How to forget a man faster. How to quickly forget the man you love

Today our psychologist Elena Smirnova will talk about how to forget the man you love. How to do it correctly and as painlessly as possible.

Sometimes, you want to throw out of your mind a man who disappointed you and caused separation and tears, even for the most extraordinary successful attractive women.

Without a doubt, breaking a relationship with a man who was dear and beloved is always very painful and painful. And whoever is the cause and initiator of the break in relations, you must try to overcome this period of time with dignity.

It will be a shame in any case. But when it’s a man who initiates the breakup, it’s especially painful. The best decision is to accept the situation as calmly as possible and not give free rein to your emotions. It is useless to run after a train that has left.

If a woman cannot restrain her emotions and feelings, she lowers herself in his eyes with her hysterics, calls, harassment, crying and hysterics, begging him to come back, then, a little later, she herself will not be able to forgive herself for this. As popular wisdom says: “It’s not scary to lose a man, it’s scary to lose yourself.”

So no matter how hard it is, a woman should be calm and maintain respect, first of all, for, and do everything possible to erase the man from her life. It is important for your own self-esteem in the future to maintain face in the eyes of your “ex” and not lose his respect. Love is no longer there, you can’t bring it back, but respect must remain forever.

It is almost impossible to get rid of thoughts about a loved one and immediately forget him. Most often, the first time, which is two or three months, is a very difficult and emotionally intense period. At the first moment, after the relationship ends, the biggest problem is the realization that this person is no longer around. A woman dreams that a man will return and beg to forgive him, she lives in this hope. In vain!

But, with the passage of time, the fact that the relationship is broken, that it does not exist, becomes more and more clear. But life goes on, whether you want it or not. And there is an opportunity to become loved again.

But A woman who is open to new relationships, when there are no old grievances in her heart, when she has let go of the past, can become happy.

How to behave in this situation in order to become ready for a new feeling, in order to forget the person dear to your heart? In such circumstances, experts offer the following advice.

If your soul is very heavy, then all negative emotions need to be given an outlet. All the negativity that has accumulated inside will sooner or later begin to destroy the psyche and have a detrimental effect on health. The faster you throw out negative emotions, the more you break his expensive gifts, the faster the things he forgot become shreds, the faster your friend’s shoulder becomes wet with tears, the faster she will feel better. And when the storm of the first passions subsides, the situation will become less frightening. And the chances of the one who caused so much suffering will increase.

There would be no happiness...

Absolutely any everyday situation can be viewed from both a positive and negative side. In any situation you need to find at least something good. And when the tears dry, new possibilities will open before your eyes. A woman will understand that there are many moments in life that are worth enjoying, that everything will still be good, and that she has something to strive for.

There are no ideal men, especially “former” men.

It’s very strange, but when a relationship breaks down, most often women begin to suffer from memories. They remember the most touching moments of their acquaintance, romantic evenings, trips, walks associated with their “ex” man. And this makes them even more unhappy. But at that moment everything was not so perfect! And you need to admit this to yourself. Because, despite your romantic memories, you still broke up. So there were reasons for that.

One of the most successful ways To cool your love for a man is to find his shortcomings. And he has them. Write down on a piece of paper all the little things that annoyed you, all his flaws to which you deliberately turned a blind eye. And now his pedestal has ceased to be so unshakable. And if these notes are painted in large letters and placed throughout the apartment, then when looking at the place where he “kept scattering his socks,” at some point the woman will simply be glad that they are not there. And this will be another step towards letting go of past relationships.

Understand that this was not the only man on earth

Even a man who is ideal in every way can be thrown out of your head. After all, there has already been one ideal man, why can’t another, even more ideal, loving, intelligent, caring and gallant man appear, and as a result, even more loved.

We must strive for perfection, for which, as we know, there are no limits. So you need to move on, hope for the best, and not grieve about the past, because this does not bring positive results.

Increase your self-esteem

Nothing improves a woman’s mood and self-esteem more than the attention of men. This is not a reason to rush into a new relationship within a day. But a little flirting never bothered anyone.

