Wedding invitations for friends: text options. Original wedding invitations

Drawing up a guest list, along with budget and choice of concept, should be at the top of your pre-wedding to-do list. Only after deciding on the total number of guests, style, venue and having resolved all financial issues, proceed to the details.

After all, without knowing the overall budget, you risk spending much more on invitations than you can afford, and without a rough idea of ​​the wedding concept, you will not be able to choose the appropriate design.

2. Time it right

You should invite guests to your wedding approximately 8-10 weeks in advance, which means you should do so well in advance (about 3 months before the event) so that you have time to think through the details, coordinate the layout, and print the invitations.

3. Don't forget the Save the Date cards

Save the Date are preliminary invitations that guests receive immediately after the couple has decided on a wedding date. If you start preparing for your wedding in advance (10-12 months), notify your guests in advance so that those who live in other countries, travel a lot, or frequently go on business trips can plan their activities.

Such cards are also relevant for weddings that take place in the summer - vacation time. Remember that Save the Date is just an information card and should only include the couple's names and wedding date. The location, exact time, and dress code are indicated only on invitations.

4. Clarify who is invited

The invitation must clearly define the composition of those invited: is it possible to come with a child or take a companion with you? If you do not provide this information, you risk seeing uninvited guests at your party. The best way to avoid this is to print personalized invitations that indicate exactly who you are inviting. At the same time, etiquette allows printing one invitation for a married couple or a family with a child.

5. Invitation text

It can be strict and concise or more informal - in any case, the invitation must contain the following information:

  1. Newlyweds' names
  2. Wedding date
  3. Place and time of the ceremony
  4. Place and time of the banquet/buffet reception
  5. Date by which the newlyweds would like to receive a response back

6. Additional information

It is better to place all additional information about the wedding on a separate sheet. These include:

  1. Contact information (phone numbers of newlyweds, wedding website).
  2. Dress code suggestions
  3. Information about whether you can bring children with you
  4. Detailed directions to the venue of the celebration (especially important for non-resident guests).

7. List of gifts

Choosing a wedding gift is quite a difficult task for a guest. Should you indicate the desired gifts in the invitation or not? Each couple decides this issue individually. Some people are more practical and don’t want to receive three identical bread machines, while others think that listing gifts is tactless.

In this case, we advise you to simply orient your guests with general phrases “something for a housewarming party,” “to put into the piggy bank for the honeymoon,” but not limit them to financial limits, so as not to put them in an awkward position. This information should be placed on an additional invitation sheet.

8. Indicate the exact start time of the celebration

Inviting guests in advance so that they are sure not to be late for the ceremony and making them wait is, at the very least, rude. If the celebration is planned to start at 15:00, then indicate this exact time in the invitation. And if you're worried that someone will be late, plan a welcome buffet half an hour before the ceremony starts, so the guests will have time to get ready, and if someone is late, they won't miss the most important thing!

9. Show you care

An invitation is also a sign of attention to the guest. Patterned invitations that are printed the same way look indifferent, so try to take the time to handwrite guest names or highlight them by inserting messages that only the two of you will know.

10. Check your spelling

Preferably twice. And separately - writing the names and surnames of the guests. It will be a shame if there is a typo in the invitations, the design of which you have thought through so long and painstakingly. In addition, there are additional costs for reprinting.

11. Financial issue

Keep in mind that the invitation becomes more expensive depending on the materials, technical process, and individual design. For example, invitations made by hand by a professional calligrapher or artist will always be more expensive than those printed in a printing house.

But don’t worry if you don’t have a large budget for printing: invitation designs can be found on the Internet or created yourself. And if you have a small number of guests, you can even make your own invitations. They may not turn out perfect, but they will definitely be!

12. The decoration should match the style of the wedding

The invitation sets the tone for the entire holiday - having picked it up, the guest should immediately understand what awaits him: a pompous celebration or a friendly party in nature. If you are planning a romantic wedding, surrounded by pink peonies, watercolor printing in light shades will be more suitable for it, rather than a laconic and strict design. For a rustic wedding, you can use craft paper, but for a luxurious wedding in a gourmet restaurant, the invitations should be luxurious, for example, made using letterpress printing.

