Description of the classic style of clothing spring summer. #33: Improved Bohemian Style

The beginning of a new season is always a great occasion to update your appearance, wardrobe, style. It's especially nice to innovate after gloomy winter chills and bulky bows. Therefore, designers have introduced many stylish novelties and current trends of spring 2017.

Spring 2017 trends - clothing

Spring 2017 Fashion Trends

coming warm season marked itself as feminine and elegant. The spring 2017 trends fully demonstrate how fashionistas are transformed, freshened and bloom after the “hibernation”. Therefore, the most current wardrobe is distinguished by light flying silhouettes. Any decor and decoration that attracts attention is welcome. In general, the image can remain restrained and not catchy. And the most popular style solutions are the following:

What is fashionable in spring 2017 - outerwear

In the matter of a warm wardrobe, stylists adhere to timeless classic. Spring 2017 Trends - Outerwear simple cut, without complex decoration and decor. The more concise your image, the brighter appearance. However, it is worth choosing models that emphasize a graceful gait, a slender figure, a feminine silhouette:

What dresses are fashionable in spring 2017?

The most feminine piece of clothing in the new season has become the main must have in mandatory wardrobe for spring. Any style is in fashion - a strict case, a romantic sun, a straight cut, a year and many others. The variety of materials is also striking - from light chiffon and silk to dense knitwear and fancy yarn. But the main trends are fashionable dresses for spring 2017 with the following features:

What skirts are fashionable in spring 2017?

Another must-have wardrobe item is considered. The most stylish models are very diverse in cut, material, finish, to make a good purchase for girls with any type of appearance and constitution. Bandage models of a short cut remain in fashion. An original choice would be a narrow pencil made of non-standard fabric - satin, leather, perforated viscose, stitching. Fashionable skirts for spring 2017 are a universal midi length. And again, an interesting corrugation is in trend.

What skirts fashion spring 2017

Fashion jeans for spring 2017

Denim fashion continues to dictate its own rules in the demi-season of 2017. The main feature of the new products was an overestimated landing. Spring trends 2017 are versatile and comfortable boyfriends, the mandatory length of which is 7/8. The straight cut is back in fashion, often suitable for non-strict business bows. The flare, popular last year, is extended to the floor mark. And pseudo-jeans became a novelty - made of knitwear or elastane with denim colors.

Fashion jeans for spring 2017

Fashionable shoes for spring 2017

For a successful image, it is important to establish a practical and reliable foundation. When asked what shoes are fashionable in the spring of 2017, stylists give an unequivocal answer - comfortable and versatile. The most popular trends differ in such details:

What bags are fashionable in spring 2017?

Bags have moved into the category of the most necessary and practical details in the image. But this does not mean that the design of these elements should only complement the bow. Stylish models will perfectly decorate the look and can even act as a bright accent. Let's see the most Fashion bags spring 2017:

Fashion accessories spring 2017

Supplements are essential for stylish bow. The main trends of spring 2017 are large jewelry. Massive bracelets, voluminous earrings and rings with a very large stone will become a fashionable solution in any combination. It is worth taking care of protecting your eyes from the bright sun. The cat's eye is the most relevant form of glasses in 2017. A wide belt made of leather or textiles will help to visually tighten the figure and focus on the waist.

Fashion accessories spring 2017

Spring 2017 trends - makeup

In the warm period, it makes no sense to hide the face under hats and in a hood. Therefore, make-up becomes an integral element. The main trends of spring 2017 accentuate the eyes with pink shadows or colored arrows. For those who prefer to do without the exotic, stylists offer a win-win nude makeup and red lipstick combined with smoky eyes or black eyeliner.

Spring 2017 trends - makeup

What colors will be in trend in spring 2017?

Regardless of the chosen wardrobe, the main element that catches the eye first will be the color scheme. Trendy colors in clothes for spring 2017 are distinguished by fresh shades. But not only bright and contrasting palettes are in fashion. Restraint and conciseness are also welcome:

Probably, every woman has a moment when, having opened the closet door, she sees overflowing shelves, but in confusion she cannot understand what to wear. We decided to collect the basic spring wardrobe so you don't run into this problem again. The basic wardrobe consists of casual clothes that can be easily combined with each other. If collect full set consisting of the right things, the problem of choosing clothes will disappear on its own. When you go shopping, bet on classics.

Do not buy too bright and colorful styles. Firstly, a dress with an unusual cut, no matter how fashionable it may be, will go out of fashion in a few seasons. The same fate awaits a top with a wild print and complex texture. In order not to look ridiculous in a year, do not buy these things. Not only are they very difficult to combine with other clothes, such things are also too recognizable. It is possible that not only you will have a desire to buy them.

Even the world's most famous fashionistas and bloggers have already abandoned too many clothes. The whole world is trying to save the resources of the planet and makes a choice in favor of rationalization. It is better to invest in quality branded items. Good universal thing It's always an investment you won't regret. If you want to impulsively buy four multi-colored tops, then when choosing the right basic wardrobe, you should abandon this idea and go for one, but a quality one.

The basic wardrobe always consists of three colors: black, white and gray. Since it's spring now, we can't get past dark blue and beige colors. But we cannot forget about trends, especially since some trends have entered the basic wardrobe. Pieces like the khaki trench coat and blue jeans have long been staples of the basic wardrobe.

So, when we make a must-buy list, we add the following to it. V-neck T-shirts, tank tops, 3/4 sleeve T-shirts. Do not forget about a small sheath dress, a pencil skirt, a classic trouser suit. Jumper or cardigan light knitted sweater. It will not be superfluous to purchase a windbreaker or raincoat with a classic cut. Dark blue, light blue jeans, light trousers. Don't forget the white blouse-shirt in men's style.

This purchase can be a stylish base for any look. This season is very relevant combination knitted dress and a leather jacket. Don't forget shoes and accessories. If you need to choose shoes that are versatile and discreet - brogues or oxfords, pumps and sandals with stable heels, then the choice of accessories should be a real flight of creative fantasies.

