The meeting is a workshop for parents. Parent meeting “Our fingers play - our speech develops”

Scenario of a parent meeting for parents of children in an early age group on the topic: “Development of fine motor skills in children. What? Why? How?”

Target: provide information to parents to understand the need to develop fine motor skills in a child’s hands.
1) enrich the experience of parents on the topic of the meeting;
2) expand ideas about non-traditional aids for the development of fine motor skills;
3) evoke a desire among parents to develop fine motor skills in their child;
4) introduce parents to manuals for the development of fine motor skills by watching the video “Montessori Classes: 5 Ideas”;

5) involving parents in the creative exercise “Imagining the Family”;
6) strengthen cooperation between families and teaching staff.
1) group teachers;
2) parents of students.
Location: music room
1. multimedia projector;
2. presentation “A variety of ways to develop fine motor skills in a child”;
3. video film “Montessori classes: 5 ideas”;
4. booklets for each parent “A variety of ways to develop fine motor skills in a child”;
5. salt;
6. disposable plates;
7. watercolor paints;
8. brushes No. 3;
9. cups for water;
10. water;
11. wet wipes.
12. MP3 Marc Enfroy - A Good Heart

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part.
Gentle music sounds (MP3 Marc Enfroy - A Good Heart), parents enter the hall and sit down in a circle.
Good evening, dear parents!
We are very pleased to welcome you today to our meeting.
Five and five are brothers,
So everyone will be born together.
If you dig up a garden bed,
Everyone holds one spatula.
They don't get bored, they play
All together into one toy.
And in winter the whole crowd
They hide together in the heated vehicle.
These are the "five" and "five"
Guess what their names are?

II. Main part

Indeed, these are fingers. And today we have dedicated our meeting to them, the topic of which is: “Development of fine motor skills in children. What? Why? How?”
The first question of our meeting is What?
What do you think - what are fine motor skills?
Fine motor skills of the hands are a set of coordinated actions of the fingers and hands aimed at performing precise small movements.
Work on developing fine motor skills of the hands must be carried out from early childhood. I invite you to watch the video "Montessori Classes: 5 Ideas."

After watching the video, I think now you have a second question - Why?
Why and why do you think it is important to develop fine motor skills in children from an early age?
You're right!
Domestic scientists have proven that there is a connection between the brain and finger movements.
In the cerebral cortex there are various centers responsible for the functioning of each human organ.
And the fact is that the center responsible for the actions of the hands and fingers is located next to the center responsible for speech development.

Stimulation of one of these centers, namely the center responsible for fine motor skills of the hands, leads to the activity of the speech center.
Consequently, by developing the work and coordination of movements of the fingers and hands, we solve another problem - we develop our child’s speech.
The development of fine motor skills in a child's hands should be systematic, not chaotic - otherwise we will not see results.
The system is as follows:
in infancy, based on the fact that the child is just beginning to comprehend motor skills, we can massage the fingers and hands, acting through active points on the cerebral cortex;
in early and early preschool age - it is important to perform simple exercises that are accompanied by a poetic text (for example, “Magpie”, Ladushki”, Cabbage”, etc.), and also do not forget about fulfilling the main task of this age - the development of self-service skills: fastening and unfastening buttons, zippers, shoe lacing and more.
It is also important not to forget that it is possible to develop a child through play.
We must disguise exercises for the development of fine motor skills as a game so that the child becomes interested. At this moment, do not forget to praise him, thereby creating a situation of success.
I suggest immersing yourself in the world of carefree childhood.
Let's close our eyes and remember the positive moments of spending time with our family. (pause)
Now paint the salt in your plates with paints.
(Parents paint on salt)

Now, please tell us what you drew and what sensations did you have?
With this exercise we developed both fine motor skills and speech.
And most importantly, how was it received? As a game or as an activity with any boundaries?
Here we imperceptibly come to the third question - How?
The message “A variety of ways to develop fine motor skills in a child” supported by presentation slides.
There are ways to develop fine motor skills that can be easily used to play with your child at home.
1. Method - stringing.
You can string anything (buttons, beads, pasta, pieces of paper, dry leaves, dry rowan berries) and on anything (sticks, tubes, lace, thread).
2. Method - drawing.
We draw with fingers, a brush, a pencil, sand, cereal, plasticine, toothpaste, thread, wool.

3. Method - sorted ie.
We sort objects using cereals, objects with different shapes, surfaces, and filling.

4. Method - palpated ie.
We feel bags with different cereals, objects with different textures, and more.

5. Method - search ki.
In the container we place the bulk of a homogeneous filler - cereals, sand, balls, etc. We place an object in it - the child searches with his hands for an object hidden at the bottom.

