Bitch. Collective image

Many girls have long noticed that in many areas of their lives they are constantly being passed over by beautiful, elegant, spectacular and efficient bitches.
Why is that? Maybe become a bitch?
Let's find out...


1. The bitch does not hide her true desires and intentions, does not bother herself with creating illusions.

2. The bitch is distinguished by non-triviality and uniqueness in everything, she despises all sorts of stereotypes, including those that public opinion imposes on ladies who form an average wardrobe. She has good taste, which, when multiplied by the artistry of her nature, creates that unique and sophisticated look that instantly sets the bitch apart from the crowd.

3. The bitch sacredly guards her own comfort, and therefore will never sacrifice convenience in the name of the empty idea of ​​“making an impression.”

4. The bitch is not vain in general and does not specifically strive to increase the number of admirers, in particular, because she already knows her own worth. Besides, no one's opinion except her own is of any value to her. The bitch is self-sufficient, walks on her own and is not at all burdened by loneliness.

5. Being smart and ironic, the bitch does not need friends, because she despises all other ladies and young ladies for stupidity and vanity.

6. The bitch despises marriage bonds, she is generally disgusted with any kind of permanent unions. In general, it simply would not occur to her to pursue a man or plan some kind of multi-step operations in order to keep him. But when a man realizes that they do not want to lasso him at all, he himself begins to taste chases and persecution. The demonstrative indifference of the bitch turns out to be the best decoy, gathering close flocks of males around her.

7. The bitch goes through life playfully, acting is in her blood. Thanks to this talent, she masterfully manipulates those around her. Not being burdened with any moral principles, the bitch calmly uses everyone and everything to achieve her goals or simply to satisfy momentary whims.

8. At the same time, every man for her is, if not disposable, then in any case an object of temporary use. There is nothing permanent in her life at all, because the bitch is changeable, eccentric and internally free from obligations as such.

9. Every bitch is a girl with character. This is a strong, integral, extraordinary personality, powerful and cruel. However, her cruelty is far from deceit, revenge, or any other black desire to annoy her neighbor, for any passions are generally alien to her. Her cruelty is a product of indifference. This is rather not a conscious evil, but an inability to do good, because she does not know such a feeling that motivates her to do good as compassion; she is always driven by common sense, but never by feelings. Indifference is her natural and completely harmonious state.


I am beautiful, smart, charming, funny, purposeful, attractive and real. I love me. I love my body, character, appearance, etc. I don’t want to change anything, I just want to maintain and improve everything.

Bitch, bitch, dog, dog; shabolda, brains on the front, thinks in the front, cat, weak on the front Dictionary of Russian synonyms. bitch noun, number of synonyms: 11 cat (142) ... Synonym dictionary

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

BITCH, bitches, women. (colloquial). decrease to bitch. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Lazy bitch. Simple Contempt. About a woman of easy virtue. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 317. And the bitch didn’t bark about anyone. Perm. Neglect About a worthless, insignificant person. Podyukov 1989, 191. Bitch with a handle. Jarg. they say Bran. About a woman causing anger,… … Big dictionary Russian sayings

Knot, knots, knots, knots, knots, knots, knots, knots, knots, knots, knots, knots, knots (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

- ... Wikipedia

bitch- from school, and, born. p.m. h. from uchek... Russian spelling dictionary

bitch- (1 g); pl. su/chki, R. su/check... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

bitch- and, f. 1) The same ones that bitch 1). 2) transl., vulg. Getting along like a sweet word, transl. good women... Ukrainian Tlumach Dictionary

See bitch... encyclopedic Dictionary


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I love and I am loved. I am admired and envied, and all because I have become different from most women. I became strong, smart, beautiful. I became Bitch and I have never regretted it!

Today, in the process of communicating with one person dear to me and finding out what he (she) has on at this stage time, not everything is good in a relationship with a young man, I advised turning on the “bitch mode” (read “bitch” mode) for a while and I myself began to think, what does “bitch” actually mean and is it really that bad?

Google didn’t enlighten me much on this matter and therefore I had to piece together this very image. I had to write something myself, ask friends something, ask something on social networks...

Many girls are bitches in life, and are even proud of it. But each of them puts a different meaning into the words: “ I'm a Bitch » .
Someone achieved great success in their career by walking without looking back over corpses; someone couldn’t earn millions on their own, but found someone who could do it for you; someone has faced problems in life one-on-one, without anyone’s help, and therefore is ready to “step over” everyone in life and, without looking back, move on through life with their heads held high; someone fell madly in love with a strange man, but was able to fall in love with him and take him away; and someone, for fun, drives the best and most successful men in the world to madness and makes them crawl on their knees, without giving them the slightest hope...

