Photoepilator for hair removal at home: contraindications and consequences. Is a photoepilator harmful to a woman's health?

Every woman dreams of clean and smooth skin without extra hairs on it. In the modern world, the beauty market offers a wide variety of products and procedures aimed at combating unwanted hair. Along with the machine, waxing, shugaring, the use of various creams for depilation, photoepilation is gaining more and more popularity among not only the female, but also the male part of the population.

What it is?

Epilation is a method of hair removal that has a direct effect on the follicle, destroying it and leading to hair loss. This approach to the fight against unwanted hair contributes to the preservation of a longer effect from the procedure. One type of hair removal is photoepilation. This method of hair removal is based on the use of a high-pulse light wave.

The light wave directed from a special lamp to the hair follicles is converted into heat waves, due to which it has a destructive effect on melanin (the substance responsible for hair color). Moving along the melanin, it brightens the hair and enters the blood vessels, contributing to the coagulation of blood near the bulb, thus limiting its nutrition and leading to destruction and hair loss.

After the first photoepilation, the number of hairs is reduced by about 20%, and the remaining 80% is significantly thinner. Repeated use of this procedure leads to atrophy of the follicle and complete cessation of hair growth.

Photoepilation is used to remove hair from the arms, legs, chin, eyebrows. It is also done on the face (to get rid of the antennae above the upper lip). Removing hair in this way is almost painless. You no longer need to shave frequently to keep your skin smooth and velvety.

Operating principle

Compared to other known hair removal methods, the effect of photoepilation is not immediate, but cumulative. It will take several sessions to get the desired result. To avoid harmful effects on tissues, the cosmetologist selects an individual program for you (determines the required temperature and prescribes the number of procedures), based on the level of your pain threshold and on the color and thickness of the hairs.

The principle of operation of this procedure is a short exposure to a high-power light wave (flash) on the hair and on their shafts. This energy, which was absorbed by the hair cells, is converted into heat, contributing to the heating of the entire structure of the hair and subcutaneous tissues up to 80°C. Due to such a high temperature, blood coagulation occurs in the capillaries that feed the hair follicle. The result of this process is a strong destruction or death of the follicle. When the bulb atrophies, it can no longer perform its functions and the hair gradually dies off.

After this procedure, the hair falls out on its own for another 20 days. With the right approach, the effect occurs not only on the follicle itself, but also on the hair papilla. It is thanks to this that with repeated use of photoepilation, hair growth is disturbed or even stops for up to 5 years.


To date, there are several varieties of photoepilation, namely:

  • IPL photoepilation;
  • Elos epilation;

The first method is considered the most widely used. This is a radical method of getting rid of unwanted hair, which is based on the use of broadband light waves from 530 to 1200 nm. Melanin becomes its conductor. It absorbs a pulse of light, after which the hair shaft is heated. Through this rod, heat enters the bulb, causing it to collapse. The flash affects only the hairs that are in the phase of active growth, therefore, it is necessary to carry out this procedure repeatedly.

The main device for this procedure is now considered to be the English apparatus IPulse. It has the largest flash area (about 9 cm²), while its counterparts are only 3 cm². This scale of coverage allows minimizing the time spent on photoepilation. Also included in its package is a special nozzle for cooling, which helps to make the process more enjoyable.

One of the modifications IPL is Elos epilation. This procedure combines two types of energy (radio frequency and light pulse energy). The effectiveness of this method is not better than that of photoepilation, and the sensitivity is much higher. In the presence of swarthy or tanned skin, there is a high probability of getting a burn.

How many sessions are needed?

The result of the first procedure, as well as subsequent sessions, is not predictable. It depends on the individual qualities of the hair and the treated area. On average, after the first photoepilation, the hair that was at the stage of active growth (approximately 20% of the total) is permanently removed. Hairs that have not reached this phase at that time remain intact, since they did not absorb light pulses. After some time, they germinate and there is a need for another procedure. It is precisely because of the individual characteristics of each client that it is difficult to judge the exact number of sessions required.

Other factors that affect the effectiveness of photoepilation, and therefore the number of sessions required, are:

  • Using a device of insufficient power;
  • Lack of adjustment of the device for the desired type of hair;
  • Unqualified cosmetologist;
  • Insufficient number of flashes.

On average, the recommended number of photoepilation sessions varies from 6 to 10 times. Since after epilation the hair continues to fall out for 2-3 weeks, the interval between the first should be from 3 weeks to 1 month, then - as it grows. The result of completing the full course is the complete cessation of unwanted hair growth for a period of 3 to 5 years.


Indeed, the effectiveness of this procedure is very high and the positive reviews of many people are irrefutable proof of this. On average, the effect lasts for about two to three years, but there is no single indicator here, because each person is individual and has his own characteristics that have a direct impact on the result. To significantly prolong the effect of this method of hair removal (after completing the full course), you will be helped by a preventive procedure once a year.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that if you stop attending procedures or become pregnant (which will lead to hormonal failure), then the result of the work done may come to naught.

