Treatment of staphylococcus during pregnancy. Treatment and types of staphylococcus during pregnancy: golden, epidermal, hemolytic, saprophytic

Staphylococcus is a gram-positive microorganism that lives in abundance in the soil, air, and on the skin of humans and animals. Under a microscope, it resembles bunches of grapes, which is why it got its name. But, perhaps, its main feature is conditional pathogenicity. After all, with normal immunity, the bacterium does not affect the body. But during pregnancy, and in other situations, when the defenses of a woman's body weaken, the microbe can provoke acute inflammatory processes localized in various organs and systems. What you need to know about staphylococcus during pregnancy?

Types of staphylococcus and their manifestations

Biologists know 27 varieties of this common microorganism. And only four of them are classified as the most pathogenic. Each species has its own clinical picture:

  • Staphylococcus aureus. Today it is considered the most pathogenic, capable of seeding all organs and tissues of a person, causing purulent inflammatory processes, the most common of which are acne, boils, barley. Its variety - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - is the most difficult to treat, since the microorganisms of this strain are resistant to a large group of antibiotics, including penicillins and cephalosporins. The most serious diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus include pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, toxic shock, and septicemia.
  • Epidermal staphylococcus aureus. A type of bacteria that lives mainly on the surface of the skin, which is why it got its name. The microbe becomes the main cause of sepsis, endocarditis, conjunctivitis, purulent infections that develop in open wounds and urinary tract. Due to its ability to live on foreign bodies, it often causes complications during the implantation of medical devices.
  • Saprophytic staphylococcus aureus. It is considered relatively peaceful, but under favorable conditions it begins to actively multiply, causing the main symptoms of cystitis and urethritis - impaired and painful urination, pain and itching in the perineum, common signs of intoxication.
  • Hemolytic staphylococcus aureus. A microorganism that affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory system in 70% of cases and causes tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis. It settles in the tonsils and nasopharynx, but manifests itself only against the background of a decrease in immunity, which is often observed during pregnancy, hypothermia, or other triggering factors.

In addition to the noted consequences, staphylococci can cause complications in childbirth and have a negative impact on the newborn, whose immune system is still too fragile and defenseless.


Since staphylococcus in its natural state lives almost everywhere, it is always found during bacterial culture. Therefore, the presence of a disease is judged, firstly, by the symptoms, and secondly, by the number of microorganism colonies in the test material. If a pregnant woman has signs of inflammatory diseases, she is recommended to do an analysis for staphylococcus aureus.

With a urinary tract infection, a urine test is done, from which saprophytic staphylococcus aureus can most often be isolated. In case of infection of the genital organs, a vaginal smear is taken for examination. With a respiratory tract infection, a swab is taken from the mucous membrane of the nose and throat.

Having found a pathogenic microorganism, a laboratory employee determines its species and approximate number. Based on these data, as well as the state of health of the pregnant woman, the doctor chooses certain methods of treating staphylococcus aureus.


Acute manifestations of staphylococcal infection during pregnancy pose a threat to the health and life of the mother and child. Particularly serious consequences include severe purulent infections, peritonitis, pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, inflammation of the inner membranes of the heart, loss of a child, or intrauterine infection of the baby and fetal membranes. Therefore, in such conditions, the decision to use antibiotics is considered justified.

In addition, the treatment regimen for staphylococcal infection, depending on its variety, may include the following drugs:

  • local antibiotics;
  • immunomodulators;
  • bacteriophages;
  • solutions and instillations into the nose of agents that have a bactericidal effect;
  • quartzing;
  • immunization with staphylococcal toxoid.


For the prevention of staphylococcus during pregnancy, it is best to take the test at the planning stage of the baby. In addition, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and eliminate all factors that can depress the immune system. These include:

  • foci of caries;
  • tonsillitis;
  • acne and other skin defects;
  • various chronic diseases.

Although staphylococcus is present everywhere, you should not ignore personal hygiene and forget about the cleanliness of the room. Walk more often, ventilate the room and regularly do wet cleaning in it, do not start a runny nose or sore throat - at the first sign, rinse and treat the nasal mucosa with antiseptics. Take care of your dental health. Twice a day, carry out water procedures and wash your hands often with soap and water. Change bedding and personal towels regularly.

