How to trim the intimate area. Pubic hairstyles: Doing an intimate haircut yourself

You make an intimate hairstyle not only for yourself, but also for your partner. Find out the attitude of your chosen one to this issue: men are divided into those who like the complete absence of hair, and those who need an even contour of neatly trimmed hair. Having discussed this topic with a partner, you will have the opportunity for new fantasies in bed and several variations of an intimate hairstyle. Think carefully about the drawing you want to embody.

Types of intimate haircuts

- "runway" - a neatly shaved strip that visually lengthens the hips;

- "triangle" - suitable for girls with narrow hips;

- "month", "heart", "wave" - ​​haircut options that will add romance and the appropriate mood to your bed;

- "New York" - shaped like a torch; to diversify this haircut, you can use paint or jewelry;

- "sonata" - consists of two elements: a simple dot and a detail that resembles the "yin-yang" element;

- "Brazilian" - involves the removal of hair on the sides in the pubic area;

- "seagull" - the silhouette of a bird will soften the lush hips.

What tools do you need to create an intimate haircut?

A small mirror that fits in the hand and a large mirror for evaluating the result and checking symmetry;

Stencil with the selected pattern;

Eyeliner (soft, not scratchy, not too greasy)

Eyebrow tweezers;

Trimmer for cutting intimate places or straight nail scissors;

Comb with frequent teeth;

Wax and tapes for epilation;

Hypoallergenic hair dye.

How to make an intimate hairstyle?

1. Select a cutting template and use a comb and scissors to shorten the hair to 5-7mm in length. The intimate area should be clean and dry.

2. Circle the stencil with an eyeliner, fine details can be completed by hand.

3. Examine and check the symmetry of the picture in a large mirror, correct flaws if necessary.

4. Remove excess hair with wax, do not use a razor - it gives a short-term result.

5. Use tweezers to remove hairs that are located near the circled contour if they could not be removed with wax or a razor.

6. Remove excess torn hairs and powder the skin with talcum powder so that there is no inflammation.

7. To attach rhinestones or additional jewelry, blot the skin with a tissue. Use an adhesive suitable for application to the skin.

Take a bath an hour and a half before the procedure, this will make the skin more supple and reduce pain;

Do not get an intimate haircut under stress;

If you have a sensitive bikini area, take pain medication;

The first few times it is better to use special stencils to make the drawing even and beautiful;

If you remove hair with a razor, then after a couple of days the result will have to be repeated; if you use wax, then excess hair will not bother you for about three weeks;

An intimate haircut can lead to ingrown hairs; To eliminate this problem, use a scrub before the procedure.

Hairstyles in intimate places are popular not only among women, but also among men. Let among the strong half of humanity there are fewer lovers to decorate their genitals than among beautiful ladies, but they are.

Why does a man need an intimate haircut?

Men in the same way turn to the masters of intimate haircuts and want to look attractive in all places. By the way, if some people think that girls don’t care, they are very mistaken.

Another point that emphasizes the importance of an intimate hairstyle is a special sexual mood that appears after visiting the master. It never hurts to bring something new into your intimate life.

How are male intimate haircuts made?

A pubic haircut can be done both in the salon and at home on your own. Perhaps, for a start, it’s really better to do it alone in order to relax and feel the beauty of the new hairstyle, especially since it will not be difficult to purchase a clipper with a variety of attachments. And then you can already turn to the master, who will not only help you realize your wildest fantasies, but also dye your pubic hair.

There are special stencils in the salons. There are many types of intimate haircuts. One of the most common is Brazilian, when the hair is simply shaved bald.

One of the varieties of such a haircut is one in which pubic hair is cut with a trimmer, and the genitals, perineum and buttocks are shaved.

A square of hair may be left on the pubis just above the penis. This hairstyle allows you to visually lengthen the penis. The same effect can be achieved with a wedge-shaped haircut. If a man has a rather big dignity, he can make a haircut in the form of a track, it is also called a "runway". And these are just the classic examples.

If you want to show your imagination and surprise your beloved, you can experiment. The salons will offer stencils in the shape of the famous playboy bunny, heart, fig leaf, emblem of your favorite car brand, crown or even an inscription.

It all depends on how ready a man is to ignore public opinion by visiting baths, saunas and toilets in various establishments.

In addition to haircuts, men are also offered depilation. Excess hair can be removed with a laser or a special cream, and someone may dare to remove it with wax. This will slow down hair growth.

A man who has already turned to the master of intimate haircuts several times will probably also want to do coloring. Hair can be simply lightened or also additionally dyed. The choice of color depends on the pattern and on the desire of the man.