13. Write from the heart!

You are inviting people to a holiday, not to an official event, so try to avoid clerical language, official wording, and too strict text. Don’t “create an invitation text,” but simply invite each person to the wedding, address them specifically.

You can choose more classic and laconic wording, or write a personal text for each guest (if, of course, the wedding is small) with memories and emotions. The invitation text can even be written in verse, and good jokes will not hurt it! The main thing is don’t look for ready-made templates on the Internet, you don’t want your wedding to be like hundreds of others?

14. Pay attention to materials

The key to a beautiful invitation is stylish design and high-quality paper. Its choice depends on the printing method (digital, letterpress, silk-screen printing, relief or hand-painted). In this case, the paper can be either regular, thick, or craft, soft, velvet or embossed. Additionally, you can decorate the invitations with silk ribbons, fresh flowers or wax seals. Or even make invitations from glass, foil, cut wood or fabric.

15. Be bold!

Despite the fact that the structure of invitations, regardless of the wedding concept, is always approximately the same, you can always show your creativity and create something more original and original. In addition to classic watercolor stains, you can decorate the invitation with drawings or your photograph. After all, an invitation doesn’t have to be in text form at all: you can record a video invitation and send it to your guests on social networks.

16. Don't overdo the design

Be careful with too much decoration and don't go for originality: the most important thing in an invitation is the text. If drawings, watercolors or bright patterns make it unreadable, invitations lose their main function.

This also applies to fashion calligraphy: some fonts look very beautiful, but are quite difficult to read, so save them for other details, such as bride and groom cards, which will decorate the shoot.

17. Pay attention to detail

The same theme, made on different paper and in different fonts, will look completely different. Therefore, pay attention to materials and key design details. For example, before ordering printed invitations, check the thickness and texture of the paper. Small print on textured paper will be difficult to read, and some shades will look different on matte and glossy paper.

18. Changes

Be sure to check with the designer in advance whether it will be possible to make changes to the layout, in what time frame, whether a fee will be charged for this and in what amount. Even if you have already checked the spelling several times, you simply may not like the final result based on colors or design details. This is especially true for unique designs, such as fabric painting or wooden invitations, where you cannot predict for sure what the final result will be.

19. More individuality!

Your wedding will probably be attended by guests of different ages and degrees of intimacy: relatives, girlfriends, work colleagues. Therefore, the text of invitations may differ slightly. Something sincere and touching is suitable for parents, for friends - in a humorous form, for colleagues - a laconic, more formal style. As a rule, it is customary to address people as “you” in invitations, but for your close friends it will be more natural and familiar to address them as “you”.

20. Monitor the receipt of responses

Once the invitations are printed, signed and placed in envelopes, it's time to present them to your guests. You can do this in person or send invitations by mail - it is important that guests receive invitations in advance. And so that you don’t get confused about who has already given their answer and who should still be called, use the table from ours.

Any wedding begins with preparation. One of the mandatory items is sending out invitations to everyone who will attend the celebration. However, very different people are always invited to a wedding celebration, which is why the texts must be composed individually and written by hand.

With humor

A wedding for young people is always fun. That’s why the texts of the invitations should include a piece of this fun, be funny and pre-set the guests in a humorous mood. *** Now you are holding an incredibly important document in your hands. Please take its contents into account when planning your daily routine for (indicate the wedding date). The fact is that starting from (the time when guests should arrive at the celebration), you must be near the city registry office at the address (...). No need to be so scared! There will be nothing more than a solemn wedding ceremony (names of the newlyweds). Yes, yes, we decided to get married - to seal our union with legal ties, and after that to live happily ever after! The dress code is formal; smiles and gifts are a must; presence is necessary. We are looking forward to seeing you! ***
After storms and unrest, wandering through the seas of loneliness and sad sailing in complete calm, our ships with names (the names of the young) finally found each other. Now the captains want to seal the oral agreement on the commonwealth with a legal agreement on creating a family, which is called a “WEDDING.” We invite you to participate in the introductory stage of the future family sailing. Your presence will make our swim more joyful and happy. Therefore it is mandatory! The beginning of the sea voyage will be solemnly arranged; a lot of interesting, tasty and healthy things will await guests and mourners. Come to the restaurant "..." on Saturday, month..., day..., around five o'clock in the evening. Your sails must be raised (that is, the dress code is formal).

