Durex big pack. RealFeel - natural feeling

Durex is one of the most famous brands today, producing barrier contraceptives and all kinds of additional products. The name is an abbreviation of three English words: Durability - strength, Reliability - reliability and Excellence - superiority.

Durex condoms have been around since 1929. If we take into account the number 2 production of products worldwide, then approximately one-fourth of the Durex brand belongs to the brand, and this is about one trillion copies per year. Durex products can be found in more than 160 countries of the world, and it is the undisputed leader in 40.

Design Features and Benefits

Durex condoms (Dureks) are not just a product similar to similar ones, only other brands. In their design, the developers have made a lot of innovation, which made it possible for Durex to occupy the avant-garde position in the market. Of course, the price of Durex may seem a bit high to many consumers, but it should be remembered that the price determines the quality. With these types of products No. 2, you can feel much more confident.

Here are the main innovations of Durex manufacturers:

  1. It was Durex that became the condoms that were first given a form based on anatomical principles.
  2. For the first time, Durex manufacturers (Dureks) began to use special lubricants (lubricants) for condoms.
  3. Durex pioneered the invention of contraceptives for those who suffer from allergic reactions to latex - non-latex condoms.
  4. Durex was the first to create and launch a website for contraceptive products.

To learn about all the possibilities of Durex condoms, you need to dwell on the assortment of the Durex brand in detail.

Brand line: similarities and differences

For almost a century of its history, Durex tirelessly invented new products. The main types of Durex are represented by a line of 11 items. Each type has its own specifics, special features that help to make the best choice based on personal needs and wishes. All Durex condoms are dermatologically and electronically tested. Durex has developed and successfully produces the following types of barrier contraceptives.

  • Durex Classic.

Durex classics are timeless. These lubricated condoms are simple and indispensable. They do not have an unpleasant odor, which is a consequence of production using a special technology. Not a single flaw that could interfere with complete relaxation and enjoyment. It should be remembered that no contraceptive will give a 100% guarantee of protection. But under the condition of proper storage - away from sunlight, in a dry, cool place - the percentage of reliability is close to the maximum. Classic Durex have the following features:

  1. Made of transparent latex, have a special drive and silicone grease.
  2. The special shape, corresponding to the laws of anatomy, makes it easy to put on a condom.
  3. Size: The length is 20cm and the width is 56mm.
  • Dual Extase.

This type of Durex is designed specifically for the simultaneous orgasm of partners. According to statistics, only in 27% of cases, a man and a woman reach the peak together. Most often, men get satisfaction faster. In order to deliver maximum simultaneous pleasure, Durex has created an innovative contraceptive that has the following features:

These condoms slow down ejaculations in men and make sex longer.
  1. Natural latex, has a silicone lubricant with benzocaine. It is an anesthetic that slows down ejaculation in men and prolongs sexual intercourse.
  2. The texture is provided with convex dots (pimples) and rings. This helps to increase the stimulation of the woman and speed up the onset of climax.
  3. Size: length - 19.5 cm, width - 56 mm.
  • Elite.

These elite condoms are specially designed to enhance sensual pleasure. They have additional lubrication, are devoid of an unpleasant odor. The features of this type include the following:

  1. Latex with a smooth texture.
  2. They are ultra-thin (0.065 mm), which allows partners to get as close as possible and feel each other during the act.
  3. Standard sizes: length - 20 cm, width - 56 mm.
  • extra safe.

Durex are developed taking into account the wishes of consumers to be sure of absolute safety. It is slightly thicker than regular products No. 2, but this fact does not affect comfortable use in any way. Characteristics of this type:

  1. Made from natural latex.
  2. With a thickness of 0.08 mm, they have a smooth texture.
  3. Dimensions correspond to the standard: 20 cm - length, 56 mm - width.
  • fruity mix.

Durex was the first manufacturer to introduce flavored condoms to the market. This species has four tastes and smells: orange, apple, strawberry and banana. The main features include the following:

  1. Natural latex with conventional silicone lubricant are made of multi-colored latex, the color of the corresponding fruit.
  2. They have a smooth texture and are slightly thinner than standard ones: 0.07 mm.
  3. Size: The length is 22 cm and the width is 53 mm.
  • long play.