What could be better than an interested look thrown at a woman. A woman has a reason to change her clothing style, hairstyle, hair color, and decide on super bright lipstick. Yes, some people may get a little carried away, but it’s still better than sitting at home in tears and going through old photographs.

Work on yourself

Whatever happens, a woman’s life does not consist only of relationships with her beloved. Life is multifaceted. There are so many interesting things in life. There are so many things you denied yourself while in a relationship.

Other cities, many books and films, so many things that women don’t even know about, that you need to decide on because you once dreamed about it.

Be a woman, but above all, be yourself. Sign up for tango or hip-hop classes, start drawing or fixing motorcycles. All this can become so absorbing that there is no time for painful memories.

And as soon as a woman becomes interested in something completely new and interesting, she is transformed. And if a woman is in a great mood, then the chances of meeting new love become much greater!

Forgiving and letting go is the true art of relationships. But if, then in the future you will cope with the difficulties of life much easier. Lessons should be learned and previous mistakes should not be repeated. And life will give you all its colors.

Relationships do not always have a happy ending and often couples have to separate at the will of one of the participants. But parting does not mean the loss of mental pain, because as long as the memories of her lover are alive, the woman will not feel happy. How can you forget a man, and are there adequate ways to do this?

The best ways to forget a guy when breaking up

First, you need to convince yourself that a man is not worthy of the tears shed for him, he does not deserve these experiences. By idealizing her ex-partner, a woman is literally digging her own grave, because it is clearly impossible to forget about such an ideal. What methods of dealing with feelings will be effective here?

You should get rid of all common things, put your beloved’s gifts away so that nothing reminds you of him again. Psychologists believe that when breaking up, many women themselves are to blame for their own suffering. They dramatize the situation, return to it all the time, experiencing the tragic moments of the relationship again and again.

Ways to forget a man who cheated or left the family

There are different reasons for separation, but betrayal is perhaps the most common of them. Despite all the excuses of the opposite sex, such relationships should be broken off immediately, because one betrayal will sooner or later inevitably lead to another.

In this situation, a woman needs to do the following:

  • remove the man from all social networks, block his phone number and get rid of photos together;
  • with a clear conscience, you can accept advances from other men, increasing your self-esteem due to their compliments;
  • at every mention of a man in a common company, you should return your thoughts to his vile act;
  • You need to avoid meetings and any contact with a man by all means, as this will only reopen old wounds.

The first reaction of any woman who learns about betrayal is retaliatory betrayal. Psychologists do not advise immediately throwing yourself into the arms of other men, since this will not bring any satisfaction, but will damage the woman’s reputation.

But accepting compliments is recommended! A woman can visit restaurants, bars, go on dates, but there is no need to rush. Now a woman is free, and therefore free to do as she wants. There is no need to immediately rush into a new relationship without getting rid of negative emotions towards old feelings.

It is also very important to minimize contacts with your ex-lover: remove him from social networks, do not appear in places where he may be. Otherwise, the woman will see her soulmate with a homewrecker, and this will destroy those grains of mental balance that she managed to gain earlier.

How to stop loving a man if the couple has children together

The presence of a third term in this equation makes it practically unsolvable. The woman will still have to interact with the child’s father, and for the rest of her life. How should you act in such a situation?

For a child, the separation of parents is a huge stress, and psychologists recommend not to forget about it. You cannot deprive your baby of communication with his father or his relatives; you cannot say bad things about a man in the presence of the baby. Also, women, absorbed in their worries, often forget about basic care for the baby. This should not be done: there is a high risk that the baby will feel abandoned, and this will directly affect his psychological state.

The child and father must communicate, but the woman will not take direct part in this. In the future, the former spouses may be able to establish friendly relations, but as long as the woman has feelings, there can be no talk of any friendship.

How not to fight feelings for a man

Despite the fact that relationships sometimes end extremely tragically, a woman needs to monitor her actions and actions. Here is just a short list of actions that should never be used to deal with feelings for your ex:

  • a woman should not throw herself into the arms of everyone she meets, since sex will only console her temporarily;
  • It is also not recommended to drown your grief with alcohol, since alcoholic drinks cannot save a lady from suffering;
  • It is not recommended to spread gossip about your ex, talking about his non-existent problems and shortcomings;
  • When you meet your lover, you need to behave appropriately, and not throw tearful hysterics.

