Tattoo geometry - the style and thoughtfulness of strict lines. geometry tattoo

It all started with Euclidean geometry. Euclid lived in ancient Greece, in the 4th century BC, laid the foundations of mathematics.

Part of this science is geometry, to which the scientist paid special attention. Particular attention is paid to her and tattoo artists of the 21st century.

Of course, they are not concerned with formulas and the discovery of new laws, but with the demand of customers. geometry tattoo are gaining popularity.

There is a demand - you need to give an offer. But, this is the work of artists. For our part, we will provide information.

Geometric compositions are pretty, you need to work on the sketch in order to understand its essence. Therefore, let's start with the meanings of tattoos.

Geometry tattoo meaning

Geometry tattoo sketches appeal to the irrational essence of man. "Ratio" is translated as "mind".

Geometric compositions affect the emotional level, touching the subconscious.

The subconscious, for the most part, is built from universal patterns. Any line, at the level of intuition, most people perceive the same way.

At the same time, the mind is not always able to issue specific terms, translate the language of emotions. But, psychologists managed to deduce the main theses. Let's consider them.

geometry tattoo in rounded lines are associated with peacefulness. In smooth outlines there is no aggression.

Instead, there is a desire for harmony and a certain relaxation. If there are many broken lines, sharp corners in the picture, the subconscious perceives them as movement, a desire to be in time, to achieve. Such activity is always at least a little aggressive, passion is felt in it.

Now, let's move on to specific figures. Main 4-re. They are present in the famous psychological on the definition of character.

People are asked to choose one figure without hesitation. It defines the basis of personality. Accordingly, the choice of a sketch for a tattoo occurs.

If you liked the composition based on circles and ovals, it means that the person is contact, sociable, friendly, ready to help others and can find fault with something.

triangle geometry tattoo will be chosen by the pragmatist, aimed at victory. This is a witty man, a good politician, he is ambitious, impatient, energetic.

A person with - is confident in himself, which cannot be said about the one who chose the sketch with a rectangle.

Such sympathy speaks of low self-esteem, uncertainty. But, there is a positive attitude to everything new and the ability to try on other people's roles, that is, acting inclinations.

"Square" - tattoo geometry, meaning which comes down to in thoughts and decisions, the ability to analyze, punctuality and attention to detail.

To detail a person with such a tattoo will even be people, therefore, he does not have many friends. There is a pair worth ten.

Zigzag people stand apart. They are creators who want change. As you know, Viktor Tsoi also demanded them.

The singer did not pass the psychological test for geometric preferences, but psychologists are sure that the rocker would have chosen a spiral.

This is one of the zigzag options. with him he will talk about obsession with his own ideas, spontaneity, dreaminess, wit and carelessness in relation to finances.

In addition to excerpts from psychological tests, it is worth considering the use of generally accepted tattoos.

So, "Sign of Infinity" - sacred geometry. Tattoo is perceived as the absence of a framework, the exit of consciousness to the mental level.

At the same time, the figure eight can, on the contrary, become a symbol of a vicious "circle" of problems.

"Three dots" in a tattoo are associated with innuendo, longevity, meditation.

If in geometry tattoo male, or female, many broken lines, dotted lines are used, the composition will be correlated with indecision.

Most perceive, as a sign of protection, a religious symbol. Straight lines speak of a happy and carefree life of the wearer. tattoo.

On the hand maybe five-pointed - a sign of the USSR and those who appreciate the installations of the Soviet state.

The six-pointed luminary is a symbol of Judaism, and they say it had 12 rays, announcing the birth of Jesus.

The vastness of the list of geometric symbols, their meanings and configurations is an area that requires systematization. Let's get to it.

Geometry tattoo types

Single geometric figures and abstract clusters of identical signs are the first category.

At the same time, there are compositions that require you to listen to the subconscious, look into the treatises of psychologists, and there are stereotyped motifs, for example, "Malevich's Square".

