Male sexuality through the eyes of women. Female attractiveness - what is it?

Woman is a prize: the main secret of attractiveness of desirable women

Why do men choose some women and remain indifferent to others, even if the latter do everything possible to please them? What is the secret of female attractiveness: in appearance, character, behavioral characteristics, inner highlights?

Perhaps the main secret lies precisely in how well a woman knows how to present herself correctly. It is this skill that helps women who are not the most beautiful and successful in life become the most desirable in the eyes of the stronger sex. Such women behave as if they are an expensive prize, the best reward and dream of absolutely every man. Is it possible to become such a magnet for men and begin to influence them in a magical way? Undoubtedly.

The secret of the prize woman's success - in her knowledge of psychology and ability to structure her behavior in accordance with the expectations of men.

When we like a person, we strive to consciously do everything to look the most advantageous in his eyes. In other words, we try to please his tastes and views: dress the way he likes, discuss topics that interest him, and so on. As a rule, men in such situations feel our desire to please them subconsciously and choose behavioral tactics in which they assign themselves the role of a prize, and leave the woman the “pleasure” of seeking their high attention.

So, following the logic of nature, according to which the prize must necessarily be a woman, and the conqueror must be a man, this option for the development of relations must be excluded from the very beginning. A prize woman will never run after a man. She is self-sufficient, smart and cunning enough to simply wait for the man himself to start running after her. Only in such a scenario does the relationship have a future, and the woman has every chance of completely conquering the “conqueror” with the “prize”.

Rules of conduct for a female prize:

Be well-groomed, impeccable in clothing, manners and external habits.

Many men like it. Create competition around your person so that the man wants to compete for you, and not immediately become the only winner of the prize. Consciously demonstrate to your chosen one that many men are interested in you, give you compliments and give flowers. If this cannot be demonstrated clearly, hint at it when communicating. This sparks the imagination just as much.

To be inaccessible, but yet promising. Don’t agree to the first date - make him interested in you, but leave the hope that next time it will certainly happen and for this reason it’s worth waiting a little. And, undoubtedly, there cannot be a hint of intimacy at the very first meeting. Believe me, men know and feel very well which woman can make this hint.

Constantly emphasize that you are who you are and you need to be accepted with all your flaws. Conduct yourself with dignity and show how self-sufficient and confident you are. It makes an impression.

Periodically behave defiantly and slightly shockingly. For example, casually throw in the phrase that you never fall in love. Believe me, this will spur a man to a creative approach in relationships and gives him maximum desire to make him the first object of your sincere feelings. Such behavior is a challenge for a male conqueror, which he cannot resist.

Choose men wisely. Ruthlessly reject whiners, weaklings, fools who simply cannot appreciate you. Such men are for a different type of woman. And only the most worthy are suitable for you. And don’t think that they don’t exist in nature. With the right attitude, you will very quickly become convinced that such men exist and are very close by.

If you live by these rules, then you will gain a lot of fans and the only winner for whom the big game was started. Good luck!

All women, regardless of age or social status, dream of being attractive in the eyes of the stronger half of humanity. However, are there exact criteria and signs by which one can judge ideality?

Considering that each person is an individual with his own principles, views on life, habits, preferences, it is not possible to create an ideal “silhouette”.

However, we all know one thing: men love with their eyes. Perhaps that is why a woman’s external attractiveness has always come first.

From this we can conclude that all representatives of the strong half of humanity are, first of all, attracted by visual beauty, and only then by the inner world of a girl.

Let's try to find out the criteria for a woman's attractiveness through the eyes of a man: what should a woman be like to be liked by men?

Age and youth

The main criterion of attractiveness is a girl's ability to bear children.

In scientific language, this sign is called indicators of reproductive health, the main criterion of which is a high level of hormones - estrogens.

As you know, the amount of female hormones reaches its maximum during the period when a girl is able to become pregnant. That's why men prefer to build serious relationships with young women– on average from 20 to 35 years.

For this purpose, representatives of the fair half of humanity come up with all sorts of methods of rejuvenation, which, by the way, work quite effectively for men of different ages.


What shapes and body parts do men like most in women? The once popular stereotype indicating that a girl should have large breasts has long been outdated.

Yes, of course, a lady walking down the street, half exposing her bust with a deep neckline on her blouse, can attract a lot of attention. But that's all.

Most young people prefer natural sizes and are delighted only by the elasticity of the breasts.

But what about legs, because this is one of the most powerful factors in a girl’s sexuality? Sexologists from Poland decided to conduct an interesting study.

Taking several photographs of girls, they asked the guys to choose the most attractive one. So, everyone preferred long-legged beauties.

However, another interesting study led to the conclusion that tall women often strive for career heights and least of all want to have children and a family.