These are special condoms created by developers to prolong pleasure. Benzocaine, an anesthetic that slows down ejaculation, is added to their lubricant. They are not recommended for use if partners have inflammatory processes and wounds. In addition, not everyone tolerates benzocaine equally well, it can cause irritation, itching and other allergic reactions. In case of severe negative manifestations, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. The technological features of this type of condom include the following:

  1. Silicone-lubricated latex with 5% benzocaine added to delay the climax.
  2. The texture is smooth, the color is standard.
  3. The length of this contraceptive is slightly shorter - 19 cm, and the usual width is 56 mm.
  • Pleasuremax.

Literally, this name can be translated as "maximum pleasure." The condom is really designed to optimally stimulate both partners, so it has the following design features:

  1. Made of natural latex with silicone lubrication.
  2. They have a dotted structure (pimples) and a ribbed surface. The ribs (rings) are located at the very base in order to stimulate the clitoris as much as possible during intimacy.
  3. The size is close to classic: length - 19.5 cm, width - 56 mm.
  • Realfeel.

They can be safely attributed to a new generation of contraceptives. They are created using a unique technology that provides the effect of skin on skin (skin to skin). Not a single movement of the partner will go unnoticed. High-tech, have the following features:

  1. They are made from synthetic advanced latex.
  2. Their texture is smooth, the shape is anatomical.
  3. The dimensions are close to the classics: 19.5 cm - length, 56 mm - width.
  • sensation.

Designed for sharpness and sophistication of sensations. With the help of special manufacturing technology and special texture, stimulation is greatly increased. Features include:

  1. Natural latex, silicone lubricant.
  2. The surface is covered with pimples (raised dots) that enhance stimulation.
  3. The size differs from the standard: length - 18 cm, width - 53 mm.
  • Durex XXL.

The name speaks for itself. They are intended for those men who do not fit into the framework of the standards. Features of contraceptives:

  1. Natural latex with silicone lubricant.
  2. Standard color with smooth texture.
  3. Increased size: 22 cm - length, 57 mm - width.
  • Avanti.

This species was developed and released in 1997. Its difference from all others lies in the fact that it is hypoallergenic because it is not made of latex. Its features:

This type of condom is made not from latex but from synthetic polyurethane.
  1. Lubricated synthetic polyurethane condom.
  2. The material from which the contraceptive is made is more elastic and softer than natural latex.

What is the average price of new Durex condoms? On various sites you can find a standard package of products of 12 pieces at a cost of 500 to 850 rubles. On the official website of the manufacturer Durex, you can find consumer reviews, and on various forums, everyone who used this brand leaves very positive feedback.

Having considered the Durex brand line, it is safe to say that no one knows for sure how many more contraceptive products the developers of this brand will invent and produce. They confidently keep the bar once raised and are not going to stop there.

It is no secret that before sexual intercourse there is usually a release of fluid that facilitates sexual contact. It is called lubrication, and its amount largely determines whether partners enjoy physical intimacy or not. Due to certain reasons (diseases, stress, menopause), the genitals are not moistened enough, and this leads to burning, pain, cracks. All this, of course, significantly worsens intimate relationships. Today, there are many tools to solve this problem. In order not to experience discomfort, partners are encouraged to use artificial lubricants, or lubricants. Many companies produce such products, and each person can choose the most suitable option for himself.

What is the lubricant for?

This product is used for the following purposes:

  1. Sets up partners for sexual contact, enhances and accelerates the process of arousal.
  2. Prevents the appearance of microtraumas in case of insufficient release of natural lubrication, and also heals existing cracks.
  3. Enhances sensations during sex, contributes to the satisfaction of both women and men.

There are several types of lubricants that differ from each other in the functions that they perform.

Types of lubricants

The main types of lubricants include the following:

  1. Arousal lubricants containing aromatic additives. These funds consist of special substances that increase sexual activity and at the same time allow partners to be liberated.
  2. Healing lubricants help prevent the occurrence of cracks inside the genital organs and reduce pain from already formed microtraumas.
  3. Lubricants with a cooling effect can make sexual intercourse longer, and also significantly delay the process of ejaculation.
  4. Lubricants designed specifically for anal sex help minimize discomfort during such intimate contact.
  5. Warming lubricants increase blood circulation in the genital area and exacerbate sensations.

Today, many companies are engaged in the production of products such as lubricants. You can buy these products at any pharmacy. One of the most popular varieties are Durex lubricants. Feedback on these lubricants and their properties is the topic of this article.