Seeing it on the body, you instantly remember excerpts from programs and books about the secret, that is, the second plot hidden under the veil. There are associations with the artist himself, and therefore with non-standard thinking.

To decipher them, you have to look at which of the symbols are in the foreground and which play secondary roles, what corresponds to what, what colors are painted.

This is the most difficult type of sketches to interpret. Without a psychologist, as they say, you can not do.

It is easier when the figures and lines take shape and animals. The symbolism of the beast is added to associations with individual elements.

So, wolf geometry tattoo, representing vigilance and prudence. This is how heraldry, that is, the science of coats of arms, considers the predator.

If we recall the legends, the wolf becomes a powerful protector and helper.

According to the myths, the founders of Rome were raised by a she-wolf, and Mowgli grew up in a pack of wolves.

So, they are considered as a liar and a cheat. In Scandinavian mythology, the red color of the predator comes to the fore, therefore, she is considered the personification of Locke.

AT fox tattoo geometry- also a divine symbol, associated with Inari. This is the spirit of rice. True, only an animal with longevity and happiness is associated with it. In European countries, the deer has become a symbol of purity and solitude.

The list can stretch over many pages. We need only briefly mention that geometry bear tattoo promising eternal life, rebirth.

The interpretation is associated with the ability to fall into hibernation and be reborn from it. Owl geometry tattoo speaks of wisdom. But, like a nocturnal bird, the owl becomes a sign of loneliness and nostalgia.

Geometry lion tattoo, which is a symbol of dominance and royalty, and geometry cat tattoo almost universally associated with clairvoyance, freedom and cunning.

Where to get a geometry tattoo

Abstract drawings, as a rule, are easily adapted to the selected area of ​​the body. It is enough to change the configuration of “strokes”, add a couple of elements or, on the contrary, remove them.

It is difficult to do this with realistic images. You can’t tear off, for example, from a person, or you can’t change its proportions by moving a limb.

Geometry, as a science, has strict laws, but, as an art, it gives complete freedom.

The main thing is to choose a "canvas", where the pain during pricking is tolerable, but durable.

The winning options will be prompted by the master, who, by the way, should be chosen with no less care than the sketch and the place for drawing the drawing.

Tattoo sketch style eagle on the back

In the terminology of tattoo masters, there are two names for this direction - sketch and geometry.

Both options indicate directions in which in the foreground the image of objects is geometric shapes and lines. The movement is based on the ideas of airiness and clarity of the sketch.

Style Features

Tattoo geometry is originally addressed to rational thinking. This is the epitome of simplicity and uniqueness. Each geometry style tattoo is unique and cyclical at the same time. It should express a message that carries clear information.

Original and vibrant art style embodies the best features of graphic design. It can be done in black and white strokes or filled with paints.

geometry tattoo on arm

Only real masters can perform such drawings. Because the genre requires an accurate understanding of proportions and perspective.

The meaning of the figures of the tattoo: triangle, circle, square

A geometric tattoo in the style of a sketch appeals to concepts from higher mathematics. For example, round tattoos symbolize completeness. They are made in closed lines, all the details are enclosed in a single ensemble.

A circle tattoo denotes the integrity of nature. In this style of tattoos, symmetry is important,

triangle style tattoo embodies:

  • security;
  • marriage;
  • the head of a god;
  • flame;
  • number 3;
  • pyramid;
  • trinity;
  • physical stability.

It also combines the concepts:

  • birth/life/death;
  • body/mind/soul;
  • child/father/mother.

shoulder tattoo

Often this symbol is combined with a wheel or circle tattoo. A tree, an animal, a whale are entered into it.

In a geometry tattoo, the meaning of the direction is a straight line. It also connects the concept of "man" and "woman". Curved or zigzag lines represent lightning, a snake, or a water-to-earth connection.

Regular hexagon or hexagon - symbol:

  • perfection
  • abundance
  • beauty
  • harmony.

This is a graphic expression of freedom.

