Why is it better to be a man than a woman table. Large selection of clothes

Unofficial battle of the sexes

1. They will pay for dinner in exchange for spending time together.

The right to vote for women is aside, sometimes it's nice to return to the old-fashioned ways. Men invite women to dinners, movies and coffees. And, are willing to pay for it. You are strong enough to support yourself, so be strong enough to appreciate the free lunch.

2. They can't cry for no reason.

A man must have serious reason to shed tears. Otherwise, he is considered weak. Okay, if his team is losing, we'll understand. But if he was upset or just had a hard day, would he cry? Probably not. He'll come up with a reason before he can shell out for a "tear" effect.

3. They will want you even more if you don't let them get close.

Men are predisposed to hunting. They love competition. In the old days, they hunted for food to feed their families. Now they are dating. If you hand them everything on a silver platter at the first meeting, they are likely to turn away. How to explain this mentality?

Read more: Sex on the first date?

4. They're built to sort things out, but they can't multitask as well as their female counterparts.

While we can't do everything at work when we fight with our boyfriends and husbands, the stronger sex can't do more than one thing at a time. This does not mean that it is true for all men, but with the possibility of dividing the effort, they are not able to focus on four things at the same time.

5. Men are more prone to hair loss.

It is a well known fact that male pattern baldness significantly more common than hair loss in women. Baldness refers to more to men than to women. Point in our favor!

6. They will be convicted for watching Dom-2.

We can watch stupid shows and whatever we want, and it's not as bad as when a man sits and watches an episode about how Olya got angry with Nadia, and how Lena, offended, left Sergey. My reality shows are just too good to miss. Fortunately, you can admit that you are a fan, while all friends will turn away from a man for this.

7. They will be condemned for wearing "girlish" colors, while girls can wear whatever they want.

Pink, purple, orange, yellow - only some men can wear these colors. Girls, on the other hand, can wear all the colors from the box of colored pencils. From bright colors to the most obscure. And men need to stick to masculine, neutral hues, no matter what their friends and work colleagues condemn.

8. They need to exercise to carry heavy things.

It's normal for men to visit infrequently Gym. But if you say that you need his help to move something, it will turn out very ugly if he cannot lift it. coffee table himself, and you will have to help him - support for the other end ... Men must take care of their bodies in order to have the strength to perform heavy duties.

9. They die earlier.

Statistics show men die earlier than women, and that's true. No one knows the actual numbers, but rest assured - you have a better chance than them...

10. They can't experience the miracle of having a baby.

No matter how painful it is, as some mothers say, there is nothing more joyful than birth child. Of course, dad also had a hand in this, but you carried the child for nine months. And there's nothing stronger connection between mother and daughter or son.

Slightly funny, but very serious and pleasant advantages of the female sex.

No one argues that being a woman is good. But how good it is to remember this, and not only on March 8.

It is a pity that men do not often remind us of this. But the benefits of being a woman are so many that it’s enough for more than one glass of martini.

female body- biggest plus

The first and most important advantage of the female sex is that we “know how” to give birth! Yes, it hurts, yes, it's difficult. But we are not replaceable! And we, women, know how to seduce. It is this task that the heavenly powers entrusted to us.

And for this they rewarded us with multiple orgasms. And someone from above decided that we should know if there was a favorite orgasm or not. For men, this information is not required.

You can put on a stunning bikini or go to the beach topless - and everyone will be at your feet. Not every man can be helped by a bikini to look seductive, and the look of a topless man amazes few people.

A bald head does not threaten a woman, there are, however, other charms such as cellulite, but we will delicately keep silent about this - we are ladies.

A woman is allowed any emotions and whims

We can cry, scream from the heart, not only at a horror movie and at the sight of a mouse, but also at children's attractions, clinging to a strong loved one. And no one will reproach us for being too emotional and weak, because we are women.

You can, referring to the PMS, break the service donated by the mother-in-law, then cry bitterly at the sight of the fragments. And no one will suspect anything. Almost at any time of the day, you can throw a real tantrum, which ends with fantastic sex. After all, as you know, a midnight tantrum is the best prelude to sex.

