How to wash baby clothes in a washing machine. How and with what to wash baby clothes for newborns - washing products and rules

Everyone knows that cleanliness is the key to health. With the advent of a newborn child in the house, you have to take care of cleanliness and order more diligently. The baby has delicate skin, a weak immune system, so washing things for a newborn should be carried out according to special rules. The main task is to get rid of numerous pathogenic microbes.

Proper washing

Cleaning up will take a lot of time, although modern household appliances have made life much easier for young parents. Laundry for newborn babies requires preparation. There will be a lot of washing, and a well-organized process will make the task easier.

Washing rules

  1. Children's dirty things should be stored separately from adults. If there are feces on the fabric, they must be washed off with water, if necessary, rubbing with a brush;
  2. Washing does not need to be postponed, fresh dirt will be washed off faster and better;
  3. Heavily soiled items should be rinsed with water, soaked in soapy water for at least half an hour;
  4. It is important to rinse baby clothes well. Chemical residues after washing for newborns can cause itching and irritation on their delicate skin;
  5. It is necessary to dry separately from adult things, you should avoid getting street dust on the surface of clothes, diapers;
  6. To disinfect the laundry again and give it softness, you should iron it with a hot iron on both sides. Washed does not mean clean, it must be ironed;
  7. The mother of the baby, especially if she is, needs to wash her home clothes with products for children's things.

If you listen to the advice of grandmothers and great-grandmothers, it turns out that for the first month the child's urine was considered clean, before the diapers were not washed, but simply dried (but not on a battery, so as not to become hard). But if the baby pooped, then I had to wash it. The recommendations of the older generation can be treated in different ways, but you should not raise a big panic about not doing the washed thing.

We select funds

In stores you can find a good detergent for washing all things newborns. It seems to young parents that if it says “for children” or has a 0+ icon, then the tool meets all standards. You should not trust unconditionally, the standards are different for everyone. Any drug has a chemical origin, but its action for children should not be aggressive.

Up to three months, it is better to use ordinary baby soap for baby clothes. It contains few chemicals, they will not irritate delicate skin. Positive feedback from parents receives a simple baby soap without any additives. On sale there are powders with the inscription that they are made on the basis of baby soap. Do not wash things with them up to 3 months, they contain aggressive phosphates.

In the fourth month of life, you can use other laundry detergents. When choosing, you need to pay attention to powders that do not contain chlorine, phosphates, surface-active substances (surfactants). The packaging usually indicates how the laundry and things of the newborn are washed, it’s good if it also says “hypoallergenic”.

Washing gel works well on stains. There are no fragrances, aggressive bleaching agents in such products. Many gels, such as Domal, contain enzymes that increase the washing effect, allowing you to remove even invisible dirt. Under the Domal brand, a washing balm for children's things is produced, which contains. This supplement has a beneficial effect on the skin of the baby.

Laundry soap

Modern moms don’t really like to wash with laundry soap - you have to rub for a long time, it doesn’t smell tasty, it doesn’t wash everything. But when the question arises of the naturalness of the products used, laundry soap has no equal. It is soap that will make the fabric of clothes, bed linen softer. With prolonged use of soap, the structure of the material will not change, but powders and other products will give things a gray tint.

We use the machine

After the birth of a child, a young mother has many different worries. The focus should be on family and health. A good helper in household chores will be an automatic washing machine, in which the washing of diapers for a newborn will be done with the highest quality.

Using a machine is a good option, things will be rinsed and wrung out several times, the water temperature will be high, which is detrimental to bacteria. But in terms of hygiene, this is not the cleanest place, because adult wardrobe items are cleaned there.

If the washing machine has a mode for children's clothes, then you need to use it or a delicate wash. Baby clothes are washed separately. It is advisable not to use the machine together for children's underwear and adult shoes, outerwear and heavily soiled items for a period of up to a year. It is necessary to postpone the use of air conditioners, bleaches, even for an adult wardrobe, if one machine is used.

After the end of the cycle, you need to put on an additional rinse. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse out all chemicals so that the baby does not feel them on his skin. You can use soap as a detergent. To do this, it must be grated on a fine grater and diluted with water. Pour soapy water into the powder container.

Wash by hand

This method will allow you to clean the right places. Many parents trust only the manual method, which also has its own subtleties.