Such actions are assessed as the actions of Bitches, but they are all different. Are you proud of being successful? Bitch? What are you? Why do you - Bitch, and how does this manifest itself?

I asked several women this question. Some of them, indeed, in my understanding, are bitches, some are “white and fluffy.”

A bitch from a woman's point of view

— A bitch is not a way of life, but a state of mind.
Beautiful girls, passionate, with their own whims and quirks, unique and self-confident, driving men crazy and arousing admiration among women. They always achieve what they want and never go unnoticed.

— Selfish, quarrelsome, intriguing, well-groomed, modern.

“Bitches like themselves and don’t care about anyone else anymore.” Well, as for men, they all love to ride around mad horses.

— A bitch is a girl who has a high opinion of herself, unprincipled, tough in character, ready to “walk over corpses” in life. Men often like this type of woman because with them they can also become tougher and more assertive. It is extremely difficult to make friends and communicate with them if you are not a bitch yourself))) You can become a bitch, but at the same time you risk losing sincere love and the sympathy of others, for this it is enough to think only about yourself, never to be considered by anyone.

- Men are also drawn to such ladies, especially when you pretend that you are white and fluffy, and not a bitch at all! It also seems to me that bitches are calculating and smart, and it’s dangerous to be with them!

- Bitches are selfish, hateful people high self-esteem. Yes, guys like them because they always give.

- If you want to live with dignity, be a bitch!

- Bitch (=bitch) is always with strong character!
A woman with a strong character will never put herself under anyone else. A woman with a strong character, as a rule, is always successful! Men don’t like strong people, but they respect them very much... Because they are afraid! And a whore should not be confused with a bitch, a whore will put herself under anyone for money, and a bitch will choose someone who will be no less strong than her, the so-called. successful!

- A whore can be a bitch, but a bitch can never be a whore!

— A bitch is such a sweet girl who tries with all her might to be cooler than everyone else. And she sleeps with her boyfriend's friend. Personally, I consider myself a bitch.

“The bitch knows how to control a man so that he thinks he’s a macho man.” But she knows that he is a schmuck who is ready to crumble into pieces for her sake...

- A real bitch is a woman who twists a man so that he doesn’t notice it, and at the same time with benefit both for him and for herself.

- A bitch is a woman who knows her worth and does not waste her time on different things.

— My opinion: bitches and bitches are girls who are disappointed in men. Either they had their heart broken, or they had a negative atmosphere at home since childhood. “Bitch” is a shield that women use to hide from men, or from some life situations. Every girl has both a bitch and a bitch in her, but you need to know when to take advantage of it...

- A bitch is not a bitch, but you have to be strong. These are the times we have. And a bitch is a very smart girl.

— The real Bitch is a woman of mystery. They suspect that she also sometimes cries, can love, feel pity, walk around the house disheveled and drink moonshine with her neighbor friend. Bitch can do anything. But NOBODY caught her doing such things. This is strange and makes me even more curious. Both men and women. The unknown always attracts...

— A bitch is a strong, independent and purposeful lady, smart, well-mannered, well-groomed, who knows her worth and has a great command of the science of winning over people, primarily representatives of the opposite sex.

A bitch from a man's point of view

Many men really like Suki girls, femme fatales, bright and expressive, daring and desirable, like a forbidden and inaccessible fruit... Devilishly beautiful and burning, but at the same time angelically charming. But oddly enough, many men do not like such girls, either from the desire for a calm and comfortable life, or from the fear of being deceived and exhausted by such a bright, colorful, but painful relationship...

“I don’t know how to become a bitch, but we often like them.” Probably because I want to conquer this one...

“Most men don’t like bad women who call themselves bitches.” Most of these “bitches” are unhappy women, because... They themselves don’t know how to love, and they can’t be loved either. They are insensitive and incapable of tenderness. To get an orgasm, a woman needs to give herself to a man, and they are not capable of this. Often due to fear of abandonment. Therefore, they prefer to “conquer” many men and “sort of abandon them.” But they don’t take into account that only men of a certain type fall for bitches. Full-fledged successful man will prefer a normal woman, capable of love, motherhood and comfort, rather than an explosive bomb that has no meaning.

— Bitches are interesting to conquer. I won this - another plus in a series of personal achievements.

- If this a real man, then the hunter “wakes up” in him. He begins to feel that this is the woman he must conquer. To do this he has to be inventive. Perhaps he will “tame” the bitch, and it will seem to him that he has won. And only then will he understand that it is impossible to finally conquer the bitch. This is what keeps him close to her. Even if she stays with him, this will not turn her into the man’s “property”. It will definitely turn out that she is not going to obey, and generally exists on her own.