About the manufacturer

The products of this company are quite affordable today. You can buy it at any pharmacy or even a supermarket. Firm "Durex" was established in the capital of Great Britain in 1915, and not so long ago it turned eighty years old. In the early years of its existence, the company was engaged in the production of contraceptives, which went on sale as early as 1929. But the company gained the greatest fame precisely when it began to produce products intended for use during sexual intercourse. At the beginning of the 21st century, Durex lubricants appeared on sale, and the reviews about them are mostly positive, which indicates the reliability and safety of the goods. And this is not at all surprising. After all, all products of this brand are pre-tested and only then offered to consumers. It is designed for a wide range of people. Anyone can choose for himself what he likes and what helps to cope with his difficulties. However, you should still be careful, and before using any tool, carefully read the instructions. After all, every product has certain contraindications. For example, about the Durex intimate lubricant, the reviews of some doctors indicate that the components included in its composition can cause the development of fungal diseases.

Why are these lubricants so popular?

It is known that the lubricants produced by this company have positive properties, and the products of other manufacturers are clearly inferior to them. Durex gel lubricant in customer reviews deserves high praise, first of all, because it can make sexual intercourse longer, and sensitivity much more pronounced.

Lubricants can be used during foreplay, in which case they greatly enhance arousal.

What are the components of a lubricant?

Lubricants are made from various materials. There are three types of products: based on oil, silicone and water. The first two types of lubricants are considered not very reliable, as they can damage condoms. Speaking about a product such as Durex intimate lubricant (reviews and composition), it is necessary to mention that it is undeniably popular due to the fact that it is made on the basis of purified water. This allows partners to use this product with a condom and not be afraid that the contraceptive may be damaged. In addition to water, this brand of intimate lubricants includes glycerol, sodium hydroxide, aromatic additives. They also contain a special component that enhances blood circulation in the genital area, accelerates arousal and exacerbates sensations during sexual intercourse.

Varieties of Lubricants from Durex

There are several types of products that are manufactured by this company. All varieties can be divided into three categories:

  1. Durex Play.
  2. Durex Play stimulating Massage.
  3. Durex Play O (to enhance sensations during orgasm).

Each type of this product has its own qualities and is created in order to achieve a certain effect. Characteristics of Durex intimate lubricant gels, customer reviews about them will be discussed in the following sections.

Lubricants based on purified water without additives

This type of product includes Play Feel.

This is a type of unflavored lube that is great for first time intercourse as it helps to reduce discomfort. The tool also has an undeniable advantage, which is that it does not provoke the development of allergies in most people. Soothing Massage is a lubricant that does not adversely affect contraceptives. Thanks to its healing properties, the gel protects the mucous membranes of the genital organs from microcracks. It is also used as a massage agent. In most cases, consumers like Durex gel lubricant. Reviews and the composition of the product testify to its beneficial properties. And, unlike other brands of lubricants, Durex does not leave stains on clothes and bedding.

Means that accelerate excitation

Lubricants of this type include Play Heat and Play Sensual Massage. The first type of gel has a warming effect and, therefore, increases the excitement of partners. The tool does not contain impurities, such as sugar, so it can be used for different types of sexual contact. The second type of stimulating lubricant is a product with the addition of various aromatic substances (for example, oils). This gel can be used for massage procedures before sexual intercourse. It is able to reduce discomfort during sex, as well as increase blood flow to the genitals.

For anal intercourse

This property of the gel helps to delay the process of ejaculation and make sexual intercourse longer. Lubricant of the second type has a strawberry flavor. It is characterized by nutritional properties, well moisturizes the mucous membrane of the genitals.

About these two Durex lubricants, the reviews are mostly positive. These funds are considered quite harmless and reliable.

What is the best use for oral sex?

For this type of sexual intercourse, it is advised to use Very cherry and Play Pina Colada gels. The first remedy has a cherry flavor.

It can be used for any type of sexual intercourse. The lubricant is based on purified water, and it has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the female genitalia. Play Pina Colada has a distinct tropical scent. This is a reliable tool that perfectly protects both partners from microcracks and discomfort.

Positive properties of Durex brand products

High quality products, safety and reliability, affordable price - the main advantages of the products of this company. Quite well characterized intimate gel lubricant "Durex" in the reviews. And the composition, and properties, and the effect that it allows to achieve, like most buyers. Lubricant has the following advantages:


However, reviews about Durex lubricants are not always positive. Some consumers point to negative product characteristics, for example:

High-quality lubrication can significantly improve the quality of intimate life. However, this tool should be used with caution. No one can guarantee the absence of individual intolerance or other unpleasant phenomena after applying the lubricant.

