Municipal budgetary institution of culture. When the main holiday of nomads is celebrated in Yamal - Reindeer Herder's Day Where is Reindeer Herder's Day celebrated

Reindeer Herder's Day is probably the biggest holiday for the inhabitants of the north. The festivities are held according to the traditional scenario: welcome words from the administration, performances by creative teams, after which the main part comes - competitions in reindeer herding skills. In parallel, there are exhibitions and sales, acquaintances and communication of people who roam the Yamal tundra for months, driving deer ...

The holiday started in the morning. The weather was great - there was no wind and the sun was shining. The temperature was about -20 degrees:

Until the races began, the reindeer herders simply rolled everyone:


I spotted a ski mask on one reindeer herder - some of them seem to prefer modern technology to deal with bad weather:


A special press tent was prepared for journalists with snacks and hot tea, where they could warm up from time to time:


We were treated to venison sausage, muksun (such a fish), sweets and tea:


The plagues were built in a row and were reserved for different groups of people:


For example, this tent was built for the inhabitants of the city, where they could go and warm up:


There were also "special service plagues" for convention delegates:

In the spectator sector, a slide was built on which snowboarders rode. According to my observations, they never managed to drive normally and not fall:


The Yamal air ambulance was following the event. If someone is in distress far from the city, these people send a helicopter for him. Often reindeer breeders use this as a convenient and free delivery to Salekhard. They take a piece of rotten fat on a fishing line, swallow it for 20 minutes and pull it out. After that, the temperature rises to over forty, the person turns green and this lasts for two hours. The main thing is to guess the symptoms for the arrival of rescuers:


On improvised stalls they sold fish and all sorts of things:

In addition to competitions for reindeer herders, there were various entertainments for residents. Against the backdrop of the city, a paraglider, a helicopter and a small airplane were constantly rising. Pay attention to the wheels of the UAZ - they drive on virgin snow:



And this is Yamal Iri, the local Santa Claus. For the past few years, the inhabitants of the north have been actively promoting him. Yamal Iri responds to the progressive spirit of the times: Wikipedia claims that the grandfather moves on a reindeer sled, but, in which case, he is able to transfer to a snowmobile:


The official part was marked by a dance of disguised musicians with drums:


The reindeer herders looked at this with obvious skepticism:


Pay attention to the ships frozen in the snow in the background. Pretty surreal.


On the run, the deer funny pulled out their tongues:


Before the competition, each reindeer breeder was assigned a number and given a special T-shirt:


In addition to "natural" reindeer herders who lead a nomadic lifestyle, there were reindeer herders from state farms:


Our Gavrila was ready, cheerful and fresh as a cucumber. By the way, he ended up taking third place:


There were also such participants of the race:


It is not clear how you can chew venison without teeth:


Reindeer teams before the start:


Reindeer herders nearby. Everyone is waiting for the start of the race:


The races have begun. Everything happened as follows: two teams competed at a distance of about 200 meters. Having overcome the distance, the participants turned around and drove back:


The teams started in a very funny way: after the go-ahead, the reindeer herders began to hoot and wave their arms to make the reindeer move. They already jumped into the team on the go:


For some reason, somewhere in the first fifteen races, the deer that were closer to the shore ran away to the side of the hill:


Unfortunately, it was impossible to start again:


There was no competition as such - the judge simply counted the time, and at the end chose the best indicators:

First there were men's races, then women's. We didn’t stay at the women’s because we had to hurry to the plane:


A special place was allocated for journalists, from where it is best to watch the race - there was a lot of press:


Nearby, the children were rolling down the hill, apparently, this fun seemed more exciting to them:


A few more pictures from the races:




I walked to the place where there was a turn of the race:

A lot of dogs were chasing deer barking like our cars:

One of the girls at the party was wearing stilettos and constantly walked, holding on to her gentleman. What only girls do not go for the sake of beauty and attractiveness:


But the older generation was more adapted to the conditions: warm clothes and a thermos with tea:



That's all about Salekhard. Stay Tuned!

Day of the reindeer herder is a traditional holiday of the tundra population of Taimyr. Held in the middle of the calendar spring.

For nomadic reindeer herders, a professional holiday is an occasion not only to meet with relatives and friends, but also to take part in competitions and take a break from everyday work.

On this day, people are honored who remained faithful to their ancestors and continue to live in the tundra in tents and move from one pasture to another all year round with their families and reindeer herds. The deer is the meaning of life for a tundra dweller. From him he receives everything: food, shelter, clothing, means of transportation. The more reindeer herders have, the richer he is considered.

Reindeer Breeder's Day is a very cheerful, bright and truly spring holiday. Impressions from his visit remain for life.

In 2017, the first day of the reindeer herder will be celebrated in the village of Potapovo, the municipality "city of Dudinka". The festivities will take place here on April 7th.

Schedule of the holiday "Day of the Reindeer Breeder" in Taimyr in 2017

The plan for holding festive events "Day of the Reindeer Breeder-2017":

The first people in Taimyr to celebrate the Day of the Reindeer Breeder are the residents of the village of Potapovo

From today, festive events dedicated to the Day of the Reindeer Breeder began in Taimyr. The festive relay race was opened by the village of Potapovo in the urban settlement of Dudinka, where competitive and sports events started at 10.00 am, and reindeer sled races will soon begin.

To congratulate the villagers of the Taimyr hinterland on the holiday came the Head of the city of Dudinka Yuri Gurin, the chief specialist of the Department for Indigenous Peoples of Taimyr and the Issues of Agriculture and Trade of the Administration of the Municipal District Daniil Yaptune, representatives of the City Council of Deputies and local authorities of the capital of Taimyr.

In the morning, an exhibition of children's drawings "My village" was opened in the rural House of Culture, the participants of which were schoolchildren from the village of Potapovo. The exhibition "Culinary 2017" is also open here, at which all interested residents of the village presented national dishes and culinary products. Both exhibitions present competitive works, which will be evaluated by a jury, which includes representatives of local governments, education, and the public. The winners will be rewarded with valuable gifts.

