack your brains about what to wear;

I completely agree with this, there were a lot of sets. Everything fits together, you can take things almost at random - everything fits together.

  • there will be a lot of free space in the closet;

I probably got rid of a lot more things than I planned to buy.

  • shopping expenses will be reduced;

I agree, my so-called impulse purchases, sudden purchases. If the store doesn’t have an item that matches the list, then I leave with a clear conscience and the knowledge that I really don’t need anything here. Although the money saved in this way can always be spent on buying items in a more expensive segment.

  • The options for clothing sets will increase several times.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Perhaps I will join the camp of those who consider capsules an excellent solution to their wardrobe problems. In general, in theory, capsules are created for each occasion separately: a capsule for relaxation, a capsule for work, for going out, etc. But personally, I found it more convenient to create one large clothing capsule of 30 items.

In the title photo of the article, if you noticed, option number 9 in life :)

Do you think a capsule wardrobe is convenient? Or do you prefer to buy clothes haphazardly according to your mood?

Ekaterina Malyarova

What is a capsule wardrobe?

Unfortunately, a basic wardrobe is not able to fully satisfy our needs, because there is a division by area of ​​life, by season, etc. In this case, a capsule wardrobe comes to our aid. Imagine that you are assembling a structure from Lego: you first build the base, and then supplement it with the missing elements. The same is the case with clothes: first you form a base, and then supplement it with capsules.

A capsule is a set of wardrobe elements that are combined with each other according to their purpose, color scheme and style direction.

Rice. 1. An example of a capsule wardrobe in a casual style.

Typically a capsule consists of 5-8 items excluding accessories. The capsule is designed to completely cover one area of ​​a person’s life. There can be several capsules in the wardrobe: for relaxation and for work, for evening outings outdoors, for sports, winter and summer capsules, etc.

It is logical that the office capsule will consist mainly of business-style items, neutral colors, and laconic cut. The vacation capsule, on the contrary, will include more relaxed models, loose fit, and bright colors.

History of the capsule wardrobe

The term “capsule wardrobe” was first used by Susie Faux, owner of the London boutique Wardrobe in the 70s. She argued that a capsule wardrobe should consist of clothing items that do not lose their relevance and, accordingly, can be worn for a long time. long period time, complementing with seasonal items.

The idea of ​​a capsule wardrobe was picked up by the famous Donna Karan, an American designer, founder of the Donna Karan and DKNY brands. In 1985, she released a capsule collection called Seven Simple Things. The main idea of ​​the capsule from Donna Karan is that things should fit perfectly on the figure, be successfully combined with each other and cover most areas of the life of an active business woman.

Today, such popular affordable brands as Zara, H&M, Massimo Dutti, etc. produce collections based on the principles of a capsule wardrobe, and you’ve probably already noticed that every season in a mono-brand boutique you can easily pick up items that match style, color scheme or prints.

Expensive famous brands They also produce seasonal collections (Pre-Fall, Cruise/Resort), which clearly demonstrate the combinatorial compatibility of clothing.

Rice. 2. Example of a capsule in the collection Michael Kors Pre-Fall 2016.

But, if you prefer to choose your own clothes different brands, not based on seasonal capsule collections, then creating a capsule wardrobe for you will be based on different principles.

Building a capsule wardrobe

So, the first thing you need to create a capsule wardrobe is to draw a circle diagram and divide it into sectors according to areas of life. This will help you clearly see which areas of your life predominate, and, accordingly, understand which capsules you should start with when building your wardrobe.

Fig.3. Examples of drawing up pie charts and dividing them into sectors indicating areas of life.

Let's say you are a mother on maternity leave, and the most significant sector on your circle diagram is occupied by family and recreation. And, if, as a percentage, your wardrobe contains the most things for leisure and home, then we can say with confidence that your wardrobe is rational. But, if you have serious discrepancies (for example, the prevailing business clothes), then you need to think about getting rid of unnecessary things and buy those that will make up a capsule intended for home and leisure.

Rice. 4. An example of a capsule for home and leisure.

Or, on the contrary, you - office worker. Here you need to take into account the presence or absence of a dress code at work. In any case, things for work should look more representative and respectable than casual wear for relax. As many stylists and image makers emphasize, dress for work as you would for the position you want in the future.

A working capsule at a minimum consists of 4-5 tops and 2-3 bottoms. It is better to start forming the capsule from the bottoms (trousers, skirts) and shoes. Tops (shirts, tops, blouses) that go with them are added to the bottoms. And based on the collected clothing ensembles, accessories (bags, gloves, belts, scarves, jewelry) are selected.

Your capsule should not grow in width, it should grow in depth, so that as many elements of the capsule are combined with each other as possible.

Rice. 5. An example of a business capsule for an office worker.

As you understand, the capsule approach offers us a wide variety of ensembles with a minimum of necessary things, which, in turn, makes our shopping more convenient and low-cost.