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Some consider intimate haircuts to be an unacceptable method of transformation, while others do not see anything shameful in such a matter at all. Girls consider it an attractive tool, men also keep up with their companions and try to meet the standards of the new fashion. Thousands of people decorate their intimate area for themselves and loved ones. An intimate hairstyle is now diverse and has received a lot of adjustments and recommendations from connoisseurs of this type of art, but some of the work is subject only to professionals. But few people can resist the desire to become the owner of a creation in the intimate zone, and many are increasingly trying to realize their plans at home.

Types of hairstyles for women

The history of the design of the bikini zone is rooted in the distant times of Ancient Rome. Even then, women paid special attention to hair care throughout the body. And for the sake of greater hygiene, traditions were invented in terms of caring for the intimate area. A real epic of fashion went through the countries of the West in the 60s, when the times of the sexual revolution reigned. Since then, the intimate hairstyle has been transformed, supplemented, modified and has a huge number of design options. It is almost impossible to list them within one list, therefore, the main categories of such areas began to be distinguished:

  1. Brazilian is a completely bare area of ​​​​the pubis, small and large labia.
  2. Geometry - this is the name of the hairstyle, which implies a haircut in the form of geometric shapes: a square, a triangle, a rhombus, etc.
  3. The ornament is complex or simple patterns, abstractions, or any fantasy embodied in an intimate area.
  4. Floral motifs - gained popularity in the 2000s when it became possible to create compositions of floral connection. This includes imitation of a tulip, lily, rose or chamomile.
  5. Animal motifs were more often used in the 10s of the 21st century. These are all kinds of personifications of panthers, snakes, birds and cats.
  6. Natural motives were guessed in haircuts in the form of Christmas trees, drops of water, leaves or snowflakes.
  7. Signs are a favorite topic for creativity not only among tattoo artists, but also among hairdressers of the intimate zone. Basically, an intimate haircut is done in the pubic area.
  8. Inscriptions are a separate category of hairstyles that are performed in a beauty salon. You can express your feelings or indicate the man's "ownership" of this area by cutting out his initials.

Hairstyles for intimate places of women are selected not only at her request, but also in accordance with the adaptation of the pattern, the size of the labia and the width of the pubic area.

Hairstyle options at home

Women at home can afford no less beautiful haircuts. Among the "easy" to implement are the following names:

  1. "Track". This is an intimate "stripe" hairstyle of medium size in width. In height, it reaches the beginning of the clitoris on one side, and on the other, the edge of hair growth on the upper part of the pubis.
  2. "Toothpick". This is almost the same as in the first paragraph, a haircut, only much thinner in width.
  3. The triangle is considered relatively easy to do at home. It looks like an inverted triangle - the corners of the isosceles side are directed to the sides, and the third corner is directed downwards. The width varies depending on the width of the thigh.
  4. Rhombic is a simple figure, but it looks very interesting in the pubic area.
  5. "Tulip". A curly haircut is performed using a simple razor - the petals look up, and the "leg" goes deep into the clitoris.
  6. The Yin-Yang symbol is a favorite theme for many girls. Can be done with a trimmer.

These are the most popular haircuts in 2017 and it is very easy to make them yourself at home. An intimate haircut has many variations and includes many different emoticons, cartoon characters, but girls are unlikely to be able to realize this at home themselves. Therefore, sometimes it is better to choose simplicity and elegance, and even better - it is beneficial to emphasize the merits, since the pattern should be selected based on the considerations of "suitable - not suitable."

How to choose the best one for yourself?

How to choose from all the variety so that the drawing fits the type of figure, physique and complexion? There are a number of rules and nuances that help you choose the best option:

  • It is better for curvaceous ladies to choose haircuts that visually lengthen the proportion of the body - these are vertical pattern patterns.
  • Girls with narrow hips will go for images with a large width.

The best solution for owners of narrow hips will be a triangle pattern that narrows closer to the clitoris. And for ladies with a wide pelvis, on the contrary, a narrow path in the form of a toothpick is suitable. Women of normal body build will suit any hairstyle, they are not limited in choice.

What do beauty salons offer?

The salon technique for creating a bikini design is in many ways different from a home transformation. Firstly, it is the possibility of using professional tools and equipment. Masters already have experience and can realize almost any idea. So, for example, if you have sensitive skin and an independent approach to business is fraught with consequences in the form of irritations, then in a beauty salon you can make the following fashionable intimate hairstyles:

  • Neat haircut.
  • Haircut "rays of the sun".
  • Hairstyle with hair coloring.
  • Haircut in the form of a drop.
  • Haircut "Brazilian".

