When is the best time to cut hair for those born on Saturday? Haircut on a specific lunar day

Every person has hair. Someone is blond, someone is brunette, and someone is bright red, like a ray of sunshine. We are all different. Regardless of type, length and color, hair needs care. They should be periodically shortened, trimmed. What are the best days to cut your hair? This question was asked by people many centuries ago. This will be discussed in our article. Let's try to reveal all the secrets and find out the reasons why it is recommended to cut hair at a certain time.


Many do not know, but our hair has some very curious features peculiar only to them.

1. They grow better in spring and summer. Magicians believe that this is due to sunlight, since hair connects us to the other world. They are our antennae, which the occultists say we do not use.

2. Faster hair growth occurs during sleep.

3. There are long-lived hairs that can live up to seven years.

4. The peak of hair growth falls on the age of 16 to 24 years.

An important point: in order to quickly grow braids, you need to follow your rhythm of life. Sleep must be complete.

haircut magic

Many people do not even suspect that the process of cutting hair is a magical ritual. Both in church and in magical rites, this action is filled with a secret meaning, endowed with great power. You can improve the mental or physical well-being of a person, cheer him up, add strength, inspire him very simply and quickly. You need to cut your hair. This fact is confirmed by psychologists.

What is the best day to cut your hair? Even our ancestors knew this. But they tried to keep such information a secret. With the help of a haircut, you can free a suffering or sick person, rid him of negative energy by changing the biofield. And you can, unfortunately, bring the disease. Our ancestors never allowed strangers to touch their hair. They were afraid of it and avoided it in every possible way. It would be nice to listen to this for us, contemporaries. The ritual of cutting hair, which is centuries old, is still practiced today.

Special calendar

What are the best days to cut your hair? Many of us have asked these questions. There is a so-called haircut calendar. He is treated differently. You may not believe in the information that is written there. But life often confirms that he is right. Accordingly, it would be nice to know him, to follow the available recommendations. What are the best days to cut or color your hair? The answers to these questions can be found by looking at this calendar. It also discusses the process of cutting hair in relation to the day of the week.

Can I cut my own hair?

We often hear this question from others as well. Hair is our continuation. They connect us with the world of everything mysterious and magical. The answer here is ambiguous. If you dare to trim your hair, then proceed to this only in a good mood. Otherwise, you will only harm your hair.

Monday to Friday

What day of the week is best to cut your hair? This needs to be considered in more detail.

Monday has always been considered a good day for such manipulations. Since ancient times, it has been said that by changing your hairstyle during this period, you can get rid of negative thoughts, energy, attract good luck and the blessing of higher powers into your life.

What do they say about Tuesday? The day is also good for these operations. This is a period of change that can add bright colors and events, swirl a person in a whirlwind of events and affairs, very exciting and positive. Courage and determination will enter the house, become its faithful companions. Such a prospect cannot but be tempting.

Wednesday is the middle of the week. It is also quite an auspicious day for cutting hair. It will remind you of pleasant moments of communication with friends and relatives. Perhaps there will be new friends. Countries, near and far, will begin to beckon, beckoning with unknown distances.

What day of the week is best to cut your hair? The choice is wide enough. Thursday is also a good option for this. Well-being and success this day of the week will help you attract into your life.

Friday is a special day in all cultures, religions. The period endowed with special meaning is mysterious. Before changing your hairstyle on this day, it is better to think and take your time. The haircut can wait. Our ancestors, if they did not know how to do it right, always consulted the lunar calendar. This is especially true for Friday.

Days off: can I fix my hair?

Saturday is the sixth day of the week. Since ancient times, it was considered a day of purity. Bath for a Russian person has always been a magnificent, sacred ritual. On this day, the whole family steamed, regardless of the weather and season, in all the vast corners of our country. This is the day of the beginning of a new life, deliverance from earthly hardships, fuss and worries. In the bath they cleansed the soul and body. Therefore, the day for cutting or trimming hair is favorable. A person gained spiritual and physical health, and hair - shine and strength.

Sunday is a magical day, the end of the week, the end of the microcycle. After it, Monday will come - the threshold of a new one. In all cultures, this day of the week has a special relationship. Orthodox on Sunday went to church, prayed, turned their souls to God. This day, free from work, had to be devoted to prayer, reflection, spiritual life. Sundays are often big holidays. Quarreling and swearing during this period was considered a special sin. Hair trimming on this day has always been forbidden. What are the best days to cut your hair? There is a choice, and of course, it is yours. But on Sunday, it is better to refuse this lesson.