6. Method - mold ka.
We sculpt from dough, plasticine, paper, clay.
7. Method - playing with waste material ohm
Scraps of paper, egg containers, plastic bottle caps, etc. are used.

8. Method - pinched off ie.
Pinch off a piece of plasticine, a sheet of paper, or a ball of wool.
9. Method - flattening, smeared and I.
Spread the plasticine on the board and flatten the dough between your fingers.

10. Method - wound ie.
We wind ribbons, threads on sticks, bobbins, balls...

11. Method - pushed ie.
We push objects into the holes - piggy bank, feed the animal and others.

12. Method - playing with your finger mi.
Finger games and finger theater are used.

13. Method - mass as much
Massage using improvised materials, games.

III. Final part
The development of fine motor skills in a child is a very important task for parents and educators.
Games to develop fine motor skills should take no more than 10-15 minutes. We do not force the child to play, but involve him in the game process. From an early age, we are obliged to provide the child with something that will help him develop further.
We thank everyone present for their active participation in the meeting. We wish you all success in raising your children.
(Parents are given booklets “A variety of ways to develop fine motor skills in a child”)

Irina Kostareva

Target: Show and teach parents do exercises on development of fine motor skills in children.

Tasks: 1 . Show with the help of visual aids how to do the exercise in a group.

2. Teach parents use, various objects in performing exercises.

Good evening dears parents, Colleagues. Today I wanted to start our the meeting is a little unusual, for you. Let's play with you.

Now I will ask you to stand in a circle. You need to greet your neighbor and give him a compliment.

Look how many nice words you wished each other.

The topic of our meeting today is « Development of fine motor skills in children»

What do you think is fine motor skills?

(statement parents)

Fine motor skills hand is nothing more than sleight of hand.

It affects not only speech, but also development such mental processes as attention, memory, thinking and imagination. Developing baby's fingers, we contribute development a number of the most important properties of his psyche. The sooner we get there develop the baby's motor abilities, the better. You need to start from birth.

In every lesson with children, we always use finger exercises or hand massage.

Now we will show you some games that we play with children in a group. (Slides)

These are the games we play in the group, but of course these are not all the games.

And now I want to play with you a little, you have objects on your tables that can be used in exercises Show: What did you like best?

Do you use such games at home? Which?

It is not for nothing that there is an expression that our mind is at our fingertips. Therefore, if you want your child to be smart and capable, then pay close attention to development of fine motor skills. Try to work with your child at home as much as possible. Use every free minute for this. Such home activities will be simply priceless for your baby. Of course, in kindergarten we develop children's fingers, but that's not enough. We need daily systematic work in this direction. It’s better to let your child not play computer games again, watch TV in the evenings, or do useless things, but play games with you on the development motor abilities of the fingers.

And to help, I would like to give you these booklets.

Is our the meeting is coming to an end, and let's end it with a game. Please stand up and join hands, I thank you for participating in the workshop. Now, on the count of three, raise your hands up together and repeat the phrase “Everyone, goodbye, everyone.


Let's massage your hand first.

1) "My family"(You need to start the massage with stroking, all massage movements go from the periphery to the center, make circular movements, alternate with stroking movements)

This finger is grandpa...

This is me, this is my whole family.

Now we do a massage on the hand, also in a circular motion, all movements are made in a circle and towards the forearm. We start with stroking, then we make rubbing movements. We alternate with stroking and here you can do a pinch-like kneading with 2 fingers.

2) pressing massage

The hand of one hand lies on the table, palm down, fingers divorced. The other hand presses each nail in turn with the index finger, moves the finger, "rolling" it on the pad to the left - to the right.

The bear was walking towards his den (little finger)

Yes, I stumbled on the threshold (nameless)

“There seems to be very little strength (average)

I saved up for the winter - (pointing)

I thought so and went (big)

He's looking for wild bees. (big)

All bears have a sweet tooth, (pointing)

They love to eat honey without haste, (average)

And having eaten, without worry (nameless)

Until spring they sniffle in a den (little finger)

The massage can end here.

After the massage it is very good to use various objects.

1) Exercises with a hedgehog ball

I roll the ball in circles

I drive him back and forth.

I will stroke their palm,

It's like I'm sweeping up crumbs.

And I'll squeeze it a little,

How a cat squeezes its paw.

I'll press the ball with each finger

And I'll start with the other hand.

