Conspiracy from barley on the eye - how to read, the text of the conspiracy. A conspiracy to get rid of barley in front of a child and in oneself

Barley appears when the follicle of the eyelash or sebaceous gland, located here, becomes inflamed. This kind of disease is called external. There is also an internal form. In this case, the problems begin with the meibomian gland. You can fight it in several ways, but in no case should you squeeze it out.

In this thread:

With pressure, the structure of all surrounding tissues is disrupted, and they become an ideal place for infection to multiply. And it in this area after squeezing out is a real abundance, because pus always breaks through into the tissue. Therefore, if you want to get rid of such an unaesthetic eye trouble as quickly as possible, it is better to use a good conspiracy from barley. If you do not have faith in him, he most likely will not help, but he will not bring any harm either.

Fukish and treatment of barley

Probably, every child knows that the usual fig, supplemented with strong conspiracies, helps to heal barley. Any of the conspiracies below can be read independently by even a mother, even a grandmother, the main thing is that a person has a sincere desire to help a child in this way. The cookie shown to the sore personifies the desire to deceive the evil spirit, to drive it away. This is due to popular beliefs, which consider such an ailment to be a manifestation of the evil eye. The text of the simplest conspiracy from barley looks like this:

“The barley grew, the mowing approached. As the grass was mowed, so the barley was removed. Barley, get off the body of a servant of God (name) into tartarara forever and ever! Amen".

When this conspiracy is uttered, it is necessary to direct the fig to a sore spot.

The next conspiracy from barley on the eye is used to dry it out as soon as possible. This ritual involves not just reading magic words, but also spitting over the left shoulder to increase the impact on the dark forces. First, they read the text, then circle around the eye with a fig, following in a clockwise direction, then draw a cross in the air, then spit 3 times. The text is like this:

“Barley-barley, you have a fig. You buy yourself a mare. As the filly dies, so the barley dries out.

There are also conspiracies from barley, which involve spitting directly on the sore spot. In doing so, they say:

“Barley-barley, take a cookie, you can buy whatever you want. And buy yourself an ax, cut yourself across!

You need to spit as hard as possible. If you are not satisfied with how this rite offers to heal a sore spot, you need to choose the appropriate option below how else to speak barley on the eye.

Ritual with a comb

One of the well-known ways to show how to speak barley on the eye is a ritual with a comb. It is necessary to take a comb and press it to the eye on which there is a sore. While the comb is pressed against the eye. They pronounce these words:

“The barley grew, mowing came. The barley was mowed, the healer was persuaded. Grandfather-Vedok, speak barley to go to the forest, to the water, to the meadow grass from the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

After these words, they spit on their finger (necessarily nameless, because it personifies the disappearance) so that saliva remains on the finger. It must be smeared on the inflamed place, moving the finger clockwise.

Holy water ritual

You can read conspiracy words in holy water. This is an effective tool for those who do not know how effective and uncomplicated. First, 12 candles are purchased in the church shop, they take holy water in the church itself. Going back from the church, you must say:

“Barley, barley, leave my eye, I will harass you at once. Amen!"

When you enter your house, you need to wash your hands, prepare cotton wool, light 12 candles, pour holy water into a glass, and put it here. Cotton wool should be moistened in holy water and wipe the inflamed area with it. Then you should slowly wipe it and say:

“I rub you, I rub, barley on my eye. Let the infection come out the first time. I'll wash it with water, I'll wash it again. Barley, you leave my sore eye. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

The words are repeated three times and all this time you need to slowly and gently rub your eye, but you can’t press.

The text of a strong conspiracy

For treatment, you can use a very strong conspiracy, which is needed for those who have barley is not the result of hypothermia and weakened immunity, but the result of the evil eye. In this case, you need to read the words of the prayer "Our Father" 3 times, and then turn to the conspiracy itself. Words are easy to remember:

“Just as the evil eye is received from the eyes, so the barley will be wiped out at once. Voditsa will wash, quickly hide. Will return to the one who wished me a bag. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

In order for the text of the conspiracy to become a truly magical formula, one must understand what is at stake. Therefore, it is better to focus on the fact that the word "pouch" is pronounced with an emphasis on the last syllable and means a beggar's bag, that is, wanting "pouch", they want poverty and sorrows.

In order for any of the conspiracies given here to begin to "work", you must definitely believe in your words and actions. Lack of faith or doubt will destroy all magic.

Misted Glass Ritual

To carry out such a ritual, you need to boil a pot of water in the kitchen. This will cause all the windows in the room to fog up. Vents and windows cannot be opened, otherwise you will not get the desired effect. Then they lead the finger over the misted glass, when it gets wet, they pass the same finger over the site of inflammation.

It is better to use the ring finger. Actions should be repeated several times.

Redness and swelling on the eye, called barley, in our time has its own specific treatment with medications, which you can buy at any pharmacy. According to the old traditions of the people, it is customary to read a conspiracy from barley, which is usually performed only by strictly observing all ritual actions. An eye disease, especially in small children, may be the result of someone else's, evil eye. Therefore, one cannot do without a magical spell-amulet, it is necessary to protect the energy of your child from the effects of otherworldly forces. So how to read a plot from strongly barley on the eye?

How to read a spell to help

Like any other, a conspiracy from barley on the eye requires correct reading and following the rules:

  • pronounce the words of the spell only with a clear belief in a successful outcome of the case;
  • the reading of the ritual must be reproduced in a whisper, slowly, pondering over what has been said;
  • prepare for yourself all the necessary components of the spell in advance, so that everything is at hand and does not knock down the energy flow of magic;
  • carry out the ritual secretly from prying eyes, or only in the presence of a person suffering from a sore;

For the simplest conspiracy from barley, you will need to simply twist the muzzle under the sore eye and speak:

"Barley, barley - I'm blowing on you, the barley is dry - the dog is dead."