Beauty salons also offer decorative silhouettes, tattoo designs and more. Here you can not only choose the optimal pattern, but also get advice from a cosmetologist on what is better to choose, how to care for the skin after depilation and what to use to slow down hair growth.

How to do it at home?

Not always, of course, you can achieve an ideal result on your own or complete a list of procedures that only masters of salon haircuts can do, but now there are detailed instructions. With their help, you can try your hand. You will also need a basic list of tools:

  • Mirror.
  • Tweezers.
  • Hair remover - trimmer, machine, sugaring products, cream or razor.
  • Cosmetic pencil.
  • Antiseptic or disinfectant solution.
  • Comb.

At your discretion, you can purchase paints, decorations, stencils, if this is provided for in the selected pattern. First you need to take a shower, then dry the skin of the intimate area. Next, remove all the hairs that will be outside the pattern. You can mark it with a cosmetic pencil. The hairs need to be cut to 5-7 mm in length, and then start processing the contours of the pattern. If you have a stencil, attach it and circle the edges. Based on them, remove unwanted hairs with the selected depilatory product.

Rinse the contour of the pencil under running water, after which the skin should be treated with a medical solution or your own disinfectant. If there are some hairs, remove them with tweezers. Re-treat the skin with the solution and repeat the procedure after each hair removal. With a certain idea, the hairs can be tinted. Much depends on what types of intimate hairstyles you like and what is chosen personally.

Coloring: fashionable and stylish

Sometimes the design suggests the presence of staining - individual sections should be of a different color than natural. At the same time, hair dye is strictly prohibited for use - the scalp and pubis are different, burns with a strong oxidizing agent are possible when applying the composition.

For such bold purposes, waterproof pigment and hypoallergenic dyes are used, similar to body art paints. Natural dyes are also used - henna, ocher, food pigment for confectionery. These intimate hairstyles are popular among club dancers, but the design may not last long. Wash them very carefully. Tight underwear can smear the paint applied on the day of staining.

Skin care after haircut

After any haircut, you should moisturize the skin, especially for the intimate area. The main rules include a ban on visiting the solarium and sunbathing. It is also advisable to treat the intimate area with a cream with herbal extracts to soothe damaged bulbs. During the first three days, it is advisable not to take hot baths, do not visit saunas. The bulbs are still inflamed, it takes time for the healing of small wounds under the skin.

If irritation is detected, it is recommended to use a children's cream "Bepanten" or "Radevit". The funds will help to quickly neutralize the side effects from the use of depilation tools. Also, cosmetologists recommend walking around the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intima with a swab dipped in aloe juice, chamomile, mint, sage or oak bark. Subject to all the rules after the depilation procedure, hairstyles in intimate places will be a pleasure not only to the owners of those.

Male haircuts

The male half also prefers to do interesting hairstyles in the intimate area. There are several main areas that the guys themselves choose, and they can be done at home or in a beauty salon:

  1. Playboy is a form of drawing that has silhouettes of a bunny head with ears.
  2. Car brand signs are a separate category of patterns for drivers.
  3. Images of animals - a bull, an eagle and not only. The area of ​​the depicted eyes is painted red for naturalness.
  4. Signs and objects of architecture - due to the structure of the genital organs, you can achieve an interesting image if you resort to visualization. It turns out the so-called 3D-drawing, which looks very attractive from the outside.

You can carry out such men's intimate hairstyles both at home and in the salon. The procedure is carried out almost the same as for women. Now there is a large selection of trimmers and clippers in the groin area, so men should not worry about the outcome of the procedure.

Technologies and stages of haircuts for men

In the salon, men are offered comfort and convenience. First, the client is located in a comfortable chair, having previously selected a stencil from the proposed list. You can offer your option for depilation. Next, the beautician examines the groin area for scars, cuts, scratches. With the help of a medical tonic or gel, the surface of the skin is treated, talc is applied. After that, the contour of the future image is transferred with a water felt-tip pen, and depilation is carried out.

Within 7-8 hours after the end of the haircut, it is not recommended to wash the pubic area. If correction is needed, it is repeated after 10 days. The length of the hairs is also adjustable using a machine or machine. Men's intimate hairstyles should be treated with creams more often, since the skin is rougher and not so adapted in its structure to various interventions.