In the presence of an ex-man, you need to behave extremely adequately and calmly. Then, when she comes home, the woman can cry, but her lover cannot see the suffering. Otherwise, he will only experience pity, and a woman does not need it.

You also cannot fight feelings by harming your health. This means avoiding excessive use of alcohol, drugs and smoking. The consequences of such behavior will be detrimental to the girl’s future well-being. In addition, unpleasant physical sensations will be added to mental pain.

Psychologists do not recommend spreading offensive rumors about a man, especially if they do not correspond to reality. In this case, the woman will present herself as a victim, but no one will feel sorry for her. In addition, rumors about a man can encourage him to advertise dirty details from the life of the girl herself. As a result, former lovers will throw mud at each other in the presence of mutual acquaintances and friends.

Parting with honor, and even forgetting about your ex-lover in time, is incredibly difficult. Sometimes it takes many months to deal with feelings. However, by coping with emotions now, a woman will be able to start a full-fledged relationship in the future. If feelings are preserved, there will be no need to talk about any happiness and peace.

Larisa, Cheboksary


You can return everything, but is it worth it? If your differences couldn't be resolved when you were together, things are unlikely to change for the better. To endure quarrels and conflicts or to start life from scratch is up to you to decide.

Having made a choice in favor of freedom, do not give in to despondency and confusion. You urgently need to fill the voids that have formed after leaving and “burn bridges.” Tell all your friends, girlfriends and relatives about the breakup. Don't complain and don't get tragic. Simply: “I’m doing great!” True, the day before yesterday with Oleg, but this has been brewing for a long time...”

Look for positive moments in everything, and it’s better if they have a fair amount of humor. His birthday is coming soon, and you don’t need to worry about a gift! There will be no more of his Saturday night owl friends with tanks of beer and ubiquitous fish. Now you can admit to yourself that his mom will make a killer.

Remember. Remember everything bad, disgusting and indecent that he did. How he chewed off his hangnails, how he burped noisily, his r-r-r-rap. Think about this when your hand reaches for the phone. Look at your cat - he is just happy that there is no invader or usurper, that he can safely pee in the litter box and not in his sneakers.

Go out into the world and look around. There are so many attractive and smart men around! And you could skip all this wealth by removing beer mugs and fish tails. Be flirty and flirty, be a little flighty. Not lonely, but free.

Collect all his remaining things and gifts that he sometimes bought. Write with words of gratitude for the pleasant moments that you undoubtedly had. Place the piece of paper in a box with your things, seal everything up and... put it in the closet. You shouldn’t reopen your own and other people’s wounds.

That's all. Now you can advise your friends on how to quickly forget man.


  • How to forget a guy in a week with minimal damage to your nerves? A short guide for the sentimental young lady

A break with a loved one can be very unsettling. Especially when it is not you who initiated it. But no matter how bad it is, you need to get back on your feet, believe in yourself again and start life from scratch.

After breaking up with a person who until recently was the most beloved, dear and close, many people make a huge mistake. Using mutual acquaintances or social networks, they try their best to find out about the new passion of a man or woman. Some begin to follow the life of their loved one, tormenting their soul even more.

How to let someone go

No wonder the wise proverb says: “Out of sight, out of mind.” Delete all messages, photos, contacts of this person. If it’s difficult for you to do this on your own or you want to re-read the correspondence first, ask someone close to you to delete everything.

Psychologists say that sometimes it is useful to cry. This helps to throw out negative emotions and reduce stress levels. However, you shouldn’t withdraw into yourself, lock yourself in a room and sob into your pillow for several days in a row. Instead of getting rid of negativity, you risk developing nervous exhaustion.

Don't delve into yourself. Parting with your loved one is not the end of life. You should not try to find out the reasons, but analyzing your own behavior will be useful for the next relationship. Try to forgive the person in your soul and believe in the bright future that awaits you ahead. There will definitely be a person who will appreciate and love you with all his heart.

How to forget a person

After you have more or less put your thoughts and soul in order, it’s time to move on to active action. It is difficult to control the thoughts in your head, so from time to time you will still think about your previous relationship. In order to have as few moments as possible, you need to keep yourself busy as much as possible.

