Wide swaddling method for dysplasia. Wide swaddling as a preventive measure

Young mothers do not know how to deal with babies and usually ask for advice from the older generation or from their girlfriends, many immediately put on sliders upon arrival from the hospital, some continue swaddling. In principle, if there are no deviations, one can follow simple recommendations given to you when you were discharged from the hospital.

But if dysplasia is detected during examination by an orthopedist hip joints measures must be taken to eliminate the defect.

Baby swaddling.

Hip dysplasia is an underdevelopment of the joint with a structural change inside. Sometimes parents are warned that the child is at risk of this disease for prevention, it is necessary to do wide swaddling.

This procedure will prevent the femoral head from falling out of the acetabulum and help proper formation joints. At the same time, the baby moves the legs freely, which contributes to the development of muscles. It also helps to return the bones to a physiological position in case of hip dysplasia of the 1st degree.

How to make a wide swaddling:

  1. Put a diaper on the changing table, on it another one, folded into a triangle (with a right angle to the bottom).
  2. We put the baby in a diaper over the diapers. The legs are bent and divorced (the baby himself can lie down in a similar position).
  3. We wrap the right leg and the left leg with the right side corner, respectively, put the lower one on groin and up to the umbilicus.
  4. Between the legs we place a warm diaper folded up to 20 cm wide.
  5. We fix it with a light diaper, wrap one edge around the tummy, then the other.
  6. The lower part is freely bent upwards, and the tips are attached to the upper edges.

As a result, your baby's legs are located at 90º in relation to the body. How wide swaddling is done with hip dysplasia can be clearly seen in the video.

There are still different ways of wide swaddling, but the main thing is that the legs are bent and parted.

To understand which method of wide swaddling to choose, you need to consult a doctor.

Let's talk about another way of wide swaddling, which will help in the prevention of hip dysplasia clearly with a photo.

We take 3 light diapers:

- We arrange the first one into a rectangle 15 cm wide, it lies between the legs.

- The second one is in the form of a triangle, we twist it, fixing the legs with an angle of 90º with respect to the body.

- We wrap the third legs, while lifting it up a little.

wide swaddling with three diapers.

Panties for wide swaddling can replace diapers. They can be used as prescribed by a doctor or to prevent hip dysplasia. Can be used from 3 months.

There are special orthopedic products, allowing you to easily take the desired position for the baby:

  • Stirrups Pavlik;
  • Freyka pillow;
  • Tire Vilensky;
  • Tire Tubinger;
  • Sheena Volkova.

All devices are sold in the maternity hospital, pharmacies, the Internet or in stores that sell medical equipment. To purchase, you need to determine the size, it is better to do this with a doctor.

Freyka pillow.

You can make this device yourself, which will fix the legs in desired position and make it easier to change every day. Frejka pillow can be used after 1 month of life.

We take a flannelette diaper, arrange it in such a way as to get rectangular shape 20 x 40 cm. sewing machine, the distance between the lines is 3 cm. On the narrower side, sew on the buttons, and on the other side, the straps with cutouts for the buttons. Such a device is worn on sliders.

Usually, the doctor recommends wearing the Frejka pillow 12 hours a day.

The most elementary for prevention is to use a size larger diaper. He will not allow the baby to straighten his legs and will fix in the “frog” position.

Don't be afraid of difficulties. It may seem to you that the baby is uncomfortable, in fact, she will quickly get used to this position. You can endure a little and cure hip dysplasia, so that later you can enjoy the success of your children.

A diaper is the very first thing that a child receives in the hospital. And wrapping in it for a long time considered almost the only possible way existence, accessible to the baby on initial stage life. Modern moms quite wary of this process, believing that it is not necessary to hamper the movements of the baby. Many liberal-minded doctors also agree with them, arguing in their defense that the position that the child occupies in own will, the most physiological and convenient for him. However, there are times when swaddling is necessary. medical procedure, which can significantly alleviate or reverse the course of the disease in crumbs. Then the use of wide swaddling techniques is recommended.

What is the wide swaddling procedure?

Wide swaddling is very often confused with free swaddling, when little space is left for movements, and the diaper is not tightened. However, there are cardinal differences between the first method and the latter.

