How to change a dress to a smaller size. How to enlarge a tight dress

A wedding is every girl's dream. We look forward to this day, prepare for it carefully, think through everything to the smallest detail. We choose for ourselves wedding attire to shine in front of the guests, and especially in front of the groom. This is where the most difficult thing begins - it is to choose the only dress that will fit and sit perfectly on the figure. Some girls have non-standard figure and you just can't pick it up. For hours, or maybe even months, we choose an image for ourselves.

Wedding products are sewn according to certain patterns, and the bride's figure is individual. Therefore, additional adjustments are required for the costume so that it sits well on the figure.
We take in Wedding Dress.

You may need to simply fold to length if you short stature then it's not too difficult. True, it all depends on the style of the outfit, if you have a fluffy skirt, usually there are a lot of petticoats, it is much more difficult to hem it than a simple straight one. Dress with fluffy skirt it is better to give it to the studio. If you have a decoration at the bottom, for example, an applique of flowers, the atelier will keep this decoration for you at the bottom of the hem. It happens that it seems to fit, but the waist is wide, then you will be sewn into a wedding dress in a corset. We will tell you how to sew a dress to size.

There is the easiest way - this is to wash it, give it to the dry cleaner, perhaps it will sit down on the size if the fabric is made of wool. If not, then you need to first take the correct measurements. The bride must stand straight, wear lingerie, high heeled shoes or without, i.e. the shoes you will wear on your wedding day. Be sure to measure the circumference of the chest at the protruding points, the circumference of the waist, the circumference of the hips along the buttocks. Do not forget to add a centimeter everywhere so that your outfit is not back to back. Then the parameters of the product itself are measured, and the difference in measurements is calculated.

by the most in a simple way sew in along the side seams so as not to spoil the pattern, if any. Extra centimeters are immediately removed along the line of the chest, waist and hips.

How to sew a corset?

Let's take a look at an example of how to sew in a wedding dress corset. First you need to turn the product on wrong side, you will see the stitching seam petticoat to the bodice. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe side seams, you need to unpick the skirt from the corset part, but not to the full length. Approximately ten centimeters will need to be cut off in the armpit area. Through the holes where the skirt was torn off, you need to turn the corset inside out. And at the right distance, sew the entire side seam, and the lining too.

Cut off the excess with cutting shears. You may not have a match along the side seam line, it's okay, cut off the excess along the neckline, folding the two sides together for symmetry. Don't forget to sew on the reguilin and iron the seam. We need it to stiffen the seams. Now we sew along the chest line, which was previously ripped. You can make a special finishing stitch with a width of 1 mm.

We still have skirts that need to be sewn to our product. We start from the top tier, we will form folds on the skirt in advance and pin it off. We begin to sew the skirt to the bodice, then we sew the petticoats in turn, and the lining. This is one of the ways how to sew a dress in a corset.

Let's look at another way how to sew a product in a corset. With the help of darts, you can reduce your dress by one size. Darts remove extra centimeters in the area where we need, change the style.

We outline future tucks with chalk and pin them with pins. We mark the lines on the wrong side so as not to spoil the material on the front side. Then you need to sweep away these tucks, and only after trying on we sew the seam. The edges of the seams can be processed on an overlock so that the edges do not bloom. At the end, do not forget to iron the seams well.

We sew the dress along the line of the shoulders. To do this, we will need to cut the armhole. We outline the width of the shoulder and shelves and the depth of the armhole. We fold the product in half, fasten with pins in the neckline, side sections at the shoulder and armhole. According to the finished marks, we draw the future armhole.

Try on the dress, if everything suits you, then feel free to process the seams.

Sewing a straight dress

If you bought a straight wedding dress and suddenly lost weight, and it will need to be reduced by a whole size. Much easier to sew straight dress than magnificent. We start by taking certain measurements: waist, hips and chest. The easiest way to sew a skirt with a set-in belt. First, the belt is ripped, and then you rip the product on the sides. Mark the new measurements on the skirt where needed, and when you draw the new line, make sure it runs parallel to the old seam.

