A light compliment to a girl. girl

We propose to consider examples of compliments in prose, in our own words, in the form of SMS and some others in this article.

Not unimportant factor is its relevance.

Compliments for a girl you like

Compliments for a girl you like

When a young man likes a girl, but he does not know. how to express it. Suffice it to recall the first meeting. Scroll in your head why it was at that moment that she attracted attention.

For example, if at the first meeting:

  • The gaze fell on the bright defiant clothes, it is worth saying: “I like your vivid image. your skill stand out from the crowd, the first meeting drew my attention to you.
  • Maybe, on the contrary, the modesty of the girl attracted attention: “I really like your modesty and good breeding. It's such a rarity these days."
  • Or the demeanor of the girl attracted attention: “I am simply delighted with your subtle and graceful manners. In your every movement and spoken word, you can feel the notes of Princess Diana's upbringing.

Compliments to your girlfriend

Compliments to your girlfriend

When the heart burns with love, compliments are the most sincere and correct. You don't have to think long and hard about something. Just talk and talk and talk.

After all, it is so important for your beloved to know that she is the most, the most for you!

You are my love, you are my happiness, you are the dream of my whole life. More beautiful, kinder, I have not met anyone in the world. Love love love…

Complimenting a girl about her beauty

Complimenting a girl about her beauty

A compliment about beauty, any girl will cheer up. It will increase her self-esteem in your eyes and those around you. Here, more than ever, the appropriateness of the spoken words is important.

If a compliment is uttered in an intimate setting: “Your naked body is unusually beautiful. And a graceful mole on your beautiful chest just drives me crazy ”- your partner will be delighted.

Then, uttered these same words, in the presence of even the closest people, the most uncomplexed lady, will be put into a state of shock.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

Write to a girl about her beauty in prose The best way if you don't have the courage to say it out loud to her.

My dear man! When I met you for the first time, I was breathless from your extraordinary beauty. There is not a single flaw in your appearance. Beautiful blond hair, so sweetly emphasize the delicate and delicate features of your face. Curved clear eyebrows look so sweet when you are surprised. And your fabulous smile is like bright sun illuminates everything around. Not to say about your perfectly shaped figure is to say nothing. Thin fingers on perfectly well-groomed hands just ask for a gentle, modest kiss. I admire you every time we meet. You are the most beautiful girl our planet. These are not empty words. It's true, trust me.

Compliments to a girl in your own words

Compliments to a girl in your own words

simple compliments in your own words, you can say in any situation. After all, they are not obligated to anything.

Just a compliment should sound natural and at ease. And most importantly deliver positive emotions both you and the girl.

  • You rarely meet a girl who can communicate with a man on any topic with such ease. It's so easy and pleasant for me to be with you. There is something about you that I have never met in any girl. This evening inspired me to continue our further meetings. Do you mind?
  • Haven't seen you for a long time. You are also aware of all fashion trends. Perfectly matched wardrobe, hairstyle, manicure. Everything, as always, on top.
  • In the presence of such beauty, I never tire of being amazed at your business qualities and subtle practical mind. These two things are rarely compatible.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words

Whenever I meet you, I want to say: “How beautiful you are!” But seeing you in Once again I'm at a loss for words. You can’t be so beautiful, otherwise, suddenly seeing you again, I will forget how to speak completely.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty are short

It's time to show attention and compliment the ladies

Best short compliment about the beauty of a girl, this is a comparison of her with the most famous beautiful girls:

  • You are beautiful and sexy like Lara Stone
  • Your bright outstanding appearance is like Megan Fox
  • Your angelic beauty surpasses even the famous model Olga Abramovich
  • Your incomparable figure reminds me of Kate Moss
  • beautiful oval, cat's eyes and plump lips - are you a girl by any chance Angelina Jolie?

Compliments to a girl are short

  • You look like a top model!
  • Did you happen to leave the beauty salon?
  • Just one look from you and I'm ready to dance all day!
  • Extravagance is your forte!
  • How do you manage to always be in great shape?
  • Your subtle and inventive mind is simply not compatible with your beauty!