Men are also prohibited from visiting saunas and taking hot baths. Separately, there is a rule - a ban on being under the direct rays of the sun. If intimate hairstyles for men are done before the beach season to get a beautiful tan, you should refrain from exposing the groin area. Burns can lead to inflammation of the bulbs.

Wearing tight underwear also leads to discomfort. Rarely, but in some cases, in men, the pattern loses its shape, this is especially unpleasant if staining was carried out.

What to do after a failed attempt?

If the drawing did not work out the first time, it is better to redo it or remove the remaining hairs completely. After they grow back by 3-4 mm, you can outline the contour of the figure in advance by shaving off unnecessary hairs. Thus, growing out of them will already form a future pattern. True, you need to constantly monitor the length and edges of the pattern. Beautiful intimate hairstyles are not obtained the first time, and quite often, skill requires experience gained after 5-7 attempts.

Do partners like it?

Many people hide their desires and requests of an intimate nature. However, there is a social survey, according to the results of which it was found out that men love haircuts in women's intimate places. It is especially pleasant when a common symbol or sign of their love is depicted there, pathos icons and silhouettes of animals look less attractive. Women are quite skeptical about male patterns on the pubis - there is no reason for admiration, since the male body should not be decorated with a hairstyle, but with something else. These are the opinions of both sexes.

intimate haircuts– creation of original hairstyles in the intimate area for men and women. With the help of them, you can correct figure flaws, or bring new impressions to the relationship between partners.

The choice of an intimate haircut depends not only on the wishes of the client, but also on the features of his figure. So, for example, graceful drawings from thin lines are suitable for large people with a “wide bone”, thin ones from wide ones. The owner of wide hips will become more attractive if the shape of an intimate hairstyle tapers to the bottom (a seagull with outstretched wings). For girls with narrow hips, drawings are suitable, the wide base of which will taper upwards (mushroom). For ladies with standard hips, intimate haircuts in the form of a drop or a month are suitable.

Types of intimate haircuts

In its modern form, intimate haircuts gained popularity half a century ago, and the most popular was the design called "baby" - complete hair removal.

The main types of intimate haircuts and hairstyles:

  • Month- one of the classic intimate haircuts. Can be done with or without coloring

  • New York- torch haircut. Sometimes available in different colors

  • Sonata- a hairstyle consisting of two elements at once: a crescent and a dot

  • Lotus- a drawing in the form of a flower of the same name.

  • A drop- the most popular intimate haircut. It is distinguished by its original design and the possibility of using various coloring options.

  • Tulip- a hit among haircuts for the autumn-winter period

Among intimate haircuts with the possibility combined colors are popular:

  • brazilian haircut- straight narrow strip

  • Hollywood- complete hair removal

  • Tiffany- intimate haircut in the shape of a square

  • Initials- hairstyle in the shape of the initials of your loved one

  • Logo car

  • Mohican- two narrow stripes

  • Martin- silhouette of a bird with outstretched wings

  • heart

  • Butterfly

  • Rybka

  • spider

  • balance sign(yin and yang)

Special trimmers and hair clippers allow not only to shape the hair in the intimate area, but to write on it the name of a loved one or his initials.


And in the beauty salon are performed according to the following scheme:

  • After choosing the pattern of interest, the patient is placed on a cosmetic couch

  • The area for depilation is treated with a degreasing tonic

  • The contour of the future drawing is applied to the skin, through a stencil for an intimate haircut or manually

  • Remove excess hair with

  • Go to the deep bikini area - remove unwanted hair from the anus and perineum

  • . At this stage, an intimate hairstyle is created in the pubic area and the hair is dyed.

  • Half an hour later, after the intimate drawing has acquired the desired shade, the paint is washed off and treated with talcum powder on the entire depilated surface.

Decoration and decoration

Rhinestones, feathers and sparkles are used to decorate intimate hairstyles. They are attached to the skin with eyelash glue. To complement the drawing with new elements, henna is used for a temporary drawing, or a permanent tattoo is performed - for a longer effect.

For the design of intimate hairstyles, bright colors are used (red, golden, purple, red).

Care and Precautions

Intimate haircuts last from three to four weeks. Immediately after such a haircut, all hygiene procedures must be performed with caution. Remove newly grown hairs with an intimate clipper. Immediately after the bikini design, it is forbidden to use a washcloth and sunbathe on the beach.

You can’t do an intimate haircut if:

  • You have an elevated body temperature

  • There are gynecological and urological diseases

  • Rash on the body

  • The length of hair to be removed is less than 5 mm

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In the season of open swimsuits and dresses, you need to look perfect! And in the matter of intimate hair removal, there should be no compromises at all!

