Rhodolite is for romantics and gentle people. stone in astrology

There are gems that are more suitable for men. And there are those that the weak half of humanity prefers to wear. The second is rhodolite, because it was not for nothing that the Greeks called it a pink stone. And the nobles in the Russian Empire - a Cape ruby ​​or "rose without fragrance." It has a huge impact on the signs of the zodiac, and the magical properties of rhodolite amaze with their power.

Rhodolite is a gemstone that is a variety of red crimson garnet. The main property that is valued by both jewelers and ordinary people is the change in the color of the crystal under natural and artificial lighting. Moreover, the color changes quite sharply, from bright red to green. Lilac and pink shades are considered characteristic. Very rarely there are samples of lilac, blue, scarlet or strawberry flowers. Red-violet specimens are considered the most popular among professionals.

The price of rhodolite in the world market is constantly increasing. If in the mid-seventies of the last century the price per carat of cut rhodolite was 90 dollars, today it is 200.

Craftsmen most often cut a gem in the shape of a diamond or an oval. Exclusive specimens may have a fantasy form of the author's cut. Naturally, they are much more expensive. The "unscented rose" is rated not for purity, but for size and color.

Origin and deposits

There are deposits of rhodolite in the territory:

  • Republic of South Africa. Very large specimens are found here.
  • United States of America. Here, rhodolite stone is mined with abrasive grenades.
  • Russian Federation. The Crimean peninsula gives ornamental specimens of gray-green color.
  • Sri Lanka. The highest quality rhodolites are mined on the island.
  • India. In this state there are crystal placers with rutile inclusions.
  • United Republic of Tanzania. The country is proud of gems of excellent strawberry hue.

Physiochemical properties

Mineralogists distinguish such properties rhodolite:

  • cubic crystal system.
  • Transparency and glassy luster.
  • No double refraction.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale from 6 to 7.
  • No fluorescence.
  • Conchoidal fracture.

Cape ruby ​​is composed of iron, aluminum, silicate. The chemical formula looks like this - Fe3Ai2 (Sio4) 3.

Healing abilities

Lithotherapists note that rhodolite has very strong medicinal properties:

  • It should be worn with gastrointestinal disorders. It is able to reduce pain in gastritis or ulcers.
  • The mineral has the ability to stabilize the functioning of the liver, pancreas and thyroid glands.
  • The crystal should always be carried by women who want to have children. It will help you get pregnant and go out the whole pregnancy without pathologies.
  • The gem is able to help the owner in the treatment of malignant and benign tumors.
  • In the treatment of eye diseases, it is worth putting "roses without fragrance" on the eyeballs. If such a procedure is performed every day, then the effect of the drugs will increase and the disease will disappear faster.
  • During epidemics of viral diseases, an amulet with rhodolite will protect its owner from microbes.
  • Individuals with diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems receive healing if they wear a charm with a precious stone. Their general condition improves, chronic fatigue disappears.
  • For older people, the gem will help improve memory and drive away bad thoughts.
  • For those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the crystal will bring relief if, after taking medication, it is considered.

Meaning and magical properties

Sorcerers and healers have long been familiar with the powerful magical properties of rhodolite stone. After all, the gem has incredible energy and is able to transfer it to its owner.

Crystal can help:

  • Gain prudence and calmness in a critical situation.
  • Become relaxed and sociable, that is, the real soul of the company. Therefore, the mineral should be purchased by shy and withdrawn individuals in order to stop feeling uncomfortable in society.
  • Get the location of the opposite sex.
  • Climb the career ladder and improve your position at work. It is worth taking a talisman with you to important meetings and public speaking.
  • Restrain negative emotions and anger.
  • Think about the problem and then act.
  • Excite the former passion of married couples. To do this, you need to purchase rings with rhodolite for both spouses.

But do not forget that the "rose without fragrance" helps only those owners who themselves want to change something in their lives. Lazy people who do not make efforts to improve their lives, the stone will not be able to help.

The magical properties of the rhodolite mineral can be used by both men and women, despite the color of the mineral.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Rhodolite perfect for fiery zodiac signs:

  • Aries women simply need rhodolite earrings. After all, such an ornament will make her attractive in the eyes of all men, without exception.
  • The gem will give Sagittarius self-confidence not only at work, but also when communicating with the opposite sex.
  • For Leo, the crystal will remove all useless experiences.

Also Cape Ruby suitable for earth signs of the zodiac:

  • The stone will give the calf the ability to be liberated. A person will feel comfortable in any situation.
  • Virgo mineral will bring confidence in their sexual abilities.
  • Capricorn - spiritual harmony and inner peace.

