Happy birthday to my daughter in prose. Happy birthday greetings in daughter's prose from mom

My dear daughter! I congratulate you on your birthday! You have matured for a year again, become very beautiful and independent. I wish you, my dear, good health, unearthly happiness, prosperity and unexpected good luck. Let your life be filled with bright colors, unforgettable sensations, colorful memories and only positive emotions. I wish you, my daughter, to be desired and loved, as well as to be realized in life and become self-sufficient and successful. And may you meet only true friends and kind people on your life path, and let troubles, problems and bad weather pass by.

Daughter, happy birthday. No matter how much you are fulfilled, you still always remain small for me and just as beloved and dear. I want to wish you all the very best: health, beauty, luck, wisdom, and happiness. Although this list is endless. I also really want you to achieve all your goals, and all your dreams come true. Happy holiday!

My dear adult daughter, you yourself have already become a mother, but for me you are still the same baby that I so dreamed of. Then… years ago, your birth changed my life radically. I felt that my care and love is very necessary for this little helpless man. Of course, today you are a self-sufficient, successful woman, but I will always love you the same way as on the day you were born, with endless motherly love. Happy birthday to you, my angel.

Our dearly beloved sweetie, dear daughter! We congratulate you on your Birth, and with great parental love we wish you reciprocity, kindness, understanding, health, prosperity and female happiness! Let your life flow like a full-flowing river, let only people worthy of you meet on your life path! May the weather on your soul always be bright and warm, and may the love of life boil in your heart! May your youth never fade away, and may your beauty flourish because you are loved and desired by a person dear to you! Daughter! Make your old people happy, please us, be satisfied with your fate, be happy, be healthy and live in abundance! So that our souls are calm for you, may you come across a worthy person in life who will appreciate you and your human qualities at their true worth! Let fate bring you only with good people, and in your life there will be no evil, deceit and disappointment!

Favorite daughter! Let us bow at your feet today and thank you for all the happiness that you give us! A person more valuable to us than you does not exist in the whole wide world! You are our treasure, thank you for being with us, for answering us with kindness for kindness, love for love, care for cares! You are a birthday girl today and we would like to hug you tightly and wish you to be the happiest daughter on planet Earth! No one will ever replace you for us, you are the greatest happiness that could only happen to us! We thank you for everything and wish you to receive a reward from life for your kindness and affection! May your children be happy and healthy, may your family be faithful and strong, may your home be safe and comfortable! May you always be loved by one single beloved man who will appreciate your dignity and love you simply because you met him on the way!

Beautiful birthday wishes for daughter

Favorite daughter! I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - your birthday! I tenderly hug you and from the bottom of my heart I wish you all the very best in life! It is difficult to find words to express the quivering parental feelings that I have for you. You are for me like a light in the window, like a ray of hope, the meaning of my life. On this beautiful day, with all my heart I want to wish you to grow up as sweet, kind, smart and beautiful girl as you are now! Happy birthday daughter!

My precious daughter! Even now I remember very well the day when you were just born, then life was played with new colors for me. I know, believe and hope that you will grow up to be a beautiful, wise and gifted girl, that you will have enough desire and strength to find your own path in this life, to find an interesting and useful occupation for yourself. And you will definitely be happy! I wish you to become more beautiful and wiser every year! May clouds of sadness never cover your cheerful sky, and may the sun of positive and joy always shine on it!

Dear daughter, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you clear and cloudless days. May your life be filled with pleasant little things, kind people and happy moments! Let everything that you have in mind, what you dream about - everything will surely come true. Always be in a great mood, experience only positive emotions. Be happy!

Daughter, I congratulate you on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you to always be kind, beautiful, purposeful! Let all the good that is in you develop, and the shortcomings disappear by themselves - imperceptibly! On your birthday, I want to say that the best thing about a girl is modesty, which ennobles her. Happy birthday to you, dear!

Our beauty, our charm, our beloved daughter. Today is the brightest holiday on earth - your birthday. From the bottom of my heart, accept the warmest wishes. Be always happy, and for a long time please us with your beauty. Grow healthy and smart. May all sorrows and bad weather bypass you. May the path you choose be clear and straight. We wish you good, warmth, all the blessings that exist on earth. You look like a princess, so let your life be a fairy tale.

A princess like you deserves special congratulations! The king wishes you to remain a little girl with unearthly beauty! The Queen really wants you to be always healthy! The king wishes you to achieve great creative success! The queen wants your destiny to always be colored with bright colors! The king wishes you the fulfillment of your desires! And the queen wants you to meet a handsome and worthy prince! The king is ready to get the star of wisdom from the sky for you! The queen supports the king's wish! Our beloved daughter, we congratulate you on your birthday!