At 11.00 o'clock near the House of Culture, sports competitions in the national triple jump and sledge jumps will start. In the water area of ​​the Yenisei River, all interested northerners will compete in throwing the maut. Traditional reindeer sleigh races will also take place here. Five residents of the village announced their participation in them: Sergey Bolin, Spiridon Bolin, Gennady Ivanov, Leonid Bolin and Igor Bolin.

The winners will receive gifts from the Administration of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District: a certificate worth 300,000 rubles, a laptop and a navigator. Also, valuable prizes will be awarded from PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.

During the awards ceremony, the anniversaries of the village Olga Averchenko and Leonid Bolin, as well as today's birthday Sergey Burkov, will be celebrated. A memorable gift awaits the oldest resident of the village Nikol Ivanovich Silkin.

As noted by the head of the territorial department in the village of Potapovo of the Administration of the city of Dudinka, Vladimir Shmal, the Reindeer Breeder's Day holiday in the village is always held at a high level and leaves all residents of Potapovo in a festive mood for a long time. In addition to the competitive and sports program, a festive trade is also organized, a folk festival will take place in the afternoon, and the Day of the Reindeer Breeder will end in the evening in the House of Culture with a festive disco.

Tuchard celebrated Reindeer Herder Day

In the village of Tukhard of the rural settlement of Karaul, the Day of the Reindeer Breeder, one of the most important northern holidays, was celebrated. Traditionally, nomads from the tundra came to the celebration to take part in competitions, meet relatives and friends.

Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Andrey Klishas, ​​Head of Taimyr Sergey Tkachenko, Deputy Heads of the Municipal District Administration for specialized areas Galina Gavrilova, Sergey Sharonov and Nikolai Maimago, took part in the celebration of the Reindeer Breeder Day, Semyon Palchin, Commissioner for the Rights of Indigenous Minorities of the North in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and Svetlana Rubashkina, Head of the Charitable Programs Department of the Polar Transport Branch of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.

Guests, residents of the village and reindeer herders who came to the holiday from the expanses of the Tukhard tundra, were met by artists of vocal and choreographic ensembles on the banks of the Bolshaya Kheta River. On the eve of the solemn start of the reindeer races, Andrey Klishas congratulated everyone on the holiday, thanked the residents of the village, as well as the tundra people leading a nomadic lifestyle, for preserving centuries-old traditions. “We are very pleased that the traditional way of life in Taimyr is developing. And even under very difficult economic conditions, the state finds an opportunity to support the traditional crafts and culture of the indigenous peoples of Taimyr,” Andrey Aleksandrovich noted.

The head of Taimyr, Sergei Tkachenko, greeted the participants of the festive celebrations from the stage, thanked the reindeer herders for their hard work and wished everyone health and well-being, and good luck to the participants in the competition. “The administration of the municipal district will always support representatives of the indigenous peoples of Taimyr and pay special attention to any problems. With every step, we are moving towards making the life of the indigenous population better,” Sergey Tkachenko emphasized. He also informed the audience about the imminent construction of a residential sector near the village of Tukhard. Negotiations on co-financing with PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel and JSC AIKB Yenisei United Bank have been successfully completed. On April 22, at the economic forum in Krasnoyarsk, the three parties will sign an agreement, after which the first stage of construction will begin - the design and preparation of a land plot. It is assumed that the implementation of this project will take place over three years.

63 men's teams and 10 women's teams took part in the reindeer races. This is the most exciting moment of the holiday. Managing noble animals is an art, say the tundra people. This northern skill they pass on by inheritance.

According to the results of the festive races, Viktor Lyrmin became the winner among men, he got a certificate for 300 thousand rubles. The second place and with it a laptop, a TV set and a GPS navigator were won by Alexander Yamkin. Afanasy Palchin became the owner of the prize for the third place - a navigator and a gas generator.

Among women, Svetlana Yamkina had the fastest reindeer. The reindeer of Lidia Yamkina came second to the finish line, the third place went to Henrietta Tesedo. They were also awarded valuable prizes.

In addition to traditional sports events: throwing a maut on a trochee, national wrestling, jumping over sledges and pulling a stick, competitions for men's, women's and children's national clothes, a festive team were organized for the villagers and guests of the holiday.

For the guests of the holiday, guest tents were installed, where everyone was offered to taste northern treats - berries, dishes from fish and deer meat. There was also a trade fair and an exhibition of decorative and applied products.

Reindeer herder's day for the nomadic population is not only a fun holiday, but also an opportunity to meet with relatives, undergo a medical examination, issue official documents, buy food and necessary things.

After the end of the holiday, the people of the tundra will spend a few more days in the village, and then again set off on their way to distant pastures. They will all meet again in a year.

Leonid Vengo and Yana Yaptune became the winners of the reindeer sled race in the village of Nosok

The village of Nosok of the rural settlement of Karaul took over the baton of festive events dedicated to the Day of the Reindeer Breeder last weekend.

About two thousand people live in the village of Nosok and the Noskovskaya tundra of the rural settlement of Karaul, about 1200 of which are reindeer herders leading a nomadic lifestyle. Every year, the Reindeer Breeder's Day brings them together to bring out the best in creative, sports and traditional reindeer sleigh races.

Events dedicated to the Day of the Reindeer Herder started here on Friday at the Noskovskaya secondary boarding school, where a festive concert was prepared for the inhabitants of the Noskovskaya tundra by their children. On Saturday morning, a meeting of reindeer herders of the OSK Yara-Tanama was held at the rural House of Culture. Nikolai Maimago, Deputy Head of Taimyr for Indigenous Minorities and Agriculture and Trade, spoke to the reindeer herders about the measures of social support for representatives of the indigenous minorities of Taimyr and the work carried out by the Administration of the municipal district in this direction. Nikolai Nikolaevich also invited the reindeer herders to express all their proposals on this issue.

The report on the work done during the year was made by the chairman of the cooperative Alexander Yadne. The head of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Sergei Grigoriev, reported on the work of the Taimyr police and answered questions related to law enforcement. The head of the rural settlement Karaul Dmitry Rudnik told the audience about the plans for the development of the rural settlement and separately in the field of construction. All reindeer herders working in the OSKK "Yara-Tanama" on that day were paid subsidies for the maintenance of the reindeer herd.