Durex is a well-known and popular brand of contraceptives and other various related products for safe sex, which are produced in Britain. Let's look at the types and sizes of Durex condoms.

Classic: classic doesn't mean boring

Simple and irreplaceable, transparent and lubricated. They do not have an unpleasant odor, as they are produced using new modern technologies. Absolutely every detail is provided so that you can completely relax and enjoy safe sex.

Dermatologically tested and 100% electronically tested. Made from latex. The length is 20 cm, the width is 56 mm.

Dual Extase - Simultaneous Pleasure

Condoms were designed to allow both partners to have orgasms at the same time as much as possible. The anesthetic inside can slow down a man's ejaculation, while the pimples and ribs on the surface help increase stimulation and speed up a woman's pleasure.
Durex Dual Extase condoms slow it down and speed it up.

Dermatological studies have been carried out - contraceptives do not cause allergies. The condoms are 19.5 cm long and 56 mm wide.

Elite - ultra-fine pleasure

Ultra-thin condoms with quality lubrication help to significantly increase sensitivity and enhance all sensations. Contraceptives are among the thinnest, designed to enhance sensations during intercourse and get as close to a partner as possible.

They do not have an unpleasant odor. You can completely relax and enjoy your amazing sensations.

Made from latex with a smooth texture. The length is 20 cm, width - 56 mm, thickness - 0.065 mm.

Extra Safe - full confidence

Condoms are designed for those who need complete safety and confidence in contraception. However, if you want reliability, this does not mean that you have to sacrifice comfort.

There are no unpleasant odors, everything is provided so that you can completely relax and enjoy the process.

Ease of donning, nice extra lubrication - everything is designed not to interfere with your pleasure. The length is 20 cm, width - 56 mm, thickness - 0.08 mm.

Fruity Mix - amazing fruit flavors

Condoms come in four interesting flavors: strawberry, banana, apple and orange. Your sex will become more exciting and varied, exciting and interesting. With the right technology, contraceptives are reliable and allow you to fully relax during safe intercourse.

Colors are also varied: red, yellow and orange. Length is 22 cm, width 57 mm.

Long Play - long enjoyment

Condoms contain a specially formulated lubricant that sits inside to help a man delay the climax of intercourse and prolong intimacy.

Be careful as the lubricant gel in these contraceptives can cause a rash, irritation, itching or burning sensation. Avoid any contact with eyes. Wash off the lubricant immediately after using the condom.
It is not recommended to use a contraceptive if your partner has or if you have skin wounds and inflammatory areas.
The length is 19 cm, the width is 56 mm.

Pleasuremax - maximum stimulation

Condoms have a ribbed and dotted structure that brings maximum pleasure. The ribs are located at the base of the condoms, providing additional exposure to the clitoris. Easy to put on, do not have an unpleasant smell.
The contraceptives are 19.5 cm long and 56 mm wide.

RealFeel - natural feeling

A new generation of condoms for the most natural sensations during intercourse. You will be able to feel absolutely every movement, touch as if nothing separates you from your partner.

Store contraceptives in a dry place out of strong sunlight. The condoms are 19.5 cm long, 56 mm wide and 0.06 mm thick.

Sensation - intensity of passions

Condoms bring incredible extra pleasure and greatly increase stimulation, which helps to diversify even the best sex. Contraceptives provide a real heat of passion in your bed.

Convex dots create intense sensations for each of the partners. They are easy to put on and do not have an unpleasant smell. The length is 18 cm, the width is 53 mm.

Durex XXL - total comfort

Condoms provide a feeling of complete comfort for those who need it. Thanks to perfect production technologies, contraceptives do not have an unpleasant odor. Every detail is designed to give you complete relaxation and ultimate enjoyment.

The condoms are 22 cm long and 57 mm wide.

These types of products are offered to those men who use Durex condoms. Use them as needed, take care of yourself and your partner's health!

Condoms are the only products in the world for which quality and reliability are a guarantee of sales. That is why manufacturers, competing with each other, not only improve quality, but also come up with an interesting design, color and shape, making condoms very thin, but at the same time, durable and elastic. In addition, great importance is attached to thorough testing of the product, because only by experience can you find out which condoms are the thinnest. In this case, a “live experiment” is very popular with manufacturers, for which about three hundred people are invited, i.e. one hundred and fifty women and the same number of men. Participants are required to select the top ten condoms from a selection of forty that meet the given criteria.