For proper washing you need:

  1. sort laundry by color and degree of soiling;
  2. soak things in soapy water for at least half an hour, with increased contamination for 2 hours;
  3. rub the most problematic areas, lather again if necessary;
  4. rinse in hot water 1 time, then in warm water 2 times, then another time in cool water. After rinsing, the water should be clean without traces of detergents.

It is difficult to choose between manual and machine way. It would be better to combine both options wisely. Rompers, vests, caps can be washed by hand, and for diapers, blankets, bed linen, use a machine.

If things are new

All things for a newborn must be washed, even if they are completely new. Paint particles may remain on the fabric, which can cause an allergic reaction on children's skin. And it is very difficult to treat small children.

Washing all clothes for newborns helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria, microbes. And there are a lot of these microorganisms on things, because they were touched at the factory, during transportation, in the store. Even if the purchased clothes were packed, there is no guarantee of their cleanliness.

You also need to remember that manufacturers, in order to improve the appearance of things, process them with starch. In order to remove it, it is enough to wash the items of children's wardrobe. Diapers should also be washed, no matter how clean they may seem at first glance. Washing new clothes for a newborn will help to avoid many health problems.

But there are things that are not easy to handle. For those children who were born in the cold season, they buy insulated, fur envelopes and other similar things. Washing them is difficult, ironing is also not very convenient. In this case, you can disinfect with steam. A steam generator is suitable, and if not, then an ordinary iron in steam mode. A warm thing should be doused with hot steam from the inside and outside, without touching the hot surface of the iron to the surface.

Wash temperature

Hand washing in hot water is difficult, you need to wear cotton gloves then rubber ones to save your hands. And for an automatic washing machine, you can choose the right temperature. For cotton items, set 90 degrees. These are undershirts, sliders, simple socks, caps, diapers, bed linen. On the label you can see what it is made of, what temperature regime the manufacturers recommend.

Colored garments, knitted or combined are washed in water heated to 40 degrees. Higher values ​​may shed, stretch, or shrink. Warm clothes, for example, using wool, are washed at 30 degrees. These are suits, blouses, overalls. Strong pollution is washed off at 90 degrees.

Many people are concerned about the question - is it necessary to boil the things of a newborn. This method disinfects clothes well, especially after the baby is ill. But in the washing machine there is a temperature regime of 95 degrees, it will completely replace boiling. Diapers do not need to boil, they can be washed in the range from 40 to 60 degrees. Boiling can only be used to restore lost whiteness to clothes, for example, to refresh a washed, but beloved children's blouse.

All in place

Washed and ironed things of the baby must be properly stored. Pathogenic microbes, bacteria are on furniture, household items, brought from the street. A separate closet or chest of drawers will help protect clothes. If it is not possible to provide separate storage, then shelves in a common closet will do, but they should be located conveniently for mom. It is necessary to periodically wash these shelves or cabinets.

Since it is not necessary to store children's things for a long time, they are constantly needed, it is better to place them at hand so that they can be easily obtained. Frequently used ones should be closest, those that are worn less often should be further away. Outerwear should be stored separately from underwear and bed linen.

A small conclusion

Maintaining cleanliness and order is very important in the first time after birth. Weak immunity cannot withstand the external environment of the modern world. Household appliances and a variety of detergents help young parents cope with this task; washing children's clothes has ceased to be a heavy duty. There is more time for communication with the newborn, which is very important for its development.

Both young and experienced mothers know what kind of careful care a baby needs at the beginning of its life, how many factors affect its well-being and development. And so the answer to the usual, at first glance, the question: “How to wash baby clothes for newborns?” no less important than the answer to the question: “What to feed the baby?”

In this article, we will talk about the features of washing baby clothes to help you care for your baby.

How to wash baby clothes?

The skin of the crumbs is very sensitive and often has a tendency to allergic reactions, so it is very important to choose household chemicals that not only remove stains, but also do not harm health.

The choice of "chemistry" depends on the method of washing: hand or machine. In the first case, household and children's soap, special powders for cleaning children's clothes will come to your aid. In the second case - the same powders (for an automatic machine) and gels.