We are better at expressing our feelings. But how can a man, gently blowing into his ear, whisper "I want to marry you"?

Being a woman is financially profitable

Yes, yes, very beneficial. Firstly, to get drunk, one cocktail is enough for us. Secondly, girls are allowed into many clubs for free. And thirdly, despite feminism, women are still often paid for by men. So a girl has a much higher chance of having lunch for free.

We should not buy flowers, sweets, fur coats and diamonds. No need to pick up something like that on March 8th. Yes, and you can save money on a razor - you don’t need to shave your face, and the rest of the body can be hidden under clothes or in the twilight.

And other female benefits

man in women's clothing looks, to put it mildly, repulsive, and a girl in a man's dress is very sexy, especially after a stormy night.

Sometimes a woman needs so little to be happy - just a chocolate bar or a jar of pickled cucumbers.

There are fewer women in prisons. Hence the conclusion: the weaker sex is less likely to be caught in crimes.

Our brain and vision are designed so that we can look in two directions at once and do several things.

We drive better. Yes, yes, there are much fewer accidents due to the fault of female drivers. In addition, our ability to drive a car allows us to even do makeup while driving. But men do not do this, probably because they are not confident in their abilities.

A woman never whines that her lover earns more than she does.

A girl can be late for a date. Well by at least before marriage.

The silence of a man is a sign of tediousness, the silence of a woman is worth a lot.

A woman can honestly admit that she watches the series.

If a woman seduced a man, had a fantastic night with him, and did not call the next day, she is unlikely to be called a scoundrel. By materials.

1. Yours phone conversation lasts 30 sec.

2. In films, women are shown naked much more often.

3. For a week-long vacation, one suitcase is enough for you.

4. You don't have to follow sex life your friends.

5. The queue to the toilet is shorter by 80%.

6. You yourself can open all the bottles.

7. Old friends don't care about your weight changes.

8. When you change channels on your TV, you don't have to stop for more than 5 seconds.

9. The shape of your ass is irrelevant to employment.

10. All your orgasms are real.

11. You don't get attacked by guys wearing hockey goalie masks.

12. You don't always have to carry around a bag full of essential items.

13. When you are criticized, you do not need to panic that everyone around you secretly hates you.

14. The garage and the TV remote are yours and yours alone.

15. Matters of marriage are settled by themselves.

16. If someone forgets to call you somewhere, he can still be your friend.

17. Your panties cost 100 rubles. for 3 pcs.

18. You don't have to shave anything below your neck.

19. None of your co-workers can bring you to tears.

20. You don't have to sleep next to a hairy ass every night.

21. If you are a 34-year-old bachelor, no one pays attention to it.

22. Everything that is on your face is always natural color and forms.

23. You can enjoy the silence while sitting in the passenger seat in the car.

24. All problems are settled with flowers.

25. You think about sex 90% of your sleep-free time.

26. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough for you.

27. Nobody stops telling an obscene joke when you enter a room.

28. You can take off your shirt if you are hot.

29. Sellers in the auto market can tell you the truth.

30. You don't care if others notice your new hairstyle.

31. You can spend hours silently watching football with your friend and not be tormented by the question: “Maybe he is angry with me?”.

32. The whole month you have the same mood.

33. You will never go to another gas station just because this one is "nasty".

34. You know at least 20 ways to open beer bottles.

35. People never stare at your chest when you talk to them.

36. You can easily drop by a friend's house without a "little present".

37. If you do not call a friend at the appointed time, he will not tell everyone around you how you have changed.

38. You will never miss an opportunity to make love just because you are "not in the mood."

39. You don't have to remember anyone's wedding dates and birthdays.

40. If another guy showed up at the party dressed the same as you, you can become best friends.

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Frame from the movie "Titanic"

Third wave feminists continue to actively fight for gender equality, giving rise to a lot of discussion about how society still oppresses women, despite the existence of all sorts of declarations and laws against sexism. It is likely that it will take more than a dozen years to establish true equality in the world. But are ladies so oppressed these days? If you think about it modern society recognizes a number of merits and privileges for women that are currently not available to men.