Expecting a baby is the most touching and crucial moment. Unfortunately, joyful emotions can overshadow such a negative moment as illness. What to do if staphylococcus aureus develops in a pregnant woman? Is it possible in such a situation to give birth to a full-fledged child? It is worth considering this issue in detail.

What is a disease?

Staphylococcus in pregnant women are harmful forms that cause serious illness. Most often they are clusters that can only be seen under a microscope in the laboratory. In appearance, they look like a small bunch of grapes.

Disease classification

There are several forms of manifestation of staphylococcus in pregnant women:

  • Staphylococcus aureus is a pyogenic bacterium. Doctors say that this is the most common, and at the same time, the most dangerous type of illness during pregnancy, which can cause significant harm to both the health of the mother and the health of the unborn baby.
  • Epidermal staphylococcus. The presence of these bacteria in the body manifests itself in the form of rashes on the dermis. Doctors also refer to it as a skin bacterium. Compared to Staphylococcus aureus, it is practically safe for pregnant women, especially for women with good immunity. But purulent processes of internal organs may occur when penetrating through the skin or an open wound.
  • Saprophytic Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that forms only in the urinary tract. Most often, it causes the development of urogenic sepsis or nephritis.
  • Hemolytic Staphylococcus aureus are purulent bacteria. If they enter the body, conjunctivitis or blepharitis may develop. This type of disease is also practically harmless. It causes mild and short-term discomfort in a person.

As it turned out, the most dangerous form of the disease for pregnant women is Staphylococcus aureus. The infection can progress on the mucous membranes or in the uterus. When it appears, the health of a woman and a baby is at risk. It is required to immediately consult a doctor and choose the optimal treatment.

Why does he appear?

There are several reasons why Staphylococcus aureus appears in a pregnant woman. It is worth considering the most common of them:

  1. Close contact with an infected person, such as interacting with them at home or sharing food.
  2. Surgery or blood transfusion. The infection enters the body through a medical instrument or equipment.
  3. A long-term non-healing wound, which becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.
  4. Certain types of illnesses, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, HIV, respiratory infections, and influenza stamps.
  5. Often, the reason for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus in a smear in pregnant women is non-compliance with hygiene standards.
  6. Certain types of medications, especially antibiotics and hormonal agents, can also give a boost.

There are many reasons for the development of such a dangerous bacterium as staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, it is very important to protect your health from negative factors while waiting for the baby.

Transfer Methods

Based on the above reasons, it is not difficult to guess about the ways of infection with this disease. There are 6 main ways of transmission of staphylococcus:

  • airborne;
  • exogenous;
  • contact household;
  • food;
  • fecal-oral;
  • medical.

Through one of these forms, the bacterium enters the human body. Further, it begins to multiply and produce toxins, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes and pathological phenomena.

How to recognize the disease?

As it turned out, Staphylococcus aureus in pregnant women is a rather serious disease. The sooner it is detected and the sooner measures are taken to eliminate it from the body, the more chances a woman has to save her health and her baby. It can be recognized by several characteristic features:

  • Changes in the appearance of the skin: the appearance of acne, eczema, redness, dermatitis and other lesions on it.
  • A prolonged runny nose is a characteristic symptom for the formation of staphylococcus aureus in the nose of a pregnant woman.
  • Severe pain in the throat and problematic swallowing. In the early stages of bacteria reproduction, only slight discomfort is felt: the appearance of dryness and perspiration.
  • Prolonged lack of appetite.
  • Severe discomfort when urinating. The appearance of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and back is a characteristic symptom of the formation of staphylococcus aureus; this bacterium can be found in the urine of pregnant women.

A woman planning to become a mother should listen to her body herself. You should inform your gynecologist about the appearance of new suspicious symptoms.

Diagnostic examination

If the patient has a reason to suspect staphylococcus, then she needs to immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will listen to the concerns of the expectant mother and prescribe a series of diagnostic examinations for her.

First of all, you will need to pass a urine test. In laboratory conditions, it will be revealed whether there is sepsis or Staphylococcus aureus in the culture of a pregnant patient.

Additionally, you will need to consult a laura, he will examine the throat. Also, the uncharacteristic value of the hemolytic type of the bacillus can cause suspicion. Narrow specialists, namely, an ophthalmologist, dermatologist or nephrologist, will need to be visited only if the corresponding symptoms occur: skin lesions, conjunctivitis, pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort when urinating.