What lunar day is better to cut hair?

More and more, our compatriots are listening to the advice of the lunar calendar. It contains recommendations for almost all aspects of life. In it you can also find out on which lunar day it is better to cut your hair. The calendar considers all cases, the possibility of any action regarding the moon, its state. Is it growing, is it decreasing, or is it a full moon. These are fundamental points.

So, a haircut on the growing moon can accelerate hair growth. This procedure can make the hair stronger and thicker. But a haircut on the waning moon can slow down hair growth, allowing the hairstyle to remain in its original form longer. These days, the night luminary is able to change the curls, their structure. They will become stronger, less tangled, smoother.

There are also dangerous lunar days: 9th, 15th, 23rd, 29th. Do not touch your hair during this period. Wait another day. As the lunar calendar tells us, the evil spirit at such moments becomes stronger, it is dangerous to flirt with it. But the 8th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 21-23rd, 27-28th lunar days are good for transformations. Feel free to experiment with your hairstyle. You will become healthier and stronger, your beauty will please the eye. And the most successful day is considered the 26th. It is not at all necessary to memorize the table represented by the lunar calendar. It is enough to remember a few favorable days.

Hair: connection with the seasons

Summer and spring are periods when nature comes to life. Everything moves around, the birds sing, all living things rejoice in life. The most favorable months for haircuts are June and July. This is what folk wisdom tells us.

The lunar calendar will help answer the question of which days in June are best to cut hair. In 2016, these are 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16. During these periods, you can do your hair. The most favorable of them are the 2nd, 9th, 11th.

July is an amazing month. This is the harvest time, the exemplary period. Now we will find out on which day of July it is better to cut your hair. There are not so many of them in total. These are the 6th, 9th, 11th in 2016. It is not forbidden to work with curls 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 18, 19, 28.

Take care of the kids

What is the best day to cut a child's hair? Previously, our mothers and grandmothers always remembered this and considered this moment to be extremely important. Children's hairs were protected and hidden from prying eyes. It was believed that through them you can harm the baby, even destroy him. Even now, many parents, after the first haircut of the child, keep his infant curls with special tenderness. This custom is of ancient origin.

Take good care of your hair and it will help you. Take care, keep clean, respect them.

Maybe one of the people will say that it does not matter at all which day it is better to cut your hair. However, even scientists do not deny the influence of the moon on all living things. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the centuries-old wisdom collected, for example, in the lunar calendar, is of particular value.

How to attract good luck and prosperity with a haircut? On what day of the week is it better to cut your hair so that it is beautiful and healthy? How to improve your life with a haircut? When and for what reasons you should not change your hairstyle?

Women's beauty has always fascinated. Hair drew particular attention. Beautiful, shiny, they had a simply magical effect on men. The haircut process is a very important event for both adults and children. The established rules of society require women and men to have well-groomed and healthy-looking hair. In order for them to look well-groomed and beautiful, they need to be cut regularly. At the same time, diseased split ends are removed. Sitting in a chair to a hairdresser, few people think about the impact that the haircut process has on the life and destiny of a person. If we turn to the ancient traditions of our distant ancestors, we can learn a lot of interesting things for ourselves. Since ancient times, human hair has been considered a special substance endowed with unusual properties, capable of receiving human life energy from the outside world. They are like a kind of conductors that receive energy from the surrounding space and accumulate the vital force of a living organism. Our ancestors treated their hair with special trepidation and cut it very carefully, observing certain rituals.

In the old days, the word "hair" as such did not exist. Then they said "braids", which very much resembles the word "cosmos". In the Middle Ages, royal heirs did not cut their hair from early childhood. To cut your braids meant to give up the throne. The Egyptians left their children only one curl, which grew with the child. Only upon reaching adulthood was he completely shaved off. Many remember the famous legend of Samson, whose strength was contained in his hair. They were able to defeat him only after his curls were cut off. What his enemies didn't take into account was that his hair could grow back, and with it his strength returned. There are many such examples. Ancient people attached magical significance to hair in their lives. Parents always want the best for their children. If you have decided to cut your child's hair, then taking into account or not taking into account ancient beliefs is a personal matter for each of you. But still, we will try to tell you which day is best to cut your hair in order not to disturb the harmonious course of your life and the life of your child.