The result is mainly affected by the color of your hairs and your skin. For light, red and gray hair, the effectiveness will be significantly reduced. The ideal combination for using this method of hair removal is the presence of light skin and dark hair.


Before the first photoepilation procedure, you need to consult a cosmetologist. It will tell you about the pros and cons of this service, select a program and focus your attention on possible contraindications for its implementation. Contraindications are of two types: absolute and relative. Absolute contraindications include:

  • The presence of hypertension;
  • Diabetes;
  • Various cardiovascular diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • Diseases of the skin;
  • Moles;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Age up to 16 years;
  • open wounds;
  • Tendency to develop keloid scars.

The relative reasons why photoepilation is dangerous to your health include:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Allergy
  • Tattoos;
  • Tanned skin.

Also, photoepilation can be dangerous when breastfeeding. The main reason for this is the presence of any stress on the body of a newly-made mother. The so-called pain syndrome also belongs to such loads. Due to the fact that photoepilation is not a completely painless procedure, the resulting stress can cause premature loss of milk, so it should be abandoned for a while.

Another reason is the incomplete normalization of the hormonal background, which can cause more time and effort to be spent on the procedure without obtaining the proper result. After the background is restored, the hair will begin to grow again. Therefore, during lactation, it is necessary to refuse to carry out photoepilation until the normalization and restoration of your body.

Rules for preparation and holding

Before the epilation itself, a consultation with a cosmetologist is held, during which you undergo an examination, and the master will draw up your questionnaire with personal data.

Based on them, he develops an individual photoepilation program for you. You will then be tested to see if your skin is sensitive to flashes. Only then does the procedure begin.

The client is put on special glasses or just a blindfold to protect them from unwanted light exposure. The cosmetologist himself performs his work in tinted glasses.

A gel (often with aloe vera) is applied to the desired area of ​​the skin. In case of high sensitivity of the skin to light flashes, it is recommended to apply an anesthetic cream at least an hour before the procedure so that it does not hurt.

The next stage consists in the fact that the master with a special manipulator, which is connected to the device, passes over the skin. There will be an unpleasant tingling at the exposure site (its soreness depends on your pain threshold). It is at this point that the right program is important.

The procedure ends with the application of an anti-inflammatory agent and a compress with a cooling effect on the entire area that has undergone epilation.

Skin care and possible consequences

Despite the safety in use and painlessness of the process of photoepilation, in order to avoid possible negative consequences, proper skin care and adherence to certain recommendations before and after the procedure is necessary.

Rules to be followed before the procedure:

  • It is forbidden to remove hair using various means, with the exception of the machine, two weeks before photoepilation
  • It is forbidden to sunbathe (including self-tanning) at least two weeks before the procedure. The skin due to melanin (thermal conductor) acquires a brown tint. Having received irradiation with light energy and its transformation into thermal energy, melanin will become its conductor not only to the follicle, but also to the skin itself. The result of a neglectful attitude to this rule can be burns of varying severity.
  • It is necessary to stop using antibiotics and tranquilizers two weeks before the procedure.

Rules to follow after the procedure:

  • You can not take baths, go to baths and visit pools and spas during the week;
  • Try to avoid direct sunlight (therefore, it is undesirable to carry out photoepilation in the summer);
  • It is necessary daily during the week to moisturize and nourish the skin with various creams, oils and lotions;
  • Refuse to visit the solarium, because even after photoepilation there is a risk of burns on the treated areas of the body;
  • Try to create less friction between the treated area and various rough types of tissue, so as not to cause even more damage to already irritated skin.

In addition to burns, the possible consequences of photoepilation include:

  • The growth of keloid scars (if there is a predisposition to their formation);
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • The appearance of folliculitis;
  • Violation of skin pigmentation.

Pros and cons of photoepilation at home

There are also portable devices for photoepilation at home.

Removing hair with a flash of light at home has both its pros and cons. The advantages of hair removal at home include:

  • Thanks to the power regulator installed on devices for photoepilation at home, the risk of burns, as well as pain during the procedure, is reduced to nothing.
  • The effect obtained when using a home device for photoepilation does not differ from that obtained in the salon. After completing the full course of photoepilation (6-10 procedures), the hair will stop growing for a long time.
  • Its application does not require additional knowledge. Each portable device has a clear interface, detailed and accessible instructions.
  • Most home photoepilators have special modes and attachments for removing hair from any part of the body, including the most sensitive areas, such as the face and bikini. To minimize getting a burn or other skin damage, you need to understand the mechanism of the device and choose the best mode for you.
  • The use of this device is harmless to your health. The device affects only the top layer of the skin (about 5 mm), so the internal organs will not be involved.

