Short toasts. Nadezhda Demidova's most original toasts

The best toasts are not said at the very beginning of the feast, there is a risk that hungry guests will not be too attentive. But if you wait until the end of the banquet, it will be even more difficult to capture their attention, and for this you will need nice toast. The site contains modern and original toasts, in verse and prose, which will quickly and easily be remembered by you and the recipient. Unique wishes for your Wedding Day will lift your spirits and will definitely please the newlyweds. The "Toasts" section includes more than 5,000 options: for family and friends, funny, for birthdays, beautiful, short, Caucasian, for love, for friends, for a wedding, among which you will definitely find what you need.

Original toasts in poetry and prose

Original toasts and congratulations. Congratulatory toasts. Catalog of funny birthday toasts in poems and prose. By selecting the text of your birthday toast in advance, you will always be ready for the celebration!

My friends, I want to raise this glass to you, because having people like you in your life is a great happiness. We are connected with you by different moments, events, memories, but no matter what happens, I know one thing for sure, you will always be there, providing your support and lending a shoulder. I want each of you to be well, so that you do not know sadness, and that your families live in abundance. For you, my dears, thank you for being there!

Dear friends! I want to raise a glass to what unites us, to what is impossible to buy, easy to lose and difficult to find! Let's drink to our friendship, which gives us the opportunity to have a good laugh and keeps us from getting enough sleep!

Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy, crossing a crazy intersection, sees signs on the roads: the path to the right is happiness, the path to the left is to health, forward is to wealth, back is to goodness! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

One traveler was walking along the road and saw that his path was blocked by a huge boulder, and a peacefully snuffling Giant was propping him up. The man got angry, began to scold the evil creature for his tricks, and tried to move the boulder. The Giant woke up and ate the screaming one. A little later, another passer-by reached this place. The Giant looked at him expectantly: what are you going to do? And the man says: Listen, Friend, help, eh? The Giant smiled and moved the boulder, clearing the way. After all, everyone is pleased to be called a Friend, even a Giant. So let's drink to Friendship, which saves us in the strangest situations and to friends with whom we can handle any task.

It can be different: murderous, unrequited, free, vicious, friendly, dizzying and pure... But I wish that for all of us it would be sincere, mutual and happy. My toast to love! Let her live in hearts without breaking them.

Conception... Roses... A boy's dream,
Our vacation. Caresses and illnesses...
Life from beginning to end -
She is with us everywhere.
And by the way, maybe it’s inappropriate,
For the first time I want to raise
A toast to the family bed!
So that in a hundred years,
At least once a week
The beds creaked a little.

One day a hero decided to measure his strength with the Serpent Gorynych, a three-headed monster. He took a damask sword, mounted a faithful horse, rode up to a stone cave, and let’s shout: “Come out Serpent, we will fight to the death!” I screamed all day, but no one came out of the cave.
He goes inside, and it’s empty. And where does the Three-Headed Snake come from in our area, they only appear in fairy tales! The hero was saddened, upset, and returned home without eating.
So let's drink to our enemies. So that they are never translated, and we always have someone to defeat!

cool toasts
Once upon a time there lived a sultan, and he had a diamond in his treasury
of extraordinary size. This diamond was the largest in the world, and the Sultan carefully guarded it. He locked the treasury with seven cunning locks and assigned a large guard. Many thieves tried to steal this diamond, but they were all caught and their heads were cut off. And then the Baghdad Thief - the King of Thieves - found out about this, and swore that he would steal this diamond, no matter what.
And so, on a dark night, he crept up to the doors of the treasury and began to open the locks one by one. Six locks were opened by the Baghdad Thief, but when the last, seventh lock remained to be opened, he urgently needed to go to the toilet. The Baghdad thief sat down nearby, served an hour, served another hour, sat for a third, but did not serve anything. And at this time morning came, the guards discovered him, caught him, and immediately cut off his head.
So let's drink to the fact that we always achieve our intended goal, and that no locks or any constipations hinder us in this!

funny toasts
Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. And they had no children.
They then decided to fashion a granddaughter out of the snow and call her Snow Maiden. The grandfather went out into the yard, began to sculpt his granddaughter, sculpts, sculpts, nothing works out for him. Grandfather called grandmother for help.
They sculpted and sculpted, but nothing came of it. They called Bug for help. Then the cat. Then the mouse. But nothing came of it for them. No wonder, summer is just around the corner, what snow, what Snow Maiden?
So let's drink so that the weather doesn't interfere with our plans!