Possibility of a haircut by day

On which days it is better to cut your hair, you can evaluate yourself according to your observations. The following are general guidelines:

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Very favorable days for shearing are Mondays. This helps to remove the negative impact of the environment and the burden of unsolvable problems. Everything that has accumulated bad is removed simply by the haircut procedure. It is also very good to carry out staining on such days.

If you decide to cut your braids on Tuesday, then you can visit a hairdresser. This is especially useful to do in moments when there is not enough inner determination to deal with a certain problem. Or maybe you are tired of the monotony of everyday life and lack activity.

On Wednesdays, you need to get your hair cut if you want to learn something new and interesting. It is favorable to carry out haircuts on such days for those who want to attract new and old friends and acquaintances into their existence, as well as for those who want to actively travel.

Thursday is the most successful day for haircuts for people who want to change their relationship with family and friends. Haircuts on such days contribute to raising the level of popularity and filling the energy of well-being and good luck.

Friday in itself is a day of attraction. When you visit a hairdresser on this day, you drastically change your appearance. If everything suits you in appearance, then it is better to transfer the haircut to other days.

If you want to take care of your health, you can cut your hair on Saturday. This will help reduce the negative impact of karmic debts and sins.

Sunday is not the most favorable day for modifying your image. Many experts consider these days dangerous for haircuts, as you can lose your happiness and good luck.

What days should you not cut your hair?

  • It is not advised to get a haircut on major Christian holidays, such as Trinity and Easter or Christmas. On such days, you can not even comb or braid. According to beliefs, it can shorten life.
  • You can't cut your own hair. A person cannot correct his aura by himself. If you want to get rid of problems with a haircut, then you should contact a professional. Otherwise, you can incur trouble and trouble. And your problems will only get worse.

  • Natural disasters also have a negative impact on the energy sector. Therefore, on the days of eclipses of both day and night luminaries, it is better not to plan a haircut. Your braids will lose their strength, health and turn into a miserable patch of hairs.
  • Also, according to the observations of experts, you should not get a haircut during the passage of the moon through the constellations of Cancer or Pisces. If you do this on such days, the braids will actively fall out and stop growing.
  • According to ancient beliefs, the ninth, fifteenth, twenty-third and twenty-ninth lunar days are considered the days of evil spirits, and it is not worth doing any actions on these days. At best, your hairstyle will be just unsuccessful.
  • The moon in its waning period speaks of losses and a halt in development. On such days, it is good to get a haircut for those who want to keep the look of their hair longer. Braids grow quite slowly. On such days, the moon can contribute to a change in the very structure of the hair. They may become less wavy, or the roots will become stronger.
    Today, it is quite difficult for all busy people to combine suitable days of the week, the lunar calendar, their work schedule and their master's, as well as general family plans. Also in life there are days when you urgently need to put yourself in order, and the right day is still very far away. Then you can go to the trick and get around all the prohibitions.

This eternal question - "When is it better to cut hair according to the lunar calendar of 2019 in March" or April ... rises in any month. But, when you can visit a hairdresser at the beginning of the season, the most exciting question is that a haircut in the transitional months is a hot topic. The sun or cold damage curls, which makes us take care of our hair. In March and April, you need to look at 100. So, what does the oracle, or rather, the Moon, advise us.

The right haircut will not only improve the structure of the hair, but also change the fate for the better.

The main thing when answering the questions “when you can cut your hair in March” or “can you do it today” depends on whether we want them to grow faster or slower after.

  • For those who paint, hiding gray hair, it is better to cut off curls when the moon is waning, hair growth slows down and the effect of dyeing lasts longer (by the way, these days it is better to do epilation).
  • Well, and who wants the curls to grow better and be thicker, you need to cut your hair when the moon is growing.

By the way, everyone who likes to grow a mane would be nice to read. To correctly answer the question - when to get a haircut, you need to know a little about the lunar calendar. Reading his oracle gives clear advice.

When to cut on the oracle in March 2019.

Today, everyone already knows that such procedures as hair removal, cosmetic and even surgical operations are best done on favorable days, in accordance with the lunar calendar.

But in this article we will try to answer a simple question - when is it possible and better to get a haircut.

Let's say right away - in 2019, you can do everything, even hair removal and mesotherapy. But all this should be done on auspicious days.

Those who want not only to make a new hairstyle, but also get acquainted with the photo of fashionable haircuts, we refer to more
For those who have to go to the hairdresser, but have not yet chosen a hairstyle, we advise you to read

Now many recognize that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences when cutting (as well as when planting plants in the country) - you should follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar, it is your oracle for March.

