Muslim wedding night watch. Modern traditions of the wedding night in different religions

A Muslim wedding, like all other weddings, is full of traditions that must not only be followed, but also observed. All guests at a Muslim wedding have a carefree rest, which cannot be said about the bride, because she has her first wedding night ahead with her husband. What are the newlyweds experiencing, and especially the newly-made wife? Let's try to consider and feel the sacrament of the wedding night among Muslims.

Of course, a man, having taken possession of his wife, wants to deprive her of her virginity. But, first, in order to liberate your now legal wife, you need to talk about something pleasant for her in order to try to relieve her stress.

Unbeknownst to her, start kissing and caressing the body. Try to do everything so that such actions are mutual and on the part of the spouse. Their joint excitement will become a strong foundation for future intimacy, as well as for procreation. Having received a lot of pleasant touches on her body from her husband, a Muslim woman also needs to express her feelings for him, and show that she also wants intimacy, because they have been waiting for this for so long.

When a man sees reciprocity, he needs to continue to act more confidently, because the wife must see that he really wants the same thing as her. In general, intimacy should not only be mutual, but they also need to help each other if something does not work out for one of the spouses.

Of course, intimacy may not happen on the first night after the celebration of marriage. But this is not a tragedy. This can happen because of the excitement that was during the wedding ceremony, as well as already during the "festive" foreplay. Such a ridiculous situation that has developed can always be corrected later. You can often see in films when the groom brings out the sheet, which shows the result of the fact that the bride was really a virgin. Such a tradition, fortunately, has already become obsolete, and more often it has become taboo.

First wedding night in Islam

Islamic nights are full of sacraments and temptations for both spouses. This is a special time that will be remembered for a lifetime by the newlyweds.
Firstly, this night will be remembered by the girl because she was out of the house for the first time, and will spend the rest of her life with her husband.
Since the wife is innocent, the husband should not forget about the special tenderness with which he should approach his chosen one.
But how is such an "innocent" night supposed to begin and take place? The so-called Islamic prayer is a successful beginning of the intimacy of young partners.

Beauty in clothes should be an essential attribute of such a foreplay. Newlyweds cover each other with sweet honey or juice, as well as all sorts of sweets. And then they ask Allah to give them the same sweet life, in which love prevails, as well as prosperity. Such a procedure described above relaxes partners before intimacy, and gives them special tenderness.

Some of the reasons why the first wedding night is postponed for another time is the presence of critical days for the spouse.
Well, if there are no such restrictions, the husband still needs to behave delicately and gently, also carefully during such a process, because the first night for a Muslim woman can be painful for her untouched body. You should not undress your wife yourself, because her constraint can affect future intimacy, in which she will not be able to fully liberate herself.

If she does something not the way he would like, you should not use rudeness here. The main rule for a man here is to give more on the first night, you will receive more in the future from your beloved. It is also necessary to ask for blessings from Allah himself. He must send them a strong union, in which there is a place for a large number of children, and universal love for everyone. To do this, the spouse touches the wife's forehead and asks for it. There should be a place for love games. Well, if they are confirmed by delicacy, in which the wife feels relaxed, such a mysterious night will be successful and truly consolidate their union.

Wedding night in the Caucasus

Muslim nights also exist in the Caucasus. Islam is the main religion there, which confirms both the external and internal beauty of a person. Of course, the Caucasian wedding nights are significantly different from the nights of Orthodox Christians. Although the meaning is the same - the virginity of a young wife. As a rule, before the wedding celebration, the young people absolutely do not know each other, although they could see each other by chance.

As noted earlier, the bride should be untouched by anyone. After the wedding, there is also a ceremony with sweets, in which the husband himself presents them to his wife. Consider how the newlyweds need to behave in order to successfully conduct the sacrament of such a night in the Caucasus.
The main thing here, as in other religions, is a man. Since the newlyweds see each other for the first time, there is a place for embarrassment. Therefore, it is better to get used to the partner first, and then conduct the ceremony of the first night. Although if everyone is liberated, there is no need to postpone such pleasure for later. Of course, outsiders are not welcome here. If there is a holy book of the Koran in the room, it must be wrapped or simply removed from the room. Neither children nor pets should be present at the sacred rite of the newlyweds. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, so the wedding night mostly happens in the way that is comfortable for the young themselves.