My dear and beloved daughter, I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, happy birthday. Take the chance to celebrate such an important event at a decent level, because every year of life is a real gift from fate. I wish you to remain as beautiful as you are now. May fate allow you to find numerous opportunities for development, give you the opportunity to believe in future success. I wish you a happy family and the presence of close people, relatives nearby, the support of friends, decent and promising work. Let life please you only with real surprises and let you understand how wonderful the future can be. I wish you never to know sadness and sadness, fears and doubts, because they are not needed. My dear girl, you will always be my favorite child, whom I wish happiness and success in the future.

Time is inexorable - yesterday you were a little girl who followed her mother like a ponytail. And today I see an interesting, mature, self-sufficient girl in front of me. Of course, you have not become worse, but you have become different and this is natural. And even though you have long changed the snowflake costume for an evening dress, children's sandals for spectacular shoes, and two pigtails for a fashionable hairstyle, for me you still remain a little daughter. May childhood remain in your heart as long as possible and childhood dreams of a fairy-tale prince will finally come true. I wish that the young man whom you will definitely meet becomes your soulmate and is ready for anything for you. After all, you are a little adult princess, and you are worthy of female happiness!

On this festive morning, even the sun wishes you a happy birthday with its cheerful rays. Everything is ready for the holiday. A bouquet of fragrant roses stands in a crystal vase. I baked your favorite apple pie and set the table for the reception. You are already an adult, but I really want to surround you, my girl, with care and attention. Moreover, today there is such a wonderful reason for this. I am pleased to be the first to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you that your life turns into one big holiday - a holiday of love, kindness and mutual understanding. Be happy.

We, as parents, had high hopes for you, our girl. We dreamed that you would not repeat our mistakes, get a good education, find a good job, make informed decisions so as not to regret the past. God knows, from early childhood we instilled in you only useful skills and qualities of character. Today, looking at you, I see that we have succeeded. You are an adult, independent, self-confident woman. We are proud of you and very glad that you live better than we did at your age. You justified our hopes and we believe that a bright future awaits you. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday daughter's congratulations in prose

Realizing that your child has become an adult is a little sad. Time is inexorable, the years of childhood flew by so quickly, but today we will not be sad. Today we will celebrate your legal birthday and rejoice that we have grown up such a beautiful, kind, decent, smart and energetic daughter. We wish you only true friends and girlfriends, material well-being, good health and an ocean of love, which one day a man worthy of a girl like you will surely give you.

Daughter! On your birthday, I sincerely wish you the fulfillment of all your desires. You are already an adult, but I am sure that your desires are pure and innocent, like those of a child. I wish you to remain the same beautiful, interesting girl for many years. May there always be a place for fun and holidays in your life. May love, understanding and harmony always accompany your life path. May hope and faith give you strength in difficult times. I also wish you never need anything. Yes, money is not the main thing in life, but it is necessary to live with dignity and serenity. In general, be happy, my dear!

I would like to wish my wonderful and loving daughter to become a good wife and a wonderful mother on her birthday. So that you know true female happiness, so that you are always cheerful and beautiful. So that the eyes burn and shine. I wish you to flourish every year!

I congratulate you on the main holiday in your life, happy birthday! May everything always be fine with you! Today you have become one year older, one more moment closer to adulthood! Health, happiness, family well-being, great love and Longevity! Always please your parents and study well!

Dear daughter, when you smile, my heart is filled with light, and when you laugh, my soul is filled with bright light, your happiness will make my world beautiful and sparkling. Happiness to you, my dear, love and warmth in everything.

Our dear little daughter! We congratulate you on the Day of Brewing! We wish that your lips always laugh and your eyes shine with happiness, that your mood is good all year round, that your pants are full of joy, and wishes come true - one after another! Let your outfits be the most beautiful, and braids the longest! Please your mom and dad, be an obedient girl and get only good grades! your loving parents.

How a bow suits you, daughter! On your birthday, the sun smiles playfully. Grow and bloom day by day, our little flower. Bright life to you, like balloons and amazing, like magical gifts.

My daughter, happy birthday! How proud I am of how the best female traits, such as tenderness, kindness, charm and femininity, are manifested in you! I am sure that soon you will find your prince, who will be able to appreciate your outstanding qualities!

Daughter, your birth has become a real and long-awaited miracle for us, let many joyful events happen in your life, after which your eyes will fill with tears of incredible happiness.

Heartfelt congratulations to your daughter on her birthday in prose

Daughter! Our life! Blood dear! We congratulate you on your birthday and want to put into our wishes all the feelings that we have for you! May your life be full of kindness, understanding, affection, reciprocity, love, warmth and sincerity! May fate never punish or offend you! And we will never let anyone offend you, remember that parental love has a very great power! And may more carefree and festive days happen in your life, to the delight of you and us! Let your everyday life pass carelessly, and a happy chance visits you more often than everyone else! We wish you a starfall of luck, a sea of ​​​​love and an ocean of good luck! Let life overflow like a full-flowing river and beat with a fountain of happiness! Always smile at life and then life will definitely answer you the same! Be happy, daughter! We cherish you, love you and wish you well!