Rhodolite: photo gallery

Talismans, amulets and jewelry

Jewelry with rhodolite is perfect for any person, regardless of their gender and age. Both adults and young people, and even children will be able to choose an amulet with a rhodolite stone. The gem will be not only a wonderful decoration, but also a strong talisman that can protect its owner in different life situations. Also, do not forget that a precious mineral is a great investment. After all, things with Cape rubies do not lose their value even after many years.

Types and characteristics of products

Deep magenta rhodolite, cabochon cut, suitable for men's products:

  • The ring will be a reflection of the impeccable taste of its owner. Also, the amulet can help make the right decision during business meetings.
  • A tie clip will emphasize the status of a business man. This talisman will give strength for fruitful work during a long working day.
  • Cufflinks with rhodolite will give determination to remove all obstacles on the way to the goal.

The crystal is also ideal for women's jewelry:

  • Gold earrings will look elegant on a lady of any age. They are perfect for sophisticated evening wear.
  • A ring with a berry-colored rhodolite will emphasize the tenderness of a young girl. It will surely awaken in a man a genuine interest in the owner of such jewelry.

For teenage girls, gizmos with a strawberry-colored stone are suitable. Thin rings, stud earrings and elegant pendants with a precious stone of this shade will be the first jewelry for young ladies.

How to wear and care

In order for the properties of the crystal to manifest as strongly as possible, it must be worn correctly.

  • For medicinal purposes, a pink stone pendant is worn under clothing as close to the body as possible.
  • Women should wear the ring on their left hand and men on their right.

In order for rhodolite not to lose its attractive appearance and its powerful energy, it must be properly looked after. The product should be washed under running cold water at least once every three weeks. The gem cannot be kept in the sun for a long time, so you should not take things with a mineral with you on vacation to the sea.

Natural rhodolite is very difficult to distinguish from other red or pink gemstones. Therefore, in order not to buy a fake or a cheaper mineral instead of an expensive gemstone, you should invite an experienced jeweler with you to the store. With the help of special instruments he will be able to determine the quality of the gem .

Rhodolite is an amazing crystal. He amazes people not only with his beautiful appearance, but also with his unique abilities. It is difficult to say which person would not like to have this crystal.

The Greeks simply called this beautiful opaque mineral “pink stone”, which is why the name rhodolite came from. It belongs to a variety of pyropes (translated from the ancient Greek as "fire"), so called from its red color. And they are part of the pomegranate group.

The healing properties of the stone

Doctors in many countries agree that rhodolite has the ability to cure many ailments.

It is believed that rhodolite calms the nervous system, improves memory, helps to pull yourself together during stress, relieves insomnia. Also, this stone can help with diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. The constant wearing of rhodolite in the form of a bracelet allows you to resist colds and improves immunity. Healers note the positive effect of the mineral on the state of the respiratory system, and here we mean not only acute processes, but also chronic lung diseases, as well as their prevention.

Esotericists believe that rhodolite is associated with the heart chakra, so it can bring harmony and peace to the soul, as well as eliminate problems with the spine, chest and arms.

magical properties

In addition to healing, rhodolith is also credited with magical properties, manifested in the form of getting rid of a depressive state, obsessions and paranoia. To do this, you must always wear a pendant with this stone around your neck. Thus, an invisible thread is created, through which a connection is made with cosmic energy, which gives a feeling of peace and reconciliation with the whole world. Do not confuse this with indifference to current events. It’s just that a person stops worrying about minor troubles and conflicts, changes his attitude to what is happening and begins to look to the future without fear.

It is believed that if you wear a bracelet with rhodolite, it will act a little differently. Wearing such an ornament on her right hand, a woman will be able to feel a surge of feminine energy, which will be reflected in her attractiveness and confidence in her beauty. For men, such a bracelet will allow you to feel more confident surrounded by the fair sex, give it masculinity and sexuality.

But earrings with rhodolite are able to ignite a cooled passion, increase the level of sexual desire, awaken fantasy.

Talismans with rhodolite are also suitable for people holding leadership positions and standing at the "helm of power". The mineral protects from conflicts and annoying misunderstandings, smoothes out the tension that arises when solving serious problems or making responsible decisions. The stone does not allow its owner to make rash decisions, as well as show bouts of anger or irritation.

Some nationalities believe that the rhodolite in the house is able to protect it from unpleasant surprises and disasters.

The meaning of rhodolite in the signs of the zodiac

Ideally, rhodolite is suitable for representatives of such astrological signs as Sagittarius and Leo. He is able to harmonize the space around his master, thereby giving him strength that does not need to be wasted on useless experiences.