The thinnest condoms in the world. The thickness of such a product made from latex is only 0.03 mm, and from polyurethane 0.02 mm.

Despite their thinness, Okamoto condoms meet quality and reliability standards. are made from high quality, natural latex, which is extracted from the juice of rubber plants that grow only in Japan. All Okamoto products go through several stages of testing, from standard electrostatics to dye fastness testing. Despite the claimed super strength, the following disadvantages can be distinguished: difficulty in putting on in low light, slipping, risk of tearing.


The manufacturer is Ansell Corporation (India for the US market), whose motto is "We manufacture the thinnest condoms according to the international standard ISO 9002". Production begins with testing the quality of raw latex, after the first test is passed, condom molds are sent to this mixture. After that, the condoms are finally tested for damage using water and air.

LifeStyles Corporation produces more than twenty different products, ranging from condoms to stimulation rings and gel lubricants, while the thinnest condoms (0.055 mm) of the entire series are considered Ultra Sensitive. But the Ultra Thin series is just as popular as it combines maximum sensitivity with a natural feel in use, thanks to its Easy-Fit shape and unique spermicide-free lubricant that does not cause allergies or irritation to partners.


In 1995, a completely new brand appeared on the Russian shelves. Siko condoms are made in Germany from high quality raw materials. For the manufacture of latex, the juice of hevea is used - a tree that grows only in Southeast Asia. All condoms are carefully checked by electronics. Manufacturers have taken care not only of strength and convenience, but also of maximum thinness, the thinnest condoms of the Sensitive series are only 0.06 mm. The anatomical shape, the absence of an unpleasant odor, and a smooth texture allow you to get maximum pleasure during use. Available in packs of three and twelve.


They are made on modern German equipment from ultra-thin film (latex) in Indonesia.

Each condom, according to the international standard, is tested by water and electronics - under the control of specialists from Germany. The thinnest condoms of the Simplex trademark are Deluxe (red packaging), their thickness is 0.06 mm. Elastic, lubricated, with a relief surface for more pleasure from sexual intercourse with a partner. The Long love series (white packaging) is characterized by a product thickness of 0.067 mm. They are especially popular with young people, and are bought mainly for the first sexual intercourse, this happens thanks to a special lubricant with benzocaine, which reduces pain and allows you to enjoy the process for several hours. The only drawback of this series is that there may be an allergy to benzocaine, therefore, products should be used with caution.


World market leader in condoms since 1929. The company produces about a trillion packs a year and is sold in one hundred and sixty-five countries. In addition, it was SSL International Corporation that first produced and patented the thinnest Durex condoms made of polyurethane, designed for people with

Production is constantly being improved, and a lot of new things are being introduced into the design itself, for example, Durex was the first to use lubricants - lubricants, the first to invent an anatomical shape and a latex condom. Products are supplied to the Russian market from factories located in India, Malaysia and China. The thinnest Durex Elite series condoms are just 0.065 mm thick, comfortable to use, thanks to an anatomical shape with an expanded head and a generous amount of lubrication, which allows you to avoid discomfort during intercourse.


A distinctive feature of this brand is that it is produced in two series, "Konteks" classic and youth. Manufacturers treat their products with special responsibility, therefore they are constantly expanding the range and changing the design of the packaging.

Available in three or twelve pieces in one pack. Produced in factories in Thailand and Korea. The thinnest condoms produced by "Contex" - Lights are made of natural, ultra-thin latex 0.05 mm thick on modern high-tech equipment, under the supervision of specialists, after which they are tested for strength by electronics, despite their thinness, they are quite strong and are a reliable protector from STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

Degree of reliability and protection

Manufacturers claim that all products are thoroughly tested by electricity, air and water for durability. At the same time, before bursting, a quality copy should increase in size seven times, and to check for elasticity, small holes are made in them and stretched in width.

When choosing a contraceptive made of thin latex, you need to be especially careful, because. improper use or storage, for example, near heaters or sharp objects, can lead to deterioration and damage to the condom while still in the package.

The quality of sex and comfort are fundamental factors that must be provided for maximum pleasure. However, there are often situations in which comfort is not achieved. For example, due to a lack of secret - lubrication. Accordingly, there is pain, burning, irritation, genitals get microtrauma, and this affects the quality of sexual life, self-esteem, and so on.