Start with your appearance. Changes in yourself are the beginning of changes in life. Get a different hairstyle, dye your hair, sign up for a makeup course, or find time to do something you’ve been putting off for a long time, but really wanted to do. There are many examples among successful people when a breakup became the impetus for creating their own business or moving up the career ladder.

Try to diversify your free time. Meet with friends, visit exhibitions, cinema, museums and other events. In addition to having a pleasant time there, it is quite possible to make new acquaintances and even find new love. Go on vacation, recharge yourself with the energy of the sun, get a chocolate tan and change the sad expression on your face to a smile.

Sooner or later, a person will appear on your way who will show his sympathy. Don't compare him to your ex. Give the person the opportunity to prove himself, do not push him away, citing the fact that you are not yet ready for a new relationship. Perhaps he will turn out to be even better than the former.

Well, that’s all - the relationship has come to an end, there is no more love, or maybe there never was... Parting rarely passes without consequences for the emotional and psychological health of a man and a woman. Some people are in a bad mood, while others become angry or hysterical. There are frequent cases of falling into depression: you don’t want to see other people or communicate with anyone. It is not surprising that many people are interested in the question of how to forget the person you love. There is, of course, no universal answer, but psychologists offer several effective techniques that can help a suffering person forget about painful experiences and prepare a clean slate. For what? To start a new life. This article describes three simple steps.

A deadlocked relationship or a breakup with a loved one is a very common situation. It is much easier if this happened by mutual consent, but what to do if the separation occurred on the initiative of one of the partners - it does not matter, men or women.

The unhappy lover is still attached to the object of his desire, experiences tender feelings, but an unpleasant aftertaste of betrayal is mixed with them. Suffering, tears, depression lead to the inability to work or study normally, to take care of oneself, and in general a painful breakup is fraught with suicidal thoughts.

Of course, there are other situations - for example, a woman falls in love with a man who completely ignores her or makes it clear that romantic interest is undesirable or impossible. And it seems like we can’t talk about reciprocity, and the situation doesn’t seem so hopeless, but the girl still finds it difficult to build a new relationship and has no strength to move on.

How to forget the person you love?

The question of how to forget a loved one worries many men and women. Unfortunately, most often this problem cannot be dealt with very quickly, and not everyone is able to completely get rid of memories and pleasant thoughts about a former lover from their heads. We know it sounds corny, but... time heals. If you saturate your days with bright moments and rush in pursuit of new happiness, trouble will not seem so prominent.

Is it possible to find pleasant moments in a breakup? It turns out yes. Probably, parting is, albeit painful, but still a test for a person, which should be passed with dignity. What if this is just a test on the way to new happiness? Therefore, you cannot bury yourself in advance, because your fate is wandering somewhere nearby.

The period of failure will pass, and very soon you will start a new life, and if old memories visit you, they will be less and less until, at one fine moment, they are replaced by more pleasant experiences. We will definitely tell you in more detail about specific methods that help you quickly forget your ex-loved one.

Scientists have found that in order to find true love and find happiness, a man and a woman have to fall in love with 7 partners. Of course, in such situations it is impossible to do without separations and partings.

Methods to help you forget a loved one

In such an unpleasant and difficult period, psychologists recommend following three simple and effective steps on how to forget a loved one. They look like a certain sequence:

  • let go;
  • change;
  • try to fall in love again.

Many will say that all this is simple and looks beautiful in theory, but in practice it is impossible to achieve quick results. It’s hard to disagree with this, but you need to work with your own unpleasant experiences, so why not start with these steps.

Method No. 1. Letting go

First of all, accept the situation of separation. What does this mean? Comprehend everything that happened, try to reproduce every minute of the unpleasant moment of separation and, finally, acknowledge the accomplished fact. You can (and, in some cases, even need to) cry and scream.

The specific steps are as follows:

Method No. 2. Change

The second piece of advice is to change your present and future for the better and change yourself. For example, you can let go of past memories by using tricks such as:

Method No. 3. Entering into a new relationship

The last step, the implementation of which will allow you not to think about your former chosen one, is falling in love again. Does your former heart friend not have tender feelings for you? The time has come to connect your future with another person, someone who will treat you with due respect and attention.