Life expectancy is longer

women live longer than men are statistics. To some extent, this is due to accidents at work, but in general, men simply have a harder time coping with illnesses with age, while women get sick less often.

Queen Elizabeth II, 92

Higher pain threshold (compared to men)

Few things compare to those painful sensations that women experience during childbirth, and therefore nature has awarded them a higher pain threshold. That is why they are more comfortable with both dental treatment and an accidental hit with the little finger on the door frame. For the same reason, women can practice traditional meditation and other techniques more effectively. physical activity to calm the body and mind.

Freedom of hugs

Girls can easily hug their girlfriends without worrying about what others will think. For them, there is no difficulty in expressing feelings and sympathy for each other, and society does not treat this as a deviation. Far less fortunate for men: they, alas, still have to look around at others every time they want to hug each other.

Duchess Meghan of Sussex and Claire Waight Keller

Freedom of tears

A woman can afford not only an open expression of sympathy, but also a demonstration of sadness and sensitivity. She may well cry both in public and in solitude, while men have to be content exclusively with the second option. Otherwise - "weaklings" and "squishy". And let's be honest: will any young man really allow himself to burst into tears at home when no one sees him? No, not everyone will even allow themselves this - you see, education is not right.

Still, crying is not always a weakness. This is a discharge that allows you to get rid of negative emotions and maintain health, but so far such “prevention” is predominantly a female prerogative.


In most cases, men have only two choices: a shaved face or an unshaven one. Ladies have a much wider field for experimenting with makeup and hairstyles. For many girls, makeup has even become a part of life, while young people still have to buy into marketing tricks that offer them the same care only in more “masculine” jars and tubes. What can I say, oh decorative cosmetics: some social groups and are completely ready to destroy men who would like to improve their appearance in this way.

Ezra Miller

Ladies' Nights in bars and restaurants

A visit to a bar or cafe may not be too expensive if you are a girl. Especially if at the time of visiting the institution there is a promotion Ladies’ Nights, within which for beautiful ladies There are all sorts of discounts and benefits. In addition, it is usually easier for girls to go to bars and clubs without a queue, and on weekdays there is no need to pay an entrance fee.

A wide selection of fashionable clothes

Here, the ladies, of course, prevailed over the gentlemen, taking even their clothes into their wardrobe - from oxfords to tuxedos. What about men in skirts? Alas, only if it is a kilt, which, by the way, not everyone can wear either.

Cara Delevingne at the wedding of Princess Eugenie

Joy of birth

Only half of the world's population has the ability to bear and give birth to a human being. This is a real miracle, and a miracle available only to women.

Low risk of baldness

Some gentlemen begin to lose their hair before reaching the age of 30. With women, this happens much less often, thanks to the second X chromosome.

Princes William and Harry

The special art of using a handbag

In the purse of almost any woman you can find a great variety of items - sometimes quite unexpected, starting with a jar sunscreen and ending with a cat collar ex-boyfriend. In addition, handbags are often used as a stylish statement, while many men still do not see the point in carrying optional accessory in the hands (and therefore they hit the screens of smartphones more often: they miss the phone past the back pocket, or unsuccessfully sit on it).

Excellent communication ability

In women, the part of the brain responsible for the process of communication is more developed than in men. Ladies communicate more successfully and usually correctly understand not only the speech of the interlocutor, but also his emotions and facial expressions. Curiously, women also more effective than men using various communication channels, such as Email and text messages.

Michelle Obama

Ability to see complex color combinations

Thanks to heightened visual susceptibility, many women see differences in colors and shades that male eye sometimes they just don't notice. Probably for the same reason, many girls love the art of decoration and succeed in it.

The right to be a housewife

Today, women in developed countries are practically equal in rights with men, and at the social level they even have great advantages. For example, in society it is considered acceptable if a girl prefers to work at home or even not work, but to be a housewife. Men in such situations usually face some pressure.

Frame from the movie "Joy"

Building the Birkenhead

The unwritten historical rule - the priority rescue of women and children in case of force majeure - has been in effect for many years. Sexism? Yes. Advantage? Judge for yourself.