Tips on how not to screw up at a Muslim wedding

In addition to the fact that all guests at a Muslim wedding are divided into two halves, the first of which is men, and the second is women. Ethics comes first here. Morality here is understood as the unacceptable rapprochement of male and female guests.
Also, there is no place for excessive drinking here, as well as loud music with a drunken brawl. Of course, such a wedding will seem very boring to us, but it is a lot of fun, and you must definitely come to it, because by doing this you will show your respect for the young and their parents. Tips on what to give and read in a separate article.

To understand what a wedding night is in Islam, let's learn a little more about Eastern wedding traditions. A wedding in Islamic countries differs significantly from the Orthodox. The main feature is that polygamy is allowed in the Arab world.

islamic wedding

However, Muslim women do not feel discomfort about this, since this tradition is rooted in the depths of centuries and is absorbed with mother's milk. Muslim women are mentally prepared for this from childhood. The permission to have several wives is written in the Qur'an, but justice must be established for each. It consists in absolutely equal rights for all wives. A man must equally provide for all his women, give a separate dwelling to each, divide days and nights equally between them. If he is not able to give them all this, then a man will have to be content with one wife. The institution of matchmaking is developed in the Arab world.

The wedding begins with the communication of the parents of both families. The main roles in this process are played by the mothers of the bride and groom. A potential mother-in-law examines the future daughter-in-law and, if she is satisfied with the candidacy, notifies the bride's family about this during an official visit. The main criteria are the social status and views of the family of the future bride on the world. Further action is taken by the groom's father, who decides whether to pay him a visit to the bride's family. This is a responsible step, since such a visit, if it happens, is actually considered an engagement. The groom himself does not take part in this ceremony, but the rest of the male relatives are witnesses when obtaining consent to the marriage. At this stage, all that can be allowed for young people is to see and get to know each other. However, in remote regions, sometimes young people see each other for the first time only at the wedding itself.

After the consent of the bride's family to the marriage, the process of preparing for the ceremony begins, which lasts 40 days. Arab weddings are held with luxury and scope and last for several days. The celebration is held separately for men:

and the female half of the guests:

Both parts are chic and noisy: guests relax and have fun. Only on the third day the groom comes to the bride's house to take her to him forever. These are the traditions. In the modern world, of course, much has changed, but still, they try to adhere to customs.

Preparing for the first wedding night

The wedding night of Muslims is a quivering and exciting time, full of mysteries and secrets. The future relationship of the couple depends on it. And, despite the fact that the very concept of the “first” night has already passed into the category of symbolic, in Islam, most young people honor the traditions of their ancestors. How is the preparation for the first night of the young? First of all, the groom should put his hand on the forehead of the bride and ask Allah to make them blessed for each other.

Then he brings gifts to the bride. Usually these are sweets and drinks. Traditionally: fruits, honey and milk.

This is done so that the girl is not so bitter to say goodbye to her carefree youth and her own family, and to set her up in a more relaxed way. The wedding night necessarily begins with a joint prayer to Allah with a request to make their married life sweet as honey, full of abundance and happy, and also to send down children.

Namaz has a powerful psychological effect and calms the natural excitement of the young before possessing each other. Beautiful clothes are an integral attribute of foreplay. Both the wife and the husband are certainly dressed in luxurious outfits, richly trimmed with gold embroidery, and replete with expensive jewelry. The beauty of the clothes arouses interest and admiration for each other, which sets the young people up for the upcoming caresses.

The first wedding night requires great patience from the groom, whose desire to quickly possess his lawful wife is quite understandable and natural, but on this night he must give more than receive. The husband must be affectionate and patient in order to win over his soulmate and become desirable for her for all future years. The first meeting with a spouse should not cause fear and disgust in the girl, otherwise it may impose a negative attitude towards intimacy. Therefore, a young man should be tactful and understand the natural embarrassment of his wife, especially if she is a virgin (which is required by the Koran and folk customs). To do this, you need to give the girl the opportunity to undress on her own, as she is ashamed to show her naked body to a man.

The wife, in turn, should not show indifference and coldness towards her husband. This can also have negative consequences for the future relationship of the couple.

After the wedding night, the spouses must perform the ritual of washing.