There lived a dragon. He ate only virgins. So let's drink to him coming to us and dying of hunger!

funny wishes
My friend! Don't chase a woman like a runaway tram. Remember that the next tram is coming behind you.
So let's drink to trams running more often!

Buratino once sailed on the Titanic. But literally nothing happened to him. Not only did he not drown, but he didn’t even receive the most seedy Oscar. So let's drink to ensure that we always find ourselves in the right place, at the right time, and in the right condition!

Two friends meet. - Great! Are you leaving? - asks one. - What happened to you? And a black eye, and not yourself? “Yes...” answers the other. – You see, the three “e”s are to blame.
I come home from work an hour earlier than usual and call...
My wife doesn't open the door. Well, I think he drinks vodka with someone. I pressed it, flew in... and I cut off three effects: the vodka was drunk, my wife shit my pants, and my lover, a walrus navel, punched me in the face.
Let's drink to punctuality!

And accept, Lord, not for drunkenness, but for medicine. And we don’t drink, we get treatment. And not every other day, but every day. May this gluttonous goodness spread throughout the entire periphery of the body! Amen!

IN Ancient Rome they said: “per anus ad astra”, which means: through the ass to the stars. So let's drink to reconciliation with the universal law!

original toasts
One day Alenyshka and her brother Ivanyshka were walking through the forest. Ivan wanted to drink some water, he looked at the hoof marks on the ground, and there was water in them. “I’ll drink from a horse’s hoof,” says Ivanyshka. “Don’t drink,” Alenyshka answers, “you’ll become a foal.” “I’ll drink from a cow’s hoof,” says Ivanyshka. “Don’t drink,” Alenyshka replies, “you’ll become a calf.” “I’ll drink from a goat’s hoof,” insisted Ivanyshka. “Don’t drink,” Alenyshka replies, “you’ll become a little goat.” Ivanyshka did not obey, drank plenty from the hooves, and did not turn into anyone. I just suffered with my stomach for a week.
So let's drink to never getting drunk to the point of losing your human appearance!

Let's drink to those on board. Those who are overboard will get drunk themselves!

Two thieves met: a young one and an old one. The old man says: “If you climb a tree and steal six eggs under a sitting bird, then you will be on an equal footing with me.” The young thief took off his clothes and climbed up the tree like a snake. He extended his hand to the nest, but the bird woke up and screamed. Then the old thief showed his skill to the young one - he took off his clothes, climbed a tree and stole six eggs from the bird. Having descended from the tree, he did not see his clothes. So let's drink to the excellent students!

For my dean I drink fortified wine. So that he could see him like he gave me a bed!

One man had a cat. A cat is like a cat, the most ordinary. And as befits cats, the cat spent every March in an unknown place, and returned home dirty, skinny, shabby! This man was tired of the cat's adventures, and he performed the well-known operation on him. But then March comes, and the cat disappears from the house again, and returns only a month later - dirty, hungry and tattered! The owner asks him: “But now, now, what were you doing there?!” - I was in charge! — the cat answered proudly. So let's drink to our mentors, leaders and teachers!

Student for parents: For those who think we study here!

A girl met a student at a theater university, and after some time she turned to him with a request: “Darling, sleep with me like Alain-Delon.” He slept, she liked it, and the next day she wanted to sleep like with Jean Paul Belmondo - she liked it again. And the next night was with Yves Montand... this went on for a week. Finally, she asked him to be himself, to which the poor man replied: “Unfortunately, this is impossible, dear - I’m impotent!” So let's drink to Stanislavsky's system!

The girl was walking down the street and heard footsteps behind her. Looking back, she saw handsome guy. She looked back again - he continued to follow her. I decided to meet him, looked back for the third time - he was no longer there... So let's drink to the fact that the city's sewer manholes are closed on time!

When the Frenchman puts his arm around the woman's waist, his fingers converge on her. But this does not mean that the French have such long fingers. This means that French women thin waist. When an Englishwoman mounts a horse and goes for a ride, her feet touch the ground. But that doesn't mean she has such a small horse. This means that English women have such long legs. When a Russian, leaving for work, slaps his wife on the ass, then, coming home from work, he sees that the ass is still jiggling. But this does not mean that Russian women are so fat. This means that Russian men have such a short working day! So let's drink to our Constitution!

A guy comes to the sorcerer and asks: - Make me a dick to the ground. The sorcerer thought and thought and made his legs ten centimeters long. So let's drink to a well-written technical specification!