Compliments to a girl are cool

Cool compliments for a girl

  • You may not have the best character, but your eyes and figure are perfect
  • And you are happy, it feels like fortune stumbles over you at every step
  • You look like a thousand bucks. Crumpled banknotes true
  • You are like the flu virus. Being next to you is impossible not to get infected with your cheerfulness and positive
  • You're always so happy, it's like you're winning a million every day!
  • Nightmare! Wherever you appear, all work stops. Everyone wants to admire your beauty. Are not you ashamed?

Compliments to a girl are cool

Compliments to a girl about eyes

Compliments to a girl about eyes

  • Your sparkling eyes as if two diamonds adorn an already impeccable beauty face.
  • Your insanely beautiful green eyes, every time we meet, they pierce my heart like fire.
  • Your sky-blue eyes are like clear transparent lakes that you want to plunge into again and again. Enjoying this bliss endlessly.
  • Such a miracle was created by the universe - your eyes. At every glance, my heart skips a beat with admiration.
  • From one look into your fabulous eyes, I feel great happiness and joy.

SMS compliments to a girl

SMS compliments to a girl

  • You are beautiful and beautiful, positive, good.
  • most beautiful girl on earth, I wish good morning. Wake up my dear. It's time to please the world with the presence of the kindest, gentlest and most amazing person.
  • The most wonderful and my own. Your sensitive heart and rich knowledge more than once rescued me from difficult situations. It's good that you exist!
  • Your sweet lips are still like honey on my lips. I miss you my fairy.
  • Sweet, smart, smart. You have so much charm and unpredictability. I'm just crazy about you!

SMS compliments to a girl about her beauty

SMS compliments to a girl about her beauty

  • The sun pales in comparison to the brightness of your beauty.
  • Distant stars can't compete with the depth of your eyes.
  • Tender lips are more beautiful and juicier than even the most divine ideal.
  • Offer me a thousand gold coins, I will not exchange for anything for at least one more meeting with such an elegant and sophisticated girl. Intelligence, dignity and beauty are so harmoniously combined in you that I doubt to find even one such princess on earth.

Poems complimenting a girl about her beauty

You know, you're just beautiful!
Gentle, modest, sweet
Worthy of many gifts
Praise, royal compliments!

Video: Poem for your beloved

  • The best compliment from the heart.
  • A well-made compliment contributes to building relationships. If there were conflicts smooth them out.
  • A compliment in the form of flattery is not always pleasant for everyone. It can further aggravate the relationship. Or spoil the overall impression of the person who said it.

Video: How to compliment a girl on a date? Good and terrible compliments

The best compliments for a girl

Compliments to a girl you need to speak in such a way that they would cause only positive emotions. In nature, there are more than 1000 compliments to a girl, of which only 100 are actively used, girls are used to them, in order to stand out from the crowd, you need to be original and I will help you with this. When meeting, you need to emphasize its uniqueness and elegance, for example:

Unique compliments for a girl

1 .You have a bewitching look that bewitched me.
2 .Your hair is like a waterfall of love that won me over with its beauty.
3 .Your lips are like two red rose petals that are born for love.

Such options for unique compliments will shock the girl and do the most important thing - they will interest, charm and conquer. You should not use only these options, because the compliment should sound sincerely from pure heart, there are a lot of options. What is better to emphasize in a compliment to a girl - eyes, lips, hair, figure, voice, while you should not stare at her chest or legs. The girl will think that you are preoccupied and will stop communicating, and this is not in our favor, it is best to look into the eyes. You must say all these phrases calmly without trembling of your voice and slightly playful, well, unforgettable for a smile...
You can also compliment a girl’s clothes and jewelry, it’s very nice when you compliment her hair, manicure, new blouse, boots, fur coat, and so on. Girls are very fond of when they pay attention, because they spend every day 30-60 minutes a day just to put on makeup, change clothes 3-4 times a day, and all this to attract the attention of others, especially guys. And this is all in our favor, we have many options to make the best compliments fair sex. And so let's find out what are the best compliments girls should say.
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The best compliments for your girlfriend

This list of compliments is very suitable when meeting a girl for the first time on the street.

1.angelically beautiful

And this list beautiful compliments beloved girl...

2. crazy
3. devastatingly erotic
4. sexy
7.fairy princess
8.dazzlingly charming
10. most-most-myself- I'm loved!