Rhodolite will help Sagittarius to gain self-confidence, introduce an element of passion and impulsiveness in the intimate sphere. When wearing a stone for a long time, a person begins to liberate himself more and more and change his environment.

Lions will be able to find spiritual harmony, as well as balance their inner state, find a correspondence between the depth of the inner world and its external manifestations.

In conclusion, we can conclude that rhodolite should be purchased by people prone to nervous breakdowns and depression, experiencing dissatisfaction in the sphere of their intimate life, or who simply do not have enough vital energy to implement all their plans and undertakings.

Colors and varieties

It should be noted right away that rhodolite and garnet are not at all easy to distinguish externally. The classic colors are lilac and pink, but the most valuable is considered strawberry, which is mined only in Tanzania.

Some types of rhodolites have colors that are uncharacteristic of these minerals, and also change them depending on the lighting. For example, if in daylight a stone has a green or blue color, then under artificial lighting it gradually changes to lilac or violet.

Large stones are most valued, since they are extremely rare in nature. There is a special reference scale of spectral shades, according to which jewelers determine the color and quality of rhodolites, and then evaluate them. Not only color is taken into account, but also the brilliance of stones, their size, the presence of inclusions and a few more parameters.

Rhodolite is mined in small quantities in many countries of the world, but the largest deposits are in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

Compatibility horoscope: rhodolite and its properties zodiac sign Aquarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Rhodolite is a beautiful mineral that belongs to semi-precious stones. The name rhodolite comes from a combination of the ancient Greek words "radon" and "lithos", which means "rose stone".

Rhodolite is a garnet-colored semi-precious stone.

The rhodolite stone belongs to the group of garnets of the pyrope variety. Depending on the physical qualities, the garnet mineral is divided into several types. And pyrope is the type of garnet that jewelers use in their work. However, rhodolite differs from garnet by the presence of iron in its composition.

The color of rhodolite contains the same shades as garnet, but its color scheme is somewhat different. In nature, rhodolites of pink, red-pink and lilac-pink shades are found. The intensity of the color of this stone determines the amount of manganese and iron in the composition.

This mineral has cubic crystals with a glassy oily sheen. A hard, durable material that works well.

Place of Birth

In nature, individual deposits of rhodolites are practically not found. Most often it is found in the form of inclusions in abrasive grenades. Each deposit has its own unique shade of this stone. The most valuable of them is pink, closer to strawberry color.

To date, the most valuable pink shade is mined in several areas of Tanzania, namely in Ruvuma, Mtwara, Lindi, and also in Zimbabwe. The deposits of this red-pink mineral are being developed on the island of Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Kenya.

Use in the jewelry industry

Rhodolite is a beautiful stone that is used in many types of jewelry.

Transparency, hardness and natural beauty make it possible to effectively use rhodolite in the jewelry industry. In the catalogs of all leading manufacturers there are photographs of products with this stone.

Both factory decorations and exclusive author's products are made from rhodolite. You can see photos of the unusual cut of this stone at many jewelry exhibitions.

However, the cost of jewelry with this rare stone is quite high. Therefore, most often in products of a low price category, a synthesized mineral is used.

magical properties

Rhodolite, like pomegranate, is associated with the heart chakra. Its ability to purify the flow of love energy and attract love has been known since ancient times. If you want to get rid of problems in a love relationship or meet your soul mate, then wear a pendant or pendant made of this stone. It also helps to increase a person's sexuality, awaken passion and increase attractiveness.

The ability of rhodolite to protect its owner from the evil eye and damage has long been known. To do this, you need to wear earrings with rhodolite. They will act as an amulet and protect you from the effects of evil forces.

This stone also gives its owner power over other people. You should buy a ring with rhodolite, and you will be able to influence others and impose your will on them. That is why this stone must be worn by people in leadership positions and insecure.

Significance in astrology

Rhodolite is for Aries

Astrologers attribute this mineral to the elements of fire. That is why it is recommended to wear Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. It will enhance the positive qualities of each of these signs and reveal the potential inherent in them.

However, this stone should be avoided by zodiac signs that obey the elements of water. These include Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

Medicinal properties

Rhodolite has significant fiery power. It is able to attract and increase all types of energies in the human body.

The main indications for the use of rhodolite:

  • Apathy, depression
  • state of stress
  • Stomach diseases
  • low immunity

Due to its natural properties, this mineral will enhance your mood and give you vitality. It is able to normalize the functioning of the nervous system and bring a person into a state of peace of mind.

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to wear jewelry with rhodolite for at least a month.