2) Exercises with clothespins

Left hand

The gosling woke up, stood up,

He pinches his fingers in his sleep.

Right hand

Give me some food, mistress.

Earlier than my relatives!

3) Exercise with walnuts

Up, down, up, down

You're going down the hill!

Up, down, up, down

Roll on your fingers

(rolled on fingers, palm, everywhere, everywhere) (Children really like this exercise)

5) Exercises with plugs

We take plastic bottle caps and put them on two fingers, walk without lifting our shoes from the table, you can also make the caps according to the color, for example, white bunny caps, orange fox caps, brown bear caps and so on, and you can play out fairy tales. (possible without traffic jams, fingers running; piano.

6) Exercises with Velcro curlers

Look at the thorns. Touch them.

“I’m not afraid of thorns, even if I prick myself!”

7) Exercise "Spin, pencil" (use a ribbed pencil)

I roll the pencil in my hands.

I'm twisting between my fingers

I will certainly teach every finger to be obedient.


1) Finger gymnastics: an adult reads a poem, and at this time the baby performs certain movements with his hands. A lot of such finger games and gymnastics can be found in specialized literature. 2) Insert cubes - these are the insert cubes we have, here we develop thinking. 3) puzzles (soft)– we can buy such puzzles in the store and lay them out together with the child, but it is important to remember that the puzzles must correspond to the child’s age; we also have puzzles made of cardboard in our group.

4) hedgehog (clothespins)- the hedgehog is crocheted with your own hands, you can also attach clothespins to a thread or some kind of fabric.

5) Drawing on the sand - here we draw with our fingers on colored sand.

6)Fishing: We catch fish with a magnet using a fishing rod.

- Fishing in the water: here we use a net and catch toys that don’t sink.

7) Lacing 1 (here is a stand for lacing made of wood)

Lacing (turtle): this turtle is made with your own hands, there is lacing, buttons, a clasp, and under the clasp you can feel a surprise, and there is also something here to secure the color. Lacing 3 : Such games can be bought ready-made, or you can make them yourself. To do this, draw an image on cardboard, for example, an apple, and make holes along its outline using a hole punch. The child takes the lace and threads it through these holes.

8) Stitched - butterfly: here and fastening, Velcro, lacing

9) Oversleeping: You can pour something into one container. The child must carefully pour it into an empty container. Or, for example, an exercise with water, if something spills, then let him collect it on a dustpan and throw it away, and if water spills, then the child will have to wipe it with a rag. At the same time, this will develop neatness in the child.

10) Shifting: You can pour and pour from one container to another using a spoon. You could even have a little family competition.

11) Find a toy: This game is as follows. Semolina is poured into a small container, and small toys. Everything is stirred, and the child must find the toys by touch.

12) Too much cereal: for this game, cereals that are mixed with each other are well suited, and the child must sort them into different containers. Cereals are a good massaging material.

13) Modeling - you can sculpt from plasticine, from clay, from salt dough.

Parent meeting

“Development of fine motor skills of the hands”



Timofeeva I. V.

Target : formation of parents’ ideas about the role of fine motor skills in the psychophysical development of children.

Tasks .

    To identify the relationship between the development of fine motor skills of the hands and speech of a preschooler.

    To introduce techniques for developing fine motor skills in preschool children.

    Enrich the methodological piggy bank for parents.

Preliminary work:

    A selection of games and exercises to develop fine motor skills.

    Drawing up a memo for parents.

    Design of materials for the exhibition on the theme of the meeting - quotes, statements of famous people.

    Selection of slides and videos with finger games.

    Organization of an exhibition of educational games: lacing, sensory panels, sets of fabric samples of various textures, etc.


    Posters with sayings:

    “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

    “The hand is the instrument of all instruments” (Aristotle).

    “The hand is the outermost human brain” (I. Kant);

    “Children’s talents are at their fingertips” (M. Montessori)

    Plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, sheets of paper.

    Description of games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

    Multimedia installation for showing slides and videos.

    Presentation “Our fingers played” (Slides with photographs of children playing).

Participants: educators, parents.

Form: meeting workshop.

1. Introductory stage (Welcome).

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to see you, our meeting, we suggest starting with a game - greetings. To do this we need to stand in a circle,each participant says to his neighbor, calling him by name: “Hello, I’m glad to see you!” - and definitely adds something pleasant for the person.

Educator:We think you were pleased to talk to each other and hear good, kind words addressed to you.

Main stage.

Educator: Today we will talk about the importance of fine motor skills in the development of a preschool child and we will try to perform several exercises ourselves.