After that, they can start eating. They lay the table and invite relatives and friends to it. On this wedding celebrations are officially considered completed.

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Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) often came to him with questions related to their personal lives. Even the women of his followers came to him with questions about marital relations. They were not ashamed and did not hesitate to know the truth, and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was not ashamed to tell them about the truth, because the Noble Quran says: “ ...but Allah is not ashamed of the truth » (33:53).

It is clear that there is nothing wrong with studying and discussing issues related to marriage and intimate relationships for the purposes of Islamic enlightenment. In today's times when the world attaches great importance to "sex education" in a very crude and crude way, why should we Muslims be ashamed to reveal decent and pure teachings in this area?

Under the influence of pornographic materials and obscene literature, many Muslims crossed the boundaries permitted by Shariah in satisfying their sexual passion and thereby brought down the troubles of this and the next worlds, including various deadly infections. Many of these Muslims are blissfully ignorant of the existence of Islamic regulations on this issue and, due to absolute ignorance of Islamic provisions, have already violated Sharia law, causing damage not only to themselves, but also to their partners and even future, unborn offspring.

Therefore, in order to preserve and protect health and the marriage bond from all harm and suffering, there was a need for enlightenment on this often neglected aspect of Islam. The younger generation especially needs such enlightenment, and in particular those of them who are preparing to tie themselves with the sacred bonds of nikah. We hope that every married couple and all those who are preparing to marry soon will benefit greatly from this article, insha Allah.

first night etiquette

With perfect observance of the strict Islamic norms prescribed in Sharia, the newlyweds will most likely be completely unfamiliar with each other, without contact in any way before marriage. This situation, as well as the feeling of embarrassment that accompanies it, is a natural consequence of modesty and modesty, which are an integral part of faith. Under these circumstances, it will be quite natural if the spouses are extremely shy of each other, experiencing considerable tension and anxiety. To break the ice, greet each other with the traditional Islamic salam. After that, the husband gently places his right hand on the forehead of his wife and says:

اللهم إني أسألك خيرها وخير ماجبلتها عليه وأعوذ بك من شرها وشر ماجبلتها عليه

Translation: " O Allah! I ask You for her good and the good with which she was created. I ask for Your protection from her evil and the evil she was created with. ».

After that, you can read religious literature about nikah to each other, etc. Kitabun-Nikah, Hayatul-Muslimin, etc. are excellent material for studying. An important point that young people often neglect is the importance of extreme softness and tenderness on the first night and during the first intimacy. Many men have a false prejudice that gentleness is contrary to masculinity. The damage that this prejudice does to a marriage on the first night affects the marriage for months, if not years.

In the first stages of intimate union, a virgin usually goes through anxiety and pain, which leads to fear. At this time, by his actions and behavior, the husband needs to show maximum care and attention in relation to his wife. In addition, it is important that a husband never doubt his wife if, for some reason, it suddenly seemed to him that she was not a virgin. It is a sin. It is forbidden to think badly about a loved one only on the basis of such assumptions. And even worse - to insult and oppress her because of this. This is zulm (injustice, oppression) and a great sin. There are many reasons why a girl could lose her hymen, which is proven by medicine. These are heavy periods, illnesses, falls, strong jumps, horseback riding and some other sports, aging, etc.

Intention in intimacy

It is reported that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) advised: When intimacy should take the following intentions :

zine protection(adultery)

protection from looking at strangers,

gaining righteous offspring that will serve Islam».

If a person enjoys intimacy with the right intentions, then he gets not only pleasure, but also a reward and sawab.

The hadith says that even intimacy with one's wife is rewarded and is regarded as sadaqah. The Sahaba were very surprised - how is it that a person enjoys the satisfaction of his sexual passion and at the same time receives a reward for this? The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) explained to them that if this person satisfied his desires in a forbidden way, then he would be punished, so why then should he not receive a reward for doing it in a lawful way? No doubt he will receive an award.

From book " Norms of intimate relationships in Islam » Sexual Etiquettes in Islam / Lenasia Muslim Association

The finale of any wedding celebration is the wedding night. Nowadays, the first night of the newlyweds has become a convention that has no value. Now it is considered the norm when newlyweds have sex far before the wedding. But once the wedding night was accompanied by a whole ritual, different for every nation. offers to look at the pages of history and remember the customs of the wedding night.