Firstly, with wide swaddling, only the lower part of the body is wrapped. Secondly, the child's legs should occupy a clear physiological correct position: bent at the knee joints and separated at an angle of 60-80 degrees. Thirdly, in order to fix this position of the limbs, a special pad or roller is placed between them. At free swaddling there is no need for such attributes.

To help mom now in stores you can find a wide variety of special holders and fixtures. For example, a pillow is a Frejka tire (it is a bandage that is worn on a child and fastened with straps on the shoulders), a cover, panties (or panties) for wide swaddling.

Pillow - tire Freyka on the baby

Benefits (including for hip dyslasia)

One of the main diagnoses, in which wide swaddling is shown, is hip dysplasia (congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system or underdevelopment of any component of the joint, abbreviated as "DTS"). The disease is quite common among infants: on average, out of 1000 newborns, 2-3% percent are born with this disease.

Scientists have identified some patterns that are characteristic of DTS. So, among representatives of the African American race, this pathology is less common than in the European population of the planet. The most dysplastic race is the American Indians. At the same time, girls are diagnosed with it in 80% of all cases, boys get sick 5 times less often. In children born in breech presentation(legs forward), joint pathology is 10 times more common.

However, it should be understood that DTS is a common name for a number of diseases. And, as a rule, the following ailments are treated with wide swaddling:

It is important for each parent to know that the identified pathology, without taking proper measures, can lead to difficult development of the musculoskeletal system (the child begins to walk later), gait disturbance (“duck gait”), subsequent pain when walking and even curvature of the spine.

Photo gallery of devices for the treatment of dysplasia

DTS is treated different ways: surgical, orthopedic, physiotherapy, massage.

Wide swaddling refers to the orthopedic method and has many advantages:

  • Ease of execution. Do massage (should be distinguished from the restorative option) and perform other healing procedures This diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. In other words, parents will not be able to repeat these manipulations at home.
  • The use of rigid structures (Freik's pillow, Pavlik's stirrups) is possible only during late infancy. In the first months, a safer and more gentle (but no less effective) method is a wide swaddling or sling.
  • Avoidance surgical intervention, since it is used only in cases where other methods are ineffective or the desired effect is not achieved. severe consequences can turn around not only the operation itself, but also postoperative period baby. Not to mention further rehabilitation.

Also, wide swaddling will be useful as a preventive measure for the proper functioning of the hip joints, disorders muscle tone and associated problems in orthopedics.

Step by step instructions

There are a few general rules that must be followed.

  1. Before swaddling, make sure that the baby is lying on a flat surface and that there is nothing under the back that causes discomfort. Changing tables or mattresses are usually used, but if those are not available, then your bed will help to cope with the matter just as well.
  2. Diapers are best used from natural fabrics so that the baby's skin can breathe. Before swaddling, they need to be ironed.
  3. Very important temperature regime. So that the child does not overheat, put on sliders and socks under the diaper, based on the situation: going for a walk - warm, put to bed at home - light. And also pay attention to whether you will carry the baby in your arms or not. Since your warmth is transferred to him, the baby may become hot and become restless.

If everything is checked, then proceed to a wide swaddling by choosing one of the methods.

Swaddling with three diapers

Swaddling pattern with three diapers

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take three diapers different size. The first is 80x120 cm, the second is 80x90 cm, the third is arbitrary (it will be used as a roller).
  2. The first diaper should be completely spread over the entire perimeter with a rectangle, and the smaller sides should be on the right and left, respectively. Fold the second in a triangle and throw over the first.
  3. Place the child on top of the prepared one, so that the corner of the triangle is visible between the legs, and the base is just below the chest.
  4. Take the third diaper and fold it into a rectangle with a width of 15-20 cm. Then place it between the baby's legs and secure with the second diaper. Thread it in the same place and wrap the side corners around the child.
  5. With the remaining diaper, wrap the child on top, but before that, fix the legs by pushing them to the sides at an angle of 90 degrees.

Tip: You can use a ready-made homemade diaper as a second diaper if you practice using them. But in this case, the third diaper will need to be taken smaller or fold it in a smaller number of times.