*** On Friday, (date) you must finish all your work, since you will be very, very busy all Saturday. Don't be surprised by our awareness. Just on Saturday morning, put on your best outfit, turn off all electrical appliances, lock the door of your house, leave the keys to your neighbor (so that she can feed the dog and fish!) and come to the ceremony hall of the Wedding Palace down the street at eleven (specify the right time) (...). It is at this time that the wedding ceremony to which you are invited will take place there. The newlyweds (names of the newlyweds) are your friends. And they very much want to see you both at the ceremony itself and at the huge wedding banquet, which will take place on the same day in the “...” restaurant from five in the evening. Don’t forget to take this letter - it is a pass, a kind of sign “Only for our own!” Ladies should wear lovely dresses, men should wear ties. Both with gifts, smiles, words of congratulations. We wait!

In prose

Classic wedding invitations - texts written without rhyme, in ordinary language. However, they must certainly contain the sincerity of the newlyweds’ desires to see these very people at their wedding. *** Dear... and...! Everyone has such happy events in life, during which they want to see their favorite faces nearby. One of them will happen on Saturday (the time and exact date of the marriage ceremony). On this day, two life paths will converge into one long journey, a new family will be born - great happiness for the two of us - we will become husband and wife! You are one of the people closest to us, which is why we want to celebrate this event together, and for this we invite you to the wedding! It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, whether you’re holding flowers or gifts. The main thing is your presence, which will be the best gift for our family. We are looking forward to seeing you. Yours, (names of the bride and groom).

In verse

Romantic weddings deserve the same romantic words in a mandatory attribute - invitations. You can achieve a feeling of tenderness and romance very easily by composing unusual texts in verse.

Fate's happy smile,

Cupid's cheerful laughter -

Our hearts united

To be together now forever.

And now, the main day in life is coming -

A new family will be born!

Invite to the wedding, friends!

We are waiting for you at the restaurant "...",

Without unnecessary words and loud phrases,

At five o'clock in the afternoon

On a Saturday afternoon (happy hour!).

We solemnly present the invitation

For the holiday of happiness and love -

To our wedding, dear ones,

We kindly ask you to come.

There won't be any fun there without you,

There will be no fullness of life.

So on Saturday morning

We are waiting in "...". Until dark

Or maybe even dawn

Get ready to go out and have fun.

And we give you a promise

We decided to get married

Put on the chastity rings.

And we want you, dear ones,

We were nearby that day.

A feast awaits guests,

The clink of glasses, the laughter of happiness,

Dancing, competitions with games,

And gifts for everyone!

Come on Sunday (as an option - “you are on Saturday”)

In a restaurant "…".

At five o'clock in the afternoon

We are waiting for you and your young wife.


Such texts can be put on a par with classical ones. They contain all the necessary data and a few sincere words expressing the desire of the young couple to see these people as their guests. Such cards are usually sent to relatives and friends.

*** Our beloved (names of guests)! We, (names of the bride and groom), finally found our soul mate in each other and decided to unite into a real family. The ceremony will take place (where and when), and the fun banquet will take place (address and name of the restaurant, time). Your presence is required and is not specified! *** Ivan and Maria! (required names) You are invited to our wedding at the restaurant “...”, which will take place on (date and time of the holiday). Dress in the latest fashion and don't be late - there will be a lot of interesting things! Yours, (names of future spouses). *** Dear and dear friends, ... and ...! We hasten to tell you that (date, time and address of the future event) our wedding will take place. Of course you are invited and we look forward to celebrating with you! Future husband and wife, (name of the bride and groom).

For the bridesmaids

The girl's girlfriends and friends are always happy that she has finally found her happiness - her soul mate. These people are some of the most important at the wedding celebration.

*** Our good ones, ... and ...! We have always felt your understanding and support, we are glad to have our friendship. It was you who did a lot so that a wonderful event could take place - our wedding. In gratitude for the bright friendship carried through many years, for a helping hand when needed, for the boundless warmth of your home, we invite you to be guests of honor at the celebration of the birth of our family! The wedding will take place on Saturday, (date). A solemn ceremony with an exchange of rings (and, of course, rose petals!!!) is scheduled for eleven in the morning, and a huge banquet with dancing, games, toasts and all sorts of goodies is scheduled for six in the evening! You can come earlier, we are always glad to see you J.