How to compliment a girl

There is a golden rule how to compliment a girl so that she likes and hooks on the soul. In fact, there are no secrets here, but there are some things you need to know and adhere to and these are the rules.
1. Gather your thoughts and calm down
2.Pay attention to appearance girls and try to emphasize her beauty
3. After you have our place, try to make an expression from the words described above

Example: imagine what is in front of you unknown girl sitting in the park on a bench that looks into the distance of the river or feeds the birds, dressed classically in jeans and a blouse. An image of a girl should form in your head, i.e. she came to be alone, maybe after another quarrel with a guy or just likes to spend time, so here our chances of meeting in an original way on the street with the help of compliments are 50/50, but it's worth a try. There is no need to say - "Hello! How are you? How are you? What are you doing?" it's all nonsense.
1. You can see the mood yourself if you watch for 2-3 minutes
2. How are you doing this is even dumber, imagine for a second that an unfamiliar girl comes up to you and asks what size are you ...?
3. What are you doing, PPC, is it really not clear that she feeds the birds or dreams, reads ...

In this situation, you should do like this:

Finally, luck smiled at me and I met you - you are just an angel

The girl will be in a little shock and most likely she will not answer anything, if so, then you are lucky ... After the first phrase and a short silence, you should say the following:

Can I feed too?

After that, you can do it in two ways - the first is to wait for an answer and act according to the situation, and the second to reach out to her and ask for bird food with gestures. I personally prefer the second option.

100 best compliments girl

Compliments with the letter A top 100

1.angelically beautiful

Compliments with the letter B top 100

3.infinitely new
7. incomparably dancing
9. reckless and radiant
10. grateful
11. safe
12. blessed
13. fragrant
14. blessed
16. brilliant
17. cheerful
19. lively
20. painkiller
21. catchy
22. disturbing

Compliments with the letter D top 100

1. far-sighted
5. marvelous
9. good-natured
11. trusting
12. long awaited
13. dear
15. friendly
16. friendly
17. intoxicating

Compliments with the letter N top 100

1. mocking
2. incredibly sociable
11. unearthly
12. unexplored
16. extraordinary
21. uniquely interesting
22. incorruptible
24. defiant
26. inscrutable
27. fickle
29. unpredictable
30. laid-back
31. elusive

Compliments with the letter P top 100

4. cool
5. diligent
6. approximate
7.naturally gifted
10. insightful
11.simple and complex
12. simply amazing
13. against falsehood rebellious
15. hurting right in the heart
16. fluffy
17. ardent
18. intoxicating
19. fluttering
20. impetuous
21. awesome
23. festive
26. lovely

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In any case, remember - compliments to girls should be done unobtrusively, even slightly at ease. And if you feel that a prepared compliment will sound pathetic and put you in the position of needy or ingratiating, it’s better to keep it with you until better times.
By the way, you know the trick that it is better to speak in the right ear. This does not mean that you need to whisper something in your ear, just take note that when you compliment a girl, or just talk to her, try to sit down so that most of the information is perceived by the right ear - it's like with a tongue different places responsible for different tastes.

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Complimenting girls is a very subtle and effective tool with which you can make them very pleased. The ability to use this is not given to everyone, and it is very easy to cross the line between slight admiration and rude flattery. Besides, he is important tool V .

We present 40 original compliments to girls. We also recommend learning some.

But first, let us recall what the original meaning of this French word is.

“Compliment” is a slight exaggeration of the dignity that I would like to see in myself.

Comparing the phrases “this dress goes very well with the color of your eyes” and “you are the most beautiful”, the second statement clearly does not refer to compliments, but will pass for ordinary flattery. Because it is easy to challenge, and most likely, your praise will not be taken seriously.

Of course, there is no panacea compliment in the form of any universal statement that will suit any girl, at any time and in any place. You have to break your head or open your heart so that your words really evoke pleasant emotions. The compliment is exclusive.