Also, the procedure for photoepilation at home has a certain number of disadvantages. The main ones include the following:

  • High risk of various allergic reactions and other problems. Due to the lack of a professional preliminary consultation, diagnosis of any contraindications, etc., you can cause great harm to your body.
  • A big problem when carrying out photoepilation at home can be the selection of high-quality preparations to protect the skin from light exposure.
  • Achieving the desired result may take a longer time.
  • Due to the high cost and the need to replace the lamp after a certain number of procedures, the price of a home photoepilation device will be equal to the cost of a salon photoepilation, but you will not get advice from a professional master.

Elimination of excess vegetation on the face and body with the help of photoepilation is one of the most modern and effective methods. The procedure is actively advertised in magazines, on Internet portals, in beauty salons. However, the majority of potential customers have only a vague idea of ​​its features and principles. What is photoepilation, and in what cases does its implementation form a pronounced positive effect that patients so dream of?

general information

Photoepilation is one of the youngest, but at the same time extremely effective methods for eliminating unwanted hair on the face and body of a person. During the procedure, specialists use special lamps that generate broadband light. Directed to the problem area, it is absorbed by the pigment melanin, converted into heat and destroys the structure of the hair follicle.

The principle of operation largely determines the indications for such a procedure. The thing is that in the absence of a number of conditions, it can be completely ineffective. So, photoepilation affects only dark hair, which contains melanin; blond, gray or red hair cannot be eliminated.

The procedure can be carried out on the basis of various devices, each of which has certain features and distinctive characteristics. The most popular at present is such a direction as IPL photoepilation - a technique that allows you to create light radiation in a wide range from 500 to 1200 nm.

Video: the principle of photoepilation

Preparation for photoepilation

Preparation for the procedure is as simple as possible and does not require significant physical costs. About a week in advance, you should stop sunbathing, start using sunscreen. 3 - 4 days before the session, the hair in the problem area is shaved so that they have time to grow by about 3 - 4 mm. On the appointed day, you should carry out the necessary hygiene procedures and clean the skin as much as possible.

Main steps

Radiation parameters for each patient are selected individually. This is done to achieve optimal results and prevent the development of complications.

Before treatment, the skin must be treated with a special cooling gel. This tool reduces the likelihood of burns and reduces discomfort in the process of removing hairs. After the composition is applied, the generation of outbreaks begins. A stream of light destroys the follicle, then, in about 1 - 2 weeks, the damaged hair falls out.

The full course consists of approximately 5 - 8 sessions with a break of 30 to 60 days. A more specific scheme for the patient is made individually by a beautician.

After the session, the period of rehabilitation of the treated skin begins. Its duration is approximately 5 - 8 days. During the specified period, it is recommended to refuse:

  • visits to the solarium, sauna, swimming pool;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • hygiene procedures with hot water.

In addition, the skin should be regularly moisturized, treated with antiseptic compounds and sun protection products (when going outside).

Possible adverse effects

Quite often, hair removal with the help of photoepilation provokes the formation of certain side effects. The body's response to an aggressive external intervention is quite natural, it should not disturb the patient, if the manifestations are observed for no more than 2-3 days. Standard effects are reddening of the skin, swelling, mild itching or pain.

There are also more specific problems caused by the procedure. The most common unpleasant consequences of photoepilation are expressed in:

  • burns (a consequence of a medical error or features of the skin);
  • the appearance of light spots, a change in the pigmentation of the treated area (occurs due to a violation of the recommendations of the recovery period after the procedure);
  • the formation of keloid scars (with a tendency to their appearance);
  • exacerbation of existing skin diseases;
  • allergies.


Unfortunately, even such a safe and modern technique has certain contraindications. The restrictions for conducting specialists include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (being breastfed);
  • high blood pressure;
  • children's age (up to 16 years);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • epilepsy;
  • oncology;
  • open wounds and inflammatory processes in the treated area;
  • viral diseases, elevated body temperature, exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • skin diseases (herpes, psoriasis and others).

Pros and cons

To begin with, we will formulate what is the harm of photoepilation, its weaknesses and shortcomings. They can be attributed to:

  • The presence of restrictions on the conduct (certain contraindications).
  • Sufficiently high prices (it must be taken into account that a positive effect is noted after a full course of procedures).
  • The presence of strict indications (the effect is exclusively on dark hair).
  • The duration of the course and a large number of epilation sessions.
  • Unpleasant consequences and side effects from the conduct.

Of course, photoepilation has not only disadvantages, reviews about the procedure are often the most positive. Its strengths include:

  • Short rehabilitation period.
  • Formation of noticeable changes after the first procedure.
  • Additional rejuvenating effect for the skin.
  • No direct contact with the skin, as a result - no risk of infection.