Dear daughter! On your birthday, I have a wish that is meant only for you! My soul! Only you make my life truly happy, and I want your fate not to offend you! I will take on all the bad things and protect you from failures and troubles! I want you not to know sorrows and troubles, so that you smile more often and cry with happiness! I will support you always and in everything, I will never offend, I will not betray, I will not let you down and I will not fall out of love! My love for you is eternal! And may the power of my love help you through life! I wish you to feel necessary in the family, a desirable woman for a loved one, a sought-after girlfriend for your friends! Daughter! Take from life everything that it offers you, and enjoy every moment! I give you wishes for good and happiness, and may they begin to come true right here and now!

My girl, my dear daughter! On this festive day, on your birthday, I want to wish that your life consists only of such holidays! I wish you great health, a bright mind, an optimistic mood, new opportunities, prospects and a great desire to live! May good surround you on all sides and keep deceit and evil out of your life! We wish you to have close friends and faithful girlfriends! May fate not torment your soul and give you a meeting with your beloved and the only one who will become your indispensable companion for life! Let your heart be filled with joyful emotions, warmth of relationships and a great feeling of mutual love! Know that your parents are proud of you, hope for you and wish you only the very best that you can wish for! You are the gift of our life, and you will remain forever! Happy birthday!

Dear daughter! I clearly remember the day the angel was born. I always knew that you would grow up beautiful, smart and talented, that you would have enough strength and diligence to find your way in life, and that you would definitely be happy. On this birthday, I want to say that I wish you to become even more beautiful and happier every year, may sadness never look into your family, and the sun always shines through the windows of your house!

A clear morning came, and the sunbeams danced merrily on the windows, as if they too wanted to have fun at our holiday. There is a bouquet of your favorite flowers in a crystal vase, and I will serve your favorite cake on the table very soon. Although you have already grown up, I still want to surround you with care and kind attention. Before the guests gather and the noisy celebration begins, I want to hug you and say “Happy Birthday, daughter! Be happy every day of your life!

Happy birthday greetings to an adult daughter in prose

My dear adult daughter, you have already become a mother yourself, but for me you are still the same baby that I so dreamed of. Then… years ago, your birth changed my life radically. I felt that my care and love is very necessary for this little helpless man. Of course, today you are a self-sufficient, successful woman, but I will always love you the same way as on the day you were born, with endless motherly love. Happy birthday to you, my angel.

Our dear daughter! This is how you become an adult. A wise man once said: “The children are not yours, the children of God. It’s just that the Lord entrusts you with their upbringing and preparation for adulthood.” I really hope we succeeded. However, dad and I will treat you like a child for a long time to come. Please forgive us for this. We can still help you with advice and action. Happy birthday and wish you to find your place in this life!


My beloved daughter, when I still carried you under my heart, I knew that you would become a successful and talented person in the future. Otherwise, it could not have happened. Since childhood, you have pleased us with your dad with your successes, perseverance and diligence. And how nice it was for us, parents, to listen to the words of gratitude of teachers at school! Today, small successes have grown into big achievements. Daughter, we are proud of you. I wish you to become even more beautiful, happier and smarter with each new birthday. May your calling bring you a sense of satisfaction and, most importantly, the growth of material well-being.

My dear (NAME) ! Every year you imperceptibly grow up, become more serious and efficient. But once you were a cheerful little girl. Yes, adult life is not only new opportunities and rights, but also responsibility for oneself, for one's family, for one's children. Nevertheless, on your birthday, I wish you to forget about worries and problems and just enjoy gifts and congratulations, as in childhood. Smile more often, my girl, and you will be fine. Happy Birthday!


My daughter the best in the world - so says every mother. But you're the best of the best and I don't care if anyone disagrees. You are kinder, more beautiful, more caring and more perfect than all the daughters of the planet. Today I wish you endless happiness. You deserve it more than anyone else. May your shining eyes bring good light to the world. I love you very much and congratulate you on our common holiday - your birthday (I also have something to do with this ...).

Today I am absolutely happy, because I see that I raised a wonderful daughter. Your birthday is a wonderful occasion to tell you that I am proud of you. Sometimes I even allow you to brag to your acquaintances about your achievements and successes. Forgive me this innocent maternal weakness. I hope that your success in the profession and in your personal life will not be a reason for people's envy, but will only become an example to follow. I thank God that I have you. Be happy.