Goal Clarification Exercise “Three Question Model”

Please tell me, dear parents:

What do you know about the topic of the meeting?

What do you want to know?

What should you do to find out? (Parents' answers).

Conversation with parents and game tasks (Pedagogical universal education “Our fingers played”). This part discusses the role of fine motor skills in the development of children; parents are introduced to finger play.

The development of hands is closely related to the development of a child’s speech and thinking. The level of development of fine finger motor skills and coordination of hand movements is one of the indicators of intellectual development.

A child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, his attention and memory, and coherent speech are quite well developed.

Finger games and exercises are a unique tool for speech development. Psychomotor processes in speech development directly depend on the development of fine motor skills. Learning texts using “finger” gymnastics stimulates the development of thinking, attention, and imagination. The child remembers poetic texts better, his speech becomes more accurate and expressive.

Every day with children we use finger exercises and hand massage.

Now we will show you some games that we play with children in a group. (View video)

These are the games we play in the group, but these, of course, are not all the games. And now I want to play with you a little (finger games).

Game activity for parents (Appendix 2).

Parents are encouraged to perform self-massage and finger games.

Tasks. Teach the elements of self-massage. Teach how to perform plot exercises for fingers, develop speed, fine motor skills, and memory.

Educator: Try to work with your child at home as much as possible. Use every free minute for this. Such home activities will be simply priceless for your baby. Good luck to you!

Final part. Reflection.

Educator: In conclusion, we invite you to express your opinion about our meeting. WhatDid you learn anything new at our meeting today? What conclusions have you drawn for yourself? Do you have additional questions on the topic?

( hands each participant a memo “Development of fine motor skills”, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.)

Annex 1

"Development of fine motor skills of the hands."

Background . All scientists who have studied the psyche of children also note the great stimulating effect of hand functions on the development of the brain. Teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote:"A child's mind is at his fingertips" . And the famous German scientist Emmanuel Kant called hands,visible part of the cerebral hemispheres. Systematic exercises to train finger movements, according to M.M. Roundabout, are"a powerful means" increasing brain performance.

Correct formation of fine motor functions is all the more important because in early and preschool childhood sensory processes develop especially actively. By studying all kinds of objects, touching and feeling them with his hands, the child comes to understand causal relationships.

Teachers and psychologists unanimously agree that fine motor skills are very important, since through it such higher properties of consciousness develop asattention, thinking, coordination, imagination, observation, visual memory, dexterity.

To develop fine motor skills of the hand, many interesting methods and techniques have been developed, and a variety of stimulating materials are used.But you can make everything much simpler!

Knead dough, clay, plasticine with your fingers, sculpt something.

String beads and buttons onto threads.

Tie knots on thick and thin ropes and laces.

Start the alarm clock and toys with a key.

Shading, drawing, coloring with pencil, crayons, paints.

Cut with scissors (preferably small).

Construct from paper.

Practice on home equipment that requires finger grip (rings, crossbar).

Clap your hands quietly, loudly, at different tempos.

Roll small beads, pebbles, balls with each finger in turn.

Do finger exercises

You can use your child’s regular activities for this. Watch how the child washes and dries his hands. Teach him to thoroughly wash each finger, and then also dry it thoroughly with a towel, massaging each phalange well.

If you have a summer house and a garden plot, take advantage of this and involve your child in picking berries. When you prepare, for example, dumplings, let your child make them with you, the benefits will be unconditional.

What is your baby good at? _____________________________________

What requires additional attention:___________________________


You must understand: in order to interest a child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not back down if tasks seem difficult, and do not forget to praise the child.

Appendix 2


"My family" (You need to start the massage with stroking, all massage movements go from the periphery to the center, make circular movements, alternate with stroking movements)

This finger is grandpa...

This is me, this is my whole family.

Now we do a massage on the hand, also in a circular motion, all movements are made in a circle and towards the forearm. We start with stroking, then we make rubbing movements. We alternate with stroking and here you can do a pinch-like kneading with 2 fingers.

Pressing massage

The hand of one hand lies on the table, palm down, fingers spread.

The other hand, with the index finger, presses each nail in turn, moves the finger, “rolling” it on the pad to the left - to the right.

The bear was walking towards his den (little finger)

Yes, I stumbled on the threshold (nameless)

“Very little strength is visible (medium)

I have saved up for the winter - (index)

So I thought and went (big)

He's looking for wild bees. (big)

All bears have a sweet tooth, (index)

They love to eat honey without haste, (medium)

And having eaten, without anxiety (nameless)

Until spring they sniffle in a den (little finger)

The massage can end here.