Try on the dress, make sure it fits you well. Only then sew the seams and cut off the excess with scissors. After we sew the belt back, shortening it to the desired length.

Sewing up the sides of the dress.
To sew a thing on the sides to size, you will need to adjust the line of the armhole. If your product has sleeves, then you can reduce the size using the side seam, open the armhole line and on the sides. Note the new seam and sew it up. Cut off the excess fabric on the sides with scissors.

How much does it cost to sew in atelier?

Many girls wonder when buying wedding suit: how much does it cost to sew a dress in an atelier. You can contact the studio, there are private traders. Private traders will do it cheaper and no worse than in an atelier.

How to find them? Maybe you know seamstresses or fashion designers who will help you. If not, then ask in the salon where you purchased the dress, they probably have private phone numbers. Usually each salon has such contractors, or the sellers themselves offer such services. If you still trust the studio more, then feel free to go there. There is special equipment, and many services to fit your product to your figure. You can even make yours from scratch original outfit in the atelier.

So if you need to bend fluffy dress or with a train - it will cost around 1000 - 2000 rubles, depending on the fabric and the complexity of the work. If you take in the side seams, the price starts from 1000 rubles, it also depends on the style of the suit, if the product without a corset costs accordingly, it will be cheaper. It is better to contact the studio directly for the cost, because. any tailoring is individual. Terms are also negotiated in advance, there are studios that do not take on urgent orders. Usually they promise to redo it in a week or two. So, dear girls, think over your image in advance!

Video - how to sew a dress

Are you one of those millions of women who struggle with being overweight?

Have all your attempts to lose weight failed?

And have you thought about radical measures? It is understandable, because a slim body It is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least the longevity of a person. And what a person losing " overweight, looks younger - an axiom that does not require proof.

What if the dress has become large (small), its model is tired or outdated, the length has ceased to suit? Is it worth it to buy designer items in the wrong size or slightly outdated style at sales? Any dress can be altered by giving him new life and beautifully planted on the figure.

Fitting the dress

Most clothing manufacturers, when tailoring, are guided by the standard range of volumes adopted for size. If a woman does not have a figure from this " standard set”, then there may be problems with the fit of the clothes. Which, however, are easy to fix.

To plant a dress simple cut it is enough to perform three actions on the figure:

  1. taper the side seams
  2. V problem areas make the grooves deeper
  3. carefully steam the darts.

A dress with a complex cut, which is distinguished by the presence of curly details, stitched shelves, peplums, is more difficult to alter. The algorithm of action here has four positions:

  1. rip dress
  2. details iron and steam
  3. scale down every detail
  4. stitch the seams again.

Attention! Silk, thin T-shirt knitwear, linen do not respond well to repeated stitching in the same places: holes may appear on the seams or loops may come down.

How to alter an old dress

If the fabric of the product is still strong, then the principle of altering the old thing is the same as when fitting new clothes.

If the dress is damaged, has been repeatedly washed, then you will have to do more hard work. The main rules here are:

  • the item must be washed and ironed
  • places with damaged or thinned fabric are not altered
  • Threads and needles are used according to the type of fabric.

The options “collected” from several old or new dresses look interesting. Particularly interesting combinations of fabrics different texture. However, in order to correctly select and sew materials of various textures, you will need the talent of a fashion designer and certain technological knowledge. It will be easier to use the services of a professional tailor.

How to increase the size of the dress

The easiest way is to dissolve the side seams and darts. You need to rip very carefully so as not to damage the fabric. It is best to use a special tailor's tool. Then the threads are selected from the seams, and the fabric is carefully steamed with an iron. This is required to completely remove all traces of the old line. After, stepping back from the edge by at least 0.5-1 cm, the product is built up again. These centimeters will give an “increase” of 1-2 sizes.

And if you add embroidered dress new decorative details: side stripes, a transparent cover made of lace or mesh, undercut shelves, you can get a completely new thing.

Do not rush to throw away or give away old dresses. The current fashion is cyclical. Adding just a couple of modern details, you get a stylish designer piece.