The formula of the human body is inscribed in the symbolism of the number 6. Often it is decorated with flowers, small strokes and broken lines. Most often, such options are purely artistic in nature.

The embodiment of balance in the direction performs a square. The Pentagon sends a message of good health, common sense. The constructed image in a spiral embodies the eternal movement, ascent and spiritual growth.

Tattoo geometric ornaments and abstractions

Geometric patterns and abstract sketch-like tattoos express a person's attitude to the outside world. Ornaments most often play the role of narration. It repeats elements and details. It can be a symbol of fertility, perpetual motion or protection.

Tattoo on the forearm

Abstract drawings express an emotional message more. They may not have one clear thought. The main thing in them is expression and a correctly distributed perspective. Abstraction should look voluminous.

Geometry tattoo for men and women

For girls in the direction of the sketch, symbols are reserved:

  • shells;
  • moon, stars;
  • plants;
  • martin;
  • fox;

The male symbols include a geometry heart tattoo.

In a set of images, sketch-style drawings are made with dense lines, with a pronounced direction. Male drawings include scales, an hourglass, a compass and cardinal points.

compass tattoo on arm

Various animals are included in the universal symbols. Geometric figures also do not have a pronounced gender identity.

They are considered general if no additional elements are entered into them.


Geometry animals make up a big part of the sketch style culture. The most popular is the geometric deer. It has the meaning of power, balance and the desire for a brighter future.

A cat drawn in part or in its entirety embodies grace, plasticity and love for comfort.

Of the wild animals, the she-wolf embodies courage, protection and endurance. For men, the head of a lion tattoo reflects dominance. For a woman - magnificence, superiority.

wolf tattoo on arm

Animals depicted as outlines of geometric shapes can express a person's attitude to character traits. They illustrate the desire to achieve the goal. Drawings of animals are often performed with full contours, which gives them grace.


Origami personifies the combination of the will of man and his desire to change the world. The figurine of a crane embodies love for the world, peace and comfort.

origami tattoo on wrist

The paper butterfly retains the meaning of fragility, faith in miracles and vulnerability. Origami in the form of a fox - jealousy. Flowers made in the origami technique are associated with the soul, its journey from the material world to the subtle plane.


A special place in the style is occupied by feathered decorations:

  • neckline,
  • back,
  • forearm.

In this perspective, the meaning is addressed to the spiritual component of a person. Drawings in the area of ​​the heart, middle of the back and waist unite the path of the emotional core of a person.

Drawings on the arms and legs are turned to actions and aspirations. They express a life position. So owl geometry is both wisdom and rapacity.

Owls can be performed in a calm or dynamic state. If she is sitting, we are talking about the qualities of character, a bright mind. A flying bird expresses the desire to achieve the goal by any means.

A flamingo standing on one leg symbolizes a bright personality. Tattoo wearers are not subject to public attention.

flamingo tattoo

Peacocks and birds with open tails "dictate my principles to society." Flying geese or swallows express a passionate nature, a creative impulse.

Paired tattoos

Symmetrical tattoos often adorn the arms in places where they can be connected. Thus, a person emphasizes his integrity. He sends signs that he is in peace and harmony with his surroundings.

Tattoos with planets emphasize curiosity and originality. Geometric patterns reflect the owner's inner world. They show his willingness to accept all sides of his character.

Geometry tattoo places

Consider the body parts in more detail, which are preferable for such a tattoo. Popular places include forearm designs. They look finished, there is enough space for them, regardless of build.

The lower back is considered the female zone, tattoos on the back are performed for both sexes. Just like the foot on the leg, tattoos are more often performed in the region of the lower leg and calf.

foot tattoo

On the arm, men's tattoos are performed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe biceps. Girls apply images in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrists, up to the elbow.

The neck and the area near the collarbones are also considered a good place. There are small pictures here. Often filled with color or with strokes of paint.

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Tattoos of a figure, the meaning of which can be quite diverse, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Laconic tattoos have come into fashion, so many people prefer to decorate their bodies in this way. Can such tattoos have a deep meaning and on what parts of the body do they look the most advantageous? You will find the answer in the article.