Required shoe minimum for spring: pumps flesh color, dark jockey boots, dark moccasins, as well as light moccasins of any shade. If you often go out, do not forget about evening shoes or high heels. stoles and neckerchiefs a must have in your spring wardrobe.

They help to visually update the wardrobe or combine a variety of things into one ensemble. A dress is a sign of femininity, so you just need to buy several models at once in a basic spring wardrobe. Stop the choice on one strict model, on romantic dress, as well as on a comfortable model, ideal for every day. A small shoulder bag goes well with the dress.

Fashionable women's clothing spring 2017 photo stylish new items

If we consider all the spring-summer shows of women's clothing collections, their different stylistic orientation is immediately visible. But in numerous styles, such lines as sports, military and retro prevail. New York shows focused on the practicality and convenience of military clothing, and Europe is in nostalgia for the 70s of the last century. Many collections are made in linen and transparent style. However, in different directions there are many interesting ideas in which simplicity is combined with complexity and constructivism, elegance with roughness and massiveness.

The most important trend of 2017 is individuality. Whatever your clothes are, they should be unique, exclusive, as if tailor-made exclusively for you. Accessories, rhinestones, embroidery, metal parts will help in this - everything that can be brought into the industrial model by you personally and is capable, emphasizing your style, transforming clothes beyond recognition.

When choosing a new thing, pay attention to models with unusual cut. Bright, acid colors, an abundance of shine, a defiant pattern - all this is present in the collections of world couturiers offered by spring 2017. In fashion lace inserts, the combination of fabrics of different texture and color, asymmetry and shocking.

Basic women's shoes spring 2017 fashion news photo

Every modern girl should have a basic wardrobe. It represents a kind of foundation - a set of certain things that can be combined with each other in various combinations, and due to this, create new images every time. When going to work or school in the morning, you don’t have to frantically go through all the things in the closet in search of what to wear. A well-chosen basic wardrobe will easily solve this problem.

In the spring of 2017, at least a few pairs should be purchased actual shoes. For everybody individual case will have their own shoes. The basic wardrobe includes boots, ankle boots, moccasins, shoes and sandals. Boots should be as comfortable as possible, of high quality, with a stable heel. This spring, brown or black square-heeled boots are available. They can also be made from reptile skin. Ankle boots go well with both skirts and trousers. They can be made from leather or suede. In the new season, sharp spouts, various decorative elements and patent leather are especially relevant.

How more shoes different models and flowers in a fashionista's wardrobe, the better. But if you want to save money, then it will be enough to purchase beige-flesh-colored pumps and black classic shoes. These are truly versatile shoes, suitable for many looks and outfits.

Boots and ankle boots are best worn with long or slightly cropped trousers. For skirts, leave boots and shoes. Boots visually “cut” the leg, make it shorter, and the ankles and calves are fuller. Wearing such shoes with skirts without compromising the first impression of external data can only be very slim girls model appearance with very long legs.

If you still want to risk wearing ankle boots, choose tight, opaque tights to match them. In this case, the shoe will merge with the foot and the line of the foot will not be “cut” top edge boot. Since you will most often wear boots with trousers, it is better to buy not very high boots, but smooth and without accessories. The fittings under the trousers will not be visible, but it can damage the fabric of the trousers.

Bright shoes - scarlet, blue, green ... Such colored shoes are necessary in order to dilute your wardrobe, set new color accents in your looks. It can be stilettos, wedges, straight heels. Important point here - bright color and trend. Beige shoes on a heel with cutouts or one cutout on the side (d'Orsay). Side cutouts on shoes are essential. Firstly, it is very beautiful, secondly, the neckline will distinguish beige pumps from those that you already have (black and bright), and thirdly, it is very functional. You can wear these shoes almost any time of the year.

Every fashionista is interested in what new designers will offer in the new season and what will be fashion images spring 2017. Those who follow the fashion industry are eager to know the current trends in the near future. Looks like the styles and trends of spring 2017 will be quite unexpected.

Spring 2017 - current styles

Cruise style

In spring and summer, designers predict the relevance of such trends in clothing as cruise style, feminine classics with an abundance of openwork lace and ruffles, Asian Oriental style outfits, the use of patchwork and mega-sizes, as well as a return to life of elements from the seventies and eighties.

Cruise style in the spring of 2017 will be distinguished by such elements as a combination of vertical and horizontal stripes glasses, unusual details and cutouts on the back, as well as free folds - straight, wedge-shaped and radial. The emphasis is not only on the back, but also on the legs - skirts of this style have cutouts, the length of which can be different - the main thing is that the leg looks beautiful! Knitted light sweaters and cardigans will complement the look of a woman who chooses this direction in clothing. Colors such as terracotta, cream, sand and other light brown shades will be used here.

East style

Many designers are now turning to the oriental theme. In this regard, softly flowing fabrics (satin and silk) in pastel shades and bizarre but delicate prints appear in their new collections. Makeup in oriental style would be a great addition to this look. The most affordable outfit option for every day in this direction is a shirt dress with trousers and a stole belted at the waist - gray or cream.

80s style

Capricious fashion in the spring of 2017 will draw the attention of fashionistas to the style of the long-gone eighties. Something will be taken even from the seventies of the last century - for example, corduroy fabrics and flared trousers. The controversial and catchy 80s showed themselves on the catwalks in combinations of wide shoulders with a narrow waist, strong fitting clothes in some places and excessive volumes in others, the return of Bermuda and banana trousers. The latter can be either plain or embroidered with stones or with large bright prints.

fashion show

Fashion shows now also demonstrate femininity and classics as current trends - a lot of ruffles, frills, folds, lace, satin ribbons, fringe and fur. On the catwalks, models shine in designer outfits with feathers, sequins and an abundance of pleating.