If you are not confident in your abilities or do not have sufficient skills in altering or fitting a dress, you are welcome at the Mobile Tailor studio. Thanks to our service "", in your wardrobe every season there will be a lot of fashion novelties. And the cost of updating the wardrobe will be much less than if you just go shopping.

Admin 2012-07-12 at 2:22 pm

Dear beginner dressmakers, sometimes we have to solve such a problem: how sew in a wedding dress, or how sew in children's elaborate dress lined and full skirt. So you sit down and think about where to start? How and what? From this article you will learn how to solve this issue without wasting time. The whole job took me 4 hours.

Such dresses are made with the use of rigilen in the seams and at first glance it seems that it is difficult to alter this dress. Let's look at the steps, schematically, where to start, what you have to rip, which nodes to specific example, to fit the dress properly .

True, the dress will be for children, but the principle of its tailoring is also used in some wedding and evening dresses.

This dress the client asked to take in 6 cm in width in the total volume. What did we decide? Sew in the side seams, as this is the easiest and solves the problem of extra width along the lines of the chest, waist, hips. Where do we start? Of course, with unraveling.

Turn the dress inside out. You can see the underskirt lining in the photo. Lift it up and you will see the stitching seam of the underskirt lining and the two layers of overskirt mesh.

Open the lining of the skirt and top skirts from the corset part of the dress, but not the entire skirt, but sections of about 10 cm in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe side seams.

And unzip the dress at the top, under the armpits. Also 10 cm.

Unlock the rigillen from the reserves of the side seams. IN this dress it is sewn to the stock of seams, without drawstrings, it will be easier for us to sew it in later.

Turn the bodice of the dress through the ripped seams of the skirt so that the entire side seam becomes accessible. draw with a simple pencil a new line of the side seam at a distance of 1.5 cm from the previous one and sew on the machine. Do the same with the lining.

Cut off excess from the side seam.

The neckline smoothly goes down from the chest to the back. Because of this, in side seam There was a slight inconsistency in the upper cut. What to do? From the chest to the back along the neckline, cut off the excess seam by folding the two side seams together for symmetry.

Now sew the rigillen in the same way as it was sewn on before. Iron the side seam.

The dress has decorative pleats on the chest. Pin them with pins so they don't warp.

Sew up the ripped sections along the neckline, continuing the intact lines.

Re-stitch the seam margins towards the lining with a seam width of 1 mm (you must also take into account

If the dress suddenly turned out to be not enough for you, you can give it a new life. Don't know how to do it? We will advise you!

It happens that a dress appears in the wardrobe, which for some reason suddenly became small. There can be only two reasons: you have gained a little weight, or the fabric has shrunk after washing. Do not rush to give the outfit to a friend! We will offer you some ideas on how to fix the situation!

The dress is small. What to do?

Option 1 - lose weight

Nutritionists will simply advise you to lose a couple of pounds and fit into your favorite outfit. But what if for some reason you can't do it?

Option 2 - add lengths

Often the problem is short length attire. You can fix it various methods depending on the image and style:

  • sew frills to the hem to get a beautiful elegant dress for the celebration;

  • add a strip of material similar in structure and color. The insert can also be made at the waist, opening the seams of the transverse type;
  • you can add a lace insert at the waist or at the bottom;
  • an unusual effect is achieved with a bright fabric strip that contrasts with the base material;

  • from below, you can simply sew on tassels and fringe, beaded elements. So you get a playful and fun dress for the summer.

An evening dress can be corrected with guipure or mesh, which will make the image mysterious and magical. Satin with silk is also suitable.

Option 3 - how to alter the dress if it is small

First, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. And, of course, it all depends on the design of the dress, which is subject to alteration. If it is with numerous seams, reliefs, coquettes, this even simplifies the situation. You can simply insert any material between the seams. But in any case, the dress will have to be torn open.

After that, iron the seams well. Carefully remove all the threads from the previous seams. Next, decide on the material that you will use as an insert. You can use a similar basic one in texture or color, or you can play in contrast.