Geometry and psychology

Perhaps you have decided to make a tattoo in the form of a geometric figure. Such tattoos look stylish, but at the same time concise. In addition, their application does not take much time: a figure tattoo, the sketches of which can be found in the article, can be done within half an hour. However, do geometric shapes have any meaning other than body decoration? Psychology gives a positive answer to this question.

There is a psychogeometric test that connects a person's preference for a certain geometric figure and the characteristics of his personality:

  • the square is preferred by people who prefer to stand firmly on their feet. These are pedants for whom it is important to put everything on the shelves, stubborn and accustomed to getting their way;
  • if you like triangles, chances are you are a born leader. Such people know how to lead and arouse admiration in others. They have charisma and can organize other people, while they themselves do not like to obey;
  • circle - the choice of a person who is the soul of the company. Sociable and good-natured, such people have many friends and are able to become a support and support in any, even the most difficult situation;
  • zigzag is liked by people who are creative. Such people cannot act according to a pattern and prefer to break established rules.

Advice! It is not worth making a tattoo based on a psychogeometric test. However, it must be taken into account: perhaps, thanks to a tattoo, you will be able to develop the qualities that you lack and that you need.

Performance style

Figure tattoos, the photos of which are presented in the article, can look quite interesting and unusual. For example, a figure or combination of figures can be complemented with an abstract color pattern. Also at the peak of fashion is the comic theme in the tattoo, so a “fill” with the night sky or a fragment of the Milky Way can be made inside the figure.

The figure can be voluminous. A shadow or dot-work elements help to achieve this effect.

Advice! If you want to become the owner of an original tattoo that will attract everyone's attention, pay attention to the so-called "non-existent geometric shapes." Such figures are a graphic illusion, the mystery of which cannot be unraveled at first sight.

Where can the tattoo be located?

The contour image of the figure can be placed on any part of the body: a lot of space is not required for this. For example, such tattoos can be done on the fingers, behind the ear or on the neck. If you want a larger tattoo, you can choose arms, legs, or shoulder blades. A complex pattern of three-dimensional figures will be a great idea for a sleeve, that is, a tattoo that covers the arm from the wrist to the shoulder. In this case, the figures can be bright, multi-colored and even decorated with all sorts of ornaments.

Advice! For people who are afraid of pain, special ointments have been developed to reduce pain during a tattoo session. True, such funds are not available in all salons and this issue should be clarified in advance.

Tattoo geometry is a new progressive direction in the tattoo industry, which is constantly evolving. It is based on the combination of geometric components with various patterns or ornaments. Images are simple, but at the same time they are very original, presentable and aesthetic. Playing with shapes and lines, modern tattoo artists create unusual abstract sketches of geometry tattoos that can decorate any part of the body.

Features of Geometric Tattoos

Geometry tattoos only seem to be simple in execution. In fact, this impression is deceptive. The implementation of the tattooing scheme step by step requires a high level of professionalism and endurance from the tattoo artist. To get a geometry style tattoo that does not look like a regular tattoo, you need to pay special attention to choosing a sketch.

  • There are images in which the lines are deliberately drawn carelessly, resulting in a semi-transparent image that is not too overloaded. This makes the tattoo without a clear highlight on the skin.
  • Before you finally decide on the style and sketch, it is better to listen to the advice of the tattoo master. To do this, he will need to find out more information about you. This will help you choose the right image that will express the vital interests and position of the owner of the geometry tattoo.
  • You should also think about the color scheme of the future creation. With colored tattoos, you can’t stay in the sun for a long time and sunbathe. Monochrome drawings are more resistant to sunlight.
  • It is important and correct to choose a site on the body where the geometry tattoo will look advantageous and it will be less painful to prick it. An experienced tattoo artist will also help with this.
  • The main advantages of a geometry tattoo are that it can be modified at any convenient time, diluted with almost any color or converted into another image.