When purchasing a detergent, pay attention to its composition. The presence of a large number of surfactants (surfactants), phosphates, zeolites, and fragrances should deter you from buying it. For quality care, bleaches are needed. Avoid optical, which are dyes, create a film on the surface of things and cause allergies. Choose those that contain oxygen. In addition to bleaching, they have an antibacterial effect on clothes.

If you choose between gel and powder, give preference to the first: it is well washed out of the fabric fibers.

On the packaging of "chemistry" must be marked "From birth" or "0+".

There is a large selection of baby detergents on the market. What kind of powder or gel should you use? Experienced parents prefer these:

  • gel "Our mother";
  • "Eared babysitter" for sensitive skin;
  • Tobbi Kids;
  • Babyline for children;
  • Burti Hygiene disinfectant;
  • Sodasan "Comfort-Sensitive" hypoallergenic for children.

So, the answer to the question: "Is it possible to wash children's things with ordinary powder?" - "Not!"

Hand or machine wash clothes?

The answer to this question depends on several factors. Mom, busy caring for the baby and performing many other household chores, does not always manage to find time to wash “in her hands”. Then the washer comes to the rescue. But sometimes you can’t do without manual care for children’s things. The best option is a combination of hand and machine wash.

In addition, before cleaning, other questions arise. For example: “Do I need to wash new things?”, “How to wash diapers?”, “How to wash baby clothes from feces?”

About everything in order.

  1. After buying clothes for the baby, tear off all tags and labels, having previously studied the information on them about the care of things.
  2. In a basin with warm water and special children's "chemistry", wash new things without twisting and wringing.
  3. Rinse the laundry thoroughly (the water after the last rinse should be clear).
  4. Wring, straighten and hang clothes to dry.
  5. After drying necessarily Iron undershirts on both sides and fold them separately from adult clothing.

As for warm and knitted clothes, it is enough to steam them using a steam generator or an iron with a steam function (without touching the surface of the laundry with the iron).

Before washing, the diapers should be rinsed in cool water. This will help wash off children's "surprises" and other stains of biological origin. If there is no time to rinse, fill the laundry with cold water and leave until it appears.

After rinsing, rub the dirt on the clothes on both sides and leave them in a basin without water until washing, with which we do not recommend tightening.

If there are few dirty things, wash them by hand. Urine and feces are well washed in cool water (15-18 ° C). In a basin of water, carefully wrinkle the diapers previously rubbed with soap and wipe off the dirt. After rinsing, if stains remain, the procedure can be repeated. Rinse washed items thoroughly first in hot water, in which soap particles dissolve, and then in cold water, which washes them off the fabric.

Important! Using a washing machine also requires compliance with the rules.

  1. First, wash children's wardrobe items separately from adults.
  2. Secondly, in addition to a special washing powder or gel, do not fill in / fall asleep any other means, such as Calgon.
  3. Thirdly, choose a cleaning program with a double rinse or a second rinse.

It is better to dry things on the street, but if your area is gassed, lay them out on a dryer in the apartment, not far from the heating appliances.

High or low? At what temperature should you wash baby clothes?

To answer this question, look at the labels on things. As a rule, "baby" clothes are sewn from cotton fabrics that can withstand high washing temperatures (up to 95 ° C). But if you often wash colored clothes at this temperature, they will quickly lose their brightness and may shed. Yes, and there is no urgent need for this. Therefore, leave 90-95 ° C for heavily soiled white vests, and wash the rest of the baby's wardrobe at 40 ° C.

For warm things, which include wool, a temperature of 30 ° C is suitable, and for diapers - 40–60 ° C.

As we have already said, biological pollution is well washed in cold water.

Don't forget to iron your little ones. Children's skin is extremely delicate, and any wrinkles in baby's undershirts can lead to irritation. Steam ironing also kills germs, which helps keep your baby healthy. Iron clothes and diapers on both sides until the umbilical wound heals.

How to wash baby diapers from stains?

The main soiling on baby diapers is bowel movements and regurgitation. Above, we wrote how to care for the fabric in order to avoid stains. If traces of the baby's vital activity still remain on the diaper, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. In 10 liters of warm water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Leave the soiled diapers in the solution for 30 minutes.
  3. After this time, rinse them and wash them with laundry soap.