You shouldn’t ignore the sexiest part of the female body – the buttocks. A beautiful, elastic “fifth point” always attracts attention strong half of humanity.

Silhouette and waist type

As for the waist, then young people are most attracted to the hourglass type. And it doesn’t matter whether she’s a skinny girl or a plump one.

The main thing is that the proportions of the body are respected.

The proof is an interesting study by English psychologists.

It consisted in the fact that young people were seated at computers and asked to adjust their ideal silhouette.

What type (type) of women do most men like? Most of them were attracted by those who had thin waist and wide hips.

Skin tone

The main criterion of youth and attractiveness is not only the smoothness of the skin, but also its tone.

According to German experts involved in research in the field of behavioral psychology, wrinkles are not the only sign by which a woman’s age can be determined.

Skin brightness and tone can also serve as an indicator of attractiveness and youth.

It has been proven that skin tone can indicate not only age, but also health.

So, fair girls with even skin are one step higher in attractiveness than everyone else.


Those who have an incorrect hip-to-waist ratio should not be upset because You can correct your silhouette using your gait.

Psychologists at the University of Texas conducted an interesting test. The men were given animated images in the form of shadow silhouettes, from which they had to determine the most attractive of the ladies.

Preference was given to those who actively swayed their hips.

What is most valued in a lady?

What kind of women do men like best in appearance, what attracts them? According to sociological surveys, strong representatives of humanity want to see with them a lady with:

Qualities of a woman that most men like:

  • had self-confidence;
  • earned less than her chosen one;
  • didn’t throw tantrums over trifles;
  • had a sense of humor;
  • took care of herself, was well-groomed;
  • she was not too smart, but not stupid either;
  • could forgive what is impossible, for example, betrayal;
  • had intuition;
  • could quickly find a common language with friends and relatives;
  • went to the gym;
  • didn't eat much;
  • remained faithful;
  • could combine several things at the same time;
  • could make compromises;
  • was always mysterious;
  • could keep a secret even from her mother;
  • did not demand the impossible.

Very men love smiling girls. They are perceived as friendly and open.

All about clothes

What kind of clothes do men like on women: in their opinion, clothing that must match the silhouette, that is, be fitted.

Men don’t like it when a girl tries on elements that distort the silhouette - styles with voluminous shoulders, sleeves, belts, large ruffles, pockets.

Young people are repulsed by clothes that squeeze the body - corsets, too-tight dresses.

As for the length, then representatives of the stronger half of humanity like mini and length just below the knees. Maxie is rejected by almost everyone.

Most of all, young people like dresses, skirts, blouses, tight jeans, and shorts. They are not attracted to formal suits and sportswear, baggy pants, too-short minis, sheer blouses, deep necklines.

Clothes with a lot of fasteners and complex styles don't look too sexy.

As for flowers, then preferably white, black, cherry, red, blue, blue, green, lilac.


What haircuts and hairstyles do men like on women? Most of all, representatives of the stronger half of humanity love beautiful natural hair.

The length should be medium or below the shoulders. Short hair is least valued by men.

Adds intrigue promiscuity and slight negligence, as well as hair pulled up, with locks falling on the temples.

Doesn't attract young people too strict hairstyles that speak of prohibition. They don’t like heavy hair on the head and excessive “sleekness”.


Although many men claim that they prefer girls without makeup, in reality this means natural make-up done wisely and with a natural effect.

Most of all, young people are attracted to an accentuated look, light blush, slightly redder than natural lips, lush and long eyelashes.

Men don't like too much makeup, eyes lined with black pencil, unnaturally colored lips, dark blush.

What doesn't attract

What do men not like about the appearance and behavior of women?

Availability. No young man respects easy accessibility. More precisely, such a girl is unlikely to be suitable for a serious relationship.

Let us remember the times of knights who performed feats for the sake of their ladies, organized tournaments, etc. In some way, this tradition has survived to this day, but with a slightly different interpretation.

Men also want to conquer and do not at all want to see next to them someone who, at the first call, “jumps” into bed.

Inability to maintain a home. A girl’s inability to cook a delicious dinner, clean and create comfort in the apartment is unlikely to attract the attention of a man.

Laziness. If she spends most of her time on the phone, computer, magazine, lying on the couch, then you shouldn’t count on a long relationship with a young man.

High intelligence and excessive activity. Too smart and purposeful, who only want to build a career, are not to the liking of many guys.

Demandingness. If a woman constantly asks for money and demands that a man fulfill his every whim, this will quickly scare him away.

Pity. Young people do not tolerate young ladies who constantly complain about problems, illnesses and lack of attention.

Most young people the girl's low self-esteem is repellent, especially if she reminds you of it with enviable regularity.