But, nevertheless, we can highlight the basic requirements for a beautiful compliment:

  • focus on the internal, not external, virtues of the girl,
  • be sincere, or at least try to give the impression
  • talking about external beauty or the qualities of a girl, focus on the comparison,
  • pay attention to the nuances that indicate the impeccable taste of the girl,
  • praise what she is proud of,
  • avoid ambiguity,
  • personalize and concretize your words,
  • build a speech on facts known to both of you,
  • do not exaggerate your choice positive quality Otherwise, it will be perceived as a mockery,
  • let the thought be simple, do not pile up the construction of your statement,
  • don't include any teachings, just characterize.

40 compliments for a girl

So, we offer you 40 beautiful and original compliments for your (or not your) girlfriend:

“You are so beautiful and attractive that I forgot why and where I was going as soon as I saw you…”

“You are like a sonorous spring stream on a quiet steppe night, when everything around shimmers from the radiance of the stars. And I freeze from you ... "

"The subtle smell of your hair will drive me crazy, I'm not kidding."

“But do you know what a captivating, charming smile you have? Well, no, really, you have such a beautiful, most radiant smile. Only very good and happy people smile like that.”

“Girl, I admired you all the way. I saw and forgot about all my problems, I want to thank you for this.

“Compared to you, the current Miss World is ugly!”

“How do you manage to stay so young among these pensioners!”

“Who said that Mashka (any other long-legged Tanki, Anka, Olka) has long legs? Have they seen yours?

“Even the petals of a May rose cannot be compared with the tenderness of your skin!”

“Have you already decided that you are the best? .. in fact, it’s just that everything is really worse than you ...”

“It is such a time that no matter how a girl is, so is a star. You, by the way, too, only you are for me - a guiding, polar star ... "

“It’s just impossible, but You cook even better than my mom!”

“These new earrings go very well with your ring!”

“Excuse me, but what modeling agency do you represent?”

“Oh, with this magazine in your hands you look like a real business lady!”

“Mademoiselle, there is something so mysteriously beautiful in you that I cannot take my eyes off you…”

“Looking at you, I began to understand why your spouse always hurries home ( nice girl think about beauty, economic - about comfort).

“I like your suit, very good cut!”

"You have an aristocratic profile, you need to pose for sculptors."

"If nature ever created ideal forms so it was yours!”

“You are a very self-confident girl - this is understandable, you are beautiful, energetic, sensitive, cheerful, smart, kind ...”

“You really are special - you have your own opinion on everything, and I like it!”

“Lidiya Ivanovna, you are an excellent doctor, because you pay so much attention to each patient. How do you manage it?

“I will draw an analogy with machines ... so you are latest model Ford Mondeo!

“Yesterday I bought your favorite perfume and sprinkled it all over my apartment so that I smell like you ... (in separation)”

"This romance you do much better than this singer."

"You look as charming as on our wedding day."

“I am so hungry that I would now give my life for your pickled squash! (specialty of the house)"

“I have seen you before… and it seems to me that it was in a dream…”

"Happiness?.. it's you!"

"I love you the way you are..."

“Now, if I was born a girl, I would like to be like you!”

"What dragon do I need to kill to be worthy of such a princess?"

"I fell in love with your sunshine: your smile and freckles."

“Today you somehow look good in a special way, something has changed in you ... so you haven’t put on makeup!”

“This is unbearable, I can’t be near you! I'm just blind from your beauty!

Girls love compliments, so pampering them seems to be not at all difficult. After all, you can say something nice anywhere and anytime. But every woman wants to hear natural phrases that ring true. In order not to think at a decisive moment, you can prepare compliments for the girl in advance. A list of options makes things a lot easier.

The main rule of a good remark

First of all, we must understand that the words must be sincere. You need to decide on the natural amount of compliments. Their number is better to just feel, and not calculate mathematically. In addition, ingratiating intonations must be excluded. Praise from a person who is self-confident is highly regarded and brings positive emotions. But the previously compiled list of words (compliments) for a girl cannot be used too actively.

If you say words from him often, then the guy will be considered

  1. Stupid.
  2. An insecure person.
  3. Boring conversationalist.

Also, the girl thinks that true motives men disagree with words. In this case, she will behave cautiously, although the guy is expected to have a completely opposite reaction.