Military style

The military style is also not forgotten, but feminine elements will be added to khaki colors and marsh shades - fringe or multi-colored flowers.

What do you need to have as elements of a basic wardrobe in the spring of 2017?

First of all, this is a translucent shirt, a fitted jacket, skirts - leather and velvet, as well as velvet trousers and dresses. Lace suits or dresses will also look good.

As outerwear, fashionistas will use elegant raincoats reminiscent of dresses and bright, loose-fitting spring coats. Wide belts and large accessories will complement the spring look.

Most of the latest collections have drawn attention to bustier and bandeau dresses, layered dresses with an incredible amount of frills and ruffles. Shirt dresses will also be relevant if you wear them with an elegant handbag and high-heeled shoes and complement them with skinny trousers or a pencil skirt. Plaid shirt dresses are predicted to be especially popular.

Oversized clothes will become an obligatory attribute of every woman, and in the spring it will be sail pants, and huge "flying" shirts, and dresses of this cut.

Patchwork is predicted to be extremely popular. Pieces of multi-coloured fabric put together with the addition of intricate graphic patterns can become the leaders of spring 2017 fashion.

Things from denim are not going to give up their positions - they have taken a strong place in the everyday wardrobe of almost every woman. Here it is important to know that there are more than two elements denim clothing cannot be worn at the same time. Other parts of the wardrobe can be in the same style and the same color, but the fabric must be different. This spring, both short shorts and mid-calf jeans will be in fashion - not only blue, but also rich gray, black and white. Boyfriend jeans are a must have for any girl this season. It is also possible to wear in the spring of 2017 jeans dresses and sundresses.

Jackets, jackets and coats 2017

Both strict mid-thigh-length jackets and cropped jackets with a bright print or multi-layered models will be in fashion. Men's style jackets are now considered to be made in bright spring colors. Classic colors can be complemented by unusual prints, such as vegetal, and trendy colors are olive, mustard and orange.

Parka jackets are becoming popular again, but instead of classic color khaki designers now offer burgundy for them. Otherwise, a clear trend now is the bright colors of jackets (bright red, burgundy, chocolate orange, as well as rich green and blue). The presence of volumetric applications is becoming popular.

As for the coat, the trend is also bright colors and unusual combination stripes and cells. You can safely wear a loose-fitting coat, cropped or middle length models. In any case, it is preferable to add some kind of bright accent.

Spring 2017 prints

Designers predict huge popularity for various combinations of all kinds of stripes on clothes - suits and dresses. If a girl has a slim figure, then she can experiment with variations of combinations of horizontal and vertical lines and stripes. It is recommended to pay attention to diagonal stripes, but full girls should avoid such a pattern. At the peak of popularity, there will be other geometric prints, which, in addition to being a "fashion rage" for quite a long time, can also visually correct figure flaws. For those who prefer minimalism in clothing, stripes or checks can add elegance to the look.

In anticipation new spring The popularity of floral prints is gaining momentum - from imitation of children's drawings of flowers to exquisite rosebuds. Fashion masters also offer a novelty in the field of floral patterns - an imitation of a watercolor pattern. In addition to flowers, patterns of trees, branches and leaves in ethnic style will be relevant in prints, which can completely cover the outfit.

In prints on spring clothes 2017, not only imitation of watercolor can be found, but also imitation of oil painting or ink drawing.

One of the designers' ideas for this spring is adding luminous threads, luminous inscriptions, a kaleidoscopic effect to clothes. For young people who love extravagance, you can also choose drawings in the spirit of comics, only such elements of the wardrobe should not be discordant with the rest of the outfit. You should not get too carried away with pop art in clothes, but you can afford a bit of mischief.

Colors that will be in fashion in spring 2017

Cruise style involves combinations white color with red and blue. Such color combination does not need additional bright accessories and can be present both in clothes and on handbags and shoes. Here it is very important to learn how to skillfully combine warm and cold shades so that the clothes look stylish and fashionable.

Surprisingly, the main color trend this season - the color of dusty rose, which creates a special elegance of the outfit. Purple, blue and mustard floral prints- one of the current trends of this spring. Pink color now you can wear not only blondes, but also girls of the "fatal" type - brunettes or owners of fiery hair. Can be created in the image of a combination of pink with purple, lilac and lilac.

The hit of the spring season of 2017 will also be "acid" colors - neon and electric. Famous designers complement them with mother-of-pearl and elements that reflect light.

Designer collections for the coming seasons show a number of color solutions, one of which is the active use of white, which never loses its relevance. Just as often, black was also seen on the catwalks, including in combination with rich blue or with the same white. Also on the catwalks, designers presented an incredible number of impressive dresses. various shades red - Titian, scarlet, ruby. There were also rich dark blue color, different solutions with orange color and pink.

Spring shoes 2017

Boots invented by designers, laced around the calves and having an open toe, will become incredibly fashionable. Wear them with a mini dress or short skirt. Extravagant girls can choose over the knee boots with asymmetrical details and lacing. Another direction in shoes for the spring of 2017 is boots with a wide top.

Spring 2017 accessories

Bags this spring must be made of very high quality material and have expensive fittings - all designers are unanimous in this. As for their size, many of them believe that handbags should be either very small or very large. The main direction is minimalism. On handbags in spring 2017, large pockets and large zippers are allowed.

It will be fashionable to wear several belts at once, or to tie the belt in a knot at the waist. In general, emphasizing the waist will be as relevant as possible. And the color of the belts can be very different - it is preferable that they are striking and, of course, combined with the rest of the clothing.

Large chains (moreover, chain links can be of different sizes) and chokers will be more popular than ever with fashionistas. From earrings, you can choose complex chandelier designs with an abundance of various details - sometimes they are even shoulder-length. Bracelets some designers this spring are advised to wear several pieces at once on both hands. Slave bracelets, which are both a ring and a bracelet at once, and cuff bracelets will be fashionable. Brave girls can wear several bracelets on their forearms - in any case, this is what a number of designers suggest. It is becoming fashionable to wear ankle bracelets again.