Most often, doctors detect staphylococcus aureus in pregnant women in a smear. During the examination, the gynecologist takes the "material" from the vagina and transfers it to the laboratory. A very serious problem is if a microbe is found in it, as there is a high risk of transmitting the bacterium to the child through the birth canal. Therefore, the patient is prescribed immediate treatment or she is transferred to a hospital.

If there is a suspicion of Staphylococcus aureus in the nose of a pregnant woman, then in addition, in the laboratory, a swab is taken from the mucous membranes.

Medical treatment

Staphylococcus is difficult to call a disease. This is a harmful bacterium that penetrates the body and disables its important mechanisms. It is highly not recommended to deal with it on your own, using traditional medicine methods. Firstly, this will not bring the desired effect, that is, the patient will provide more time for the full development of the bacterium. Secondly, against the background of improper treatment, the chances of complications increase.

Thus, only an experienced specialist should prescribe drug therapy after a diagnostic examination. Most often, there is a need to take potent drugs - antibiotics. They can be different depending on the affected area:

  • Local antibiotics - with the development of staphylococcus aureus in pregnant women on the mucous membranes, for example, in the nose. After the detection of the bacterium, the modern drug "Chlorophyllipt" can be prescribed.
  • Antibiotics for internal use - when the microbe multiplies in other areas ("Azithromycin", "Vancomycin", "Amoxicillin").
  • If a woman is infected with a golden species, then complex treatment is prescribed. It consists of local treatment and taking drugs that increase the mother's immunity, without affecting the fetus - "Activin", "Timalin".
  • The most effective method of treatment is the intake of staphylococcal bacteriophage.

The course of treatment of pregnant women from staphylococcus and the dosage of drugs is also strictly selected by a specialist. While taking antibiotics, the effectiveness of drug therapy is mandatory checked, in its absence, other drugs are selected.

Additional Treatment Measures

It has already been said above about how staphylococcus aureus is treated in pregnant patients. As it turned out, an integral part of this process is the use of antibiotics. However, in some cases, it becomes necessary to use additional drugs and equipment:

  1. Quartzization of the room in which the expectant mother lives. This action is necessary to prevent infection of households and a second wave of the disease for the patient herself.
  2. With conjunctivitis, it is required to lay tetracycline ointment under the eyelid or instill drops based on this active substance into each eye.
  3. Additionally, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (Ibufen, Paracetomol, Ketorol) can be prescribed.
  4. If staphylococcus manifests itself in the form of lesions on human skin, then it will be necessary to use gentamicin ointment.

The most important thing that a future mother should do is to fully comply with the doctor's recommendations and take care of her baby. An important factor is the absence of stress. Only the body in a calm state can fully cope with the elimination of harmful bacteria. With the right approach, the disease can be quickly forgotten.


As soon as a woman saw two stripes on the test, she should understand that now she needs to take care not only of herself, but also of another organism that is actively developing under her heart. Therefore, if any suspicious symptoms appear, she should forget about all matters and immediately consult a doctor. If you do not start treating staphylococcus in a timely manner, a number of complications may appear:

  • The bacterium will begin to multiply rapidly and infect the body. It can cause the development of pneumonia, peritonitis, diseases of a dermatological or purulent nature.
  • The body of the expectant mother from the very first week of pregnancy begins to prepare for lactation. This means that the mammary gland is more susceptible to damage, therefore, mastitis is often formed.
  • The most dangerous complication of the disease is inflammation of the inner membranes of the heart, which can lead to the death of the patient.
  • While the bacterium grows and multiplies in the human body, it releases very harmful toxins. They instantly spread throughout the body, including penetrating to the child. During the period of their exposure, the baby will feel bad and experience pain. In addition, due to disruption of the body, it will not be able to fully develop, which will lead to the formation of gross pathologies.

Staphylococcus is not just a bacterium, but a provocateur of serious diseases and complications. To maintain your own health and ensure the full development of the crumbs, you need to start the right treatment as soon as possible.