Also in the morning, the work of a medical team that arrived from Dudinka was organized in the district hospital, medical workers conducted an extraordinary medical examination of the nomadic population and villagers. First-aid kits were also distributed here in accordance with the municipal program “Creating conditions for preserving the traditional way of life of the indigenous peoples of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district and protecting their original habitat.”

At noon, the main festive celebrations dedicated to the Day of the reindeer herder began. In the center of the village of Nosok, an ethnic camp was set up, and three tents were installed, the hospitable hostesses of which treated everyone with dishes of national cuisine. There are stalls nearby, including entrepreneurs from Dudinka. There was a photo exhibition telling about the history of the village. The traditional difference between the village of Nosok and other places where the Day of the Reindeer Breeder is held is again the distribution of the national Nenets dish - shurpa, to everyone who wants it. It was organized by the Administration of the Nosok village together with the OSK Yara-Tanama.

During the solemn part, Nikolai Maimago, Deputy Head of Taimyr for Indigenous Minorities and Agriculture and Trade, addressed the reindeer herders and residents of the Nosok village with a welcoming speech. He congratulated everyone on the holiday and wished success in the hard work of the reindeer herder, and victory to all participants in the competition. The congratulations were joined by the Head of the rural settlement Karaul Dmitry Rudnik, the Head of the Administration of the rural settlement Karaul Andrey Nikiforov and the Head of the territorial division of the Administration of the rural settlement Karaul Snezhana Tesedo.

Dmitry Rudnik presented commemorative prizes to the oldest reindeer herder Terk Mesivich Yar, who turned 85, and the oldest plague worker, 65-year-old Nadezhda Antonovna Tesedo. Also memorable prizes were given to 75-year-old anniversaries Vladimir Borisovich Tesedo, Elena Lipchivna Yaptune and Yavki Harnovich Yaptune. The gifts were presented to a married couple who celebrated their 30th anniversary in April, Georgy and Lyudmila Yar, as well as to a young family, Rodion and Angelina Vango.

Within the framework of the holiday, competitions of national clothes were held: men's, women's and children's. Nenets clothes were presented by the best craftswomen of the Nosok village and the Noskovskaya tundra. A fashion show was organised. As a result, the first, second and third places in the competition of men's Nenets national clothes were won by Demid Yar, Grigory Sigunei and Ruslan Yaptune, respectively. The competition for the best Nenets women's clothing was won by Miroslava Yaptune (1st place), Angelina Vengo (2nd place) and Marta Tesedo (3rd place). Alexander Vengo, Vesselina Tesedo and Aleksey Tesedo, respectively, won prizes from the first to the third places in the competition of children's national clothes. Among the gifts were: a TV, a sewing machine, a video player, a tablet, walkie-talkies, toys.

All gifts to the winners of competitive and sports celebrations were provided by the Administrations of the municipal district and the rural settlement of Karaul, PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel and LLC RN-Vankor.

At the initiative of the Administration of the municipal district in the reindeer sleigh race for the first time this year, not three prizes, but five were determined. As a result, Leonid Vengo became the winner among men. Places among men from the second to the fifth were distributed accordingly: Sergey Tesedo, Innokenty Yar, Mikhail Yar and Vladimir Vengo.

Among women, Yana Yaptune's team was the first to finish. The second in the race was Alena Yamkina, the third - Valentina Yar, the fourth - Margarita Yar, the fifth - Inga Yaptune.

The leaders of the races received certificates worth three hundred thousand rubles each as a gift from the Administration of the municipal district. Among the prizes were also a boat motor, gas generators, chainsaws, laptops, tablets.

Also on this day, competitions in national wrestling were held, in which Demid Yar won. Alexander Ivanov won the national triple jump competition. In jumping over the sled, the undoubted leader is Andrey Fedorov, in throwing the maut on the trochee, Vasily Tudanov became the best. Evgeny Yamkin was named the winner in the stick pull. The fastest in the 100 meters was Holma Vengo. The winners and prize-winners were also awarded gifts, including navigators, office equipment, gas generators, chainsaws, and walkie-talkies.

On the Day of the Reindeer Breeder, Evgenia Vengo prepared and conducted a concert program, in which artists and creative teams from the village of Karaul and the village of Nosok took part: Harp, Saryutes, Brook, Khaerako, Olga Zonova and others.

For reindeer herders, the administration of Nosok village organized a gala dinner. The Reindeer Breeder's Day ended with a celebratory disco.

On the Day of the Reindeer Breeder in the village of Popigay, the tundra people of Taimyr and Yakutia met

In the village Popigay of the rural settlement of Khatanga, a big holiday was held, dedicated to the Day of the Reindeer Breeder, to which the reindeer herders of the Anabar National (Dolgano-Evenki) Ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) arrived. The sponsor of the festive events held within the framework of the ecological forum "ECOARCTICA -2017" was RN-Shelf-Arktika LLC.

The head of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district Sergey Tkachenko, a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valery Semenov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Yuri Zakharinsky, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory Nikolai Fokin and Valery Vengo, Head of the Anabar National (Dolgano-Nenets) Evenki) ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Ivan Semenov, Head of the rural settlement of Khatanga Alexander Kuleshov, representatives of district and rural administrations, representatives of RN-Shelf-Arktika LLC.

Yuri Zakharinsky, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, congratulated the reindeer herders on the holiday and wished prosperity to Taimyr and Yakutia.

Joining the congratulations, Valery Vengo said: “In the spring, our reindeer herders, like all the peoples of the North, have a special holiday, because our tundra wakes up, little deer are born, and everyone knows that life goes on, and everything will be fine.” Valery Vengo and Nikolai Fokin wished the reindeer herders great production success, a peaceful sky, good health to their families and reindeer, and also presented the Letter of Acknowledgment from the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to Alexei Bolshakov, Alexei Chuprin, Spiridon Chuprin, Praskovya Zharkova and Vasily Chuprin.

“I welcome all the guests of the holiday on the Taimyr land. I am very glad that two fraternal neighbors, two neighboring territories can compete in the traditional sports of the ethnic groups of the North. I hope that such events will become traditional. I want to thank the leadership of the Anabar National Ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and our sponsors RN-Shelf-Arktika LLC for their support and assistance in organizing such a big beautiful holiday. I wish success and victory in the races to all the mushers,” said Sergey Tkachenko, Head of the municipal district. He also presented the Gratitude of the Head of the municipal district to Nikolai Bolshakov and the Letter of Gratitude from the Administration of the municipal district to Viktor Chuprin, and to Popigay village - a large TV.