Properties and meaning of rhodolite stone

Rhodolite is the most delicate and feminine stone, which attracts many of the fair sex with its deep beauty. Its most beautiful color, which can vary from deep pink to purple, is due to the presence of iron and magnesium in its composition. Some pink garnets have an interesting effect - they are able to change their hue depending on the angle of view and lighting. Next, we will consider interesting photos, properties and significance of the rhodolite stone, as well as to whom the mineral is suitable.

A bit of history

Pink garnet, as an independent stone, became known in 1959. Until that time, it was called Bohemian garnet, Arizona spinel, and also Adelaide ruby, garamantine or Cape ruby. This mineral was very fond of Alexander the Great. They were also decorated with royal goblets. Today, rhodolite is crystals about 2 cm in size. They are most often mined in Scandinavia, Kenya, Tanzania, as well as the USA, Zimbabwe and the island of Ceylon. There are also mining sites in Russia - in Karelia.

Rhodolite garnet stone can be used as an insert for any kind of jewelry, both women's and men's. It can often be found in earrings, rings, pendants, as well as cufflinks and tie clips. The cost of rhodolite is constantly increasing. To date, it ranges from $200 to $400 per carat. The most expensive are raspberry, bright red and iridescent stones.

Healing qualities

Who is the mineral suitable for? The properties of rhodolite stone are very diverse. It has a therapeutic effect on the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, and also increases the supporting capabilities of the body. Pink pomegranate improves sleep, reduces stress levels, and has a better effect on the nervous system. The stone endows men with masculine strength, and also relieves many diseases of the genital area. A pleasant shade of the mineral allows you to relieve fatigue, improve mood, and also balance the psychological state. The stone is of particular importance for the respiratory system.

Mystical characteristics

Many say that rhodolite has strong magical properties, making it a great option for making amulets and talismans. For example, using a mineral as a pendant, you can get rid of obsessive thoughts, quickly resolve conflict situations and be less stressed. Perhaps this is due to the energy of the cosmos. How to wear a stone is of great magical importance. For example, women are advised to wear bracelets exclusively on their right hand. But men can become more attractive to women by wearing beautiful cufflinks.

Pink pomegranate is recommended to be worn by everyone who holds leadership positions and is also associated with political activities. Such amulets are very important. They help to make the right decisions and avoid most problems.

The magical properties of rhodolite help to avoid troubles, both in professional activities and in personal life. The stone gives self-confidence, doubles vitality, and also allows you to inflame passion.

Who can wear?

What does the horoscope say? Who is Rhodolite suitable for? The mineral is most suitable for such zodiac signs as Sagittarius and Leo. For the first, it allows you to quickly make important decisions and awaken sensuality, and for the second - to direct your energy in the right direction.

The rest of the signs of the Zodiac can wear pink garnet, but it will not have a special effect on them. The stone has the strongest influence on those who wear it closer to the body, for example, in pendants, pendants, on the right hand.

Rhodolite is a gentle and romantic stone

In this article, you will learn a lot of interesting information about the beautiful, romantic mineral called "rhodolite". It is very feminine, delicate and has a pinkish-red hue. We will tell the story of its origin, where the mineral is mined, we will describe the rhodolite stone and all its physical, magical and healing properties.

Rhodolite can be used for talismans and amulets. Minerals and the horoscope are closely related. We will reveal in detail the influence of the stone on people of certain signs of the Zodiac. Wearing rhodolite requires some attention, so you will find tips on how and with what to wear a stone, and how wearing it will affect your character and destiny.

Description and characteristics

The name of the mineral in Greek means "pink stone". The mineral is a subspecies of pyrope, which is part of the garnet group. This stone has a deep pink hue and is very similar to spinel. It owes its color to magnesium and iron in its composition.

In its natural form, rhodolite crystals are small in size, about 2 cm. From the point of view of the chemical composition, the gem is an aluminosilicate. Pinkish garnet or rhodolite has different colors: from slightly pink to deep purple (indigo color). A rare color of this stone is bright red.

The mineral is interesting in that it has the effect of alexandrite. That is, at different angles it will have different shades. Natural or artificial lighting also affects the color of the stone. In some cases, it may even cast green.

History and application

As a separate type of stone, rhodolite was isolated by the famous mineral scientist from America, Andersen, in 1959. Until that time, the gem was presented under the guise of spinel and all sorts of rubies.

According to historical data, Alexander the Great valued this gem. There is also evidence that back in 1510, the famous "Hungarian kelih" was decorated with rhodolite minerals. In most countries of the world, the gem is precious and is used in jewelry.

Crystals are given different shapes: round, marquise, with stepped and oval faces. Author's cut stones are highly valued. Low quality crystals are cut into cabochons. Inclusions and small cracks do not indicate unsuitability, the main criteria here are color and size.