Having studied the main features, you can choose a geometric tattoo, the meaning of which most characterizes you.

The meaning of geometric tattoos

This style refers to the irrational part of a person's essence, influencing the subconscious and emotional background. The rounded lines of a tattoo in the style of geometry give an association with peacefulness and deny aggression, while the subconscious mind strives for harmony and relaxation. If there are broken lines and pointed corners in the image, they are perceived by the subconscious as movement, an opportunity to achieve something or be in time.

Now you can consider the basic geometric shapes. There are four of them. Each of them determines the main personality traits, as in the well-known psychological test, where you need to choose one of the figures. By the same principle, the choice of a sketch for a future image is made.

  • The decision in favor of circles and ovals speaks of the sociability and goodwill of a person. He communicates well and is always ready to help others.
  • The triangle is the personification of a pragmatist who aims to win. The qualities corresponding to such a personality are wit and energy, self-confidence.
  • The rectangle is the complete opposite of the previous figure. A person who has chosen this geometric element has low self-esteem and uncertainty in life.
  • The square symbolizes firmness in thoughts and decisions, shows the ability to analyze.

This description is only of the main figures. There are many more elements and symbols in the geometry tattoo that have a certain meaning, for example, zigzags, an infinity sign, ellipsis, a five-pointed star on the arm and others.

Animals and flowers in geometric tattoos

Animals that are depicted on ordinary tattoos also take place on tattoos of this type. And they have the same symbolism. Only here sketches contain geometric components. A picture can include many lines or various shapes.

This is only a small part of the huge list of animals and birds, the images of which are used for geometry tattoos. The choice of a sketch for a tattoo can be made based on the qualities of the animal, which, in your opinion, are peculiar to you.

Flowers are the most suitable option for girls. Such a tattoo, created on the basis of geometry, will look extraordinary and original, adding femininity to the image. Each representative of the fair sex will be able to pick up a flower that matches her inner qualities and put a certain meaning into the tattoo. You can also apply a whole flower arrangement.

It is better to entrust geometric tattoos to a professional, and not to do it yourself at home. A master who clearly knows the instructions will be able to gradually create a drawing of clear lines and geometric shapes that will look even and correct. If this is done on their own, by a person who does not have experience in tattoo art, then the result may leave much to be desired.

Video: Sketches of geometric tattoos

Tattoo sketch style eagle on the back

In the terminology of tattoo masters, there are two names for this direction - sketch and geometry.

Both options indicate directions in which in the foreground the image of objects is geometric shapes and lines. The movement is based on the ideas of airiness and clarity of the sketch.

Style Features

Tattoo geometry is originally addressed to rational thinking. This is the epitome of simplicity and uniqueness. Each geometry style tattoo is unique and cyclical at the same time. It should express a message that carries clear information.

Original and vibrant art style embodies the best features of graphic design. It can be done in black and white strokes or filled with paints.

geometry tattoo on arm

Only real masters can perform such drawings. Because the genre requires an accurate understanding of proportions and perspective.

The meaning of the figures of the tattoo: triangle, circle, square

A geometric tattoo in the style of a sketch appeals to concepts from higher mathematics. For example, round tattoos symbolize completeness. They are made in closed lines, all the details are enclosed in a single ensemble.

A circle tattoo denotes the integrity of nature. In this style of tattoos, symmetry is important,

triangle style tattoo embodies:

  • security;
  • marriage;
  • the head of a god;
  • flame;
  • number 3;
  • pyramid;
  • trinity;
  • physical stability.

It also combines the concepts:

  • birth/life/death;
  • body/mind/soul;
  • child/father/mother.

shoulder tattoo

Often this symbol is combined with a wheel or circle tattoo. A tree, an animal, a whale are entered into it.

In a geometry tattoo, the meaning of the direction is a straight line. It also connects the concept of "man" and "woman". Curved or zigzag lines represent lightning, a snake, or a water-to-earth connection.