Then the guests and participants of the holiday took part in the rite of feeding the spirit of fire "Algys" and performed the dance of friendship "Heiro".

The most spectacular and long-awaited stage of the festive celebrations was the reindeer sled race. This year reindeer herders from Taimyr and Yakutia fought for the main prize - a snowmobile. Vladimir Tuprin, a reindeer herder from the Anabar ulus, became the winner of the race among men, Alexandra Chuprina, a resident of Novorybnaya village, became the best reindeer sled racer. The second to the finish line was the representative of Yakutia Valerian Popov and Anna Spiridonova, a resident of the Taimyr village of Syndassko, they received boat motors as a gift. The third in the reindeer sleigh race, each in their own race, were representatives of the same Taimyr family - the Chuprins from Popigay - Alexei and Svetlana. They were given a snowmobile and a satellite phone. In total, 17 women's teams and 51 teams driven by male mushers took part in the races.

Then the mushers came to the start, who competed in deer-riding races. The third in this type of race were the Taimyrs Alexander Chuprin and Elizaveta Fedoseeva, the second place was taken by Anufry Spiridonov and Alexandra Uksusnikova, representatives of the Taimyr villages of Syndassko and Popigay, respectively. Anufry Tuprin from Yakutia and Marta Chuprina from Taimyr became the winners of the reindeer race.

On the banks of the Popigay River, a large ethno camp was opened up, where guests and participants of the holiday could get acquainted with the life and traditions of the national Dolgan and Yakut reindeer herding camps. The hostesses of chums and beams treated everyone with dishes of national cuisine from various types of fish, deer, partridge meat, berries and baked goods. Here, at the camp, a fair-sale of products of decorative and applied arts worked. A concert program was organized for the guests, the best performances were presented to the audience by the artists of the village of Popigay, the village of Khatanga and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Also during the holiday the winners of the competitions were determined. The team of Evdokia Katyginskaya from Popigay was recognized as the best team. Her compatriot Yevgenia Bolshakova won the Children's National Clothes contest, and Praskovya Popova, a craftswoman from Yakutia, won the Best Sokuy nomination. It should be noted that almost all participants of the holiday, from young to old, were dressed in national costumes, the dressing of fur, as well as the variety of styles and patterns, delighted and amazed the imagination.

The sports program of the holiday included national wrestling, jumping over sledges, throwing a maut at a trochee and games for children. A confident victory in throwing a maut on a polecat and buckles through a sled was won by residents of the village of Popigay Vasily Kudryakov. There was no equal in the national wrestling to Valentin Opanasyuk, a musher from the Taimyr village of Popigay.

The Reindeer Breeder's Day ended with fireworks.

In addition to festive festivities, concerts and competitions, a medical examination of the nomadic population and villagers and the issuance of first-aid kits for reindeer herders were organized in the village.

Oleg Uksusnikov and Bella Kirgizova became the winners of the reindeer sled race in the village of Novorybnaya

Residents of the village of Novorybnaya in the rural settlement of Khatanga celebrated the Day of the Reindeer Breeder. The festivities took place over four days. On Saturday, the main holiday was held, which was opened by the elder of the village, Elena Trifonovna Uksusnikova. She performed the rite of "feeding the hearth."

Everyone was looking forward to the start of the main competition - the reindeer sled race. Both men and women of the village took part in these annual and traditional competitions for the Day of the Reindeer Herder. Oleg Uksusnikov became the winner among men. Among the women, the reindeer team of Bella Kirgizova came first. Each of them, as a gift from the Administration of the municipal district, received a certificate in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles each.

The participants of the holiday will also remember the dog sled races, in which Nikolai Popov came out the winner.

The competition of national clothes, which was held in the form of a defile, was very colorful. Maria Popova was named the winner and the best tailor. No less interesting and bright among the organizers of the holiday was a competition for the preparation of national dishes, the winner of which was Elena Rudinskaya. In the competition for the best beam (northern house), Nikolai Popov's beam was recognized as the best.

As part of the Day of the Reindeer Herder, national sports competitions were organized, where the winners were also determined. So, in jumping over sledges with a score of 300 sledges, the winner was the schoolboy Lazar Uksusnikov. Ivan Antonov was named the best in throwing the maut. Triple jump and wrestling competitions were also held.

As Aleksey Kudryakov, Acting Head of the Territorial Department of the Novorybnaya village of the Administration of the rural settlement of Khatanga, noted, the festive events dedicated to the Reindeer Breeder's Day began in the village on April 19. As part of the Day of the Reindeer Herder, a table tennis tournament was also held. The best among men was Konstantin Fomin, among women - Maria Antonova.

In the rural House of Culture, exhibitions were organized within the framework of competitions for the best product of decorative and applied arts and work in the field of fine arts. Vasilisa Zharkova and Alexey Popov were named the winners respectively. In the competition of children's drawings, the first place was taken by Dayana Kuzmina, the best work in the field of arts and crafts was presented by Violetta Chuprina.

The Taimyr village of Syndassko took the baton of the Day of the reindeer herder

On Sunday, April 23, the baton of festive events dedicated to the Day of the Reindeer Breeder was hosted by the village of Syndassko, a rural settlement of Khatanga.

The head of the rural settlement of Khatanga Alexander Kuleshov, his deputy Anna Bettu, the head of the department for the development of traditional crafts and ensuring the life of the villages of the Administration of the rural settlement of Khatanga Alexander Bettu, the deputy of the rural settlement of Khatanga Tatyana Zhapova, the acting director for work with the indigenous population of the LLC, came to congratulate the Taimyr people on the holiday "LUKOIL-Western Siberia" Alexander Istomin and leading specialist of this company Sergey Zhurebesin.

Festive events were held on the territory of the bay "Syndassko", here the Dolgan national courtyard launched its work. The holiday was opened with the traditional for northerners dance "Heiro". The honorary right to light the "Ponfire of Friendship" was granted to the veteran of the reindeer industry Alexei Stepanovich Kirgizov.