To remove contaminants, you can also use ammonia and ordinary alcohol. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a bowl of water. Rub the stains on the diaper with ordinary alcohol and after a while soak in the prepared solution for 60 minutes. Wash afterwards as usual.

Stool stains from older children will help remove baking soda and salt. In the first case, prepare a solution of 6 tablespoons of soda, 2 tablespoons of ammonia and 5 liters of water. Leave clothes in it for 3 hours. Then wash in the machine.

In the second case, the composition of the solution includes 3 tablespoons of salt and hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of ammonia and a little washing powder. Soak the diapers in this composition for several hours, and then entrust them to the washer.

Mom's helper: washing machine for children's things

As you already understood, with the advent of a child, the volume and frequency of washing increase several times and you cannot do without the help of a washing machine. How to choose the right unit so that it becomes a good helper in caring for baby clothes?

  1. A top loader is preferred. The control panel is located at the top of it, and the grown-up kid will not be able to accidentally reprogram your “assistant”. If you like front loading, choose cars with a lock or "child protection" function.
  2. ;

With the advent of the baby in the house, parents are waiting for new worries and problems. One of them is how and with what to wash the things of a newborn. Not all parents know that the child's skin is very sensitive, and chemical residues on his clothes can cause allergic reactions. Some mothers realize this only after the baby

begins to suffer from itching and irritation. Therefore, it is very important from the first days to pay special attention to washing children's things. Of course, in recent years, this has become easier to do than before, when mothers had to grate soap and manually wash mountains of baby clothes. But even now this process needs to be approached separately.

Basic rules for washing clothes for newborns

1. Children's things should be clean, so you will have to wash often. Be sure to carefully stretch new things and underwear.

2. But don't take cleanliness too seriously. For example, bed linen can be changed once a week, however, if the baby has not stained it. And wet sliders and diapers a couple of times you can simply rinse with clean water.

3. To make things easier to wash, heavily soiled items should be rinsed under the tap and soaked by rubbing with soap.

4. It is very important how to wash things for a newborn. You can use only special powders or soap shavings for this.

5. In no case should you use air conditioners, bleaches and rinses to wash children's clothes. Underwear for babies is also undesirable to starch.

6. All children's things should be stored and washed separately from the things of other family members, even children. And for the first 2-3 months, sliders and vests are also washed separately.

7. It is very important to thoroughly rinse the baby's things with any washing method. They should be free of odor and other traces of detergents.

8. For additional disinfection and softening of the laundry after washing, iron it with a hot steam iron.

9. It is undesirable to dry children's things on the street so that they do not get dust and


10. The mother of a newborn needs to wash her things with which the baby comes into contact with the same means as his.

What is the best way to wash

For the convenience of modern parents, there are automatic machines, so washing things for a newborn has become less time consuming. Its advantage over manual is that it is possible to set the boiling mode, which is important for the baby in the first months of life. In addition, the machine rinses and wringes the laundry better, so there is less powder residue on it and it dries faster. But machine washing also has its drawbacks. It is not so hygienic, since in the same machine you wash, for example, daddy's dirty jeans, and besides, it requires special detergents that are not always suitable for a child.

Machine wash rules

1. Place only children's clothes separately in the drum.

2. For the first 2-3 months of a child's life, try not to wash very dirty adult clothes, rugs and shoes in the same machine.

3. Use only special baby powders. It is also possible to wash with soap shavings, but you must first dissolve it in water.

4. It is advisable to put the machine on a special program for children's clothes, and if there is none, then on a delicate wash so that things do not stretch or shrink.

5. Be sure to run the extra rinse program after washing.

6. It is advisable to wash as often as possible: it is not recommended to store dirty baby clothes for a long time, in addition, a machine loaded very heavily will wash worse.

Hand washing baby clothes

But many mothers wash the baby’s things in the old fashioned way in the first months with their hands in a basin. This is more hygienic and allows you to choose any detergent. After all, it is very important than washing the things of a newborn so that the product does not cause an allergic reaction. But keep in mind that the water should be as much as possible

hot, so wear thin cotton gloves under rubber gloves. The difficulty of hand washing is also that things need to be rinsed very well. Preferably several times in hot water, and then in cold.

