How to grow your hair gradually after a short haircut. Haircut for growing hair in transition

0 April 26, 2013, 15:15

Short haircuts are in fashion in Hollywood. However, many, having decided to experiment, try to grow their hair back as soon as possible. Using the example of and other stars, we offer five tips on how to speed up the process.

The owner of one of the most famous short haircuts among modern stars once remarked:

Growing hair is unbearable. This is a big blow to self-esteem.

Indeed, it is very difficult to transform a short haircut into long hair. As it grows, it often looks sloppy, which no one likes. Stars, like all ordinary women, face this problem, but Michelle Williams and her colleagues know how to make their hair grow and look stylish at the same time. We offer you 5 simple tips:

1. Keep going to the master

Those who grow their hair often stop going to their hairdresser. But even short hair can split (and split ends need to be cut off). In addition, a growing hairstyle looks shapeless and ugly. Have your professional use a clipper and lightly shave the ends. Michelle Williams does this, however, now only on half of her head, while the second grows out femininely and neatly, and her hair always looks fresh.

Michelle Williams

2. Don't forget about accessories

Accessories can make hair styling much easier and add some flair to your look. Headbands and scarves are in fashion today. They are perfect for short haircuts.

3. Experiment with styling

Short hair does not mean a lack of experimentation with styling. And growing ones - even more so. Take the example of Anne Hathaway. She appeared on numerous occasions with different hairstyles - sometimes making her hair smooth, sometimes voluminous, sometimes removing bangs, sometimes leaving them.

Ann Hataway

4. Dye your hair

Charlize Theron shaved her head in a crew cut for filming Mad Max: Fury Road, getting rid of not only her hair, but also her usual, but not native, blonde. As soon as the actress's hair grew slightly, she immediately dyed it blonde again. At the same time, the slightly growing dark roots do not spoil her hairstyle at all, but, on the contrary, give additional volume. You can safely take note of this technique - it works with short hair.

5. In the end, just be patient.

The same Charlize Theron courageously and patiently hid her growing hair under hats and scarves for five whole months. But then she surprised everyone by appearing with a luxurious hairstyle. Today she can already afford to walk without a headdress, and, moreover, style her hair in different styles. So patience is by far the most important fact in growing hair and it definitely always works.

Charlize Theron

Source Hello


You can say that I am an experienced hair grower - apart from some minor changes in length (plus or minus 7 cm), I have done this three times in my life. The first time was, one might say, “entry level” - from shoulder length, I grew my hair to the middle of my back. The second and third were much more extreme - with a uniformly short haircut and, finally, with a short asymmetrical one (which, in fact, was what you saw for almost two years). The last time was the hardest, because you already realize what a long road ahead, so I decided, for the sake of exception, to approach the question “on science” and specifically read articles on this topic. Although many of the tips are the same, at some stage I decided that I would definitely write about myself - what I agree with and what did not suit me. This is what happened:

1. Regrowth plan. If the first two times I didn’t bother, and the curve somehow brought me to the desired result, then the last time I realized that if the “initial” haircut is complicated, you can’t do without a plan. It is clear that in a couple of years tastes and fashion can change two hundred times, but you still need to have at least an idea of ​​what you want to achieve - after all, “long hair” also has a lot of variations, and if you want “layers” or just “even length”, the approach will be different. My original goal was something like this hairstyle:

And this is what I started with (in the second photo you can see the length at the back of my head, besides, I was inspired to start growing my hair after I decisively asked to cut my hair from the short side up to my ear):

I printed out the photo and went with it to see my hairdresser about five months after I started growing my hair - some people will have to go earlier, but because of the very short back of my head, I still had nothing to really work with.

She looked, and she and I came up with a rough plan of action: how we would “compare” asymmetry, where to form layers, and where we don’t need to cut them off anymore - in a short haircut there were, of course, more of them, but we won’t have to get rid of them completely, just combine some. The master had an idea of ​​the growth rate of my hair, so we agreed that I would come about once every six months. Many people write about the plan, but I want to emphasize that, if possible, it is better to stay with one master you trust all this time (or at least the first year), otherwise everyone, willingly or unwillingly, will “correct” something after the previous one to do everything using your own technique, and every centimeter counts)

The plan is a plan, but no matter how good and optimistic it may be, in any growth the “ugly phase” inevitably comes!