You should not protect yourself from people around you, friends and narrow your circle of friends. It is likely that they will introduce you to a new object of love, or you will find among your friends the person who can save you from painful memories.

We cannot predict what awaits us in the future. But problems in the present, caused by a painful collision with reality, can pull the rug out from under any person’s feet. Emotions rage, which is fraught with rash actions. Psychologists categorically do not recommend:

  • console yourself with hopes that your loved one will understand everything, understand his mistakes and return;
  • sort out the relationship with the departed person, seek a meeting with him;
  • become a “spy”, using various tricks to find out the details of his new life;
  • regularly replay in your memory all the bad deeds and nasty things he did to you;
  • build intrigues, trying to quarrel a former lover with a new passion;
  • cry over your difficult fate, feeling sorry for yourself;
  • change partners, throwing yourself into a whirlwind of new love adventures;
  • seek support from smoking, alcoholic beverages and drugs.

When thinking about the question of how to forget a loved one more easily and quickly, you should find out the opinions of experts. Psychologists are sure that it is much easier for optimists to start new relationships. This type of people is sure that a breakup is a great opportunity to change themselves and start over.

If you still haven’t decided how easier it is to forget a loved and desired person, try using one universal method - try to love yourself, increase your own self-esteem. In this case, you will understand that you deserve more and better. And this best awaits you in the future very soon, because life is so multifaceted and unpredictable!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

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120 comments to the article “ How to forget a loved one? Psychologist's advice»

    The main thing here is to understand and accept that you broke up, and then get over it. Find something of your own, get distracted and start a new relationship.

  • This is all bullshit. If there was love, it can no longer be killed. Or, that means it wasn't love. You can be distracted, but not forgotten. She is like a virus that has settled inside and will come out under favorable conditions. Both at 50 and 70 years old. We must take it for granted and try to be distracted. Or try to return it if there was reciprocity. Even after many years. It is human nature to make mistakes and change opinions. Years change your outlook on life. There is still something that can be fixed. Don’t live according to someone else’s rules or society’s opinions. Live according to your heart. And then you won’t regret anything.

    • Yes, if there is love for a person, then you can’t get rid of it. And don't forget her. I’ll say more - I can’t even get distracted. And the most amazing thing is that the soul and heart do not let go of this love. Of course, we are all different and it is different for everyone. Therefore, I will say that time does not exactly heal. If you can deal with your love one on one, then everything will be fine.

      • This love is destruction. Especially if a person has betrayed you a bunch of times and you forgive him and forgive him. It is difficult to move into a new relationship because love is still in your soul. From my own experience, I now understand that such relationships are often destroyed. You can go to another city, but you can’t escape from yourself.

        Very hard. Nothing during the day - work distracts me. And at night it’s simply unbearable, how painful it is, I can’t express it in words... I didn’t think that after 40 you could fall in love like that.

        • Yes, as I understand you.
          I have the same thing. Moreover, I am married, and this is just a man with whom I cannot be together...

          Yes... same thing. They invented love.

Today's article is about personal things. Every girl faced a breakup and could not forget the man she loved - the chosen one fell out of love, cheated, burned out - in any case, he left, leaving an emptiness in his heart.

Breaking up is one thing, but letting go, which means falling out of love, is another.

Break connection

If you understand that you love unrequitedly, it is better to immediately “reel in”. It is humiliating to be the one to whom they go when there is no one else, when they are simply bored. End the relationship mercilessly and as quickly as possible. He managed without you. This means that you will learn to live without him.

If you happen to fall in love with a married man, then, as the saying goes, “your business is yours.” You risk remaining in the status of a mistress or spare for life, call it whatever you want, but there are few cases when a husband leaves his wife and goes to his mistress, with whom he then lives happily. Such husbands go to a mistress, and then to another, and another.

Get rid of presence

Wise people say: “out of sight, out of mind, out!” To get rid of attachment, you need to lose sight of its object. Try to interact with a man as little as possible, both at work or school, and in everyday life. Accept for yourself the attitude that you do not see him and do not want to see him.