After the massage it is very good to use various objects.

Exercises with a hedgehog ball

I roll the ball in circles

I drive him back and forth.

I will stroke their palm,

It's like I'm sweeping up crumbs.

And I'll squeeze it a little,

How a cat squeezes its paw.

I'll press the ball with each finger

And I'll start with the other hand.

Exercises with clothespins

Left hand 5 4 3 2

The gosling woke up, stood up, 2 3 4 5

He pinches his fingers in his sleep.

Right hand 5 4 3 2

Give me food, mistress, 2 3 4 5

Earlier than my relatives!

Exercise with walnuts

Up, down, up, down

You're going down the hill!

Up, down, up, down

Roll on your fingers

(rolled on fingers, on palm, everywhere, everywhere) (Children really like this exercise)

Exercises with plugs

We take plastic bottle caps and put them on two fingers, walk without lifting our shoes from the table, you can also make the caps according to the color, for example, white bunny caps, orange fox caps, brown bear caps and so on, and you can play out fairy tales. (possible without traffic jams, fingers running; piano.

6) Exercises with Velcro curlers

Look at the thorns. Touch them.

“I’m not afraid of thorns, even if I prick myself! »

Exercise “Spin, pencil” (use a ribbed pencil)

I roll the pencil in my hands.

I'm twisting between my fingers

I will certainly teach every finger to be obedient.

Valentina Mekhina
Parent meeting (workshop for parents) “Development of fine motor skills of children 3–4 years old”


children and parents. Its importance for successful physical and mental child development.

2. Influence

development of fine motor skills, production of finger theater.

Material: Pencils (faceted, walnuts, massage balls, lacing, clothespins, velvet paper, threads, shading, cereals, toys, fabric, patterns, needles, scissors, eyes, noses.

1. Introduction. Cooperative activity children and parents.

Its importance for successful physical and mental child development.

The game helps to recognize the child’s abilities, provides an opportunity for adults and children to enjoy communication with each other, and equips them with an invaluable educational tool necessary at any age - humor. A smile and laughter can defuse any conflict situation and capture the child’s attention.

We want the baby to be healthy, cheerful, beautiful, know and be able to do a lot. And nothing makes a child happier than playing with mom and dad. That's why it's so important to play games together. children and parents. The more communication, the more intense is its physical and mental development. This is the psychology of children development.

If a child learns to follow the rules in a game, then in other situations he will be more willing to listen to instructions parents.

Playing together gives the child the opportunity to understand that he is dear to us, and this is an invaluable feeling for the baby, helping to build self-confidence and positive self-esteem.

Any games with a child help parents look at the world through the eyes of a child, and this in turn helps us acquire deeper knowledge and competently approach issues of education.

How to choose the right games for your baby? The main thing is to take into account the age characteristics of the baby. If the baby is less than three years old, games with soft toys, a ball, pyramids, and cubes are suitable. Older kids will be interested in guessing riddles, drawing, modeling, various quizzes, relay races, board games, outdoor games, role-playing games, theatrical games, etc.

Don't forget about your baby's temperament. Quiet and calm games are suitable for some, while others need noisy, cheerful games with high mobility.

Today we will talk about a specific type of games that are aimed at development of fine motor skills of hands.

2. Influence fine motor skills for mental development, physical and speech functions of the child.

"The Source of Abilities and Gifts children at their fingertips"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Scientists, physiologists and psychologists have proven that one of the indicators and conditions for good physical and neuropsychic The development of a child is the development of his hand, brushes, manual skills or, as they call it - fine finger motor skills of the hand.

Research by scientists (V. N. Bekhtereva, I. N. Sechenova, Y. P. Pavlova, L. M. Koltsova) showed that there is a relationship between coordination small hand movements and speech. Level development speech is always directly dependent on the degree development of small movements of the fingers. Until finger movements become free, speech development and Therefore, thinking will be slow, since thinking is closely related to speech and depends on it.

Chinese and Japanese doctors have found that by interacting with the hands, it is possible to eliminate emotional stress, normalize the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and maintain vitality.

In terms of saturation with biologically active zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. Doctors have found that massage of the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, massage of the index finger has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach, the ring finger has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger has a positive effect on the heart.

Humanity has always had a special relationship with hands. Hands made fire, food, they protected, built homes, created everything necessary for life. Hands were used to judge health, a person’s position in society (a white-handed person or a hard worker, his strength, energy, profession

(musical hands, working hands, about character, temperament (phlegmatic or fast, nervous hands).