2. Be prepared for the "ugly phase". If you are growing a short haircut, then this chilling period lasts approximately the first 6-9 months. It is characterized by the fact that the hairstyle slowly but surely loses its former shape. The volume of hair in the right places disappears to appear in the most unexpected. For more than six months you have to walk with a length that can disfigure 99% of the world's population, and, unfortunately, you are most likely not part of the lucky 1%. Personally, I look like the fruit of the forbidden love of Justin Bieber and a Maltese.

This is where it becomes noticeable how the bangs “sag” and the hair on the sides “puffs up” unsightly!

But the worst thing is “phantom styling syndrome”! This is when you constantly feel a burning need to somehow tame your unruly hair, but in fact, there’s really nothing to build a normal hairstyle out of yet - it doesn’t matter whether you want to straighten, curl or pin it up, it’s unlikely that this will make it significantly better (at least , I didn’t think so)) I’m not writing all this to dissuade you from this idea and scare you to death. It’s just at this phase that it’s very easy to break down and take up the scissors again, but you need to remember that it a) will inevitably b) inevitably end. Everything may easily not be so terrible for you, but only pleasant surprises await a pessimist in life)

the master’s first attempts to give some shape to the growing curls)

If there is an “ugly phase”, then, naturally, humanity has come up with ways to combat it, so...

3. Ways to deal with the “ugly” phase. The first thing that almost everyone recommends is “experiment with accessories!”. And this is a really good idea, but for me personally it doesn’t really work. I still have about five headbands of various modifications in my drawers, each of which I wore a maximum of two times (half of them at home). I don’t like myself even in the most stylish and inconspicuous ones - either they don’t fit with my style of clothing, or with my sense of self, or with my cheeks, I still haven’t fully figured it out. There are also various hair ribbons (“pin-up” and not so much) - but if they suit you, then they, like beautiful headbands, can be a salvation! Hairpins (these are most often needed to tame what used to be bangs) also didn’t catch on. In general, sorry - I’m not a role model here, but the Internet is full of ideas.

The only thing I hate is attempts to put my short hair into a ponytail! The fact that this is possible in principle does not mean that it should be done - well, who needs a “stub” on the back of their head?

But they helped me parting experiments! If you are growing asymmetry, this can actually become your lifesaver, disguising the fact that on one side the hair is inexorably shorter. And in general, with my haircut, I practically did not change the parting and forgot how much this can change the perception of the hairstyle and face in principle. Try it - maybe in the end there will be a position in which the look suits you a little more, there’s nothing to lose anyway)

This is how the “long” side of my asymmetry became a beautiful long bang and covered the “short” side)

4. Grow and save. The question that excites the minds of everyone who is growing “length” and even those who seem to have already achieved it is how to “stimulate” their hair so that it starts to spike and reaches the knees in a week. Anyone expecting a recipe for a magical rub made from cayenne pepper and unicorn tears can close this post with disappointment - I don’t believe in such things, except perhaps in vitamins. If something helped someone, I’m very happy, and I won’t prove that all this is nonsense (I don’t know everything, after all, and I have a generally positive attitude towards the placebo effect), but for me personally, the focus is always was not on the speed of hair growth, but on its quality. The difference between short and long is that, unfortunately, they can no longer be taken carelessly. This short hair can be dyed, burned, and neglected with almost impunity - all the same, once every month and a half, all traces will lie on the floor in the salon. After a couple of years with cutting hair, I gradually began to remember what is best to do and what not to do with growing curls. Everything is banal:

· The right comb and spray to make combing easier. 3 and 30 (even 20) centimeters are a big difference, so I had to change the brush to a fine-toothed comb. The main principle here is to remember that everything has changed) Curls, like mine, turn into a crow's nest overnight, but you can't tear your hair, hence the spray. By the way, with it, the waves are natural and beautiful without effort).

· Hot styling. This is a stumbling block, because someone says that he can even iron his hair - and nothing, but personally, I think that while you are growing it, it is better to dry your hair as little as possible and curl/straighten it, at least to preserve the length ( Now even a couple of centimeters is a pity!). I was convinced of this last time when I mercilessly straightened my hair and blow-dried it every day - I can see the difference.