How to wash things for a newborn

In the first months of a baby's life, it is best, of course, to use baby soap or special powders based on it. After all, even baby powders contain phosphates, flavors and bleaches. Therefore, their choice must be approached very carefully. So, what kind of powder to wash things for a newborn?

1. Buy children's only in large stores or a pharmacy, so as not to purchase a fake.

2. Be sure to read the composition of the powder and do not trust advertising. Do not use products that contain phosphates, more than 35% surfactants, optical brighteners, fragrances and conditioners.

3. Buy for your baby only those powders that say they are suitable for newborns.

4. It is desirable that the label "hypoallergenic" is still on the packaging.

What conclusion can be drawn about the better to wash things for a newborn? Powder based on natural soap without additives or soap shavings. Moreover, soap should be taken without flavors and dyes. But many mothers do not like its smell and the fact that stains do not wash well. There are also folk methods for washing children's things.

natural detergents

1. The most convenient is soap nuts, which are suitable for both hand and machine washing and do not cause allergies even in babies with sensitive skin.

2. To bleach children's things and remove stains from them, you can use soda, boric acid or hydrogen peroxide.

3. There are many more folk remedies for washing: mustard, ash, and even, but they are all very inconvenient to use.

How to wash the things of a newborn baby, each mother decides for herself. But you need to know the basic recommendations so as not to harm the child.

With the advent of a child, the house is filled with joy and awe. Parents will have so many joyful moments, new discoveries and achievements await them. But before moving on to these joys of learning new things, new parents will have to face many trials. They should get used to the new mode of life and new worries.

One of those worries, of course, is laundry. At this word, a future mother has a lot of questions in her head: what to wash, at what temperature, how to process baby diapers, what products are better? And we will try to answer them.

Many future mothers, being in an interesting position, postpone buying everything they need until the birth of a child. It is connected, as a rule, with various superstitions.

This approach is not very practical. After all, it’s not enough just to buy tiny diapers and undershirts; before the birth of a child, they also need to be washed and ironed. And this is done for a number of reasons.

First of all, purchased items may contain starch (it is added to products to give gloss), the use of which is highly undesirable for children's items. On top of that, the fabric went through several hands before shaping up into a pretty jumpsuit or romper. Then she was with the seller, the packer, and it is not known who else.

There is only one conclusion - it is necessary to wash the clothes of a newborn. In principle, you need to wash all new things, but in the matter of children's things, there can be no deviations from this rule at all.

During the first weeks and months, the baby's skin is especially sensitive to external influences, and it is extremely important to avoid allergic reactions during this period. Of course, not all newborns have such a reaction, but it is better to play it safe.

It is worth remembering that new things only from natural fabrics are suitable for the first contact with the skin of a child. The laundry detergent should also be special, but we will talk about this later.

You should prepare for the fact that there will be quite a lot of washing and, perhaps, buy a little more things to prepare a supply.

After washing, all purchased clothes must be ironed on both sides. And this is not just a tribute to traditions - double-sided ironing (preferably with a steamer) will help kill all possible germs.

Even before washing new things, the expectant mother must take care of a number of issues.

First of all, you need to purchase a separate laundry basket for storing things for newborns.

It is recommended to wash children's clothes separately from adults for at least the first six months after the birth of the baby, and preferably a year. The same goes for storage. The thing is that in the body of an adult there may be "their own" bacteria, for which the child's body is simply not ready yet.

Mom's things in which she nurses a newborn should also be washed separately from other clothes.

Before washing, all things must be sorted by color and texture of fabrics.

Do not forget to make sure that there are no traces of food and feces on the clothes sent for washing. It is recommended to pre-wash such things using running water and baby or laundry soap.

We also remember the main rule of washing - it is easier to wipe off any stain immediately after formation. Therefore, we do not save up large piles of laundry and do not allow stains to become stronger on the fabric.

There are a lot of rules for washing baby clothes. At first, young parents may feel dizzy. With all this, children's things are exposed to pollution more often than usual. Therefore, the requirements for washing powders must be very high.

Nowadays, there are a lot of products for washing children's clothes. However, the question is as relevant as ever.

Many mothers, trying to avoid the appearance of allergies, wash all the things of the newborn by hand using laundry soap. This approach has a place to be, because ordinary soap has a number of advantages.