And to the question of who goes to the hairdresser on unfavorable days, there is only one answer, those who cross the road at a red light :))

So all the same - when it is possible (and even necessary) to go to the hairdresser in accordance with the lunar calendar.

  • In order for the hair to grow quickly and be healthy, and the paint on them last longer, you need to cut and dye your hair with the growing moon. By the way, these are the same days when you should make masks for your curls.
  • When cutting curls during the waning moon, their growth slows down.
  • If the growing Moon is in Leo or Virgo, the effectiveness of the haircut increases
  • The full moon is a great day to release negativity.
  • If you want to get rid of negative energy, cut off the ends. Together with the cut ends, not only will all the negativity go away, but your curls will grow better, gain shine and strength.
  • But when the Moon is in the constellation of Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, you can not only cut, but paint and make a chemical fill.

Therefore, the question of when to do hair removal and depilation should be answered as follows - on any day when the Moon is waning (but not on days when it is in Leo or Virgo).
Based on the above principles, a calendar has been compiled from which you will learn when to cut your hair in March 2019.
Here is a summary of the days.
If you immediately want to know when to visit a hairdresser in March 2019, then we will give a brief background.

Days when in March 2019 it is possible and better to get a haircut: 1, 2, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29

It is better not to do a new haircut on any other days of the month.

You will learn not only when to paint, but also when to do surgeries, cosmetic procedures.
Also, learn the days of the new moon and full moon.

Below is a detailed table that tells about "When is the best time to cut your hair in March 2019".

When can you cut your hair in March 2019 according to the lunar calendar.

the date Day of the week moon day Zodiac sign Moon phase Best days to get a haircut
1 Fri 24,25 Capricorn Waning moon Who asked "when is the best time in March 2018 for a haircut"? Today is the day of "open doors" in all salons.
2 Sat 25,26 Aquarius If today we come in orderly rows to stylists to get a haircut, they will have a "tinker's day"
3 Sun 26,27 Whether or not you can cut your hair today is up to you. But the Moon calendar believes that this is not worth doing today.
4 Mon 27,28 You can't cut your hair today. It is better to wait, there is a bad time ahead, but even coupons for a 20% discount on the next visit should not make you violate the recommendations of the lunar calendar
5 Tue 28,29 Fish You can meet with a stylist. Talk, drink coffee, go to the cinema with him, the main thing is not to touch or shorten the curls. There are still good days ahead
6 Wed 29,30,1 New moon Too bad you can't cut your hair today. When you can only know the lunar calendar. Only he will tell you when to do it better.
7 Thu 1,2 Aries Waxing Crescent You have to wait. Even for those who really need to create a new image, it is better to wait. Today is the day you shouldn't cut your hair.
8 Fri 2,3 Today you can and should do a haircut, but not a haircut. No need to rush. In March, you can cut your hair only on certain days.
9 Sat 3,4 Bad day for a haircut. To the theater, to visit, to the zoo with a child or to the country ... just not to the salon.
10 Sun 4,5 Taurus To the question “when is it possible and better to get a haircut”, the answer is, yes, at least ... now. Lucky position of the moon.
11 Mon 5,6 Thinking about a new hairstyle. The time when you can cut your hair in March has already come.
12 Tue 6,7 Twins Bad day for a haircut. When is it possible?? Very soon. Today, only those who urgently need to post a selfie on a dating site cut their hair.
13 Wed 7,8 Great day when haircut in March, recommended to anyone and everyone
14 Thu 8,9 Even if you have a discount coupon at Lisovets' atelier, you shouldn't use it today. You can see how the masters work, but you should not get a haircut.
15 Fri 9,10 Crayfish Do you need to cut your hair today? The day is not made for going to the hairdresser.
16 Sat 10,11 Didn't visit the master yesterday?? You can also cut your hair today, March 13th.
17 Sun 11,12 lion No experiments. It is best not to cut or color. We patiently wait until the beginning of April, there will still be good days.
18 Mon 12,13 Auspicious day. Everything is possible, except for actions that will disturb your curls. You can cut and comb your hair. But without fanaticism.
19 Tue 13,14 Virgo A very auspicious day. Hairstyle is better to leave the old. Today you can cut your hair. Today is a good day when you can afford any fantasies with hair.
20 Wed 14,15 We waited. Everything is possible, even cutting hair. Today you will help salons and masters to fulfill the plan. Can't wait until April.
21 Thu 15,16 Scales Full moon You can shorten the curls, but not today. You have to wait. Those who urgently need to create a new image should act at their own peril and risk.
22 Fri 16,17 Waning moon Anyone who asks when to cut their hair in March should look at the table below. And today is clearly an unfavorable day.
23 Sat 17,18 Scorpion You can cut your hair today, but you can not do it. Tomorrow is also a good day
24 Sun 18,19 Everything is possible, even cutting hair. Today you will help salons and masters to fulfill the plan. We are not waiting for April, we are waiting for our turn.
25 Mon 19 Sagittarius The day has come when you can cut your hair. Don't wait for the best time. The month is running out
26 Tue 19,20 Neutral day. Better not cut your hair today. You can allow a new hairstyle to be made on old curls, but without fanaticism.
27 Wed 20,21 Capricorn Better visit the hairdresser today. The next haircut in March can be done in a couple of days.
28 Thu 21,22 Better get a haircut today. You can visit the master. Register in advance
29 Fri 22,23 In order not to wait until the end of March, you can visit the hairdresser today. The haircut will be successful, and even the stylist Zverev will envy.
30 Sat 23,24 Aquarius Bad time. It's easy to say when the day for cutting hair comes. There is not long to wait. Until April 2019
31 Sun 24,25 Alas, this day of March is not created for a successful haircut. The best days await us in April.