Representatives of the Administration of the rural settlement of Khatanga and the LUKOIL company addressed the residents of the village with a welcoming speech, they congratulated the northerners on their professional holiday, Reindeer Breeder Day, and wished success in their work and prosperity to the village. The best representatives of the industry were awarded certificates of honor and thanks from the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Governor of the Territory, the Head of Taimyr, the Administrations of the municipal district and the rural settlement of Khatanga.

Then the traditional reindeer sleigh races began, in which both men and women took part. Anna Spiridonova and Yuri Kirgizov became the winners in the reindeer sled race. Each of them, as a gift from the Administration of the municipal district, received a certificate in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles each.

All gifts for the winners and prize-winners of sports and competitive events as part of the Day of the Reindeer Breeder were provided by the Administrations of the municipal district and the rural settlement of Khatanga, PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel and OOO LUKOIL-Western Siberia. Among the gifts were: gas generators, chainsaws, laptops, TVs and more.

Also, within the framework of the holiday, deer-riding races, competitions in national wrestling, national triple jump, throwing of a maut and an ax, running among men and women were organized.

Separately, a playground for children's competitions was organized. The children took part with pleasure in throwing a maut on deer antlers, a triple national jump and a run.

As part of the Day of the Reindeer Breeder, competitions were also held: "Family Dynasty", "The Best Product of Decorative and Applied Art", "The Best Craftswoman - 2017", and a demonstration of national clothes was organized. The guests of the holiday were pleased with the Dolgan choir of the rural settlement of Khatanga "Duoren" and other creative teams and artists of the village of Syndassko and the rural settlement of Khatanga, who prepared a concert program.

In Yamal, they are preparing to celebrate their favorite national holiday - the Day of the Reindeer Breeder, the press service of the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug reports.

A total of 25 settlements, including six regional centers - Aksarka, Yar-Sale, Muzhi, Tazovsky, Krasnoselkup, Nadym will celebrate the Day of the Reindeer Breeder. More than 100 guest chums will be installed in the Arctic region, where participants and guests will be able to taste northern treats. Reindeer sleigh races will be held in 24 settlements.

Purovsky district. The residents of Purov will be the first to celebrate the Reindeer Breeder's Day at the Kar-Nat trading post. The events will take place February 18-19. This will be the fifth competition in a row dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Purovsky District. Tundroviks will arrive on 250 reindeer teams. About 20 guest tents, podiums and platforms for spectators and participants will be installed for the holiday.

Salekhard. The day of the reindeer breeder in the district capital will be held on March 25 and will coincide with the holding of the Forum of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation in the district center. It is expected that about 500 delegates from the Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka Territories, the Republics of Buryatia, Altai, Yakutia and other regions will take part in the celebrations. In addition, foreign guests representing the Arctic Council are also expected. There will be competitions in national sports, reindeer and snowmobile races, performances by creative teams and festive trade. Demo plagues will be installed.

Nadym. Active preparations are underway for the XXII competition among reindeer herders for the Cup of the Governor of the YNAO, which will be held on March 4 and 5. In addition to national sports, a varied cultural program will be prepared for the holiday: fairs and sales of national handicrafts, city tours, concert performances by national groups, ethnographic exhibitions. Not only Yamal residents, but also families of nomads from Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug will take part in the open regional competition "Nomadic Family". At the same time, the “Health Bus” will operate, everyone will be able to consult doctors and find out about the state of their body.

New Urengoy. The festival "Festival of the Peoples of the North" will be held on March 18 and 19. Citizens and guests are expected to enjoy fair folk festivals on the square near Molodyozhnoye Lake with reindeer sledding and snowmobiling, sports events, exciting competitions in national sports, ski races, a fair for the sale of venison, northern fish and berries.

Yamal region. In Yar-Sale, in order to preserve the traditions and cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the district, on the eve of the regional gathering of reindeer breeders on April 2, a regional beauty and talent contest “Padava Piribtya” will be held.

Priuralsky district. In Aksarka, Reindeer Herder Day will be celebrated on March 31 and April 1. In addition to the traditional program, representatives of reindeer farms will be able to pass the TRP standards. It is supposed to run for a short and long distance, cross country, long and high jumps, throwing sports equipment, pulling up on the crossbar, skiing and others.

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For a long time I dreamed of climbing into the very depths of central Russia, somewhere in Siberia, away from big cities and roads, to places that can only be reached by helicopter, or in winter by winter road. I really wanted to see in such remote places the real life of the local peoples, untouched by civilization. And now this chance has come - to throw ourselves into the very heart of our camp - to the Evenkei district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And not just like that, but on the main holiday of the year - the day of the Reindeer Breeder!

Why instead of joyful Evenks and a herd of deer in the title photo of drillers? - you ask. You will find the answer to this question under the cut.

1. It all started in Krasnoyarsk. This is the third time I have come to this city, but I do not have time to see it. At the same time, I like the city more and more. Here is such a good view from the window of the hotel "Krasnoyarsk" on the Communal Bridge and the Yenisei. Krasnoyarsk has wonderful restaurants with delicious food. I have never eaten such delicious rolls anywhere! And I also bought a mega-tasty fish of local production at the market, but I forgot its name. Oh, I will never forget this taste!

2. Krasnoyarsk is a millionaire, the largest cultural, economic and educational center of Eastern Siberia. The city was founded in 1628 and is the largest of the ancient cities of Siberia.

3. Let's return to the topic of the story. The path to reindeer herders was not easy. Let's start with the fact that there are other distances in Siberia and the Far East. On the map everything is close, but in reality it is not. Only the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of its area would be among the ten largest countries in the world, and the Evenkei municipal district would be more than twice as large as the whole of Germany! To get to the holiday of the Reindeer Breeder in the village of Surinda, you need to fly only 800 kilometers to the northeast. There are no airfields in the taiga, so there is only one option - a helicopter.

4. It was my first flight on MI-8. And on the first flight, I was lucky - I got a place in a tricked-out oilmen's helicopter! In terms of layout, the cabin was similar to the AN-24, and there was even a table in the front. Behind him sat important environmentalists.