Preventive measures

After identifying the causes of staphylococcus in pregnant women, preventive measures have been developed that will prevent infection with this bacterium:

  • It is strictly required to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Of course, expectant mothers are banned from taking a hot bath for 9 months, but it is still recommended to take a shower every day and rinse the vagina with an antibacterial agent.
  • A woman during pregnancy exposes her body to various diseases. This is due to an increase in the load on the body, and, consequently, with a decrease in immunity. This means that in order to avoid the development of bacteria, it is necessary to strengthen it: walk more, give up bad habits, eat right, and do light exercise.
  • It is required to create an environmentally friendly atmosphere in the room in which the expectant mother lives: regularly do wet cleaning and ventilate the room.
  • After each visit to the street and public places, it is mandatory to wash your hands and change street clothes into home clothes.
  • Do not communicate with infected people. During pregnancy, it is worth staying at home more, avoiding crowded places.
  • It is strictly forbidden to allow hypothermia of the body.
  • Do not visit clinics that do not inspire confidence. Before each procedure, you should make sure that the equipment and medical instrument comply with safety standards.

Of course, the observance of preventive measures does not guarantee that staphylococcus can be avoided. However, the chances of his appearance will be reduced several times.


Unfortunately, more and more often expectant mothers are diagnosed with such a serious problem as staphylococcus aureus. Specialists have already developed a strategy to eliminate it from the body, so the chances of a full recovery are quite high, but only if the microbe is detected in a timely manner, and the patient adheres to all the doctor's recommendations.

But the threat to a pregnant woman still exists. It is worth noting that carrying a baby is a complex process that causes a certain load on the body. Under its influence, the condition may worsen. Quite often, against the background of this condition, complications appear and other concomitant diseases develop. The risk is also, both for the mother and for the baby, premature birth and the birth of a child with low body weight, which also occurs for the same reason.

Who else is predisposed and active periods

There are certain people and certain moments at which the risk of spreading the infection increases significantly. As for staphylococcus, the chances of being affected by it increase in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy at any time;
  • when there are some chronic diseases, oncological pathologies, eczema, rheumatism or diabetes mellitus;
  • when taking medications that adversely affect the immune system;
  • in acute illness: SARS or acute respiratory infections;

In addition to pregnant women, this disease often occurs in because, due to official circumstances, they constantly have to contact with infected people.

How to give birth?

The presence of a bacterium in the body does not affect the process of giving birth to a child if it does not have time to penetrate into the organs. If any problems are found, it is worth contacting a gynecologist, he will independently assess the state of health of a pregnant woman and determine whether she can give birth on her own or still have to do a caesarean section.

Staphylococcus during pregnancy is not always a problem. With it, you can fully live, adhering to drug therapy. You can save your and your baby's health if you listen to the advice of qualified doctors and turn to us for help in a timely manner.

About three dozen species of staphylococcus live in our environment, and about half of them are able to live on and inside the human body. On the mucous membranes (in the nose, mouth, vagina and urogenital organs, intestines), the bacterium takes root in 80% of the inhabitants of the planet, and in 20% of them the microbe lives constantly, in the rest it appears from time to time. But as for the skin, then staphylococcus lives on them in 100% of the earth's inhabitants. In other words: staphylococcus is on the skin of absolutely every one of us!

Have you been diagnosed with staphylococcus during pregnancy in a smear or in urine? There is absolutely nothing surprising, as you should now understand. Is it necessary to treat staphylococcus aureus during pregnancy - this is the question that most expectant mothers should worry about. And now you can answer it yourself.

What threatens staphylococcus during pregnancy: consequences

For many (if not all) it is associated with something terrible and doomed. In fact, staphylococcus lives on human skin quite peacefully. It belongs to the opportunistic flora, that is, to the category of those microbes that are capable (just capable, and do not necessarily) cause the development of certain diseases. Infection occurs during a period of decrease in the body's immune defenses, for example, during or after an illness, against the background of chronic fatigue or malnutrition, with regular exposure to stress and other factors. Pregnancy is also a factor in the natural suppression of a woman's immune system. But does it mean that the microbe found in a pregnant woman should be regarded as a potential threat?

Staphylococcus is actually the most terrible microorganism in terms of survival and the ability to harm a person during its active development. It feels at ease and reproduces in the most unfavorable conditions: at extremely high temperatures (does not die when boiled), in solutions of high concentrations of sodium chloride, in pure ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it is impossible to destroy the bacterium even in a hospital setting. Moreover, it is in medical institutions that staphylococcus lives in high concentrations, which is very resistant to all methods of destruction and to most of the most commonly used antibiotics for this, because it easily develops immunity to them. According to the World Health Organization, a third of all hospital infections are due to staphylococcal infections.