When answering the question of how much photoepilation costs, it is necessary to note the impact on the final prices of several important factors. The cost of one session directly depends on:

  • The number of perfect outbreaks (main characteristic).
  • Localization of the problem area.
  • Beautician Qualifications.
  • The type of equipment used.

In order to make it easier to navigate the prices, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the table below. On average, one light flash in the capital region is estimated at about 30-50 rubles.

Photos before and after photoepilation of hands

Photos before and after photoepilation of the area above the upper lip

Photos before and after photoepilation of legs

Photos before and after photoepilation of the armpits

Photoepilation is a relatively painless procedure for removing unwanted body hair. In this case, a high-pulse beam of light is used as a hair removal tool, which heats the hair follicle containing melanin in large quantities. Melanin is a substance capable of absorbing light waves. The blood in the vessels that feed the hair shaft begins to boil, then coagulates, after which the hair's nutrition stops.

  • 1. Preparation stage
  • 2. Possible contraindications
  • 3. Photoepilation procedure
  • 4. After the photoepilation session
  • 5. Benefits
  • 6. Disadvantages and harms of photoepilation

Thus, having lost its base, the hair falls out on its own. Depending on the duration of exposure to light rays on a part of the body, hair follicles either completely die off or atrophy. This process is irreversible, therefore, usually, after the photoepilation procedure, growth on the treated area of ​​the skin stops.

Preparation stage

Photoepilation is a procedure in which the skin is exposed to traumatic heat radiation. To avoid possible consequences, it is necessary to carry out careful preparation. First of all, you should avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks, that is, it is advisable to stop sunbathing in the sun and in the solarium. A week before the procedure, it is better to abandon any methods of hair removal that damage the skin, including plucking and waxing.

Immediately before photoepilation, it is necessary to hygienically prepare the skin with water and ordinary soap and shave off the hair for several days.

After the procedure, it is also not advisable to sunbathe for at least two weeks; three days after skin treatment, you can not visit the sauna, bath or pool.

Possible contraindications

Like any other cosmetic procedure that involves a traumatic effect on the skin, photoepilation has contraindications. Heat treatment of the skin to remove unwanted hair is contraindicated in persons with the following abnormalities.


  • complicated form of diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • varicose disease;
  • violation of the skin.

In addition, pregnant and lactating women, as well as minors under 18 years of age, have contraindications to photoepilation.

Photoepilation procedure

It is carried out taking into account the color of the skin and hair of a person. The color type is determined by the cosmetologist, then he sets up the device for photoepilation. The frequency of the heat beam and the intensity of the radiation are determined. The procedure requires a broadband light source.

The device for photoepilation is a device capable of producing pulsed light with a wavelength in the range from 500 to 1200 nm. Radiation from powerful krypton lamps contains ultraviolet, which is unsafe for human health, so the device is equipped with a filter to capture them. Recently, the most popular ipl photoepilation. Ipl is a broadband radiation system, which is the most advanced method.

Equipment for photoepilation in a beauty salon is produced, these are the well-known Ellipse Light, Classic 512 and Record 618. Some are equipped with a double radiation filtering system. Equipment designed for home use has also been developed, these are Remington IPL5000, HPLight and others photoepilators.

The patient's skin is lubricated with a cooling cream, after which goggles are put on the eyes to prevent harmful radiation from reaching the retina. Next, the pre-prepared skin area is processed with a manipulator.

After the photoepilation session

In order to remove hair from the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, several sessions should be carried out. The fact is that thermal energy can only affect those hairs that are in the phase of intensive growth. The rest of the hair falls into the radiation zone during the subsequent session. At least 4 treatments are required to see visible results.

After the procedure, the patient usually feels great. If the preliminary preparation has been done correctly, there should be no complications. If precautions are not taken, age spots or burns may appear.

And now let's discuss the pros and cons of photoepilation, of course there are more positive moments, but ...

Benefits of photoepilation

Many who are aware of this procedure would like to rid the body of unwanted hair in such an innovative way. In addition to the fact that the method allows you to quickly and completely painlessly carry out photoepilation of the armpits, as well as other places, it has several advantages.


  • the technique allows you to remove any hair from the body, with the exception of gray and white hair;
  • each session takes a little time, the procedure takes no more than 5 minutes;
  • the possibility of damage to the skin, which means its infection, is excluded;
  • absolute painlessness and safety of the process.

Often, photoepilation is prescribed for medical reasons. The procedure is prescribed by a trichologist for manifestations of hypertrichosis (increased hairiness of the skin). Photoepilation is also suitable for reduced skin turgor, as well as irritation after shaving in men.