Video: how to make a diaper from a diaper

Technique with one diaper

  1. Take a rectangular diaper.
  2. Fold diagonally to form a triangle.
  3. Wrap the left leg of the child with the left corner, and the right leg with the right corner.
  4. Between the legs, fixing their position at an angle of 90 degrees, pass the bottom corner. On top of the resulting homemade diaper, you can still swaddle in a free way, if necessary.

Tip: This option is good if the baby is sleeping or generally calm, as it will be very easy to undress. But you can use tape to prevent unraveling.

Technique with two diapers as a reusable diaper

Video: two diaper techniques

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take 2 diapers: 80x120 cm and any size.
  2. Fold the smaller one into a rectangle and place it between the legs.
  3. Next, wrap the diaper on which the baby lies on both sides.
  4. Release the legs and between them (pre-tightening them at the right angle) draw the end of the diaper like panties.
  5. Tie the end around the waist.

Using a reusable diaper

  1. Take a sheet and spread it out in a rectangle.
  2. Dress your child in reusable diaper.
  3. Then swaddle with a diaper, fixing the legs at an angle of 90 degrees.

IN this case the diaper will perform the functions of two diapers at once (the second and third diaper roller). However, the presented method is suitable mainly only for mothers who accept the use of reusable hygiene products.

When carrying out swaddling, many nuances should be taken into account.

  • Newborn toilet. Some parents resort to the help of disposable diapers, others - reusable ones.
  • Regardless of the preferences of the mother and child, you should always remember that the diaper should not be tightly tightened, since, together with a tightly tied diaper, they can transfer the baby's skin and impair blood circulation to important organs. This will bring not only discomfort, but also lead to more serious consequences.
  • The baby's skin should be well treated with places of contact with the diaper. So that the diaper does not provide additional friction in areas of redness.
  • If you are using a gauze diaper, then to prevent it from moving, put a soft diaper folded in a rectangle.
  • Doctors do not recommend keeping a child in a disposable diaper for more than 6 hours. Keep this in mind if you are going to wrap your baby at night or consider swaddling the best option than wearing clothes in the first months of a baby's life.
  • Always strictly observe the temperature regime. Since thermoregulation has not yet been properly established, overheating of the genital area is highly undesirable.

Photo gallery: swaddling a diaper

Third stage Second phase First stage

Video: swaddling a baby with a gauze diaper

Wide swaddling is physiological and there are much more pluses in it than minuses. Therefore, this method is universally recommended for all parents as a prevention of various diseases. For those whose children it is indicated for the treatment of hip dysplasia, it will not be difficult to choose a more convenient method for themselves and evaluate it. therapeutic effect, while delivering the least harm to the baby.

The techniques presented in the article are easy to perform. But if you doubt the correctness of your actions, then it is better to consult with your pediatrician.

If you plan to use wide swaddling (or any other method) as a preventive measure, then always take into account the emotional and psychological state of the child. If you notice that the child expresses anxiety or becomes nervous, it is better to stop such a practice. The main thing is the comfort of the baby.

Wide swaddling - with dysplasia and not only

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of wide swaddling for the health of the child.

First of all, it is used for the prevention and treatment of hip dysplasia. This congenital pathology development of the musculoskeletal system is detected in about 30 out of 1000 children, and is more common in girls and children born in the breech presentation. When this disease is detected in early dates wide swaddling gives very good results, contributing to the proper formation of the tissues of the hip joint, preventing dislocation and subluxation of the hip, reducing the risk of developing serious complications requiring surgical intervention. As a treatment for hip dysplasia, wide swaddling can be used from the first days of life until the age of six months (according to indications - up to a year).

Wide swaddling does not limit motor activity a newborn - he can see his hands, touch his face with them, suck his thumb, etc. At the same time, the presence of a diaper allows the baby to smoothly adapt to the world around him and gradually get acquainted with the capabilities of his body.

Giving the child an intrauterine position with the help of wide swaddling has a calming effect on the baby, his sleep improves. If at the same time the baby is also in the arms of the mother or in - he feels almost as comfortable as in the mother's womb.