However, living on the mucous membranes and epidermis, staphylococcus is absolutely not dangerous for us if our state of health is in order. But as soon as he activates, a staphylococcal infection begins to develop, which poses a threat, and during pregnancy - a double one, because the unborn child also gets under attack.

Therefore, there is a huge difference between staph and staph infection and this needs to be understood. In the first case, the bacteria found in the analyzes are the absolute norm and require absolutely no action and intervention. If there are signs of infection, then treatment is simply necessary.

Epidermal, saprophytic, hemolytic, Staphylococcus aureus during pregnancy: symptoms and signs

Of the large number of staphylococcal species, only three of them are dangerous to humans: saprophytic, epidermal and golden (aureus). Depending on the type of bacteria that caused the infectious process, different parts of our body are affected:

  • Saprophytic staphylococcus in pregnant women (S. saprophyticus) is the most harmless and "calm". It lives on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract and on the surface of the genital organs, and therefore is capable of causing inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.
  • Epidermal staphylococcus during pregnancy (S. epidermidis) - lives everywhere on the epidermis (both skin and mucous), but almost never causes problems to humans and, unlike aureus, never causes ulcers on the skin. But if the integrity of the epidermis is violated, it can penetrate into the blood, infecting it and, together with its current, other organs. Therefore, in the absolute majority of cases, this type of infection develops as a complication due to various types of surgical interventions and other invasive procedures in patients who are weakened after surgery.
  • Staphylococcus aureus during pregnancy (S. aureus) is the most persistent, most aggressive, most dangerous and most common of all species. It is he who is found in most all cases and is the cause of almost all health problems caused by the development of staph infections. And it is he who is most difficult to treat, because he very quickly develops "immunity" to antibacterial drugs.

The inflammatory process with the active development of Staphylococcus aureus always has a characteristic course, which allows us to say that there is a staphylococcal infection, and not just staphylococcus aureus or anything else.

This is mainly the presence of a purulent infectious process. If there is no pus (in the urine, in the throat, in the feces, on the skin), then there is definitely no staphylococcal infection! You need to look for another reason for the discomfort.

Depending on which organs are affected by a staphylococcal infection, characteristic corresponding signs may occur: soreness in the lower abdomen, pulling pains in the lower back, pain and purulent plugs in the throat, redness of the mucous membranes, ulcers on the skin, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. . etc. But the first two symptoms - the presence of pus and high temperature - must necessarily occur when it comes to staphylococcal disease.

Staphylococcus during pregnancy: what is dangerous

Staphylococcus aureus is able to multiply, as you understand, anywhere! That is, such an organ, wherever it could not be, does not exist. Getting into the systemic circulation, it surrounds itself with a protective shell so as not to be recognized by immune cells, and together with the blood, it freely penetrates into any organs. Purulent inflammatory processes in the kidneys, liver, intestines, heart, brain ... Otitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, urethritis, mastitis, pneumonia, sepsis (blood poisoning), osteomyelitis (bone inflammation) ... All these and many other diseases are caused by this malevolent bacterium. Most often, food poisoning occurs, since staphylococcus multiplies very quickly in food (its most “favorite” foods are canned food, meat and vegetable salads, oil confectionery creams).

Therefore, this microbe can cause infectious processes in any organ or area of ​​​​our body (even in the blood and bones). This can manifest itself in different ways and have a variety of consequences: from a banal pimple on the skin to purulent meningitis or inflammation of the membranes of the heart. If the infection actively develops in a pregnant woman, then there is also a threat of infection of the fetus and membranes: if the newborn has spots or blisters on the skin in the form of burn marks, then this is the work of staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococcal infection during pregnancy is dangerous for both the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, treatment must be started even during this period if an infection is diagnosed.

How and how to treat staphylococcus during pregnancy

Of course, it is better to be treated at home, because it is in the hospital that the bacteria are the most vigorous! They have a strong immunity to most of the drugs used to destroy them. "Home" staphylococci are much easier to neutralize.

Treatment of a staphylococcal infection rarely does without the use of antibiotics (unless the disease is caused not by the microbe itself, but by its toxins - for example, with food poisoning). But in order for it to be effective, after the microbes are detected, it will also be necessary to pass an analysis for their sensitivity to antibacterial substances. Based on its result, it is determined which type of antibiotic can give a positive result in treatment.

Antibacterial drugs are used not only inside, but also locally. At the same time, it is necessary to take probiotics to protect the intestinal microflora from the aggressive action of such medicines.