In the Middle Ages, there was a tradition in European countries according to which the bride had to spend the night not with her husband, but with the feudal lord. Historians give different arguments about the emergence of such a custom. Some argued that deprivation of virginity is a dangerous procedure, subject only to deities, and the feudal lord took full responsibility for what was happening and protected the spouses from the wrath of the gods.

Others complained about the satisfaction of their sexual needs and the desire to be above everyone else, because the feudal lord could easily refuse ugly brides, and this rule was always followed with beautiful girls. True, at the end of the 16th century, such a custom was abandoned in Switzerland, and in Germany it was replaced with a ransom.


In some African tribes on the wedding night, it was customary to knock out the girl's two front teeth. It symbolized marriage - something like a wedding ring. Married women were not ashamed of their toothless smile and showed it to everyone, while unmarried women covered their mouths.

AT Samoa the first wedding night had to pass without fail in the circle of sleeping relatives of the bride. Only newlyweds should make love silently so that no one wakes up. Otherwise, a serious scolding from relatives awaited the man. That is why many Samoan men lubricate their bodies with oil before their wedding night: it is easier to break free and the beatings are not so painful.

Sex on the wedding night North Africa assumed alternate copulation of the bride with the guests at the wedding. Each guest had to give the bride a special gift.

There were tribes in which it was customary to deprive girls of virginity at a very young age - before the onset of menstruation. It had to be done by a complete stranger. Most often it turned out to be a traveler passing through the village. If at the time of the onset of menstruation a girl remained a virgin, this was considered a real shame, she could never get married.

AT Bakhtu tribe, which is located in Central Africa, instead of having sex on their wedding night, the newlyweds had to fight until dawn, and then disperse to their parents' houses and sleep off. A strange custom, of course, but every nation has its own cockroaches in the head. The next night, the newlyweds fought again. And so it continued until they pour out all the hatred on each other for years to come. Sometimes these fights ended in death.

Some African peoples had a tradition to carry out the act of defloration with the help of special tools. Such a mini-operation was carried out by the oldest women.

Sometimes this procedure was replaced with a natural one, but it was not the husband who had to deflower the girl, but the father or elder brother of the groom, as well as the priest or elder.

AT arunto tribe to deprive the girl of virginity were the friends of the future husband. The man chose two or three friends, they kidnapped the bride and each of them had sex with her. When a girl loses her innocence, anyone could come to her house in the flesh until the wedding itself and have sex with her in order to take a sample from a newly-made woman.


The first wedding night for Muslims has not changed much since ancient times. Most Muslims still have the custom to show the groom's relatives the sheet on which the newlyweds had sex. Blood stains testified to the innocence of the bride, if they were not there - the girl was considered vicious, it was a shame for the whole family. Currently, this rule is observed only in some regions.

Before the wedding night, Muslims must observe a number of customs:

  1. The first wedding night for Muslims takes place only after the bride transports all the necessary things to her husband's house. Dowry for a girl begins to be collected from an early age, she must have at least 40 blankets and pillows. Bedding must be decorated and hand-sewn (some items may not be purchased)
  2. Before proceeding with intimacy, a man should put his hand on his wife’s head, praise her, say a few kind words and end the speech with the phrase “In the Name of Allah.” Then, the newlyweds read two ritual prayers, after which the man reads another prayer, in which he asks to bless Allah for a life together and, in case of divorce, help them maintain friendly relations.
  3. A man must give his wife a lot of sweets and delicious drinks. Honey and milk were considered obligatory products on the table. The husband should be soft and gentle when communicating with his wife, win her over, talk. Indecent sexual relations are prohibited by the Quran. A woman should not push a man away, because this could lead to sad consequences. Also, the newly-made wife should not be indifferent and cold.
  4. In the morning, after the wedding night, the spouses perform a ritual of washing and start eating. Often they set the table and invite relatives.


For Chechens, the first wedding night takes place on the third day of the wedding. To perform the ritual, the man put on a special suit, which was previously presented to him by the bride's relatives. At this time, the woman should be ready in the bedroom, where her married friends bring her.