Ways of wide swaddling in pictures

The essence of such swaddling lies in fixing the child's legs in a slightly bent and divorced position at a certain angle, which they naturally occupy when the child is undressed. Wide swaddling can be done in several ways. However, remember that self-treatment is not possible here - you need to use exactly the method that your doctor recommends.

Wide swaddling with diapers

It is very easy to do it with three ordinary thin diapers. The first diaper is folded in several layers into a rectangle 15-20 cm wide and placed between the child's legs, divorced to the sides. The corners of the second diaper, folded in a scarf, are wrapped around the child's hips and fix the legs at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. The lower part of the child's body is wrapped in the third diaper, while the arms remain free, and the legs are attracted bottom diaper up, not allowing the baby to connect the feet. You can swaddle a child by first putting on a diaper, which in itself is already an obstacle to the complete reduction of the legs, but if the child is prone to contact dermatitis, it is better to refrain from using a diaper.

Frejka pillow

Exists special device, which is used for wide swaddling with dysplasia and greatly facilitates the task of parents in the daily changing of the baby. Frejka pillow can be used for children who have reached the age of 1 month and up to a year as prescribed by a doctor.

To make a Freyka pillow at home, you will need 2 rectangular pieces soft material, the width of which should be equal to the distance from one to the other popliteal cavity of the baby with legs apart, and the length should be twice the distance from the middle chest to the crotch. Between these rectangles of fabric, it is necessary to lay several layers of more rigid material and sew the resulting “pillow” through 1-1.5 cm, leaving 10 cm soft tissue from each side. The rigid part will be placed between the child's legs, fixing them in a divorced position. A waist strap and buttons are sewn to the front of the resulting design, and shoulder straps are sewn to the back. The straps have loops with which they fix the "pillow" on the child.

Wide swaddling bag

You can sew a fabric cover that will fix the diaper laid between the child's thighs with the help of ties on the sides and shoulder straps with buttons. Such a cover is best made from cotton fabric light shade so that it allows the skin to breathe and matches in color with the baby's clothes.

Both the Frejka pillow and the wide changing cover are worn over the diaper and sliders. The duration of wearing is determined by the doctor and is usually at least 12 hours a day.

If the child has the slightest signs of a violation of the formation of the hip joints and wide swaddling is shown to him, in no case neglect the doctor's recommendations. Of course, this procedure will require some effort from you, but given the effectiveness of this method, they will be justified a hundred times.

Hello, dear site visitors! Today we will look at how wide swaddling is performed for hip dysplasia.

This method can be a real salvation for parents who are faced with impaired joint development in their baby.

Swaddling can be a great alternative to more difficult treatment.

Dysplasia in newborns can be diagnosed even in the hospital. At the same time, the child will be given the necessary assistance.

Pediatricians will determine the degree of joint mobility in a child. IN normal condition the legs of the crumbs are bred on 180 degrees.

More accurate diagnosis can be done using ultrasound.
You can identify the disease by the following symptoms:

  1. The affected leg will be shorter.
  2. There may be a fold on the thigh, or folds on the buttocks are located asymmetrically.
  3. If you bend the leg, you hear a sound like a click.

Children under one year of age who are already walking may experience swaying when walking. To facilitate walking, the baby can stand on his toes.

When there are no symptoms.

Joint underdevelopment in children is diagnosed in 10% of cases. Incomplete formation of the joint structure refers to congenital defects. Dysplasia is 1 and 2 degrees - subluxation, and 3 degrees - dislocation.

If the disease is diagnosed before six months, then with proper care it passes to one and a half years. When the diagnosis is determined later, treatment can be complicated.

An effective orthopedic method is wide swaddling, which ensures that the legs are in an anatomically correct position.

The fastening of the joint in the central part of the acetabulum contributes to the fouling of the joint with ligaments. At the same time, he stops moving.

Types of swaddling

There are several types of swaddling.