A peculiar way to get rid of the evil eye from a person to an animal. If you or people close to you turn red under the eyelashes, you certainly need to read the spell - we are dealing with envy and the evil eye. Most often, a conspiracy to barley is done out of anger and envy, they say:

"So that you have an illness under the gas happened"

or simply wish harm to the opponent, and, as you know, malicious intent often attacks the face. They envy what a wonderful child you have.

In order to get rid of yourself and protect your household from the evil eye and corruption, you must say the words of the Our Father prayer seven times every evening. At least once a week visit the temple of God, and pray for the health of the family, light candles for health and well-being.

Spell from Vorozhka

Natalya Stepanova, offers an effective way to speak barley in front of a child's eye, without harm to health. We need:

  • well water;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • handkerchief or napkin.

We cook a decoction of chamomile flowers: three tablespoons of ground herbs per liter of water. Boil for ten minutes, let stand for about an hour. Read three times:

“Chamomile-sister, help me out of trouble. Help from the evil eye."

Wipe the eyelid with a handkerchief soaked in a decoction, morning and evening. It is important if both eyes are sick - wipe with different napkins for five days. How to remove barley from the eye with a conspiracy? At night, read: “Night-mother, hide all the bad things. Let the barley torment the one who slanders, but don’t touch us.”

Spells from an abscess in a child

A conspiracy from barley will be effective if done on a waning moon, then the sore will go away as the moon wanes. Even medical treatment will pass much faster during this period. A child with an abscess on the eye must follow the rules of personal hygiene, a doctor's prescription. In no case should you rub the cereal, otherwise damage can be brought to the second eyelid.

Before dawn, raise your child and wash with holy water:

“I wash away the trouble, I’ll take it away from the child. Do not look, bad eye, at my angel. Test the damage on yourself, and not on him. In the beliefs of our grandmothers, there was a ritual: when a child woke up, anoint the sore with water from a misted window: “Go away, abscess, to distant forests. Find a home for yourself."

Barley, conspiracy on the cookie:

“Sore-sore, hold on - here's a cookie for you. Go wherever you want - even for a bull, but even for a cow, for a black-browed girl.

Twisting the dolly under the eye is an old way of getting rid of the evil eye, which was used in the last century.

Spells and rites with doula

It is possible to speak a strong barley on your own with ease, use a plot with a fig. Kukish, in the common people, is the most effective remedy for getting rid of the disease. How to use? Twist a simple combination of fingers, and we begin to speak on the eyelid:

“I’m not afraid of illness, I’ll twist the fig for him. As the fig dries out, the abscess disappears.

A plot from barley to a knot, for this we need:

  • see in advance a tree with a dry branch;
  • ribbon or woolen thread.

“Cereal-cereal - I'll give you a cookie. Grass - dries up, the branch on the tree disappears.

Then we speak the tape:

“I give up the disease, I open my eyelid, I begin to see. Tree - take your sore, on your rotten bough.

In the morning, tie a dry branch on a tree with a ribbon, it will transfer the disease to a branch that will wither anyway.

Other rituals

You can remove barley from your eye with the help of a conspiracy to the rising moon, take a coin:

“Lunushka-mother, take away the disease, become my remedy. Illuminate with your light, take away all the bad, put it on a coin.

“I will bury my grief along with a coin in a damp earth. As the earth dries up, so the disease dries up. Amen".

A strong conspiracy from large barley will heal the patient at home, we need:

  • dry stick;
  • handkerchief.

On the street on a sunny day, pick up a dry branch, file it with a knife at home:

"I cut the branch - I drive out the barley." Wrap the stick in a handkerchief, now, to get rid of the rest of the disease, burn the handkerchief with a branch, saying: “As a dry branch burns, so my sore will become dry and dry up.”

There is also a conspiracy to treat "malodorous" barley on the eye, let's take:

  • strong tea;
  • steamer;
  • gauze.

We brew a strong tea brew:

“I’ll make a stronger mess. Let him take hold of the pain. Seagull-brother, help me out, save me from barley.

Strain tea through gauze, apply gauze soaked in tea leaves to the sore eye, treat for a week, three times a day.


Barley on the eyelid is a very insidious disease, which is accompanied by:

  • itching, itching under the eyelid or above it;
  • temperature;
  • eyelid edema;
  • redness of the eyeball;
  • swelling.

A conspiracy from barley in the eyes of adults and children

Seki, seki hatchet. From barley

Conspiracies from barley on the eye

It is necessary to understand the origin of such a disease: if a long-term, medical treatment against a sore is powerless, use a folk spell aimed at eliminating the evil eye.

“Go away sickness, to the dogs in the yard. Out of sight, go away, cursed, to a bay mare, and to a curly mongrel.

The main thing is to read the conspiracy from barley on the eye quickly, as if, if you don’t have time to say it faster, the sore will remain with you forever. Believe in every word you utter, and remember that there should be no witnesses during the ritual. Fortunately, there is a large selection of rituals, how resourceful our people were and believed in magic. There are many ways to treat eye diseases: medication, magic conspiracies, folk remedies. The choice is yours. If you combine all the ways to solve the problem, then recovery will come quickly.

Barley is a problem that conventional medicine is not always able to cope with. After one abscess has come down, another immediately appears to replace it. Meanwhile, it is not difficult for a person to help himself on his own, it is enough to put a warm boiled egg to the eye for a short time, and it is even better to perform a magic ritual or read a conspiracy from barley.


For this, no special preparation is needed. It is better to cast a spell on a waning moon, but if the problem is urgent, then it is not necessary to wait. The main thing is that a person has a desire to be healed. The element of surprise is also important, the emotional component and the correct pronunciation of the text learned by heart.

Conspiracies and rituals

On fico

If the ceremony is performed by another person, then he first goes out into the street from the house where the patient is, then goes back and starts the ritual. The speaker folds a figure from the fingers of his right hand, directs it to the affected eye, holding it at a distance of 5-10 cm and leads in the direction of the clockwise movement, while pronouncing the words:

“Hold it, barley, fig, whatever you want, then you can buy. Buy a sharp hatchet, cut yourself across. Amen".