For the groom's friends

For friends from parents

The presence of friends of the bride and groom at any wedding is completely natural and expected. However, there are still close friends of their parents who also want to congratulate the young couple and rejoice with them. The invitation texts for this category of guests have a slightly different direction - official-classical. *** Dear (names of guests)! On Friday (date and time) a very important event in our lives will take place - a wedding ceremony. We will be happy if you will honor with your presence a solemn event on this occasion. The banquet is scheduled for the same date, at 18.00. Please confirm your desire to attend our celebration in person or by phone call. With respect and hope for a meeting, (names of the newlyweds).

Do not forget that these words must be designed in accordance with the style chosen for the holiday.

Examples of wedding invitation texts

The text of a wedding invitation can have different emotional connotations: it can be official, humorous, or simply heartfelt. If you are organizing a stylistic wedding, then in your invitations try to use figures of speech and individual words characteristic of the era that you are going to recreate at the holiday.

Our dear ________ and __________!

The ceremonial registration of marriage will take place at __ (time) at the address: ____.

The wedding banquet will begin at __(time) in the cafe "" at the address: ___.

Sincerely, (names of the bride and groom).

Wedding invitation text for witnesses

Our beloved ____________!

Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to our couple. That is why on the happiest day of our lives we really want you to be with us!

We are pleased to invite you to become witnesses at our wedding. The ceremonial registration will take place at the central registry office (date, time) at ___________. The wedding will take place in the ________ temple in ____.

The festive banquet will be held at _____________ restaurant at ____ evening. We are looking forward to seeing you.

With love (names of the bride and groom).

There are billions of galaxies in the Universe and
My only other half!

We received the greatest gift from fate:
our hearts were captured by love,
our souls found happiness in each other!
On July 1, 2011, we decided to say our vows and become husband and wife!
Expensive ___ !
We will be very glad if you will be with us and share our happiness!
We want to seal our union at (registry office, address and time).
And celebrate this event at (address). Starts at (time).
We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us -
July 1st is the day our happy family life begins!

Names of the bride and groom

wedding invitation text for parents:

Dear and beloved mom and dad!!!
You are the main guests at this celebration! Without you this day would not have happened!
We thank you and know that you will be with us.

You have opened this bright envelope, and we invite you
together with us open a new stage of our life -
just as sunny and beautiful.
We will be happy if you share our joy
on this unforgettable day.

We are waiting for you on September 9 at 16:00
at the address: st. Mosfilmovskaya, 8
Bellagio restaurant
Vitaly and Ksenia

Original wedding invitation text. "Medieval invitation."

It is designed in the form of a scroll; you can attach a rose to it or decorate it with knightly symbols.

Virtuous sir and lady _______!

We hasten to inform you of good news. The Union of Children will be consecrated in two glorious and noble families. It will take place in the ancient castle in the afternoon, the fifteenth day of cold January this year (change the date at your discretion).

The noble knight (name) and the young lady of his heart (name) are waiting for you at the evening feast and knightly tournament, which will take place at (name of the restaurant and its address). Give this event your attention; let the pass for guests be a white or red rose.

With gratitude, (names of newlyweds)

text for wedding invitations Dear......!
We will be very glad if you share our happiness with us!
We want to celebrate this event in a restaurant………. Starts at….
We will be grateful to you for your participation and support on this important day for us - ... date ... - the day of the beginning of our
happy family life!

Wedding invitation text for a wedding in a nautical style.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog;
Love is the star by which the sailor
Determines a place in the ocean.

Ship captain groom's name
and his muse is the name of the bride

Wedding invitation text for autumn red and gold wedding.
An autumn wedding invitation can be made in the shape of an autumn leaf. Another option is to varnish a dried yellow or red sheet and paste it into an invitation. You can also use red rowan in the design. The invitation describes the dress code: the colors used for the wedding are gold and red.

It only takes a few seconds to say "I love you"
show how -
all life…

Under the rustle of golden leaves,
in the crimson beauty of a glowing rowan tree,
in heaven or somewhere higher,
We decided to light the family hearth.
We hasten to tell you this news,
Having dared to make the main decision,
On an autumn day an autumn leaf
Let it become a faithful talisman.
We ask for support from loved ones and relatives,
At such an important time for our couple,
We want to give everyone warmth
and end it all with a grand ball!