H fashion weeks in the main fashion epicenters have taken place! Time to exhale and take stock with pleasure. Why with pleasure? How else, because now we, and most importantly you, dear readers, have access to great knowledge. What will be fashionable this season! It's time to open the closet and think carefully about what else to put in it. But before that, we look at an overview of the key trends spring/summer 2017:

What clothes are in fashion - trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #1 Banana Pants

O and certainly not edible. But they are very cool, comfortable and again relevant! Monochromatic, with large bright prints or embroidered with stones - there are plenty to choose from. Different brands offer different bows with such trousers. Alexander Wang and Paul Smith lean towards more practical and somewhat sporty looks, Dolce & Gabbana as always more chic and luxury. But it is up to you, of course, to decide whether or not to miss such a thing out of sight.

Fashionable banana pants - trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #2 Pantsuits

B yl is relevant in autumn and winter, will remain so in spring and summer. The strength of the pantsuit position can be envied. Although I really don't want to leave him. There were a large number of monochrome options at the shows, especially in white and black. But we decided to show you photo examples with prints. Peas, cage, stripes - classics of the genre, but how modern it looks! Pants do not have to be cropped, although for summer, you can’t imagine better.

Trouser suit - trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #3 Crop Tops

H As the season gets warmer, things get shorter. At the shows of the spring / summer 2017 season there was a sufficient number of cropped blouses and shirts. Many designers have presented extremely bold striped tops in combination with skirts and trousers with high waist. We think modern girls you won’t scare like that, but you will only provoke.

Crop Tops Spring/Summer 2017 Trends

Trend #4 Raincoats

O A great alternative to coats and jackets. The raincoat will be appropriate both on a spring day and summer evening. The trend is shades of beige, asymmetric models and always with a belt or belt. The latter have become almost the main accessory of the past fashion weeks. As for the practicality of the raincoat, this is its main plus. Such a top clothes fit to jeans, fashionable trouser suit, various dresses. And from shoes, both simple oxfords and sophisticated heeled sandals can be used.

Fashionable raincoats - trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #5 Cropped Wide Leg Pants

H how wide? Let's just say: not yet culottes, but not pipes anymore. The length varies: “just below the knee” or “just above the ankle” options are welcome. By the way, they look equally nice with both sneakers and platform sandals. Prints ( cage and vertical stripe) and juicy summer flowers We say “yes” unequivocally.

Cropped wide trousers - trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #6 Ultra Short Shorts

P The last weeks of fashion surprised with the contrasting alternation of bold, fitted, open sexuality and deliberate, simple volume. This trend can serve as an example of the first case. On the catwalks of world fashion capitals, models walked in insanely short shorts. The main feature is a combination of similar, frankly, “ panties” with a closed top: sweatshirt, jumper, jacket. Will you risk it?

fashionable short shorts– trends spring/summer 2017

Trend #7 Bermuda

At different designers, they received a special incarnation. Alexander Wang made them more sporty Gucci and Oscar de la Renta remained true to the more classical path. Bermudas in this design can be worn to work on a hot day, if the dress code allows. Although in some countries with a hot climate this is officially allowed, which is really pleasing.

Bermuda Spring/Summer 2017 Trends

Trend #8 Puff Dresses

M Many people love puff cakes, but it’s better not to lean on them, but to fall in love with dresses instead, consisting of several layers going one by one. Maybe not as appetizing, but how beautiful. And this is a continuation of the theme of frills, so popular for several seasons in a row, only on a larger scale. Such dresses are very spectacular and dynamic, even if they are not decorated with interesting prints.

Puff Dresses - Spring/Summer 2017 Trends

A few more trends not to be missed...

Trend #1 80s

The 80s was a seething cauldron in which a potion was brewed from rethought classics, the influence of new musical trends, and youth subcultures. Volumetric forms and at the same time over-fitting, wide shoulders and thin waists. The 80s is the decade of all things catchy and controversial. Approximately such echoes of that time appeared on the catwalks:

80s style is back in fashion

Trend #2 Asymmetry

AT In the autumn-winter collections, asymmetry mainly touched the upper component of the images. By the spring-summer season, she got to the bottom, distorting and transforming skirts and dresses. And again with the aim of revealing the beautiful female body. By the way, a very cunning move to draw attention to their merits and distract him from minor shortcomings. The reception of asymmetry in the 1950s was used in his collections by himself Christian Dior. Even then, he experimented with cutouts, hems, day and evening dresses.

Asymmetric Top - Spring/Summer 2017 Trends
Asymmetric hem - spring/summer 2017 trends

Trend #3 Ruffle Sleeves

M silly to some girlish hearts frills are concentrated in spring-summer season on the sleeves, adding volume to them. We especially appreciated the work Dolce & Gabbana, namely the combination of a frilled blouse with a mini-length A-line skirt. The result is a very interesting, clear and slightly rounded silhouette.

Ruffles on the sleeves - trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #4 Feathers

D Certainly feathers were not present in such abundance on the catwalks. Prada and did use them in almost every model: on trousers and dresses.

P erias are considered a symbol of female windiness and carelessness. Interest in them as a fashion accessory goes back to the 17th century, when travelers began to bring exotic birds from new lands. In the 1920s and 1930s, they were used to decorate the hems of evening dresses, then interest in feathers reappeared in the 1960s, they were found in the collection Yves Saint Laurent. After a while, fashion again turns to this decorative element, adding lightness and mobility to clothes.

Feathers - Trends Spring/Summer 2017

Trend #5 Pleating

P lacing is one of the tricky tricks that is used to make clothes look more dynamic and embossed, which means alive. At the beginning of the 19th century, the creation of pleating was a very laborious process, but now it has become somewhat simplified. However, things with even fine folds still impress both designers and clients. In the spring and summer of 2017, the main pleated item is a midi-length skirt in flying fabric.