After reading, aiming at the barley, spit three times in the sore eye, and then over the left shoulder, trying not to frighten the person being spoken to. In this case, both the bactericidal property of saliva itself and the effect of surprise, combined with faith and the power of spoken words, act.

You can also perform the ritual to yourself by showing the eye or reflection a folded figure, standing in front of the mirror and at the same time reciting the spell:

“You take a muzzle, you go to the market, you buy it for a penny, and you’re gone forever. May it be so! Amen".

Text words can be:

"Barley, barley, take a fig and an evil eye for yourself, and give the slave (...) his health."

Surprisingly, the problem disappears after 3-4 hours, in extreme cases, this happens in a day.

On a knot

The plot for a knot also works well. It is best to perform the ceremony at sunset. They also bring a folded figurine smeared with soot to the eye and, twisting it clockwise, read:

“In the name of the Father (spit over the left shoulder) and the Son (spit over the shoulder) and the Holy Spirit (spit again). Amen".

Then they look for a knot on a shelf, door, board or tree standing on the street, and read again the plot on the found knot.

With comb

This simple magical ritual has been used since ancient times. You will need a new wooden comb, which should be applied to the affected eye and lightly driven over it, saying the words:

“The barley grew and grew, mowing came, the harvest was mowed, the sorcerer was invited. Grandfather-sorcerer, drive the barley, let it go beyond the forest-water, to the meadows, to nature, to the grass-ant from the eyes of a slave (...). Amen".

After reading, spit on the ring finger and, moving it clockwise, anoint the place where the abscess is visible with saliva.

With black bread

To perform the ceremony with black bread you will need:

  • salt;
  • glass of water;
  • Rye bread.

A glass of water is placed on the table, 3 small pieces are plucked from a loaf of black rye bread. They are held in a pinch and baptized water in a glass, saying:

"Go away, black evil eye, get away from us as soon as possible."

Bread is dipped into water, 3 pinches of salt are taken, they are thrown into a glass and the plot is read a second time. Then the patient is sprayed with water three times, reading the plot for the last time and spitting over the left shoulder after the next spray. The remaining water in the glass should be poured into the toilet, sink or outside the house.

With index finger

“The water of the well is cold, but the swell is viscous under the deck, take away the pain from the eyes of the slave (...) for 33 mountains, 33 barley castles and 33 roads, lock all the keys, but do not let the slave go forever (...) forever. Amen".

Spit three times over the left shoulder.

With saliva

The rite against the abscess is performed after sunset. Wet the ring finger with saliva, circle it around the barley three times with the words:

“Just like the ring finger doesn’t have a name, so you wouldn’t be here either. Amen".

With grains of wheat

A conspiracy with millet will help get rid of barley. It will take 3 grains, which should be put on the stove or baking sheet in the oven, while saying three times:

“As soon as the wheat grains burst, your dog's nipple will disappear. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

On foggy windows

This effective conspiracy will help save a person not only from barley, but also from herpes on the lips. You need to go to the kitchen and close all the doors and windows behind you. They put a pot of water on the stove and boil it over high heat with the lid open until the glass on the windows fogs up. Then they run a finger over the glass, collecting moisture and applying it to a sore spot. The manipulation should be repeated three times. If the rite does not help the first time, you need to repeat it for 2 more days in a row.

with herbs

For execution you will need:

  • water consecrated in the church;
  • some dry wormwood;
  • white wax candle
  • pot.

The patient is seated facing east on a chair placed in the center of the room, a white candle is lit, wormwood is placed in a pot and the grass is set on fire with a match. It is necessary after the wormwood catches fire, slightly extinguish it so that it smolders. They take a pot and carry it around the patient in a clockwise direction.

Passing behind him, each time they spit three times on his left side over his shoulder. At the end of the ritual with a magical object, they put it on the table, while reading prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. They moisten their fingers with consecrated water and baptize the forehead of the person being spoken 3 times. Herbs must completely decay.

With church candles

This strong rite from barley with church candles has a special power and is used if other methods do not help. Traditional healers explain the failures or frequent appearance of barley on the eyelid with a strong evil eye, when you have to turn to higher powers and go to church. In the temple, they buy 12 candles and collect blessed water. At the exit from the church, they are baptized and utter the words in a whisper:

“Leave, barley slave (...) eyes, I will exhaust you for 1 time. Amen".

Upon returning home, you need to wash your hands, pour holy water into a clean cup and put it on the table. Light all 12 candles, soak a cotton swab in consecrated water and wash your eyes, reading "Our Father". After reading 3 times, they say a conspiracy:

“The barley will be washed with holy water and will quickly disappear from the eye. As the slave (...) received the evil eye, he will torment him for 1 time. It will return to the one who wished the slave (...) a lousy bag. As I say, so be it. Amen".

“I do not rub a tear, but barley on my eye, come out, an infection from one time! Moisten with water, rinse once or twice. Barley, go away, never come back. May it be so! Amen".

The eye is washed in only one direction, moving strictly from the corner to the bridge of the nose. The cotton wool is changed constantly, throwing it away after each washing. It is impossible to put pressure on the inflamed area, so as not to accidentally open the abscess.

For millet

Before the start of the magical rite, 100-200 g of millet should be prepared. Heat the pan on the fire and pour out the grits, then reduce the heat and, stirring the millet with a wooden spoon, read the plot:

“I don’t fry porridge, I don’t bake bread, but I take out an abscess from my eye, I take it into the fire.”

with egg

To perform the ritual, it is best to take an egg that has just been laid by a chicken, but if there is none, then a store-bought one will do. They roll the testicle around the eye 13 times strictly in a clockwise direction, whispering the following plot in a whisper:

“I twist and turn, I want to remove the barley from the eye of a slave (...). The chicken carried an egg, gave it to a slave (...). The slave (...) took a gift, bled the barley out of her eyes. Amen".