Let nature rejoice with us,
our precious guest!
We are waiting for you in the clothes of autumn: crimson and gold
and red flowers.

Solemn speeches and ceremonies await you (date, time, place).
The autumn ball will spin (time, place).

Wedding invitations. Invitation text on cards

Formal wedding invitation text

Dear_____________________, we have the honor to invite you to the solemn registration of our marriage, which will take place___________________________(date) at______ hours at the address: __________________________________________.
We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Formal and friendly wedding invitations:
Invitation text 1

Dear ___________________________! We will be very glad to see you at the long-awaited celebration dedicated to our entry into the family union, which will take place at: _____________________________________.
Sincerely ____________________________.

Wedding invitation text - 2

We are pleased to inform you that ___ __________ ____ a solemn celebration dedicated to our marriage will take place. We sincerely ask you to spend this unforgettable day in our lives with us. The wedding will take place at:

Wedding invitation text - 3

Expensive___________________________! We invite you to a wedding celebration on the occasion of our marriage, which will take place on ________________ (date) at ______ o'clock
by the address___________________________________________.
We will be glad to see you! ____________________________.

Our dear Vitaly and Elena!
Soon, or rather on October 12, 2019, something will happen
what everyone was waiting for - we decided to get married!
We decided to unite our hearts and destinies and intend to live happily ever after!
We would be pleased to see you among our guests,
who came to share with us our happiness and joy.
The official part will take place in the Tagansky registry office,
well, the unofficial one a little later, namely in
"Casa del Vino" at the address: B. Drovyanoy lane, 7/9
Please be present, have fun from the heart, drink and eat and rejoice for us.
Denis and Natalia

Expensive …!
...July, 2012
we really want to be surrounded
the people closest and dearest to us
on that evening when for thousands of years
a traditional ritual will unite our destinies!
We are looking forward to seeing you at our happy
holiday - OUR WEDDING!!!
The wedding will take place in...
By the address: ….
Starts at...
The celebration will take place in…
by the address: …
Starts at...
PS: Bring warm words and congratulations in your heart, and gifts in an envelope.

Cool invitation texts for your wedding day, wedding invitation text

Funny invitation text with humor

Expensive _______________!

Forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office in ________, at _______.

After this, all guests will go to the party, which will take place (date, date, name of the restaurant, its address).

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

We are waiting for you (signatures of the bride and groom).

A poetic version of the invitation.
This option is the most creative. If you have a talent for poetry, try coming up with invitation texts. They can be both serious and playful. Everything will depend only on your imagination.

Having decided once and forever
Connect your paths
We invite you to an evening
To share our joy,
Say a parting word
Exclaim "Bitter!" (and more than once!).
We will be infinitely happy
See you at our wedding!

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our lives - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you would witness this event and share with us the exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!
The solemn registration ceremony of our union will take place at (place) at (time) this year. Our first family holiday will take place (time and place).
A white flower, a symbol of purity and nobility, will serve as your pass to the celebration.

Vlad and Alesya

Wedding invitation in verse for a traditional wedding.

Wedding date.

This day is the beginning of everything!
On this day we will double our happiness!
We were destined in heaven
Become each other's best destiny!
Let me invite the joy of the day
Split and complete an event
A friendly toast of the best wine,
Wishing you the love of the century!

Names of the bride and groom

You will like this invitation text if you decide to put more soul into your invitations and not only show that you care about the guests, but also emphasize that the wedding day is the most important thing in our lives.

"Dear...! Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our entire lives. We want to unite our destinies and our hearts on September 9, and we would be very pleased if you would witness this event and share our joy with us. The celebration will take place"

Sometimes it's better to include a note asking guests to respond to your invitation. This is necessary in order to know in advance how many guests you can count on.

Expensive ___________
January 28, 2011
can go by like a normal day and
You won’t be remembered for anything special...
And it can become one of the most enjoyable
days not only for us, but also for you!
We are looking forward to seeing you at our happy
holiday - our wedding!

Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace
at 11 o'clock at the address: Voronezh, Lenin Square, 11
The celebration will take place in the banquet hall
at 17 o'clock at the address: Voronezh, Leninsky Prospekt, 2

We ask you to inform us of your consent or refusal by date, month
by phone: ...