It should be understood that the girl may not agree with the words young man. In this case, you need to carefully retreat and not engage in persuasion. A man may have inner feeling the fact that pre-prepared compliments to the girl (list) will sound feigned and unnatural. In this case, they need to be used as examples, and on a date, come up with more suitable words.

Highlight her uniqueness

Each girl considers herself in some way different from the others. Perhaps on this day she did new manicure or unusual hairstyle. Compliments that emphasize the features of her appearance are always relevant and effective. It's just that they need to be spoken correctly and appropriately. Compliments to the girl (a list prepared in advance) in this case should be used only as a sample.

It is necessary to show a certain amount of attentiveness and, when communicating, touch on the relevant topic. It is important to remember to smile, as well as a calm and playful tone in conversation. There should be no hint of intent to please in the voice.

A Few Rules

For the success of the event, you should use simple recommendations:

It is necessary to work on the intonations in the voice. Otherwise, there is a risk of uttering phrases that sound false.

Should girls compliment their beauty? Of course yes. Is that it shouldn't be commonplace phrases, which are repeated by men deprived of imagination. It is necessary to notice a special feature in the appearance of the companion: a beautiful nose, a mole on the earlobe, dimples on the cheeks, and tell her exactly about this.

Successful compliments always sound spontaneously, like randomly voiced thoughts. In addition, they must be pronounced in a friendly and kindly manner.

You need to emphasize only those features in the appearance or character of the companion that you really like. Otherwise, she may feel affected.

To make the words more natural, you need to tell the girl, for example, about her amazing perfume and immediately move on to another topic. You should not put special emphasis on this and show unbridled delight.

An interesting feature: it is better to give compliments to women in the right ear. That is, for a better perception of information by a companion, it is desirable to be located on the right side.

What to say to a girl?

Everyone knows that it is necessary to give appropriate and natural compliments to a girl about her beauty. The list can be compiled with a little thought at your leisure. An indicative example looks like this:

  1. Does happiness exist? Of course, and now I see it.
  2. Any Miss World would envy your legs.
  3. I love you so much that I'm going insane.
  4. Today you don't look like you usually do. (Here you need to pay attention to the haircut, new color lipstick accessory in clothes).
  5. I like it when you're without makeup. So much more natural.
  6. You have the most open smile in the world.
  7. I love your nose and those perky freckles.
  8. Fairy tale princess, what should I do to get your heart?
  9. If I were a girl, I would want the same appearance as yours.
  10. Your beauty makes me speechless.
  11. You have amazing taste.
  12. When I saw you, I forgot where I was going before.

There is no need to talk about the fact that the girl allegedly once dreamed, since everyone says this. If she is not 15 years old, then she will be surprised at the primitiveness of the young man.

Compliment adjectives alphabetically

And you can prepare a list of adjectives about your beloved. For example, an alphabetical list of compliments for a girl might look like this:

  • Avant-garde, adventurer, gambling, neat, Amazonian, angelic, aristocratic, fragrant.
  • Impeccable, selfless, incomparable, priceless, fragrant, brilliant, divine, exciting.
  • Inspirational, ubiquitous, magnificent, fun, explosive, attentive, exciting, magical, inflaming, impressive.
  • Harmonious, brilliant, flexible, hypnotic, hot, hospitable, graceful.
  • Delicate, daring, marvelous, diplomatic, benevolent, long-awaited, dear, precious, intoxicating.

The only charming…

It all depends on the imagination of the man. The list of the best compliments for a girl is endless:

  • The only natural one.
  • Hot, desirable, feminine, cheerful.
  • Caring, bewitching, mysterious, snooty, wonderful, shy, sultry.
  • Playful, inventive, amazing, impulsive, enterprising, intriguing, sincere.
  • Capricious, flirtatious, beautiful, creative, cool.
  • Affectionate, radiant, the best, beloved, curious.
  • Alluring, sweet, fashionable, wise, dreamy, petite.
  • Unimaginable, unforgettable, tender, irreplaceable, unearthly, extraordinary, beloved, necessary, necessary, extraordinary, irresistible, unique, direct, unsurpassed, unforced, inimitable, incomprehensible, unpredictable.
  • Awesome, charming, charming, deceptive, seductive, adored, intoxicating, optimistic, inspiring, dazzling, sympathetic, witty, open, charming.