The egg should be broken into a glass of holy water and placed at the head of the patient's bed.

The ritual is carried out immediately before going to bed, in the morning in most cases everything passes. If this does not happen, then they take a new needle and apply it three times with 10 injections on underwear from the wrong side. In total, you need to prick 30 times.

from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova offers many ways to help get rid of an abscess. One of them is saliva. First you need to spit on the barley or moisten it with saliva, and then turn around, as if addressing someone behind your back, saying:

“Bad barley, go under the stump, laziness slumbers there. Fall asleep together, burn with fire. Amen".

The next rite is performed with a woolen thread of bright red or scarlet color. Under the eye, where the barley jumped up, a knot is tied with the words: “What bothered the eye, I tied it in a loop.” Then they take a church candle, set fire to a thread with a knot from it, and throw the ashes over the threshold of the house or blow them out of the window. The ceremony is repeated three times, without missing a single day, preferably at the same hour.

There are many positive reviews about the ritual with a gold engagement ring, which Natalya Stepanova advises to carry out. This metal is not just a jewel, but also a powerful source of energy that allows you to cope with various problems and diseases. The ritual is as simple as possible to perform and does not even require the pronunciation of any words. It is enough to hold the ring several times over the diseased eyelid and the negative energy will leave the affected area, leaving without a return. Anyone can do these simple steps.

Another ritual - with a pin - will help not only fight inflammation, but also protect or get rid of the evil eye of a child who has health problems. If you attach this charmed magical item to your clothes, then it will first pull all the negative information onto itself, and then return it to the person from whom it came.

To get rid of barley on the eye, it is necessary to ignite the tip of a new pin over a candle flame, then pierce the wax with the words:

"God save us!"

The charmed object is pinned to the clothes on the side where the abscess has formed and worn until recovery occurs. In most cases, just a few hours is enough.

Our ancestors, not possessing medical knowledge, for many centuries got rid of diseases with the help of prayers, herbs and conspiracies. Modern science is unable to explain the action of magic and the effect of the rituals performed. But folk wisdom says that all the rituals, which are carried out with great faith and hope for healing, allow you to cope with diseases much more effectively than any medical drug, starting the recovery process in the body.

It is recommended to carry out the rites in secret from strangers, having spiritually cleansed before the start of the magical action with the help of prayers and reciting the spell in a relaxed, peaceful state. According to the rules, the Orthodox power will help to conduct the rituals, which implies that they are performed by a person who has undergone the rite of baptism. All conspiracies have been tested for many centuries and they do not require special skills, the main thing is to read the words, putting the power of faith into success, and then the result will not be long in coming.

How to speak barley on the eye? This is the case when medicine cannot help, it seems that one barley has left, and a new one jumps up to replace it. Or it happens that there are no pharmacy products at hand, or you can’t get to the doctor. People suffer, suffer, seeking help. And there is help nearby, you yourself.

From folk remedies, they help well from heating barley with a boiled hot egg or any other object heated on fire. It must be applied to the eye so that the barley opens.

Conspiracy words, simple and unpretentious prayers can help. They can be pronounced by any person who does not necessarily own the art of a magician, on any days of the week, better, of course, for the outgoing month. But if trouble happened at a different time - we will not wait for the waning moon, we begin to act right there.

Barley conspiracy with the help of a cookie

This conspiracy from barley is effective and the very next day a person can wake up quite healthy. A rite of healing from barley was once performed by my mother a long time ago and it helped the very next day.

Before you utter a conspiracy, remember that you need to read the main prayer of the Orthodox Christian "Our Father". Then go out into the fresh air, if the patient is with you in the house, and going in from the street, immediately begin the healing ceremony.

On the right hand, make a cookie (dul), point it at the sore eye and drive it clockwise at a distance of 5-10 cm and say these words in a low voice:

Barley - barley, you eat on you,

What will you buy yourself? Buy yourself a mare,

The mare will die. The barley will dry up.

Buy yourself an axe, flog your head. Amen

After finishing the words, spit over the left shoulder and then three times in the sore eye, so that saliva gets on the barley. It is not necessary that there be a lot of saliva, try not to frighten your patient. The effect of surprise is very strong and saliva itself has the ability to heal. But the most important thing is the power of words and faith in them.

Another conspiracy from barley, good for children

Fold your fingers with a fig and showing it to barley say:

Barley grew, mowing approached. They mowed the barley, they asked the sorcerer: Grandfather sorcerer, speak, the servant of God (name) has barley. Go to the forest, to the grass, to the cold water from the servant of God (name). Amen

Conspiracy from barley from Natalia Stepanova

Another conspiracy, it is even simpler than those above:

Spit lightly on the barley and say the following words over your shoulder to the side:

Barley barley, go under the stump, laziness sleeps there, lie down together, burn with fire. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy against barley with the index finger

It is performed with the middle finger of the hand opposite to the sore eye (if the left eye, then with the finger of the right hand), circle around the eye clockwise three times with the words:

"So that you don't have a name like that ring finger."

Then spit three times over the left shoulder.

How to get rid of barley with a plot on a knot

I will add to the above, which work great and help, and one more:
Bring your finger from the fig very close to the barley and, twisting it clockwise, say:

In the name of the Father (spit aside)
and Son (spit aside)
and the Holy Spirit (spit aside). Amen.

Then find a knot on the door, a board or a shelf, you can go out into the yard and find a knot on a tree and repeat the words of the conspiracy on it.

And although at first glance the words of these conspiracies seem a little naive, they still work and bear fruit. Try it if, God forbid, you encounter such a problem.

Yes, God help you and be healthy!