Cool invitation texts for your wedding day, wedding invitation text

Friendly invitation:
Friendly wedding invitation text

Dear ________________________! We hasten to tell you the good news - we are getting married! We invite you on _______ date at _______ o'clock to our wedding. We are looking forward to seeing you at ___________________________.

Wedding invitation text
Dear ones...!
We look forward to your congratulations and wishes at our wedding.
The banquet will take place "..." ... 201... at ... h ... min at the address: ...
Names of the bride and groom
Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call.
We are looking forward to it!
Oksana and Sergey.


Julia and Alexander

Travel style wedding invitation in French.

My friend!
You soar behind a cloud with a dream -
You're delirious about the village of Kursk...
Shouldn't we go to Paris?
So, let's say, on an excursion?
We will dedicate Van Gogh to his works
Watch: rural landscapes...
We'll see the Louvre and Notre Dame,
Lawns of the Champs Elysees!

We are going on a trip on a wedding charter flight (date, address)
Please take a minimum amount of luggage with you and wedding gifts in an envelope.

Wedding invitation text for friends (with humor)

Our beloved _________!

If you want to see your friend (name) in a white dress, and your friend (name of the groom) in a classic suit, then you definitely need to clear the day (date).

A painting ceremony will take place at the registry office at ____________.

After this, we are waiting for everyone at a cheerful banquet, which will take place at ____ o’clock, in the restaurant (cafe and its name), at ____________.

Your (names of the bride and groom)

You opened this delicate transparent envelope,
and we invite you to open a new stage with us
our life – just as gentle and transparent.
We will be happy if you share our joy
on this unforgettable day - ... (date).
We are waiting for you at... at the address:...

Your Bride and Groom.

Dear _________ and __________!

_____ (date) a long-awaited event in our lives will take place - our wedding. Among the people who are happy about our happiness, we would like to see you too. Please accept our official invitation to the wedding ceremony and gala dinner.

Marriage registration will take place at __ (time) at the address: ___.

The banquet is scheduled for ___ (time) and will be held at: ___.

Sincerely yours (bride and groom).

Expensive __________!

No matter how much (name of the groom) resisted his happiness, he was unable to escape from his Fate: our wedding was scheduled for ___(date).

We will be very glad if you come to support and congratulate us at ___ (time) at the address: ___ and have fun in a noisy company at the wedding party, which will take place in the restaurant "" at the address: ___, starting at __ o'clock.

Will wait! (groom bride)

If you are planning to get married in a church, you should also indicate this in the wedding invitation or prepare separate invitation cards for a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

Our dear ______ and _______!

We are pleased to invite you to the temple “”, where our wedding ceremony will take place on __ (date). We will be sincerely glad to see you among our closest and dearest people.

Sincerely, yours (bride and groom).

Cool invitation texts for your wedding day, wedding invitation text

Wedding invitation with original text for a city wedding.

“Loving means not looking at each other,
but look together in the same direction"
/A. De Saint-Exupéry/

We decided to create our own city of the future, whose name is Family! We dream of settling in a house on Love Street in the Joy area, where it is light from the lanterns of Care and the music of Tenderness sounds. We would like to walk along the alleys of Boundless Sincerity and watch the attraction of Passion. On Trust Boulevard we would sit with friends in the Attention cafe, and work on Respect Avenue. Family - The city of our future - where all residents are happy!
Expensive ____ !
(Date) we invite you to the official ceremony of laying the first stone of Reciprocity of our future city Family. The ceremony will take place (Date, time). And we will be glad to see you at the grand celebration in honor of the birth of our city (place)! The city gates will be open for all guests at (time).
Your pass to the first celebration of our city Family will be a red rose - a symbol of our love!

Founders of the city Family
Names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation from the bride to her friends

Ah, dear friends,
I'm getting married!
My beloved, finally
He made a confession.
There will be a wedding, there will be guests
Soon in our house.
Let's drink, have fun,
Let's dance from the heart!
Invitations to all relatives
We send it out with the sweetheart.
You, dear girlfriends,
We invite you to visit!