Let's drink to the price of wine and vodka bottles!

One small but very smart horseman listened to the group "Pink Floud". I listened and listened, but did not understand anything. And then he created the group "Aquarium". One small but very smart horseman listened to the group "Aquarium". I listened and listened, but did not understand anything. And then he created the group “Chizh and Company”. One small but very smart horseman listened to the group “Chizh and Company”. I listened and listened, but did not understand anything. And then he created the group “Ivanushki International”. So let's drink to evolution!

And then one small, but very proud bird said: “Personally, I’ll fly straight to the Sun!” And she began to rise higher and higher, but very soon she burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge! So let’s drink so that each of us, no matter how high he rises, will never tear himself away from the team!

There lived a beauty in the mountains, there was no better one in the world. And two horsemen friends fell in love with her. One came and confessed his love to her, and she answered: - Do you see that mountain over there? If a fire burns at its top all night, I will become yours. The horseman galloped away. Another man came, confessed his love, and the beauty told him: “There will be a fire burning on that mountain all night.” if you put it out, then I will become yours. The horseman galloped off and began to climb the mountain. In the morning he climbs to the top and sees a burning fire, and a sleeping friend next to him. Then he throws wood into the fire and says: “Sleep well, friend!” So let's drink to men's friendship!!!

A bee was flying. I sat down on a beautiful one. gave her nectar. The bee flew up to another no less beautiful flower. He didn't give nectar. A storm has arrived. The one that gave nectar remained unharmed, but the one that didn’t give nectar broke. So let's drink to give and not break.


The most beautiful thing in a woman is motherhood. This is warmth, amulet, care... Touching, talking with children - everything breathes beauty. Even the mother’s very being looks different, because her babies, teenagers and adult children give her wings. And when the moment comes to let them go, they give an equally important honor - thanking them with their grandchildren. For the beauty of motherhood!

Let's drink so that none of us will be disappointed in life. So that the fire of love and thirst for everything good, kind and bright in this world would burn in every heart. So that everyone would see a bright target before failure, like the North Star in the night sky!

Unfortunately, more and more often people gather for such fun and pleasant meetings only on important and special occasions! So I want to invite us all to raise our glasses and drink so that our cheerful meetings do not depend on any reasons, and especially on finances, so that we can meet whenever we want! For us!

They say that everyone experiences a feeling of uncertainty and fear the moment they can change their life. So let's drink so that no feelings can stop us from accepting, correct solution to change your destiny for the better. Let the shadow of doubt recede when necessary and let common sense never leaves!

Friends, I propose to drink to the hope that joy will never end in our world, that smiles will be everywhere, and that the soul will sing with happiness. So that the days are clear, sunny, cheerful, and that problems are only in films!

May your life be like an ocean, as full and eventful. The weather in it will always be clear, the wind will be on the course, and your ship, not knowing the calm, will never lose course and has never experienced holes or mutiny!

I want to raise a glass
For happiness.
For a sea of ​​joy and love.
So that all bad weather can be avoided.

For a sea of ​​money on the way,
May a ray of light be with you.
For the courage of the days lived
So that luck is ahead.

Here's to bright paths for life.
Moments of joy
Which are destined to pass.
And for love there are minutes ahead.

Somewhere in a wonderful valley of flowers, a very rare multi-colored tulip bloomed. There is only one like this in the world. I wish you to be just like him, dazzlingly beautiful and irresistible!

Greek philosophers said that the reflection of a person’s life is in his actions, his behavior and manners. I would like to wish you to act as your heart tells you, to behave in public like a king or queen. Remember that people are defined by their actions.

Let's drink to beauty. For everything that gives us joy in life and gives it meaning! For this wonderful day and the people gathered at this table!

Well said in time short toast can quickly congratulate the hero of the day, cheer up the company and encourage them to raise their glasses. At the same time, guests do not get bored while listening to a long monologue. We present to your attention a collection of laconic toasts for all occasions. Remember at least a few of them and you will be the center of attention all evening.

Funny and cool short toasts

First toast: Goodbye! We won't see you sober today!

My friends, we can’t drink individually, let’s get drunk collectively. Behind great power team!

Let's drink so that we have as much grief left as there are drops left in our glasses.

Dear friend, I wish you always have a light heart and heavy pockets!

Let there be people in your life for whom you want to drink, and not those who make you want to get drunk!

Drunkenness - fight! So let's have a drink before the fight!

Let's drink to those who, while absent, are invisibly present here!