Regular hexagon or hexagon - symbol:

  • perfection
  • abundance
  • beauty
  • harmony.

This is a graphic expression of freedom.

The formula of the human body is inscribed in the symbolism of the number 6. Often it is decorated with flowers, small strokes and broken lines. Most often, such options are purely artistic in nature.

The embodiment of balance in the direction performs a square. The Pentagon sends a message of good health, common sense. The constructed image in a spiral embodies the eternal movement, ascent and spiritual growth.

Tattoo geometric ornaments and abstractions

Geometric patterns and abstract sketch-like tattoos express a person's attitude to the outside world. Ornaments most often play the role of narration. It repeats elements and details. It can be a symbol of fertility, perpetual motion or protection.

Tattoo on the forearm

Abstract drawings express an emotional message more. They may not have one clear thought. The main thing in them is expression and a correctly distributed perspective. Abstraction should look voluminous.

Geometry tattoo for men and women

For girls in the direction of the sketch, symbols are reserved:

  • shells;
  • moon, stars;
  • plants;
  • martin;
  • fox;

The male symbols include a geometry heart tattoo.

In a set of images, sketch-style drawings are made with dense lines, with a pronounced direction. Male drawings include scales, an hourglass, a compass and cardinal points.

compass tattoo on arm

Various animals are included in the universal symbols. Geometric figures also do not have a pronounced gender identity.

They are considered general if no additional elements are entered into them.


Geometry animals make up a big part of the sketch style culture. The most popular is the geometric deer. It has the meaning of power, balance and the desire for a brighter future.

A cat drawn in part or in its entirety embodies grace, plasticity and love for comfort.

Of the wild animals, the she-wolf embodies courage, protection and endurance. For men, the head of a lion tattoo reflects dominance. For a woman - magnificence, superiority.

wolf tattoo on arm

Animals depicted as outlines of geometric shapes can express a person's attitude to character traits. They illustrate the desire to achieve the goal. Drawings of animals are often performed with full contours, which gives them grace.


Origami personifies the combination of the will of man and his desire to change the world. The figurine of a crane embodies love for the world, peace and comfort.

origami tattoo on wrist

The paper butterfly retains the meaning of fragility, faith in miracles and vulnerability. Origami in the form of a fox - jealousy. Flowers made in the origami technique are associated with the soul, its journey from the material world to the subtle plane.


A special place in the style is occupied by feathered decorations:

  • neckline,
  • back,
  • forearm.

In this perspective, the meaning is addressed to the spiritual component of a person. Drawings in the area of ​​the heart, middle of the back and waist unite the path of the emotional core of a person.

Drawings on the arms and legs are turned to actions and aspirations. They express a life position. So owl geometry is both wisdom and rapacity.

Owls can be performed in a calm or dynamic state. If she is sitting, we are talking about the qualities of character, a bright mind. A flying bird expresses the desire to achieve the goal by any means.

A flamingo standing on one leg symbolizes a bright personality. Tattoo wearers are not subject to public attention.

flamingo tattoo

Peacocks and birds with open tails "dictate my principles to society." Flying geese or swallows express a passionate nature, a creative impulse.

Paired tattoos

Symmetrical tattoos often adorn the arms in places where they can be connected. Thus, a person emphasizes his integrity. He sends signs that he is in peace and harmony with his surroundings.

Tattoos with planets emphasize curiosity and originality. Geometric patterns reflect the owner's inner world. They show his willingness to accept all sides of his character.

Geometry tattoo places

Consider the body parts in more detail, which are preferable for such a tattoo. Popular places include forearm designs. They look finished, there is enough space for them, regardless of build.

The lower back is considered the female zone, tattoos on the back are performed for both sexes. Just like the foot on the leg, tattoos are more often performed in the region of the lower leg and calf.

foot tattoo

On the arm, men's tattoos are performed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe biceps. Girls apply images in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrists, up to the elbow.

The neck and the area near the collarbones are also considered a good place. There are small pictures here. Often filled with color or with strokes of paint.

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