Capsules for every season

A separate capsule is selected for each season, but there are off-season items that can be transferred from one capsule to another.

Capsule wardrobe for winter

The winter wardrobe is not particularly diverse, so the basis of the winter capsule will be outerwear, shoes and various accessories (hats, scarves, gloves). Key moment winter capsule - it should be associated with warmth and comfort, which is so lacking on cold winter days. In the winter capsule the main emphasis is on different textures- fur, wool, leather, cashmere.

Rice. 6. An example of a winter wardrobe capsule.

Capsule wardrobe for spring

The spring capsule wardrobe has a romantic, playful mood. After a harsh winter cold There comes a time when you want to lighten your wardrobe, make it more delicate and sophisticated. Spring is a time for experimentation; don’t be afraid to include trendy things in your spring capsules. The main accents of the spring capsule are bright or light shades clothes.

Fig.7. An example of a spring wardrobe capsule.

Capsule wardrobe for summer

Summer coincides with vacation time for most people, so a summer capsule wardrobe mainly includes loungewear. These are a variety of T-shirts, T-shirts, tops, skirts, shorts, dresses, sundresses, swimsuits. Very actively used in summer White color, moreover, both in clothes and in shoes and accessories. In addition to white, bright, rich colors, or, conversely, delicate pastel shades. Also summer fashion makes it possible to experiment more with prints, but already traditional for summer period prints such as stripes, polka dots and floral motifs have become popular.

Fig.8. An example of a summer wardrobe capsule.

Capsule wardrobe for autumn

After a hot summer, when a woman gets by with a minimum of clothing, autumn comes, which many look forward to. Because autumn is a time of more complex ensembles, rich combinations of colors in clothes, contrasts of textures and layering. In the autumn capsule, the emphasis is on impeccable tailoring and high quality clothes. Main materials: tweed, wool, leather, suede, cashmere, corduroy.

Fig.9. An example of an autumn wardrobe capsule.

Capsule wardrobe in practice

Many fashionistas use a capsule approach to building their wardrobe. Among them is the US fashion blogger Elle. The girl created two capsules: a work capsule and an everyday capsule, for every day (in casual style). To do this, she needed 12 items of clothing, not counting shoes, bags and accessories. The main condition is that all the items in the capsules are successfully combined with each other.

So, the girl’s capsule wardrobe included: a trench coat, a blazer, white shirt dress, jumper, striped sweater, skinny jeans, leather skirt, blouse, tweed jacket, pencil skirt, black little dress, trousers. In addition, three bags and three pairs of shoes were used.

Rice. 10. Elements of a capsule wardrobe (a).

Rice. 15. Capsule in casual style from fashion blogger Elle from the USA (a).

As you can see, the capsule wardrobe is perfect solution for those who like to look different, combine things to their own taste and, at the same time, not spend a lot of money on shopping. It will take time to form the capsules, but in the end you will be rewarded with amazing results in the form of a rational wardrobe and in a great mood from the opportunity to look new every day.

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Since the 70s of the last century in the fashion world, with light hand owner of the London boutique Susie Fox, such a concept as wardrobe capsule. It sounds a little eccentric, but it's very simple - these are items of clothing and shoes that match the roles we play in life. For example, women spend most of the day at work, so there should be no problem with what to wear every morning. For this purpose, a set of things is created, ideally suitable friend friend in any combination. The same universal capsules are formed for young mothers, overweight women, walking, social options.

How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe: Key Points

Before we discuss specific examples, it is important to indicate general rules their creation:

  • Color spectrum;
  • Attention to the figure;
  • Classics in favor.

There are few of them, but the scheme is based on observing such points creating a capsule wardrobe for any occasion.

Firstly, color type. In order for things to be easily and seamlessly combined, you need to choose two or three primary colors that are ideal for a particular person. You should be careful with a black tint, because the closer it is to the face, the more unpredictably it can affect your appearance: create unwanted shadows and visually worsen skin color.

In general, the selection can be as follows: black, brown, gray, mustard trousers, coats, skirts, bags in combination with bright, accenting models, for example, red, pink, green. Blouses, jackets, and dresses can be bright, although combinations of colorful skirts with black jackets are allowed. The main rule is that there are no random things in the capsule, and that all items are easily combined with each other.

Secondly, an important point is the nuances of individual build. To make the basic capsule look decent, you should select things perfect fit. The cut must be impeccable, just like the fabric from which the clothing is made. In this case, they will be worn for a long time, with pleasure.

Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account style preferences. Of course, for going to the gym or painting, specific items of clothing are selected that correspond to the type of activity. But for the main moments of life: work, walks with friends or children, trips to a cafe, it is better to prefer the inimitable and timeless classics.

In any case, when creating a basic wardrobe (a capsule wardrobe is a type of it), you should choose 80% of the items in classic style: trousers, jacket, skirt, coat. But it’s not forbidden to add a few trendy items of clothing or diversify the look with accessories. An example of such a bow: fashionable blouse, classic jacket or cardigan + straight or tapered trousers. A trendy bag and a colorful scarf that does not violate the overall color type will not damage your image.