Types of Durex lubricant: their composition and action (cost)

The quality of sexual life predetermines the existence of a person on earth. It cannot be said that sex is the only thing that a person can “sick” with. However, it should be noted that the sexual life is fundamental in the existence of partners and its quality is very important. When situations arise in which there is not enough decent lubrication, not only the genitals receive microtrauma, but also self-esteem, uncertainty, stress appear, relationships become more tense, since there is no complete satisfaction in sexual life.

It is worth noting that during an intimate life a woman cannot always note a sufficient amount of lubrication secreted by the vagina. There are many reasons for this, and because of this lack, a woman loses interest in sex, up to the complete cessation of sexual activity, since there is no excitement and orgasm.

Thanks to special tools - lubricants, the problem is solved very simply. Their use allows you to completely eliminate dryness in the vagina, while providing a favorable stimulating effect.

The use of Durex lubricants allows you to get not only an orgasm, but also enjoy intercourse. The muscle tone of the vaginal tissue increases, the acid balance returns to normal.

Composition of lubricants:

  • Benzoic acid.
  • propylene glycol.
  • Flavorings.
  • Glycerol.
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Sodium saccharin.

It is worth noting that it is ethyl nicotinate on the list that helps improve blood circulation and heating of erogenous zones. This ensures the flow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis of a woman, she has a desire for intercourse without foreplay.

Depending on the variety, the price at the pharmacy varies, in particular:

  • DUREX Feel costs 352 rubles;
  • DUREX Pino Colada costs 352 rubles.
  • DUREX Play stimulating Massage 2 v 1 504 rubles.


As a rule, women can rarely boast of sufficient "warming up" before intimacy. And this leads to microtrauma of the external genitalia. The use of Durex lubricant creates a protective layer that reduces friction and ensures that there are no breaks.

DUREX Play stimulating Massage

A series of intimate lubricants is prepared on the basis of water. This type of lubricant is perfect for massage, acting as oil. This gel can be applied to absolutely any part of the body.


This type of lubricant is designed to enhance pleasure. It has a non-greasy and non-sticky texture, which is ideal for the first application.

DUREX Pino Colada

A fun fruity mix that will sweeten sex. A spicy pineapple and coconut scented lubricant that will bring a tropical touch to intimate relationships, regardless of the season. It is an excellent water lubricant that is combined with the use of a condom. It does not contain sugar, which means it is perfect for oral sex.

DUREX Play stimulating Massage 2 v 1

This lubricant contains guarana extract. This plant lives on the banks of the Amazon, in Brazil. Contains abundant amounts of caffeine, increases physical and emotional endurance. The lubricant made on its basis has a silky structure, is soft, delicate.

It is used on all surfaces of the body, has a wonderful aroma, has an exciting and aroma therapeutic effect. Moreover, this lubricant has a very pleasant aroma, and the bottle, which has a unique applicator, will make the application of the lubricant even more convenient.

Other types

Play Tingle Lubricant is a lubricant that provides a slight frosty tingle. It contains a unique blend of ingredients, thanks to which the intimate areas are affected by a slight tingling and cold.

DUREX Play Heat is a lubricant that has a warming effect and enhances sensitivity.

Precautions and how to use?

Absolutely all products, before using at the destination, must be tested for the development of allergies. Testing involves placing a small amount of the drug on an exposed area of ​​the body. 30 minutes should be allowed for the reaction, in which it will be seen whether the reaction has appeared.

It is worth noting that the lubricant must be used directly for its intended purpose, and after use, rinse thoroughly.

Before using Durkx lubricant, it must be placed on the palm of your hand - 2-3 drops and then distributed on the intimate organ or condom. After the end of intercourse, thoroughly rinse the remains with warm water, without the use of soap.


Galina, Astana, 25 years old My young man and I strive to bring different notes of experiments into our sexual way of life, lubricants allow us to play and enjoy sexual contact with a loved one.
Yuri, Aleksin, 34 years old My wife and I use lube, because after giving birth, she has severe dryness. After using it, it became noticeably easier for her, the process itself runs more smoothly, she does not complain. We try different ones every time. This produces a good effect, each time the sex becomes different.
Olga, Alushta, 27 years old I bought it for my husband to improve potency with a warming effect, but I like it more. The one that is very satisfied with the lubricants.

More fun - less friction

According to experts, the use of lubrication allows you to provide maximum slip while eliminating negative friction that interferes with the quality of sexual life.

Durex lubricants are the perfect solution to the problem. In the form of no secret. This tool allows you to enjoy physical intercourse, while increasing the morale and understanding of the couple.

Is Vaseline good as an intimate lubricant? Exciting lubricant for women and men