Before intimacy, a man should open the Koran and pray to Allah, then close the book with a thick cloth and proceed to deprive his wife of innocence. If the spouses did not know each other before the wedding, sexual intercourse is not a prerequisite on the wedding night, they must first get to know each other.

There should be no one in the room where the newlyweds sleep, not even animals.


For Dagestanis, the first wedding night is held in a special way: it is turned into a rite of martial arts. A man will be worthy of a woman only if he wins. The bride is being prepared for a duel since childhood, and on the wedding night they shaved their heads, lubricated exposed skin with grease, put on clothes with many knots, pulled overalls with a cord that should preserve virginity.

Nobody was allowed to enter the room where the battle took place, it was only possible to eavesdrop and peep. According to ancient customs, the guy was obliged to defeat the girl, and the fight continued until the victory.

If the fight took too long, the bride was persuaded to surrender, they specifically did not let her drink and eat, but they did everything for the groom.

The faster a man unties all the knots in his overalls, the faster he can take possession of his wife. The battle took place without weapons, and it was not forbidden to inflict bodily harm.


Gypsies, of course, are not the purest nation, but they have been observing their traditions from time immemorial. The first wedding night among the gypsies is called the "Takeaway of honor" and is considered the most important ceremony at the wedding. The bride must keep her virginity before marriage, otherwise, she will dishonor her family. The newlyweds, along with three respected ladies from both families, go to a separate room where they check the bride's innocence.

The sex of the newlyweds takes place without witnesses, but the groom is obliged to take out the veil with traces of virgin blood.

According to another version, three ladies deprive the girl of innocence, with the help of a sheet wound around her finger, so that the newlyweds could not falsify the virginity of the bride. There is another version of the first wedding night among the gypsies - the bride and groom must have the first sexual intercourse on the banquet table in the presence of guests. When the girl's innocence is proved, the ladies put a sheet with traces on a tray, shower it with red ribbons and take it out to the guests. Red ribbons are distributed to the groom's relatives for a fee. After the ceremony, the bride is dressed in a red dress, her braids are braided and the veil is removed.


In the days of Ancient Russia, premarital relations were not forbidden - it was a widespread phenomenon. Some young people managed to live with each other and get married, and sometimes they had children. In some settlements, a "trial marriage" was common, in our civil. Young people lived together, shared life, gave birth to their first child, and only then they could get married, if they didn’t change their minds.

Some traditions of Russia were similar to barbarian ones. At the wedding, every man could touch and grope the bride the way it should have happened during the wedding night. The bride could even be stripped down to her undershirt at the wedding to show off all the juice. When the wedding was coming to an end, the young people retired to a separate room, and the guests eavesdropped and peeped under the door so that the newlyweds were busy with each other, and not with sleep.

Sex was supposed to last until the morning, which was facilitated by the guests - they yelled ditties with sexual overtones and spurred the young in every possible way. In the morning, the bride and groom provided evidence of the deprivation of innocence. If the groom did not succeed, he could repeat the attempt two more times, if even then he did not cope with his duty, the groom was replaced by a more experienced man. In some villages, it was customary to spend the wedding night with the groom's older brothers, who came to the aid of the inexperienced groom in case of emergency.

As we can see, the wedding night in many countries involved the deprivation of a girl's virginity, if the girl was vicious before the wedding, her family was disgraced, and the negligent bride could be returned to her parents. True, now any gynecologist will say that during the first sexual intercourse there may not be blood, just like pain, since the hymen is different for everyone.

And we also have

The first wedding night among Muslims (nikah) is an important sacrament filled with special meaning, because often newlyweds cannot communicate closely with each other before the wedding. On this night, it is important to create a romantic atmosphere in which the newly-made husband and wife could relax and get to know each other better. How to do it? And how to behave the newlyweds on their wedding night according to Muslim wedding traditions, the portal has learned for you.

Muslim women marry early (about 13-15 years old), and some girls become wives even at 9-10 years old. Moreover, some at this age even manage to get a divorce, like the world-famous Nujud from Yemen.

The first wedding night for Muslims: how to prepare?

In order for the wedding night to pass in a gentle and reverent atmosphere, it is worth preparing for it in advance. What should be done?