Barley on the eye is an extremely unpleasant disease, familiar to almost every person. According to the law of meanness, it often happens that this sore occurs just on the eve of important events, when a person should be in full dress. What actions to take in this case? You can consult a doctor and try to cure the disease with the help of modern medicines. And you can remember the experience of our ancestors and get rid of the disease with the help of special conspiracies from barley, which have helped the people for centuries.

From a medical point of view, barley on the eye usually occurs with hypothermia or before a cold and indicates a weakened immune system. However, in the past, it was widely believed among the people that this attack is the result of a negative magical effect - the evil eye. Perhaps everyone knows the ritual in which an ailment that pops up in the eye is shown a fiddle or spit on it.

A similar rite often accompanies the most famous barley conspiracies, tested for more than one century. The use of cookies is not accidental. In ancient times, this gesture was given a sacred meaning: the people believed that the fig was able to resist evil spirits.

Features of using conspiracies

Barley incantation does not require special magical skills. Any person can cope with this task. Ease of execution and proven effectiveness are some of the strengths of conspiracies.

You can speak on any day of the lunar month - the phase of the moon does not play any role here. All that is required of the performer is knowledge of the text of the conspiracy and a strong desire to recover from the sore himself or to heal his loved one. Rituals to eliminate the sore must be carried out emotionally, in some rituals, the effect of surprise is also required.

All the current conspiracies that help get rid of this ailment have passed the test of time and more than one generation of people, so you can be fully confident in their effectiveness.

How to speak barley on the eye yourself?

classic rite

This way of speaking is the most popular and simplest. You need to make a cookie and show it to a sore eye with the words:

“Barley, barley, I give you a cookie. Whatever you want, you can buy. The sun goes to the west, the day is running out, in the eye the barley is running out. Amen (3 times) ”.

On fico

Make a fig and circle it clockwise with an eye with an abscess, saying:

“Barley-barley, you have a fig - you can buy a horse for yourself with it. That horse will die, and the barley will dry up.”

After repeating the plot 3 times, you need to spit over your left shoulder.

With a spit

Use your index finger to circle the eye clockwise with the words:

“Barley, barley, you are a fiddle. Whatever you want, that's what you buy. Buy yourself an axe, cut yourself across.

After these words, you must sharply spit on the sore eye.

Another way to spit

Spit over your left shoulder on your sore eye and say out loud:

“Barley-barley, go under the stump - laziness sits there. Lie down to sleep together and burn with fire. Amen!"

On a knot

Wait until the sun goes down, then moisten the ring finger first with saliva, then smear the same finger with soot from the oven (in urban conditions, you can burn a couple of matches to get soot). Find a knot on any wooden surface, with the same finger circle around the knot, and then around the sore eye, saying out loud:

“God bless. As the sun - to the west, and the day - to the end, so the twig will go to the eye. It will come down by itself, as the forehead turns black. Key and lock to my words.

On a comb

Attach to the eye on which the barley has settled, a comb and say:

“The barley grew and grew, but mowing came. That barley was mowed down and the healer was asked: Grandfather-Vedok, speak barley to us, so that he would go to the forest and to the water, to the meadow grass from God's servant (the name of the patient) gone. Amen(3 times) ”.

After saying these words, spit three times on your ring finger and circle it three times clockwise around the sore eye.

A simple plot for self-use

The text is as follows:

“The water is cold, the rash is swampy, for 33 mountains, for 33 castles, for 33 roads, take this barley from the eye of God's servant (God's servant) (your name) . Let the locks be closed on all the keys and let no more illnesses come to the body of God's servant (God's servant)(own name) forever and ever. Amen (3 times)”.

Strong way from the evil eye

This conspiracy can be used if the disease appeared as a result of the evil eye. You must first prepare: buy 12 church candles, take holy water in the temple. Leaving the church, you need to say to yourself:

“Barley, barley, leave my eye, I will exhaust you at once! Amen!"

When you come home, you should wash your hands well, light all the candles, put a container with consecrated water next to them and put a cotton swab (disk). A cotton pad should be moistened with holy water and wiped with a sore, saying:

“As they get the evil eye from the eyes, so the barley will be wiped out at a time. Washes with water and quickly hides. Will return to the one who wished me the bag. As he said, so be it. Amen (3 times) ”.

Another non-magical way with ice:

Folk methods and recipes, when used correctly, always help to get rid of diseases and ailments, the healing power of such remedies is due to the characteristics of plants and other components of medicines.

However, along with traditional folk medicines, conspiracies and slander that do not have any scientific confirmation of their strength are popular.

What is barley?

Barley is an external manifestation of an internal inflammatory process, most often the appearance of a neoplasm on the eye indicates an incipient cold.

Barley occurs in the inner part of the ciliary sac, therefore, increasing, it entails the growth of the entire eyelid. The reason for the occurrence of such an unpleasant phenomenon is infection with staphylococcus aureus, which can enter the bloodstream with a weakened immune system.

For the treatment of barley, modern medicine offers a variety of methods in the form of creams, drops or heating. At home, you can use a disinfectant, such as alcohol, but when using an alcohol compress, you need to be careful not to get the solution in your eye to avoid burns.

In no case should barley be removed mechanically, this can lead to damage to the eye tissue and serious complications.

Barley Prevention Methods

Barley often occurs in people with weak immunity, so to prevent its occurrence, you need to follow the daily routine, eat right, play sports.

Staphylococcal infection can get into the eyes not only through the blood, in most cases it is transmitted through the hands. Wiping your eyes with unwashed hands in the wind, or refreshing makeup with other people's cosmetics, can lead to infection.

To avoid this, before touching your face, you should always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, use only your own cosmetics and a personal handkerchief.

Dust in the eyes is a rather unpleasant moment, which, in addition to discomfort for vision, can also cause pain. Do not wipe your eyes with your hands, it is better to use a sterile napkin or drip eye drops, if available.

Another option for the spread of an eye infection is considered to be poorly washed off makeup. To remove cosmetics, you can use natural creams and lotions, as well as special cosmetic preparations in the form of milk or tonic to refresh the skin.