What do you usually wish on your birthday? For what we live for - bright, serene, kind and pure, like a blue sky, like a gentle sun, like a multi-colored rainbow. We call it happiness. And my happiness is you, my daughter. And my happiness today turns ...... years old. I wish you a long, serene and love-filled life. Let your dreams always become a reality, troubles bypass your house, and only kind and sympathetic people will be around you. Happy Birthday!

Time is relentless- just yesterday you were a little girl who followed her mother like a ponytail. And today I see an interesting, mature, self-sufficient girl in front of me. Of course, you have not become worse, but you have become different and this is natural. And even though you have long changed the snowflake costume for an evening dress, children's sandals for spectacular shoes, and two pigtails for a fashionable hairstyle, for me you still remain a little daughter. May childhood remain in your heart as long as possible and childhood dreams of a fairy-tale prince will finally come true. I wish that the young man whom you will definitely meet becomes your soulmate and is ready for anything for you. After all, you are a little adult princess, and you are worthy of female happiness!


This festive morning even the sun wishes you a happy birthday with its cheerful rays. Everything is ready for the holiday. A bouquet of fragrant roses stands in a crystal vase. I baked your favorite apple pie and set the table for the reception. You are already an adult, but I really want to surround you, my girl, with care and attention. Moreover, today there is such a wonderful reason for this. I am pleased to be the first to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you that your life turns into one big holiday - a holiday of love, kindness and mutual understanding. Be happy.

We, as parents, had high hopes with you, our girl. We dreamed that you would not repeat our mistakes, get a good education, find a good job, make informed decisions so as not to regret the past. God knows, from early childhood we instilled in you only useful skills and qualities of character. Today, looking at you, I see that we have succeeded. You are an adult, independent, self-confident woman. We are proud of you and very glad that you live better than we did at your age. You justified our hopes and we believe that a bright future awaits you. Happy Birthday!


Realize that your child has become an adult , a little sad. Time is inexorable, the years of childhood flew by so quickly, but today we will not be sad. Today we will celebrate your legal birthday and rejoice that we have grown up such a beautiful, kind, decent, smart and energetic daughter. We wish you only true friends and girlfriends, material well-being, good health and an ocean of love, which one day a man worthy of a girl like you will surely give you.


Daughter! On your birthday I sincerely wish you the fulfillment of all your desires. You are already an adult, but I am sure that your desires are pure and innocent, like those of a child. I wish you to remain the same beautiful, interesting girl for many years. May there always be a place for fun and holidays in your life. May love, understanding and harmony always accompany your life path. May hope and faith give you strength in difficult times. I also wish you never need anything. Yes, money is not the main thing in life, but it is necessary to live with dignity and serenity. In general, be happy, my dear!

Seems very recent I read books to you at night and braided your pigtails, and now you are already reading books to my grandson. How quickly time flies! I am no longer young, unfortunately, but looking at you, a young woman, I seem to live life anew. And even though now is a different time, a different way of life, but the main values ​​remain unshakable - family, warm relationships, raising children. And I am very glad that these values ​​are present in your life. You have a strong family, a wonderful husband and well-behaved children. I wish you on your birthday, my sun, endless happiness and may your life be permeated with love!

Your birthday. I remember that day very well down to the smallest detail. The most beautiful girl in the world was born. On that day, I decided that my daughter would definitely be happy. And I tried very hard all these years to make it happen. Daughter, if something does not go well - do not be sad, all these are temporary difficulties. The main thing is that love and mutual understanding are present in life. And it is present in your life. I congratulate you and wish you peace in your soul and peace in your heart.

When you were little , you, like all children, wanted to become an adult as soon as possible. I think today, you would not mind, at least for one day, return to childhood. Unfortunately, this is not possible, but sometimes, for example today, on your birthday, you can again become a small, cheerful girl, accept gifts and have fun celebrating the day of jam. I wish you to keep in your heart childish spontaneity and interest in life forever. May children's and adult dreams come true. Be happy, my adult girl!

So you became an adult, my girl. All your childhood, all I did was buy you new shoes and dresses, because you grew out of them. Now you are already buying fashionable new clothes for yourself, but not because you are growing up, but because you are a beautiful, fashionable, interesting girl. You have become a real lady. I'm very happy for you. Happy Birthday!

My dear daughter, every day you become more and more beautiful. You are so delightful that men, smiling, turn around after you. I really hope that one of them, the most worthy, one day you will smile back. I wish you to meet, no, not with a prince on a white horse, but with a loving, caring and reliable man who will become your soulmate. After all, the mission of a woman is the creation of a family, the upbringing of children. Therefore, I wish you ordinary female happiness today - to be loved and to be in love, to become the best mother in the world, and of course, to remain a young, elegant and cheerful woman for a very long time.