Do you want to make yourself an intimate haircut, a smooth “runway” or leave everything “there” as nature created it? In any case, we need a responsible approach to such a delicate and delicate area. Which type of hair removal to choose? How to avoid pain? What shape to choose and whether to do an intimate hairstyle? How to care for the bikini area after epilation?
We offer to study all the nuances of intimate hair removal in order to go to the procedure (or master the home option for removing unwanted hair) in full combat readiness.

Which epilation method to choose?

Every woman dreams that the process of hair removal is painless, so that the hairs do not grow longer and do not grow into the skin. But unfortunately, such an ideal method of hair removal does not exist: using a certain method of getting rid of unwanted hair, we lose a certain privilege (either the hairs grow too fast, or it is very painful to remove them).
But still we choose the optimal one from the existing types of hair removal.

Shaving with a regular machine is a familiar beauty procedure for most women. It is painless, but, unfortunately, not very effective. And all because the surface of the intimate area is uneven and even the most modern razor with a floating head and several sharp blades will not be able to completely remove the hairs. There is a high risk of injury. Of course, you should not write off the razor. But it refers to items of urgent use: when there is no time for a full-fledged hair removal, then a razor will always help out.

The most popular way to remove excess hair is salon and home waxing. Despite the pain and frequent ingrown hairs, waxing is considered one of the most effective ways to deal with unwanted vegetation.

One step up is shugaring. Like waxing, sugaring removes excess hairs, but at the same time prevents them from growing in. Sugar hair removal is less traumatic, does not cause allergies, unlike wax, and its composition has an anti-inflammatory agent.
In hardware cosmetology, photo and electrolysis, as well as laser hair removal, are very popular.
Photo and laser hair removal painlessly and permanently removes hairs in the intimate area, but this method only works for those who have dark hairs. The light apparatus for hair removal simply “will not notice”.

Electrolysis will cope with hairs of any color, but this procedure is very painful. For its implementation, the beautician even introduces local anesthesia.
Completely unsuitable, according to experts, methods of epilation: hair removal with a depilatory cream and an electric epilator. The first is considered too weak to remove excess hairs, and the second, acting on dry, not steamed skin, can deliver very painful sensations, plus an ingrown hair as a bonus.

Types of intimate hair removal

If the choice of intimate hair removal method is made, it's time to choose a design. What would you like? Naturalness, pinstripe or Brazilian epilation? We will tell you how all possible types of intimate hair removal look like.
Today, several varieties of intimate haircuts and epilation are popular at once.

Brazilian epilation involves the complete removal of hair in the genital area. This type of hair removal is also called Hollywood, because it is very popular among girls who are fans of open bikini swimsuits (especially in Los Angeles and Hollywood).
French hair removal leaves a little more room for fantasy in the form of a thin strip of hair in the middle. By the way, men like this type of hair removal in women.

The “Brazilian triangle” is less popular today - epilation, during which the hairs are removed only on the sides, and a small neat triangle about 5 mm in size is left in the center.
Many girls who want to surprise their men make intimate haircuts. Many stars also admit that they often get intimate haircuts. Gwyneth Paltrow, for example, once admitted in an interview that her intimate haircut was made "in the style of rocker vibes of the 70s." What it really looks like, one can only guess, but Paltrow has talentedly aroused interest not only in herself, but also in intimate haircuts as such.
The masters of salons providing intimate haircuts even made their own rating of popular haircuts.

In the first place were drawings-symbols. According to the masters, often girls are asked to shave the symbol that is of great importance to them. There are a lot of examples: it can be a significant hieroglyph, or the logo of a car of a beloved man, and much more. So if you have a ready-made sketch of a symbol, feel free to take it to the master: some especially experienced and creative ones will easily “cut” the whole picture in an intimate place.
An intimate haircut decorated with rhinestones will look very unusual and sexy. Shining pebbles will add spice to the haircut. If you decide to stick the rhinestones yourself, then use a hypoallergenic glue that will not leave irritation on the skin.

Desperate ladies can safely go for color experiments and color the intimate area. Some prefer bright and radical shades, but we urge only to emphasize what nature has given, making the shade a little brighter or adding depth to it.
Intimate haircuts in combination with tattoos are very relevant today. Tattoos, of course, are not permanent. Try using transfer tattoos for an intimate haircut. First, all excess hair must be removed from the bikini area, and then a transfer tattoo should be glued. The application stays on the skin for up to 4 days, at this time it is better not to play sports and refuse water procedures.