  • The content of harmful chemicals in good soap is minimal. Preference should be given to baby soap, preferably odorless or with a light grassy aroma. This will mean that there are no fragrances or fragrances in the composition.
  • A rare remedy can compete with soap in terms of respect for things. The natural composition of the soap contributes to its gentle attitude to things.
  • Another argument "for" may be the fact that things washed with baby soap are especially soft. Few powders will help achieve such an effect. For this reason, fabric softener was invented.

Still, not all mothers are ready to wash, in the old fashioned way, with soap. This is where modern detergents come to the rescue.

It is not difficult to choose a product that meets all your requirements from a huge selection of products presented. There are several aspects to keep in mind.

  1. Always carefully study the composition of the powder or liquid detergent before purchasing. The content of chlorine, surfactants and various phosphates is not allowed. The best option would be a powder based on soap shavings.
  2. It is better that the inscription “hypoallergenic” flaunted on the packaging, as well as a note about the age at which the product can be used. For the first months of life, we are looking for a remedy with a “0+” icon.
  3. The selected agent should quickly dissolve in water, and also be well washed out of the fabric. Therefore, you should not immediately buy a large package of powder. It is correct to take a small pack for testing. At the same time, you can check if the child has an allergy to this remedy.
  4. In addition to the composition, the norms and conditions for storing the powder should be studied. Do not neglect them.
  5. Also, do not forget about the expiration date. Do not wash with expired baby powder.
  6. Do not experiment with the dose of detergent. Do not use eye powder in an attempt to better wash children's costumes to avoid itching and other signs of allergy in the baby. Follow the instructions given on the packaging.

Another question that causes quite heated discussions is how best to wash children's clothes - by hand or in an automatic machine. Let's consider each option separately.

Of course, hand washing has the advantage of being more hygienic. For hand washing baby clothes, a separate basin is used, which means that the things of a newborn do not come into contact with adult clothes.

But that's probably where the positives end. They are replaced by a number of disadvantages that should be considered when choosing a washing option.

  1. When hand washing, it is impossible to rinse things as well as when washing machine. This means that you will have to rinse more times to wash the cleaning products out of the fabric.
  2. Spin. Competing in this matter with a washing machine is also not easy. If things are washed in the summer, minutes may seem insignificant, because in the sun everything dries up in a matter of hours. But what about in the cold season, when the sun does not spoil us with its presence and the laundry dries in the room for a day, or even two?
  3. It is possible to wash by hand only at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, no more. Otherwise, you risk damaging the skin of your hands (even when using gloves). For half of the pollution, water of this temperature will be useless and it will not work to remove the stains. And that means you need to boil.

Needless to say, pediatricians prefer hand washing using baby soap. Still, it is always much easier said than done. But what about a young mother who does not have an extra hour, not only for washing, but even for sleeping?

The answer is obvious: use the washing machine, following our recommendations.

Rules for washing in a washing machine

If you decide to use a washing machine for washing, it is worth remembering a few rules.

  • Separate laundry. As mentioned earlier, do not mix baby diapers with the clothes of the whole family. Therefore, before putting laundry into the drum, make sure that no foreign objects get into it.
  • Avoid heavily soiled items. During the first months of a child's life, avoid washing heavily soiled items in the drum. An example of such contamination can be overalls or dirty shoes.
  • Temperature. It is recommended to wash clothes of newborns at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. If the machine has a “baby wash” mode, feel free to use it.
  • Choice of powder. When choosing a machine wash, you should not use plain soap, even grated. This may damage the washing machine. It is better to use special tools.
  • Moderate items. You should not clog the drum of the washing machine "to failure". For best washing, it should be two-thirds full. This will allow water and detergent to circulate freely in the machine.
  • Labels on clothes. Carefully study the information on clothing labels and adhere to the instructions indicated there.
  • Air conditioner. It is better to refuse the use of air conditioning in the first months of a baby's life. When you do use it, make sure that the product does not have a strong smell and contains information on the package that it is suitable for children's underwear.

How to get rid of stains?

When washing children's clothes, there may be cases when machine washing is not enough. Sometimes the machine is not able to remove traces of fruit puree or other dirt on the clothes of newborns. As we have already said, the use of bleach, as well as any products containing chlorine, soda and phosphates, is unacceptable.