Attractive and bright…

Under no circumstances should you put several notebook sheets, written with words such as compliments to a girl (adjectives). List, alphabet is great helpers before the meeting, but on a date you need to think with your own head. Suitable adjectives might look like this:

  • Attractive, comely, cool, exemplary, attractive, pleasant, insightful, ardent, heady, impulsive, amazing, charming, hospitable, versatile, prepossessing, decisive, risky.
  • Rhythmic, romantic, fatal, luxurious.
  • The most-most, sexy, masterful, sexy, pretty, sensational, fabulous, glorious, sweet, sweet-voiced, stunning, seductive, secret, sunny, quick-witted, capable, stylish, stately, passionate, slim.
  • Talented, temperamental, intelligent, demanding.
  • Confident, lucky, amazing, smiling, smart, mind-blowing, stubborn, sophisticated.
  • Fantastic, phenomenal.
  • Economic, good, fragile.
  • Blooming, purposeful.
  • Charming, honest, humane, pure, sensual, wonderful, sensitive.
  • Playful, chic.
  • Generous.
  • Extravagant, elegant, emotional, spectacular.
  • Humorous.
  • Bright.

Vulgar compliments (list)

On first dates, there should be no place for any hints. But even if the relationship develops, you should not allow yourself rude, straightforward statements. You should always remember that the interlocutor is fragile and a tender girl. It will be unpleasant for her to hear a rude invitation to bed. The presence of such phrases in a conversation indicates that they did not see a person in her.

Vulgar compliments to a girl are a list that is really worth working on. A man who does not know how to say the right things at the right time is regarded as indecisive. For this, you have to do everything yourself, but there is a type of girls who are firmly convinced that they need to be achieved, and not vice versa.

Compliments can be:

  1. I have a question. How is the answer?
  2. I want you madly, but I know that it is impossible now.
  3. My sweetie, I really want to unwrap you and eat you.
  4. Your caramel flavored lips are ready to be kissed all night long.
  5. I want you madly and I can show proof of my words.
  6. My kitten, I so want to be in your bed now.
  7. Imagine us without clothes, holding hands on a rainbow under a shower of stars.
  8. You get our bonus: sex service. She will be rendered on a date.
  9. It is simply impossible to be friends with a person who has an erection.
  10. When you eat ice cream, I feel incredible sensations. Keep going, don't stop.

Speak lucky compliments is a whole art. It takes some effort to master it. But the result in the form of a smile and high spirits of the girl will not be long in coming. In any case, you can always prepare in advance quite good compliments to the girl. The list is not a direct guide to action, but a template that every man who decides to learn how to speak naturally and beautifully on dates should resort to.

Give pleasant and best compliments to a girl - they are able to cheer up and make her blush with pleasure.

Thanks for adding holidays.ru to:

As soon as you appear on the horizon, the guys straighten their shoulders, roll out their chests and pull in their stomachs. They are ready for everything for you.

You have such eyelashes that the light gets stuck in them and cannot reach the depths of your eyes.

You should have seen how men look after you. Regardless of age, from 15 to 90 years.

Wow, you have a smile! Amazing. At the same time, I want to smile back and grab the camera.

You are so thin, fragile, tender. But I'm from you for some reason constantly on the shoulder blades.

Turns out I have wings. Until you came into my life, they fit snugly to the body, were folded and invisible. And now they've dealt with it and I'm learning to fly.

The best compliments for a girl

I can't think of anyone but you. Everywhere I see your face, in all the words I find the letters of your name and remember every word that you said to me in last meeting. I wrote this and realized that you drove me crazy.

You have a smile like a spotlight. It becomes lighter, even if you stand with your back to you. Smile more!

You are joy! It's simply indecent to be serious and concentrated next to you.

My fantasy and I always thought we were a good representation of the dream girl. But they are forced to capitulate. I have never met people like you and did not even know that such beauties exist.

I have not yet seen a single guy who, after meeting you, would not ask what your name is.

Near you - so tender, feminine, sweet - men feel akin to Hercules. Or at worst, Hercules.

Even when you are standing, the look grows to your figure. And when you start to move, at least cover your eyes with your hand, they themselves are not able to tear themselves away from you.