It’s more difficult when you have to communicate with a person. Grit your teeth, clench your buttocks and fists, but communicate purely about work, only in a businesslike tone for a limited time. How pitiful it looks when he, counting on another night together, speaks in an oily tone, and she melts and radiates tenderness.

Let out your anger and sadness

First you will be angry, and then you will be sad. It is difficult to predict how this will unfold over time, but these two stages inevitably accompany the need to forget the person. Go crazy, call your friend, your mom, tell him what a scoundrel he is. Then cry, protractedly, maybe even loudly. Cry as much as you need. Experience this pain from beginning to end until you run out of strength to overcome it.

The psychology of women is such that unexpressed emotions immediately affect their health. Get over it right away, it will become easier. The main condition is that the object of suffering should not see any tears, no psychos, no... Don't count on it - it's stupid.

Look for new experiences

Change the route you take to work. Get up earlier than usual or vice versa - later. Go to other shops and cafes. Try to change everything.

Separately, I would like to note the changes in appearance. Girls desperate for love cut their hair, dye their hair, lose weight, and get eyelashes or hair extensions. This is done with such intent: “When I come to work, some kind of burning, slender, tanned brunette will come running right away.” Congratulations, he will come running. He’ll come running for a couple of evenings and nights, and then back to normal again. After all, the person in the shell remained the same.

Change your appearance, go to fitness, to the salon and to the solarium, only for yourself or for new meetings, but not for him. The ideal option, which, unfortunately, is not available to everyone, is travel. Nothing heals better than new places, experiences and acquaintances.

Look for flaws

The pain has subsided, active actions are replaced by slight sadness, nostalgia and other “worms” that wear away at determination. Time to start looking at its shortcomings. For many women, this technique helps get rid of attachment.

Notice how he chews, how absurdly he twirls his pen in his mouth, how he jerks his leg (it seems like he’s in an epileptic fit), how stupidly nervous he is in front of his boss. Be bold, criticize with all your might. His bangs stick out, his nose looks like a potato, his nails are chewed.

Now they will think in love, “Oh, but mine is perfect.” Open your eyes - there are no perfect ones, you just need to turn your attention in the right direction.

Bring new acquaintances into life

If you move in the same circle of people, in the same company, work for the same company, then look for new acquaintances. This applies primarily to friends, comrades, acquaintances.

Try to communicate, at least for a while, with people who don’t know anything about him. Meet a girl who goes to the gym, library, or walks the dog at the same time as you, and don’t tell her anything about your problems. Let there be at least one person who will become a “blank slate” for you.

Dating men should not be rejected. Just don’t hope to take revenge or annoy them through these new acquaintances. New acquaintances must truly be “new” and have nothing to do with the old life.

Do not look for solace in the bed of even the first or second person you meet. It won't console you, I guarantee it. It’s better to build simple, friendly relationships, easy and relaxed, not overshadowed by anything.

Don't reject opportunities

If you are faced with the question of transferring to another place of work, business trips, assignments in another unfamiliar city, feel free to agree. This is an opportunity to gain impressions, strength, acquaintances, and then forget everything.

It's time to quit your job if you've been wanting to. Ideally, move. If your mother invited you to visit, go as soon as possible. Do not reject any proposal that will help change the situation.

Time is the chief physician

I understand that now it seems like the world has collapsed. But thousands of girls experience similar situations, and if you are wondering whether a woman can cope with it on her own, then the answer is unequivocally “yes.”

Be patient, act gradually but confidently, and you will have the opportunity to meet such new horizons on your life’s path that your head will spin, hundreds of times.

Even if you just stop seeing him and nothing more, then time will still do its job, sadness and suffering will begin to be erased from memory, and new feelings will come to replace it.

At the end of the article, I would like to address impulsive ladies who beg, threaten suicide, pregnancy, or manipulate their health status. Your mother gave you life so that you could live it happily, and not lie at the feet of a person who has hardly heard of love. People do not change. There is no point in hoping for a miracle. Better take a closer look at the stranger on the other side of the road - maybe it’s your betrothed, and you’ve caused dampness here.