Pleated Skirt - Spring/Summer 2017 Trends

Trend #6 Transparency

Transparency - Trends Spring/Summer 2017

AT you can scold our modern reality for being so corrupted, and fashion is now promoting such revealing outfits. But in fact, this would be a mistake. The women of ancient Greece and Rome wore chitons fine fabric, allowing you to catch all the outlines of the body.

AT At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, white shirt dresses made of translucent fabrics were at the peak of popularity. And finally, in the 1960s, fashion gurus such as Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent also used motifs of playful transparency. This is more a tribute to the mood of the era than an act of vulgarity and overt sexuality. But you, of course, can not wear such outfits, or you can just put on beautiful lingerie under them and be ashamed of nothing.

Transparent clothes - fashion trends spring / summer 2017

#Trend 7 Long sleeves

O September 2016 in the series “ The future of fashion” its presenter Alexa Chung noticed that for sure soon the trend will be not just long sleeves, but long ones. Fashion flair did not disappoint the style icon. In collections Marc Jacobs, Christian Dior, Michael Kors and others we see blouses and bomber jackets with sleeves that hide the hands. Let this trend not be the most acceptable for Everyday life but very curious.

Extra long sleeves - fashion trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #8 Sequins

We cannot do without sequins, glitter, sparkling overflows not for the first season. The most curious thing is that such outfits are appropriate not only for evening solemn events. If you balance a radiant, almost theatrical skirt with a simple top (a white T-shirt, for example), then the image can easily begin its everyday life.

Sequins - Spring/Summer 2017 Trends

Trend #9 Hit by Prada

H It's no secret that in the fashion world Prada is a brand that is incredibly sensitive to fashion trends. It is definitely worth listening to and looking closely at his authority. So here it is Prada very impressive hints that in spring and summer, true fashionistas will wear sundresses over turtlenecks and shirts.

Sundresses over turtlenecks and shirts - spring/summer 2017 trends

Trend #10 V Neck

One of the sexiest fashion solutions back in business. The audacity of deep V-shaped necklines will drive admirers and envious women crazy. But just be extremely careful, you should not wear such an outfit to that party where you can lose control.

Large V-Neck Spring/Summer 2017 Trends

Trend #11 Puffy Sleeves

Short puffed puff sleeves were characteristic of the 1820s. With the onset of the era of romanticism (1780-1850), they were replaced by huge and longer sleeves of gigot (which in French is a leg of lamb. They looked like it). In the 21st century, these ideas are still alive, but they breathe a little differently: they are realized in blouses and jackets that we wear with leather skirts and ripped jeans boyfriend.

Puffed sleeves - fashion trends spring / summer 2017

Trendy Colors - Spring/Summer 2017 Trends

Trend #1 White

P The last spring-summer season was quite tricky in terms of color. Shades with beautiful, sometimes intricate names were in fashion: serene sky, futuristic silver, creamy peach, etc. Some collections from past spring/summer 2017 fashion weeks also featured a similar color palette. But if you characterize the picture as a whole, then you can highlight several key, well-known colors.

And one of them is white. There were a lot of white dresses, trousers, skirts, suits on the shows. Due to this, as well as the specifics of lighting and fabrics, white looked special in each collection: it seemed either cold, or warm, or shining.

White will be in trend in spring/summer

Trend #2 Black

FROM The next color that was most frequently encountered was black. To some, this will seem strange for a blooming pore, and someone will squeal with delight. For the collage, we chose examples of black dresses. But skirts, trousers, jackets, etc. were presented in this color. Often combined with white and rich blue.

Black will be in trend in spring/summer

Trend #3 Red

To red and its various shades ( scarlet, titian, ruby ​​red) blew up the collections of fashion capitals. There were especially many dresses, incredibly spectacular. In such outfits, you will definitely be remembered. At least because red causes a storm inside, a hurricane, a tsunami of emotions.

Red will be trending in spring/summer

Trend #4 Orange

E If in the summer you need the juicy colors associated with this season, then choose orange! It can be dark, light, bright, close to red. The designers have played with different variations, now it's your turn. Will it puffy dresses, transparent blouses or a supersuit ( like Vivienne Westwood) is entirely up to you.

Orange will be in trend in spring/summer

Trend #5 Blue

H and one spring-summer season will not do without maritime theme and blue. This time the ship is controlled by the dark and saturated shades. BUT the main thing in this range we assign wide trousers with a high waist, buttons and slits. Like u Tory Burch.

Blue will be in trend in spring/summer

Trend #6 Pink

It is hard to imagine spring and summer without juicy, sometimes cloying shades of pink. And forget about the notorious Barbie doll, pink total bows are also suitable for fatal ladies with fiery or black (like oil) hair.

Pink will be in trend in spring/summer

and a combination of pink with lilac, lilac, purple

In spring / summer, the trend will be a combination of pink and purple

The most fashionable prints of the season spring/summer 2017

Trend #1 Floral Print

FROM The most important print of the season, found in almost every collection. What kind of flowers are the most different forms and we did not see the sizes: from huge roses to daisies, as if drawn by a child's hand.

Floral print - fashion trends spring / summer 2017
Oversized floral print spring/summer 2017 trends

O floral print clothes were loved in England in the Elizabethan era ( second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries) and Victorian ( second half of the 19th - early 20th century). First famous collection Christian Dior called " flower corolla” (“Corolla“). And in the 1960s, there was even the concept of “ flower power” (flower power), it personified the confrontation between the forces of nature and state power.