And yet most men are happy when they win a bitch. They are bored next to a submissive and compliant woman. He is forced to please, because the independent behavior of the bitch arouses in him not only love, but also respect. Why do men love bitches? Yes, because bitches do not allow them to “relax”, they bring variety to life, keep a man “on his toes” and stimulate his desire to be better in her eyes. One might even assume that a bitch helps a man understand life more deeply. This makes them smarter, more interesting and even more complex. As a result, a man grows as a person. With a modest and “ready for anything” woman, this is almost impossible.

- Stupid bitch.
- What you said?!
- The weather is dry!

Some girls have a bitch face. It is often called bitchy face syndrome, angry face, sour face, “bitch face” or RBF (resting bitch face). But this is a facial expression that does not correspond to reality.

The girl looks frowning, aggressive, gloomy and angry. But in reality a person may be in good mood and even joyful. This facial expression can be seen on Hollywood stars: Kristen Stewart, Victoria Beckham, Bella Hadid, Anna Kendrick, Avril Lavigne, Christina Ricci, Charlize Theron and others. Their lean and bitchy faces are familiar to everyone, but this is not due to their evil character.

Bitch face or “beach face” Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron

Many watched the movie “Twilight” and noticed the expressionless face of actress Kristen Stewart. The actress has poor facial expressions by nature and this happens often. RBF syndrome is now corrected by surgeons who lift drooping corners of the lips and remove anger lines from the forehead.

Bitch face or “beach face” Victoria Beckham

Many girls suffer from a similar illness. They are often asked: “What happened?” and “Why are you sad?” How to identify a bitchy bitch from a girl with a whip face?

Signs She's Really a Bitch

1. A bitch ignores you when you approach her and has nothing to do with being friendly. The bitch turns away when you try to talk to her. The bitch doesn't even try to be polite.

2. The bitch is rude, ironic, condescending and even cynical with people. She makes rude comments, ridicules others, is dismissive, mocks, mocks, and smiles smugly.

3. The bitch loves to gossip, judge and talk behind her back. The bitch is unraveling bad rumors and gossip.

Bitch Face or Beach Face Avril Lavigne

Signs she only has the face of a bitch

1. A girl with a “bitch face” smiles back, reacts to requests and easily makes contact.

2. A girl with a “bitch face” is polite. She is friendly and attentive to others.

3. The girl with the “bitch face” is simple and brings back the warmth. She is not an “emotional log”, but a lively and responsive girl with whom it is easy to communicate.

Bitch face or “beach face” Bella Hadid

Learn to distinguish ordinary bitches from girls with a “bitch face” or “bitch face”.

Despite the fact that there is a lot of negativity associated with the word "bitch", the number of requests for how to become a bitch has far exceeded requests related to how to become a real woman. You can talk for a long time on the topic “Should you become one or not,” but if you have such a desire, then it is necessary. After all, the concept of “bitch” today characterizes a self-confident woman who values ​​and loves herself, does not adapt to men, and despite everything knows how to be happy in her personal life. Let's figure out who a bitch woman is and what qualities set her apart from the rest.

What qualities does he have?

Before you make a list of qualities that need to be developed in order to receive the proud title of “a woman is a bitch,” understand what this word means. No need to take it right away Dictionary and read what is written there. Firstly, this will not help, and secondly, the interpretation that is indicated there does not correspond to what is meant by this concept.

Women bitches love themselves

A bitch is a woman who is distinguished by her independence of judgment, a clear understanding of what she wants from life, and the ability to appreciate and love herself. One of the main features of such representatives of the fair sex remains their desire to build their lives, in spite of anyone and nothing. This is achieved thanks to great strength will and faith in one’s own strength.

Women who are bitches do not pay attention to the opinions of others, listen to advice that they ask themselves, do not react to caustic remarks and know how to respond to an insult so gracefully and accurately that the offender does not know what to say.

The bitch created herself

A bitch is a strong woman who created herself. Even if men helped her in life, she deserved it with her actions, beauty and ability to endure unfavorable circumstances. There is no consensus on whether such a woman should ask for something from men who are quite wealthy, but here each representative of the fair sex decides for herself whether this is acceptable for her or not. But in no case will she look like a supplicant, humiliatingly begging new fur coat or jewelry.

Has a desire to help those in need

The highlight of a bitch woman will be her desire to help those in need, taking advantage of her charm and charm. But she does this only in relation to those who cannot do this themselves.