Often, those who want to get rid of unwanted body hair, after reading the reviews of those who have experienced, decide on photoepilation. At the same time, they are concerned about the question, is photoepilation harmful? On this score, medical experts give a clear answer. Even when carrying out photoepilation at home, the procedure will not bring any harm if the preparation was carried out correctly, and contraindications and consequences of photoepilation were taken into account.

Disadvantages and harms of photoepilation

After hardware hair removal by thermal radiation, the patient is interested in the question of how long-term the effect of photoepilation will be. How long does the result last, how long will it last? There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on the number of sessions. If most of the hair that was in the intensive growth stage was treated with radiation, the follicle is destroyed and the hair falls out and will not grow back in this place.

Nevertheless, despite the obvious effectiveness, the procedure has some disadvantages.

Which include:

  • inability to conduct a session on tanned skin;
  • the likelihood of pigmentation after sessions;
  • Accidental overheating of the skin can cause skin itching and peeling.

We are often asked the question photoepilation or laser hair removal, which is better? Both methods are based on the same principle of operation, the only difference is that in one case a laser beam is used as an emitter, and in the other, the radiation of krypton lamps used in photoflashes. Both laser and photoepilation are quite effective, with the only difference being that laser hair removal will cost much more. The cost of photoepilation is approximately comparable to the price of electrolysis. For example, on the legs, the price for one session of photoepilation in the salon starts from $300.

Photoepilation or electrolysis? This question is often asked by patients to a dermatologist. The technique of electrolysis is based on the effect of electrical impulses on the hair follicle in order to destroy it. Not everyone knows that after electrolysis, scars may appear, infection of the skin is possible. In any case, the patient must decide for himself which method suits him best, but before contacting a beauty salon, you should consult a dermatologist.

The device is designed to prevent re-growth of hair and is considered unique today. Clinically proven and as recommended. Dermatologists and cosmetologists have confirmed that exposure to an intense light pulse on your skin is safe for your health.

The photoepilator is equipped with a special lamp that requires replacement only after the flashes have expired. The shared resource of sessions is provided for more than 5 years of use. Has between 50,000 and 80,000 flashes, depending on the manufacturer. Approximately 320 flashes are enough for 1 minute of the procedure, 600 flashes are calculated for one session. Also, the photoepilator is equipped with 5 settings, which allows you to adjust the intensity level during operation. The intensity is determined depending on the color of the skin and hair in the intended area.

The photoepilator is used once every two weeks, after a few hours after shaving, depending on the area of ​​​​application (shins are recommended once a month, bikini and armpits once every 2 weeks). After several procedures, the hair slows down growth and becomes soft. The photoepilator acts on the hair root, receiving a light impulse, thereby slowing down their re-growth. The skin may feel warm, but the procedure should be painless.

Each time, the effect of slowing down hair growth increases, and in the future it completely guarantees perfect smoothness of the skin for a long time.

This procedure is used both in salons and at home.

The photoepilator settings are selected depending on skin color and hair color. People with dark skin are more prone to skin irritation because it absorbs more light.

According to research, optimal results are achieved after 4-5 sessions. With each use, the density of the hair decreases. In the interval after the procedure, regrown hair can be removed by any method of depilation.

It is necessary to use the device with a sufficient amount of light so that the light reduces the visible part of the flashes.

The photoepilator kit includes: charging, a cleaning cloth, and a case.

The epilator is charged for 1.5 hours.

The photoepilator is intended for such zones:

  • axillary region;
  • arms;
  • stomach;
  • bikini area;
  • legs.

Advantages of the photoepilator:

  • silent;
  • can be used at home;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • significantly slows down hair growth;
  • does not leave marks on the skin, as after an electric epilator;
  • no ingrown hairs;
  • works from the accumulator or from a network;
  • five power levels;
  • cheaper than in the salon;
  • Not everyone can afford it, but it pays off over time.


  • large in size, which is not very convenient, but you adapt over time;
  • not very powerful;
  • can not be used on the face and chest area.


  • use the device by pregnant or nursing mothers;
  • if the type of skin or hair does not meet the requirements;
  • skin sensitivity to light;
  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • when taking medications;
  • in areas with freckles, moles, age spots.

Every woman dreams of beautiful and smooth skin, so the fight against unwanted vegetation is an urgent problem for the fair sex. Knowing what photoepilation is, as well as what features it has, you can use it with maximum cosmetic effect.

Photoepilation - a modern way to remove unwanted hair

Photoepilation is an innovative method of removing unwanted hair on the body, based on the use of flashes of light. They are produced by a special apparatus equipped with filters to protect the skin from burns. Can be used in various areas. For a course of sessions, it allows you to get rid of hair for a long time, and sometimes forever (depending on the characteristics of the body and its ability to regenerate).

Most often, photoepilation is done in a beauty salon, although it is permissible to perform the procedure at home with a special apparatus. To carry out the procedure, you need to have knowledge and skills, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid side effects and unpleasant consequences.