Here they are:

  1. Natural wrapping or open wrapping is used when diapers are not being used. In this case, panties with diapers, sliders and blouses are used. At the same time, it is assumed absolute freedom baby movements. Psychologists do not advise using this method at first, as this may cause some anxiety.
  2. When loosely wrapped, wrap lower limbs and the top ones are left free.
  3. Pediatricians do not approve of tight swaddling, as this method inhibits the development of motor functions.
  4. Wide swaddling is even called therapeutic. It is used as a preventive method and for the correction of problems with the hip joint.

The latter type of swaddling can be used even for completely healthy children.

Why do you need a wide swaddling?

Wide swaddling is universal way, which is used for problems in the joints. When using this technique, the legs are spread apart and bent, which allows you to maintain a natural position.

In this case, the joints develop fully. The method protects against the development of pathologies such as dislocation or subluxation.

How wide swaddling is done

Shown for dysplasia special gymnastics and massage, but at other times the child should stay with fixed legs.
Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the important rules:

  1. Before swaddling, check the position of the crumbs. It should be on a flat surface, where there are no bulges of the folds. You can use a changing table or wrap on the sofa.
  2. Apply natural fabrics, that allow skin breathe. You can choose flannel, knitwear, calico or chintz. The fabric needs to be stretched and ironed on both sides.
  3. In order to avoid overheating or hypothermia, it is necessary to choose the right diapers, undershirts and sliders.

Everything you need for the procedure. These are several diapers, diapers and a flat surface.

Consider how to do the wide swaddling procedure step by step:

  1. One diaper needs to be folded so that a rectangle shape with a width of 15-20 cm is obtained. Spread the child's legs and put the folded fabric between them.
  2. Fold the second diaper into a scarf and wrap it around the baby's hips. Fix the legs at a right angle.
  3. In the third diaper, you need to wrap the baby below the waist.
  4. Pull the legs with the bottom of the diaper so that the baby cannot bring them together.

The child's legs must be fixed at a right angle in relation to the body. Such swaddling is especially effective at first, when the joints are not fully formed.
If you can’t use diapers, then you can purchase special panties. With enough skill, you can get by with diapers.

To do this, you need to take two square cuts with dimensions of 80 * 90 cm, as well as one - 80 * 120 cm. With this wrapping, you can use both a home-made diaper from diapers and a purchased one.

Use of spacers

Wide swaddling is effective way, but if the process is running, do not panic.

There are special spacers that allow you to properly fix the joints.

Here are some of them:

  1. The Frejka pillow is made in the form of panties. In this case, the baby's legs are supported in a divorced position.
  2. Pavlik's stirrups are wide belt with fixtures for fixing legs.
  3. Tire Vilensky should be worn around the clock. It is fixed on the hip joint. There are fixtures with different sizes.

Such spacers are used when dysplasia has become a complication.

With any degree of dysplasia, do not despair. At right approach everything can be cured. If you consult a doctor and begin a full-fledged treatment, then the problem can be dealt with.

And wide swaddling will be a reliable way for problems with the hip joints in a toddler.


Wide swaddling is often practiced to prevent hip dysplasia. This disease can develop in girls more often than in boys. It is usually found on later dates holding ultrasound during pregnancy.

Doctors identify three causes of dysplasia in newborns:

  • Large fruit;
  • oligohydramnios;
  • Presentation of the child in the gluteal position.

All this can affect how exactly the child is in the womb.

If dysplasia was detected in the early stages of development, it can be quickly dealt with. To detect it, the following procedures are carried out:

in the maternity hospital legs of a newborn bred one hundred and eighty degrees, and if they can lie completely on the surface in a bent state, then there is no disease of the hip joints. But you can also do similar actions after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Dysplasia can cause a dislocation or subluxation of the hip in a newborn. To avoid this, it is necessary to use the method of wide swaddling. These actions can be performed until the baby is one year old. It is important to start using the wide swaddling method only when prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of hip joints, since if you do it yourself, you can be ineffective.

Swaddling the baby in a wide way, you can achieve the position of the child almost as in prenatal state. The main rule of this method is that the child's legs are in a divorced state. in a permanent free-bent position. The baby should be comfortable all the time, as this position is completely natural. It is important to constantly monitor his reaction in order to notice discomfort in time.