Women always get more flowers

At all public events - be it a concert, an awards ceremony or an autograph session - a woman always receives more bouquets. And, as you know, it is never inappropriate to present a lady with her favorite flower. What about men? If this is not an artist or a hero, then most likely he will be slightly perplexed by such a gift.

Photo: Getty Images, film stills

43 reasons why you should be a woman
When you get tired of PMS painful hair removal or other purely feminine troubles and you begin to envy men, remember at least three items from this list.

1 We get tipsy faster, so we can easily save money for a shopping frenzy.

2 We don't have to ask anyone out on dates. Although we can do it if we want.

3 We have a better developed intuition. We are able to predict the intentions of others, and therefore are more in demand in social spheres.

4 We are the first to be evacuated from a sinking ship/burning house.

5 We don't get unexpected and inappropriate erections in a meeting.

6 We can shame men on public transport to give up their seats.

7 We find it easier to study foreign languages. In general, our speech is faster and more competent.

8 If we can't hang shelves or fix an outlet, we won't suffer from it all our lives.

9 We are not ashamed to ask for directions - and do not wind circles, muttering under our breath: "I know exactly where we are ..."

10 If we "forgot" about the razor, we can hide the "three-day stubble" by wearing trousers.

11 On average, women live five years longer than men.

12 We can scream in fear while watching a horror movie, and no one will stigmatize us.

13 When we look bad with a hangover, makeup easily solves the problem.

14 We can shamelessly expand our wardrobe by wearing boyfriend clothes. At the same time, we will look elegant and feminine in it. He has absolutely nothing to profit from from your collection.

15 We easily develop connections, skillfully maintain them and use them, while not offending anyone.

16 Thank you, Lord, for PMS! We can snarl at him for watching too much football, and then, in good conscience, blame this outburst of anger on hormones.

17 We have much less hair in our noses... and women hardly ever have hair in their ears!

18 We are less likely to go bald.

19 Studies have shown that we are happier, more cheerful and satisfied with our work than men.

20 We never save on ourselves!

21 We the best drivers. Women are less likely to drive like maniacs, less likely to cause major accidents (as a result, they pay less for insurance).
And they don't decorate their cars with giant antennas and stupid neon lights.

22 We are better at expressing our feelings and therefore have a deeper emotional connection with friends.

23 We are more picky about our choices sexual partners. Unlike men, we never wake up in the morning with a cry of “God, who is this next ?!”.

24 A potato casserole, a chocolate bar, and a carton of cherry ice cream will let us see life in pink color. Everything ingenious is simple.

25 Among criminals serving sentences in prisons, men are three times more women. This means that we are either too smart to break the law or too smart to be caught.

26 We cry four times as often as men and feel better about it. Why hold onto all this stress?

27 We can do two or more things at the same time. female brain is able to better remember information coming from all sides, while men can only concentrate on one thing. Poor things...

28 We can go to the toilet in a crowd and not look suspicious.

29 We have less likely die of a heart attack or cancer.

30 We can feel free to order a pina colada garnished with a sparkler and a paper umbrella, and that's fine.

31 Men like to think they're cool, but women pain threshold higher.

32 We are actually born to shop. Acquired in the course of evolution, the need to collect fruits and seeds for our home allows us to accurately remember where we saw that tulip satin skirt, how much it cost and how many of them are still left.

33 Thanks to Magic high heels women never complex because of vertically challenged.

34 We can talk calmly to members of the opposite sex without imagining them naked.

35 We make the best bosses. Firms, owned by women are growing twice as fast, and there will soon be more businesswomen than businessmen.

36 Unlike every seventh man who earns less than his life partner, we do not feel insecure if the partner's salary is higher than ours.

37 It's easier for us to get a taxi. It is only necessary to take the form of a "young lady in difficulty."

38 In women, the fat layer is thicker - we can not eat for a longer time, not freeze, and we fall much softer.

39 When we dance, we have the grace of Shakira, not a gypsy bear.

40 We are always and in everything right (even when we know that this is not so at all!).

41 Women are smarter, more diligent and more attentive than men. And studies have shown that as we age, we still think better and faster.
This will still be useful to us when we play loto in retirement.

42 We absolutely know if size matters.

43 We experience multiple orgasms.