A variation of this method of dealing with unwanted vegetation is ELOS photoepilation. Unlike the usual one, it allows you to remove hair of any color, including very light or gray ones, but the disadvantage is the higher cost.

How does it work?

Photoepilation is very similar to laser hair removal in principle. Light flashes penetrating into the skin are concentrated in melanin. As a result of the interaction, thermal energy arises, which leads to the destruction of the bulb. After the session, the hair falls out on its own.

Since light pulses affect melanin (pigment), and its greatest amount is in dark hair, the procedure may not be effective in combating blond or gray hair. Flashes of light only affect bulbs that are in the active growth phase. In one procedure, it is possible to remove about 30% of unwanted hair, but after a while the session must be repeated (and usually several times) to get rid of all excess hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

Photoepilation of hands, as well as other parts of the body, is popular among women, although it has both pluses and minuses. The main advantages include the following:

  • high efficiency. After a full course, you will have smooth and delicate skin;
  • long lasting effect. Depending on the characteristics of the body, the results of photoepilation will delight for a period of 6 months to 5 years;
  • rapidity. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, sometimes more or less depending on the area of ​​the treated skin, hair color and other features;
  • safety. A photoepilator in experienced hands will not lead to burns or other unpleasant consequences. Double filter prevents strong light exposure to the epidermis, guaranteeing safety;
  • painlessness. The procedure is not painful, therefore it is suitable for the fair sex with a low pain threshold, although tingling and tingling may occur, an uncomfortable condition, but usually it passes quickly;
  • versatility. Photoepilation is used for any parts of the body - from the bikini to the arms. Thanks to the ability to adjust the intensity of the light pulse, it helps to remove both soft vellus and coarse hair.

Another important benefit of photoepilation is skin rejuvenation. Under the influence of light pulses, the production of collagen is activated, which is responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis.

Light hair removal has the following disadvantages:

  • on fair hair, the expected results may not be justified;
  • in some cases, especially if the rehabilitation rules are not followed, hyperpigmentation may occur due to the activation of melanin;
  • owners of dark skin need to do the procedure with extreme caution;
  • if the technique is incorrect or the light intensity is incorrectly selected, burns may occur;
  • it takes several sessions to get rid of hair;
  • after the procedure, the skin needs special care.

Many shortcomings can be avoided if you choose the right specialist. An experienced master is fluent in technique, and therefore will not allow the appearance of burns, hyperpigmentation and other side effects. Without special knowledge, do not try to carry out the procedure at home.


Photoepilation is one of the most effective methods of removing unwanted hair. Already after the first procedure, about 30% is removed, but a course is required for complete disposal, since light pulses do not affect the dormant bulbs. Many women often ask how many sessions of light hair removal are needed to make the skin completely smooth. Usually 3 to 6 treatments are required. The number of sessions depends on the following variables:

  • hair and skin colors;
  • density of vegetation;
  • body features and so on.

After the course, the effect persists for several years, and after that it is necessary to repeat the procedure.


Despite the effectiveness of the procedure, it is better not to do photoepilation of armpits or other areas in some cases. Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin diseases, including dermatitis, psoriasis and others;
  • malignant tumors;
  • allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the sun;
  • open wounds and mechanical damage to the epidermis of a different nature;
  • porphyria;
  • epilepsy;
  • the presence of nevi in ​​the treated area;
  • diabetes.

Also, the procedure should be abandoned in case of severe sunburn and the presence of tattoos in the area of ​​hair removal.

Careful preparation for the procedure

Photoepilation of the abdomen or other areas should begin with preparation. In addition, you should plan a trip to the salon in advance and take care of all the nuances so that the result is as effective as possible and avoid side effects.

Preparation for photoepilation begins with a trip to the dermatologist. A doctor's consultation will allow you to make sure that you have no contraindications for the procedure, as well as give detailed recommendations for preparation.

  1. A month before photoepilation, give up other methods of hair removal and depilation. You can only use a razor.
  2. Two weeks before the session, refuse to visit the solarium or sunbathing. If you have recently arrived from the sea, do not rush to the salon, let the tan fade a little.
  3. Be sure to shave a day or two before photoepilation, since the length of the hair should be about 2 mm. With a long length, pain may occur, and if you shave off completely, the procedure will not give results.

If you plan to do photoepilation in open areas, such as the face or hands in the summer, use a cream with an ultraviolet filter before going outside.

How is the procedure?

Knowing how photoepilation is done, many women go to the salon without fear. Initially, the master determines how many flashes will be needed and what intensity they should be. To do this, use a special apparatus.

After that, a cooling gel is applied to the treated area. It simultaneously performs two functions:

  • prevents burns;
  • contributes to the uniform distribution of light pulses.