Trend #2 Leopard

W Veriny print is perhaps the most ancient. Its history dates back to primitive times, when people dressed in animal skins in order to disguise themselves and feel contact with the beast, instill its qualities in themselves. Leopard print appeared in the XVIII century in France after the Egyptian campaigns of Napoleon. In the 1950s, Hollywood actresses playing the roles of femme fatales wore clothes with such a pattern. And until now, the fabric with such an image is associated with something wild, unbridled female disposition.

Leopard print - fashion trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #3 Polka Dots

Pea print is a symbol of youth, cheerfulness, carefree spirit. Couturiers such as Balmain and Dior liked to play with peas back in the middle of the 19th century. And for the first time, a polka-dot skirt appeared on the screens in 1928. Do you know who? On the Minnie Mouse!

Polka Dot Print Trends Spring/Summer 2017

Trend #4 Lettering

AT last spring-summer season there were many inscriptions, they were often small and completely covered trousers, blouses, dresses. Now they have decreased in number, but have become larger. Different meanings, fonts, colors. But the goal is the same - to attract attention.

The inscription on the clothes will be in trend in spring/summer 2017

Fashion materials - trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #1 Leather

O At the bottom of the time, leather clothing was an accessory of subcultures associated with pornography and sadomasochism. But fashion has changed the rules of the game. One of the key figures in it is Gianni Versace who dressed supermodels Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista in evening dresses leather. It was the most famous autumn/winter 1992-1993 collection. The present time is already difficult to imagine without leather skirts, jackets, dresses and trousers. All these things are one of the trends of the spring/summer 2017 season. Leather clothes in trend spring/summer 2017

Trend #2 Velvet

To You just want to touch the velvet with your hand, put it in your closet and feel it from time to time. It is too attractive, conveying the full depth of various colors and shades. And apparently it will not go to the fashionable backyards soon.

Velvet is trending spring/summer 2017

Trend #3 Silk

And another member of the top three of the season is silk. It looks luxurious, somewhat intimate, bringing us closer to the secrets of the bedroom wardrobe, and incredibly feminine. Attention should be paid to maxi dresses, elongated blouses and suits.

Silk - fashion trends spring / summer 2017

Fashionable clothing styles - trends spring / summer 2017

Trend #1 Lingerie style

E that style burst like a sexy fury into the shows of the last spring-summer season. Shirt dresses, silk trousers, tops with lace... an endless sophisticated, feminine, passionate extravaganza. And she got her sequel in collections Paul Smith, Alexander Wang, Christopher Kane 2017.

Lingerie style - trends spring/summer 2017

Trend #2 Pajama style

The king of comfort, even casual, is inferior to him in this. After all, what is the most convenient thing? Of course, in loose and light pajamas. How ingenious to make it the subject of everyday wardrobe. It remains to introduce a blanket and a pillow into fashionable use!

Pajama Style - Spring/Summer 2017 Trends

Trend #3 Oversize

E Another long-liver in the fashion arena, although this season it manifests itself mainly through the volume of the upper part of the image. Large t-shirts, jumpers, bomber jackets will be fashionable to combine with mini skirts, ultra-short shorts, dresses with an asymmetrical hem.

Oversize - Fashion Trends Spring/Summer 2017

Trend #4 Romance

Airy, delicate as marshmallow romantic dresses are another trend. Dedicated to admirers of everything refined and tender.

romantic style– trends spring/summer 2017

Trend #5 Sports style and its varieties

AT Last spring-summer season, this style only accelerated, now it has reached its maximum speed. Scuba dresses, olympic shirts in colors in combination with wide trousers and vice versa floral jacket plus pants with sports stripes. Not imbued sports theme only the laziest, but became the most versed in it Alexander Wang.

Sports style - fashion trends spring / summer 2017
Sporty style will be in trend in spring/summer 2017

And at the end in again I would like to remind you: do not forget that you need to follow fashion, but do not blindly obey it. Look for trends and images that are right for you, bring something of your own to them - only then will you look truly stylish, and this is much more valuable than just being fashionable.

Find out which ones will be in fashion in spring/summer 2017.


From year to year, designers strive to surprise us fashion news and trends in the fashion world, keeping up with them is quite difficult. We do not have time to pamper ourselves with another fashionable novelty, when other models and styles immediately come to replace it. If you do not know how to dress fashionably in the spring of 2018, then our article will help you. We will look at the main trends in the fashion world, talk about trendy colors and prints of the 2018 season, as well as new clothing models. What will replace the fashion of 2016?

The main spring trends in women's clothing 2018

Designers have tried to create images of spring 2018 bright, airy and dynamic. Tenderness and lace, free forms and contrasting colors are in fashion.

The main trends of spring 2018 are:

  1. Femininity in the image, numerous frills and ruffles in outfits;
  2. Ethnic patterns and floral prints;
  3. Patchwork style - clarity of geometric lines, richness of color;
  4. Actual products from velveteen and suede fabrics;
  5. Numerous inscriptions on clothes, drawings, logos, mixed colors, a riot of colors.

Designers encourage you to look for something that emphasizes your individuality and your own style. Adhering to fashion trends, you can make the image beautiful and sophisticated.

frilled and ruffled clothing frilled and ruffled clothing floral print clothing Patchwork clothing Patchwork clothing corduroy clothing clothes with drawings riot of colors in clothes

Fashionable clothing style 2018

Among the spring 2018 trends, fashion designers are focusing on military style and cruising style in clothing.

Cruise style spring 2018

Spring 2018 in the fashion world will come under the slogan of the cruise style in clothes, it is considered a hit of the coming spring. The leading accents in the images of stylists and eminent designers are the emphasis on the back and legs. Fashionable spring clothes suggest an open back framed with lace, an interesting decor. Dresses and skirts are embellished with cutouts various lengths emphasizing the elegance of the female leg. Such accents can be found not only in the spring, but also in the summer collection of catwalk outfits.

cruising clothing

Military style spring 2018

Designers do not disregard the military style in clothing. It can be traced everywhere - in dresses, tops, trousers, outerwear. The inspiration for this style was the fashion of the 60s, when famous couturiers turned their attention to strict military uniforms. Since then, this style has not gone out of fashion, every year designers come up with interesting novelties in clothes. Military - style looks good in both men's and women's lines.