For example, take guipure or some kind of mesh. This will help not only solve the problem of size, but also add femininity and sexuality to your outfit. If you are afraid of exposed areas on the body, try using a double material. Now it is very fashionable to impose on top of satin or silk mesh fabric. Fabric matches well flesh color with black guipure. You can take the fabric red and black. The effect will be just amazing!

If the dress has become small in a certain place, try to work it out. For example, for the chest, it can be advised to simply deepen the neckline or insert ribbons into the seam, intertwining them beautifully. If tight in the hips, you can try to insert wedges (triangular pieces of fabric). But if the dress is small at the waist, most likely, you can’t do without the help of a professional!

What to do if a new dress is not enough

If the dress is still new, or barely worn, you can simply rip open the undercuts and slightly reduce the seam allowances. Believe that due to such simple manipulations, you can significantly increase the dress in size.

To increase the length, you can sew an original frill to the bottom or cut it along the waistline, and insert a strip of fabric into this place. Moreover, it may not be at all similar to the main material. The same fabric can be used to trim the sleeves or bodice of the product.

Remember that before sewing new fabric, it must be washed or ironed, be sure to steam it. This is done so that after finishing work new material did not shrink and did not spoil the whole appearance dresses.

Before starting work, be sure to carefully calculate all the patterns, taking into account allowances for seams and freedom of movement.

If you see that all your efforts do not bear any fruit, there is no need to suffer. You can just buy a new dress, no matter how much you love the old one. Another option is to take the product to the studio of a skilled craftsman. Surely you will be satisfied with the result! Perhaps you have in your arsenal original ideas what to do if the dress is small? Share with us!

The situation when a beautiful and comfortable piece of clothing becomes too tight is familiar to everyone. It may be related to weight gain, pregnancy, and also wrong choice washing or drying clothes. However, your favorite thing can be redone so that it will not only fit well, but also acquire a new original look.

Stylish DIY clothes

We have prepared for you interesting ideas, How change clothing options and at the same time turn things into something beautiful ...


1. The thing is wide, but the sleeves have become narrow? use homemade inserts. They can be anything: lace, embroidered or made of contrasting fabric.

2. If your favorite thing has become cramped in width - lice side inserts. The material for them can be chosen in one color or the color of the main product.

3. Contrasting inserts that differ in texture and color will not only help expand the blouse, but will also become an interesting element of decor.

4. This is how you can increase the size of your favorite blouse or tunic. To do this, add inserts on the back or shelf of the product.

5. With trousers, proceed in the same way: use side inserts along the entire length. Moreover, both from the side of the outer and from the side of the inner seam.

6. Recently comfortable jeans began to put pressure on the stomach? Make inserts in the waist area along the side or back seam.

7. And here is a wonderful idea to increase the dress in all respects. I already want one for myself!

Nowadays, repairing and lengthening old things is not so important: in the era of the heyday of the mass market, it is easier to buy new clothes, how redo the old. But sometimes it’s a pity to throw away your favorite thing, you want to update or refresh it. Shortening clothes is most often not difficult, but lengthening it beautifully is a little more difficult.


1. This is probably one of the most common ways. He looks just great! Add a strip of fabric or lace along the bottom of the product. Color and material depends on your imagination.

2. fashion trend this season - insert from transparent fabric . Place it at the hem of your skirt or light summer dresses.

3. And this is even more radical transformation of trousers. Openwork inserts located not on the bottom, but in the middle of the product. To enhance the effect, you can decorate the pockets and belt with lace. Personally, I really like this option.

For girls who love sport style in clothes great option changing the shape of the trousers will become knitted cuffs.

4. If we talk about blouses and jumpers, then the options are here great amount. The most popular of these is the addition lace inserts at the bottom of the product.

5. Looking at this photo, I immediately wanted the same summer t-shirt. For alteration, it is necessary to make a contrasting fabric insert in the middle of the product.

As you can see, it is not always necessary to throw away a tight blouse or too short skirt especially when it comes to your favorite clothes. Use these simple but resourceful tricks and stay on trend!