5. The first couple of hours flew great. The sun was shining, boundless Siberian forests floated below. The beauty!

7. The helicopter was moving smoothly and smoothly. Not like a helicopter at all. The head gradually got used to the noise of the screws and stopped noticing it. Those who wished could put on sound-absorbing headphones, but then it was impossible to talk with neighbors and environmentalists.

09. It was possible to admire the taiga only through the front windows. In the rest, there was little to see - the whole view was blocked by additional fuel tanks. And without additional fuel tanks in these parts it is impossible.

10. They flew over the Yenisei ...

11. We flew over the Angara.

12. Tail view. A driveshaft buzzed from above, transmitting torque to the rear propeller. For security reasons, I decided to take this shot only while parked.

13. After the Angara, the weather deteriorated sharply. Very in vain.

16. When the helicopter began to descend, one of the well pads at the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye oil and gas field appeared on the left side. Here, according to the plan, we landed for refueling.

Commercial scale mining at the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field is not yet underway. Only 50-60 thousand tons are mined per year for own needs and to provide fuel to the northern territories. Previously, in those parts, fuel oil imported along the rivers was used as fuel, now they use their own local Yurubchen oil, which, taking into account delivery, comes out 2-3 times cheaper.

When, in a couple of years, the threads of the Kuyumba-Taishet oil pipeline reach here, oil will be produced on an industrial scale in millions of tons per year.

17. While the technicians were refueling the helicopter, all the passengers fled to the building of the mini-airport - after three hours of flight with the mineral water and tea offered on board, everyone, without exception, wanted to go to the toilet. I was one of the first to run, and did not immediately notice that a real mini-airport was built on the field. With a waiting room and a full screening area. Moreover, they inspect not only for departure, but also for those arriving - the strictest ban on alcohol is in effect at the field. Caught fired without talking and warnings. And the bonus rolls out a serious fine.

While we were looking at the airport building, a message came that the controllers had closed the northern squares due to the weather. It was impossible to fly to the reindeer herders. And in general, it was not advised to fly anywhere that day.

18. From the Krasnoyarsk spring and +10º we got into the usual winter with wind and snow. Warmed by the thought that there is life nearby - the settlement of oil workers. So there is a dining room and warm rooms. I liked this option much more than spending the night in the middle of the taiga in a helicopter. In the second option, we would hardly have found a store and would not have met anyone at all. The Evenkei region has a phenomenal population density - 1 person per 50 km2. One person per FIFTY square kilometers! With the same density, only 55 people would live in the entire territory of Moscow.

19. When it became clear that the helicopter would not fly to the Evenks, the organizers of the trip quickly agreed on a tour of the drilling rig on the fourth pad base. For which many thanks to them! So, I spent the day of the reindeer herder not in the chum with reindeer herders, but on a drilling rig with drillers. We promptly passed the briefing and went on a tour. The story will continue in that direction.

Just out of idle curiosity, the first person you meet will not be able to get to the oil field - the object is secure, of increased danger, brigades work on a rotational basis, there are no random people. But we were lucky - the right people flew with us in a helicopter)

Modern drilling of wells is carried out by a pitless method. The concept of pitless drilling implies a system with a high degree of purification of drilling fluids. In Soviet times, the spent solution, which belongs to the third hazard class, was poured into a barn - a kind of "organized puddle", and when the tower was dismantled, the barn was covered with reagents, extinguished and simply buried in the ground. The barn, in addition to burning associated gas, was mainly a source of environmental pollution, a by-product of the oil and gas industry.

20. In the foreground - a finished and mothballed production well. Inside it is a concrete plug, which compensates for the high oil pressure. After the well base is put into operation and connected to the oil pipeline, the plug will be drilled and oil production will begin.

The wells have a horizontal or inclined ending and diverge in different directions within a radius of one and a half kilometers. The length of the well can reach more than four kilometers - it's like the distance from the Kremlin to CITY, only underground. Modern "intelligent drilling" allows you to look for those very crevices and caverns where oil occurs. It turns out a kind of octopus, which, through the efforts of geologists, finds deposits of oil by touch. Now the oilmen do not "sow" the developed territory with a "palisade" of drilling rigs. On each pad base, an average of 6-8 wells are drilled. This allows up to 8 times to reduce the area under the drilling, therefore, reduce the impact on nature.

21. Technical columns.

22. The process of lowering technical columns. By the time of our arrival, the rig was drilling at a depth of 2375 meters. There was still more than a kilometer to go to the finish line.

Before drilling the horizon, while drilling the "technical" there is already a set of angle, and the rest is gained when drilling under the production casing. When exiting the string, the hole angle reaches 90º. The turning radius in this particular case is about 2.5 kilometers.

23. Drilling rig crane.

24. Tubing pipe.

26. Coupling on the technical column. With the help of a special giant key, the pipe is screwed into the coupling with a monstrous effort so that the entire column can withstand pressure up to 200 atmospheres. In the process of drilling, the diameter of technical pipes and the bit itself decreases from 40 centimeters to 15. The voids behind the walls of the column are filled with cement mortar.

27. Here they are, real Siberian men. For a whole month they work in shifts, not paying attention to the weather.

28. It is especially difficult in Siberian forty-degree frosts, when the entire installation is covered with frost and ice. It's not for you to sit in white shirts in offices and put likes on Facebook! This is real work. Despite the harsh profession, the drillers were initially embarrassed and embarrassed to be photographed, and then dispersed and began to pose)

I would like to try to spend one month's watch with the drillers. Live in the village, feel everything, immerse yourself in everyday life. But not to drill, but to film the process - I am rather weak for drilling.

29. The drilling watch consists of seven people: a driller, four of his assistants, a drilling equipment maintenance mechanic and an electrician. Also here is the staff of contractors for directional drilling, drilling mud, electrical and mechanical maintenance of the site. In total, more than 50 people work at the well pad at the same time.

30. The watch lasts four weeks, then four weeks of rest at home. Many workers do not spend four weeks of vacation on the couch, but go to work.

32. Ah, what faces!

34. In the closed blocks of the drilling rig (pumping block and mud cleaning block) it is noisy and there is nothing interesting to shoot. The most interesting part of the installation is the hard workers.