Not attracted to their aggressiveness and annoyingness, excessive control, as well as excess weight, sagging skin.

Many young people do not like bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. The condition of your teeth, manicure, pedicure, lack of body hair, and pleasant smell are also important.

That's all, what can you say about female attractiveness?. The main thing is to remember that there is no type that would suit all men, because everyone is individual in their own way.

Every girl and woman wants to be the most unique and irresistible. Therefore, she comes up with a standard of female attractiveness for herself and strives for it. But men's opinion on this matter very often differs from women's. This is exactly what we will discuss in our article.

The attractiveness of a woman through the eyes of men

Often the male gender pays attention on women's emotions and energy, and not on appearance. Female attractiveness in the eyes of men should combine the following points:

  1. Well-groomed. Well-groomed, clean nails, hair and glowing skin are mandatory attributes for a girl who takes care of herself.
  2. Intelligence. It is very important for men that a woman can think, surprise with knowledge, give sensible advice and support any topic of conversation. But you shouldn’t intrusively demonstrate your erudition and intelligence.
  3. An ideal woman should have her own personal clothing style. This style should not be provocative, but at the same time it should perfectly emphasize all her advantages.
  4. Having a sense of humor. This factor is no less important than mental and physical data. Healthy self-irony and the ability to make a man laugh are very important feminine virtues, according to men.
  5. Energy. This criterion also matters. A woman should radiate harmony, positivity and love for the world that surrounds her.

Features of an attractive woman

Every girl strives to look feminine, stylish and beautiful in the eyes of the stronger sex. For men, the concept of “woman’s attractiveness” includes many qualities. These include: self-confidence, grooming, physical characteristics, patience and kindness. A woman should look natural, and not sickly (like models from glossy magazines).

Features of female attractiveness also include:

Women's images that attract men

Every young man has an image with which he will compare all his new acquaintances. But scientists have identified several types the most common female images:

  1. A small, fragile and frivolous young lady. This image can win the heart of a man. Next to such a girl, a true defender will awaken in a guy.
  2. The bitch always knows exactly how to achieve what she wants. In this case, attractiveness is often associated with independence and strong character.
  3. Romantic, tender. This type is especially appealing to those young people who are not attracted to femme fatales.
  4. Fatal, daring. This type will never be left without male attention. Such women will attract and repel the stronger sex at the same time.
  5. "My guy." This image is also popular. It is suitable for those representatives of the fairer sex who are far from the previous two types.

Beautiful woman body

According to men, the beauty of an attractive woman's body should be significantly different from the body of those girls you see on the covers of magazines. Real woman's beautiful body should have the following parameters:

Secrets of female attractiveness

Sometimes girls put a lot of effort into reduce weight, give up habits, try to dress stylishly. All this so that their appearance coincides with the standard of sexuality and femininity that fashion magazines impose on them. But the attractiveness of the fairer sex in the eyes of men depends on individual preferences and age.

Appearance, of course, plays an important role, but we should not forget about spiritual qualities, which are also very valuable. If a girl looks at life positively and is confident in herself, then she will never be deprived of male attention. Even if she has many flaws, she is unattractive at first glance and overweight.

Female attractiveness lies in these secrets:

  1. In the eyes of any representative of the stronger sex, attractiveness is the line between inaccessibility and accessibility. Every woman must have this golden mean.
  2. Intrigue. A man should not feel bored in a female company. It is because of this that a lady should experiment with images and surprise a young man.
  3. A special manner of behavior. Each representative of the fairer sex has her own secret of attractiveness. This could be an attractive smile, stroking objects, playing with a curl, a twinkle in the eyes.

What qualities do not attract a man?

It is also necessary to know what feminine qualities do not attract a man.

Attractive woman

A woman who has the ability to arouse interest in oneself, bring people closer.

Attraction is the ability to attract other people to your life line. Moreover, people do this voluntarily, and not by force.

First of all, this is due to the fact that an attractive person is confident in his abilities and in himself.

People are always drawn to strength. After all, she balanced and calm. A person who is completely satisfied with life evokes lasting sympathy. No one on earth will like someone who constantly whines and bores about his life.

An attractive personality displays charm, charm and charisma. He is constantly pursued by success in all work and home affairs. People with complexes are involuntarily drawn to someone who is free from all complexes and obsessions. After all, everyone wants to get into that orbit of success, where they instill a charge of psychological vivacity, optimism, enthusiasm, where you are inspired and inspired, where they give you joy and do not burden you with problems.

Always an attractive person condescending and friendly. He keeps his false ego on a short leash when communicating with other people. People feel it immediately. When this false ego awakens, opposition immediately arises. When a person spoke in a friendly tone, everyone listened to him attentively with great pleasure. But as soon as a person’s ego turns on, the tone immediately changes and all listeners notice it. Arguments, squabbles and swearing begin.