Official invitation text
In this version of invitations, only official words are used, i.e. invitations contain only the necessary information.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!
We invite you to the wedding ceremony, which will take place on July 10, 20__. at 13 o'clock at the address: st. People's Militia, 23, bldg. 2 in the Khoroshevsky registry office.
Groom's name, Bride's name.

I followed her
I wandered around at night,
The right words
I didn't find it.
But she found
Came up to me
Love for life
She came to the two of us.
Let's create our own
A new family.
Come to the wedding
My best friend!
Congratulations to us
Prepare yours!
Happiness in our life
Brought love!

Gangster style wedding invitation

Dear Don and Donna (last name)

We are pleased to inform you that (on such and such a date, at such and such a time) the solemn unification of the two most powerful clans of mafiosi (surnames) will take place.

We are waiting for you for the holiday, which will take place (date, month, year, time) in a cafe (restaurant, house) at ________.

The ability to shoot, bluff and dance is welcome.

Signatures of the bride and groom

Expensive __________!

Save this tender card as a memory of this important event for us, and we will keep your warm words and wishes in our hearts.

We are waiting for you __________ year at the restaurant “__________” in __________.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Expensive __________!

We invite you to a festive celebration dedicated to our marriage, which will take place on __________ in __________ at the restaurant “__________” at __________.

Expensive __________!

We believe and hope that this day will be a beautiful start to a long and happy life. And we cannot imagine this holiday without you, people close and dear to us. Share our joy with us, give your support and good wishes at the beginning of our great journey together, and we will gladly give you a piece of our happiness.

We are waiting for you on __________ in __________ in the cafe “__________” at the address: __________.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Dear __________!

We are pleased to inform you that a solemn holiday dedicated to our marriage will take place on __________. We sincerely wish and ask you to spend this unforgettable day in our lives with us.

The wedding will take place in __________ at the address: __________.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Dear and beloved mom and dad!!!

This magical day is already very close, this unique and unforgettable holiday... The Holiday of True Love - Our Wedding!

The path to our family’s birthday was easy and joyful, and this is thanks to you. You have taught us a lot, and we will try to always remember that there is nothing more important than Love, Understanding and Respect for each other!

You are the main guests at this celebration! Without you this day would not have happened!

We thank you and know that you will be with us for __________ years.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Life is a lot of stories... But everyone has their own...

Expensive __________!

We invite you on __________ in __________ to open a new chapter of our history with us at the celebration of our marriage. The off-site registration ceremony will take place at the “__________” restaurant.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Expensive __________!

The celebration will take place in __________ in the cafe “__________” at the address: __________.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Expensive __________!

Our whole life is a journey full of exciting adventures!

“Adventure” - this word itself promises something tempting and incredible! We invite you to experience with us one of the most grandiose adventures of our lives - a wedding!

We are waiting for you __________ with a baggage of excellent mood, imagination, adventurism and goodwill in __________ in the cafe “__________”!

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Don’t waste your time - Come to our wedding,
There is no one happier than us, We will be glad to see you.

The two of us are beginning our journey in life.
We invite family and friends to the wedding.
We kindly ask you to come and visit us,
Celebrate together The beginning of the journey.

Together we decided to unite our destiny forever.
And we cordially invite you to share our joy.

Dear ______________. We, ________ and _________,

We want to inform you about our plans to enter into a life together.

We are grateful to the Lord for bringing us to each other and giving us confidence in His Will. Realizing that if the Lord does not build the house, those who build it labor in vain, we devote ourselves completely to the Lord, desiring that together we become more useful vessels in His hands than we were alone. By the will of God, we plan to get married on __ _____ 200_ in the church _______. We ask you to pray for us.

Dear ________________!

We are pleased to inform you that a gala celebration dedicated to our marriage will take place on __ _____. We sincerely wish and ask you to spend this unforgettable day in our lives with us.

The wedding will take place at: ______________.

Sending out wedding invitations is where every wedding begins. After all, it is with the help of this simple document that you notify guests about the upcoming joyful event. It is advisable to start sending out invitations 2-3 weeks before the expected celebration so that people can plan their time. This is a way to prevent a person from forgetting about a future event - after all, even if you call all your friends and acquaintances, no one will give you a guarantee that someone will not confuse the date or simply forget about this day.