Hello everyone! How are you, my dear readers?

I am now on vacation on the other side of the earth. Although I was no longer going to rest this year, circumstances so developed that I drove away very far from my home (but more on that in a separate post).

And you know, it happened almost immediately after I cut my long hair. No wonder they say, if you want to change your life, change your hairstyle)

In fact, I didn’t want to change my life in a drastic way, as well as get rid of my beloved hair, which I grew up for quite a long time and painfully. But, all the same, I had to do it (I'm talking about hair). Why? Now I'll tell you more.

I will not say that I am a very superstitious person or adhere to some special rules in life, but I always listen to the recommendations of various Slavic and Eastern practices, the lunar and solar calendar, folk advice and recommendations.

Recently, a lot of information began to come across to my eyes that hair is the main conductor of energy in our body.
They have memory and store in themselves all the emotions and reactions of a person to certain events.
I wrote in more detail.

And if something heavy and bad happens in people's lives, the hair must be cut off in order to clear one's energy field of destructive energy.

About two years ago I had a very difficult period in my life, which I went through quite hard.

All this did not have the best effect on my appearance and especially on my hair, they fell out, broke and did not look the best.

I treated them, restored them and, as it seemed to me, brought them into a fairly good shape.

But the thought that my hair contains all the negativity I experienced did not let me go.

In general, I made up my mind, went to the hairdresser and cut my hair to my shoulders, cutting off about 18 cm.

Perhaps someone will say that I did something stupid or self-hypnosis worked or something like that, but after leaving the salon, I really felt like a light and renewed person :)

Now I am growing my hair again and, you know, I already notice that they are growing faster now, and their condition is ten times better than before.

Now I have a new experiment, to return the hair to its previous length in a shorter time)

This is how long my hair is now, so that everyone can understand.

Yes, the most important thing I wanted to talk about.

Before going to get a haircut, I looked at various tips and recommendations and chose the appropriate day for myself, which was approved for a haircut by the lunar, Slavic and Eastern calendars.

In general, I cut my hair on the growing moon on Monday. Although they say that Monday is a hard day, it is very favorable for cutting hair.

So, when is the best time to get a haircut on the days of the week?


An ideal haircut day for those who want to get rid of negativity, accumulated negative emotions and unresolved problems.


Haircut on Tuesday for changes in life, for solving important problems, for changing circumstances and opening up new opportunities.


On Wednesday, it is good to have a haircut for those who need new information, new acquaintances and knowledge. To update your information field.


On Thursday, those who lack attention and popularity usually get their hair cut. A haircut on this day is conducive to building relationships with the outside world.



This day is for healing haircuts. If your hair is sick and breaks, cut it on Saturday. Also, cutting it on Saturday helps purify the soul and improves karma.


The only day when you can't cut your hair at all. If everything is good and stable in your life, never cut your hair on Sunday, “you will slaughter fate.” But, there are exceptions to this rule. If everything goes wrong and your life is a continuous black streak of failures, try to cut your hair on Sunday.

Haircuts according to the lunar calendar

But, if there is no calendar, just remember that on the growing moon, it is better to cut the hair of those who grow it. And for those who do not want their hair to grow quickly.

Also on the waning moon it is useful to cut the sick and.