An attractive person has strong principles and views. These character traits do not scare people away, but, on the contrary, attract them. After all, an attractive personality has been tested by practice; she can calmly present the current circumstances and information to everyone.

Has an attractive personality there is always a smile. Therefore, when problems arise in life, having such people nearby is simply irreplaceable. Just by their presence, they can instill in a person hope that all problems will soon be successfully resolved and a favorable period will come in life. The hallmarks of attractiveness are naturalness, sincerity and openness.

An attractive personality will never imitate anyone. The manifestation of originality and originality is ensured by an inquisitive and extraordinary mind, free from moss and inertia. An attractive personality has already found its life purpose and is already realizing it in practice. She remains herself under any circumstances. It is because of this that his life is full of interesting and vibrant achievements and deeds.

An attractive person is capable keep the right distance in relationships with people. He will never allow people around him to invade his personal space and will not allow alienation and coldness in relationships. He will always place barriers where necessary in a timely manner. Such a person knows for sure that feelings go through the following stages: disgust, satiety, satiety, hunger. And if you constantly kiss and hug, there may be a risk of becoming fed up. And you must always remain desirable and attractive.

As the philosopher Ruzov said: “Unlimitedness leads to satiety. And because of this, a person needs something new. With a framework that uses limits, you can maintain attraction, relationships, and love. If there are no restrictions between spouses in sexual relations, then they will soon become bored with each other and will look for novelty on the side" If the relationship between a guy and a girl is based solely on sexual pleasures, then such a relationship will not last more than seven years. A man must constantly discover some new qualities and pages in his chosen one.

The attractiveness of a woman consists of several parameters:
- well-groomed appearance;
- mental, professional, creative development;
- pleasant character.

Well-groomed appearance

Don’t rush to look in the mirror for another discrepancy with the standard of beauty. A woman with irregular facial features, but with shiny hair and well-groomed skin, always looks more advantageous than a “neglected” beauty.

A well-groomed appearance is for a girl the same as a frame for a picture. The most beautiful painting without a frame will look sloppy and unfinished. A correctly selected frame allows you to highlight the beauty of the canvas; it makes the picture harmonious and perfect.

Try to always look after yourself. Healthy and glowing skin, thick and shiny hair, a toned figure, neat nails - all this helps a woman feel more confident, independent and strong.

It is very nice to be neat - in clothes, in hairstyle, and in makeup - so use luxury cosmetics and apply them in moderation. Gestures and facial expressions must be appropriate. And, of course, don’t forget about correct posture.

Mental development

Some people think that a person's education ends at school or college. This is far from true. By constantly expanding and improving your horizons, knowledge in professional fields, acquiring new skills, learning new hobbies, you allow your brain to work better.

Training your thinking processes is an excellent protection against premature mental aging in old age. Self-education will allow you to always maintain a sharp and sober mind. In addition, men love smart women. True, this applies to interesting and intelligent representatives of the stronger sex.

Professional Development

Although some people believe that men don't like successful women, strive for your professional development as well as career growth. You should not put work above personal needs and family, but you should not underestimate its role either. Your favorite profession is your path to realizing your abilities.

Enjoy your work, hone your professional skills, and acquire useful contacts within your work team and beyond. Loving your work will allow you to earn money with pleasure. In addition, successful men value successful women.

Creative development

Creativity is a wonderful energy that helps you literally transform your daily life, get rid of depression, and be in harmony with yourself and the outside world. With the help of creativity, you can express and externalize your thoughts and experiences, realize ideas and internal images.

Today there is enormous scope for realizing one’s creative potential, from writing stories and poetry to dancing, painting, singing, various arts and crafts and playing musical instruments. The main thing is that you really like the type of creativity you choose, even if it’s just cross stitch. With the help of your favorite hobby, you can easily relax and unwind after a working day.

And thanks to your favorite activity, you will be internally transformed. Your eyes will sparkle and you will look at the world a little or completely differently. All this because you will begin to feel a taste for life. In the eyes of others - including men - you will look like an interesting person with whom you will never be bored.

Pleasant character

Another quality that makes a woman attractive is her character. No one wants to see a whiny person next to them, nervous and irritated over trifles. A cheerful and calm woman looks much nicer.

Let a smile play on your face. Men perceive a smiling woman as friendly, open and sociable. And this cannot but push them to take decisive action.

And finally

Remember that inner beauty is no less (or even more) important than outer beauty. A woman who pays attention only to caring for her hair, skin and figure is not truly interesting.

That is why the concept of self-care must certainly include intellectual, professional, creative and even spiritual self-improvement.