My dad and I, of course, dreamed of a daughter. The Lord heard our prayers and gave us you. The day you were born, our life was lit up by the sun. For us, you have become the center of the universe. We love you very much, just like that, for nothing, and we will love you all the time. Remember this and don't forget about your parents. You have long been an adult and make decisions yourself, and yet, sometimes listen to our advice. We wish you only the best, and we want you not to repeat our mistakes. And today we are very glad to see you cheerful, smart and beautiful. May all your most cherished dreams come true. Let only kind and not envious people surround you, and your life be filled with love and harmony. Happy birthday!

You have always been inquisitive and a cheerful fidget. As a child, your energy was in full swing and I just couldn't keep up with you. And I really like that these qualities have passed into your adult life. Your curiosity has turned into a thirst for knowledge, you have an interest in life, in everything new and progressive. And your restlessness has become the energy that gives strength, optimism and does not give you a reason to give up in a difficult situation. I am very glad to see your positive attitude and ability to achieve your goal. On your birthday, I wish you new amazing discoveries, unforgettable travels, fulfillment of desires and fantastic achievements!

wonderful hostess, caring mother, smart wife and self-confident woman - it's all you, my beloved daughter. I am not ashamed of you and therefore I am a very happy mother. Today, I want to wish you to preserve and increase your virtues. You become wiser, more tolerant, more reasonable - I really like it. Every day you do the responsible work of raising children, maintaining order in the house, you contribute to the family budget. But, sometimes allow yourself to be reckless and impulsive, for example, on your birthday. Today you have the right to drop everything and just enjoy the holiday. Congratulations daughter!

Dear daughter, you are our joy , our support and our sun. It's good that the Lord gave you to us ... years ago. There was everything in our relationship, but the main thing remained unshakable, this is love and understanding. I'm sorry if we've ever been unfair to you. Remember that we have always wished and will wish you only the best. And today we wish you patience, faith, mutual understanding with loved ones and endless love. Let love become your guiding star, which will protect you from envy, anger, lies, resentment and lead you along the path of happiness.


Daughter, I wish you so that your life becomes an ocean of love. Love is the most peaceful but most effective weapon against evil. May it protect you from envy, malice and lies. Smile, my girl, in spite of enemies and gossips. Happy Birthday!

How fast you have grown! More recently, you were a little princess, and today you are a real queen. I congratulate you, my treasure, happy birthday and wish you to skillfully manage your beauty and charm. Your chosen one, daughter, must be worthy of you. It must be a king, strong, wise and determined. And most importantly, he must love his queen. We will not give such a girl to anyone!


Children are God's gift. And if they grow up kind, loving, sympathetic - it's just happiness! We can call ourselves the happiest parents because you, (NAME), are the embodiment of kindness. We wish you to remain an island of decency and virtue in this cruel world. May the Lord reward you for your kind heart with love, grace and longevity. Happy birthday, our sweet daughter.

Daughter, dear, today you celebrate your twenty-fourth birthday. Another holiday of gifts, congratulations, toasts and wishes. You are celebrating the New Year of your life. I congratulate you on the New Year, on the New Happiness. Make wishes, my Snow Maiden, they will surely come true. May everything be new in the New Year of your life - new impressions, new friends and girlfriends, new travels and new happiness. And there are many more birthdays and holidays ahead of you. I love you!

On your birthday usually wish you love, success, health, faithful girlfriends, friends and happiness. I think that all this is present in your life. Therefore, I want to wish you to have all this a thousand times more. And I also wish you more pleasant little things: may all your dresses be the most elegant and unique, compliments beautiful and sincere, fans strong and rich, travel comfortable and unforgettable. Let every day you are surrounded by bouquets of flowers, smiles and fun, and life will turn into one continuous holiday. Happy birthday, daughter!


Before you were born , I loved only one person - your dad. After the birth of such a wonderful daughter as you, there was twice as much love in our family. We always wished you only the best, tried to educate you in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. We turned a blind eye to something, but somewhere we showed integrity. Perhaps this adherence to principles in childhood sometimes seemed to you an injustice. But now, when you are raising your children on your own, I’m sure you understand me and dad. We wish you to raise your children kind, educated, educated and cheerful, like yourself. Happy birthday, daughter!

Congratulations, daughter. Let your life develop according to your scenario, and your desires are awesome from your capabilities. Such a smart and beautiful girl like you is worthy of female happiness, material well-being and peace of mind. Happy Birthday!

You grew by leaps and bounds and such a clever girl has grown up - a reasonable one, that I can only be glad for you. Excellent hostess, needlewoman, assistant, I'm proud of you, daughter. I congratulate you and wish that your life becomes like a fairy tale. Let there be a prince, and magic, and fulfillment of desires, and defeated evil in it. Happy Birthday.