Extraction and cost of rhodolite

The precious stone rhodolite is mined more often in Tanzania, but there are deposits in the USA, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, in Kenya, Zimbabwe. Not so long ago, deposits were found in Ceylon. Stones of lower quality are mined in Russia, in Karelia.

The cost of rhodolite on the market is constantly growing. A carat of cut rhodolite in 1977 did not cost more than $100, and in 1982 the cost increased to $300. Today, the price of one carat pink garnet starts from 1,500 rubles.

Valuable are not only varieties of pink, but also garnets with alexandrite effect. Such stones have a crimson color and, depending on the lighting, cast blue.

magical properties

Rhodolite garnet will serve as a great talisman. They are usually worn around the neck. Rhodolite can relieve depression and feed the owner with the energy of the cosmos. To give self-confidence and gain attractiveness in the eyes of men, a woman should wear a bracelet with this gem on her left hand. After all, it is a symbol of femininity.

Wearing pink pomegranate will make men more sexy. Bright rhodolites will serve as an amulet for creative people. Beliefs say that a faceted rhodolite gives its owner a love of life, contributes to the disclosure of his true desires and aspirations. Talismans with this gem will help to avoid mistakes, give peace and confidence.

Medicinal properties

It has long been believed in folk medicine that the pink mineral has a positive effect on the digestive system, helps to overcome the effects of food poisoning.

It is believed that it contributes to the good functioning of the nervous system, prevents the occurrence of stress, helps the cardiovascular system and improves immunity. If obsessive thoughts appear or depression is too long, rhodolite will help.

Also, the gem helps in the fight against unpleasant and terrible dreams, improves mood. Excellent as a prophylactic agent for diseases of the respiratory organs. The strong half of the mineral will give male strength and help get rid of various male diseases.

Who suits the zodiac sign

In the zodiac, it is most in harmony with people under the signs of Leo and Sagittarius. The first sign of the Zodiac gives the ability to properly distribute their energy, spend it with benefit, and help develop tolerance for others and tolerance. It will help you find harmony with yourself and the world.

The second sign is suitable for awakening the emotional sphere, showing the way in life, giving strength for difficult decisions, helping to achieve success in various areas. For other signs, the mineral is not dangerous and will not harm, but it will not have much effect either.

How to distinguish from a fake

Rhodolite, as a stone of the garnet group, cannot be perfectly clean, if there are no defects, then most likely you got a fake. The jewelry should have inclusions, streaks that are not deliberately hidden by jewelry masters. This is how you can spot a fake.

Color will also help. If the color is distributed unevenly, then you have the original. Fakes do not have natural overflows, they are monophonic. Almost always a fake is a large gem, as we said above, rhodolites are mostly small. A fake will also never convey the characteristic brilliance.

How to wear and care

In order for rhodolite not to lose its color and luster, proper care is necessary. First, you need to wipe it with a dry cloth. Also wash at least once a month. A special solution is suitable for this: baby soap diluted with salt. You can’t rub too much, just rinse a little. The movements should be light and gentle. At the end, the gem must be dried.

Another stone needs energy replenishment after a long wear. He should lie down a little near the grass or flowers. Just do not allow lying in the sun, its rays can harm, it will be better in the shade.

We figured out what rhodolite is and its properties, or, as it is also called, pink garnet, it is also a “pink stone”. The gem has many useful properties, in addition to being very beautiful, gentle and romantic. The stone will be a good helper to its owner on an energy level. It will also help cure diseases. Thus, the decoration with pink garnet has not only an aesthetic value, but also a practical one.

Magical and healing properties of Rhodolite

The Greeks simply called this beautiful opaque mineral “pink stone”, which is why the name rhodolite came from. It belongs to a variety of pyropes (translated from the ancient Greek as "fire"), so called from its red color. And they are part of the pomegranate group.

The healing properties of the stone

Doctors in many countries agree that rhodolite has the ability to cure many ailments.

It is believed that rhodolite calms the nervous system, improves memory, helps to pull yourself together during stress, relieves insomnia. Also, this stone can help with diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. The constant wearing of rhodolite in the form of a bracelet allows you to resist colds and improves immunity. Healers note the positive effect of the mineral on the state of the respiratory system, and here we mean not only acute processes, but also chronic lung diseases, as well as their prevention.