35. The salary of oil workers depends on many factors. For example, it is higher for drillers than for operators working on finished wells. But if everything is heavily averaged, it will turn out to be about 100 thousand rubles per watch.

36. There is a shop and a canteen in the village. A full meal costs only 120-150 rubles (it's cheap for the regions of the far north). Meat - beef, pork and venison bought from local hunters.

37. A couple of hours later they again requested permission to fly. Surinda was again refused, but allowed to go home to Krasnoyarsk. As a result, we had to unload gifts prepared for the holiday from the helicopter and send them along the winter road.

38. The whole taiga is lined with endless clearings of surveyors. Such a large notebook in a box.

40. Russia.

41. Three hours later we landed at Cheremshanka airport. So I spent the day of the reindeer herder.

Many thanks to the employees of the East Siberian Oil and Gas Company for an interesting tour and a seat in the helicopter! And I will still get to the reindeer breeders ...

Here is the inventory: sleds, that is, wooden sleighs with characteristic oblique crossbars, and a trochee - a stick with bone knobs for chasing:


But the white deer - this is usually the only one for the whole herd and serves as a living talisman:


On the first day of the holiday, reindeer teams mainly rolled people, and not cheap - 150 rubles per circle, I think "per kilometer" the price is comparable to a helicopter.


And on Sunday, the reindeer were getting ready for the sledge race, the culmination of the holiday. Please note that most of the deer at this time without antlers, and only a few teams came in all their glory. Why does a deer need such antlers, which, except in the tundra, have nothing to cling to - to be honest, I don’t understand. And the huge bulging eyes of a deer, I heard, change color according to the season, adjusting to the winter glow of the tnudra:


Portrait of a horned avka ... In the next part, we will still admire them in action, and now we will recall Kyrgyzstan again, where I met no less wonderful and, in general, animals similar to deer in their untamedness - grunting shaggy yaks.


The main attribute of a tundra man is the “belt of a reindeer breeder”, on which inventory and amulets coexist, including, of course, a bear’s fang:


Or even a few fangs. On the neck of the reindeer breeder is a tynzyan, that is, a lasso for catching a deer, which is worn like this, in online access. And on their feet, kitties are not even high fur boots, but something more abruptly, under the malitsa they are above the knee and are attached under it to the belt:


About Nenets winter clothing itself I already wrote a few posts ago, but here I repeat. On men, usually a malitsa is a hoodie worn over the head with mittens and a hood fixed on it, on women, respectively, a frog, unlike an oar malitsa, because a man is to catch deer, and a woman is to breastfeed her children. There are many malitsa and yagushkas in other photos, but here, on a tourist taking pictures near the plague - a juice, he is a scoop or just a "goose" - the warmest clothes worn over a malitsa: they say that you can wallow drunk in it in a 40-degree frost and wake up no signs of frostbite. All these clothes are sewn from two deer skins with fur out and in, only malitsa and yagushki are made from autumn calf fur, and the owl is made from winter fur of adult deer. The disadvantages of this clothing is that at temperatures above -20 it is already hot in it, and it cannot be stored in the city, starting to rot quickly and smell bad.


The coats are covered with colorful cloth from above, and in general, on businesslike Nenets men, the same clothes look like a uniform. But frogs are different: women walk in them soft and fluffy, and in addition, thick, loose-fitting clothes, intercepted by a tight belt, create the effect of a luxurious figure. Here, pay attention to decorations - false braids made of colored fabric:


Handbag... All these things have their own names, but in this case I forgot them. When choosing a bride, they look much more carefully at clothes than at a face, and the fact is that the original reasons why a woman should be beautiful are not forgotten here - after all, the Nenets do not buy all this, but do it with their own hands, and therefore the more elegant than the plague worker - the more skillful and economic.


And the role of the reindeer herder's belt in women is played by hats with a fringe of metal jewelry and, again, amulets, sometimes passed down for centuries from generation to generation. They hang just at the level of the belt:



The Nenets belong to the "small peoples of the North", but their people are the largest of the small: about 45 thousand people inhabiting the entire tundra from the Kola Peninsula to Taimyr, along the Barents and Kara Seas: in terms of the size of their land, they are one of the largest peoples in the world. Most of the Nenets (30 thousand people) live in the YaNAO, 8 thousand - in the Nenets district, 3.5 thousand - in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Their language belongs to the Samoyedic group, which, together with the Finno-Ugric languages, is part of the Ural-Yugorian family: in other words, Nenets with Finnish correlates approximately like Russian with Farsi or Hindi. Samoyeds came to these parts from the Sayan Mountains , important from there by the Turks, and from the forests - by the Ugrians. The Nenets either brought reindeer breeding with them (marals have been bred in the Sayan Mountains for a long time), or they adopted it from the Sikhirt - the legendary people who lived here before them, known to Russians as the Pechora and most likely related to the current Sami. The name "Nenets" simply means "people" (nenech) or even "real people" (neney nenech), while Russians called them "Samoyeds" until the 1930s. They say that the origin of this word is quite harmless, just the name of the Saami, the first tundra people known to Rus', reinterpreted in the Russian manner, but the ritual eating of the torn out heart of the killed enemies in the dead Middle Ages was either noted or attributed to chronicles. The Nenets, like any nomads, at the time of the meeting with the Russians were a warlike and rebellious people, they rebelled more than once (the largest uprising Wauli Pierttomina in the 19th century it raged for about 20 years), they plundered Pustozersk, and even under the Soviets they managed to raise two major uprisings, now known as Mandalada (this word means "military council" or even "martial law" in contrast to the peaceful "majoldava").


For all that, the Nenets are a businesslike people, they know how to make wealth and settle in life, and even in our time, more than half of the largest deer population in the world (600 thousand heads) in Yamal are private. I heard that the Chukchi (herding state deer for a penny) are jealous of the Nenets and consider them cunning, and that among the Nenets there are many rich people who have done good business on the tundra material. For all that, they surprisingly well, much better than many larger nations, preserved their language, way of life, traditional culture and even surnames without a Russian suffix (it seems that only Tuvans can boast of such in Russia) - Kharyuchi, Khudi, Salinder, Lapsui, Vanuyto , Valya ... surnames, however, they have few, literally a couple of dozen, and each grew out of some ancient family, but in general they are all distant relatives to each other. Well, the Nenets do not succumb to assimilation because they are busy with a business that no other people can do, plagues and malitsy have been preserved because all progress could not offer anything better for their realities, and therefore they live, as it were, in a parallel world . The Nenets succeeded in what practically none of the peoples of the USSR managed to do - to preserve their traditional way of life. It seems to me that reindeer-breeding state farms had more real isolation in the USSR than in the Baltic states with Uzbekistan, and many here are as hostile to the Soviet government as the same Lithuanians or Western Ukrainians: the Nenets are the same people of "workers-proprietors" with its traditions of self-organization without regard to state power. In general, this is a strong nation with its own inner core.