Then the master acts with a photoepilator on the hairline. At the end of the procedure, the specialist removes the remains of the gel, and the skin is treated with a moisturizing cream with anti-inflammatory action. This helps to quickly rehabilitate the skin after exposure to light flashes.

rehabilitation period

After photoepilation, the skin needs special care. If you do not follow simple rules and recommendations, hyperpigmentation, peeling or other unpleasant consequences may appear. The following recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of side effects:

  1. In the early days, do not use cosmetics containing alcohol.
  2. Avoid sun exposure for the first two weeks, and if that's not possible, use sunscreen.
  3. Refuse to visit the sauna and bath in the first days.
  4. Use Panthenol, Bepanten or other moisturizers for the speedy healing of the epidermis.

Often there are questions on the network about whether it is possible to pluck out the remaining hair after the procedure or use a corrector. It is better not to resort to such methods, especially if more sessions are scheduled. In this case, you can use a razor, because you can shave after.

Comparison of photoepilation with other methods of hair removal

If you decide to do photoepilation, but doubt which is better and more effective, weigh the pros and cons. Comparing the different methods and their advantages and disadvantages will help you make the right decision.

Photoepilation or laser hair removal

It is difficult to answer the question of what is more effective - laser hair removal or photo-epilation, since the methods have a common principle of operation, although when choosing a laser, you do not need to repeat the procedure so often. The cost of photoepilation is slightly higher, but the session takes less time. To carry out high-quality laser hair removal, devices with different radiation waves are required, and on the photoepilator you can adjust the light intensity.

Sugaring or photoepilation

If you are considering whether sugaring or photoepilation is more suitable for you, then each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. The advantages of shugaring include accessibility, the ability to conduct at home, safety (the risk of side effects is minimized), versatility (suitable even for pregnant and lactating mothers). The main disadvantage is that it is very painful to do the procedure, and the effect lasts only a couple of weeks.

The advantages of photoepilation include a long-term effect and painlessness, but you need to be prepared to pay for the service, and it will also take several sessions. Side effects are possible if you use the services of an inexperienced master, prepare incorrectly, or neglect the rules of rehabilitation.

Electrolysis or photoepilation

It is also difficult to answer the question of which is better - photoepilation or electrolysis. The main advantage of electrolysis is that it can remove light hair, unlike light flashes, but the procedure is more painful and not suitable for the fair sex with a low pain threshold. Photoepilation should not be done after sunburn, and it is not suitable for swarthy people. Otherwise, the methods are very similar (effect, number of sessions, and so on).

Photoepilation of the legs and other parts of the body is the removal of hair by exposure to light flashes on the hair follicle, as a result of which it dies and the hair stops growing. The method is effective and in great demand. It is important to properly prepare for the procedure and follow the recommendations of the rehabilitation period.

Photoepilation has become one of the most popular procedures for removing unwanted body hair.

At all times, women have sought to get rid of excess hair, there are many ways today, but not all of them are able to get rid of hair forever.

Photoepilation affects the hair with pulsating light, which fills melanin with such energy that it can completely destroy the entire structure of the hair and prevent growth forever.

Photoepilation affects the hair with pulsating light, which fills the melanin with such energy that it can completely destroy the hair structure and prevent growth forever.

What is important to know about photoepilation at home

Salon procedures are very expensive, many women and men have already purchased a home photoepilator. It costs much less than salon services., reviews of doctors about such a device are quite loyal.

Before purchasing a photoepilator for your own use, be aware of the contraindications, reviews of doctors and people who already use this device.

Same way be aware of all side effects that may occur when using such a device.

Salon procedures are very expensive, although they are of high quality.

Read the site's popular article about:

What do radiologists think about flashguns?

Photoepilation affects only the hair and skin, such flashes do not penetrate deep under the skin.

Their power is not as strong as in the X-ray machine, so radiologists have absolutely no complaints about such a device, as a home photoepilator.

Reviews of doctors warn pregnant women to use this method of hair removal, because during the bearing of a child it is not necessary to expose the skin to any light exposure.

Radiologists have absolutely no complaints about such a device as a home photoepilator.

What is the opinion of the therapists

When asked about photoepilation, therapists tend to answer that the procedure is quite safe. One has only to carefully read the paragraph "contraindications" to avoid negative effects on the body.

Home photoepilator, according to the reviews of general practitioners, is not capable of provoking any diseases.

When this method of hair removal first appeared, a lot of rumors and myths began to circulate, supposedly photoepilation could provoke cancer, but the opinion of experts did not confirm such an effect.

When asked about photoepilation, therapists tend to answer that the procedure is quite safe.

The opinion of dermatologists on the effect on the skin

Before deciding to purchase a home photoepilator, you should visit a dermatologist. Reviews of doctors sometimes differ, and a dermatologist will be able to determine exactly whether such a procedure can be performed.