  • Beautifully decorate the room of the newlyweds, including laying out exquisite bed linen (in the old days, the bride sewed and embroidered bedding with her own hands). In addition, it is worth taking care of the subdued light, which will be conducive to intimate relationships.
  • Buy seductive underwear for the wedding night, because the husband will see his wife for the first time without clothes on that very night, so she should look desirable and beautiful for him.
  • Think about treats and drinks, because during a heart-to-heart talk, the newlyweds may want to drink or eat. In addition, it is customary for the husband to treat his wife with sweets on the wedding night, then their relationship will be "sweet" and reverent.
  • Before the arrival of the newlyweds, it is worth making sure that there is no Koran in the room. This sacred book should be taken out of the room or covered with a cloth. It is also worth remembering that even animals should not be in the room that night.

Stages of the first wedding night among Muslims

What to do on the wedding night? According to the unwritten rules, the Muslim wedding night takes place according to a certain scenario in compliance with Islamic traditions and rituals.

preliminary conversations

The newlyweds will retire to the room. Now they can get to know each other better. At first, they can talk about any topic: from the weather to hobbies. The main thing is that this conversation will dispose them to closer communication.

The groom must treat his wife with sweets (honey, nuts, dried fruits) and milk so that their future life is happy and harmonious.


The wedding night of Muslims necessarily includes the reading of sacred precepts. After the phrase "Bismillah" the husband should put his hand on his wife's forehead and say prayer asking to bless their marriage and make it happy.

Then the two of them should read double rakah prayer, calling to bless their marriage and build a harmonious relationship. At the same time, the husband, as it were, leads the wife, which personifies her humility. It is believed that prayers help to cope with excitement and tune in to future intimacy, because the wedding night in Islam is the time of rapprochement between two strangers who are destined to live together all their lives.

Before the intimacy, the groom must read third prayer ("al-Bukhari"), in which he must ask Allah to keep Satan away from their couple and unborn child. Muslims believe that this will guarantee that if the bride becomes pregnant on her wedding night, the couple will have a healthy and strong baby.

This is how, in prayers and petitions to Allah, the beginning of the wedding night passes among Muslims. This allows you to both set up the newlyweds for an intimate relationship, and express the seriousness of their intentions to become one before the Almighty.


Intimacy itself may follow. The wedding night in different countries that profess Islam has its own characteristics, but for all nationalities the rule is the same: the husband should be as gentle as possible towards his wife, because girls do not enter into relationships with men before marriage.

If a girl is very afraid and not ready for intimacy, sex can be postponed. The reasons for postponing the wedding night can also be such circumstances as critical days for the bride, fatigue of the newlyweds, etc.

The first wedding night of a Muslim woman is an amazing, but at the same time very frightening event! In order not to embarrass an innocent girl, the groom should not immediately undress naked in front of her. It is better to take off your shirt and trousers, and stay in your underwear, which can already be removed under the covers.

Don't undress a girl if she doesn't want to. She herself will take off those details of the wardrobe that she considers necessary, and the rest is already under the covers. So intimacy will not become a stressful situation for the bride, causing embarrassment and shame, but will give only pleasant sensations and touching memories.

Traditions after intimacy

According to the customs that take place in the case of a wedding among Muslims, at the end of the wedding night, the newlyweds should wash themselves (this action is called "ghusl"). If they do not do this at night, then in the morning it is worthwhile to perform the ritual of ablution, and then proceed to reading the morning prayer. After the prayer, the newlyweds set the table and invite their closest relatives.

In some Muslim countries, there is a tradition to show traces of confirmation of the bride's innocence to relatives who are waiting at the door of the newlyweds. But it is forbidden by the Quran. The Muslim wedding night is a secret that should be available only to spouses. Nobody needs to know the details!

And even if during the wedding night it turns out that the bride is not innocent, according to the rules, only the groom himself has the right to decide whether to leave her as his wife, forgiving the girl, or return her to her parents' house in disgrace, which is often practiced in Islam. If the bride turns out to be a virgin, then according to the unspoken laws, the husband must share a bed with her within seven days from the moment of their wedding night.

The portal learned especially for you what the first wedding night is for Muslims from all over the world and how it goes. If you manage to create a relaxed atmosphere of tenderness and romance that night, then the first intimacy of the newlyweds will be remembered by them for a long time and will be the beginning of a long and happy family life!