I found a wonderful app on my phone that shows the lunar calendar for 2015 and gives tips and advice on hair care.

For example, today is the 19th lunar day. Waning moon in Leo. Cutting and coloring hair is possible only for those who radically want to change their appearance and look brighter.

So don't miss your chance)

And yet, there is an opinion that the master to whom you entrust your "energy antennas" should be of the same sex with you and preferably younger than you in age. Then he will add positive energy to you and will not take away or change yours.

In general, decide for yourself whether to use this information or not, in any case, I wish you beautiful and healthy hair!

See you soon!

Our ancestors considered hair to be a kind of antenna that picks up the signals of the universe, and they were also sure that during their life they accumulate the vitality and experience of their owner. That is why any manipulation of the hair has always been given special importance, and her haircut was considered highly undesirable. Even in our time, superstitious people are sure that as a result of correcting a hairstyle on the wrong day and even time of day, a person partially loses his energy, becoming more vulnerable to the influence of evil forces.

Hair cutting bans

Knowledgeable people know that a hairstyle can be put in order only when there is no danger of causing real harm to one's own or someone else's health, well-being and external attractiveness. There is a whole list of signs that warns a person about the sad consequences of a rash haircut.

  • A very common belief is that it is strictly forbidden to adjust the hair in the dark. Since ancient times, it has been believed that in the absence of daylight, all dark forces are especially activated, and any haircut weakens the protective biofield, making a person especially vulnerable to the evil machinations of various evil spirits and dark magicians.
  • Another important prohibition concerns the days of some of the lunar calendar. So, if you shorten your hair on the “satanic” lunar days: 9, 15, 23, 29, then you can “cut” your memory, as well as significantly undermine your health. A trip to a beauty salon during an eclipse will lead to the same sad result, and a procedure carried out on a new moon completely shortens life.
  • Some people, in order to save money or in the pursuit of uniqueness, do their hair with their own hands. However, popular beliefs warn that this is absolutely not worth doing if you do not want to incur all sorts of problems from financial failures to loneliness and imminent death.
  • You should also not cut your closest people. Children who trim their parents' hair shorten their lives. Parents seeking to make their child's hair even more beautiful with the help of scissors run the risk of "cutting" their future happiness and well-being. From an esoteric point of view, spouses are considered to be one, so cutting a wife's or husband's haircut, in terms of negative consequences, is equated with taming one's own hair.
  • A pregnant woman especially needs to keep her energy intact and receive regular support from the Universe. That is why she is also not recommended to change her hairstyle in any way. The ban applies not only to haircuts, but also to dyeing, curling, laminating and other manipulations that adversely affect the length and structure of the hair.
  • A special sign regarding the manipulation of hair exists among students. They never visit the hairdresser during a session, so as not to inadvertently reduce the amount of knowledge accumulated with such difficulty, and also not to shorten the mind. And just before the exam, the hair is not even substituted under the shower, so as not to “wash out” useful information from the head.

Haircut tips by day of the week

Most days of the week are great for changing up your hairstyle. However, when choosing a date for a visit to a beauty salon, it is worth considering exactly what problems you need to solve or what to bring to your own existence.

  • Monday for a haircut is great if you are looking for comfort and order in your life, as you are experiencing stress or grieving the loss of a loved one. A new image will help get rid of negative emotions and strong feelings.
  • Tuesday is the best day to shorten your hair for those who are tired of the routine and dullness of everyday life, who dream of vivid impressions and strong emotions, and want to recharge their vital energy.
  • The environment spent at the hairdresser's will help the emergence of new bright people and unique experiences in life. After a haircut on this day, you will surely receive stunning news or go on a trip to exotic places.
  • Thursday, set aside for the correction of hair, will bring good luck in business, and will also help defuse the atmosphere for those who have tensions in relationships with loved ones, relatives, friends or colleagues.
  • Friday is a special day for taming hair. It is suitable only for those who want to radically change their own lives. But if you are absolutely satisfied with your existence, then you should not take risks and get a haircut at the end of the working week. After all, change does not always lead to positive results.
  • Saturday is suitable for visiting a beauty salon, not only for those who enjoy the weekend. Changing your hairstyle on this particular day will help you get rid of material and other debts, make your life harmonious and bring peace of mind.
  • Sunday is the only day when you should not do anything drastic with your hair. It is believed that the last day of the week should be devoted to family and friends, and not self-care. Otherwise, you risk losing the favor of fortune for a long time.