Ancient conspiracies from barley on the eye

In tsarist times, traditional medicine was held in high esteem, but now preference is given to modern means and methods, but ancient recipes and prayers are still preserved and are successfully used by our grandparents to treat all kinds of ailments.

People who have lost hope of recovery often turn to traditional healers, and the methods used in this case give a truly miraculous result.

One of the most common conspiracies is considered to be a conspiracy from barley, since it gives the fastest effect. A few simple conspiracies are especially popular:

  • Fig conspiracy. For its implementation, no additional devices are required. The essence of the conspiracy is to circle the fig twisted with three fingers around the barley three times, saying: “Barley, barley, you have a fig - buy an ax, cut off your head across!”. Several of these procedures help get rid of barley or significantly reduce its manifestation.
  • Conspiracy with millet. It will take 3 wheat grains, they must be put on a hot stove with the words: “As the grain is cracked, so the barley will disappear.” Say this phrase 3 times and spit on the grains 3 times. This method, of course, is unacceptable for gas and electric stoves.
  • Egg conspiracy. Rolling out barley with an egg is one of the most effective methods of dealing with it. Carrying out rolling movements along the eyelid, you can supplement the procedure with a conspiracy: “The barley grew, the coconut arrived in time, then the grass was mowed, and the barley was removed with it.”
  • surprise method is that the procedure is carried out without warning. Sharply for the patient near the barley, you need to twist the fig and go around the person, saying: “Shock - here is the fig, smeared with honey, tied with smoke. Shock - sit on the top, the wind will blow - it will scatter around the world. The main thing is not to laugh and say the slander 3 times.

The effectiveness of folk methods and conspiracies cannot be scientifically substantiated, however, the frequent use of such methods of dealing with barley gives a positive result. In addition, these methods are absolutely safe for health and have no contraindications, so why not use them, especially when it's free?

Folk recipes for fighting barley

Healing herbal decoctions and infusions that you can easily prepare yourself are considered a very effective way to prevent the appearance or treatment of barley that has already come out.

At the first signs of the appearance of barley, the reddened area should be treated with a solution of boric acid, this will help either prevent the growth of inflammation, or ripen faster and break through the neoplasm. Barley can affect both one and two eyes at the same time, however, treatment must be carried out in a complex manner in any case.

For the treatment of barley, decoctions of natural herbs are used, such recipes are especially popular:

  • concentrated infusion of calendula, you can wipe the affected area of ​​​​the eye 3 times a day. For brewing a decoction, only the flowers of the plant without leaves are used;
  • Lotions from aloe juice help relieve inflammation and remove barley. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to finely grind a fresh aloe leaf and insist in a glass of boiled water for 12 hours;
  • a decoction of bay leaf is taken orally 2-3 times a day in a cooled state;
  • lilac compresses destroy the slightest signs of barley as quickly as possible. Lilac flowers should be crushed to a mushy state and applied to the eyelid for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the eyes with cool water. Such an operation should be carried out 5-6 times a day, usually this is enough to get the desired effect.

Folk recipes are easy to prepare, moreover, they do not harm the body, therefore they can be used to treat barley in both adults and children.

If a person has weakened immunity, then barley may appear on the eye. How to get rid of it? There are many modern medicines that successfully cope with this sore. For those who prefer folk methods of treatment or magic, a conspiracy from barley will help.

The conspiracy will help to quickly get rid of the disease

Barley is called an inflammatory process that begins after a blockage of either the sebaceous gland, or the hair follicle of the cilia. Often the disease appears due to Staphylococcus aureus, it happens against the background of colds. This is a sign of a weakened immune system. It can go away on its own in 4 days. And a purulent head is not always formed. If a person began to be treated on time, then the purification of the duct occurs independently.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. First, itching and burning appear along the ciliary edge of the eye or near it.
  2. Then the eyelid turns red, swelling is already noticeable.
  3. After a few days, a purulent head appears.

If the disease on the eye does not go away in 5 days, because of it there is a severe headache and pain in the eye, it turns into conjunctivitis, you should consult a doctor.

He will prescribe you antibiotics, remedies to strengthen the immune system, drops and ointments. In other cases, wait until it passes. A conspiracy to barley will help speed up the process.

Rules for reading conspiracies

If you want to use a conspiracy, first get acquainted with the rules for conducting healing rites. Then their efficiency will increase. We will not list here all the rules for conducting magical rites, but only those related to healing conspiracies.

In a confused state, you can not do magic

  1. Do not practice magic during religious holidays and fasts, on Sunday.
  2. If you are reading a plot to yourself, then choose the right day for the ceremony. Women practice magic on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Men - on the remaining days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). The best time for the ceremony is sunrise or sunset.
  3. For the plot to work, say it either on an empty stomach or 3 hours after eating. Three days before that, you can not drink alcohol, and on the night before the ceremony, make love.
  4. If you ask another person to help, you need to give him money or give something, even if he does not ask for anything. He should wish you health with all his heart, so do not ask for help from a person with whom relations do not add up.
  5. You need to perform the ceremony in a calm state, so first meditate. If you are confused or depressed, you cannot practice magic. It is forbidden to laugh during the rituals.
  6. If you are reading a conspiracy from barley not for yourself, but for a blood relative, be prepared for the fact that his illness will pass to you. Therefore, it is risky to agree to such a rite, unless we are talking about helping a mother with a sick child. But it is strictly forbidden for children to treat their parents using magic. Spouses should not get involved in reading conspiracies against each other or those people who made love without protection.
  7. Before the ceremony, women should loosen their hair, do not comb their hair, and remove all jewelry. Magic is practiced without shoes, barefoot, socks, tights, and cosmetics are not allowed.
  8. Healing conspiracies are read on the waning moon. You should not do this on the full moon, 2 days before it and 2 days after it. At the same time, the conspiracy from barley will be most effective.