· Even though this is not a panacea, I highly recommend at least trying it cowashing- suddenly it will come! It has greatly changed the structure and appearance of my hair, I’ve been using it for almost two years now and couldn’t be happier. By the way, it was with his help that for the first time I grew not “conditionally straight”, but curly long hair.

5. Break away from the pattern. It is possible that this is my personal problem, but at first I was so focused on my goal that I somehow missed other opportunities that growing hair opens up. Gradually, you can make more and more simple hairstyles out of them, which adds variety and is generally inspiring! It was this time that I first learned to do two things - a normal bun without hairpins or sticks:

And a very simple braiding that can be done on loose hair and can be used to create a braid or even a high updo. At the same time, you can get by with not a very long length (by the way, with its help I still tame my growing former bangs, which I decided to give up, a la Carey Mulligan).

Experts believe that the most important thing to solve this problem is be patient and strictly follow the recommendations, which allow you to speed up the regrowth process.

In addition, there are several ways to put your head in order when it is in a transitional state (from a haircut to long hair), and thanks to this, you can calmly, without nervousness, wait for the desired result.

Here are some options for what can be done from growing hair:

  • roll them in curlers;
  • make a side parting(it looks good on a grown bob);
  • use extensions(with their help they create the illusion of long curls).

If you are sure that thanks to these or some other tricks, you still look good, you will have enough strength to complete your plan.

How to care for your hair while growing?

The first thing to do is stop coloring for a while, although this is a tempting option - a new color could distract the attention of others from your growing haircut and they would not bother you with advice to go to the hairdresser.

The fact is that the composition of paints (even the highest quality) includes substances that depress hair follicles. This means that natural hair growth will occur much slower than it otherwise would. Refusal to dye, against, will give hair strength and growth energy.

ATTENTION: experts recommend doing the only “exception to the rule” at the very beginning of your “marathon” - dyeing your hair in a color as close as possible to natural, so that in the future there will not be a big color difference between the “old” and “new” areas of your hair.

Another fundamental taboo is refusal to blow dry. The hardest thing will be for those who are accustomed to using it to quickly and beautifully put themselves in order. Alas, a hair dryer, like dye, has a negative effect on hair roots, slowing down all processes occurring in them, including growth.

According to experts, a hair dryer can be used painlessly only for styling already dry hair, but you should definitely dry it without a hair dryer, naturally.

How often should you level them?

Paradox: If you want to grow your hair, cut it. Just a little, two millimeters, but regularly, once a month - one and a half. Turns out, The longer your strands are, the slower they grow..

A gentle, almost symbolic, haircut awakens the hair follicles (experts call them “follicles”) and stimulates the growth process.

Besides, This is a way to deal with split ends: if you don’t pay attention to them, sooner or later they will break off on their own or you will have to ask the hairdresser to cut them, because your goal is long and healthy hair, but not brittle, lifeless hair.

According to experts, when growing your hair, you should never “withdraw yourself” from solving the problem: if you do nothing in the hope that your hair will grow longer on its own, you may not get the best result.

Growing haphazardly, they will stick out unsightly where it is not necessary, and due to the fact that hair growth is never perfectly uniform, with each passing month you will not have a “slightly longer bob”, as expected, but a kind of mess that does not in any way resemble the former neat shape.

It is clear that you simply need regular help from a hairdresser.

Growth Enhancers

Any growth is impossible without a good balanced diet. In this case, you yourself must adhere to a healthy lifestyle and give “food” directly to the hair. For example, Vitamin B is very important for their growth.

Its lack makes the strands thin and brittle. You can get it during meals, with foods that it is rich in, or by purchasing vitamin B in ampoules at the pharmacy. You can add vitamin to shampoo. In any case, it will be delivered “to its destination.”

Be sure to drink enough liquid (just water or unsweetened tea), its daily volume should be at least one and a half liters. Lack of water, as well as vitamins, results in dry and brittle hair.

IMPORTANT: Protein is a valuable building material for your hair. There should be enough of it in the products you eat; without it, you won’t be able to grow your hair quickly.

Very useful for growing hair .

Massage stimulates blood flow to the follicles and increases their activity.