It is no coincidence that there are so many expressions related to hands in the Russian language.

Completing a creative task

We invite you to recall proverbs, sayings, sayings about hands:


"Skillful fingers"

"Hands on heart"

"Just a stone's throw away"

"With your hands dilute»

"Hands give up"

"Both hands for"

"One's own hand is the ruler"

“To rake in the heat with someone else’s hands”

“Hands don’t grow from there”

“As if it just happened”.

Fine motor skills hands also interacts with such properties of consciousness as attention, optical-spatial perception (coordination, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory. Developing fine motor skills is also important because that the child’s entire future life will require the execution of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform many different everyday and educational activities.

Development of fine motor skills hands occurs in various activities. Modeling from clay and plasticine, salt dough. Drawing and coloring pictures is a favorite activity of preschoolers and a good exercise for development of fine motor skills. Making crafts from paper, natural materials, laying out figures, numbers, letters from counting sticks or matches according to a pattern and without it.

Except development of fine motor skills, these activities also develop imagination, a child's fantasy.

Work on development of fine motor skills and speech may include myself:

Hand massage

Gymnastics and finger games

Different types of theater

Didactic games

Games and exercises with natural materials

Visual activities

Today we will dwell on some types of activities in more detail.

For example, massage:

It passes with the use of objects and without objects.

No items: this is stroking, patting, rubbing, kneading the hands and fingers.

With objects: with faceted pencil, walnut.

Massage with a faceted pencil

"Making Fire" (rolling a pencil between your palms)

I will roll the pencil

Maybe I'll get some fire.

Rolling the pencil along the back of your hands, squeezing the pencil into a fist one at a time. Grasping and holding a pencil between your fingers.

Met a hedgehog:

“Hello, brother, how are you?”

Walnut massage

“When we say hello to a nut, we squeeze it tightly in our fist.”

“Our nut ran along the path”

“Roll a nut down the hill”


There are types of massage in an unconventional way using a massage ball. (showing a game with a massage ball).

Finger gymnastics and finger games

Many books have been written about the importance of finger gymnastics. Psychologists say that exercises for the fingers develop attention and memory. Finger games accompanied by poetic texts, develop a sense of rhythm and help to work on diction. Therefore, game training must begin at an early age. Finger games also help improve lexical, grammatical and coherent speech (ability to conduct a dialogue, tell, retell).

There are games on development of fine motor skills with musical accompaniment and singing.

At a younger age, it is good to use games - lacing, games with clothespins, various pyramids. Currently, games are widely available on sale, but children like manuals made with their own hands more, and they are happy to complete the proposed tasks.

Develop sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills, develop spatial orientation, promote learning concepts: "top", "bottom", "right", "left".

Develop lacing skills. (Game show).

Finger theater is an excellent material for development of children's imagination, thinking and speech, contribute development of fine motor skills.

(Game show).

When playing with buttons of different colors, shapes and sizes, the child experiences pleasure, and the movements of the fingers directly affect motor development(motor) centers.

When preparing your hand for writing, shading is best.

(Show hatches).

Cereals are a very useful and enjoyable material for activities with children. By playing with cereals, we make the child's fingers more sensitive and dexterous. After all, picking up a grain is very difficult for a child.

I offer several games exercises:

1. Getting to know each other children with cereals(buckwheat, semolina, beans, rice, millet)

2. Massage with cereals.

3. With younger preschoolers - “Where are my hands hidden?”

4. Sprinkling cereal from one hand to another.

5. "Cinderella"

Competition between parents:

1. Hide in cereal small toys, buttons and offer to find "treasure".

2. Blindfolded, determine the type of cereal by touch.

3. What can you do with cereals? Seeds?

4. Draw a picture using semolina.

3. Presentation of games and exercises development of fine motor skills, making finger

Publications on the topic:

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention a workshop that introduces parents of pupils to various games and exercises aimed at...

Parent meeting “Development of fine motor skills in young children” Parent meeting "Development of fine motor skills in young children." Purpose: To introduce parents to various games aimed at...

Goal: To reveal the influence of fine motor skills on the development of children’s speech. Objectives: Show the importance of working on the development of fine motor skills; .

INTRODUCTORY WORD: It’s no secret that everything a child does and learns primarily comes from the family. And understanding and compliance.

The goal is to build emotional and trusting relationships that contribute to the full development of the child and positive self-realization.

Seminar summary Purpose: To familiarize parents with the need to develop fine motor skills in young children, to familiarize them with practical aspects.