To get rid of barley on the eye, you can read conspiracies. There are rituals to help yourself or the child. Before using the barley conspiracy, carefully read the rules for conducting healing rites and follow them.

If you have any problems, be sure to consult a doctor

If the magic did not help, you did something wrong. It is worth studying the general rules for conducting magical rituals. If complications arise, go to the doctor, and only then turn to magic.

If you sort through all the conspiracies, these are the easiest to perform. There are many, choose the one you like. Previously, they believed that barley appeared on the eye due to evil spirits, so they expelled it, showing a fiddle that scared her away.

The conspiracy in the figure is very effective

  1. Fold your fingers into a figure, run them around the sore on your eye three times and say:

    "Barley, barley, you have a fiddle - buy an ax, chop off your head across!".

    Repeat this several times. Or a similar conspiracy that is read in front of a baby. Do not forget to spit on the sore:

    “Barley-barley, take a cookie, You can buy whatever you want. And buy yourself an ax, Chop yourself across!

  2. You need to show yourself a fig, namely the eye, and then say the words of the barley conspiracy:

    “The barley grew, the mowing approached. As the grass was mowed, so the barley was removed. Barley, get off the body of God's servant Ivan Into hell for all eternity! Amen".

  3. The same steps as in point 2.

    “The barley grew, the mowing approached. They cut down the barley and begged the sorcerer. Speak, grandfather witch, barley! Go to the grass, to the forest, to the cold water From the body of God's servant Lyudmila. Amen".

  4. Show the cookie and say:

    “Barley, barley, here’s a cookie for you. Whatever you want, you can buy. The sun to the west, the day to the exodus, the barley in the eye to the exodus.

  5. Before you use the conspiracy from barley, show yourself the fig and spit. It is necessary to spit over the shoulder, only over the left. Then the cherished words are pronounced, and after them, draw a figure around the eye. The movement is done clockwise. It remains only to cross the sore spot, and then spit.

    “Barley-barley, you have a fig. You buy yourself a mare. As the filly dies, so the barley dries out.

  6. You can intimidate the disease. To get rid of the sore on the eye, the assistant sharply, without warning, shows her the fig and walks around the patient, uttering the cherished words, repeating them three times.

    “Shock - here is a cookie, smeared with honey, tied with smoke. Shock - sit on the top, the wind will blow - it will scatter around the world.

An ordinary egg will help get rid of the disease

To get rid of a sore, take an egg and roll it over your eyelid, repeating the words of the barley conspiracy:

“The barley grew, the coconut arrived, then the grass was mowed, and the barley was removed with it.”

On a comb

Attach a comb to the sore spot and repeat the cherished words. Then spit three times on the ring finger and wipe the inflamed area with saliva. Movement is clockwise.

“The barley grew, mowing came. The barley was mowed, the healer was persuaded. Grandfather-Vedok, speak barley to go to the forest, to the water, to the meadow grass from the servant of God (insert the desired name). Amen (say three times)."

Ritual with misted windows

Go to the foggy window and first run your hand over it, then over the sore. Repeat 3 times. If it does not help, perform the ceremony for a few more days in a row. Do you have foggy windows in your house? Put a pot of water in the kitchen. It will boil on the stove, and moisture will appear on the glasses.

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Barley on the eye at least once caused inconvenience to almost any person. The disease tends to appear at the most inopportune moment: before an interview, an important acquaintance, etc.

Traditional medicine offers ointments and pills as effective treatments, but non-traditional remedies are also great for getting rid of stye.

Features of conspiracies from barley

The fight against an eye disease does not require any magical skills and attributes, it belongs to white magic and does not entail negative consequences. Barley conspiracies can be used to heal an adult or a child. In order to speak barley, you do not need to wait for a certain day according to the lunar calendar and buy candles of different colors, just faith and the necessary emotional mood.

It is worth noting that some popular conspiracies have been known to everyone since childhood, for example, everyone is familiar with the belief that barley needs to be shown a fiddle or spit on it. The effectiveness of such conspiracies has been proven by centuries of use, but still, if you feel that complications have arisen, consult a doctor.

Conspiracy on a fig

One of the most common is a conspiracy in the fig, but few people use it to the fullest. Previously, they believed that the appearance of an ailment was the machinations of evil spirits, and it was believed that it was necessary to show her a fig and scare it away.

In order to speak barley, you need to put your fingers in a fiddle, bring it to a sore eye, hold it around it three times in the air and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

  • « Barley, barley, you have a fiddle - buy an ax, chop off your head across!».

If you want to speak an illness to a child, the text will be slightly different:

  • « Barley-barley, take a cookie, Whatever you want, then you can buy. And buy yourself an ax, Cut yourself across!».

After you read the words of the conspiracy, you need to spit on the barley.

If you need to heal yourself, you need to direct the cookie to a sore spot and say:

“The barley grew, the mowing approached. As the grass was mowed, so the barley was removed. Barley, get off the body of God's servant Ivan Into hell for all eternity! Amen".

Rituals with saliva

To conduct such a ceremony, you will need an oven with ash or matches with an oven. After sunset, moisten your finger with saliva, select the ring finger and dip it in stove ash, if you live in an apartment, an oven will do, burn matches in it. After that, find the place where the knot was, on the floor or door, circle the ash around it with the words:

“God bless! As the sun goes to the west, and the day is running out, So the knot in the eye will go to the exhaustion. It will come down by itself, as the forehead turns black. Key and lock to my words!”

Then circle your finger around the affected eye.

There is another simple ritual using saliva, for this you need to dip your finger in it, it is recommended to choose your index finger, and circle around the place that the disease struck.

Don't forget to say the spell:

“God bless. As the sun - to the west, and the day - to the end, so the twig will go to the eye. It will come down by itself, as the forehead turns black. Key and lock to my words.

Such a conspiracy is also suitable for healing the baby's eye.