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Esotericists believe that rhodolite is associated with the heart chakra, so it can bring harmony and peace to the soul, as well as eliminate problems with the spine, chest and arms.

magical properties

In addition to healing, rhodolith is also credited with magical properties, manifested in the form of getting rid of a depressive state, obsessions and paranoia. To do this, you must always wear a pendant with this stone around your neck. Thus, an invisible thread is created, through which a connection is made with cosmic energy, which gives a feeling of peace and reconciliation with the whole world. Do not confuse this with indifference to current events. It’s just that a person stops worrying about minor troubles and conflicts, changes his attitude to what is happening and begins to look to the future without fear.

But earrings with rhodolite are able to ignite a cooled passion, increase the level of sexual desire, awaken fantasy.

Talismans with rhodolite are also suitable for people holding leadership positions and standing at the "helm of power". The mineral protects from conflicts and annoying misunderstandings, smoothes out the tension that arises when solving serious problems or making responsible decisions. The stone does not allow its owner to make rash decisions, as well as show bouts of anger or irritation.

Some nationalities believe that the rhodolite in the house is able to protect it from unpleasant surprises and disasters.

Binding to the signs of the zodiac

Ideally, rhodolite is suitable for representatives of such astrological signs as Sagittarius and Leo. He is able to harmonize the space around his master, thereby giving him strength that does not need to be wasted on useless experiences.

Lions will be able to find spiritual harmony, as well as balance their inner state, find a correspondence between the depth of the inner world and its external manifestations.

In conclusion, we can conclude that rhodolite should be purchased by people prone to nervous breakdowns and depression, experiencing dissatisfaction in the sphere of their intimate life, or who simply do not have enough vital energy to implement all their plans and undertakings.

Colors and varieties

It should be noted right away that rhodolite and garnet are not at all easy to distinguish externally. The classic colors are lilac and pink, but the most valuable is considered strawberry, which is mined only in Tanzania.

Some types of rhodolites have colors that are uncharacteristic of these minerals, and also change them depending on the lighting. For example, if in daylight a stone has a green or blue color, then under artificial lighting it gradually changes to lilac or violet.

Large stones are most valued, since they are extremely rare in nature. There is a special reference scale of spectral shades, according to which jewelers determine the color and quality of rhodolites, and then evaluate them. Not only color is taken into account, but also the brilliance of stones, their size, the presence of inclusions and a few more parameters.

Rhodolite is mined in small quantities in many countries of the world, but the largest deposits are in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

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Rhodolith. Stone. Zodiac sign

Some stones are talismans or amulets for certain signs of the zodiac. Rhodolite (literally translated from Greek) - “pink stone”. Simply put, the mineral owes its name to a rich pink hue.

Large pieces of rhodolite are quite a rarity. Actually, that is why the stone is so highly valued by the masters of jewelry art. By the way, there is no universal scale for determining the scale of a “pink gem”, and, as a rule, the found mineral is compared with a reference sample by a simple visual comparison of the spectrum.

The birthplace of rhodolite is, to a greater extent, Africa. But relatively small reserves of stone have also been found in Sri Lanka. By the way, there is still a difference between the African and Indian (Sri Lankan) mineral, and it consists mainly in the degree of “silkyness” of the pink rock and in the strength of the glass reflection (stone from Kenya is the most expensive).

From an astrological point of view, rhodolite is the amulet of Lviv and Sagittarius. In Archers, he awakens passion and a desire to act quickly, and Lviv teaches them to learn about the world around them, and also directs them on the path of harmony and balance.

Rhodolith is especially effective in the area of ​​responsibility: for people who are respected in society and occupy high positions, “astrologers” recommend pink stone as an “energy stabilizer”. It is believed that an amulet made of this mineral neutralizes waves of anger and aggression and simultaneously protects against making gross mistakes.

In addition, the pink mineral accumulates the strength of the owner, which returns to him at the first need. According to the beliefs of the ancient peoples, radolith is a stone of vitality: it supports love in a person and “stimulates sensuality” (it is often predicted to play the role of an intimate totem that protects the hearth from all sorts of hardships and troubles).

Rhodolith. The magical properties of the stone

Rhodolite is the rarest stone from the garnet family.

Its name translates as "pink stone" or more poetically - "stone rose". According to legend, rhodolite stones are the tears of the nymph Rhoda, which she shed, longing for her beloved.

Due to the presence of magnesium and iron in its composition, this mineral has an alexandrite effect - in natural light it is lilac and blue, and in artificial light it has shades of crimson. Therefore, rhodolite is very expensive.

In color, the mineral is similar to ruby, its palette includes lilac tones with purple or pink tint, cherry and burgundy.

Most often, rhodolite is mined in the deposits of abrasive garnets. Rhodolite stones with defects, cracks or cloudy places are cut into cabochons. Then, due to the weight of the product, its price approaches the price of jewelry.