Let's drink to our luck, at least sometimes let the bird of happiness beat in our snares!

Happiness! Good luck and green dough!

Dear friends, let's drink to passion! Passion, how I want to drink!

Better late than missed!

Our arms and legs began to feel chilly - isn’t it time for us to shake things up?!

They say that youth is a disadvantage that passes. I want time to pass, but the deficiency remains. Let's drink to all men with such a disadvantage!

So that your desires are overwhelmed by your possibilities!

Let's drink to friendship, because it is what multiplies joy and shares sadness!

Since there are no more reasons to drink, let’s drink to the “wiring”! So, let's drink and think about vodka!

Be healthy for a hundred centuries!

So that you can eat and drink, so that you want and can, so that you can be with someone and have a place everywhere!

With coming alcohol intoxication, comrades!

The birth of good is good. The birth can be of a person, an idea, a tree, a grain, a feeling... And now I want to drink to the birth of friendship on this evening.

I suggest you drink for your understanding! Without him, everything in our lives would not be so peaceful and harmonious.

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

Let's drink to honest and modest people! Moreover, there are so few of us left...

Fir trees, dense forest,
You will be fined for downtime!
Let's drink, brothers, to the men
We are for no apparent reason!

With good company, as they say, it’s a sin not to drink. So let's not sin, but raise our glasses and drink. Shuddered!

Weak women have a passion for strong men. Strong men have a passion for feminine weaknesses. For the unity of opposites!

I want to drink to see no evil, hear no evil, remember no evil and do no evil!

Let's drink so that our friends go to banquets, and our enemies go on crutches!

Let everything always pass by,
Besides health, money and intimacy!

I drink a glass to my family!

Let's drink to the tables bursting with abundance and the beds bursting with love!

Aristotle also said that two friends have one soul between them. So let's drink to the unity of our souls!

God gave a day for drinking, but no one knows what kind of day it is. So let’s drink it every day so we don’t miss it!

For there to be no tears or deception in the eyes of our loved ones!

Vodka is our enemy. But who said that we are afraid of enemies?!

Fighting the green serpent,
In our hearts we all curse him completely,
But we always know how to repay our debt:
If we need a drink, we drink!

With age, memory and vision begin to change, even close person, and only old friends remain unchanged. For friends!

Whoever is a friend to everyone, I don’t consider him a friend. So let's drink to narrow circle friends!

The composition of the wishes is always the same:
More health and banknotes!

Drink like us, drink with us, drink more than us, drink faster than us!

Let's drink to business and sex, which in Russian means: to success in business and happiness in your personal life!

Let's drink to the Airborne Forces - Faith, Valor and Luck!

They say that a man who has reached the heights of power is lost to friends. Let's raise our glasses so that friendship does not die even at the heights of power!

Let's drink to the fact that we were going, money attacked us and we couldn't fight them off!

Men's short toasts

There is no such Monday that would not give way to Tuesday. There is no place that one gentleman would not give up to another. For the gentlemen!

Let's commit a “disaster” for the health of our wives!

How many lonely men dream of good wives! By the way, married men– too... So let our dreams come true!

Let's drink to our wives and mistresses, so that they never meet!

The smiles of women hurt, beckon, burn, and wounded men drink to the women!

A good wife is a life saver. So let's drink to that!

Let's drink to the women who make our hearts beat faster!

If your memory fails you, be glad you are not your wife. Let's drink to our faithful wives!

A loser clutches at love like a drowning man clutches at a straw. A true gentleman always has at hand Lifebuoy women's hearts. Behind true gentlemen, that is, for us!

Let's drink to drunkenness beautiful women, wine and songs!

Women's short toasts

Let's drink to us, beautiful ones. Well, if we are not beautiful, then the men are greedy!

A loved one needs to be groomed and cherished: this makes his withers and neck grow!

If a man does not succumb to the seduction of women, he is simply a blockhead. And they are only good for heating the stove. Let's drink to real men now!

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So let's quickly drink to the men so as not to torment their stomachs!

Let's drink to the fact that there will always be flour in your house, not flour. So that you have a mink on your shoulders, and not a mink from a mole in the country. For flour and mink!!! For prosperity in your home!

For us, beautiful ones! For them, the rich!

For us, beautiful ones! For you, the gullible...

Let's raise a glass to the Komsomol - to all Affectionate, Sociable, Brave Men!

Let's take a dose for men who are a little more beautiful than a monkey, but with such appearance they have the temperament of a lion!