Sometimes women simply do a massage (for example, before going to bed), as if they are rubbing some drugs into their heads.

However, the benefit from the procedure will be greater if in fact rub, for example, olive or castor oil into the hair roots.

It should be hot, but not so hot that it burns your fingertips or scalp.

How long does it take to grow hair from a bob?

For each woman, the answer to this question is individual. On average, growth ranges from one to two and a half centimeters per month. Over the course of a year, this figure will be approximately 18 centimeters. The speed of hair growth is influenced by heredity, age (in young and young people growth is faster), and nutritional structure.

REFERENCE: Hair grows slower after it has been dyed or permed.

When growing your hair out after cutting a bob, be sure to plan the goal you are striving for so as not to take any unnecessary steps.

For example, if your haircut was done in a “ladder” fashion, first grow the top strands, matching the lower ones, and then grow the hair along its entire length.

It’s good if you have a photo of a hairstyle you like in front of your eyes - it will become a guide for you and an incentive to overcome all the difficulties on the way to your goal.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls, return natural color, accelerate growth.
  • The main reasons which are responsible for their growth and which influence good growth?
  • Like hair

Release desired length not as simple as it might seem at first glance, this is especially labor-intensive after short haircuts. Most often, such hairstyles are multi-level, cascading with an uneven edge.

To get an even cut it will take about a year. Due to this alignment, it will not be possible to immediately get closer to the desired length. We'll have to be patient.

When the length is up to the shoulders and the strands are more or less uniform at the cut level, you can more accurately predict how long it will take to grow to the shoulder blades, lower back, and so on. The result will be more noticeable with comprehensive care.

At first, the cut will need to be trimmed every 3-5 weeks. depending on the intensity of growth.

If you don’t do this, your hair will look sloppy.

It is especially difficult for owners of unruly hair with a curly structure.

In this situation, accessories to help:

  • hairpins, tucks, clips;
  • hairpins, invisible;
  • large curlers(only the fixation method is not Velcro, but a clip).

We do not consider styling methods that do not contribute to the main goal - to grow long and beautiful hair. These are, for example: irons, curling irons, electric and thermal curlers, boomerang curlers.

Large curlers will help give your strands an aesthetic appearance. and smooth out the jagged edge. With their help you can create large elegant curls and additional volume. It is better not to use Velcro fastening- makes the strands very tangled.

Curlers with a small diameter, including boomerang curlers, create strong creases - each use is fraught with splitting and fragility. Any thermal and chemical treatment has a similar effect.

Barrettes, bobby pins and bobby pins are used to create the shape of the hairstyle. You can choose your hair so that it does not interfere and looks neat. Don't forget about mousses, foams and sprays that care for and help achieve the desired effect.

When the length reaches the shoulders and the cut is more or less even, we can talk more specifically about the final result. Now it will be enough to trim the ends once every 4-6 months. Sometimes you can get by with cleaning the split ends without damaging the length.

Approximately Hair growth period from a short haircut to the lower back is 4 years(taking into account favorable genetic inheritance and compliance with the rules, which we will consider below in the text).

7 secrets of waist-length braids: how to grow long hair from short hair?

  1. Focusing on outer beauty, we often forget about the state of the body.
  2. They say that a person’s appearance is a mirror of his health. This is true.

    It is important to eat a nutritious diet, it is advisable to take complex vitamins.

    As a rule, this is a course of treatment - 2-3 times a year for preventive purposes.

    The most effective vitamins are multivitamins for pregnant and lactating women.

    Consult your doctor before use.

  3. Regular head massage Using a comb and a special massager, they will improve blood flow to the roots - this will strengthen them and accelerate growth.
  4. It is advisable to wash your hair with a mild, natural-based shampoo..
  5. Such gentle care cleans hair without drying it out. Often, when using natural products, they stay clean longer.

    Avoid ingredients such as: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, parabens, silicones, propylene glycol, diethanolamine (DEA), monoethanolamine (MEA), triethanolamine (TEA).

  6. After washing use balm.
  7. You can try the procedure " co-washing"- instead of shampoo, conditioner is applied. Cleansing occurs due to mechanical action.

  8. Natural hair dyes are preferable(henna, basma) - if hair color allows it. Chemical dyes are less harmless with oils as the active base.
  9. Gentle combing.
  10. During this procedure we lose the largest amount of hair.