Pure and very transparent rhodolites are always small in size - this is the peculiarity of this stone.

A fake can be distinguished precisely by these signs - a real rhodolite is never crystal clear without inclusions, evenly colored and of considerable size.

If all three signs are present in one nugget, it is a fake.

Artificial rhodolite, which they learned to make recently, is called cirolite or damonic in jewelry stores. It is also beautiful as natural rhodolite, but does not have the same powerful energy and healing properties.

magical properties

The stone is a talisman of quiet family happiness.

Spouses who have been married for more than a year, having a rhodolite talisman, will find their happiness a second time - their relationship will be renewed. They will again experience a surge of tenderness for each other and that same feeling of nascent love.

Rhodolite is able to give the owner energy that he can use at his own discretion - to study more, open a business, get to know himself or spend this energy to survive an unpleasant period of life.

Basically, the healing properties of rhodolite are focused on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. It treats gastritis, ulcers, increases the digestibility of food, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland.

Rhodolite also strengthens the immune system, and increases the body's resistance to various viral diseases.

A pendant with rhodolite is indicated for wearing by people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system - it alleviates the symptoms of the disease.

The stone also helps in the treatment of female diseases, in particular, infertility.

Like chrysoprase, this mineral copes well with nervous breakdowns, stress, fatigue, obsessive fears, and also improves memory.

Zodiac sign

Rhodolite honors the Fire signs of the Zodiac.

He will help the lions to intuitively feel the world around him and the mood of others, to establish contact with himself.

It will direct the ebullient energy and inner fire of Sagittarius in the right direction.

The rest of the signs of the Zodiac can also wear jewelry with rhodolite, but it will not have such an effect on them.

How to wear

Rhodolite is suitable for everyone - both men and women. The former can wear cufflinks with rhodolite, the latter a wide variety of jewelry sets. There is also no age limit to wear rhodolite.

As, for example, mother-of-pearl jewelry is considered youth, and pearl traditionally worn by accomplished women. Accessories with rhodolite, in this sense, are universal.

In their natural form, these are small crystalline inclusions of hypersthene gneisses. Their standard size is about 2 cm. Large crystals are very rare.

According to the chemical composition, rhodolite is an aluminosilicate, it also has a high content of iron and magnesium.

Rhodolite was classified as an independent mineral in 1959 by the American scientist Andersen. Before that, rhodolite was sold under the guise of spinel, Bohemian and Garamantine.

Rhodolite deposits

Rich deposits of rhodolite can be found in Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Scandinavia. It is also found in the USA - in the state of North Carolina. On the territory of Russia, rhodolite deposits are located on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia, but the quality of such stones is much lower than that of Asian or African ones.

The use of rhodolite

Rhodolite stone, which in many countries of the world is classified as precious, is widely used in jewelry. Crystals are given a variety of shapes, including the common round cut, marquise, and oval or stepped faces. Sometimes you come across stones of an unusual author's cut with a higher cost. Low-quality rhodolites are given the shape of a cabochon. Inclusions and cracks are not considered a sign of the unsuitability of the stone - on the contrary, they can bizarrely refract light rays. The main criteria for rhodolite are size and color.

Jewelry with rhodolite can be found not only for women, but also for men. Tie clips, cufflinks and rings with pinkish-red crystals are not uncommon.

The cost of rhodolite

The price of rhodolite in world markets tends to constantly increase. In 1977, a carat of cut rhodolite could cost no more than $100, and already in 1982 the price had tripled. Today, one carat of rhodolite garnet will cost from 1,500 rubles.

Not only pink varieties of stone are valued, but also with alexandrite effect. Such rhodolites have a bright crimson color under artificial lighting, and under the influence of sunlight they acquire a greenish tint.

Healing and magical properties of rhodolite

Lithotherapists believe that rhodolite normalizes the activity of the nervous system, protects against the effects of stress, improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It also has a calming effect, relieves long-term depression and obsessive thoughts. Able to help in the fight against nightmares. Rhodolite is a good remedy for the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Who is rhodolite suitable for?

Like almost any stone of bright red color, rhodolite is considered a symbol of passion, sensuality and, of course, love. For this reason, rhodolite stone is recommended for those who are looking for a passionate and vibrant relationship, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. Women will become like a magnet to attract male attention, and men will increase their attractiveness and sexuality in the eyes of the fair sex. It is only worth noting that ladies should wear rhodolite on their right hand.

In addition to helping in relationships, the properties of rhodolite also extend to the business life of its owner: the stone will support in any endeavors, give mental strength and self-confidence. In this regard, jewelry with rhodolite should be worn by those who hold a high position or stubbornly strive for it.