Do you remember how in childhood you tried on my shoes and painted my lips with my lipstick. You wanted to be like your mother. And now you have long been an adult woman, and you have become not like me, but better than me. I'm getting old, you're getting better. I wish you to remain as young, charming and attractive as today, for many, many years.


Our dear baby. You will turn thirty today, but for us you will always be our baby. We love you just like in childhood, we worry about you and rejoice at your successes. If you are happy, then we are happy. We wish you to always make only the right decisions, never lose heart and take care of your health. Remember that we are always ready to help with advice and deed. Happy birthday.

My dear daughter, I want to raise this toast to your success. You have already achieved a lot in this life. You have a wonderful family, wonderful children, your husband is a strong and wise man, and you are a successful entrepreneur and just a smart and purposeful woman. I wish you to increase your successes and achievements. Good luck, and good luck to you. However, for me you are, first of all, my beloved daughter. I love you and will always be by your side in any life situation.


Each of your birthdays reminds me of how it all began. A helpless baby settled in our house - a girl with whom the whole family fell in love at once. I remember everything to the smallest detail, the first steps, the first words and the first holidays. How your eyes shone with delight when they gave you dolls and toys. Today the gifts are already different, but I hope you will also be sincerely happy with them. And I also give you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and I hope that you will be as blooming and charming as they are all your life!

Daughter, I wish you not to worry because of trifles and always be in a good mood. We are the builders of our own happiness. And troubles are afraid of optimists. Live in pleasure and enjoy every new morning. Be happy!

For many years you have been a member of our family. . But childhood is not endless and it's time for you to build your nest. I hope that in your heart there will always be a place for us and your love will be enough for everyone: for your husband, for your children and for parents who are no longer young. We wish you a cloudless family life, prosperity and fulfillment of desires. Don't forget us, happy birthday.

Congratulations from dad. Daughter, happy birthday. Today I admire you beautiful. You know, you are very similar to your mother in your youth - the same spectacular and stately woman, full of strength and energy. I am very pleased, I love you both, each in his own way. And despite the fact that you are an adult independent person, I consider us one friendly and happy family. You can always count on me, I'm always ready to help. I wish you good luck in all your endeavors, mutual understanding, patience and harmony in life.

Dear daughter, today is your home full of gifts and flowers, but that's not the point. The main thing is that they were handed to you sincerely, from the heart. This is because you have many true girlfriends and friends. You are a gentle and not envious person, so people are drawn to you. My gift may not be the most expensive and fashionable, but with it I give you my love and a piece of my soul. Since your birth, I have been thinking about you every day, and even though you have long been an adult and cope with your problems on your own, you can’t command your mother’s heart, I live your life with you. I congratulate you on your birthday and once again I want to say that for me in the whole world there is no person dearer than you!

Years fly like birds , and you become older, better, smarter and, of course, more beautiful, like a flower reaching for the sun. I wish you to flourish further, because there is no limit to perfection. Smile and enjoy every new day. Dad and I are so pleased to see you young and happy. Happy Birthday!


Birthday sad holiday , birthday is a holiday of childhood - this is how it is sung in an old popular song. I only agree with the second statement. Birthday is fun, it is an occasion to bathe in wishes, compliments and congratulations. This is an occasion to remember childhood, but not to be sad, but not to forget what sincere joy and fun are. Daughter, I wish you to keep in your soul a piece of childhood, pure, serene, not overshadowed by adult problems and worries. Be happy like a girl on your birthday. Congratulations!


You have grown up and you can do whatever you want. But this is the difference between an adult and a child. An adult does not always do what he wants. More often you have to do what is necessary. But today, daughter, do whatever you please. This is your holiday. Happy Birthday!

You can congratulate on the holidays in prose, and not just in verse. It is important to let your imagination fly and think about how best to put into words the warmth of your wishes. The use of prose is diverse and vividly expresses literary expressiveness, the sharpness of the sensations of life, the value of human qualities and personality. Prose is found in fairy tales, novellas, short stories, stories from diaries.

Presenting original congratulations on the birthday of daughters in prose is an opportunity to please, surprise, charm, intrigue, birthday girls. When choosing prose, one should take into account interests, features of character and perception, emotionality, sense of humor.

For girls, fascinating gifts can be: photo books with fairy tales in prose or printed pages, designed as an album, where birthday girls play the main role, learn to enjoy wonderful days, life, dream, create and contemplate the beauty of the world and vivid illustrations, plunging into the fascinating world of magic.

Please an older daughter with interesting, funny stories about life, using the prose from the site, designing it as a diary, placing printed stories and favorite pictures there, inspiring to move forward and enjoy life. Thank you with words and wishes for her appearance in your life, express your sincere wishes for the fulfillment of your cherished desires, the search for wonderful ways for creative development, loyal and true friends.