    Therefore, tangled areas should first be separated with your hands, then with a comb. Good helpers in this matter are leave-in balms..

    They will make combing easier and make hair more pliable. Do not comb wet hair— it is very elastic and stretches well.

    As a result, the structure will become thinner, brittle and damaged.

    Stay tuned for new products - Tanger teeezer combs and similar ones, elastic bands and springs protect your hair.

  11. Provide rest and comfort to your hair.
  12. At home, we collect them in a bun or braid them loosely, similarly in windy weather outside. Sleeping with your hair down is not only inconvenient and not healthy for your hair.

    By following a few simple rules on how to quickly grow hair after cutting, you can achieve the desired length, even if it seems impossible. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and be patient. Soon your hairstyle will become an object of admiration for others.

    Useful materials

    Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls, return natural color, accelerate growth.
  • The main reasons which are responsible for their growth and which influence good growth?
  • How is the hair and even?
  • Products that can help you grow: effective, in particular brands; products and ; and various; and Horsepower brands; as well as others, in particular.
  • For opponents of traditional remedies, we can offer folk remedies: various tips for use, as well as recipes.
  • Vitamins are very important for healthy hair: read, in particular, medications and. Find out about, in particular

Growing out a short haircut is not easy, and there are days when you want to give up and cut your hair off again. You will have to go through many stages that will either seem like a nightmare or an opportunity to try out some new styles. You need to be very patient because it will take at least a year to grow even a bob. So if you're considering growing out your pixie cut, here are ten tips to make the transition a little easier.

1. Prepare yourself for what awaits you

Life always gets easier without any surprises, so before you start your journey to long hair, do some research online. There are very good blogs where people talk about their experiences with growing their hair. There you can find very good advice from those who have already gone through this before you.

2. Benefit from all stages

Over the next 12 months, you'll have plenty of opportunities to try new hairstyles and cuts on your growing hair. So you need to get everything from it! Growing your hair out really isn't as bad as it sounds. You can constantly change and get haircuts that suit your length.

3. Prepare hairbands

Make sure you have a good collection of headbands as they will come in handy during the early stages of growing out your short haircut. With this accessory, your hair will always be under control, and your bangs will not get into your eyes. You can do all sorts of hairstyles with headbands, and now there are many types of this accessory. Feel free to go to the store and collect a collection of cute headbands before you start your important business.

4. Don't forget to trim your hair

Even though you are growing your hair, it still needs to be trimmed. You will find that different parts of the hair grow differently, so they need to be trimmed regularly. This will make your hair look neat, clean and even. Many people notice that hair grows faster at the back, so this part will need to be trimmed more often.

5. Grow your hair out in sections.

As we mentioned above, your hair will probably grow faster in the back than in the front, so to keep your hair looking neat, you need to grow it out in sections. Trim the back until the front grows to its optimal length. This way you will end up with a tousled pixie and not an unkempt washcloth.

6. Use the right products

When growing your hair, it is very important to take proper care of it. Use products that nourish and strengthen your hair. This will make them look great and make you want to grow them out as soon as possible.

7. Learn to love bobby pins

When it seems that everything is lost, there are always invisible people who will save you from the inevitable disaster. Look at the transitional hairstyle ideas and you will realize that in most cases bobby pins are used. With a couple of movements you can not only remove long strands from your face, but also create a cute hairstyle.

8. Add texture

Curling your hair is the best way to hide the uneven parts of your growing hair. It will be difficult to curl hair that is too short, since ordinary hair straighteners do not capture such lengths. But if you use special small devices, it can work. By adding texture to your hair with curls or waves, you can hide uneven parts and disguise those ever-frizzy ends at the back of your head that irritate you so much.

9. Experiment with styling

At the stage when your hair is no longer short, but not yet quite long, try experimenting with styling. There's so much you can do. You can add volume by creating a full head of hair, or you can try different ways of styling your bangs so that they don’t get into your eyes. And invisible ones will help here too!

10. Get a bob hairstyle as soon as possible.

When your hair grows to your chin, you can go for a bob haircut. You can then continue trimming and styling this haircut as your hair grows.

Do you have any other tips on how to grow short hair quickly?