In the spring of 2018, it is fashionable to wear military jackets, which look especially impressive with short skirts.

Next spring, designers diluted the military color with other shades. Now these are not necessarily marsh shades, there are also khaki colors, multi-colored flowers, fringe trim - the military style in clothes becomes more feminine and flirtatious.

military style clothing military style clothing

Fashionable colors and prints of clothes 2018

The brighter - the more fashionable. Under this heading, eminent masters presented their spring collection 2018. More and more often you can see graphic prints in clothes, an abundance of flowers and stripes, a combination of incongruous colors and a departure from the classics. We will tell you about the main trends in prints and colors right now.

Fashion prints for spring

AT spring fashion 2018 is dominated by striped combinations. Interesting and bright stripe adorns dresses, suits, overalls. Designers recommend paying special attention to the diagonal stripe, because visually it helps to hide figure flaws and emphasize its advantages. Full girls you should be very careful with this print, avoiding horizontal stripes in clothes. Skinny girls can experiment and combine both horizontal and transverse stripes in one ensemble.

No less popular in 2018 were graphic prints in women's clothing. This accent has been relevant for more than a season; it looks great on woolen and fur fabrics. In 2018, this print is the peak of popularity in the fashion world. Moreover, it can be used not only on outerwear, but also in accessories.

Designers around the world in the spring of 2018 prefer floral print in women's clothing. It can be incredibly beautiful large rosebuds, or flowers resembling a child's drawing. The novelty of the season - flower drawings made in watercolor.

All dresses, accessories and even strict suits are buried in flowers. The spring look of 2018 is truly romantic and airy.

striped shirt graphic print clothing floral print dress

Fashionable colors for spring

The dusty rose color is the most trendy in the spring 2018 collection. Designers sew dresses, sweatshirts, coats in this color. Despite the seeming girlishness of this color, outfits from it look very elegant. Floral prints look very impressive in combination with mustard, blue, purple flowers.

No less relevant is the combination of red, white and blue colors in clothes. The same echo of the trendy cruise style can be traced. These shades are present everywhere - in clothes, shoes, bags. Such a color block is self-sufficient and does not require additional bright jewelry he's good on his own. The main nuance is the ability to combine warm shades with cold and not overdo it with complex decor elements.

The squeak of the spring 2018 season is electric and neon colors, and they can also be traced in the men's clothing line. Spring collection 2018 - with impurities of acid shades in clothes, reflective elements, mother-of-pearl.

red suit with white turtleneck blue jacket with a red skirt

Fashion clothes with logo 2018

New for the spring 2018 season are logos on clothes. If before it was considered bad taste, then today is the hit of the season. There is some trend towards street fashion. As logos, designers use the names of their own fashion brand, and placed in the most visible place. Logos are decorated not only with everyday sweatshirts, jumpers and T-shirts, but also with dresses, suits, and hats.

clothing with logo

New in women's clothing and footwear for spring 2018

Spring is the time of awakening after a long winter hibernation. During this period, more than ever, the soul asks for romance, and the wardrobe for updates. Despite the fashion trends of spring 2018, when things are bright and unusual, designers offer to look at your wardrobe in terms of the presence of basic things in it. They are the "must have" of any fashionista. How do the basic things in the wardrobe look like? modern fashionista and how to dress fashionably in the spring of 2018 - find out below.

Dresses for spring 2018

A dress is a necessary item of clothing for every self-respecting young lady. In a dress, any girl feels more feminine and elegant, this is a universal thing for all occasions. In 2018, designers diversified the range of dresses - in length, style, cut, color. Let's dwell on the main trends in dresses.

Bustier and bandeau dresses

Such dresses are present in all collections of famous brands in 2018, are in great demand among fashionistas. They beautifully emphasize the neckline, as well as the lines of the shoulders and neck. These models are suitable for evening out, and in combination with a jacket are appropriate for office style.

dress in the style of Bandeau (Bustier)

layered dresses

It is impossible to overdo it with ruffles, frills and flounces this season of 2018, they are at the peak of popularity. Such models of dresses look very airy and feminine, and layering is present on the sleeves and in the bodice.

original layered dress brown layered dress

shirt dresses

This trend was popular even under Coco Chanel herself, and, as you know, she had impeccable taste. In clothes, she loved calm colors - black, dark blue, gray, green. Dresses - shirts in a cage are especially relevant. They must be worn with a pencil skirt or skinny trousers. Designers advise to complement the ensemble with high-heeled shoes and an elegant handbag - then no one will say for sure that the image came out completely unfeminine.

red shirt dress

Peignoir dresses

Dresses that look like nightgowns are in fashion. They look very elegant and emphasize the slimness of the figure. Designers decided to complement this style with elegant lace and inserts of beads and rhinestones. These dresses look very coquettish and are perfect for special occasions.

long peignoir dress and coat

Leather dresses

One of the favorites of the spring 2018 season is a leather dress. Looks very bold and interesting. The style of this dress is mostly straight or trapeze. The length is preferably mini, the sleeve is short. This is a great trendy club option.

leather dress dress with leather sleeves and long gloves

Women's coats for spring 2018

Of course imagine coming spring 2018 is simply impossible without a fashionable coat. Designers agree on one thing - the colors should be very diverse - from classic black to bright lime.

Not bypassed the strip and spring coats. main trend the upcoming season is a combination of stripes and cages - it's a hit! The more interesting the print, the brighter and more flirtatious the image. Such coat models are best combined with plain things.

Oversized coats of a free silhouette are still in fashion. Such models for brave fashionistas which will definitely not freeze this winter.