Workshop for parents of senior preschool age Mind at your fingertips. Development of fine motor skills in a child Goal: Show parents the importance of working on developing fine motor skills; to identify the relationship between the development of fine motor skills of the hands and speech of preschoolers;

Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system.

Parent meeting “Our fingers play - our speech develops.”

Form of conduct: seminar-workshop.

Target:- give parents an idea of ​​the role of fine motor skills in the psychophysical development of children;

To give parents knowledge about the importance of finger games in the development of a child’s speech;

Task:-introduce parents to techniques for developing fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age.

Participants: parents, teacher, group students, music director, speech therapist (as an observer).


1. On the screen is a slide with the words of V. M. Bekhterev: “Hand movements are always closely related to speech and contribute to its development.”

2. Exhibition of books on the theme of the meeting.

Location: group room.

Equipment: tables, various sheets of paper, finger paints, water, wet wipes, massage mats and balls, smiley faces on Velcro, stereo system, multimedia equipment.

Move Events:

Today I would like to talk to you about the development of speech in babies. Or rather, about one of the means of developing children's speech.

It is known that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers.

Statistics show that in recent years the level of speech development of children has noticeably decreased. The question arises, why? Yes, because parents, terribly busy with their work, talk to their children less and less. And the children themselves talk less because they watch and listen more. In addition, our children rarely do anything with their own hands, because modern toys, objects and things are arranged as conveniently as possible, but are not effective for the development of motor skills. This includes mothers’ favorite clothes and shoes with Velcro instead of laces and buttons. Modern books and manuals with stickers instead of pictures for cutting out, household items and appliances controlled using a remote control. All this, of course, is progress.

The result is that the child does not speak or speaks very poorly. Each family has a different attitude towards this phenomenon. Some are alarmed by the fact that by the age of one year the baby speaks only 2-3 words. Others are calm, despite the fact that a three-year-old child cannot form the simplest phrase and knows only a small number of everyday words. As a rule, parents believe that over time their child will catch up with his peers and speak on his own. And they are very wrong!

Based on an examination of children, the following pattern was revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within normal limits; if the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be normal and even higher than normal.

So why are finger games one of the effective means of speech development in preschool age? Because the development of hands is in close connection at the finest neural level with the development of the child’s speech and thinking.

The level of development of fine finger motor skills and coordination of hand movements is one of the indicators of intellectual and speech development, since the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for motor skills are closely intertwined with the speech and thinking centers, respectively, influencing the child’s readiness for school. A child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, his attention and memory are quite well developed, and he has coherent, laconic speech.

Finger gymnastics is divided into three groups.

1. Exercises for hands (age 1.5 – 3 years) develop imitative abilities, teach how to tense and relax muscles, develop the ability to maintain the position of the fingers for a while and switch from one movement to another at the right pace.

2. Conditional-static exercises for fingers (age 3-4 years) serve to practice previously acquired skills.

3. Dynamic exercises for fingers (age 4-6 years) develop coordination of movements, teach them to “oppose” the thumb to the rest.

Therefore, we can draw a preliminary conclusion: while the child is small, one should not demand too much from him. Let's teach and develop it together in a playful way.

To set you up for further work, I suggest playing a game.

Warm-up “Pencils”

Objectives: relieve emotional tension, promote the acquisition of interpersonal communication skills at the non-verbal level.

Material: 2 pencils for each pair of participants.

(The exercise is performed to the accompaniment of slow music. Parents stand opposite each other at a distance of 70-90 cm and try to hold two pencils by pressing their ends with the pads of their index fingers).

Task: Without releasing the pencils, move your hands, performing the given movements.

After each exercise, you need to relax your fingers (shake your hands);

Fingers should be loaded evenly.

Finger games and exercises are a unique tool for speech development. Pediatricians and psychologists believe that the psychomotor processes of speech development directly depend on the development of the child’s fine motor skills. Learning texts using “finger” gymnastics stimulates the development of thinking, attention, and imagination. The child remembers poetic texts better, his speech becomes more accurate and expressive with smooth transitions.

Exercises for brushes “Ball” and “Lanterns”

1. The fingers of both hands are in a pinch and the tips are touching.

We quickly inflate the balloon -

It becomes large (blow on your palm and fingers - they take a shape resembling a ball).

2. Hold your palms in front of you, straightening and spreading your fingers;

Squeeze your fingers (the flashlights go out, unclench your fingers (the flashlights come on).