Wedding invitations can look different, it is important to choose the right accessories in the same color and style with the upcoming celebration. (Original wedding invitations can be ordered from professional designers from the section of our Catalog) Even if you order the text of the wedding invitation in advance from a printing house, it is considered good form to write down the names of the guests in your own hand. The text in the invitation can be both official and humorous; the invitation must contain specific information about the time and place of the wedding registration ceremony, wedding, banquet. It is advisable for non-resident guests to describe in detail how it is more convenient to get to the venue of the official part.

We offer you several templates wedding invitation text, and you can choose for yourself which one best suits the theme and style of the celebration.

1. The text of the wedding invitation in verse

We ask you to arrive promptly

On the occasion of our wedding.

On this important day for us

We will be happy to see you.

We have now decided forever

Connect your paths

And we are waiting for you on this wonderful evening,

To share our happiness.

2. We decided to get married,

A magnificent holiday is ahead,

Let's have fun together

The heart burns with joy.

Come to our wedding

And take your family

We are happy to welcome guests

And we accompany them to the table!

3. Gangster style wedding invitation

Dear Don and Donna (last name)

We are pleased to inform you that (on such and such a date, at such and such a time) the solemn unification of the two most powerful clans of mafiosi (surnames) will take place.

We are waiting for you for the holiday, which will take place (date, month, year, time) in a cafe (restaurant, house) at ________.

The ability to shoot, bluff and dance is welcome.

Signatures of the bride and groom

4. Our dear __________!

We invite you to a celebration that unites two hearts - our wedding. We really want you to share the joy of this day with us.

The registration ceremony will take place at the local registry office at _______, in _____. The ceremonial banquet will be held at ______________, at ________.

We are waiting for you, sincerely yours (names of the bride and groom).

5. Text of the invitation to the “sea” wedding

Dear _____________!

We hasten to inform you that tired of long wanderings, our ship of love brought us to the shore, and we strive to land on an amazing island called “Family” in search of treasures - endless happiness.

We invite you to join this exciting voyage and thank you in advance for your support and participation on this important day for us. The launch of the ship "Family" will take place (date, time, place). The departure is scheduled from the bay of (name and address of the restaurant) at (such and such time).

We invite you to a friendly feast in honor of this event.

Sincerely, your sailors (name of the bride and groom)

6. Funny invitation text with humor

Expensive _______________!

Forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office in ________, at _______.

After this, all guests will go to the party, which will take place (date, date, name of the restaurant, its address).

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

We are waiting for you (signatures of the bride and groom).

7. Text of a wedding invitation for friends (with humor)

Our beloved _________!

If you want to see your friend (name) in a white dress, and your friend (name of the groom) in a classic suit, then you definitely need to clear the day (date).

A painting ceremony will take place at the registry office at ____________.

After this, we are waiting for everyone at a cheerful banquet, which will take place at ____ o’clock, in the restaurant (cafe and its name), at ____________.

Your (names of the bride and groom)

8. Original wedding invitation text. "Medieval invitation."

It is designed in the form of a scroll; you can attach a rose to it or decorate it with knightly symbols.

Virtuous sir and lady _______!

We hasten to inform you of good news. The Union of Children will be consecrated in two glorious and noble families. It will take place in the ancient castle in the afternoon, the fifteenth day of cold January this year (change the date at your discretion).

The noble knight (name) and the young lady of his heart (name) are waiting for you at the evening feast and knightly tournament, which will take place at (name of the restaurant and its address). Give this event your attention; let the pass for guests be a white or red rose.

With gratitude, (names of newlyweds)

9. Solemn text of the wedding invitation

Dear __________!

There are happy and joyful moments in our lives that we want to share with dear people. Therefore, we invite you to open with us a new page in the book of our lives.

Our wedding celebration will take place (date, time) at the registry office at __________. After this, we are waiting for our dear guests at the restaurant __________ at _________.

Sincerely yours, (names and signatures of the newlyweds)

10. Wedding invitation text for witnesses

Our beloved ____________!

Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to our couple. That is why on the happiest day of our lives we really want you to be with us!

We are pleased to invite you to become witnesses at our wedding. The ceremonial registration will take place at the central registry office (date, time) at ___________. The wedding will take place in the ________ temple in ____.

The festive banquet will be held at _____________ restaurant at ____ evening. We are looking forward to seeing you.

With love (names of the bride and groom).