Most often, such women show interest in homeless animals, helping financially to shelters or societies for their protection, world conservation funds wildlife, orphanages, nursing homes or children with cancer. No matter how strange it may seem, a real bitch will never refuse to feel the power of her influence on men, asking them to do a noble deed for her by making a charitable contribution. She does not need gratitude when she does this for herself, but understands that the good she has done will definitely return.

The bitch won't be a vest

A woman who is a bitch will not listen to someone’s complaints for the hundredth time if the person himself does nothing to change his life. If she agrees to listen to someone's request, then only once.

Having analyzed the problem and realizing that her help is needed, she will not advise or discuss what happened, but will do what she can to alleviate the situation. But such a woman will never become a vest into which all and sundry cry. She has no time to listen to complaints because she needs strength to achieve the goals she has set for herself.

A woman who decides to become a bitch must remember that if she wants to achieve something in life, she must learn to carefully develop plans, analyze her own capabilities and calculate her strength so as not to stop halfway.

A bitch can always say no

It also doesn’t hurt to remember that other people’s interests should not interfere with her, and if necessary, she will have to learn to refuse. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance; saying “no” to a person is very difficult. But you will have to do this if you do not have time, and even more so if he needs your help, only because he himself does not want to do something. By the way, this happens very often, especially if those around you are accustomed to your dependability and readiness to help at the first call. This, of course, is not bad, but you still shouldn’t put your kindness and compassion on the altar of other people’s interests.

To make it easier to refuse, try to understand why the person is making such a request to you, whether he can do it himself, and how much effort it will cost you. It doesn’t hurt to evaluate your own environment, whether all of the people who are part of your social circle are your friends. Did none of them betray, deceive, or use you for their own purposes? Did each of them come or will come to help when you ask. If among them there are people who only hide behind a kind attitude, appearing in your life when they need it, then feel free to say goodbye to them. Bitches most often have a selective attitude towards people. They are very selective about who is included in their social circle. And it’s much easier to say “no” to people who don’t value you.

7 rules for becoming a bitch

Develop your memory

This will help you remember a large amount of information, which is indispensable when making any decisions. Helps increase memory learning capabilities foreign language, and his knowledge will not be superfluous. Often, bitches travel abroad much more often than ordinary representatives of the fair sex. And possession, for example, English language, will raise you to unprecedented heights in the eyes of men. An educated person always commands the respect of others. And a woman who is a bitch should always be respected.

Be careful and observant

Study the people you meet, analyze the information you learn about them. It is unknown when the information received and the conclusions drawn may be needed, no matter the type of activity or when communicating as a guest at various events.

Train your willpower

Willpower and self-confidence distinguish a bitch from other women. One can only envy their confidence. They know their worth and can make others treat themselves the way they want. In this they are greatly helped by the presence large quantity knowledge in a variety of fields of activity. And it is not at all necessary to read huge encyclopedias.

The main thing is to isolate the most important thing in any topic, be it politics, finance or sports. Obtaining the necessary information occurs by studying the most current issues in the area that will be encountered during the upcoming meeting.

Read more, educate yourself

Reading books for those who want to become a real bitch Necessarily. You can’t do without a large vocabulary and the ability to express your thoughts succinctly and beautifully. People listen to those who can get a point across quickly and back it up with plenty of evidence. In any case, reading a wide variety of literature teaches you to analyze information, find hidden meaning and ways to achieve goals that previously could not even be thought of.

Be flawless in appearance

A bitch woman's wardrobe is always immaculate. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s at home or for work. Shoes and bags are distinguished by their well-groomed quality and style. Home clothes emphasizes the sensuality and beauty of the owner. None revealing outfits, only a mystery and the ability to balance on the edge. Strict adherence to the dress code is one of the main rules that you need to remember. The chosen outfit, as well as makeup, must correspond to the event in which you will participate.

Let your man be by your side

As for men, you should never allow them to control you. A bitch woman does not live with a man in order to serve him and fulfill all his whims, she allows him to be next to her, an unapproachable beauty. Representative strong half humanity must understand that he was lucky to conquer such a strong woman, and he does not have the right to turn her into a housekeeper.

Always confident in yourself!

Often strong women They are tired of carrying so many responsibilities on their fragile shoulders. But no matter how life changes, the willpower and self-confidence of a woman who is a bitch always sets her apart from those around her.

If you want to become a bitch, don't doubt yourself and your abilities. Often this desire is associated with the need to feel like a real woman who is self-sufficient and does not depend on the stronger sex. And people who are confident in themselves and do not try to please everyone are always in the center of attention, skillfully using their charms.

Just don’t overdo it and turn into a bitch who is cold and dislikes everyone around her. Such women, as a rule, remain lonely and unhappy, because everyone wants to feel care and warmth towards themselves, and not a consumer attitude.