Depending on the location of the staphylococcus lesion, the methods of treatment vary. The larynx and nasopharynx, for example, are treated with a solution of Chlorophyllipt: rinsing and rinsing with alcohol (or Furacilin solution), with oil - subsequent processing.

A woman also needs to strengthen her body. This requires proper rest and sleep, daily walks, moderate physical activity, high-quality healthy varied nutrition. Preventing the development of a staph infection is not easy, but something can still be done: adhere to the rules of hygiene and antiseptic standards (immediately treat wounds and other skin lesions), wash food thoroughly before preparing and eating them, and also follow the rules for storing them, monitor the condition teeth and oral cavity. Do not allow the formation of hypovitaminosis and other prerequisites for a decrease in immunity.

Analysis for staphylococcus during pregnancy: the norm

But the most important thing to understand from this article is that treatment is required only in individual, isolated cases, when it is a staphylococcal infection that develops. If you just have staphylococcus aureus found in your throat, or you passed a urine test during pregnancy - and the result showed staphylococcus aureus, or the bacterium was detected in any other way, then this is absolutely normal!

We once again draw your attention to the fact that the presence of this microbe on the human body or inside it is an absolute norm and does not pose a danger until this same microbe is activated and begins to actively multiply, thereby causing the onset of a staphylococcal infection, which must be treated. .

The fact that an inflammatory process is taking place is indicated by an increase in the number of staphylococci: they exceed 10 4 . The presence of an infection in the body may also be indicated by the mark "abundant growth" as a result of the analysis.

Who had staphylococcus during pregnancy: reviews

It is not surprising that staphylococcus aureus in the urine or in a smear from the vagina / pharynx is found in almost all pregnant women. But what is unfortunate: doctors often begin to actively treat the carriage of this microorganism, and not the disease caused by its activity.

Having visited more than one forum, you can be sure that staphylococcus aureus in pregnant women is treated quite zealously. But it does not indicate that treatment is required only with the active reproduction of its colony.


“Do not treat the tests!” Evgeny Komarovsky urges everyone, and especially pregnant women and women who have already given birth. He is convinced that if you treat everything that doctors find in the human body, then you will have to be treated throughout your life.

Staphylococcus is our most common neighbor. Do not offend him if he behaves "decently", otherwise there will be no problems.

Dr. Komarovsky compares staphylococcus with a soldier who is a danger to us not in itself, but only armed. And there are plenty of weapons in his hands, and very powerful, fast-acting and striking on a huge scale. These are the substances that are part of the bacteria and those that it produces in the course of its life. They are able to penetrate cells and tissues, “fight off” the body’s defenses when introduced into it, neutralize human immunoglobulins, destroy our cells (including damaging blood cells), cause allergic and inflammatory processes in them, neutralize the “heavy artillery” designed to fight them (natural phagocytic cells, antibacterial substances) ... In addition to everything, staphylococci contain the strongest toxins that can affect organ tissues. All these abilities are simultaneously possessed only by the most dangerous and most common species - Staphylococcus aureus.

But while this “special forces” is sleeping peacefully, there is not the slightest reason to worry, Dr. Komarovsky convinces. In front of a healthy human immune system, he is unarmed and can peacefully coexist with us for years without showing any aggression.

Moreover, even a baby is able to cope with it. Although almost all babies are infected with staphylococcus aureus immediately at birth, almost all of them also get rid of it naturally during the first weeks of their lives. So there is no reason for pregnant women to be afraid of staphylococcus found in the analysis if its colony does not exceed the norm, that is, it is not in the stage of active reproduction.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

Staphylococcal infection is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman due to the fact that gestation is associated with a physiological decrease in the activity of the immune system.

Staphylococcus is one of the bacteria that can be in the body for years and not show its presence in any way. Until a factor that provokes the development of the disease appears. For a woman, pregnancy can easily become such a factor, due to the fact that immunity during the period of gestation is sufficiently reduced. How harmful is staphylococcus during pregnancy to mother and unborn baby?

Staphylococcus in pregnant women is not only an undesirable phenomenon, but also quite dangerous. Some types of bacteria can only threaten the health of the expectant mother, and some can lead to illness and death of the child. That is why most doctors advocate that the birth of a child be a planned event, and already at the stage of preparing her body for it, the woman underwent all the necessary examinations.