Coats with bright accents and bright accents will look great this spring. large details, medium length or cropped. fat women models with a small cell are suitable - this way it is easier to hide the flaws of the figure.

The perfect coat for spring 2018 - correct cut, bright shade, emphasizing the individual style.

tricolor coat short coat

Women's jackets for spring 2018

In the spring of 2018, designers prefer jackets in orange, burgundy, chocolate, red and rich blues and greens. A clear trend on the catwalks are red shades, especially in sports styles. Fashion designers have made jackets bright and interesting due to the presence of fur trim and ethnic motives. The trend is becoming very popular - voluminous application.

Material selection spring jackets 2018 is very large - fashion designers sew them from smooth leather, knitwear, jeans, tweed, wool and suede. The latter is a new trend in the fashion world.

Parks are on the rise. The novelty of the season are parks burgundy- the designers decided to get away from the usual khaki color. Moreover, it is best to combine parks with skirts and dresses - such a contrast is an innovation in the fashion industry.

demi-season jacket short leather jacket

Women's jackets for spring 2018

Let's highlight a few trends that can be traced in the fashion world in the spring of 2018.

Fashionable jacket prints

Classic colors - black, white, beige, gray, remain trendy. But at the same time famous designers fashion houses decided to diversify boring colors with bright prints - flowers, paintings, unusual floral ornaments. Not without attention were geometric patterns on jackets and cardigans. The classic cell is very relevant - both in the feast and in the world.

A fashionable print for next spring is asymmetrical details, for example, a shortened hem or a novelty - jackets with one sleeve. Asymmetry can also be traced in the materials used - a combination of leather and suede, knitwear and tweed, the use of contrasting colors.

In the spring of 2018, fashion experts advise wearing olive, orange and mustard flowers. Despite the riot of colors, the main condition is the severity of the lines.

black fitted jacket with original print

Jacket length

The new season brought strict mid-thigh length jackets into fashion. This jacket looks good with classic trousers or a skirt and will perfectly complement an office outfit.

Cropped jackets have become an absolute fashion statement, and designers have diversified the 2018 models interesting details in the form of unusual buttons or a bright print, multi-layered models are popular, as well as a laconic cut.

Men's style jackets are in fashion, fashion designers prefer to sew them in bright colors, thereby making them more feminine and elegant, spring fresh. They wear jackets with any jackets and sweaters.

loose navy blue jacket black and white jacket

Women's blouses for spring 2018

The spring-summer season 2018 is opened by blouses made of transparent materials and mesh of various colors. Their necks are decorated with different cutouts, the sleeves can be of any length. Transparent blouses look very romantic with ruffles and frills, some designers prefer to completely abandon the sleeves.

Another spring 2018 trend is open shoulders. For many seasons, eminent couturiers have been offering blouses - bustiers, flared blouses.

The trend in the fashion world 2018 is also lace, the absolute favorite is black. This trend is not supposed to be part of an office bow, but rather suitable for an evening out or a romantic walk.

Quite a few models of blouses on the catwalk 2018 with puff sleeves - this accent has been in fashion for several seasons and does not want to go away at all. Sleeves - "lanterns" will well complement both business and romantic style, blouses with such decor are very elegant.

delicate blouse with bow and three-quarter sleeves black oversized blouse

Women's skirts for spring 2018

The absolute trend of spring 2018 is a leather skirt. Designers offer to move away from the usual pencil skirts and skinny models to a free cut. Fluffy flared leather skirts look incredibly impressive! It is best to wear them with cropped models of jackets or sweatshirts and certainly with shoes with heels.

pleated midi skirt

Women's trousers for spring 2018

Skinny trousers are gradually being replaced by more free styles. They can be classic or sporty, but most importantly - as comfortable as possible. In the first place is the convenience and ease of movement. It's true new trend season 2018! Short-sleeve blouses or fitted shirts are most suitable for wide trousers. The colors in priority are pink, crimson, purple, burgundy, blue and green, disco style is popular - golden and silver colors. Fashion 2018 really amazes with a riot of colors.

high waisted blue trousers gray trousers in a cage

Women's boots for spring 2018

In the new season of 2018, designers abandoned the classic models and presented on the catwalks open boots. Models with an open toe and lacing around the calves are becoming a real trend in spring. This model of boots requires wearing a skirt above the knee or a mini dress.

Another trend of the fashion world is the wide top of the boots, but at the same time the block should be as comfortable as possible.

Many fashionistas prefer to opt for high over the knee boots. Complemented with lacing and asymmetrical details, these shoes are perfect for the most daring girls. Dresses to the knee of a free cut with short fur coats or jackets will suit them. Don't forget about accessories. We will talk about new products and trends in spring 2018 below.

high velvet boots with mini dress

Stylish women's accessories 2018

Designers recommend diversifying your wardrobe with as many accessories as possible. This element of clothing is often left without attention, which is absolutely impossible to do. A well-chosen handbag, combined with shoes and jewelry, can make even the simplest outfit very spectacular. What are the spring 2018 trends?

Fashion bags 2018

Rules here Street style. Fashion magazines advise choosing bags from genuine leather, qualitatively stitched, monophonic. With the exception of leopard prints - they are always in fashion, as they are already classics. Otherwise, minimalism is welcomed, the presence of large zippers and deep pockets is acceptable.

fashionable leather bag

Fashion belts 2018

The more belts, the better. They can be thin, wide, bright or calm tones. Most importantly, they must be visible and must be combined with clothing. The accent of spring 2018 is an underlined waistline.

wide red belt

Fashion Jewelry 2018

In fashion 2018 - massive jewelry in the form of chains. They can be short and long, they can replace a strap on a dress - it all depends on your imagination and adventurism!

jewelry chain around the neck and tote bag

Whatever fashion trends designers offer, the most important trend is a sense of taste and style. Of course, you can follow fashion, but do not blindly repeat the images and bows from the catwalks. Individuality and femininity will always be fashionable.