Creatively decorate an apartment, a children's room, a cafe, a garden in the country, for a memorable holiday with fun contests, comic prizes and surprises, writing congratulations on your daughter's birthday in prose on a poster, garland, festive table, fastening with bows or flowers on the bottom of the tablecloth. Please each other on this sunny day, remember the best moments of your life.

A clear morning came, and the sunbeams danced merrily on the windows, as if they too wanted to have fun at our holiday. There is a bouquet of your favorite flowers in a crystal vase, and I will serve your favorite cake on the table very soon. Although you have already grown up, I still want to surround you with care and kind attention. Before the guests gather and the noisy celebration begins, I want to hug you and say “Happy Birthday, daughter! Be happy every day of your life!

You are my daughter! My dear little man! I wish you a happy birthday and wish you to be beautiful not only externally, but also in your soul! Be happy not only today, but always! Be healthy enough to fly into space! Be sincere like a child and tender like the wings of a butterfly!

Dear daughter, happy birthday! Today I wish you from the heart, warmly, sincerely and warmly, that everything works out for you, all your dreams come true, without making you wait long, and all the people close to you are with you! Be happy, loved, desired. May your fate be like an eternal holiday, light, bright and infinitely happy!

Dear daughter! I remember your first birthday like it was yesterday, when you were a little bundle of joy and happiness of your parents. Today, we are faced with an almost completely grown-up girl who is taking the first steps on her own life path. Of course, we are not going to lead you by the hand a few years ago, but know that behind your back there is always reliable support in the person of your loving parents.

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to be the happiest and healthiest! May the smile never leave your face on this bright day, and the tears will be only from happiness. I love you my sweet daughter! Be truly happy!

Dear daughter, when you smile, my heart is filled with light, and when you laugh, my soul is filled with bright light, your happiness will make my world beautiful and sparkling. Happiness to you, my dear, love and warmth in everything.

So you grew up, my beloved daughter! Yesterday I was my father's princess, and today I am a real queen! You grew up beautiful, smart, gifted in everything, and? Probably, soon I will have to give such a treasure to your chosen one. Your husband, my daughter, must be worthy of you! To love, giving stars from the sky and never offending, take care of you and your children. My dear daughter, on your birthday, I wish you to always be loved and happy!

Today our daughter, beautiful and clever, celebrates her birthday. And even though she is quite a few years old, she already captivates with her beauty, has a kind, affectionate character and never loses heart. So let everything work out in your life, our dear, diseases are bypassed, and the wings of an angel are closed from bad weather.

My beloved daughter, I am proud that you combine the best qualities of a woman: kindness, affection, tenderness, and all this is complemented by amazing beauty and prudence. I wish you to meet a man who will be as perfect as you.

Our dear baby, beloved daughter! Today we celebrate your birthday and congratulate you as warmly and cordially as loving parents can! Now you are still very young, your age is characterized by daydreaming, as if the whole world is open before you! We wish you not only the fulfillment of your cherished desires, but also the ability to always make the right decisions, prudence and reasonableness, with which your adult life will be much better!

A real gift of fate is a beloved child. You, daughter, have grown up smart and beautiful, gentle and kind girl, you are romantic, you believe that miracles happen in our life. But you are by no means a rose in a greenhouse! You are brave, intelligent and hardworking, you have all the qualities to ensure that everything goes well in your life! We wish you to always keep good luck with you and know that you have a family that will always support you in everything!

Daughter, happy birthday, you are a beautiful ray of light in my life. Once illuminating my fate, you continue to shine and warm to this day! It's hard for me to imagine my life without you! You draw a smile on my face, when there is no strength to go on, you will find the words, after which it becomes warmer and easier! Let this world decorate your life with bright colors, be happy, my beautiful daughter!

A daughter's birthday is the most important holiday for her parents. This day is even more important than their own birthday, because on this day the dearest and most important person on earth entered their lives. This is probably why finding the right words for congratulations can be very difficult. It seems that in your own words it is simply impossible to express all the feelings and say all the most important things without losing sight of anything.

Good morning my beloved daughter! So the most important day for you and me has come - your birthday. Surprises and miracles begin right now! Gifts, congratulations, cheerful guests, positive emotions, it's all yours, on your birthday! May the world love you as much as I love you - your mother.

Happy birthday daughter! On this day, we want to give you a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers! A bunch of well-deserved compliments, your mind, your beauty, your character, and a great sense of humor! May you succeed in any plans, may fate be favorable to you, daughter! Let all good things come true easily, and good will become your guiding star!

There are people who are unconsciously drawn to, with whom you just want to be close, and you belong to one of them. And I will bless the day when you were born, my dear daughter! I never tire of thanking God that I have you. Go through life easily and cheerfully, let worries bypass you, and sunlight illuminates every day of your life. Happy Birthday dear!