If the pregnancy was not planned, then it is important to take tests as early as possible. Often, pathogenic microbes hide on the nasal mucosa or teeth that have not been treated for caries.

Analysis for staphylococcus during pregnancy

As already mentioned, it is desirable to conduct all tests that can detect potentially dangerous bacteria before conception. But in practice, tests are usually taken already if staphylococcus aureus is suspected during pregnancy.

Since dangerous bacteria live in different parts of the body, laboratory tests are carried out in several types. These tests are inexpensive and take them quickly and painlessly.

Quite often, saprophytic is found during pregnancy. In some cases, it is found when a woman passes a routine analysis, and not with a targeted detection of staphylococcus aureus.

This type of microorganism is able to penetrate the kidneys, urethra and provoke various diseases of the urinary system.

The presence of dangerous bacteria in pregnant women can also be found. With this type of disease for the child, there is a risk of infection not only during pregnancy, but also during childbirth.

Staphylococcus aureus or hemolytic staphylococcus aureus in the nose during pregnancy can be found by taking a smear from the mucous membranes. Most often, it is the latter type of bacteria that lives on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The infection settled in these areas is dangerous, but less than the pathogenic organisms found in the urinary tract.

When bacteria are found in a woman's body, first of all, the doctor needs to determine the type of pathogenic bacterium that she encountered and its quantity. The fact is that of the 27 types of these microorganisms, only a few are truly dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus. But if exactly one of the dangerous species was found, treatment is mandatory.

Why is staphylococcus dangerous during pregnancy

According to doctors, the minimum danger is a saprophytic type of infection. Its habitat is the genitourinary system and the skin near the genitals. The most common consequences of its influence are acute cystitis and kidney disease. It can also cause inflammation in other organs and tissues.

Epidermal staphylococcus aureus is more dangerous. Its microbes are located on the surface of the skin, but. The presence of this type of bacteria leads to sepsis, the development of purulent processes, conjunctivitis.

Living on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system often provokes a disease such as purulent tonsillitis or tonsillitis. It is these processes that can lead to the development of fetal hypoxia and its infection.

But the most dangerous in terms of consequences for the mother and child is Staphylococcus aureus during pregnancy.

For a woman, this disease is usually fraught with:

  • the development of purulent foci;
  • meningitis;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • development of skin diseases.

Often the skin of a pregnant woman who has developed this type of disease is covered with a large number of boils or blackheads. Even just being on the skin, the golden type is able to penetrate the mammary glands of the mother and lead to the formation of purulent mastitis. Penetrating into the blood of a woman, the bacterium can provoke sepsis, spreading to the inner lining of the heart, and leading to death.

But this disease is no less dangerous for the unborn child. This type of dangerous microorganism penetrates the fetal membranes and can reach the fetus itself. In this case, toxins dangerous for the developing organism are released. They affect the skin of the unborn child, causing the formation of huge painful blisters on them, similar to burns, which cause the baby a lot of suffering.

In some cases, sepsis provoked by the disease leads to the death of the fetus, and sometimes with it the mother.

Treatment of staphylococcus during pregnancy

Treatment for staph during pregnancy is determined by the location of the bacteria and the type of infection. Treatment is prescribed individually, and only by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to the opposite results - big problems with the health of the mother and fetus, and even their death.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to treat a woman during pregnancy with more gentle drugs. Although staphylococcus bacteria are quite resistant to antibiotics and taking these drugs is undesirable in position, the attending physician is still obliged to prescribe them. Without antibiotics, treatment for this infection will be ineffective.

Other aspects of treatment:

  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • the use of bacteriophages;
  • taking immunomodulatory drugs;
  • quartzization.

If a woman has developed nasal staphylococcus aureus, she is prescribed special rinses with antiseptic solutions. In this case, oil solutions must be used as nasal drops.

To avoid infection of the fetus, a pregnant woman is prescribed a special drug - staphylococcal toxoid.


Pathogenic bacteria can easily become active during pregnancy. Some types of the disease can significantly harm the mother and unborn baby. Especially dangerous is Staphylococcus aureus, which without treatment can cause the death of a woman and a child.

Therefore, at the planning stage of pregnancy, or at its beginning, it is important to pass simple tests - smears that will help you quickly determine the presence of staphylococcus bacteria in the body of a pregnant woman. If they are detected, treatment under the supervision of a specialist will help to successfully endure and give birth to a healthy baby.