A conspiracy with a comb from barley

Eating one way to say goodbye to barley is to speak a comb. Take a small comb and put it on your eye for a while while saying the words:

“The barley grew, mowing came. The barley was mowed, the healer was persuaded. Grandfather-Vedok, speak barley to go to the forest, to the water, to the meadow grass from the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

Set the comb aside and, moving clockwise, smear the barley with saliva.

Rite with holy water

Water from the church is also capable of healing, for the ceremony, go to the temple, take holy water and buy 12 candles.

Leaving the church shop, say the words:

  • “Barley, barley, leave my eye, I will harass you at once. Amen!"

Arriving home, light candles and place a glass of holy water in front of them.

Moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the eye, making circular movements clockwise, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“I rub you, I rub, barley on my eye. Let the infection come out the first time. I'll wash it with water, I'll wash it again. Barley, you leave my sore eye. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

The text is read three times, do not rub the sore spot hard, the movements should be light.

Rite with glass

Close the door and windows in the kitchen, boil a pot of water, the stove should not be turned off until the windows fog up. As soon as this happens, run your ring finger over the glass and anoint the affected area with moisture several times.

Conspiracy with an egg

The egg has always been considered an essential attribute of healing. You need to take a chicken egg and run it over a sore eye, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

  • “The barley grew, the coconut arrived, then the grass was mowed, and the barley was removed with it.”

Conspiracy for wheat grains

Previously, a Russian oven was needed for the ceremony, now you can use a conventional oven. You need to take three wheat grains and put them in the oven, keep until they crack.

Conspiracy text:

“Barley-barley, go under the stump, laziness sits there. Go to bed together and burn with fire! Amen."

Rite with a knife to make the barley go away

A conspiracy using a knife is one of the available magical ways to bring out an ailment. You need to take an ordinary knife and cross your sore eye three times, repeating the prayer:
Barley, barley, here's a cookie, you can buy whatever you want.

Buy yourself a soap, wash your stigma, if you have a stigma,
Buy yourself a hatchet, cut yourself across, buy yourself a cow,
The cow will die, the barley will dry up.

After the third time, spit over your shoulder and rinse the knife under the tap, it will take the disease with it.

Conspiracies from barley to plain water

Talking water is a quick way to deliver a positive charge of energy to the body. Such a ceremony can be performed by the patient himself or his relatives. Take a decanter with plain water and leave the house with it, if you live in a multi-storey building, you will have to leave the entrance.

The ceremony must be carried out before two in the morning. The words of the conspiracy are whispered three times over the water.
I will leave, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go out, crossing myself,

From the hut to the canopy, from the canopy to the yard, from the yard to the gate,

On the outskirts of the street, under the sun, under the rainbow.

Rainbow-arc, sun-saucer, nourish this water with your strength,

To cope with the pains to me, the servant of God (name), help me,

So that it would not hurt, not be afraid, it was cheerful and healthy every day.

What stuck, then washed off with water.

Forever and ever, amen.

Use the charmed water in the morning before breakfast for the patient and all members of his family, until the decanter is empty.

Another way to speak water is to use a wooden torch. Break off a small chip from the fire, do it yourself, without outside help. Type in a three-liter jar of water and put it on the windowsill. At midnight in the dark, go out into the kitchen, hold a jar of water in your left hand, and stir the water with your right hand, saying the words of the conspiracy:

The ulcer does not ulcerate on me, the plague does not plague,

A sneeze does not sneeze, a cough does not choke.

My throat is strong and sculpted, my nose is strong and sculpted,

My head is strong and molded, and my whole body,

Servant of God (name), strong and stucco. God,

With its own fence, your servant (name), and my family.


Drink water in the same way as in the first plot. The torch should not be thrown away, it should be burned and the remaining ashes scattered on the street.

If the cause of barley is the evil eye

There are cases when an ailment appears not as a signal that the immune system is weakened, but because of someone's evil eye.

In such a situation, you need to read the prayer “Our Father” three times and only then proceed to the conspiracy.

“Just as the evil eye is received from the eyes, so the barley will be wiped out at once. Voditsa will wash, quickly hide. Will return to the one who wished me a bag. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Another effective ritual for healing from barley is a conspiracy for black bread. It can be done to heal a child.

You will need:

  • Black bread;
  • Faceted glass;
  • Plain running water;
  • Salt.

Pour water into a glass and place on the table. Break off three pieces of bread so that you can hold them in a pinch. It is necessary to cross a glass of water three times with a pinch of bread, repeating the words of the conspiracy:

  • "Black evil eye, get away from us!"

After that, throw the bread into a glass and take three pinches of salt - repeat the same steps as with bread. You need to spray the face of an ill person three times, each time spitting over your shoulder and repeating the words of the conspiracy. This ritual is considered very effective for getting rid of barley.

Rite with herbs from barley for a child

Everyone knows that it is very easy to jinx a child, which means that if barley appeared, it is quite possible that this happened.

  • In order to remove the evil eye, you need to prepare for the ceremony. Buy dry wormwood and a light wax candle. Go to the church for holy water, find a fireproof container.
  • To perform the ceremony, you need to put a chair in the middle of the room so that the person sitting is facing east. Sit the child in a chair.

Light a candle, throw one pinch of wormwood into the pot and light it with a match. You need to go around the child three times clockwise with smoldering grass in your hands, carry it in a pot. When you pass behind your back, spit over your left shoulder three times.

After that, put the pot and while the grass in it burns out, read the prayers to the Virgin. Then you need to moisten your fingers with holy water, and cross the child's forehead three times.

Remember that, like any magic, a conspiracy of barley on the eye requires compliance with the rules, although it is the simplest and most common ritual. Do not be mistaken in the words of conspiracies and prayers, read the text with expression, meaningfully. Do not expose rituals for show, because this is a sacrament. And most importantly - faith, do not start rituals without it, otherwise they will not work.

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