Youth is a happy moment of life, new years - and this is an invaluable experience, let my daughter learn to appreciate every moment, every second of her life. Let fate please her with stormy impressions, exotic travels, new insights, and positive moments! May on your birthday, daughter, meeting with friends and relatives fill you with joy and life-giving energy! Happy holiday!

At birth, each person is given a guardian angel who supports and helps. And my beloved daughter has many such keepers. This is us! Her family, relatives and friends! And on this happy day for all of us, we congratulate our beauty on her birthday! May happiness, luck and God's support accompany her on her life's journey to the very end!

My daughter, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you daily optimism, fresh wind, excellent health and cheerful mood! Let the sun warm you with its rays, and loved ones with their smiles! Happy birthday to our beloved girl!

Hello daughter! I congratulate you on your birthday! And today it is a big holiday for me, but how else? How can I imagine my life without you? As a father, I thought a lot about what to give you ... A sea of ​​\u200b\u200bflowers? A mountain of toys? Or maybe a bag of sweets? And so, in order to give you unforgettable pleasure, I decided to give you all this! After all, you are my joy, my joy and happiness, always be as sweet, sympathetic and kind! Happy birthday, daughter! Be happy!

May the flower meadows spread before you, may the sincere congratulations of friends and relatives warm your soul, may what you hear on this day cause a smile and tenderness. We want to wish our daughter a happy birthday! Dear, be always beautiful, bright, charming! Be wise, strong and kind! And may this holiday envelop you with happiness, joy and positive that will accompany you all year long!

My dear daughter, happy birthday. You are the most precious gift in my life. I love you with all my heart, so my wishes are the most sincere, the brightest, the warmest. Be happy, my dear sun. Be healthy, never get sick. You're so beautiful! My every day is filled with faith in you, in your success, in your happy fate. Let the new year of life open up new perspectives, new emotions, new impressions for inspiration. All the best, dear.

My dear daughter! I congratulate you on your birthday! You have matured for a year again, become very beautiful and independent. I wish you, my dear, good health, unearthly happiness, prosperity and unexpected good luck. Let your life be filled with bright colors, unforgettable sensations, colorful memories and only positive emotions. I wish you, my daughter, to be desired and loved, as well as to be realized in life and become self-sufficient and successful. And may you meet only true friends and kind people on your life path, and let troubles, problems and bad weather pass by.

Daughter, happy birthday. No matter how much you are fulfilled, you still always remain small for me and just as beloved and dear. I want to wish you all the very best: health, beauty, luck, wisdom, and happiness. Although this list is endless. I also really want you to achieve all your goals, and all your dreams come true. Happy holiday!

Daughter! Congratulations, my dear, happy birthday! I admire you every day when I see you. But every year I find something new in you. When I see lines that look like myself, I am glad that I find myself in you. When I see something completely different, I am happy to see how special you are and unlike anyone else. Be happy and healthy, my girl! You will always be my dear and wonderful girl to me. Know that I am always there, I am always with you, I rejoice in your victories and your happiness, and we will survive all the sad moments together.

Dear daughter, today is the most important day in my life - your birthday. Your birth was a real gift of fate for me. And today I want to wish you only the best. Let your eyes glow with happiness, because for me your well-being is more important than anything in the world. Happy birthday, my joy!

My own girl! I never tire of thanking the sky for the fact that once it gave me you. My beauty, my blood, my clever. I want everything in your life to be always good. So that you firmly and confidently go towards your goals, with the support of relatives and friends. May your life path always be straight and even. And luck and happiness always spread like a soft carpet along this road.

Dear daughter, our tender flower! We congratulate you on the happiest day in our life - your birthday! You are our pride, love and beauty! Be always healthy, dearly loved, cheerful, smiling, resolute and courageous to the joy of those close to you and to the evil of those far away! We love you very much!

Dear and dear daughter, I congratulate you on your birthday. My joy, my pride, my hope and luck, with all my heart I wish you to always remain strong, never be influenced by the negative factors of life, be confident in yourself and in your principles, give your loved ones your smile and love, enjoy the gentle breath of nature and bright feelings of loved ones.

I congratulate you on your birthday! I want to wish you that the guardian angel will always be with you next to you, holding your hand, protecting you from evil and misfortune. For me, you will always remain my little girl, I will always help and lend my shoulder. Most importantly, be happy and let your dreams come true.

This day of your birth, dear and beloved daughter, remained in my memory as the happiest and brightest! You have grown up, become beautiful, kind, smart and very mature! I wish you beautiful sunrises and sunsets, eternal spring in your heart! So that life's difficulties do not break you, I wish you strength and good health! Love yourself and be dearly loved! Good friends to you, great success and good luck in everything, no matter what you undertake!