Wide swaddling accessories

Treatment of such a deviation can only begin as directed by a doctor. He must examine the baby and conduct a series of some examinations and calculate how many days it is necessary to carry out prevention and treatment, as well as exactly how to do it.

There are several devices with which you can treat dysplasia:

  • diaper;
  • Freud pillow;
  • Panties for swaddling;
  • Changing case.


With the diaper method, the child must be laid on three diapers. Each of them must be wrapped around it in a special way.

First layer- used for the very last step of swaddling. In order to start swaddling, you need to fold one diaper several times in a rectangle. Then lay it between the legs of the baby.

Second diaper must be folded into a triangle and wrap it around the baby's legs.

Put the third under the child, it will terminate the entire process. By wrapping the baby's body with this diaper, you can finish swaddling. Leave only the handles free, as they may be useful to the baby to complete your little tasks. Swaddling can be considered complete at this stage.

The pillow has the same property as other devices that are used to treat and prevent dysplasia. It is made in the same way as the case. Its main difference is that it has a solid inner layer, and the case is in an additional way swaddling.

Apply the Freik pillow in case the condition baby lung and dysplasia is in early degree development.

Panties for changing

In my own way appearance they resemble a regular reusable diaper, but are somewhat different from it.

You can use such a device when the child reaches the age of one month. The main thing is to observe the baby and his condition. It is usually comfortable for a child to be in such panties, as they are quite soft and provide a natural position for the baby's legs.

Wide swaddling bag

This method is quite interesting. A wide swaddling cover is not only a way to prevent joint dysplasia, but can also be used as a dress code. Using special carriers for babies, such as ergonomic backpacks or slings, can be a good preventative measure. This method can be very convenient, because by placing the baby in such a carrier, you can easily go for a walk or do some household chores.

A large selection of devices for the prevention of dysplasia makes it possible to choose exactly what is best for the baby. Each of them has its own specific advantages. Swaddling can replace the use of conventional disposable diapers, the Frejka pillow is used when the baby is not yet able to sit up, the wide swaddling cover is used how to carry babies.

Before starting prophylaxis, it is necessary to choose a place for the procedure. In everyday life, a changing table becomes necessary, which can later be replaced with a bed, in which, in addition to carrying out procedures, you can still sleep at night.

Techniques and methods of wide swaddling

Panties for changing– can be put on in the same way as normal diapers.

Technology and sequence:

  • You need to spread a diaper on the changing table;
  • Put the baby on a diaper;
  • Wear a vest;
  • Put a diaper on the child;
  • You can wear panties for wide swaddling.

Panties can be worn on top of a thin layer of clothing, diapers, diapers and other things. This method should be used only if there was a doctor's prescription. In other cases, treatment may not be effective.

- it is a rigid bandage that must be placed between the legs of the child and fixed with special ties or patches.

This device can be made independently:

The pillow can be worn over diapers or thin layers of clothing. You can wear this device no more than twelve hours a day. When using the Frejka pillow, you need to optimize the process so that you alternate between treatment and rest.

Changing bag - it is used more often than other methods of prevention.

In order to sew a cover on your own, you need tools such as:

Swaddling methods

Many doctors believe that children should be swaddled from birth, without exception. Using this method, you can create comfortable conditions baby, practically recreating the conditions in which he was in the womb.

A wide swaddling method must be used if a disease such as hip dysplasia in children is detected.

There are three basic method swaddling.

  • First way. One diaper must be folded into a triangle and laid between the legs of the baby. Fold the second diaper in a triangle, place it under the buttocks and wrap the edges around each leg. The third diaper is placed under the baby and swaddled lower part body of the child, while the legs should be spread apart and pulled up.
  • The second way. The diaper needs to be wrapped around the chest, in the region of the armpits. After that, the right bottom edge wraps around the right leg, and the left around the left leg. The remaining piece of diaper is wrapped around the legs so that they can move.
  • The third way. To perform this method, you need to prepare a large diaper and fold it diagonally. The left end wraps around the left thigh, and the right end wraps around the right. After that, the remaining corner must be thrown up to the level of the navel. The resulting design should look like a diaper.