If the dermatologist does not recommend using a home photoepilator, then doctors' opinions should be the main factor influencing the decision using this technique. In any case, there are many other ways to get rid of body hair.

Most contraindications are related to the skin, so do not refuse to consult a doctor. Important. first of all, health.

Read the site's popular article about:

What trichologists say about using a home photoepilator

A trichologist is a specialist in the treatment of hair. According to their reviews, a home photoepilator is able to completely destroy the hair that is located on the treated area.

Many women are afraid that such hair removal can adversely affect all hair. Trichologists assure that this cannot happen. Flashlights only affect the areas to be treated., and those hairs that are located next to these areas are completely safe.

A home photoepilator, as confirmed by the reviews of trichologists, is absolutely safe. So, you can safely buy such a device without worrying about the hair that you need.

A trichologist is a specialist in the treatment of hair. According to their reviews, a home photoepilator is capable of completely destroying the hair located on the treated area.

The main thing from the reviews about using a home photoepilator on the network

Recently, a lot of reviews of doctors, ordinary women and men about a home photoepilator have appeared on the network.

Many write about the painlessness of the procedure. Indeed, there are many ways to get rid of hair, but many of them cause discomfort and even pain. The use of photoepilation avoids these moments.

Many write about the painlessness of the procedure. Indeed, there are many ways to get rid of hair, but many of them cause discomfort, but there are ways to deprive yourself of this.

There are user recommendations for choosing a home photoepilator. Many advise to spend a little more money, but to get a photoepilator with a skin color recognition sensor. This sensor determines by color whether epilation can be used in this area.

Important to remember! You should not trust completely such a sensor. Before using a photoepilator, you should consult a dermatologist. He understands the possibility of using the device better than sensors.

Also owners of home photoepilators note ease of use. They write that even a person, having encountered such a device for the first time, can easily use it.

Owners of home photoepilators note ease of use. They write that even a person, having encountered such a device for the first time, can easily use it.

There are also warning reviews: girls write that you need to carefully select the flash mode.

Some of them received small burns on their skin due to the fact that they chose the wrong mode.

It's important to know! If the photoepilator is set to high power in order to quickly get rid of hair, then this idea must be abandoned. The photoepilator can cause damage to the skin.

There are also negative reviews: some women are not satisfied with a home photoepilator, as they hoped for a faster result of getting rid of hair forever.

Manufacturers do not guarantee complete deliverance, because it all depends on the structure of the hair and the hormonal background.

They just write about the possibility of completely getting rid of hair. In any case, so that the hair never grows again, you will have to wait and carry out the procedure more than 1 time.

The girls write that it is necessary to carefully select the flash mode. Some of them received small burns on their skin due to the fact that they chose the wrong mode.

Basically, all the reviews about the home photoepilator are positive. Many who decided to purchase this device were based precisely on what they write about it on the net.

Pros and cons of home photoepilation

Like all devices, a home photoepilator has its positive and negative sides. Before purchasing this device, there is a need to carefully read these points.

There is no chance of ingrown hair after the procedure. Photoepilation removes even ingrown hairs.

Advantages of the photoepilator:

About the disadvantages of photoepilation at home:

  1. Many photoepilators are not able to remove gray hair and fluff.
  2. Choosing the wrong mode can leave burns or scars.
  3. The maximum efficiency of the apparatus is 76%.

The most revolutionary novelty for home depilation:

Contraindications for photoepilation

Carefully! Even such a safe procedure has contraindications. You must carefully read the list before buying, so as not to waste money and not harm your health.

Contraindications include pregnancy.

Contraindications include:

Also individual skin intolerance to flashlights is possible. If redness and itching appear steadily after the procedure, then it would be better to refuse photoepilation.

Possible negative consequences

After the photoepilation procedure there may be side effects, but they are not harmful to health.

Slight redness after using the device is normal. If this is not an allergy to flashlights, then such redness will disappear in a couple of hours.

After the photoepilation procedure, side effects may occur, but all of them are not harmful to health.

There may be slight swelling in the treated area. They also pass quickly.

Same way there is a possibility of pigmentation on the treated areas of the skin. This effect will pass only after 3-6 months.

The occurrence of negative consequences is rare. Basically, they apply to people with dark skin.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to prepare the skin, and after it, special care will be needed for several days, a dermatologist can tell everyone about this.

To avoid the occurrence of side effects, you must correctly configure the device and follow strictly according to the instructions.

All the pros and cons of acquiring the device were considered, there were more positive moments. Home photoepilator is absolutely safe, if you follow the rules and tips, properly configure the device.

From this video you will learn all the necessary basic information about home photoepilation.

This video will acquaint you with how to get rid of excess hair with the help of home photopilation.

In this video, the girl will share with you her experience of using a home photoepilator.