In such cases, hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. Due to its composition, it is harmless to children's skin and will not cause allergies. It easily removes most of the dirt and at the same time is easily washed out of the fabric.

We wash diapers

Baby diapers deserve special attention, or rather, the question of caring for them.

First of all, do not wash the described diapers every time. Children's urine is practically colorless and odorless, so rinsing a couple of times can be enough.

Naturally, this rule does not apply to traces of feces. Such contamination should first be washed off with water and washed with soap. After - wash in the washing machine on the "boil" mode or at a temperature of 90 degrees. Such washing will give clothes cleanliness and get rid of bacteria.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

The birth of a child greatly changes the life of a family in all aspects. Even the usual household chores that every housewife performs "on the machine" have to be revised taking into account the needs and characteristics of the baby. Today we will talk about laundry, because it is a very important item in caring for a baby.

Young mothers have to wash a lot: a newborn baby can stain several diapers per hour. In this regard, many questions usually arise: how to wash, in a typewriter or on hand, together with adult clothes or separately. The answers to all questions are in the rules for washing things for a newborn.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

10 rules

  1. Things of a newborn baby must be washed separately from everything. Especially carefully you need to filter things in which they walk on the street. Such clothes should not even lie in the same basket with the newborn's underwear. The clothes of an adult contain a huge amount of potentially dangerous microorganisms, because he happens to be in it at work, in transport, in a store. Even washing at high temperatures, repeated rinsing and ironing are not able to cope with some of them. The immune system of an adult is able to actively fight such "neighbors", but for a newborn baby, a meeting with harmful bacteria can be dangerous.
  2. For washing it is worth using a special baby powder. The main active ingredient of such powders is ordinary soap, which is completely harmless to the crumbs. Unlike synthetic powders, baby powder rinses out better, cleans organic dirt well and does not cause allergies. By the way, some manufacturers also have liquid detergents for children's clothes in their product line. Their properties are superior to dry powders.
  3. You can wash baby clothes in the washing machine. Some models of washing machines have a special "children's" washing mode. If there is no such mode, you can wash it on any other by setting the temperature to 80-90 degrees. Such washing is similar to boiling.
  4. Some mothers do not trust washing machines and believe that automatic washing deforms things. In this case, the things of the newborn can be washed by hand. You can protect your hands from hot water with the help of two layers of gloves: cotton gloves are worn directly on the hands, rubber gloves are worn over cotton ones.
  5. Regardless of the washing method, baby clothes need to be rinsed very well. On the washing machine, you can turn on additional rinse cycles; when washing by hand, you need to rinse until the water is absolutely clean and transparent. With each new “entry” of rinsing, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the water, after rinsing is carried out in cold water. This method allows the best possible removal of detergent particles from the fibers of the fabric.
  6. A newborn baby may burp a little and leave a small spot on the diaper or blouse. Sometimes mom is tempted to wash only the soiled area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothes. Doing this is not worth it. Children's clothes are completely sent to the laundry.
  7. If the baby crap one's pants, fecal particles must be removed from things before washing. It is best to do this immediately with soap and water. The fact is that some bacteria are safe only when they are in the intestines, and when they get to other parts of the body, they cause problems. When stool particles get into the general wash, they are carried throughout the linen, and this is not safe.
  8. When washing things for a newborn, do not use chlorine bleach, fragrant air conditioners, and anti-scale agents. You can remove “difficult” stains using bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide. Emollients are not needed when washing with baby powder, and it is better to use anti-scale agents outside of washing.
  9. Laundered items should be well straightened when hanging, so that they are well ventilated and dry quickly. Drying things for a newborn is best on the street or on the balcony, and if indoors, then it should be dry and well ventilated. This prevents souring of moisture and the reproduction of mold fungi.
  10. Before the umbilical wound heals, the baby's things must be ironed on both sides so that the newborn baby does not get any infection. After the navel heals, you can not do ironing things once again.
At first, it may seem to a young mother that washing clothes for a newborn is a difficult task. In fact, the family quickly gets into a rhythm, sorts clothes without any problems and often completely switches to children's washing powder. For the sake of saving time and effort, it is better to use the washing machine and diapers to reduce the number of dirty diapers. Every mother chooses a laundry detergent empirically.