One of the brightest stages of the Reindeer Breeder's Day is the Nomadic Family competition, which really attracts several families from all over the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In the assembly hall of the Children's Art School on the same square on Saturday and on the ice podium on Sunday, they appear in their own ceremonial outfits, talk about their life in the tundra, stage performances, sing and dance, share the secrets of traditional medicine, and in general leave a very warm and bright impression. For example, the Kharyuchi family from Nyda - this surname, along with Vanuyto, belongs to the two original genera of the Nenets, and known in the past as "Karacheys", the Kharyuchs were the most noble of the Nenets tribes with own "castle" on the banks of the Nadym . Now this is just one of the surnames, but for an educated Nenets it sounds like for a Russian Gagarin or Trubetskoy. The elders in the family - Rodion and Radmila:


Say what you like, but the Nenets are very beautiful (although the Nenets types as a whole are extremely diverse):


By the way, almost everyone speaks with accents, and some of their speeches were even delivered in Nenets without translation. In terms of sound and toponymy, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the world (after all, my nickname Varandey is a Nenets word).


The family of Nikolai and Antonina Anagurichi from Kutopyugan - like Nyda, all this is the Nadymsky district, but if she stands on the banks of the Gulf of Ob, then Kutop is in the depths of the forest tundra:


The Salinder family from a family familiar to us from the summer Antipayuts appeared with a mystery about how the young father of the family once went on a journey to look for his betrothed, asking where she lives, at the Northern Lights, the Northern Wind and the Northern Sun, and in the end he found her - like a beautiful radiance, like a passionate wind, like the gentle sun. So Rodion and Vera have been living together for twenty years. Looking ahead, I’ll say that it was the Salinders who won the competition.


In the summer of Antipayut, we remember Katzo Salinder as the soul of the village in an airfield cap - he once served in the army with the Georgians and earned this nickname there, meaning "friend". After the competition, Dima, Lena, and I approached the Salinders and asked if they knew Katzo. They shrugged their shoulders: "he is probably from the village..." - yet in these parts people are divided not by nationality, but by way of life.


The family of Ivan and Anastasia Okotetto from Yar-Sale - this village beyond the Gulf of Ob serves as a kind of "capital" of the reindeer herding civilization, and in Nadym on the Day of the reindeer breeder it was the Yar-Salin people who ruled, since there is a deer path between their summer and winter pastures.


Well, the meeting with the Batmanov family turned out to be the most interesting for me - by last name with a Russian suffix and by completely different clothes, which I would rather take for something South Siberian, it is clear that they are from a different people. it Selkups , in the past known under the speaking name of the Ostyak-Samoyeds (Khantonets) or, together with the Yenisei Kets, the Pegaya Horde. The Selkups, like the Nenets - the Samoyed people, therefore also came from the Sayan, but their languages ​​are completely different by ear (the Nenets Salemal, Yarudey, Hebidya-mya or the Selkup Ratta, Tolka, Varga-Sylky). But the main thing is that if the Ugrians survived the Nenets to the North in time immemorial, then the Selkups, somewhere until the 17th century, were quite a taiga people under the influence not so much of the Khanty and Mansi as of the Evenks who lived beyond the Yenisei, and were famous as the best potters and weavers among the forest peoples (using nettle fabric) and blacksmiths who made weapons for other peoples. With the conquest of Siberia by the Russians, the Pegaya Horde split: half of the Selkups remained in the Middle Ob, mainly in the north of the current Tomsk region, and some went north, to the Taz and Turukhan rivers, and in fact these are two different peoples, separated for several centuries by the lands of the Kets and Khanty. Selkup crafts, except for boat-making and weaving, mostly perished, unable to compete with Russian goods, which could always be bought for furs. Now there are 4,500 Selkups, approximately equal in number from the south and the locals, but, God forbid, a quarter of them speak their native language, and we have not seen national clothes on anyone except the Batmanovs.


Fedor Batmanov, father of the family. The clothes are taiga, completely unlike the Nenets malitsa. The Selkups, in principle, have reindeer herding, but still, first of all, they are hunters. More about the Selkups - .


Iosif Podrankhasov and Ekaterina Kandygina also came to the second stage of the competition - real Khanty (the fact is that Nadym residents call all indigenous people Khanty). But I spoke in more detail about the Khanty in August, when I crossed their lands along the Ob: a museum Torum Maa in Khanty-Mansiysk and a living sanctuary Yukhangort . Salekhard, although the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets region, but stands on the northern edge of the Khanty lands, and has a "national" satellite village Gornoknyazevsk . The Khanty covered the summer plagues with birch bark, and if the Nenets plague was always placed in an open place, then the Khanty one was thicker in the forest. This is the difference: I remember the Nenets as very open and willingly showing themselves to a stranger, and the Khanty as a hidden, secret people who, in a Finno-Ugric way, feel their personal space.


But on Friday evening in the House of Nature, where there was a small performance, I met people, again, clearly of a different people. It turned out Forest Nenets from the sacred lake Numto at the source of the Nadym - there are about 2000 of them, they mainly live in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and in terms of their way of life they are closer to the northern Khanty or the same Selkups (that is, hunting, fishing and small-scale subsidiary reindeer husbandry), but in terms of language, faith and folk art, these are still the Nenets.


The patterns are imperceptibly different, not sweeping tundra, but artsy forest. The woman said that she sewed it all from old samples - she considers it her business to preserve traditional embroidery until it was completely supplanted by modern ethnic fashion.


In the next part, the last in the Nadym cycle - about what all these peoples were doing here.