Remember that you should not buy a lot of unnecessary things - within one capsule, from 2 to 12 items of clothing are enough, depending on the situation.

Now let's look at several options for capsules for creating business and everyday looks.

What clothes to choose for the office: creating a capsule

This important question, since we spend a lot of time at the workplace. Here you should not dress too provocatively; you need to follow the rules of the dress code, even if sometimes unspoken, and also pay attention to the quality and comfort of clothing. Regarding color, you should prefer a combination of the main ones (black, gray, dark gray, beige, brown, dark blue, white) and additional accent shades. The second group includes turquoise, lilac, burgundy, indigo and others.

What should be on your office essentials list?

  • Different types of trousers;
  • Formal skirts;
  • Jacket or blazer;
  • Sweater, cardigan;
  • Ballet shoes;
  • Spacious and practical bag.

Office capsule, first of all, consists of trousers - at least 2 pieces different shades and strict styles. In addition, you need two skirts, 2-3 blouses, one of which must be classic white, and a jacket. In addition, a cardigan and a light sweater are required in case of coolness, especially if it’s autumn or winter, and just to change your image. Shoes are limited to ballet flats, shoes with comfortable, stable heels, stiletto heels for more special occasions. Grays look great wool trousers with a cropped cardigan and white classic blouse– this image would be appropriate in a work environment.

Accessories should also be given attention. Scarves provide great variety of looks, pearl beads and modest earrings, stylish watch. The bag should be of high quality and spacious. Sometimes a clutch is allowed.

Curvy beauty: capsule wardrobe for plus size women

In such cases, it is important to create any capsule based on basic wardrobe:

  • Pants - at least two pairs;
  • Classic skirts;
  • Shirts;
  • Cardigan or long sweater for the winter;
  • Sheath dress;
  • Coat.

That is, having at your disposal perfectly fitting trousers - straight, wide, black, with vertical stripes or dark blue jeans(both items must be in the base) you can add a fashionable, colorful T-shirt or a light poncho - and your look is ready for summer-spring. In the same way you can combine using basic skirt(pencil, flared, mid-knee length or slightly lower) and elegant blouse with a jacket. The jacket goes great with the dress.

But keep in mind that colors that are too flashy are absolutely not suitable. fat ladies, against, dark shades make the silhouette slimmer. The color options used are the same as for all types of capsules. Lightweight belts, scarves, and neckerchiefs are welcome.

Dresses are a must-have in the wardrobe of a woman of any size. The only rule is that the item fits perfectly on the figure and is made of thick fabric.

In the summer overweight women A chiffon tunic fits perfectly, worn over straight jeans that can be tucked up flirtatiously. All this is combined with light sandals.

Regarding winter, here you should add an elongated one to your wardrobe. wool cardigan, A the best option the coat will be a product with oblique lines, fitted or with a belt - this will emphasize the waist. Down jackets stitched with diamonds are not suitable for curvy women, and jackets that are too short inevitably make the bottom heavier.

Clothing for a young mother

This period in a woman’s life is filled not only with new colors and amazing emotions, but also with everyday worries, so the selection of a capsule wardrobe for this category should be optimized as much as possible. Since a young mother is often outdoors, walking with her baby, the emphasis in composing the capsule should be on things casual style. These are comfortable, fashionable and stylish items of clothing that will decorate a woman and give her confidence.

The list of basic things includes:

  • Jeans come first;
  • Trousers;
  • Skirt;
  • Shirts (3-4 pcs);
  • Jumper, polo, cardigan, golf;
  • Coat, jacket, raincoat, down jacket - depending on the season;
  • Low boots, ankle boots in winter, moccasins, ballet flats in summer.

The main rule is beauty and practicality. You can place accents using color and additional details. First of all, for walking you will need jeans in combination with shirts and jackets or sweaters, cardigans. By the way, layering is now in trend, so don’t be afraid of combinations, for example, a blouse, jumper and jacket - this look looks trendy. A light T-shirt, a light two-tone sweater and blue jeans with sneakers in a rich, terracotta color also look great. The bag and scarf for such a set should be in more muted tones.

Early autumn or cold spring – it’s time to diversify young mother's wardrobe. The following combination is allowed: drape skirt, light golf + raincoat or coat (fitted or with a belt, maybe with a hood), beige ankle boots (high leather boots) And stylish bag in the color of outerwear.

Accessories can significantly enliven an image. For example, a bag with a beautiful print and an elegant muffler scarf.

When it comes to warm autumn, fur vests are perfect. In winter, you can’t do without a comfortable, warm and high-quality down jacket.

Whichever wardrobe capsule was not compiled, you should remember that there should not be more than 12 things, since otherwise the rule of compatibility will be violated, and also do not forget about color combinations - if chosen incorrectly, they can ruin created image. Happy combinations!