It has been proven that the stronger and more mobile a baby’s fingers are, the more confidently the baby learns about the world around him and masters its wisdom. Of course, the sooner these workouts begin, the faster your fingers will get smarter! How can we train these still naughty kids? Is there a way to do this easily and naturally? Yes, it is. And it’s amazing how “old” it is – finger games! After all, children make contact more easily during the game.

Psychologist I. Kant wrote: “The hand is the human brain that has come out.” There are about 1000 biologically active points on the palm and foot. By influencing them, you can regulate the activity of internal organs, as well as develop the entire body as a whole.

Finger games are a dramatization of children's poems that develop attention, coordination and fine motor skills, which are closely related to speech and thinking, and preparation for writing. The hand develops earlier in the process of growth, and its development, as it were, pushes the formation of speech. By learning texts with gymnastics, the baby will not only speak better, but also develop imagination and memory. In addition, such activities help develop the creative abilities of our kids.

And now I suggest to your attention to perform and learn several finger games, which you can play with your children in the future.

(we straighten our fingers)

One two three four five

The fingers went out for a walk.

(we bend our fingers)

This finger went into the forest

this finger found a mushroom

This finger was cleaning the table.

This one is good, and this one is evil.

Finger-finger tap and tap (repeated 2 times)

Clap, clap, clap (clap your hands)

Stomp your feet, stomp (repeat 2 times)

Hid, hide (cover your face with your hands).

If finger gymnastics exercises cause some difficulties for children, then parents help the child restrain the remaining fingers from involuntary movements.

Here's the next task:

This finger wants to sleep.

This finger is a jump on the bed!

This finger took a nap.

This finger has already fallen asleep.

Fingers stood up. Hooray!

It's time to go to kindergarten.

In these poems you can bend your fingers, starting with the thumb, then with the little finger, then on the right, then on the left hand, the order does not matter.

Another type of finger games is finger painting with a poem. Children draw, adults help.

Equipment: tables, white and blue finger paints, white and tinted sheets of paper, water, wet wipes.

Snow, snow is spinning,

The whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle,

They spun like a snowball.

With a good imagination of parents, you can invent and tell fairy tales, which can also be accompanied by images of various finger figurines. It is necessary to ensure that the child performs the exercises easily, without difficulty, so that the activities bring joy. These exercises can be carried out with all children, and especially with those who have a general underdevelopment of speech or any of its disorders (stuttering, dysarthria and others).



The house stands with a chimney and a roof,

I went out to the balcony for a walk.

Palms are directed at an angle, fingertips touching; The middle finger of the right hand is raised up, the tips of the little fingers touch each other, performing a straight line (pipe, balcony)


Grandma put on glasses

And the granddaughter saw it.

The thumb of the right and left hand, together with the rest, form a ring. Bring the rings to your eyes


I'm holding a flag in my hand

And I wave to the guys.

Four fingers (index, middle, ring and little fingers) together with the thumb down. Back of the hand towards you.


The steamboat is sailing along the river,

And he puffs like a stove

Both palms are placed on the edge, the little fingers are pressed (like a ladle), and the thumbs are raised up.


Leaves are falling in the garden

I'll sweep them away with a rake.

Palms facing yourself, fingers intertwined, straightened and also directed towards yourself


Starling lives in a birdhouse

And he sings a sonorous song.

The palms are placed vertically towards each other, the little fingers are pressed (like a boat), and the thumbs are bent inward.


Quickly inflate the balloon.

He's getting big.

Suddenly the balloon burst, the air came out -

He became thin and thin.

All fingers of both hands are in a “pinch” and their tips touch. In this position, we blow on them, while the fingers take the shape of a ball. The air “comes out” and the fingers return to their original position.


And the cat has ears

Ears on the top of the head

To hear better

The mouse is in her hole.

The middle and ring fingers rest on the thumb. The index and little fingers are raised up.


Goal: to teach the elements of self-massage of fingers.

Equipment: massage mats and balls.

Participants sit where it is convenient for them. A poem is read, and parents stretch their children’s hands.

I'll rub my palms hard,

I'll twist each finger,

I'll say hello to him

And I'll start pulling out.

Then I will wash my hands.

I'll put my finger in your finger,

I'll lock them up

And I'll keep it warm.

I'll let my fingers go

Let them run like bunnies.

Our journey into the world of magic fingers has come to an end! Hope everyone enjoyed it! You can repeat everything at home or come up with your own, but remember, by devoting as much time as possible to your child, you not only help him grow and develop, but also make him happier!


If you liked our meeting, please leave the smiley face that is attached to the back of your high chair, and if you still have questions about raising children, you can leave them and wishes in a special notebook in the group.