The zodiac preferences of the stone extend primarily to Leo and Sagittarius: these passionate and emotional natures, rhodolite can tame and help control outbursts of anger.

Delicate pink stone rhodolite is a variety of pyrope and is part of the garnet group. Its name comes from the combination of two Greek words for rose and stone. Rhodolite is a unique and rare garnet, reminiscent in color not only of almandine or pyrope, but also of noble spinel. Since the stone is rare, it is little known and, as a rule, it is mistaken for other gems, such as ruby, to which it is second only in hardness. However, unlike rubies, rhodolites are never refined, therefore, by acquiring a gem, you can be completely sure of its true nature and the natural quality of its color.

A delicate pink stone, rhodolite is a type of pyrope and is part of the garnet group.

Nevertheless, its hardness can be considered equal to from 7.0 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, the density can vary from 6.5 to 8.0 g / cm³, the syngony is isometric, and the luster is glassy and silky. In terms of chemical composition, specimens that can be characterized as solid solutions of pyrope (with the formula Mg3Al2(SiO4)3) and almandine (with the formula Fe2+3Al2(SiO4)3) prevailed among the studied samples. Thus, the final formula of the solid solution of garnet varieties can be written as (Mg, Fe2+)3A2(SiO4)3.

In gemology, a pink stone is considered a variety of red garnet, which is not classified as a separate type of mineral, but is distinguished only by color.

Samples of gem quality are brought from India, Brazil, Zimbabwe, mined in Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and other countries. They are found in America and Norway. Somewhat worse quality crystals are also in Russia: they are mined in Karelia and in the region of the Kola Peninsula. Low-quality stones, as a rule, are cut in the form of a cabochon, while various cracks and inclusions are not considered a defect, since they can beautifully refract the light falling on them. At the same time, the cost of such a cabochon may eventually turn out to be even higher than that of an impeccably clean sample, due to the unique picture that appears as a result of cutting. The main criterion for assessing the cost of a crystal is only the color and size of a particular instance.

Gemstone rhodolite (video)

Healing properties

Since the gem affects the anahata heart chakra, which promotes openness, develops sensitivity, strengthens the will and is responsible for the cardiovascular system, arms, spine and chest, its beneficial effect is directed to all these systems of the human body. It is believed that jewelry with rhodolite will help improve blood circulation, increase immunity and resistance to viral infections.

They will positively affect the respiratory organs - lungs, bronchi, trachea, which can relieve asthmatic syndrome or prevent its occurrence.

The gentle pink color of the stone will cheer you up, relieve depression and replenish your vitality. Girls and women are advised to wear bracelets of these gems on the left hand, closer to the heart, which will increase not only blood circulation, adding blush to the cheeks, but also attractiveness in the eyes of the male.

Gallery: rhodolite stone (25 photos)

It is believed that jewelry with rhodolite will help improve blood circulation, increase immunity and resistance to viral infections. ????????????????????????
In gemology, a pink stone is considered a variety of red garnet, which is not classified as a separate type of mineral, but is distinguished only by color.

magical influence

The connection of the gem with the heart chakra determines its magical property to attract love and keep it for many years. Jewelry with rhodolite brings freshness of feelings and genuine sincerity into the life of spouses. Every time a man's gaze touches the pink garnet bracelet on the wrist of his life partner's left hand, his love flares up with renewed vigor. Therefore, everyone who wants a bright, passionate, sensual and at the same time cordial relationship can safely purchase products with pink garnets as a talisman or amulet. Astrologers advise Leo to wear them first of all in order to find love and direct their energy in a constructive direction, and to Sagittarius in order to understand the combination of sensuality and cordiality and awaken these qualities in themselves. However, all other astrological signs can safely use the magical love charms of rhodolite.

It is believed that jewelry with rhodolite will help improve blood circulation, increase immunity and resistance to viral infections.

In addition to love relationships, the magical influence of rhodolite extends to the business life of the owner of the talisman. Pink stone will give spiritual strength, add self-confidence, bring additional energy necessary for business. For this reason, rhodolite jewelry is recommended for those who already occupy a leadership position or really want to take it.

Although gemologists classify gemstones into women's gems, used as inlays in pendants, rings, bracelets, and other ladies' jewelry, and masculine gems, used as inlays for cufflinks, rings, and tie clips, some stones, like rhodolite, are equally good for women. as well as for males. Pink garnet is constantly growing in price, over the past 10 years its value has increased by more than 3 times. Therefore, buying gold jewelry with a rare, high quality, pale pink rhodolite will be a very profitable and reasonable investment.

Garnet rhodolite (video)

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